Guy tries to FIGHT ME while playing the Coin Pusher!!

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there is over fifteen hundred dollars in chips alone not to count for the cash we're back when the price is right and this is going to be a fun one all that more coming up after this all right guys we are back on the price is right one of the quicker fun games in here so there's two 500 chips and there's there's a thousand dollars right there i haven't seen them in so long and also something we don't see often there's hundred dollar chips then we have hundred dollars i can't even tell what's all in here there's all kind of different currency so today's going to be a fun one the only rules for today is it's just one buy-in and obviously if you all know the price is right it's the one that there is no return shoot on this one so after we go through our quarters we are done so we have to try to get all as much as we possibly can with almost three quarters of a bucket full quarters which can happen on this one this one's going to be a phone guys i hope you all enjoy this one for the weekend video happy weekend everybody so before we get into it guys you all know this video is proudly sponsored by the claw machine app winner winner use the link down in the description to download winner winner once you're there use my code bartley21 to get free tokens on top of what you already buy they give you free daily tokens just for being a member of vip which vip you just have to log in and you're automatically a vip but guys i promise to you they are an awesome company located in las vegas nevada they ship your prizes that you win for free they make these videos possible so thank them so much if you can show them love but without further ado winner winner thank you so much for sponsoring today's price is right video all right guys so here we go so it was 600 out of pocket we can double our money literally double our money if we can get that off there now remember on this one the back shelf is a real hard one to get stuff come off there but there's the 500 chip there there's the 100 right there so i think we can be all right now today the plinko game is not in play so we are not playing for the plinko wheel if for those you're not familiar once you spell out plinko down here there is a bonus wheel that gives up to a thousand dollars that you can get they only have that on special occasions and today is not that day so we are just playing for that so there is no time limit but again load is full of quarters [Applause] we're just going to try to play fast accurate remember there is no skill stop on this game either [Applause] i love how this one place fast pace [Applause] so slowly moving up [Applause] so whatever is in the bucket at the end of the day is what we win you obviously want to try to do better than the 600 [Applause] we've had a lucky streak going on so i hope we can continue that for today all right that hundreds getting super close something we don't see a lot in here anymore is the hundreds so anytime we can get into playing field that is a definite go-to [Applause] that'll be one-sixth of our money that we need back continue to play on the left side oh there we go all right so there's a hundred down awesome [Applause] try to focus on the left side even though this one's hard to be directional one because i want to get that 500 chip [Applause] see like i got it all the way to the left right now all right got some more cash in there got some more cash [Applause] come on baby [Music] oh flanko i'm just going to play through it i'll let you know what it lands on [Applause] [Applause] that land on 50. 50. that 500 chip is moving up guys have to hold once at once man i'd like to that hundreds get pretty close [Applause] so we are still doing excellent [Applause] got plenty of quarters there we go still dropping down the cash i have no idea what that other currency is i think that might be a uh one of the ones that i asked them to showcase different stuff that you all had sent me and i forgot all what i've showcased but that's what it looks like [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] come on baby see that's why i don't like that back shelf on this one so hard for stuff to come off [Music] [Applause] oh it's moving up guys there's 600 just right there over a hundred dollars back that we know [Applause] of [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] oh i got plinko again all right let me let this stay i'll tell you what a land's going let's see it's landing on 50 again jeez come on baby gotta get that [Applause] ah all right we're getting lower and i don't want to lose out on this uh oh oh my god hello [Music] hey i need you to come out here okay i'm gonna be right out all right guys be right back guys that was the craziest thing ever i can't believe that just happened so as i was playing mike called me and i could tell in his voice he told me to come outside i knew in his voice that something wasn't right so i'll walk out there and as i walk and i notice there's someone else standing in in the room so i'm just thinking what in the world is this so i'm walking up behind the guy and he turns around and he's blocking up at me like he's like saying don't sneak up on me that's a good way to get hit and i was like what in the world was going on so going back and forth mike's talking to him asking him you know if he needs a ride what does he need and the guys just act stupid was trying to get alcohol there's no they don't sell alcohol in here so anyways he was heading back outside and mike said hey i don't feel comfortable with you driving and the guy said i'm not driving and literally just walks outside turns around again and said if we want something we can come out and just walks away out in the rain it's raining outside right now but mike said that he just came in to the building walked around like he owned the place was looking at stuff and mike kept asking could he help him and then the guy went immediately to belligerent like i'm going to fight somebody so that's why mike called me out i'm one i am so glad it was mike and not one of the girls because that could have really affected them secondly just shows there's crazy people everywhere like this place is not marked it's kind of in the middle of nowhere so there's a couple homes around here i don't know if he came from over there but he just decided to walk in and make himself at home looking for a beer and he tried to fight me because i was walking up to see what was going on and then just uh walked walked back out like your own place and then said if you want to fight or if you want something you can come outside in the parking lot so it's crazy mike locked the door but um they're not going to call the police yet but if the guy comes back you're going to have to but man goodness gracious only in west virginia something like that would happen so i'm just getting back to playing this and that is the craziest thing ever like literally craziest thing you know i never i don't drink alcohol a lot but when i used to when i was younger i'm happy like i i was always a happy person i was not one of those people that i think they're ten foot tall bulletproof and try to fight everybody it just wasn't i was always trying to have a good time not but there you know there's the other group of people they get a little bit of liquor or alcohol in them and boy they they're ready to fight everybody that walks by them [Applause] those are not fun people to be around oh i should have carried the camera out with me but i didn't know sound i could tell something was wrong but of course he probably flipped out if i was videotaping it don't sneak up on me [Applause] oh my gosh well that made my friday interesting [Applause] peace all right guys so this 500 that 100 it's getting close we're getting starting to get really really low but man if i can get that oh yeah i'm getting really low [Applause] [Applause] there's that 50 oh there it is all right we got to get that 500 chip we're gonna do anything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't know guys i seriously don't know if you have enough quarters to get that off there even if i could get that hundred that hundred would be great but we're getting low see look that top 500 in the uh other 200s look there's five six seven eight hundred dollars right there just not coming off [Applause] so we got i got to remember not to ever count anything on the back has a possibility for a win come on baby come on come on baby come on man i don't know guys i really really don't know [Applause] so come on baby oh it's getting so close playing to the end guys but it's it's just not looking promising [Applause] oh got plinko again [Applause] oh come on baby let's see see where it lands [Applause] oh that'd have been 500 [Applause] so [Applause] come on baby oh it's gonna have a hard time getting over that lit oh [Applause] i don't think this is going to happen guys [Applause] [Applause] come on baby oh it's over in that corner it's trapped go on it man [Applause] probably why they put that over in the corner all right this is coming up on last last handful of quarters don't know what a bummer leave me a guess before don't cheat how much do you think i got without that including that [Music] [Applause] oh it's going backwards ah all right oh that's a shame because that probably took a lot of that weight off there [Applause] see last quarter and nothing oh man well we know we lost but we don't know how bad we lost so let me uh go get mike and let's see how bad we lost all right guys so this wasn't as bad as what i was thinking but it's still not great so with the cash now remember we also had the hundred dollar bill in there so our cash total let me get all this up here so you all can see all right so our cash total for today was 350 and we also got 450 and 500 so that is actually a lot better than what i thought 600 in 500 back we also got a copper coin and i'm not 100 sure what this is i'm pretty sure military payments that's pretty cool i think this might be one of the things that was sent to me that i asked them to put in there to show off but i'll have to verify but if that has any other value i'll put it up in the video but so we're down 100 bucks hey i'm happy with i mean i'm not happy ever to lose but for what it could be i'm happy that 500 chip it was working its way up well the 600 all together right there but it just got to that edge and now it's kind of like a riptide it's just going in and out so guys i hope you enjoyed today's video the craziness i'm still thinking about though what just happened out there but if you did enjoy today's video you can really show me by hitting that like button um if you're following us on youtube you can really do me a big favor if you enjoy it and come part of our family and hit that subscription button and if you're watching this on facebook hit the follow button and like the page i love to have you all part of it truly truly blessed to have each and all of you all around part of this channel but outside of that guys thank you so much for watching have a wonderful weekend i hope you all have a pretty weekend and relaxing and i will talk to you all soon have a good night guys bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 53,405
Rating: 4.8706589 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, drunk guy, fight, asmr, relax, stress free, sleep aid, vegas, slot machine, high limit, Price is Right
Id: PtqcpOTZzcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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