🔴Orin the Red aka Maggie Robertson on BALDUR'S GATE 3, Shapeshifting & Most Disturbing Scenes

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well everybody please welcome Maggie Robertson back to the show Oren the red herself how are you I'm good how are you very very well tell us before we get started how how has your life changed since that iconic Lady D role a few years back my life has changed in every way um this is a much bigger question I think than you were intending I don't I really genuinely don't think there is not a single aspect of my life that was left untouched by that character wow um it really this is not an over exaggeration but it it created a career for me essentially overnight and then I was able to just launch into an area of the industry that I had previously not been exposed to in a real real and immediate way um so it's been really exciting it was way more than I ever expected to come out of that role uh so it's been really exciting and been such a joy to witness all of the different things that are now accessible all of the different opportunities that I now have available to me that's really what is exciting about it was it was it hot as well because the fandom was so huge and then when it started to die down naturally um what was that like for you going from such a high did it die down well well maybe it didn't I'm asking yeah I mean I've never seen someone do so many signings as you you must hold the record for streaming but that was a lot that was a lot they were very fun but you're right I was just at certain point at the end there was just trying to get through everything and that's when it starts to become a little less fun I always want to approach what I do with joy and I appreciate your honestly when you're just like head down to the Grind I have to get these finished so they can get out to people the quality is different you're just like oh God this is the job gotta finish it um yeah but yeah I don't know I also try very hard to keep a healthy amount of distance between myself and the internet I mean I have a social media I'm pretty active on there but I try not to look too deep I guess is the answer to that question I look at my page and I don't look at anything anywhere else and uh then that's it yeah you can all stay happy but I mean it's it is a life-changing role I mean you must be you still must look back I I look back at it nostalgic now those years and I know it's not that long ago but in our very first interview together oh it was so I think you were one of the first that I did I appreciate you doing that as well thank you and before we started recording or filming I was berating you for not singing me a song this time you had a lady d song that you were that you sang ladies You're simply the best nine foot tall impressed that you found anything to rhyme with even like adjacently rhyming oh we got to talk about this new character in Boulder's Gate I mean I I can't believe this is you this is psychotic this is disturbing this is unbelievable I know you've got a Shakespeare background but I mean wow talk us through it oh this process was so different from Lady D in every single way um the turnaround for me was quite quick I think I auditioned had a callback and then was notified that I booked and told that I have to fly out to London within the span of a week so the prep window was so small it was essentially me prepping on the flight over are you prepared for that are you How do you well that's why you put in your 10 000 hours right you've done work in advance to know how to work quickly to get Avenues in on a character so I had to work very quickly but I also trusted that I had the groundwork behind me the foundation behind me to support having to work and make very quick choices you also have a lot of trust in your team I've said this a million times but actors have such a small portion of the big picture I'm I have a very narrow Focus I only know what is happening with my character and I rely on the dev team and the voice directors and the Cinematic directors that I'm working with to help guide me in the direction that we need to go in order to support the narrative as a whole um and that's very important to me I always feel like as an actor I really value collaboration and I love environments where I have a team that Fosters that and Larry and Studios very much Fosters that I felt like they were so supportive in and willing just to let me let's let's just throw a bunch of paint at the wall and see what sticks we did a lot of tests of like let's find exactly where Aura needs to fall on the spectrum of psychotic you know let's find exactly where that line is so where was that law let me just say this they didn't tell me to Reign it in did they they did have to pull me back or they were like cool you dialed it up to 11. let's bring it right back I'd love to see that footage I'll tell you what oh man I don't know if it exists but no it probably does pretty hilarious it's really funny what would the um what were the conversations like with the the rider in crafting this character those were really valuable to me I think again because I had such a small preparation window then when I actually got on to set and was in the volume to have access to the writer you don't always have that so to have access to Adrian law was really special and it was clear in our conversations how much she cares about this character I think this is true across all areas of the creative industry that when you are creating a character especially villain quote unquote villainous characters yeah you have you can't judge them you have to approach them with a sense of love and compassion I think you have to fall in love with them a little bit so the conversations we had were really exciting because we were both coming into it from that position of love and feeling like Oren at least in my opinion I very much feel like Oren is broken she's almost like this broken little girl there's something that was twisted within her and she had a horrific upbringing if people have gotten to those points in the game she had a really hard upbringing all she has ever known throughout the course of her life is death that's the only parameter that she has to uh understand the world around her so there's we approached it from a huge element of compassion in that sense of just trying to understand what exactly it is that makes her like this and what are the things that are important to her where does she what is love to her does she feel love you know um all those kinds of things so yeah she's a special one and and you know that same way you go again and again and again and it's and it really you're really crumbling as you say the the line when you when you do things like that when when it's over what what are you doing how are you decompressing what are you I'm curious because that's they're intense some intense scenes there there are I think that's an excellent question in this case it was such a condensed timeline and I was so jet-lagged for better or worse but I think the jet lag allowed me to really switch it off the second one I've gotten because I had nothing left but I think that's a trend for me I really try hard to leave it all on the floor and then and then there's I have no regrets about what I could have possibly given so I really pushed myself quite hard um so then after filming I would just go back to the hotel room and fall asleep and then wake up and do it all again um but it's intensive you're dealing with a lot of really big and heavy emotions what I think is interesting about villains and perhaps our fascination with villains now it seems like we're kind of leaning away from our typical hero structure and we're empathizing and relating more to or being interested more in these anti-heroes or these villains there's something maybe about villains that allow us as audiences and also as performers to have safe access to emotions and experiences that we would not allow ourselves to have so it can feel a little cathartic and it's it's within a very set and safe parameter nothing about this is happening outside of this fictionalized world um so I always find it quite cathartic but it's exhausting for sure it's exhausting those are big emotions she feels big big things and then afterwards you do kind of have to take care of yourself and make sure you're getting rest because at the end of the day you have to wake up and do it all again that's the performers thing you've gotta you gotta be able to do it again when you when you hit that hotel room are you still thinking about the character and what you're going to have to do the next day or do you leave it behind when you walk through the door I I didn't do anything else the night that I got back because I would be just so tired but I would wake up earlier in the mornings and I'd go down and have breakfast and I'd have the script in front of me and I'd kind of I didn't know exactly what lines we'd be doing that day but I would kind of look a bit more Forward Thinking at the lines this is also sometimes some of the first times I'm seeing them and breaking down the structure where are the Beats where are the shifts Oren in particular one of the first things I noticed about her in fact when I got the script even in the auditions was her dexterity of thought she jumped so quickly from point A to point B so then my job as an actor was to create that connective tissue between those thoughts and make sense of of her line of reasoning and her logic so that was the work that I did in the mornings I would do that over cup of tea fortify myself for the day's work ahead and then also in the car I'd be kind of like muttering her lines under my breath which I'm sure made me look like a complete the driver's voice and also the words that she's saying they're not nice it's a lot of really great language that I'm just like there was a word in there that I actually had to look up I'd never heard of it what was it oh I can't remember it now spite something Sprite oh I can't think of it it'll come to me no but the writing is phenomenal right and Sprite are both yeah I cannot remember for the life of me but it was um the writing as you said is just free and across the board on this game I mean unreal yeah she feels very unique to me as a character as a whole but also within this game the fact that she is a shape-shifter lends itself to so much creative fun I think that was oh that must have been so fun to figure out okay how can we insert Oren into different situations and use her as a tool to test and toy with the players uh so she's she's very disconcerting you never know when she's gonna show up but she enjoys it Maggie she enjoys it exactly that is what's so terrifying about her and I think as I was diving into text I quickly realized that in order to make sense of how quickly she jumps between thoughts that it had to feel almost playful a little bit more light and so you're right that part of the what's so terrifying about her is that she is saying things that are so gruesome and so horrific and violent but with an attitude of Glee and joy it's fun for her she that's she gets so much pleasure out of it and that is what is so terrifying and it's such an interesting and evil uh juxtaposition to have someone approaching violence with such lightness and yet still be committing some of the most gruesome atrocities you've ever seen yeah I I and you mentioned before you know with the with the orange juice looking over the lines and preparing I'm wondering was there a particular uh sort of scene that that stuck out to you and you were kind of apprehensive about it nervous or were you was there one that sort of as you were going along oh okay I'm gonna have to watch out for this thing I don't know if it was I don't remember it okay I mean a lot of this I was learning the context when I was in the booth because I only have my lines in front of me so I I didn't have a chance to get in my head about oh she's doing this to XYZ or blah blah blah um I learned that as we went but yeah I think certainly the stakes of how can I pull off a character it's quite challenging I think to play a character that is unpredictable that is a little bit more of this chaotic evil quality because their thoughts move so quickly so you have to shift your Beats as an actor so quickly and it's effective if you do it well it's very effective and that was what I was attempting to do with Oren a lot of making choices within the line that constantly flip the line on its head and make an unexpected Choice the player doesn't see coming so that there's always this unnerving sense of discomfort around Oren you can never get comfortable when you're around her because you don't know what she's going to do I couldn't get comfortable around the normal characters because she could pop up anymore well exactly yeah you can't get comfortable when you're in anxiety with Oren you can't get comfortable when you're with she's a wild card and she definitely will take the players on quite the roller coaster and and tell me what's the difference between walking in to Resident Evil first day mocap versus walking into this first day what's the difference for you Resident Evil was my very first time doing any form of performance capture whatsoever there was a lot of nerves those first date it was like doing a first day at school and you have visit Jitters and all you want to do is not fall flat on your face and everyone I think on set did a really great job of welcoming me in Neil newborn was one of my crossovers who's also in Baldur's Gate 3 as historian Legend I mean literally but he was actually I think the first person I met when I walked on to set first on the first day um and was so generous about his time and resources and is he's just an outgoing and generous he's always championed you Maggie yeah oh well okay well that's just because he's amazing but uh yeah no he I mean he really was uh definitely a mentor for me throughout that process because he has so much mocap experience and then the second he learned that I this is my first time it was like oh amazing um here's everything and the whole cast did that as well um so it was a really lovely working experience and larian's the same way quite honestly I really loved it was a lot more intimate because it was just me in the mocap booth and then me and the directors that I was working with so much smaller unit I was not getting to interact with the other cast members did you have JK or Jason in your ears yes that was what was so exciting about it maybe those are the scenes that I anticipated the most because I was like oh my God I'm Gonna Be Acting against these icons in these Titans of the industry and I hope that I just meet them where they're at and uh oh yeah definitely fall short but I don't know yeah so they had all gone in to record their lines prior to me going in to record mine and do the mocap um so when we were doing those scenes I got to hear what flavors they were bringing to the character which is always cool because then you get to be like oh oh that's who Catherine is that's who gortash is then Oren might react like this this or this and you can kind of flesh out the internal Dynamics and politics within their triumvirate uh as well that's what's exciting relationships are exciting so when you know what the other person is doing it's always helpful it's always helpful that's why when you're doing self tapes it's a little you're acting with yourself and you're having to imagine what somebody else is doing but when you have a body in the room with you that you're reacting off of our bodies communicate information between each other that's non-verbal so you're picking up something even if it's not explicitly being said to you you're receiving information and responding to that information so that's exactly why that's exactly why I I won't work and taking over acting that's one of the main reasons in my opinion we just said yeah I think so too I mean I think AI is a very useful tool it's a tool that has been used in video games for quite some time so it's not going anywhere but in terms of it being used to replicate and generate performance I think in the end the human component is is what is going to win out because there is we operate very instinctually our bodies have knowledge and have understanding even if our brains aren't aware of it and I think that's what's gonna those little moments of improv or you have an idea and you just twist a line in a different way than you expected that then branches out to all these other things that's that's the human element that's what's so valuable about having people uh performing these roles that's why you hire also have our our generation of ideas in there as well well said and going back to JK and Jason I love those things because all three of you are different types of evil yeah yeah I think they've done such a great job in the game as a whole that all of the bad guys the villains that you meet are quite distinctive from each other which I think is really exciting 100 um we've got some fan questions here oh we got a lot of them so let's get through as many as we can and your expert opinion Maggie can we fix her oh no but if you truly loved her you wouldn't want to fix her anyway right exactly exactly uh in your eyes Maggie is on more complex than simply being a murderous lunatic what are the layers to the character did you want to portray while doing the mocap that's from bear gold 34. this is a deep question there's some great questions in here yeah I think you're absolutely correct that that is a trap that is so easy to fall into when you're playing any type of villain I would say it's very easy to fall into stereotype I think as we touched on a little bit before in this interview It's always important as a performer and as a creative when you're working on a character not to judge them and to fall in love with them a little bit and then if you're able to do that I think that's what's going to create the nuance that is beyond stereotype in your performance if you're approaching it from that attitude of love what's so interesting about villains is that you're always having to ask the question why why are they doing what they're doing why are they the way that they are there's always a reason I personally don't believe villains are born I think they're made so what made them into the person that they are or being that they are today so I think Oren for sure it's easier to fall into that trap I'd say she's very tempting to do that with but what was the question where am I going the life what is the lightness of the while recording what were you trying to portray right yeah right right awesome great good talk uh I'm a smart actor the layers the layers she's like onions onions yeah yes so I think it comes back to understanding her backstory understanding her relationship to things she's only known death she's only known death and violence she literally had to kill or be killed in order to survive that's a key foundational part of her personality and why she views the world and the way that she views it today the only paternal figure that she's had in her life is a murderous God so those are the examples that she's had I think the complexities come into this kind of tension once I think once I found the tension between her playfulness and then the actual acts that she's committing and the words that she's saying that kind of juxtaposition of something so joyous and gleeful next to something so horrific is what makes her so interesting and that was kind of the key and for me once I found that kind of childlike playfulness around her use of language um yeah I think her relationship to violence is different than other villains we've seen in the past as well again we've kind of touched on this but it's violence for her is a form of self-expression it's a form of worship it's a form of pleasure it's not fueled by Rage or aggression unlike a lot of other villains lady d for instance I think her violence is fueled by rage and aggression and actually a really deep capacity for hurt and love I think her actions throughout the game are ultimately defined by her capacity for love because once her daughters get murdered spoilers uh then she totally changes her objective and deviates off of mother Miranda's log line of what they're supposed to be doing so that's what motivates Lady D Oren is motivated by the joy of it it's it's about self-expression it's the only way that she knows how to Express herself and release and All That Jazz so it's a very different quality to the why what she's doing uh yeah I really wanted to integrate also this um relationship that she has with her blades with her weapons it was interesting fascinating to me to think about how these things that are inanimate could feel quite real and personified to her as if they are the only true constants that she's ever had in her life because the rest of her life has been so volatile um so those were different things that I tried to bring in and capture and integrate little small moments of movement throughout the game as well that was a really long answer have we done I love it great that was really detailed thank you Maggie I I also um are you longing for the day that you get to play a character similar to you a bit more bubbly fun silly [Laughter] I have a lot of fun with the villains as I think you can probably tell performances I find them to be quite fun because of all of the things we've already talked about they offer very unique challenges and they allow for very big emotional Expressions because they're not especially in the worlds that I've lived in that are more fantasy skewing those are much they're heightened world so they can support heightened Stakes heightened language big emotions so those are very fun for me to play in for sure but do I want to broaden my portfolio do I always want to be looking for new challenges of course I would love to play other things I think more less than so I'm less interested in playing a character that is exactly me and more interested in playing a character that is so polar opposite to all of the evil violence characters that I've played yeah that's what I would love to be I'd love to be a Derpy Little Toad or just the smallest little bean that ever existed or a grandma or um I swear you did have a role like that recently right you had a little was it a grandma or something oh okay no no you're right call me out on that well first of all I um played a game I played a one shot of d d at PAX East with Wizards of the Coast where do you play D D 90 year old no I should I really want to try it but it surprises me quite honestly Dan yeah I know it's it's my friends they're the problem I'm ready to go get new ones they gotta go yeah I know um um yes yeah well so she's a race called tabaxi which is a cat race and she's 98 so I literally was an old cat lady and that was very amusing to me I had a lot of fun with her um I also was that your first time by the way that was my first time that was my first time yeah high stakes too I was like are you sure they reached out and they were like do you want to do this I was like did you mean to you meant to reach out to me this is not a joke this is a trick it feels like a trick I would have been nervous I'll tell you yeah well I had such a great cast of people to play off of and yeah I think two one of the reasons why I gravitate to acting I always get a lot more nervous to speak as myself as we are doing now I've now had a lot of practice doing that so it's less nerve-wracking but doing all the award shows where I had to give speeches God I said get ready no you did that it was fantastic I was sweating I was sweating I was so nervous I wrote out the speeches in advance I probably couldn't tell you couldn't tell honestly just was so nervous but when I'm acting I get to Lose Myself in somebody else so the nerves get displaced because as long as I'm acting and working in service of the character and service of the narrative then how can what I'm doing be wrong so I find a lot of Solace when I get to play other people other than myself I never get as nervous how did we get on to this interesting so were you nervous for our first interview well the first interview batch that you did or yeah that's my first time doing any type of press interviews I was so nervous I was like oh hope I sound like it hired it so well oh gosh thank you and you've never done any media training or anything no wow theater theater darling theater darling yeah um Bernard says when you recorded Lady D you said in an interview you had no idea Resident Evil was such a huge franchise probably my our interview did you get caught off guard in BG as well with the fandom ah I so I knew Resident Evil franchise but what I was that my character within that franchise would be a big deal I always knew the game would be a big deal but I did not expect exactly so I never expected it to facilitate my career in the way that it did um I knew it'd be a nice shiny credit to have and it would be really cool but I didn't expect it to literally change my life um yeah in terms of Baldur's Gate 3. I I'm not a gamer so I think on all counts I think I'm always surprised yeah it's hard to know what's going to hit and what's not as well mm-hmm it's really hard to know but I think also if you're going into a project with an eye on the outcome it's never going to be as successful I don't think you can really correct think about what's going to happen after release you can only think about the things that you have control over which are your work as a creative and as an actor so the only things I think about when I'm working on a project or try to think about because it's hard obviously these things now that I'm publicly in the industry uh people know who I am there's there's more there's definitely lots more outside pressure um when I was working on lady d i was Anonymous so didn't have any concept of the larger Stakes now I do have a concept of the larger Stakes um but I think when you are working on a character you have to put all of that aside and you just have to work in service of the story how can I best serve the story it's not about you it's about the story how can I make that the best that it can possibly be by the way this is this is a random question but how is Beyonce [Laughter] I thought she was amazing but we went on her birthday we went on Beyonce's birthday and saw her oh Diana Ross came out and it's a special one okay we were in the nosebleeds let's not put a shine on it we had an obstructed view uh we were all the way way back somewhere looking mostly at a screen that's Sometimes the best spot though isn't it but we had fun we knew we picked up the tickets super last minute because we found stuff that was not inaccessibly expensive and yeah we were like look we're gonna have it's freaking Beyonce we're gonna have fun regardless of where we're at um and we had a blast we just danced around it was super fun I'm guessing she's good live right it yeah she's gone yeah she's Benjamin buttoned it this whole time and it's unfair It's upsetting who is somebody who is she up there for you who who else would you want to see in concert that you haven't to be quite honest I don't go see a lot of artists in concert and I have very rarely done major artists like Beyonce I'll typically do more smaller than you same here yeah but it's fun when you have the chance to go off and and do that so I don't know if I have another major artist that's on my list if somebody knocks on my door tomorrow and hands me tickets to I don't know I think Ed Sheeran is coming next to La then sure hell yeah I'll go it'll be a blast it'll be super fun um yeah so what was your question oh God no you answered it it's all good okay um Anonymous it was great yeah full stop Anonymous here says what did you do to get in the mindset of a character so unhinged I guess we touched on that a little bit but I think I always go back and start with text that's the foundation of where I pull all of my ideas from yeah and then I I also think and this is tied to my background doing Shakespeare and what my training is it is in you feel something when you say things aloud because again our bodies are in taking and receiving information that we're not even cognizantly aware of so I really like to get things on its feet quite quickly even if I'm just reading the script in front of me I'll kind of stand up and move and see what the language as I'm saying it wants me to physicalize in my body and that can be a kind of key in for me um yeah you you love the movement aspect as well the physicality yeah I do I work quite physically that was a discovery from grad school I think prior to grad school I was very analytic and text focused and kind of maybe relied on that to as a to a point of fault where I just wanted to dive into text and Analysis and look at oh well she said this word instead of that word which means this this this this and this and then and create these elaborate backstories of well she must have uh I don't even know had a bad orange that morning that made her grumpy and then made her say XYZ and I found as I got older and started working more on Craft that that ultimately was unhelpful it got me too much in my head and that I felt like I was manufacturing and overthinking whereas if I kind of quickly got on my feet then it made the choices that I was making feel a lot more organic and supported that it was it was real and not manufactured it was it was stuff that I was actively receiving from the words do you still yeah so you you find that Shakespeare background really valuable I'm guessing don't you you really that's come in handy a lot I think so part of my going to grad school I went to college and I majored in theater and they had a great program but I think throughout college and throughout most of my life really I was always kind of one foot in the door and one foot out the door with acting I really struggled to decide and whether or not this is what I actually wanted to do with my life with my what else were you contemplating may I ask I didn't have anything specific in mind yeah I wasn't all in there were things about it I liked there were things about it I didn't like I really loved the craft and the work of an actor but then you know some of the outer social trappings were not my bag um the kind of competition that can happen to even just get the work I just wasn't sure if I wanted yeah to invest myself into that world and I think so often actors especially young actors are like this is the only thing I can do and I'm that's a disservice you're smart you're wonderful beings you can do a lot of things and I felt that I could do a lot of different things I was very capable and smart and you know if I wanted to go achieve somewhere else I could and I did do that for a while when I graduated college I I got quote-unquote real people jobs and then ultimately realized that I was still dissatisfied and came back to acting and made the conscious choice so that then it was like yeah I could do a lot of different things but I actively choose each and every day to pursue acting because it is the hardest thing I could possibly do I always have loved a challenge and so that was a conscious choice that I had to make and once I made that choice I felt because I'd taken some time away and even in college you know it was a little I loved liberal arts because I got to investigate so many different things and take a lot of different classes but what I loved about grad school that I realized was such a privilege is that I just focused on acting 24 7. you don't get to do that in life even now as a professional you're doing your day-to-day admin and your business stuff you're an entrepreneur really as an actor you're running a business and so my nine to five is the day-to-day operations of my business and then when I book a job that's what I call my vacation I get to go on really yeah it's interesting and uh do whatever but yeah and so part of grad school what interested me about Shakespeare I also I come from a music background as well I'm a singer so the voice in hindsight has always been the Cornerstone of my work as an actor I think and there was something about the musicality within Shakespeare that interested me even in college and then the thought of pursuing it in grad school again I love a challenge and I felt like well if you can learn how to do Shakespeare you can learn how to do anything you can be a goddamn actor if you know how to do Shakespeare and so I went out and I did it and I decided to choose the hardest thing and do that and I do think it certainly provides a lot of value it certainly influences a lot of the way that I work and operate as an actor today I don't know if I would have been a setup for success with Lady D if I had not done that program I was fresh off the heels of that program and a lot of the work that we did there in terms of this physicality animal work lobbying I brought those principles with me directly into the volume and I just felt like you know luck happens when preparation meets opportunity I was so prepared I had put in my 10 000 hours so then when a moment of luck happened or when this operation was ready my way then luck was able to strike and really blossom into this amazing career so that's what happened there to answer your question yes I I find my Shakespeare training to be quite valuable that's not going to be the same for everyone every actor is different and I think as an actor a lot of the work really is about self knowledge you have to work on your sense of self and What Makes You unique the thing that makes me unique what I can offer as an actor is my vocal training I think that's the Cornerstone of what I do I have a lot of flexibility I have a lot of dexterity with my voice that comes from my background as a singer it means I have a really highly trained ear so I can mimic sounds and uh I understand pacing I feel in my body if pacing is not quite right so that's what makes me unique and so those are the things that I bring with me and I think Shakespeare uh functions really nicely in tandem with all of that it it complements everything that I was doing before is complimented by what I did over here that then sets me up for Success over there so you just have to find the thing that's unique for you it's I'm not saying everyone go out and stuff although do it for sure because it's helpful but it helps yeah yeah that was my path and now you find yours and you mentioned you love a challenge what's been the biggest challenge since you were you know pushed into this Limelight a little bit with Lady D in the last few years what have you found the biggest challenge of it all I actually think the biggest challenge has been being in the spotlight for me part of the appeal of VoiceOver is that you're a little bit more Anonymous but my first role in the field of VoiceOver and video games made me very much not Anonymous I was thrust into the spotlight in a real way so then it's coming to terms with that new public face that you are this public figure and you could be recognized at any point yeah I am right yeah and I am yeah so yeah and the stakes are high you want to do service to the fans they it the character also all of these care lady d in particular but you know all of them they mean so much to people so for me it almost feels like the stakes are quite High because these characters mean so so much lady d I think changed a lot of people's lives and inspired a lot of people oh the Legacy to do service to that Legacy is um a big Value Point for me I think we might look back and as a big Turning Point that that character don't you think I think it's a really it's going to be iconic if it isn't already I mean in 10 20 years we'll be looking back going wow um I'll give you a couple more questions did you this is from Tiny Flair did you feel a shift in your behavior after voicing some of the lines for Oren you mean did I take my work home with me did I go around murdering yeah and shape-shifting basically you know I had to leave that you'll never know um I don't I don't know the answer uh speedless man how did you manage to get the line yes sir no sir rip and cut your throat sir to flow so smoothly literally don't remember it oh boy hundreds of lines hey a day yeah so I don't know but good to know that whatever I did worked so thank you also beardless man sometimes when you read out the usernames I know did they pick something specifically to make us chuckle I appreciate it I think they do really I love it I think the weirder the better uh mischief 1995. just completed the boss fight last night Maggie you did a fantastic job 10 out of 10. very nice Raven who bites better Lady D or estarian darling Oh goodness me [Music] I'm gonna say Neil because he's so cheeky I think he'd bite better meaning you'd have a better experience overall Lady D is gonna kill you yeah uh your work is incredible Maggie did recording Oren leave you physically nauseous at all oh from soulless unit I don't know if I felt nauseous but I I mean I was definitely sweaty yeah it's definitely very sweaty you're put you're working really hard you're doing a lot and uh you know it's not a good look you're there you're just like everything's chaos so no I the stuff she does is nauseating for sure um and I think I was sweating because I was feeling very intensely this is awful no no you've been fantastic uh sure sure that's is this really Maggie Robertson or is Oren [ __ ] with us again oh it's all that's the big twist yeah that if I had the budget for this show I would do something by that would we just turn you I get chills for that oh it's horrible it's horrible they showed me some of the previous for that and that was nauseating so yeah some of the stuff they told me that she would do when she's transformed and looking like other people that was nauseating to hear about her things that she does I was like oh God uh this is slightly spoilers guys if you want to skip a minute uh AKA how early on did you learn about orange insecurities regarding her mother and very early on yeah very early on so I got there on day dot and had a conversation with the writer Adrian law and uh the rest of the team Tom Greg everyone and got the rundown on Oren and her background and how I do think that helps yeah they said did that affect the performance basically yeah yeah because that's what allowed me to realize that she how how spoilery can I be should I say it yeah please we've already given a warning yeah the fact that she had to murder her own mother in order to just stay alive her mom was trying to kill her and she had to murder her in order just to have the right to live that's horrible and that would fuel a major distrust throughout many all of the relationships in her life can you ever trust anyone again when the one person in your life who's supposed to love you unconditionally literally tried to slice your throat so yeah I think that's a lot of that's why I landed on this kind of heartbreaking image of just this broken little girl she was just broken and she was young that stuff stays with you that's trauma um she's morphed into I think now her superpower which is this kind of joie de vivre with which she approaches violence because she was rewarded for violence from a very young age so um yeah I yeah it helped a lot it was so influential so so influential Braille that Bond oh I know I know uh last one for the fans are you okay with giving me trust issues in bg3 I'm not sure if anyone I'm not sure anyone is who they are also Dan I thought you were going to stop with are you okay and then you continued on and I was gonna be like no definitely not yeah I can stop there if you want are you okay Maggie no has anyone yeah and then the last one was there was one more are you bummed out there was no you you weren't romanceable I'm sure you've heard this before everyone wanted you to be romance well I don't think it works in the context of the story but that's where I land on it as well I think it would not have served it would not be true to the character and it would not have served the story I don't it would be a bit silly it would be too silly at that point you know the only love of Oren's life is violence yeah that's it so I think it would really do her disservice if she was but I fully understand and support people's attraction to her yeah yeah it's like to say she's kind of hot yeah yeah um Maggie thank you so much for taking the time is there anything you wanted to say to the fans ah um no I think I'll just say probably what I've said a million other times but I it's true every time which is that I'm so grateful of their support and it's been really exciting to see how they've come with me on this journey that you know we're kind of on it together we are coming up from the bottom and now we're here and uh just seeing what else this world has to throw with us throw at us and um yeah I can see as you slowly answer it you're going what the [ __ ] am I saying what am I saying you're you're hilarious man oh God you know an actor prepares and then when you act me you asked me to come up with things on the spot I'm not a writer I've seen you do improv you're actually really good what improv where how should you do improve it at a con I saw a video yeah you remember that with me I think you're with Neil that was at uh is it insomnia yes yeah how was that insomnia the fun backstory of that is that it was so difficult to hear each other on stage oh no I was responding I was kind of I hope that's what they said oh [ __ ] that's even harder so the whole time we all got off stage and we were like what what just happened I blacked out I couldn't hear anything and nobody could hear [ __ ] and then we had so many people throughout the weekend that would come up to our tables and be like great job at the show and we're like was it because we have no idea what happened I didn't know that yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah fake it till you make it very fair and you've done a lot of contents have you found them all with the you know the lady d people that come up get emotional how do you process that um they're really fun it's really fun I think the cosplay is seeing people's creativity around this character characters and this character in particular one of the fun things about art in general and I think really specifically within video games because the fan base is so Avid and so engaged that you know once you create something and it's out into the world the audiences get to Define their relationship to it and they get to broaden or deepen our understanding of this character or decide what the character means for them that could be different from how we intended but it's no less valid if that's how it resonated to you so it's been really exciting to see all of the different creative interpretations when it comes to cosplay um fan art fan fiction all of the above and as you said she means so much to people she really I think changed people's lives and was a figure that they um really resonated with and looked up to LOL um in a lot of ways and so literally and figuratively so yes I think you know I think the stakes for me always feel really high I want to do service to that I want to give them an experience that is worthwhile I know the lines that cons are always so long and you're waiting in those hours and so to come to the table and only get a few seconds with the person that you waited in line for I want to provide something more than that to my fans because they've given me so much I would not be in the position that I am if it were not for the way that lady d was received by the fans I would not be going to Comic Cons in the first place I wouldn't have this career so I think that's how you get the energy of the energy we're really tied to each other I think we're we're really interconnected it's a symbiotic relationship in that way and can you before we go can you please pitch to Capcom a lady d game I mean it's a no-brainer I don't have control I don't have that kind of power I know but you got to just call a muffin right we'll write a script I mean yeah I'll call them up definitely have their number Direct Line uh hello at capcom.com hi I'm Maggie I want a lady d game please pretty please uh I think they have to do it eventually they can't there's got to be more story to tell I tell you what it's such a good character and yeah hopefully one day hey yeah yeah knock on wood thank you Maggie if anyone can make it happen oh I know I know thank you so much Maggie um so you're doing a couple of signings and anything else we should look out for oh gosh thank you so much for remembering to plug the things that I need to plug for me yes uh we have a wonderful Baldur's Gate cast reunion live signing event that we're gonna do with extremely.com um it's going to be wonderful I think most of the cast is in London but it'll just be I think it's just me and Matt Mercer that are here based in La so we'll just go hang out and do the live signing together and answer some fan q and A's and then you can purchase prints from each of us for our characters if you want you can find that on my shop page which is www.streamly.com Maggie Robertson you've got some really cool prints too I mean these artists you've been very lucky Maggie like Lady D is probably the best uh I've ever seen for a character and then again some with our own are so good oh both of those characters just to tout the game designers a little bit they're so physically interesting and unique and I said this about Lady D at the time and I'm going to say it about Oren as well is that she exudes character even just looking at her you already have a sense of who she is how she carries herself so it's excellent fodder for artists across all platforms I think that's really exciting there's a lot of there's a lot of ways that they can play with that I just saw a really cool cosplay that was awesome of Oren with her kind of uh you know her that's a tough cosplay isn't it it's really I find it quite but they really pulled it off it was awesome wow and so you're doing more signings oh yeah but this will be fun it's nice to plug Baldur's Gate and I hope you do some more big cons coming up as well beautiful I do have a con coming up next weekend at rivertropalooza in Texas oh nice but people probably won't attend that because this won't come out in time so exciting we'll get it out we'll get it out oh okay we'll get this out um and you got to get him down to Australia too hopefully they'll bring you down I would love to also I know this is New Zealand but it's a hop skip and a jump away I'm a huge so that is at the top of my bucket list you would love New Zealand Maggie it is a magical place I love it I'm dying to go you have to go my all-time places I need to go you gotta go to hobbiton yeah but also I mean similar comic-cons that's very fan-dependent so if if you guys want me to show up at a con near you let your con organizers know the best thing you can do beautiful Before I Let You Go Maggie can uh Oren the red is there any way she can say something to Dan it's around the sound I should have known you would ask me this she gets a little girl feels a little like Gollum um I don't know about that but maybe you're channeling it in your own mind not Gollum and fun fact I met Sean Aston at a con and he knows Twitter and that's oh one crowding achievement quite honestly Awards Sean Aston yes that's awesome I actually love him in uh 50 First Dates have you seen that movie uh yes of course I have uh he's brilliant I could tell people at the con that I was at I could definitely tell people's ages because I had this young group of people that came up to me and they were like did you know Sean Aston is here and they were like yeah oh my God 50 First Dates right that was the first go-to not Rudy it wouldn't be the first go-to but the Rings what am I doing here I'll let you focus do you want me to address it to you please dad I itched to peel you just split your skin to see your skull shine in the light [Laughter] oh God shivers man oh that is a disturbing character and there's just something about that delivery you've actually nailed the delivery that was similar to the really to the game yeah excellent wow season professional thank you Maggie make sure to follow Maggie if you're not already and it is a pleasure to chat with you Maggie hopefully we can do this again for a third time yeah here's to the next big release foreign
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 42,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orin the red baldurs gate 3, orin the red baldurs gate, orin the red romance, orin the red dark urge, orin the red boss fight, orin the red death, orin the red bg3 romance, orin the red dnd, orin the red voice actor, maggie robertson baldurs gate 3, maggie robertson game awards, maggie robertson interview, maggie robertson lady dimitrescu, maggie robertson and neil newbon
Id: H8g0R_7wdSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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