MODERN WARFARE 3 - All Ghost aka Simon Riley Scenes (4K)

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30 seconds in the [Music] DZ Watcher one to Bravo six Watcher to Bravo over as well go for six John mov is out say can marov is out he's on the move John turn us around turn us around [Music] now when macarov escaped he mobilized his army on multiple fronts Cony group hit the ukhan port Before Sunrise far was there she hurt negative her team engaged took casualties left con with a kill count of her own good on you far what' they get from the port a shipment of American missiles con's got their own missiles what is mov one these for we need to find out I'm tracking them now once I get a fix will action it you s multiple fronts lwell give us a Target Cony forces are converging on a nuclear power plant in zakhan as we speak is the plant active abandoned when the Olf beat barov the almost there all four of you as soon as you can R ghost and I wcky the plant soap and gas secure the perimeter if macaros go in nuclear we'll stop him in his tracks solid copy let's get after a Bravo 1 minute tght gra good to go that's our gear on the ground if we need it we will r 30 seconds right P altitude is 2000 AGL C the close How We Do Roger up at a rally Point shut stand by go extract points for the nuclear material affirmative these hilos are your primary targets destroy them and we can keep this truck contained Roger moving to OverWatch ghost are you picking up negative all the hilos scan clear should be safe to use explosives on them copy Captain still not picking up any radiation Johnny Garrick anything n neither is Cony there's no radioactive material what's con stay on it find out enemy Hilo close C is ready for you taking heavy fire RPGs ration negative Watcher doesn't make sense should re keep station con appears to be converging Looking For Eyes looks like they converion reactor done and that's where we need to be ra weapons hard push to the reactor is to you Watcher can you track them on it ghost stand by grab the Rope got it grab my hand got it fool we got you C stay with us son come come stay with us sir 62 to watcho we need metag now we need met now morning sir take easy cap you beat the gas but you still need some time to recover I'm fine go ahead hey n always he's good was worried your face was going to melt all like those other poor bastards you ask me it be an improvement con got away with the chemicals affirmative macarov has been out of prison for 6 hours and he's already ahead of us the in that gas remnants of bov's program s highly concentrated far more lethal one POG contaminated the whole area they made off with enough to kill a whole country right now it's in Pharaoh's backyard we've got to find them lwell it was chemical weapons marov has highly concentrated sarin gas did you secure it negative Captain almost died trying where is he on here that's well six to ghost at the valley Point what's your status on Target Charlie you got Alpha kilo takes Bravo no missiles in sight they're in the bunkers then sick bastards topping American missiles with chemical weapons and killing his own people he's killing civilians ping the blame of far and the United States he's playing with fire false flag operations he wants a war East versus West the title fight the world for for this K left firing one down we're clear no visible threats moving up with mov Bravo six we're inbound to the hlz now another a copy we're [Music] moving let's move let's move Simon Riley I expected you to stay at the airport and die there if you want to live do not threaten my men Vladimir are we on first name basis her so you know names anyone could read a bloody dossier what's the rest of your plan this what do you mean this amazing you're all dumber than you look I asked you a question and I have a question for you what time is it what the hell do you care what time it is timing is everything General I think we'll all remember this moment some more fondly than [Music] others the airport he pulled us off Target son of a b I'll BL your brains are you if you hear me I swear to God I'll do it do it come on you shut your mouth let me finish him John we have him he's in custody he's not going anywhere Stand Down sergeant I shouldn't have stopped you was the right thing at the time captain at the time you missed me well technically you did didn't you lwell if you're tracking this let's call an air strike ghost that is not nice what are you up to I'm up to doing my job kid you should try it sometime my job is to kill the enemy guess what you are let's keep this professional boys Captain we do de for inel all the time this is no different he's right Road to Hell are not G right boss we got this Johnny you with me you know LT you watch your backs right what did we get from Shepherd how much have it came from graves they're partners in crime boys literally right now they're our partners I've added their Intel it's good they found makarov's Finance year she's an oligarch named Melena Romanova been doing makarov's bidding behind the scenes for years where is she a private island isolated and remote it's a fortress in Paradise guess who runs security County group the Intel included Blueprints and the lay of the land what are we looking for we can't roll up my not legally but we can roll up her money Island's got servers that can get us into her banking we need to get past her security protocols someone out there has a fob key we find him I can get a live line and crack it we'll infil from the war and split up I'll go for the fob key ghost secures the rear perimeter we'll need eyes I'll pilot a drone and coordinate from the air a long Waring let's go follow the money weapon hot Johnny storm's coming give me a sitrep boys on target watch about to split up I got eyes in the sky let's go to work Bravo go on copy primary objective is poob key Elena's security officer hasard he's our hbii right now moving to secure the perimeter I'll be on comms knt yeah I going to need it I'll lose visual we'll relay any movement outside dark in here good update is the water still where checking stand by good to have a laugh while we can boys let's keep it tight Watcher Escape Vehicles confirmed on the perimeter how many there's a cod with four inflatable soft skin boats one bird near the East Beach minimal guards we can't risk any Evac take them out Roger there no Escape the advised did some digging H's name is Nester Gustav Del family won't be home for dinner inside R take anything useful took down the guards on the rear perimeter sabotage all boats and vehicles no one gets in or out coost C it moving exterior copy check near the fountain for the hbi understood Insight Island's crawling with Cony burn through them Johnny with pleasure boat down going for the Hilo nice work ghost get down to business Johnny find the hvi and chalk him with pleasure LT All perimeter assets are down no movement copy stay put and keep it secure security house or a control room I'm outside the building across from the bunker I see you move in and check it the bunker door is opening copy the the bunker clear it before accessing the terminal right terminal's booting up good work soap I see multiple accounts Banks routing numbers the start but it's all locked under biometric Authentication sigin shows multiple calls from the main house must be inside we need her face eyes Prince check soap rally of the Mansion we'll take Melena alive corneal protect molena to the death boys death it is let's do this LT when you see Roger LT bloody hell what do you want about Johnny like a freaking car museum in the Gary an olar an island and this too she'll be yours molena won't be in the mood to marry when we're done with her in host moving interior be advised I'll lose visual check where's Roman over hold up in her office third floor behind a secure lock door how do we breach it ghost if you cut power to the security system I can open the door remotely rounds to what's the power up stay on it Johnny the security system kills the drones yeah that's the idea here oh T give me a setre nearly done keep [Music] pressing all station power is down copy that drones are out too right on time pop the lock on Molina's door lwell on it stand by Do's open boys we're in Special Forces show your hands you sit down Molina where's your boss I don't have a boss no one tells me what to do how we doing boys she's not talking she's about to give me your handun why or else you'll cut it off not my style he might buy the mask to hard my face M where nothing in my banking will get you any closer to Vladimir we'll see about that there's multiple Cony group accounts hiding in plain sight several recent transfers to Zord prison the goag money for makarov's escape we opens doors let's withdraw a few rubbles from makarov's coffers then shall we done let me know if we hit a nerve 85 million in makarov's transferred to a CIA black fund Vladimir's York is already bought and paid for you're not very good at this neither are you all your men are there and your accounts are wide open you're stealing from makarov's future not mine W so do you hear that I did list make this personal we need to get off the X make this happen or we take her with us Swiss National Bank this is your personal account H money's already been touched it will be looks like we found our pressure point boys let's drain it don't don't you dare something wrong Miss Romanova I don't know makarov's plans I am a finance here nothing more give him your print but tell us where to find Makarov you and that little birdie in your ear that account is my money I fought for it I earned it one more push we got her last call or he takes over he'll know you were here I'm as good as dead without my money I need my money we need marov where is he there's a vir transfer to the stock capital in St Petersburg Vladimir buys old properties abandoned buildings I don't know how he uses them that's all I can tell you I see it that's all we need pleasure doing business with you good chat when you beg him for your lives he won't let you have [Applause] them watch your to 07 give me a sitrep 07 in position with kilo Bravo's in the water copy where's our incoming Convoy approaching Southeast four vehicles any sign of macarov no P but high security on the Third vehicle ghost to all Bravo how copy ghost far push to the xville Roger Watcher T Nia plus one looks like con dropped it and you here ghost wasn't in the move for visitors got movement ahead likely an ambush moving ahead to xville ghost we're coming to you both LZ near the boat now form up on my mark AO is hedro Gear Up there'll be more of of them here soon here the hell's this the crossroads might as well without the stars and bars you look like frozen General best of the best all in one place we won't glare an exception what is the agenda of this little Powwow Choice do I have one no I'm all ears own up tell us everything you know everything Congress doesn't and I bet they'd be be old ear wouldn't they I that's it no you clear my name tell them who I am what you gave me and why no one else had the balls to do what I did for you for all of you then do the right thing G all your Intel on marov your boy gaves on a leash say yes you get a warm ride home or take a all me time and freeze the death that's the one I'm partial to keep the prisoner focused on their own self-preservation and eventually they will break good to see you remembered your training eh General General what have you got marov aims to finish what he started in for dank he's ordered con to strike the Gora Dam at nightfall he blows the dam it'll wash away the whole CA carless lives will be lost if he follows the Playbook he'll pin it on far in the west unless we stop it you handle the dam Alex and my soldiers tracked con to an air strip in Northern urzikstan we believe it's makarov's forward operating base I'll be heading up an assault there in the morning guys and I deploy with fire so ghost take the dam R Nick will provide transport I'll put a predator up for eyes don't get compromised we won't sir keep your guard up and stay sharp good luck everyone what you want Bravo s our primary set points the advised Cony Personnel are grouping near multiple locations below you security for the demolition teams we can use them to locate the bombs fir itus find the Chargers and get them to armed too many lives are at stake to fail watch her out I'm moving on the reservoir good hunting down there LT same Johnny got a bomb in the happy 07 disarm FAS disarm we're good at the Gat house eliminate the threat before they C for reinforcements you can rival 7 one to Watcher one go for Watcher we've got a problem up here got gas canisters in the water still intact marov going to poison the water supply marov is not just flooding the sea he's leing the water you two are the only ones standing in his way right now get to work Watcher one con's guarding a village to the Southwest watch explosives are in the truck trucks clear check in the catwalk South Side they're targeting the PowerHouse and support structur we collapse the D clear the catwalks of ordinance ghost Bridges disarmed one bomb is still out there bomb's on the catwalk copy that get [Music] it way is clear good up C standby thank you this is Watcher one iMed for soap on the secondary hlz what you want be ass Nick got cargo to Lo on make out work Nick soap ghost you saved the city and hit macro where it hurts return to Base mission accomplished Che me I stabbed each other in the back still saving their own skins every man for himself that's a difference between us and them we got let this stand boss the best way to end the war is to win it no prisoners hunting Commander you too Captain Nick take far back will you straight away Captain right just prep for xville we're going on let marer off Al life there's coms from Azar 90 that's his cool sign what are they doing in London lewell signals intelligence shows con's meeting with a known black hat tomorrow in greensbury park a hacker that's our Mark what's con want access to we need to find that out and stop it that hacker can lead us to mararo cor's in London he can't be far behind we guess solid Intel we'll have to move quickly I'll coordinate with London metro and get SFO standing by Co dup into London CCTV Network bris the rest of us tail a mark on the ground marov could be in our backyard we got wind of where he is we'll move on it for now let's follow our Mark and find him Bravo 07 to watch her CCTV is online copy visual radio check check six in position so load and clear airm eyes on the mark black hoodie good check let's go to work bravo r get ready to move soap keep a low profile we lose her we lose marov be advised she looks skittish she sees military age males on her tail she's going to bolt understood solid now press up to gas soap you're good to go got a light smoking Johnny blend it in LT you say so targets moving sergeants if she takes a call or talks to anyone we need to hear it soap copy that she talks we listen wait she's tying a sh likely checking if she's being followed use your surroundings to blend in she saw you stay hidden Mark's moving keep on her our phone's ringing get close and listen in guaranteed hey I got the payment drop the flash drive behind the rubish spon yeah between beastro 43 and t cafe pleasure doing business what's the word she made a dead drop for a buyer flash drive Alley between B 43 and te Cafe we need eyes ghost take point on cctvs Rog eyes on the Alley exit no sign of Cony must have already left good scrub the footage for anyone leaving the alley 07 they'll likely be the buyer found him stay on him ghost whatever he's got we need biow went interior lost visual switch to a different camera reacquired I see him got a bass obscuring my view find a new angle [Applause] then Target's crossing the street he's Crossing to asley Street can't see him not seeing him now regain visual or Bravo targets heading into The Pedestrian tunnel tunnels are dead end good place for con to hide I'm not of we have Metro and SFO ready to mobilize I say we call him in copy all stations Gear Up and prepare to to breach appro six on Route cing off the perimeter rest of you with me flash drive acquired whatever was on it uploaded into the station's train Network Trojan Horse con has control of the trains there's more face recognition found this they boarded 10 minutes ago marov want to train full of civilians hostages itims that tunnel's 500 ft deep and 30 m long there's thousands of people down there at any given time bravel he's going to trap the trains and destroy the tunnel we have no proof of that not yet makarov's trainer stopped at a crossover platform 20 m in I'll have sfos dispatch a second team we need all the help we can get we'll take the service tunnel let's move we may already be too late boys Captain Price At Your Service I need half of your man with my lieutenant the rest of you on me right stay close follow my orders let's get on those doors yeah six to watch you we are on the X going for marov solid copy go get him John this bastard won't go down easy yeah well nether w we sunshine hey come on all Bravo this is 07 take an effective fire Tony has hostages secure them seven we're working on a watching we see they may be the first of many Bravo unless we stop marov third third number is uh nine copy good work this bomb has two fusers we need to cut both at the same time red wire red wire got it you me take this to hell with you Captain never better your enemies alive ene bloody L Johnny Captain the bomb how do we stop it he's gotone I need you with me or it's going to go right find the red wire red only soap that we cut together on three copy r on three 1 2 3 disarmed disarmed we're clear well stason this is Bravo in the blind threaten neutralized bomb is Safe 1 Kia [Music] who was the best of us the toughest he'd have fought the world [Music] barehanded who dare wins sleep easy Soldier see them range brother we'll take it from him rest in peace [Music] [Music] Johnny [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 43,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mw3 ghost, modern warfare 3 ghost, modern warfare 3, mw3
Id: AyAFEdDbwh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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