🔴LIVE: Best Bluey Moments from Series 3 part 1

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if you've been to where mine was yeah is that okay sure that's fine I did so he still watch Malcolm oh yeah good one what's he doing not much come on Malcolm do something oh he heard us okay these teddies all mine and these are all mine yes now what about Gloria yes what about Gloria she was a Christmas present to me from granddad but you didn't get a Christmas present from Granddad because he forgot I was born yes he forgot you were born so you said it's okay Bingo she could be both of us yes that's right so whose room should she go in she can go to yours thanks Bluey but how about she sleeps over at yours tonight oh okay [Music] who keeps lampy oh um you can keep her no it's okay you take lumpy thanks but can we play asleep awake oh okay uh sleep [Music] all right [Music] okay kids in the bed come on Big D's ready for knockoff yeah yeah yeah where you going oh yeah I forgot night Louie night bingo sleep tight you too don't let the bedbugs bite take care of Gloria and lampy yes I will all right come on come on [Music] you all set Bluey yep exciting night night oh tell Bingo to say goodnight to Malcolm for me okay go bingo [Music] hey if you can't see my green ball look Dad we set up a course do you want to have a go I'll race you where's the Finish Line no one's racing anyone this is just for having fun yeah yeah I see what are you doing I'm doing chicken why is Dad acting like a chicken he's saying you're scared of chickens no racing me don't you kids know what chicken means no and they don't need everything turned into a competition that's laser talk come on the hose is the Finish Line Ready Set no they're not racing yeah we're happy just having fun when it gets sherbet [Music] yes Dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my oh yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I'm on another race can you help me beat dad yeah I want sherbet okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheap yeah yeah what no I meant practice you kids sure I Keen to get whooped again oh yes we are see all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see mum losing doesn't stop these kids are you still cranky with me you said we could go to the library it was shut you promised and you shouldn't break your promise yeah I know mate but why is this the puzzle not tidied up oh quick hi where is she um where's who the kid who broke her promise to clean up the panda puzzle oh how interesting did Bluey break her promise well you're right you'll promise so I can break mine what [Music] the library was shut seems like we've got a promising problem yeah okay from now on no one makes any more promises you promise you'd always love us well I didn't think it's through listen you can still make promises you just have to keep them okay yeah that makes more sense you Louie from now on we keep our promises no matter what no matter what puzzles come on kids hurry up hey this morning I said to bingo to hurry up and she said I am hurry up there dad will you play toddlers with us at the library I'll pay anything with you at the library if you hurry up do you promise I promise no come on this is like Thomas at the library yes [Music] this is toddlers yes you have to look at her on your knees no way but I promises I promise uh fine excuse me huh down here oh hello may you want books for Big Boys uh listen to the magazine thanks come here and use not you celery I'll get back oh do you want me to carry those for you no it's it's [Music] almost it's okay I'll clean it up no I can do it okay here's the paper towels and I'll make a start on The Omelette honey I'll just crack the eggs can I help crack the Eggies um sure honey how about I sort this out and you get started on the X grab a silver bowl from the cupboard okay is this one okay [Music] oh man getting hungry how many eggs are in an omelette um three or four I'm hungry better make it full one two three come on bingo [Music] no two three Hey where's four John how are the eggs doing Bingo oh there's four hello it's Becky almost ready it's coming okay birthday boys getting cranky let's get cracking bingo [Music] I'll try again honey I'll just hold it for you Carter honey give it a good whack that's too hot oh uh no honey the shelves don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain was that my breakfast that was a big one I gotta go I like food thanks for the update and stools can't talk kids what have you done to your dad he was born yesterday he doesn't know anything are you alive Yahoo hi I'm your wife my wife yes and if you want me to stay your wife you'll learn about dishwashers dishwasher wife wow there's just so much to learn whoa whoa this is outside you've got some grass and some wood fence look out what is it there's a giant Fireball in the big blue thing that's the sun it's meant to be there and the big blue thing is the sky oh phew this is a swing push me this is [Music] sorry this is our street you've got some cars and oh a bird rubbish don't worry about the sun it's meant to be there uh okay oh come on bandico keep walking I have a wife okay Bandit probably don't say things about the sun to people at bus stops yeah why uh it's hard to explain okay I want food yeah I got mistaken bacon no that's my boy [Music] he was born yesterday yeah awesome [Music] but I'm going that way ah buy food okay Minnie Bowie let's learn about me hmm oh I like to say cereal instead of serious oh and I'll show you how I dance I like to do this sort of thing and sometimes this yep that's it and I sort of just talk all the time it doesn't even need to make sense just noises are fine [Music] [Applause] a bit louder yeah that's great I like to just leave my toys on the ground away yeah it doesn't make much difference where is it I like to ask a lot of questions mom what are you doing you know what I'm doing blue I don't really listen to the whole answer oh and if I see a bomb I give it a little boom hey please I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoa whoa whoa where do you think you're going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad your mini Bluey now oh yeah and blurry does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it let's find out if he's cereal um excuse me big fella here we go these glass clippings you're talking about why don't we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he's cereal [Music] mini Bluey that's quite loud I don't really sing when I'm doing chores I usually winch and do the job a lot slower than what you are doing why what's up once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around Barefoot I can't see the page and why should I care I forgot about the catchphrase if you block the words mum can't read the story and watch it again but the stories my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending's boring she just makes don't spoil the ending not because Bluey hasn't heard it unicorns I'm trying to make you a nice unicorn okay okay okay please continue Millie I won't spoil the ending where she makes shoes yes of course one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait I changed it again actually I will no not today down down up down down of course that is bad behavior so is that shall we continue oh yes Meep so the queen walked a few steps and stood on a prickle ouch unicorns that's mean how would you feel if you stood on a prickle I feel good I feel so good at dance [Music] like Queen well maybe she should wear some shoes anyway the queen discovered that her whole kingdom was covered in prickles what was she to do make shoes Bluey oh I know unicorns what's your favorite food [Music] oh just kidding I like chicken bucket oh great look here's some chicken bucket ah thank you might be kind okay we're good to go Dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am hello are you going for just six weeks how long is six weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever if you're here at the true challenge of the quest [Music] we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the magpie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect face paint for you you want to know a secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stall this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I MacKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their faces painted no I guess not well I think you have to do it even though I don't want to yes even though that yeah you're probably right what do you think [Music] I think I'm getting better see your Border Collies enjoy the curry there you are good luck with the magpie now every good hero learns a few things on their Quest MacKenzie's mum can you face paint one more thing ready yeah armed with everything they've learned along the way the hero faces their ultimate test the end you're my hero picker what's going on here who taught you how to use magic I should have known and did you teach her the most important rule about magic I couldn't remember it the rule is never use magic for cheekiness oh yeah that's right oh abandoned get your armpit out of my face YouTube get at me this doesn't concern you Bingo magic should only be used to help people we were helping we were helping them learn to dance okay okay no more cheekiness thank you starting tonight and it's stronger and some than others magic should be used for godliness being I was sad because you didn't play with her now she's happy grown up should play with kids whenever the kids watch oh that's can't just drop everything and play when kids ask them to [Music] then who will do all the chores like cleaning the house and making the dinners [Music] um don't listen to her the pizza boy is not the solution figure I need your help join your magic to mine people should play with you because they want to not because you make them otherwise it's not play okay so he's the Knight no he's a horsey yeah but he's called the Knight no the Knight is on the horsey well yeah that's true everyone knows that I thought you said smart people played chess well whatever you call him mine's called Gala hop mine's called daughter of galahop he moves by jumping oh yes horsies love jumping cool who is Castle head that's the rock I'm gonna call him Castle head fine Castle head moves straight like this castles can't move this game's confusing yeah it is bingo maybe you just want to do some coloring no she's on my team oh right let's just start there you're good Louis oh my own chest team well there's only two teams bingo so maybe you just watch oh don't worry Bingo look there's two horses see and two Castle heads and two Pom-Pom elves Bishops and lots of prawns prawns so this could be your team and this one's mine thanks Louie nice one Louie oh look that's not let it go deep blue hang on there's only one Crown lady and one wedding cake head ah now that's the king and that's the queen [Music] Louie um sure thanks ah you can't just laugh that's fine are you sure you're happy with the King yeah I'm okay don't worry Bluey the king's the most important piece on the board is that right yes and how many squares can he move well just one just one square that was a big Square wasn't it oh I better rest by Royal feeties they're a little tired meanwhile the queen moves as far as she wants in any direction which is handy because she has to do all the work are you finished hi how would you like to save two hundred dollars a year on your energy bill man excuse me uh is there someone else I could talk to I'll go get my mum uh I'll come back another time where are you going now sheepy mom are you in there yes Bluey I'm in here I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you you didn't do anything to upset me sweetheart then why don't you want to see us I do want to see you but it can be hard work looking after kids sometimes mums just need 20 minutes I don't understand one day sweetheart what is that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work [Music] drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry Wendy he doesn't listen to what anyone says I'm getting chilly oh dear that will not happen twice you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housework just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay see that looks good Boom come on look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they're meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs yeah that's crazy that's what I'm saying okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feed okay arm's okay I think we're good backwards and there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in three meters why do they do it who's in nuts get me down the stream that's not even a walk I'm making a copper we're gonna be here a while elephant [Music] [Music] kangaroo what did I miss chicken working our way through the animal kingdom that's an emu yeah or maybe an ostrich or a big duck and that's some sort of uh um donkey some of these look really hard to do I know don't they get tired [Music] whoa we have a winner holy Dooley that's impressive how do you even do that you have to like have your feet out like a duck out but then pop them in while spinning oh yeah while spinning what oh okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play past the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me oh sorry Bingo keep passing sorry Leela ah [Music] whoa I was so close maybe next time ready for pasta parcel yeah we're doing lucky stars rules all right did I say hooray please let me win this time [Music] it's me look a bubble shooter wow I love lucky stars what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Lila is Happy unhappy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing [Music] it's dead okay listen up whenever I walk into a room everyone has to clap and go whoa yeah it's Dad all right that guy's awesome got it got it okay let's try that again it's dead that looks great Bluey I can't draw tickling very perfect yeah it looks more like he's throwing you oh I can't draw throwing oh you can draw no ticket and he built his house out of straw huh bad move Pig ticket oh yes here you go oh yes of course did I do with it see it somewhere ticket oh here it is a chunk quicker next time kick it oh uh I don't have one [Music] no ticket beautiful Bluey I think dad'll like that that games are always too rough hmm I'm not very perfect to drawing big couches it looks great yeah it doesn't look like our couch it looks more like a chair oh you can do a dabbling chair oh yeah oh man my legs are tired from all this child rearing surely sitting down on a comfy chair will do the trick oh look I have my choice of any chair I want where to sit here sitting in this chair was definitely the right decision it's so relaxing Jay looks like a chair good to go but you're not really in it yeah it's supposed to be a picture of Dad and me Louie it's fine it doesn't have to be perfect dad will love anything you do so if I gave him this he'd love it um yes no more supplies and I've got no idea if we're heading in the right direction and the deck could use a good scrub oh here it is this is the shortcut say it says the road is only for cars that are four-wheel drives no it's an all-wheel drives uh [Music] hold onto your strawberries foreign [Music] we're coming down foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] how good was that yeah but the map has strawberry jam on it that's okay sweetie we don't need it anymore welcome land I didn't give up well that night is this Australia yeah ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring hello ah hello I'd like to order some food dad you don't Barn call the restaurant what you just throw it on the app but I haven't got a menu it's on the app all right but oh yeah here we go hang on what type of restaurant are you what are you Chinese or Italian we're everything we're a pizza pizza or a burrito a burrito [Music] you can have anything you want ah okay that makes it harder for some reason oh oh sorry guys better pay for that do you need help choosing Granddad no no I'm all right ah I know got to eat sausages courage sausages why do you want curried sausages I love curried sausages okay Curry sausages [Music] good evening ladies I'm here to pick up me sausages Bingo delivers them all right okay hey there you go nice night huh uh you don't really chat to the scooter person oh okay sorry but [Music] did I do it right yeah come on Grandad no worries let's have some food so do I just eat here hello you can watch TV phone if you like yeah there's a TV app okay [Music] hello hello would you like to come to my Cafe why yes I would please look at our menu and let me know what you want hmm purple please certainly that will be ready in a jiffy hey oh uh excuse me [Music] I think he wants to be a chef uh no Dad we don't need you a chef you can go back outside and play the game with the little men [Music] okay fine you can work here I need you to get one piece of pablover yeah Pavlova from the fridge Pavlova he [Music] Pavlova [Music] bonjour bonjour sorry about this customer your Pablo will be right out our new Chef is just getting it module Pavlova hey this is a pavlova yeah this isn't Pavlova yes we love shien these are Ed Madame beans well a discotheque I was pointing there see Pavlova ah got denied Pavlova yes beans yes that's beans but we don't want beans we want Pavlova okay seven so sorry customer he's new that's a game he said combien Pablo what's up that's a crumb it's so small oh I'm on passport we're back and get a pizza to this book see this book [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah they want to Supreme okay one supreme thanks Pizza sisters our mum started this picture shop she worked really hard so we tried to give her a holiday wow we're gonna deliver pizza fast now stop stopping the pizza in you can't bring mud in the new car what why because it's very expensive oh okay well what do we do we have to play something else oh what else do you play in it I usually just drive around okay let's do that [Music] don't drive [Music] [Music] hey hey you getting fingerprints all over it do you like the tricks uh I missed the old one we brought the kids home from hospital [Music] that was fun okay now I have a turn okay all right here we go what's going on oh it's after battle we oh we have to charge it Dad okay battery's charging kids how long does it take to charge oh what should we play while we wait I guess we can go back to Pizza ghosts yeah so that's one surgery pizza with extra pineapple yep but no mushrooms you hear me got it you put mushrooms on it okay bye let's put mushrooms on it [Music] oh no the Shop's closed we'll see about that you're gonna Ram the shop yeah you can't do that we're in the shop quick grab the almond milk okay and make sure you pay for it okay I'll just leave the money on the floor it's the guy who owns the shop and he doesn't look happy yeah because you drive your car into his shop cause I guess it's gonna pee on my curtains ah he's coming get in the car get in the car I think you need to have a chat with Agatha when all this is over Glory [Music] put some fast driving music on [Music] robot Nation [Music] [Applause] he's still following us surprise the milk in his wings oh man is she really gonna pay on your curtains oh she'll do it all right okay just leave enough for a cup of tea okay you got 30 seconds the traffic jam [Music] yeah [Music] hurry foreign what [Music] what jpd all my cousins I told you I would get up hey Tina turn it down hey [Music] yes [Music] Tina stink so bad quick let's get it outside oh [Music] you didn't see anything oh karate yeah you're on your own yes ah Tina come on let's just talk about this easy easy okay okay we give up you win hey high five yeah Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink yeah when was the last time she had a bath Tina's never had a bar and we're not having a bath either hey whoa wait whose tooth is this it's huge is this penis yeah it is and look here's another one why did our teeth fall out well when was the last time she brushed them peanut isn't brush our teeth oh yeah well that's why her teeth are falling out oh kids when we tell you you have to have a bath or brush your teeth or wash your hands it's because there's a good reason to do all those things but we asked Dad why he just says because I said so yeah he says we have to because he's bigger than us oh really maybe I should just give him three seconds oh yeah look we'll probably still say those things because we're busy but now you know what we really mean okay Mom bring it in toilet hands you have to pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket oh now if you aren't happy with your wear watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best way of watching tour you've ever been on I don't know about that kid all about oh Bluey that's too loud [Music] ly to go boat riding this is he is harm yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no we've hit rough Seas what a wrong customer here comes a big wave Dad we hit rough Seas no we hit smooth seas and oh look we're at the whales ah no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yeah uh point of fact whales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm gonna find some rough seats [Music] nope well I'm just gonna sell around till I find uh okay fine hold on to your breakfast here we go hold on customer whoa I'm sorry customer we have seen to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch food thing before the storm is over I've got storms over and look we're at the whales watch out capsules off it all right snap snap snap snap you [Music] and now we're at the tide away oh man oh yes I'm fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but are we almost at the Wales yes no for breakfast yesterday fake beans on wheat toast yep Bingo what's the fluffy level on this hi thank you and then what did you have for lunch Mr healer ah just some sauerkraut excuse me sauerkraut Bingo fluffy level now we have dinner at Indy's house didn't we yep can you tell us what you ate no I'm not sure I ate much Mr healer okay I had a vegan nut roast oh it's here anything else nothing comes to mind really nothing from the petrol station on the way home that might have come in this tray oh well maybe I had a pie oh banded well all I'd had was nut roast Bingo where is the fluffy meter now at the top sounds like you were ready to blow my food choices are not on trial Bingo on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did yeah what Bingo you weren't even there he yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave hey your honor bingo are you fibbing to get a lollipop yes give me that oh everyone forget that bit Bluey that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay mum I would like to call on Mom me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cause she was asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh no further questions Rhonda you can go now come on get hi girls hi Aunt Trixie muffles make sure you give socks a go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be yeah I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got it covered kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off whoa okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well well hey if you're sure right I'm setting a timer on my phone when it goes off it sucks his turn Okay Muffy I'll take that as a yes [Music] is the timer Sox's turn now yeah I have to finish my cowboy hat no you don't have to finish a cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn but I Muffy muffin healer give your sister a turn now but I want to go [Music] muffin cupcake healer you say cowboy hat one more time you'll be in timeout cow boy okay that's it you're gonna try Mouse [Music] now you have a good think about it young lady no I don't I'm sorry girls but muffin was hogging so she can't do your Facey call thing anymore okay she needs to look that other people have nothing ah she's got my phone muffin you get off my phone this instant [Music] will only make it worse [Music] [Music] all right let's skateboard him down the stairs what no do not skateboard me down those stairs okay fine where the bullfrog jumps all right morning Wendy what's going on are you okay what Ah that's putting a bit of a slant on it he said he'll only give it back if we can off is that right just keep walking Wendy this doesn't concern you it does now come on girls hey Wendy wash the hands around Young children what's the prickles into the car seat he's too heavy oh well what you gonna do get the door girls I'll show you what 10 years of Pilates can do hey Wendy what are you doing pay attention girls ready Engage The Core straight back pretty bendy and look at those quads promise me you'll work hard to maintain a strong call girls don't get lazy yes Wendy we won't oh yeah now we can have ice cream I'm not sure I should be driving in this condition what what we don't get ice cream not unless you can drive yourself in kids I'll drive you to the shops [Music] here you go my darlings thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 40,916,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, Music and Games, Live Stream
Id: CmUh_PlgUNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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