🔴 Manchester Airport Live ✈️ Midweek Madness

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got the Air Lingus A330 as well pushing pushing back at the moment nice Bridgetown Barbados I know one of Sam's colleagues are currently over in Barbados at the moment let me get some in it on this it's mad when you see um people abroad this time of year because you forget that the weather can be nice you're like what like no Phillips just putting pictures up of like the Caribbean you're like oh yeah the sun I remember that thing folks welcome let me know if you can hear me there's anyone else watching from the Caribbean that would be nice or Bahrain that's quite a sunny place goir dreamlander just lining up on the runway Matt sent us a message saying 55 sweet nice cheers M here we go Gulf Air Dreamliner lined up ready to go two three right at Manchester Airport [Applause] e hey nice one Colin enjoy that mate it's uh it's really good actually the ey tracker the only thing I did to upgrade mine was I got the um tripod mount for it because um the mount on mine was giving me a bit of jip H um but yeah the uh the tripod mount for it uh really really good great way to start the show today welcome to your midweek Madness live stream here on airliners live we got Martin down in the studio hello everyone and myself and the up on the camera let's get some names in the chat shall we gra Russell saying how do I get my red tail back it's probably because your subscription has lapsed uh so just check your uh your airliners Live membership yeah just click the dollar symbol then click join mate uh it looks like it's uh see a ran out or maybe your card details have changed or something like that yep hope you're having a great morning though on your Wednesday not too cold today a little bit Breezy but uh I know it's going to get uh pretty windy later in the week 3 minutes 48 389 is that is that new A380 variant actually the A380 King of the Skies coming in what's this coming in one second looks like the Logan a yeah Logan air from Nuki yeah bre e w four five new stranger to Manchester Airport this little Regional Jet probably the smallest of the airline as you'll see here at Manchester really our mate Owen Flo says he uh commonly gets these in his workplace and uh surprises them how small they are on board with just a one two configuration so people sat on the left hand side of the plane just get the uh the one seat in the row there he is gram Russell returning to cruy membership thank you very much gram although it does look like the membership has really rest started mate I'm afraid I don't know how long it's been off for but huh it looks like it may have been off for a little while I'm afraid mate yeah I didn't know maybe it'll build back up quick or something but it sounds like it's reset that's strange never seen that before and a nice heavy departure coming right up as well I didn't even see this on radar uh only just now noticed the Singapore Airlines 8350 heading off to Houston Texas talk about nice warm destinations eh yeah marus dodard morning Terry Edwards is in the chat as well Chester Mike and Matt Smith loads of moderators in the chat V is already in the chat as well welcome guys [Applause] morning [Applause] yeah I I'm curious about Graham's situation maybe it's a different account gram yeah you've not got another YouTube account have you gram by any chance cuz I don't think I've ever seen somebody have their thing reset I don't think that usually happens I know a lot of people who have left and rejoined months [Applause] [Music] later [Music] Rob saying I love flying in Logan ejs I really wish I could you know what they they do look like a lot of fun fun being a I guess uh opinionated word there is is um when there's a storm and they really get blown around a lot he next to land wow no waiting around on today's show Welcome in almost a thousand people already tuned in on YouTube everyone hope you're all doing well today Millie welcome in two months of business class membership saying keep up the great word GL uh keep up the great work guys glad to be part of it thank you very much and mixer a350 returning for 15 months of membership saying looking forward to a great show Katy's over on Twitch Hassan Helix frankone and uh yeah Helix thank you very much guys for tuning in today hope you're all doing well on the twitch Channel alinga say 330 taxi out as well Mike saying back in glorious 4K yeah I hope you guys enjoy the quality today oh bit of wing fluff action that's going to recording of this [Applause] an awesome arrival King of the Skies touching down two three right nice floofy Wings huge huge wingspan of the king of the Skies there catching a lot of that moisture Alpha 6 Echo Echo x-ray on the registration and that beautiful morning sky looking very [Music] colorful as we do pass through a thousand viewers here on airliners live YouTube stream midweek Madness Singapore Airlines heading off to Houston is lining up on the runway now that'll be out behind the EasyJet A320 heading off to Barcelona Nick Lam good morning to you welcomeing and uh Chuck Morris the hardest man in the YouTube channel I can [Applause] see [Music] [Applause] Singapore A50 out to Houston lined up on the runway as the 8 taxi past our position here at the RVP fewe shout out to the runway visitor park for supporting all is live as always make sure you come down guys come and enjoy the views wonderful loving it here today so far yeah the a350 just spooling up now might be a little bit photob bombed by this [Music] [Music] he [Applause] they always take off so quick the a350s hey Mr Pingu thank you very much mate gifting the first membership of the day on the YouTube stream and that's gone to olle thank you very much Mr Pingu that's very kind of you welcome back OE it's really gone dark here in STO guys if it levers it down today we're we're turning the stream off just saying I'm just saying as's the emirat say 380 just arriving on stand 12 terminal one morning Lee in the airlin is live Sick Bay today hope everyone uh poly gets better soon saying Simon oh man that's not good to hear yeah hopefully you're all back to normal soon guys that time of year a't it a lot of people getting colds I I actually had a quite a bad cold on Friday and Saturday uh and I was super low energy super super you know headachy body ay and I was like man Sunday is not going to be fun luckily Sunday morning I woke up and I was a lot better only need to be greeted by freezing cold very wet windy Sunday show m thank you mate also gifting a membership to the community as well thank you very much for that putting us to three new members on today's stream uh David tuning in from Orlando Florida Welcome to you hello and uh Lords who travel also returning for eight months of business class saying uh thanks for the ride guys cheers dude thanks very much for supporting the channel for eight months Ryan as next to Dart out to Cork Matt hayatt good morning to you welcome in and uh Joe cran thank you very much for tuning in as well that aing is A330 she's just waiting as well down near the start nice does look like some work's being done on the taxi way in front of us as well on Bravo it's been uh having a few people looking at it all morning they did look like some tempy work has being done on it as well to firm up a little po hole or something I'm not quite sure exactly but did look like they were kind of focusing on one small area big shout out to all the crew around the airport I'm sure there's a lot that goes in behind the scenes that I guess we wouldn't even know you know without even without speaking to one of them yeah exactly yeah like I said I I um was out the other night and I was speaking to a lady who worked for uh manchest airport As A Firefighter for like 20 years she was doing that and I was just like amazed at how many different tasks they do you know when they're not responding to an emergency which obviously is not very often at Manchester at all I mean she said in her 20 years she never really had anything major to deal with I think she joined not long after they had the U the air air tours uh disaster the 737 here at Manchester but other than that uh it's been a she she does a lot of tasks and it was like enough to fill the day of work yeah I've just quite slowly or as slow as I could do guys turn the volume up I did notice we must have knocked that yeah while we're setting up so sorry if it's been a little bit quiet for you guys for the last couple of minutes or's up and uh Lisa G working and lurking this morning thank you very much Lisa Lisa thanks for tuning in look like a survey team okay yeah what a good view that would be man just working there on the taxi way Michael B good morning to you welcome it some really pretty ribbon action there as them huge Landing gears Wheels retract into the under Carriage yeah sorry Robin that was uh that was my fault mate I didn't notice we NDG to the uh the thing there uh I can't read that name Royal ER so welcome on Twitch thank you very much my brain is not going to read that this morning I'm afraid thanks very much for tuning in the butter machine indeed the a330s can be pretty spectacular on arrivals I that's my partner's favorite playing is the A330 had the Good Fortune of flying on one back when we visited mayorca a couple of months ago very nice flight and U Muhammad just saying the easy jet to Shamel Shake has my family on board nice one we'll keep an eye open for that one then yeah keep us updated in the chat yeah if it's um is that already on the taxi out or let us know when it's uh it's ready to taxi out and we'll um we'll make sure we get a video of that for you and uh Samuel thank you very much mate sending in a499 donation saying good morning guys hope to see you again next year make a third Vlog with you guys we got six R A flights booked for January alone W nice one mate yeah yeah looking forward to uh the next task fair in February hopefully by then we may be celebrating a million subscribers yeah not going to lie though me and Martin love your Vlogs because especially the Tas Fair ones because it's kind of a rare opportunity to see like what the the visitors of the fair get to see you know how the fair like when we're busy and stuff how the stand looks and you wandering around obviously the other exhibits at the fair and seeing what else is there and when we're just too busy to be able to enjoy it yeah so yeah appreciate you making them and we'll always uh look out for them in the future I know Captain Mark is a big fan of your videos as well he's always talking about them still boarding at the moment Okie doie no worries we'll uh we'll keep an eye open for that one then awesome yeah the Turkish Airlines is a321 classic nice so that's uh heading back to Istanbul on Turkish flight 1994 the aircraft Just landing in for Munich is the EasyJet flight in as well got three planes on the Final Approach at the moment what is this London Heath he must have like such a long Final Approach cuz that like extends all the way across London city center goes for Miles I wonder just how many planes they could have stacked up at once on that approach I think three at Manchester is like realistically the uh how many you'd see really yeah just cuz of the Way's in I mean in a line anyway yeah yeah cuz of the way they root them in they always turn left or right around the MS up there yeah and uh Muhammed thank you very much mate for supporting the channel today becoming a premium economy member as well thank you mate Dirk tuning in from the Belgian Coast welcome to you and Tom and an working and lurking Deborah also tuning in today welcome guys and uh Petros that's a strong name that is itet Tun in from Athens nice imagine we called Petros Petros yeah that's a confident name that isn't it people in Greece do have a away with cool names yeah I'd love to go to Athens I'm really really into like Greek history ancient Greek Greek mythology and all that that in um Egypt I always bang on about you know the the pyramids and all that this is an A320 Neo Hotel Juliet on the ridge Maly saying that when he's working down in uh Westminster yeah you can see him turning onto the long finals that far out as well wow yeah that's kind of where you see them isn't [Music] it some really big planes coming in on two SS and not to mention like the The View you get from the plane when you're on that approach is just out of this world why did the A330 Wheels tilt backwards and the a sorry A330 Wheels tilt backwards in A380 tilt forwards I'm not 100% sure the most um Infamous airliner these days is the 767 cuz they tilt really far forwards and it makes it quite tricky to land should we say but then again anyone who flies a 76 regularly would probably disagree cuz uh it's just a a learning curve I guess yeah mate you know chat do you ever like arrive to work and you just know today is not the day to be at work okay so after everything we dealt with this morning yeah yeah they're currently evacuating T2 oh so now everything's going to grind to a Hal yikes is that I assum maybe like a fire or something I'm not sure something come through in the mod chat one of them days [Applause] yeah I like the reg of this YT YouTube YT live on YT Kevin thank you mate returning for three months of membership saying hi guys great stream as always happy to support the channel sharers Kevin yeah it's not the stream we planned for you guys today unfortunately but it is what it is Mo boops hello thanks for tuning in Sonny great to see you on uh twitch hello hope you're well Logan air ATR next to touchdown yeah quite a bit of commotion on the taxi W there but I think they are doing that little bit of work it just seems like they're vacating whenever an aircraft needs to use that taxi way don't forget to hit that like button as well if you're watching on YouTube that helps us out massively I'm not sure uh pilot Dave I don't know mate it's just info coming in to us here whilst we're live I've not unfortunately with uh our regulations in the UK I can't turn the scanner on and have a listen while we're live so I have absolutely no idea here mate yeah Mike definitely done that a few times does put a bit of a Target on you head done it hey Greg great to see you on Twitch mate long time viewer on Twitch as well [Applause] Keith D thanks for tuning in there's the ATR vacates from aine the Turkish outan buul rolling on the [Music] runway and kingsware 54 tuning in from the Czech Republic hey twitch crew night and awake this morning let's get some waves in the twitch chat say hello guys if you're watching on Twitch see plenty of names in there have no lurking today on Twitch there seems to be a lot of planes pinging up on the ground anyway not many on Terminal 2 there's just an air frante 220 which looks like it's been pushed back over at the new pier at T2 the newest Pier gtf trains Victor uh milk Master milky nice wowy few people awake on the twitch Channel any q400s come through Manchester not any anymore sadly we do have the occasional one that shows up maybe like a charter flight but no scheduled aircrafts of that type I'm afraid ATR 72s and 42s the nearest alternative sounds like something Wy the approach yeah I'm not sure OE how the protocol works on that mate with the arriving aircraft due to park on T2 I mean it I guess it depends on the nature of the uh the I mean it's not even 100% confirmed there's anything going on obviously we're just hearing it from chat but um yeah I'm not sure what the procedure is there mate and Hayden saying how's the weather in Manchester today fing back from Shanghai tomorrow H it's pretty standard day to be honest just overcast a little bit chilly not much freze not a bad day to arrive back all and World Famous Foods sounds like my typ YouTuber tuning in from West Point New York wel hello and David a brand new VIP suppor in the Stream today premium economy membership cheers David welcome into the VIP Club here at airliners live if you want to join the VIP Club guys hit the dollar symbol then click join to take advantage of all of our Channel emotes and if you join on business class or above you also get discount on our merchandise as well and this evening folks it's not ready yet but this evening I will announce the time later on this afternoon there will be a Black Friday sale on airliners doli hey and uh it's going to be for all in stock items oh apart from uh apart from a couple of uh like the calendars for example cuz we've only got like five or six of them left so I know there's a lot of people who uh who've put the name down for those so they're out of there but most like clothing and stuff um the only clothing item we weren't able to put on the Black Friday guys um is the hoodies because we just gave you a massive discount on those because of uh obviously the the winter period coming up and stuff like that I think we put a post out about it a few days ago so they've just been massively reduced for the winter period but um yeah most of things are in the Black Friday sale and you'll be getting 25% off guys wow all in stock uh items included in that so uh keep your eye open for our social media Pages as I say it's not live yet but it will be live live uh this evening that's huge and how long does that last all weekend uh until Friday till the end of the day on Friday because I need the only way our website will allow me to do it I need to turn off pre-orders whilst we do the sale so um you won't be able to back order any items for those two days guys but you will be able to once the sale finishes on Friday night um cool so that's like everything from Trolley coins right up to t-shirts t-shirts yeah prints and anything that's in stock coasters mugs yeah awesome yeah definitely if you want a airliners live gift if you got anything in mind for Christmas or somebody wants something or yourself this week is the week to get it so that starts this evening you say yeah I just need to do a bit of configuration and with the amount of things going wrong at the RVP today I don't fancy Mass editing our stores inventory here at the VP I'd rather go home and do it in a bit more of a controlled environment let's say yeah yeah cuz if that breaks halfway through then the shops in trouble let's get them Wookies in the chat a frante 220 that sound was me spilling tea all over my chin anyone wondered what that sounds like that was it see if you had a beard you could save that for later there we go Logan air ATR taken off it's always like an air show when these things take off use very very little room w relative to the the big jets they're competing with here on the Airfield just like this one king of the Skies which just landed earlier in this show and is it full swing getting the plane turned around Aiden thank you very much returning for one month's membership saying uh nice to see it dry today at Manchester was watching a few planes at the airport po the other day o and was uh wet with a lot of spray on the wrun way it was mate it was very very wet uh um on the runway it's been it's been an absolute wash out to be honest for the last week and a half maybe bit ball yeah we've had quite a bit of rain here at Manchester today which I think is the reason why our uh one of well one of our cameras has gone faulty and I think it's it's just literally just been it's had three years of airliners live treatment and it's just gone you know what mate I had enough yeah yeah I'm surprised as Calendar's left guys cuz there was only a handful added and now um if I'm right thinking if you you can order them then they're still in stock but if you get to the page and it doesn't let you order that means it's out of stock yeah so uh yeah do I mean it won't let you anyway but do check Harry Williams returning for nine months of membership uh that's not good mate currently struggling with the flu but you boys are keeping me going oh man hope you feel feeling a bit better soon mate get well soon yeah a bit of a rest up and I don't really know what to recommend for the flu I think you just got to ride it out really aren't you lots of fluids and time yeah yeah just keep your fluids up and yeah mean n again chat I'm not a medical expert but mean Nan always says make sure you drink a lot and take plenty of paracetamol that's what she says yeah so I but again don't take my advice yeah there are different a lot of different ways that people say cuz like my dad would always be the kind who's like I just sweat it out you know wear loads of layers but then I have another friend who goes no be really cold cuz then that the flu you know what I mean it's like you got to watch out like your body temperature as well because yeah obviously your temperature goes up anyway yeah yeah yeah um when you're ill doesn't it yeah I don't know I think time is cuz it's one of them where I always like Google when I've got like the flo oh you want to know just just to see what what people say like is the the quick you know how running nose now mate got cancer that's the worst says Google yeah that's the worst I'm always Googling like how to to get over the flu quick you know and then uh it's always just like time at the end of the day whiskey works well says Terry yeah that was the older remedy wasn't it give some to your kids and they they nod off then I don't recommend doing that guys don't no two Dreamliner pushing back on T2 okay good good good raw garlic keeps the colds away yeah Rob but it also keeps the ladies away as [Music] well yeah I hope you're feeling better Joe as well had a few people with a with a cold at the moment one of the biggest problems with the UK is just cuz this time of year you don't go out much and there's not much sun M you better get used to having the cold now you got little in around 24/7 they're the worst mate that is I mean this bringing it back from school all the time I just remember last winter just I was just constantly getting colds like yeah a week would go by I'd be fine and then I'd have a cold again and then I get another one a week later cuz they're all just passing it around mate yeah that's it have you got any more lanyards coming no so we are getting quite a few people asking for these but I need to order 150 guys for them to ship it and I'll be honest like I said we're always pretty honest with you guys I don't think 150 people want them because we um we originally said we were going to order like 200 didn't we yeah and they sold out so we ordered another 150 then they sold out so we ordered another 150 and then they sold out and we said right let's just leave it there because everyone's got to have one now surely yeah and I know over the last week I've probably had four or five people asked me for him but again because we've got a order 150 guys I really don't think there's enough of you maybe you should maybe you should start one of them petitions if you can get 150 people to put the name down oh right well uh you know what if you you get 80 people to put the name down petitions gov.uk parliamentary debate should Ain is live get some more lanyards I remember yesterday where you were like I wonder if I got any more B in the draw there's one there well yeah cuz I felt dead bad cuz I I can't remember her name sorry off the top of my head but there was a lady who um sent me an email I was going to say don't don't to the bab I suppose I not say cuz there was a lady who email me said oh it's my son really wants a airliners live lanyard for Christmas so and I knew we didn't have one but I said oh just let me just look everywhere and just make sure one's not like fell down the back of the shelf or you know cuz we've we got like a little merch packing room and stuff I was like checking all the boxes all the drawers and I W one in there so I had to email her back and say oh I'm really sorry but we've like looked everywhere we've not we've not got one you pulled one out and it had a name badge at the end that said Andy you like can we sell this one I was like that's mine he's like no that's my one that's so where Andy ruined that kid's Christmas guys I know honestly his emails andy. brownbill l.com and I've set up a brand new one called Andy Brown bills are nasty pasty well you can you can message.com you can message me at ebay.com Andy Brownville listen we'll have we'll have none of that I thought things are gone missing from the merch room all the trolly coins I've just got a million of Andy's got a scalp account on E eay just selling everything for [Laughter] 5x big room full of trolley coins I dive in it every day swim around in it I I am a bit skeptical though chaps because I remember when we had the um so there's probably like two I can think of the Vancouver Leaf design and what was the other one that the kids clothing both of which had high demand in the chat yeah and we released them and they like sold on so it's hard to gauge very very difficult and then with the lanyards we had a few people asking for them so we you know what let's do it and like Martin said they sold out like three times so strange especially the kids clothing was a really strange one because we were getting hammered for months with emails and people in the chat guys you need to bring out kids clothing like oh we need some kids clothing so we spent ages like ordering some checking the quality going no that's not quite right ordering another one going yeah that that one's spot on getting hoodies getting the t-shirts adding them to the website and I'm not joking we sold two two T-shirts we sold yeah and it cost us more to order all the samples never mind so it's um yeah it's very I mean like say it's one of them things but it's just that's just an example of why we struggle to allocate merch and stuff like that cuz you just never know you never know a lot of people ask for it and then like I say it usually uh it usually uh either doesn't happen or it goes absolutely crazy I do feel bad though people asking for Lanyards and it's like sorry there's nothing I can do yeah Uber pilot Dave was one you know he's all the way in in in Dallas and he's uh he was asking me for one when I seen him I was like I have I don't have any there was none yeah maybe in the New Year we can do another batch or something yeah potentially that's nice Colin um I've not heard anything back from our emails actually Colin um yeah don't don't feel like you you need to yeah it's one of those things mate it's one of those things I can see a twoe Dreamliner on the taxi up should be in view soon this Iberia Express heading back to Madrid first though as chest Mike put in the chat red is Echo Charlie uniform Sierra it's an A320 and gram Russell I've seen your email mate it's there's nothing we can do about that you need to speak to YouTube there's we have absolutely zero control over memberships or renewals or anything like that it all has to go through YouTube support mate I'm afraid y um the only thing I can suggest is maybe you've logged in on a different YouTube account um or like I say maybe your membership EXP I don't know mate but you need to speak to YouTube about that I'm afraid there there's nothing we can do to help on that YouTube doesn't even it's like gdpr they don't even share a lot of the info with us on on that side of things yeah suppose we could see our membership list and see how long we can see if there's another gram Russell on the membership list but that's that's all we can do mate yeah YouTube support are really good though you know they you can reach out and ask questions like that look at them guys over there that view they've got of the uh the huge 787 Dreamliner on the taxi W there heading over to the start of two3 right I just got a little recording of that cuz that's a cool cool little screen grab any news on when the beanies will be back in stock yeah uh spiky they coming I can tell you now actually that I'm waiting for mine as well mate CU I've I've put myself one aside off on that uh from that order as well uh ones just this EasyJet comes in next on uh approach to Manchester Airport EasyJet Flight 2130 coming in from Pisa it's an A320 Neo again uniform Zulu Hotel Le on the registration oh just greasing the runway there wow what a landing that's a 10 out of 10 from me um they're due at the end of the month beanies nice end of the month their shipping date apparently is the 27th so there you go hey yorose good morning [Music] hello yeah super smooth Landing from the A320 Neo the guys up front the mound quite quiet today here at the RVP Troopers up there getting pictures and watching the planes up close here on 23 right single Runway UPS uh 05 left as well the RVP is the place to be such a good view unobstructed full Runway [Applause] [Music] View There She Goes heading back to Madrid bakas Airport really really nice big International Airport that is and a twoe Dreamliner heading off next Costa Rica yeah it's definitely quiet over at T2 though I mean this toi has come from T2 but there's nothing else pinging over there at the moment couple of planes moving at Turnal one including a Sun Express and a uh Air Portugal as well Jane good morning great to see you hope you well Jane X Stoke boy and Melbourne which Melbourne though Mark is it a Tui Melbourne tuy definition over in Florida or there's even a Melbourne in the UK near um East Midland's airport I guess that might be the original Melbourne who knows I've started watching a new uh YouTube channel as well another one I can recommend as well I'll let you guys know what me and Sam have been watching on our version of Netflix which is YouTube here we go twoy Dreamliner now starting her takeoff roll Melbourne Australia okay yes I'm aware of that [Applause] [Music] one wow you guys see that jet jelly on the golden sky behind off she goes yeah so when when someone says Melbourne you know you do your mind does jump to Australia but yeah we do have one like maybe an hour an hour and a half drive from here and then we also have um two that do direct flights to Melbourne Florida from Manchester which a lot of people thought were like some kind of flight radar mistake no I fly to Australia two Dreamliners can't fly that far yes there's only about 30 people guys who who still need to purchase a lanyard by looks of it uh I guess that's only the people who are online now though yeah so maybe still bit still a bit tight in it yeah we'll see we'll give it till a new year I think I don't think there'll be anything here before uh before the new year anyway um but yes if you are interested in the equipment we use uh to broadcast these streams guys you can follow our Amazon affiliate Link in the chat where it's all outlined there we also include the info on our podcast Studio as well so go and take a look at that so this new YouTube channel we've been watching have you ever heard of Max fos no oh my gosh you find these crazy channels yes I I do spend far too long on YouTube this guy has anyone in the chat ever heard of him I'm curious this guy is well he's a standup comedian here in the UK and he's very very British sound and he's very like you know he's very London Vibes you know and he just does all the the silly videos like so one we watched last night was you know you got people who who who make statements online like if there's a a footballer who misses a penalty like oh I could have done a better job than that um we get that a lot in our chat don't we we get a lot of oh I could do a better job than this um well someone in a in a comment said uh my nan could cook that meal better than that you know like comparing it to like a photo from a restaurant where it looked a bit not great yeah so what he did was he went around to her nand's house borrowed a load of her old leftovers from the freezer that were all Frozen and then made a whole restaurant scenario basically like like rented a place for a day got loads of like actors to sit down have her meals and all that and then put herir in the restaurant and serve her her own food and see if she'd like rate it as restaurant quality without telling her that it's her own food yeah so there's that there's another one where there was a security convention down down in London obviously like a lot of security firms and the police were there oh was that is that I might have seen this video Yeah and and he sneaks into the security FM yeah so the guy manages to BL in to a security convention that's it yeah by making like a fake pass or something you just say that and it's like dead easy it's not even like he's done anything like really smart he literally just printed out a fake pass and had a fake QR code on there which somehow worked or yeah and then his most popular one which I'm sure most people in the chat have heard of about which was the um the luten you know um Gatwick Airport had that sign saying welcome to luten on the side of it yeah he's the guy who did that as well so I think he's quite well known but I I'd never heard of that name Max fos before but then you search him on YouTube and yes I've not heard his name but I I recognize that video you're talking about yeah his videos are good Papa kilo thank you very much for returning for a month uh of Al's Live membership business class member saying good morning everyone good morning to you mate cheers for uh supporting the stream today thank you YouTube's becoming like a new new serious platform to binge though like serious the you know obviously got Mr Beast with his production quality which is just like he did a video the other day Mr Beast where um he buried himself wasn't it for days Days days something insane like I know vsource did a video where he spent 3 days in isolation and went like insane cuz by the end he was like Delirious he was like punching the walls and stuff but this seven whatever it was it was 5 days or six days how the heck it's just mad but but then obviously Mr Beast those other videos like the the most recent one where uh you went to Africa and installed a load of well like aund Wells that yeah only only Mr Beast could go to Africa install a load of wells and get hate for it how dare you do that like literally like everyone's like dancing and uh organizing big celebrations where the whole town comes cuz they got a fresh water Supply no he's a rap bag mate yeah I can't believe can't believe he did done yeah cuz he sells some chocolate bars he's a sellout that's why you know what I mean it's like just go and research the guy if you look at some of the companies he's set up like the he's set up a huge charity as well Beast philanthropy yeah the philanthropy charity that he's set up that is absolutely insane that's genius just supporting people with loads of food and everything like that it's quite genius narrow-minded some people who just don't research before they open the mouth I know that's genius because what he does is he makes videos and then the profit from the videos funds the charity yeah like man I wish I could do that if I but then it's time like how does that guy have the time to do that I don't know how he how he manages his time mate cuz he's got so much going on he's he's just crazy did you watch the podcast of him with um with uh I seen him on Joe Rogan Jo yeah yeah I seen that one yeah yeah I listened to that when I was driving down to uh I think when we were driving actually up to the Lakes me and Jen listen to that yeah he's really good mad isn't he he just he just lives for YouTube like it's not it's mad cuz him himself he's not very like materialistic he's just like his materialism is is the YouTube videos which yeah it's kind of similar with us but we're not not comparing myself to Mr Beast but you kind of got to be like that you got to rein that's a lot isn't it yeah and Terry Edwards returning for 21 months cheers Terry thank you mate oh thank you Terry Austrian airb A320 I have considered that like you know it's just time though is like cuz I've mentioned a few times on the chat that back in 2020 I had to turn to to food banks cuz money was so tight and I'd love to give back and do my own kind of not my own food bank but you know do something for food banks that would be significant yeah uh or something similar right but I know we do our charity fundraisers that's all all really good but something like a philanthropy philanthropy project but time man how how on Earth would you have time to do that we barely have time to just live stream Manchester Airport and do some videos on the side yeah it's crazy isn't it yeah but then again we're doing merch and a lot of things on top of all that as well we're definitely not quiet people when it comes to no what we're doing loopy also another moderator returning for 27 months absolute Legend cheers loopy cheers loops and Rachel D saying still my favorite channel to hang out with returning for 19 months of membership thank you very much guys if you are enjoying the stream today and you'd like to help support the channel it's very much likely that I think one of our cameras is uh is on the blink it's it's done I think yeah so if you can support the channel we'd really appreciate it just hit the dollar symbol then that gifted membership is the best way to support the channel absolutely it also gives back to the community at the same time and nacho pants another big viewer of the channel says uh I don't even like airl uh I just come here because of how breathtakingly handsome the well hey hey this F this is about cheers dude I know you're a big supporter of the channel as well yeah thanks very much do appreciate it I've never asked do the whole of the airliners live team have other jobs um well myself and Andy are fulltime very fortunate enough to be full-time on airliners live uh and all of our moderator team uh volunteer on airliners live so they're um yeah they're absolutely insane AR armed moderators yeah because let's be honest guys we don't have like a two show a week schedule anymore like we're we're streaming like four or five times a week most weeks and they're all uh turning up and supporting the channel it does mean a lot and then uh of course with like fezer and Henry and uh M Matt as well like the support you guys give help fund their broadcasts as well yeah um and obviously there's costs involved as well and but they them three all have like their own jobs and things they're doing that around L at 8321 just touching down stop him real quick this channel makes boats jealous Simon saying should we start a new camera fund Simon there is enough haters of this channel mate for us to let's not cause any more drama by putting a go on me out Jo we cuz uh other people do it but God forbid if Airline is live does it it just cause too much anger mate thank you very much for for the offer yeah you guys support us enough anyway do appreciate it I love these L on 321s yeah came from Frankfurt 23 years old that aircraft it looks great as well wow she tacked is quick as well sound awesome a rather bar looking tap Express heading back to [Music] Lisbon allies live of millionaires anyway yeah yeah I need to tell L me uh track seat bottoms with a hole in it mate I'm wearing today yeah we're very very average people yeah don't worry but we're also two very lucky people as well yes getting to do this as a job every single day it's uh it's cool it's um we still enjoy it we still really really enjoy it I know a few people have said like oh is it get a bit boring you know now you've been doing it for like a few years absolutely not mate like we were we we had something planned for today that we can't do we're going to get it sorted for the next time but we were both like buzzing to get here and get on with it today and there's always different things going on on the channel that sometimes I'll say to Jen I can't wait to get in work in the morning want to go and do this or we've got this to do or we got a meeting with this person today and um yeah it's just it's still really really good fun and we're always looking for new ways to make the streams better or improve what we can give back to you guys at home in terms of picture quality audio quality things like that but I think where we're at now is I think I seem to remember this at work as well you get about 3 years in to hammering equipment all week every week and then it all starts to fail at once that's I think that's that's the kind of area that we're getting to at the moment I remember that when we used to buy like remember we used to have all like brand new moving headlights and stuff yeah yeah and then after a couple of years one had go and then another would go and then another and then yeah it's uh it's just about keeping on top of that I think yep guar established for 23 right 10 miles cheers M boy oh nice what plane are they flying in today we did uh as we were setting up see um that Qatar trip 7 that came in from Seattle earlier on I'm sure who was it that said they might have been SPD travels or someone in the mod chat maybe saying that they came in to have like a screw fitted or something dead simple something really simple it was just basically uh I think it was an STS flying visit I think and uh Harry says do you find the winter months tougher to get to work than the summer months due to less movements and variation um obviously winter is is tough because the weather's not great so you got to be on top of it with waterproofing obviously Andy's going through a lot in terms of weather and stuff so obviously I try and take over as well and you got that side of it but then we do also look forward to the winter as well because we can get a lot more dramatic footage in the winter yes um obviously you've got the spray on the water you've got a lot more uh vortices and stuff like that coming off the aircraft um in the winter months the sun's dead low so you get really nice lighting we can get great pictures if it snows it's going to be good so the winter is the most fun in terms of like the content we can get but it's definitely the toughest time to make the content if that makes sense like and especially like this year usually it's kind of balanced out by oh we've had a really nice summer we've enjoyed it now we're going into the winter fine but I think this year because it's been such a wet summer that we don't really feel like we've had much of a break from it um but it's it's good fun it's so good fun just means you got to put a few extra few extra layers on yeah but I think it's it's like say the winter months would like to say like we've had today it's just especially tough on the equipment really yeah a guar a350 coming in awesome yeah the winter light can be super nice I do miss you know it being warm enough to just have like a t-shirt on or whatever but that's just the main tradeoff really M and also the longer Runway 1 hours as well is quite nice yeah it is I must admit I'm I'm one of them people where I love the Sun but I don't mind wrapping up in the wind I quite like you know jumper a big coat yeah I quite like it yeah I think it's I think it's when it it just abs like the last couple of weeks where it's just been hammering it down constantly I think that's when it gets to you yes but yeah if you do have any other questions guys in the chat um fire him across if you've got any questions for me and Andy about maybe what it's like doing it full time or if you've got any questions about the stream or anything like that um get them in the chat guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] sailing past the exit there she'll use the next rapid exit taxiway I assume the a350 came down with a touch a bump that didn't it really yeah they felt that in the cabin that though with the golden sky behind very beautiful very pretty plane we definitely prefer the a350 with the Qatar colors the the likes of the triple or the dreamy uh Matt Fletcher yes I was a uh we well I was managing um uh event production business with uh an Andy who was working there as well for a while yeah we were both in the events industry before uh airliner life take care Simon cheers mate thanks for tuning in Harry says do you have friends or family that are not into Aviation that are confused about your full-time job all of them and I don't know why I don't know if you get this Andy but I get really embarrassed when people go what does Martin do and then one of the other family members goes he does YouTube yes yeah I do too I hate that I hate it yeah I don't know why I I don't know what it is it makes me cringe they just think you play fortnite in your bedroom all day like just gaming all day or something yeah yeah yeah which don't get me wrong I'm into it I watch that you know what I mean I know we just underplay it massively as a joke it's like yeah I have a few hundred subscribers few hundred thousand yeah I I I hate upselling myself as well there she is the beautiful guitar Airways A3 51,000 sound be great didn't it yeah but I think for me I mean my dad obviously gets it because my dad's involved he helps us out with the accounts and stuff so he he gets how the business runs and how we're able to do it fulltime and um my mom and stuff is was saying she was dead proud of of how we've managed a channel and everything like that and got it full time but it's uh I think it's just hard for people cuz it's such a New Concept isn't it like I'd say what in the last 6 years maybe people have really started to be able to make fulltime on content creation on different platforms it's really recent isn't it m so it's such a new thing that for me it don't feel like I have a legit job you know what I mean even though me and you know Andy obviously how much goes into running the business and stuff yeah it's hard it doesn't feel like you can justify it in any way yep you know what I mean it's really hard to explain guys I don't know what to say really but I us if people ask me I usually just say yeah I just run a media company that's what I say that's kind of like my goto yeah flying architect I mean we might just be able to get by by just doing live streams at Manchester airport but I don't think Manchester has the uh the extreme top end of it with like like somewhere like LAX has right where we could sit here for all day you know for multiple days a week and still get the the wow factor about it you know it gets a bit repetitive so somewhere like Manchester where we're based we do need to do a a bit extra to become full-time like I don't think we were ever going to be fulltime by just doing live streams no so and I know those other live streamers that might be aspiring to become full-time make it a a career a job what pays their bills you just got to do a lot more is the is the thing and it's so time consuming it's so so timeconsuming because you've got to you know find ways to to make it consistently and every month CU if we like say like Andy just said then if we literally guys just turned up twice a week and did a live stream and did nothing else we would not be able to afford to do this yeah it would be pretty Touch and Go whether we could keep that as a job we're doing so many things behind the scenes obviously a lot of the moderators know but there's so much more that goes into aliners live than just the live streaming and I know for you guys the live streaming is airlin is live and that's why we try and make it the best it can be and we always try and reinvest into the lives and really kind of keep adapting and trying to make it the best but in terms of the channel it's just grown so much bigger than that there's so much more going on and so much more that needs to go on as well to uh to kind of keep us keep us going and it's really good fun Dian saying I think the YouTuber currently on I'm celebrity is not true representation at all she's awful I I have no idea who that is but I've not looked I don't I've not watched tell and yeah ages yeah same I do I just say I love these Iceland a winglets yeah I do I know I've never seen that before but that is really nice um thing about YouTube is there are just like creators for every type out there there's every demographic and every style out there so to select one person you know regard of who that is whether it was someone who's really nice and genuine like Mr Beast or someone or I don't know who who you could imagine it's not going to be a true representation because YouTube is just so you know there's just so much on there so I don't think anyone that could pick could represent YouTube but no there are a lot of people who are questionable and you know do they deserve it you know but then again you know I you're a helicops or somewhere oh yeah I can just see over the tower oh it's h medad I think isn't it yeah looks like it yeah one of the EC 135s Darren saying uh what do the mods do and uh do they also get paid no so our mods are completely volun what's the word voluntary volun volunteered volunteering they are actively volunteer um I wish we could pay them that'd be amazing I know the uh the mods um I would say are just as important on these live streams as me and Andy because obviously see we've kind of built up over the years like a a kind of set way we want to represent the channel and um behind the scenes like the mods will know there's certain things we don't talk about on the stream there's certain things that we try and avoid talking about on the stream where we can there's things we discourage there's things we encourage and they're kind of keeping on top of all of that because they will be removing messages from this chat guys before most of you have even seen them that's how good they are like it'll be gone and I'll get a message and just say oh watch out for so and so he's been causing issues like all day today and I'll just say I didn't even see once like that they get rid of it that quick that even we don't see it as presenters because that's another thing as well is is not only are the mods kind of I don't know like keeping everything friendly in art in the chat for you guys to read and for you guys to interact with but don't forget that helps me and Andy a lot as well because whilst we're we're going to trying to talk about all positive things and stuff like that we don't want to see people in the chat all the time just moaning and causing issues and saying this is rubbish and that's rubbish cuz that would affect our mood as well so the mods are just as important for us as they are for for you guys at home and um lupy as well um does a lot of work on all of our bot commands so he's uh he's looking after nightbot and making sure all the latest commands and all the latest links and stuff are in there so he's absolutely smashing that y yeah what was that my phone oh my God I thought that was like a firework or something mods can we get the firework timed out please that made me jump that and um yeah the uh obviously Chester Mike is going in putting a lot of information in the Stream regarding where things are going where they're coming from and everything like that it's everyone's kind of doing their own own bit and then obviously Matt is kind of I say Matt's kind of more of a presenter now than than one of our mods cuz he's now got his own show and of course he's he's getting paid for that not volunteering now yeah he's uh he's doing his own show which you guys are really really enjoying as well so fezer as well the same feza yeah yeah yeah make sure you go and subscribe to the simulator Channel guys it's been popping off recently as well links are in the chat if you love your flight simulation yes head over to simulate brand new YouTube channel get involved cheers Janet this is a sick looking [Music] plane very pretty Scandinavian A320 Neo Echo India Sierra India kilo on the [Music] ridge fireworks at the airport I did I know I don't know why my brain instantly it it's just it sounded like one oh yeah I don't know why my phone just slapp in the roof literally son Express 737 Max 8 next out yeah Chris you don't want to be flying with the number Keys mate all a joystick she can using that Mouse Yol I used to uh use Mouse Yol when I first started on 747 on FSX yep flying from Liverpool to Manchester MTH in a fully fu 74 I know any better mashing as well mashing the flaps button come on flaps get in get out yeah that was funny yeah um how do you learn the different types of aircraft I'll be honest Darren I don't know I I think it's just down to just seeing them so often mate is and I think a great way to do it is if you have like flight Flight Radar 24 open and you're watching the stream at the same time you can kind of pick up um different reference points on the aircraft that um that make it stand out like the 73's got a lot pointier nose than the A320 for example um I think that it just comes with time mate it's like if you watch a lot of football yeah you know which players got the ball even though you can't really see the faces that clearly it's just the more you watch I think the easier it gets yeah well like with cars isn't it the spot with different models of cars on the road yeah beautiful winglets on this Iceland Max heading back to rikic oh good luck Jake loving the color of the sky today over there yeah it's nice isn't it making for some really nice shots me and J went for our walk last night and it was uh dead pink skies oh nice what time you live to the easy Jets gone Tech no forgot about that dude so they're all boarded now and they've had to disembark have they cuz the plan's gone te do you know um Muhammad you know what the flight number is for that or the um even the registration of the plane and beasty Lucy fan thanks very much for the 2 donation saying hi guys uh always great content and interesting chat thank you thanks very much cheers for supporting the channel that's becoming like a regular thing she's donating the the two quid here and there it does add up a lot goes a long way on the [Music] channel wind is picking up as well when we got I here there was no wind at all now it's actually enough for you to see it on the planes I know it's going to really pick up tomorrow not sure if it's officially a storm Dean Horner hello welcome in from South Africa cheers for tuning in today wow South Africa I was speaking to um one of the chaps of Barton who's from South Africa the other day I was telling him about hrio you know how he's got that uh the barbecue in his house I forgot the name already it's got a very it's like a one syllable word to describe a barbecue inside the [Applause] house it's weird though cuz I I know a lot of people like family and stuff who have recently gone to South Africa just on holiday it's like a couple of years ago I couldn't imagine doing that but now it just seems like kind of regular like going to in the Safari going like Cape Town It's a Long [Music] Way cheers beasty you know never need to give more though just being in the chat absolutely is uh all we ask I guess just there oh no Muhammad te family's boarded but the aircraft on Tech currently trying to switch aircraft to gate 11 Roger yeah that's an easy jet flight I think isn't it yeah yeah you mentioned it earlier uh let us know if you know the redge or the flight number he's getting off quick wow I wonder if she's Another Empty flight but cuz that was really really quick yeah we had that on the uh last week's show where one of the flights went back to Gatwick after an STS maintenance V visit creamy goodness tuning in from Guam welcome to [Music] you the barbecue is called a Scott a BRI a Bri Bri that's it yeah it was a BRI they were saying that one one syllable have I missed the A380 coming in you have indeed King of the sky is just on stand here usually goes out about an hours from now an hour's time it's scheduled to go out in about 35 minutes but um if you're new here then uh you might not know that that is very seldom that actually happens yeah barbecue is called a BRI that is such a genius idea cuz I I love a good barbecue and you know what was it this year I I bought a brand new barbecue and it was all singing and dancing really really fancy not wasn't really fancy but it was a good one and uh it's not been used for months yeah this year has been a bit of a wash out hasn't it I know to go slightly off well very off topic standby chat apart from that CCTV camera in the office is there anything else that needs to stay on overnight we have nothing else right no we don't need NZ access really do we no I don't need it it's not ideal to keep turning it off but I got starink as well yeah okay Bri just email from the LM more um it's been two years in Guam very long way out there yeah it was my my brother randomly went to South Africa earlier this year flew with Qatar Airways obviously complained about the the flight length I'm like what do you expect going all the way to doar and then all the way down to uh to South Africa uh and then obviously back again um he said it was great and am I my my auntie went there in a couple of months ago as well did like a safari tour and everything she was only there for a week she flew in Virgin Atlantic obviously much much more convenient flight I think she just drove down to London Heath thr there's nowhere like it was direct from Manchester if I was personally to do it I'd probably go with ba cuz you could get the shuttle service from Manchester and Allan says um Martin and Andy you guys work together a lot do you here we go this is this is going to be the uh this going to this is going to make or break the channel do you actually get along as the banter on stream is instant who answers first that's the question well did you know did you know I it's just fresh in my mind it just popped up you know MythBusters you know the two presenters on that yeah you know they don't actually like each other yes I heard that as well I think that's what actually caused the issue wasn't it yeah they they don't get along at all they really didn't get along does anyone else know that in the chat I I think Jamie Hinman and what's the other chat called so to be completely honest chat me and Andy absolutely hate each other this this three hours a week is the only time we spend with each other and apart from that we're in completely separate rooms we're seeing a friendship counselor though to to but you didn't turn up though mate did you no well you I mean you left me there for half an hour waiting and you didn't show up and your excuse was I went to Costa so there you go chat the truth's out but in all seriousness the man I I would legit just leave that for as long as possible see if we can make it stick no we got along very well and I think that's it's kind of you need to really the amount of stuff going on and there is quite a lot of stressful stuff going on at times as well yeah I think if we didn't like each other it would it would show very quickly it would um but no I think the the the best thing with me and Andy is when we first said right we're going to do this full time we both kind of had a bit of a chat and just said look right we're going to be in the office I mean we kind of we'd worked together in an office together already anyway in the previous job but we just look if there's anything I'm doing that you don't like or if there's anything you doing that I don't like just say it up front say mate can you sort this or can you do that or can you change this and it it's a difficult conversation to have sometimes but I think if you don't discuss stuff like that it gets that's when you have problems in it y fine architect said went go not Tim Orton but if I start go Tim Orton again I think Martin would have I think that would be one of those times where I pull into one side there be an intervention we sat in the room like listen we need to talk this habit of yours is going too far but yeah no is is good and and I think it n like say you you are working with makes at the end of the day and a lot of you guys know in the chat as well you I wasn't very well at the beginning this year and I I was not taking a lot of time off but I wasn't really like doing the hours that I should have been cuz I was kind of dealing with a lot of stuff and not once did Andy like make an issue about it or get in touch or anything like that which which is kind of that's a big thing for me as well is obviously cuz we're mates outside of it it's it works well do it yeah I think I think it's just one of them things where as long as you just up front with each other there wouldn't be an issue anyway but yeah you do have to like each other in the first place I think but on the flip side it can be hard working with mates because it can cause awkward yeah dissonance you know you can find like you know maybe one of the friends might go a bit too far and yeah take the mick a bit you just got to be careful cuz they do say you know don't don't work don't do business don't get what it made some business uh mixed up yeah so sometimes you just got to get lucky I mean I think there's just got to be that like common respect between each other I think in the first place like regardless of makes you you got to just respect each other you know what I mean and like you say just not not take the Mi really it's like um good example Matt Smith he just he takes a mick all the time honestly nine times what where's this where the Sunday show then three trips to Gregs he made I know during the and not once did he bring me a sausage roll back or a vanilla slice nothing no but with with with Matt he uh he just does he just gets on with it doesn't he doesn't there's no there's no woman in Ain and yeah yeah don't mix friends with business I think I think I mean we we've had firsthand experience of that not between me and Andy um I'm not going to go into it but we have had firsthand experience of that but I think negative experience negative yeah but I don't know with me and Andy it's kind of I think me and Andy were working together before we were friends I don't know if that makes any difference or not yeah I don't know but we met at our previous job guys for those who don't know we were we were working together in a previous job and I suppose with someone like Matt Smith or Fe or whatever they were like putting the grafting before we were like you know yeah cuz Matt was like even before he was a mod he was a VIP I went through my twitch Channel and one of the earliest Clips I found of airliners live right had Matt Smith's name in this chat and I was like Wow Matt's been watching for that long and obviously John was there before we started and like you say I think the people who apart from one who was here before we got big yeah they kind of that's different because they've not kind of jumped on because the Channel's big and you know what I mean yeah that's I don't know how to explain it but you do open yourself up to when when you got some level of success people you know try to to to get what they can from you m it's the same with anything any Walk of Life you know if you're at your lowest and maybe no one wants to talk to you but maybe them really good friends are sticking around then you start doing well for yourself you start seeing you know friends again or you start you know making some money from job or whatever and doing well then some people might come out of the woodwork and they're the ones who you go oh I'm on yeah and uh it's the same what was your previous job or career path yeah I think Martin already just mentioned it earlier um events basically events uh production production yeah technical side of of events it's like all AV lighting sound yeah L big LED walls staging I've never I've never had like what you'd call like an office job you know not me neither no I've always you know what because I've always had like physical jobs where you have to do things and I've always like in the back of my mind kind of envied people with office jobs like oh you guys get to sit in a nice warm room that be boring bombs exactly but then you kind of now that you've not that we have an office job but you know to to to sit in an office doesn't sound easy all of a sudden no I don't think I could I don't think I could do it mate I really don't I think no I think for me especially like getting out doing things like we spend a lot of time in the office but we also spend a lot of time out we're here at the airport today and yeah it's quite varied I think what we do isn't it so yeah um and then like you say previously we were like building stages putting stuff together quoting clients meeting clients getting ideas down 3D modeling stages showing it to the clients doing all like fun stuff um yeah I think I think like you say I think if I ever had to I don't know like what an example of an office job is really but I just don't think I'd be able to do it yeah like office cubicle that comes to mind to me but these days a lot of people do that just work from home or do a bit of flexible work you know some some days from I I personally couldn't do that no um and and for me like one of the reasons why I used not like doing physical jobs was CU I've always had like questionable Health you know like energy levels been low and the last year with airliners live being a bit flexible and stuff I've been able to focus on that and now these days I have too much energy I couldn't just sit down and be on a desk all day I kind of struggle to sit down for too long but some people really suit it you know so it swings them around about does anyone in the chat have like what you'd call an office job there are jobs I wish I could have tried you know like I know it sounds really boring but it would have been nice to try like an IT job or something like yeah I think if I was if I was doing a um uh office job it' have to be some sort sort of support role i' think yeah where you're like you're the man you're jumping on people's PCS remotely fixing things doing things something like that I I couldn't do like I don't know like accounts or data entry style I think I would really struggle with that but there's a lot of people who are really good at that as well yeah I remember when I worked in U that big firm in Liverpool and they had like a head office you know and my favorite area was like the marketing team cuz they were there like they always had different things open I always used to laugh cuz their job was to sit on Facebook all day it kind kind of was like they always like you know in in a regular office job if you had Facebook open you'd probably get moaned up for it but they just sat there and you could tell they were just doing a bit of Doling they were kind of just looking at memes and stuff whether that was work or not I don't know but um but then You' go to like the the the more central part of the head office where it's like the big Executives and and the main financy kind of people and that's where they're just staring at spreadsheets all day they're staring at forms on hmrc and it's ah like I know there's a certain kind of kind of person who can do that and fair play like hats off to you but I couldn't I hate dealing with like you know forms tax forms and making sure regulations and and my my hair doesn't work that way M Robin says uh mine was with the m mod so I'm not allowed to tell you James Bond in the chat wow oh I remember once I I met a family friend um a friend of a friend should we say who was a um a Warfare officer for the Davy and he was the guy who like decided whether or not to fire a missile from the ship and stuff he was really he was like the guy like it was just he could declare war on a nation AC you know that guy he had the codes for the the submarines you know whatevers and um he was very humble but one of the things he did say was even his family is not allowed to know what he's up to you know like he's not being in a navy and night he's always sailing around different countries different territories and stuff but he's never allowed to tell anyone not even his family and if he sends a postcard home that has an automatic delay cuz he doesn't have any internet access to to social media and stuff not allowed to um that have like a delay on the post that will mean that if he says I'm in you know the the Red Sea or something by the time it reaches home he's already four territories beyond that but that is something that you know it was also came across quite a wealthy guy as well big big Rolex on and you know you could tell he probably got paid a fair bit for that Captain Mark I just seen this m just saying uh have I been in his joke book cuz I seen uh that Neo the Scandinavian Neo it was a sick looking plane we just had a very good email nice poies uh I know Captain Captain Mar Captain Matt Captain Matt has been uh um Mr mam Smith has been letting us know that there's a Turkish special coming in as well H wow that's cool Sam says I work in a tech department at a wildlife TV production company so it's 100 so it's 100% office based living the dream how is that office based let us know in the chat magic that's cool though like so I guess you're just working with camera gear remote broadcast and stuff like that and another thing about being 100% working for him we were talking about this about your your mom's location wer we like saying you have the opportunity to just move out into the sticks as well and work for and stuff where that is that is a that is a bonus cuz me and Jen we've said it before we absolutely love Angley right and if we could we' we'd live in Angley when we're older if we weren't so connected to Manchester you know with work and jens's work and stuff like that right obviously family in Manchester and things but like you say I think if you're 100% office base uh sorry working from home you can just look into uh different areas just move out into the middle of nowhere right there was a guy who was a neighbor of of uh someone who worked in the shop that I I worked in and um he had like a VPN company that he owned and he was so rich this guy he had like two Teslas and he had a house in Florida as well like a holiday home m and they just go spend months out there and continue to work and stuff this T2 thing is having a massive effect on the traffic isn't it it's definitely T2 that's stopped and it like I've not seen a single Terminal 2 departure for a while yeah we'll give this a bit longer guys if it doesn't pick up we may wrap a bit early today and giving another goal on Sunday I think CU we've got sort of that's the first plane I've seen in yeah 20 minutes yeah funny is it like cuz was funny yes yesterday sorry not yesterday well yesterday we were told about the weather cuz it looked quite nice at Manchester M wow why can't that happen when we're here now today the weather's not too bad and there's no planes I know but there is the king of the Skies which does look quite promising amazing that's like 20 minutes away to be fair looking at it now it's not that far too bad yeah I wouldn't say that looks A Million Miles Away I'm just going to beby for a moment no worries Matt saying the transavia 73 is 5 minutes out I love that plane you know but yeah it's been a nice show though folks and and I'm surprisingly High number of viewers as well so um if you are in the chat feel free to get chatting meliss are asking what are them emotes I I like the uh the O emote the the mar Martin o but uh I think the spray one could do a with a bit of work I think Martin admitted that as well um yeah something that we'll uh maybe look into this looks like the transavia it's definitely a 737 really nice to see the Qatar Airways a350 though that was it's funny how that's kind of introduced itself here at Manchester as the Virgin a350s departed that's a nice little uh coincidence subsidized one Airbus super airliner for another yeah this is the transavia Retro kind of cool cheers Robin yeah I've enjoyed the chat today too it's actually nice just to talk you know and I like it when you guys like have an input as well you guys kind of shape the conversation me and Martin can just talk to it for days about anything really things are moving again at T2 according to com saying M nice you might end up just being a massive Rush of planes [Music] [Applause] now oh nice loopy say we're almost at 1,000 likes cheers Loops hit the like button if you haven't already let's hit a th [Applause] I really ni yeah I think ett Flight 19 comes in quite late in the evening these days and uh it's it's pretty dark by then I know as anyone ever watched Mark Aviation streams when he's live at night time I guys lunatic goes live at like 4: or 5 in the evening and it stays late into the night but I think it's things you've got to do really when you've got a job and you've got oh ping bong Terminal 2 is now open everybody start boarding the planes um I think when you know you are working your job and you know you've got a family and all that you've you've you've really got to just take what you can and stream whenever you can if you do want to make it into a career or this is your hobby yeah allegedly there was a fire alarm at T2 which uh has resulted in pretty big disruptions um passengers being evacuated from the building it seems I think he's on again this evening is he really what a lunatic what a guy is that Turkish airlin special livery oh I've seen this one before that's kind of cool something [Music] different Turkish air Euro league me and Marth were going to come down to the airport yesterday do some filming cuz that Saia retro was finally in on a day that we could film it and the lighting was nice and it was coming in at a time that was similar to the A380 and the Qatar and the Q8 ret U Neo going out and uh we had a lot to do as well yesterday but you know I said let's drop it all cuz this Saudia it had a special sticker on it as well and guess what folks it diverted I think to like munic or something so it wasn't until a lot later maybe even the hours of Darkness nothing's ever straightforward is it yeah what do you think about this folks this special Livery is it a yay or a n something different something different ma will be on at 6:00 p.m. so he starts at 6 wow yeah go subscribe to ma Aviation he's another Manchester based live Aviation Channel and I wish him all the best I think he's aspiring to make a career out of uh live streaming here at Manchester by all means it's not easy you know I wish it was and uh it's definitely doable though but it's not impossible so he's doing his [Music] best two yay coming in the chat already it's quite nice isn't it [Music] yeah I like the gray it's cool who's up front got three in the flight deck classic engines as well sounding really nice Brian brussell saying um looks too fussy for me it's a bit cluttered I think would be a word you could describe it with has Turkish got issues with the NEOS I'm not sure Nigel I've not heard anything like that but they used to just send like almost exclusively the a321 uh NEOS to Manchester which is cool because they used the proud Whitney 1100 G engines really Tony thing about aric though he's he's obviously not a native English speaker right and to be fair I'm Not N I am a native English speaker but even my speech is uh cannot be great sometimes always try to present in the best way possible in a way that even those who don't speak English natively can understand but so maybe the accent doesn't help yeah the wind is really picking up folks I don't know how audible that is on the uh the old microphones but we are getting a fair bit of wind coming in [Music] now I do appreciate you guys tuning in today and remember folks um there are a lot of costs involved with live streaming these airport shows so um do feel free to send in a little tip um even just have a couple of pounds uh goes a long way here on the channel as Martin said earlier we are probably going to be looking into repairing one of our cameras uh luckily we had a backup to to resort to so this is the the newer one that we're using now um but they do go through a lot so a bit of TLC probably required on that front but all these cots add up as well as the the uh the running costs of of the Stream So Network and other equipment and batteries server cost for uh the bonding and the multi streaming of course etc etc you can see there they got the cargo ramp still attached uh I think the the main um cargo at the rear is closed but seems to be one open at the front you can just about see in front of the wing there sorry about that it's all right the cargo ramp still attached at the rear where which is what they use to load and offload passengers baggage right now just touching down from Valencia and Tracy thank you very much gifting an airliners Live membership to the community cheers Tracy oh thank you 104 bullet hello welcome in on Twitch do you ever listen to the tower frequency uh we're not allowed to in the UK mate I'm afraid we're not allowed to broadcast that but I do listen to it when I'm down here uh just taking pictures and stuff yet welcome into the channel [Music] look that reminds me actually because that is a pretty archaic law and you know there's police here at the RVP now and there's been times where you know you could stand there with a scanner listen to the ATC frequencies and stuff and they won't they definitely won't challenge you want I've had police ask if they can have a listen how it a military base want and a police my SC out and I just saw well they've seen it now you know what I mean he said oh he that the pilot do you mind turnning it up so I mean that may just be that one police officer but well going back to that Max fos guy he has another video about breaking laws in front police officers um and one of them is you're not allowed to handle a cow while drunken um so uh and or handle a horse um so he got a cow and he was just walking around London with a cow while he was drunk at like uh 10:00 a.m. but he did it at 10:00 a.m. because also there's another law that says you're not allowed to handle cattle in a town center after 10:00 a.m. and it got to 10:02 and police were going past and nothing nothing was said there's a lot of silly laws in the UK though Tom and an thank you very much guys just gifted an airliners Live membership thanks very much guys I think is it defacing the queen or the king as uh illegal so drawing on a bank note all right on uh I know you're not allowed to like destroy a coin are you no um as long as you can't broadcast on the frequency you're fine these days yeah Tony that's fine mate but can you imagine the backlash if I put ATC on this stream there would be a certain uh bunch of people who would be very quick to to uh dial a few numbers yeah yes although like like I said like there are people who do it they're fine uh I I know for a fact that in reality we probably would be fine broadcasting it I I I there are police here I reckon if I go over to them and ask them they probably would be like well I mean seems all right it's an old archaic law certainly is Brian Clark thank you very much uh from Brian and Linda in centry sending in A5 donation to The Stream thank you very much guys a thank you thanks for supporting the channel today appreciate it believe it or not you're not allowed to be drunk in a p what it's just drunk disorderly isn't it I think that's uh but isn't that the place to get drunk [Music] um what's another one we're not far away from a th000 likes if you've not hit that like button yet would really appreciate it thank you I think there's another one which is like you can't beat a uh a rug outside in the evening or something like that just really random just really really random um another one is you're not allowed to handle a plank of wood on the street unless you're deliberately loading or offloading it somewhere mhm so you can't just stroll around with a big plank of wood yeah oh yeah I know I know Tony I'm just saying it something we really wish we could do but it's just not worth yeah it's just not worth the uh you wouldn't issues you wouldn't it's it's it's illegal but you wouldn't get a police officer coming up and handcuffing you if you broadcast at ATC but in the UK we are subject to um ofcom regulations which do adhere to a lot of leak so if you broke a LW on live TV it would be ofcom who would um get in touch with you they a government body yeah um and they would have our contact details and they would approach us to just go o o you can't can't be doing that and you know they have issued fines um there there's quite a few stories going around where they've issued fines to people because they've they've um promoted a product and not followed ofcom regulations to disclose the that that properly you know like the the fact that getting paid to to do that that's it Tom and an just gifted another airliners Live membership thank you very much Tom and an cheers thanks guys and Roy what a legend sending in a €1 donation wow saying a small donation we certainly wouldn't call it a small donation mate uh to the airliners live piggy bank cheers Lads thank you Roy we'll probably put that towards fixing or replacing this uh very foggy camera now it's uh it's not having a it's not having a fun time still doing it is it uh well it's it's yeah look it's cleared off the front bit but still down on the bottom it looks like when you you got an airplane and you're going like really high up and it cuz it's so cold outside the window is kind of freeze up a bit kind of looks like that g raw one of the I think this is Manchester based um fenom 600s coming in from Geneva abolutely nothing one of our regular visitors here at Manchester from Geneva today or is it just a similar we've definitely seen that quite a few times now haven't we yeah just brand new from 2023 January wow yeah she might be based here a uh nice yeah really pretty play is that another bis jet on Final Approach as well uh Zenith Aviation y INF from far this L 45 and Terry Edwards thank you very much for the 2 donation a fixed lens yeah they will uh be able to service it yeah just how they get inside it isn't it yeah was like with Henry remember when Henry had a the lens fault on his but the thing is though it's like where's the where's the Gap in the lens anyway you know what I mean yeah cuz surely if they just clear it it's going to happen again yeah cheers again Roy thank you for that mate [Music] Legend yeah it's getting a lot busier here at Manchester now maybe T2 has uh now finished the the whole uh procedure of uh responding to that fire alarm hey John welcome in thanks for tuning in today this is a Hey listen don't you be starting on Sony you guys in the chat have none of that this camera has been out twice a week every week for 3 years in the rain and only now is it starting to show signs of uh its age it's been through a lot like you show me any other camera that's had this amount of bombardment that still works yeah we got video evidence of all that and John return in for uh 4 months of business class membership so enjoying the stream thank you jents cheers John airliners live ATC in the chat saying ground has gone mental yeah can imagine everything's shifting now is it yeah good big I know Tony just throwing the little fishing rod out there I jump straight on the end of his hook in there I'm having you [Music] very nice landing from the ryion a Max 8200 it's a bridge Duncan so we can't get access it's it's it's uh it's moisture inside the glass of the lens mate that's the problem yeah it's uh so we can't get to it and we've tried heating it up we've tried cooling it down it just won't clear can't get rid of it to be fair like they repair they were able to repair Henry's when that the lens seized up on that yeah all that time hope they can just put a new lens NE in it or something but yeah again it's at that point is it worth the money it's going to cost yeah that's a thing mate let's see think a call to Mr son is in order what's next got a aircraft on Final Approach oh is that a retro it'sing retro yeah today yes yeah I think appreciate your uh support to the channel mate [Music] thanks all eyes to the skies for this the airings Retro scheme I think we're going to have a bit of a rush on here mate now it's going to get busy everything's shifting about the wind is really picking up as [Music] well wow what is this wind it's picked up a lot [Music] oh [Music] you got to watch out putting um Electronics in bowls of rice cuz the dust um the dust gets all inside what one said about the camera yeah very good Landing from the a Lingus retro A320 what a beautiful plane studing one of my favorite retro liveries this one of them it's up there yeah Mel it does honestly rice dust with an andy4 Sur be better using that is it silica gel that is designed for but again it's like where do you put it CU it's it's lock inside the lens it's not going to help us is it [Music] no bizjet on the departure oh is did that bring in some Engineers yeah I think so wow we'll catch that shortly not a bad way to get to work is it wow M what that is so strange so katar always had a small fault with the airer and sent Engineers on a bizjet to fix it that's pretty class that is it why Wow suppose they own the bis jet so might as well use it someone should use it that's the bjet there in the shop listen Mel what no cheekiness in the chat please as someone who used to repair electronics that got wet I can assure you that leaving them in rice does not do anything what does it is get it open and uh and drying it out drying it out yeah like the circuit boards individually um but surprisingly like a lot of people think that water's terrible water usually isn't that bad it's the residue that is left after so the worst things like the worst are you know your sugary drinks and stuff especially the acidic ones like yeah Coke Coca-Cola yeah which we do thr with a lot didn't we cuz yeah so coke especially will actually um rot a circuit board and it will attack like all the solder joints and stuff uhhuh and it just um it just destroys it yeah a lot of the surface mount components used to just rust completely and it's like the old trick where people say you know if you leave like a coin in a glass of Coca-Cola or something like that it will erode similar to that it's actually the erosion of like the sugar and all that so believe it or not if you you spill a glass of like pure water which you don't really get these days spring water or something like that if you switch the unit off and completely dry it out it'll be absolutely fine isn't it I think the damage comes with water is when people try turning it on again when it's still wet and then it short circuits that's where the damage comes it's not actually the water that that damages it although uh one time I did customer come in and for anyone who's into DJing I'll tell you the models for anyone who's not into DJing they are the topof the line models worth about £10,000 in total he Pioneer Equipment was it he had two Pioneer CDJ 2000 Nexus yeah wow and a djm 900 Nexus yeah and two rocket 8 in speakers oh wow and he come in and I cannot believe it mate one at a time he was bringing these into the desk he's like mate can you help me with these his two speakers had the cones caved in on them a his cdjs had been smashed in on the on the um on the uh jog Wheels yeah the screens were smashed and the mixer faders were all caved in yeah and I said how have you done that he said my Ms thought I was cheating on her and she took a hammer to all my DJ gear oh no I said oh mate I said obviously I'm not going to comment on that but she's done a bit of damage there and um I'm not joking chat about 3 days later he fed me up and he said so you know all I I give him a quote obviously it was really expensive cuz a lot of like circuitry and components and uh motherboards and stuff needed replacing inside and it was coming out a lot he said mate I've got insurance do you think I could say that they fell off my desk I said mate have you seen how much damage is on this you do not get that for me they just landed on a hammer and just smashed just landed on a hammer and then went back up and then landed on it again and I said no mate I said we try and help people out here and there I said but you will not that that is not possible it's a stretch though that's that's a bit of a stretch you [Music] know they were expensive them them cdjs like the 2000s oh God they were about how much would they each couple of grand each yeah it was ridiculous mixers were like three or four gone wer they brand new a lot of money spare parts were a lot of money as well uh Duncan Shephard did uh sorry Duncan I missed you first message Mate let me have a look I know a lot of phones these days are waterproof but you have to be careful though folks cuz over time your phone like the you know the joins of things and cracks may form over time that you can't really see and that can actually ruin the waterproofing so never be too confident confident with the waterproofing uh Duncan can you put the name of the uh the company in again mate I can't see uh I can't see it in my chat is is the katari look at that looks very pretty REM of the Amiri flies wow that's very very nice the wings yeah that's a Cool J yeah take the um kariri flight uh colors Mark says just moveed to nickon guys Hey listen Mark you're lucky that's not a brand word in this show Jing no we we're very much um very much committed to Sony here on airliners live we're big advocates for Sony equipment and uh everything we use is is Sony so I think we're going to repair or replace I think is is the option here for us mate yeah luckily we have a spare though and Matt's got his as well so it's not yeah it's not going to stop the shows it's just stopping us doing what we wanted to do on the streams bit Twitchy on the rhion a there but lots of control taking her inou down on two three right the wind has really picked up folks it was at the start of the show The Wind socks were just compl completely uh not moving now as you can see look at the difference weird is isn't it can you get that uh clamp thing as well out of the the top of the bag yeah just to stop this from uh wiggling around there you go hang on just uh got my hands full yeah practically G yeah I've been enjoying it mate I got that table tennis game you said to get and Jen's been buzzing off beat saber yeah been playing that loads beat saber is a quality game in it she's doing it on like mode now is she wow she's she's doing it as well it's like proper cardio as well yeah yeah that's a quality game Sun by folks are just a little bit preoccupied follow the r there and follow the r there ball [Music] Bey says we're getting a new kitten on Saturday a wow that's going to be great Jen showed me a picture when I got up this morning it came up on our Facebook memories of when we got the boys three years ago when they were little kittens you're going to love that that's going to be awesome yeah that sounds great hope you enjoy under the picture yeah I I love cats I would have all the cats if I could but uh but uh the universe is uh can be cruel at times I'm allergic badly allergic to cats as well can't even be in the same room for more than an hour I'd say before it gets starts getting bad so what one of uh Dakota's God Parents she's got a cat that needs a new home a little black cat and it's ah it's painful I'm like no I want I want it yeah H practically but my room's not big enough I don't think for it mate yeah that's going to be really cool though got a little baby cat yeah it's mad to see like how small our cats was and now you look at Harry and he's a proper chunk yeah hey Rick welcome in mate thanks for tuning in hello apologies for jumping off the camera for a sec there folks I was just securing some things with the wind picking up a lot got pretty Gusty for a moment then yeah playing spot Mike we have considered doing another Liverpool stream it's mainly with Liverpool though it's nice to have something going on there that is out of the ordinary yeah as the regular traffic levels are not not high enough really to do a full show yeah but we do love it there though the team is awesome yeah yeah it's great great great airport I'd love to fly out of there again someday soon as [Applause] well try now vacating from Brussels and down the end we got the Virg atlan k330 out to Atlanta nice the Scandinavian slipping in front of there Neo heading to Osa what time will you be live till um the stream still live uh well it's transmitting at 12K just oh there it is wonder if it's uh region I'm not sure I just start it for me I've got I'm actually I'm actually playing the stream up here I'm watching it YouTube isn't receiving enough video interesting why we're giving it in off video Virgin Atlantic 8 330 now starting her takeoff roll it is it is back on now it seems pretty regular just had the little spinny wheel thing for me for a moment then maybe some people in the chat had the same here we go off to Atlanta version a33 300 series [Music] [Music] go wow that's cool yes got a recording of that too look at them wing tips many ribbons wo if you've enjoyed the stream today you'd like to support the channel the best way to do that is by gifting memberships and you can do that by clicking the dollar symbol then clicking gifted memberships it gives someone in the chat A month's free trial of all the VIP perks here on our is live and it helps support the channel at the same time as well we've had eight new members on today's stream so thanks to those who've supported the channel today hope you've all enjoyed uh the broadcast so far loving it it's really picking up now at Manchester Airport as well did get a little bit quiet with the issues over at T2 but yeah King of the sky probably not far away only the front Jack Bridge still connected but it looks like all the all the Personnel are getting ready for the king of the guys to start pushing back there's them two BLS uh on the right hand side there from earlier just doing a bit of checking a van has arrived on site changing the tires are we and um they will just probably be loading the last few passengers on board now King of the sky is running a little bit late so far you can see all the kind of all the Distortion from the the engine uh in the tail there the Apu cast onto the terminal buildings that's the uh the heat from the [Applause] [Music] exhaust [Music] [Applause] there goes the Austrian a 320 heading off back home to Vienna thebody recently started sending them quite consistently used to send the embas a lot the 190s hey scappy hope you're doing well mate hello oh that's nice beasty yeah I think this black cat was called Oro was it yeah it's cute there was uh I can't remember if I spoke about it on stream but um some friend of ours has a uh a Quaker parakeet a little green bird and it talks and stuff and it it's so cute me and Sam walk out of the house every time like I wonder how much they are and uh cuz it like sits on your shoulder and it talks and it like purs when you stroke it well I saw a video on YouTube of a guy who had a parakeet yeah and it had picked up from a film how to scream let me out help let me out and it was doing that and the neighbor rang the police thinking the guy had somebody trapped in the who trapped the police just and he said oh let me just show you who it is and he just comes out with his bird and uh it just screams this they all laughing can you imagine that in the middle of the night yeah that would be wild cuz I don't think you can have can you have like any control of what words it learns I guess it can only it just picks up what it is doesn't it yeah I have it's just trying to mimic you is it I guess yeah I don't know I'd love to know that that just be me wearing all the time at Counter Strike yeah or watches the stream it's not going bing bong bing [Music] bong yeah they are very cute though I'd love one how long did they live long like oh my gosh like longer the dogs or cats like I'm sure I'm just going to quickly Google pars and stuff that outlive you if you buy a certain parrot I think it lives longer than you uh yeah let's have a look um different VAR yeah different ages for different ones but some of them 40 to 60 years they can live wow yeah Richard we've got parakeet near us mate in Eckles big green ones and they just fly around what yeah outside mate there's tons of them just flying around parakeets what green ones I don't know what's happened but there's loads of them around me what the heck yeah you get to in lanzerotti like when you sat in the cafes on the the Waterfront you'll see them in the trees and that so cute makes some nice noises how come that runway inspections turned around there where about oh the right what you seen there the A380 I think that's going to push back shortly maybe Wildlife maybe a parakeet hey I'm a VIP let me out pigeons sprayed green no they're not they've gone off oh really bster yeah you got watch out for that a you yeah that's it beasty yeah you got to have someone take it over yeah that's it MK uh M there isn't a there's loads of them around me they're dead hard to take a photo of though cuz I've gone out with my camera a few times and I uh they're dead elusive right yeah but then you just um you can just be out and they'll just like eight or nine of them will just fly over squawking at you I've never seen a wild parakeet there was um when I was at Barton the other day talking to Sam there was a a heron landed on the the Airfield what Richard is that true what's up I'm not sure about that he said apparently they filmed a tazan movie in Manchester and they use real birds which will let loose they survived and thrived wow mate that sounds like a that sounds like a debate to me well did you know you know parakeet yeah I'm pretty sure I don't know if all breeds but a lot of them are banned in a lot of US states and I think it's for that reason is they're quite dangerous to the local oh cuz they they can just live anywhere maybe yeah I mean Eckles isn't really Paradise is it yeah what they live in like tropical conditions not not not echles like palm trees stuff we go to Morrison's and get some get some meal deals he we're like the plain live streaming version of parakeet in Eckles cuz you got Peter and Josh in LA and surv in in Manchester yeah they could just be dangerous to like the local Wildlife you know cuz they they kind of disrupt the food chain and all you're not really meant to be just like handle liit in weird places no way if that's true Richard that's that's crazy lots of them in Heaton Park as well my dad's oh your dad's lost his dad's lost his membership whoa what's going on gam langin he's not been gifted at membership managed to dodge A Gifted membership for how many months give it a week yeah weak he'll pick one William tuning in from Florida hey welcome and the Logan there just uh departing back out to in vaness yeah super high up already try to follow it as long as possible the king of the sky is not moving yet I maybe I spoke to soon when I said it was uh looking promising it's now racking up to almost half an hour late Amy said there was a video of one that was doing noises from Battlefield cuz the guy just kept gaming all the time that's sick so he's just just doing machine gun noises enemy UAV onl me and Sam play a lot of Apex so I wonder if you just get like he's cracked yeah on me parakeet's being transferred I believe in the 50s and escaped into the wild oh so they just live here now yeah that's weird he next time you're at mine we'll go out on the hunt I'll try and find you one how have I never seen one just they're bright green as well yeah I said I seen them in in lanzerotti just we would just sat there in a cafe and they would just all over the place they've got a really distinct uh noise as well yeah I know I've heard that Virgin Atlantic taxi now yeah we'll keep an eye out for that red villain thanks very much thank you cool I learn something new every day front left side airbridge is still connected on the 380 yeah yeah but I mean doesn't that look like it's almost ready to go I mean everything else is set it does to me yeah we we've we've been at this stage and they've been still loading bags and stuff so Virgin Atlantic that purple text looking very purple in this lighting A330 300 series diamond girl on the name really Jill next door NE was parrot used to answer the phone in the owner's voice wow that was nuts isn't it is that um I was watching that David Asen and he had there was a bird there that mimicked all the sounds of the rainforest it heard yeah they did like chainsaws and stuffs a lot crazy yeah and then camera shutters camera shutters remember that yeah I've seen that one it's like a dark quite dark color yeah that was cool chaina all the natural sounds of the rainforest like chainsaw it just says a lot that doesn't it it does says a lot about humans Sean returning for half a year of support to the channel thank you very much Sean welcome back mate business class member you guys are awesome love the stream and the community thanks very much oh nice One S yeah good day to be in Angley today though are they also called buies I don't know like they're all there's a lot of different breeds and stuff like I know my n used to have bugies I think my dad's Grandma used to have bugies H I don't know why I remember that there you go bunch of you want to see me bugies yeah a couple play in the front room I think I was really young I think now then he probably tell me I'm talking rubish just like how you used to cook all the time did you ever settle that would you I didn't speak to him about that actually avoided the topic word uh cheers John yeah just seen that 1345 roughly on the 380 according to inside sources well there you go no budgies a difference parakeet see I mean chat come to aliners live you get to enjoy the planes and we've learned everything we need to know about budgies and parakeet today yes so you show me another live Aviation channel that brings you this much variation you learn something new every day and today I learned that the camera is broken and and about parakeets that they live in echol that's like one of their now natural habitats start charging 10 quid to get into have a look who needs lzos I'll be like one of them guided walking Sor right this way folks I know where they all are this on way that green bird there there it is there go there go I'll be 10 quid please me yeah don't forget my commission you when's your uh was it Morton hillmer style Garden Trail C wow no way so my dad said yeah she used to have them it used to fly down and eat your mashed potato off your plate oh no and your granddad also had them and breed them apparently wow didn't know that that's cool you used to eat your mash potato is it a bird is it a plane yeah it's all it's all it's all linked exactly we've said it before I know there's even been messages on this stream talk about the planes please listen even we'd get bored if we were just talking about planes 24/7 that's why uh I love the way we do the channel it's having a just having a chat really and it's somehow naturally progressed onto parakeet but that's that's why it's fun and every stream's different cuz you never know where we're going to end up but saying has anyone seen the guy walk in his ostrich it's a emu what what refence it's a Fu you seen that video I think it rings a Val you know goes what what's her name he goes it's a he all right it's called Walt yeah that's a funny video though parakeet live honestly we could you could set up a trail in your in your GFF yeah I've seen quite a few different things at at my house woodpeckers they come quite regularly oh yeah there's an owl owl there's a owl owl um I've not seen it yet but you hear it all the time like every couple of nights it's howling and um it flew over Jen once when she was looking for it but I missed it ah but um yeah I'm not quite sure what owl it is but it's um it's out a lot we get a lot of L honk spellers like fly over you'll be sat on the L and all you hear out and we've got hedgehogs as well fast them aren't they yeah blue things going mute you in a minute [Applause] there goes diamond girl the A330 is that EasyJet tax out is that lima charlie is that the one that was let me check if this is off to no this one's out to Istanbul okay uh and one's to marash the sh Shake isn't isn't out yeah but the um was it Muhammad in the chat said that um it's out a quar or two I think so we should see it mate I think yeah oh hello whose phone was that maybe it was a parakeet yeah King of the Skies Captain Mark put in the chat that this has got a slot in 5 minutes time of course um slots they can uh depart a little bit earlier if uh that slot comes forwards we've seen that pretty uh remarkably on the atlas 747 when that came in a couple of months ago I think it was in August or July and the RVP was going to close when it was uh estimated toart it was like half eight or something and the slot slowly crept forward yeah and uh it departed at like pretty much like half seven in the end which went really late and it was the nicest lighting you could ever ask for late Summers evening that means said she's only had three hours sleep oh going to struggle tonight at work best luck you can do it Amy yeah I I suffered with insomnia for many years and things I would do was I I couldn't do it these days you know like few hours sleep and then a massive day ahead but you'll be surprised what your body's capable of especially when it's caffeine involved yeah don't get many owls around me me me dad used to like take us on like evening drives on like owl hunts you used to drive around and try and find them I've done that a few times while I've been on holiday in The Lakes cuz I I um I like doing Wildlife photography I think you've seen a bit of my stuff and I put it on Instagram and that yeah um but I really want to get a picture of an owl like in the wild and I've never seen one and Jen laughs because I say come on let's go out there's got to be an owl around here that field there's definitely going to be an owl in there later driving out I've still never seen one in the wild you want to see like a proper white barn owl somewhere or just any of them really I'm just I just want to see one there's that traditional picture isn't it on sitting on like a fence post looking at you something like that or flying yeah but I've just never seen never seen him in the while Ry M you got a lot of bats over night as well see the low Cloud base there in the background with the the top of the Moors cut off the Rolling Hills just peeking into the clouds easy J A320 rolling down two three right [Music] see Luffy's latest nightbot edition no I'll let you ever read that one okay so have a look at the king of the Skies take a look at that front Jet Bridge folks it's still connected the easy jet to Sharm is pushing now so uh we'll grab that that sounds like something Captain Mark would say that yeah know the radi gets it I tell you what bird while we're on the topic of birds when I went down to my sister's she lives in um reading there's so many red kites there ah so many I've never seen it mate like everywhere you go you can see one just flying circling around they're absolutely huge as well crazy I've never seen so many birds of pray in one place it's if you want to see red kites there's uh there's loads in Reading there you go you learn something new every day Paul Marriot returning for a very long time with the channel uh 31 months crw seat member as well saying hi Mark Andy mods and everyone love the banter thank you very much Paul thanks for the very long-term support of the channel as well Legend I know he WS the merch all the way in Thailand is it Paul yeah still no movement on the king of the Skies looking like one of the later ones today good luck Chris hope it goes well mate thanks for tuning in today try remember my earliest moments from following the channel saying Sam am um maybe when you were live in Amsterdam Andy falling into a ditch I don't remember that I don't remember that or stays in Amsterdam what happens in Amsterdam I can't remember falling there's not many ditches you can fall in in Amsterdam I mean there's there's a big one at holder bar but it's full of water so Amy says I had a red kite on holiday when I was sunburned hey a good one that's a red kites in Yorkshire a lot of red kites in York yeah my dad's saying that yeah they so nice as well really nice Birds cheers Diane I'm glad you enjoyed that yeah we are going to be next year having another episode with Mark at some point on the podcast yeah H him Captain Mark is one of them guys who has so many stories that you could have multiple episodes we have uh three episodes up now of the aviation podcast you can go and check it out on the's live Channel there's a playlist for it I think YouTube even has a t for podcasts these days you can open up the aviation podcast and uh three very very different guests that has been uh hosted in the Al's live studio you can actually see the actual Studio itself changing throughout the episodes yeah yeah it's um it's on the way Muhammad won't be long mate yeah might as well catch that yeah it's got family on board as well hasn't it yeah I'm not sure if you're talking about the one that I drive past Sam on the way to my mom's there's a big um red kite Center and they feed them there and as you drive through that bit for like 20 minutes 50 minutes there's just hundreds of them yeah yeah nice map I I'd love to catch a video clip of this uh aing us retro take it off and welcome in hope you're doing well hello don't forget to hit that like button folks if you're watching on YouTube and if you're watching on Twitch just get involved in the chat it's nice to see some names yeah talking over on Twitch TV thanks Chester Mike putting all the info in the chat as well quite happy that twitch now lets you restream cuz we definitely never did that before they let you do that no absolutely not je Bridge looks like that's retracting nice sa8 will be on the Move very shortly yeah I'm so skeptical about why this is so consistently late cuz why would he keep the je brid attached for so long maybe they just bored it later I mean they probably yeah they probably just take their time with it don't they yeah chalks have been removed as well almost there simultaneously by the folks working underneath the king of the Skies yeah the the winds really really picked up it was so calm when we arrived so so calm but now it's pretty Gusty yeah I'm glad it's stayed dry enough yeah nice change want no problem there she goes climbing out of Manchester Airport the EasyJet A320 got Muhammad's family on board look at that like it kind of looks not very windy and then it kind of picks up of a gust and we're get blown over all of a sudden definitely uh is a weird one today I mean you can hear it on the mic as [Music] well allegedly though tomorrow it's going to get really windy and there's going to be winds from um the Northwest uh gusting like 35 36 six knots which is going to be pretty uh pretty lethal so uh hey Matt if you want to do a show tomorrow I I have plans tomorrow so I can't stream um but yeah King of the Skies ready to push back you can just see the push back truck there at the very front just Just Between the Wheels kind of hard to see as we go uh further into the the winter months as well obvious it's going to get colder and it's going to become more regular that they're going to have to spray this uh with the ice fluid before it takes off and that used to add even more of a delay CU they used to have to wait or they they do have to wait for all the uh holes and whatnot all the uh doors to be closed so that means you can't be loading passengers on or you can't be loading cargo while uh spraying the plane the anti- I think they even they seal up a lot of the the closable hatches as well that you know smaller hatches uh that they'd use they usually seal up when they're ditching the plane as well I'm not 100% sure about that one though unfor unfortunately busy the rest of the week no problem M yeah cuz sometimes here at Manchester can get so windy uh on on a crosswind and stuff that it appears more like a storm and then sometimes you'll get an actual storm like the storm that happened the other week I forget the name now I'm sure someone in the chat will will know that was super windy super windy but it was right down the runway so it just didn't look windy at all it probably looked windier today in terms of the aviation arrivals and stuff and you know sometimes you might have a storm where the wind's really offset and it creates a a lethal crosswind that planes really can struggle with dealing with British Airways A320 [Music] Neo sounds like my car squeaky brakes you know you know what it sounds like a bicycle you know a bicycle squeaky brakes we've all had a bike that sounds like that sounds like she's still breaking you can hear the brakes being used to control the speed of the plane I think with the A320 NEOS they got a lot of power in the engine so even at idle thrust like it is now the speed can increase just idling the plane without control of the brakes that's why with the A320 NEOS you don't hear a lot of throttle control when they're [Music] taxiing I think a lot of the speed controls just go down to the the braking that's used and folks what an end to the show we're having here look at this a Lingus retro headed back out she's going back to her home in Dublin need some WD40 honestly that was surprisingly squeaky for AO though tell you what that wind is cold though King of the sky is pushing finally about 45 minutes late pleas don't oil breaks yeah that doesn't sound like a smart idea does it yeah Amy I I maybe when I was younger I could probably have done a shift work job like you know working in a hospital or something but man as you get older how do people manage to stay really active all night Jen's dad um where shifts his all life is he wow yeah he worked at Kelloggs wow cuz he's like four on three off or something I think maybe we just just you get used to it I guess maybe cuz I wouldn't be like some nights I end up you know working I'm like editing a video or something and it's getting late and it's getting like past midnight and these days by then I'm I'm knackered I can't I can't focus anymore I remember back in the day when I was like 20 you know 19 something like that mhm i' be working like 3:00 a.m. and still be fine like really in the mood and enjoying it I'm watching a live stream on Manchester Airport on Tik Tok all right someone's not stealing this one of they and just putting it on usually the case I need to do a few more tests on Tik Tok cuz our live streams when we used to stream on there used to get huge viewer numbers mhm like one of the last ones I had like I think I peaked at 9,000 concurrent viewers um problem is with Tik Tok you know you're using your phone and stuff and um only Southside makes sense and on South Side the Internet is just appalling so can't do it had lots of cereal for braie [Music] yeah there is lots of passengers to load on the A380 for sure hey Mr Spencer hello how are you he's exing down from Malaga and there we got all sorts moving on the Airfield now yeah is that that Zenith bisj it is already tax easy ja to Sharm gone yet I don't think so yeah I can't see [Applause] it can't say Mark said it was on the push but I hope what does Z know who is he to to know who tolds you that chance sa you going to flip in front of the 380 as well nice catch it's interesting now the cargo door there's green just doesn't match the uh the rest of the pattern things you can't unsee just ruined it for a lot of people uh bus 23 is all Linked In Our Amazon affiliate link mate we'll get the link in the chat for you cheers beasty thanks for supporting the stream earlier on as well thank you very much oh we got the Air Lingus retro now taking off ah Andre got you yeah so they probably down the P aren they [Applause] [Music] just testing the limit of the tripod there with how high she was so quick real steep climb the A320 [Music] there a lot going on on the ground at the moment there's that emirat A380 as we see coming in earlier in the show stick around CU we're going to catch that The Parting the emirat is someone's X yeah I see what you did there yeah no longer an A380 it's an X A380 B up 2023 we've answered your question both verbally and in text in the chat take a breath and have a look mate transavia 737 down near the start we got that Turkish Airlines special as well nice isn't it yeah you're League we haven't seen many of the NEOS lately have we from Turkish so mostly the CEOs sure why also using the Prat Whitney engin so I know they've had a couple of issues with the 1,000 series Pratt Whitney U mainly on the a220s see the Lans are getting blown about there in the background a little bit just having a having a great time King of the sky is going to start a taxi suit anyone else's audio gone anyone else's audio gone no have not had any in critical [Music] CH cheers mini yeah we're keeping warm it is pretty chilly it's really the wind today real chill to it A320 with the shets getting blown around on Final Approach there it's probably the least responsive of the A320 family in terms of the pilots but still a really really good aircraft of [Applause] course quad jet time King of the [Applause] Skies oh wow that that bis jet did not wait around Zenith straight up there yeah he heading out to farra oh nice pretty light that yeah be the farra air show next year I think somewhere I'd really love to attend yeah I would as well I know they currently got the uh the Dubai air show and that's oh it's just just finished hasn't it recently that's looked really awesome maybe if I was ever to visit Dubai it would be for that I couldn't imagine traveling there during that would be cheap though but the farm show like just seeing things like the the trip 7 x and stuff yeah doing the their performance takeoffs and uh getting to see all the bizjet up close I know there's one where they'll often have like an a350 or something um I I've never seen I'd love to see you know the profit Hunter E2 one with the the owl shark on it yeah I think the newer one's got the owl on it they changed it yeah yeah the shark was the uh I forget the name of that one but I think that was an E2 as well wish more Airlines did that like a like a special Livery for one of their aircrafts it's really cool isn't it yeah but yeah I love it I'd love to go I'm just getting up close with some of the planes like you know people are putting pictures up of the Emirates a38 and the triple with the the new scheme on and you can just really appreciate the the detail and stuff when you get to walk next to it and see it up close so yeah we're going to Endeavor to to maybe visit farra air show next year I wonder what the right brothers would say if they saw the king of the Skies crazy isn't it I remember there was a I think it was New York Times could be wrong there saying that no plane will ever be able to get across the Atlantic back in that era it's it's literally impossible now look at Aviation today saying the same about electric cars aren't they and stuff where you know where the rip Rivers where where you could only travel like in the air for a few minutes now it's across the globe well you know electric cars are going through that sort of early stages of limited range and stuff right and makes you wonder where they'll be in many years time very nice looking Euro Wings Airbus coming in and the easy jet for charl Shak is the one that's pushed it's that one visible now I think yeah oh okay so uh be out as well we'll stick around for that Muhammad as well I know you've been waiting for that one and they've been unfortunate with a with an aircraft swap as well I believe that's a long flight as well so it's going to be a long day for them I'm sure they'll maybe be within compensation range maybe riat is a dream for me to attend that would be good Le [Music] think about like air shows and that though you do get a good dose from some of the other air shows though never leaves me like unsatisfied you know go to like uh went to cosford last uh this year it was that was really good see the F35 doing that the hover Mega stuff I'm I'm a big fan of the seeing the shinuk doing its displays cuz that thing can pull some mad maneuvers you know some crazy power in that in them rotors electric cars will never take off well electric planes as well like that's I know hydrogen is like a very big deal and I think that's kind of what Airbus are pledging to go down the route of like 20 35 they'll have like a whole Fleet of hydrogen planes commercial airliners who knows it's all up in the air or or not not yet Janet I didn't know that wasn't the r R's First Flight shorter than the a380s wingspan wow that's mental I can believe that from flash a torch in the window about start actually nice we'll get a nice close zoom in then of the plane are they on the right hand side or the left yeah crazy how agile the uh the shinuk are honestly love seeing them coming into Barton arage room as well real distinct sound on them as well when they're flying in the Walkers full Walker that blade slap sound yeah you can always tell them a mile off can't you yeah there one in the other the other day wasn't it we we heard it before we knew about it and as our Turkish special departs we had the easy jet off to charl shake viewers vip's family on board hope they have a great flight had a great holiday I'm sure the weather will be nice over there in Egypt yeah EUR league is actually basketball ah yeah I I didn't didn't recognize it as like a football thing A8 next to the part and we'll wrap up today's show on the uh EasyJet departure plenty of wave emotes in the chat folks when this departs VIP family on board the uh easy jet hope you've enjoyed today's stream thank you all for tuning in don't forget to hit the like button if you'd like to to support the channel before we finish today hit the dollar symbol then click gifted memberships is the best way to do so or you can send a donation into our Kofi page or a super chat on the YouTube channel twitch grou don't forget to check them twitch primes if you can support the channel that' be great and thank you to everyone who's tuned in today hope you've all enjoyed the Stream [Music] that was a great sound that was awesome wasn't it felt it in your chest I just managed to just sit and watch that one yeah wow absolutely massive those a80s departing yeah and kiss on Twitch thank you very much for the twitch Prime wow we have had a lot of Subs expire on Twitch holy since the last stream thank you very much kiss really appreciate it mate 55 VIPs on there it's over 90 on Sunday have there not been any Apaches at Barton this year no no not yet but they have just added uh that's that's public isn't it I assume so I think so they have just added uh brand new uh fuel at Barton with a special additive that the new uh Apaches require yeah um so uh hopefully hopefully fingers cross we may see some coming in now that that fuel is able to be given to them but obviously it's just down to whether the military come in or not but yeah it'd be lovely to see it Barton doing an incredible job Behind the Scenes catering for the military movements you guys getting to enjoy that the other week as well it was last week wasn't it with the uh three wild carts three Wild Cuts coming in which was incredible that was great yeah yeah they were nice I think one of my favorites is I mean the OS sprays are really cool when they come in um It's tricky to get up close with them and get a stream with them because uh they do come in armed you know the crew yeah we're not really allowed to get involved with that the good thing about Bon is though they do ask for permission before you know we do go ahead and start a stream and a lot of the crew they'll be very very happy to to have the cameras on them and stuff and obviously Barton in general they do get a lot of PL spots and stuff as well yeah on this easy jet they're just after the wing on the right hand side nice where they're sitting so we may see a wave if we if we look it let's try it we'll do our best for for you uh Muhammad yeah I'm glad we could catch it I know it was a a lot later than originally expected it was wasn't it but uh it all works out in the [Music] end now starting the takeoff roll oh off she goes one of the longest flights out of Manchester Airport for EasyJet I think it's only really been it's beaten by the likes of herard and a great way to wrap up today glad we were able to catch that for you mate and uh feel free to uh share that around with your friends and relatives and stuff on board that flight yeah but uh that's going to wrap us up for today folks we've got a few things to fix and a few things to sort out now and uh we will be back with you for Sunday's show uh no Matt cam on Friday this week he did Monday instead this week uh I think he's got his car in for for fixing so uh no show on Friday guys uh keep your ey on a simulate Channel not quite sure on fez's uh schedule uh this week although he didn't mention we may be doing a couple of shows a week at some point uh keep your eye open on our socials we'll be back with you of course on Sunday but thanks to everyone who supported the stream sent in donations become VIPs like the stream and got involved in the chat as well hope you've enjoyed it and uh we'll catch you all on Sunday see you like the way it feels honey the way it looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels Sun it that little R rise rise you blow I hear your secrets I know you play in the way out without your blood on my hands I Tau the demons how to scream your name they always say the best for the business man I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels honey the way it looks looks on me still got the fire when you try to be a fly cuz I like the way it feels Sunday that little r r r your [Music] blood let R your blood I'll use it for [Music] good your blood mus it for good rolling hundreds in the holy water just St back SE driver flying on the cover different faces but there always a shame say they'll make you a star if you'll just sign your name but that man doesn't know that we are bulletproof keep one foot on the sky and the FL on the [Music] RO I'm not doing this to try to make grenade I just like the way it feels hone it the way it looks onone it still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feels on that little r r r your my and R you I'll use it for [Music] go let your blood I us it I'm not doing this to try to make a name I just like the way it feels I know the way it love on me still got the fire when you try to be a FL cuz I like the way it feel SU
Channel: Airliners Live
Views: 30,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manchester airport, manchester airport live, manchester airport plane spotting, manchester airport live stream, manchester airport live cam, manchester airport take off, manchester airport live webcam, manchester airport live a380, manchester airport 2023, live planespotting, planespotting, planespotting live, planespotting lax, planespotting heathrow, heathrow airport live, aviation, manchester airport live today, lax live, lax airport live, live airport, plane, london heathrow
Id: kJxz3eto7cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 52sec (11392 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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