πŸ”§ How to Optimize AMD Radeon Settings For GAMING & Performance The Ultimate GUIDE 2024 *NEW* βœ…

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how's it going everyone it is Pango here and this is the radon control panel ultimate performance increase guide in this video we're going to be covering everything you need to know about the radon control panel the best settings to be utilizing to get the best FPS possible and lowest input latency alongside improving the gameplay experience and unlocking really neat features built inside of the radon control panel by the end of this video you'll be getting the best gameplay experience possible across all games alongside running on a more optimized system the Ron control panel has recently just received a massive update overhauling some of the visual elements and introducing new features whether that's for FPS the lowest latency or a more optimized experience with optimal image quality or a mixture of all three stop paying full price for Windows today and get activated from as little as $16 using hook Keys use the links in the description down below choose from Windows 10 Windows 11 or office keys add to check out use code pan2 at checkout for an additional 25% off your order and to help support the channel pay via a secure payment method including PayPal once purchased your key will be available immediately head over to activate Windows paste the key will then have access to all Windows features and no more Watermark the Windows 10 keys will also allow you to upgrade to Windows 11 use the links in the description down below and a massive thanks to hookies for sponsoring this video so first of all before we do anything it is highly recommended to update your GPU driver before starting the simplest and quickest way to ensure that you're running on the latest radon driver is to right click and open the radon software inside of here go to the top left hand side to home then on the right hand side navigate over to driver and software check for updates if you are looking for the absolute best FPS possible and to fix many performance issues you could be experiencing with your AMD GPU it is highly recommended to do a clean driver installation you can find that video Linked In the description down below you'll also want to make sure that you're running on the latest GPU driver especially for those of you on radon 6000 or 7,000 series gpus as AMD have just launched the AMD fluid motion frames technology to the stable branch of the driver allowing access to all of those users if you're not sure what this is we'll cover it later in the video but it is a massive feature if you are not going with a clean installation and you've decided to just update your GPU driver one thing I would 100% recommend that you do at this point is to perform a Shader C cash reset this removes all of the old shaders which have been built up from tons of old games or current games you're playing this could potentially fix Graphics issues or low performance in certain games which could have outdated textures or just clear out some space on your system to do this navigate inside of the radon software panel go to the gaming tab at the top go to Graphics scroll all the way down to the bottom you may have to select Advanced options scroll all the way to the bottom once again to reset Shader cache then select perform reset then select okay once you've reset your Shader cache when you boot into one of your favorite games you may notice a small bit of stuttering for the first 5 to 10 minutes of gameplay this is completely normal and your shaders will be compiling themselves again in the background once they're compiled your game should then be buttery smooth thankfully many games these days actually pre-render shaders which you'll notice when you boot games like Apex Legends or war zone please make sure that you do let these shaders cach themselves before going further into the menus playing the game or going into Graphics menus you will notice some games will stutter but that will go away for those of you on an RX 7700 or newer GPU or depending if AMD have decided to enable this support on other gpus one quick setting you may now have access to is to navigate down to the Windows button search for GPU space settings go to the graphics settings panel go to change default Graphics at the Top If you do see an option for Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling you'll more than likely want to enable this especially if you're planning on utilizing amd's new FSR 3.0 technology as this could better help performance with that technology or just across the board in some games so with all of the boring setup and small optimizations out of the way let's jump straight into the AMD control panel settings start starting off with going up to the gaming tab we'll start off with the display option inside of here you'll have the amount of monitors that you are using You may wish to also apply these optimizations to other monitors on your system and you can select between them by clicking them at the top first up is AMD freesync if you're planning on utilizing this I would 100% recommend it if you're on a monitor which has 144 HZ or higher in some situations this may be listed as vrr or variable refresh rate or adaptive sync whether it's free sync vrr or adaptive sync they all do the same thing you would want to enable that setting if you wish to use that that is personal preference so select the setting you're going to be going with virtual super resolution when enabled will allow you to set higher than native resolutions inside of games which is really useful if you have some GPU overhead and want better looking games it's also helpful for recordings but it is a very Niche setting that most of you aren't going to be looking for especially if you're looking for better performance leave this off GPU scaling is more personal preference and it comes down to how you like to have your game set up but in some scenarios depending if you're utilizing some of the Technologies we'll be covering later on this could actually enable itself so leave this at the default setting integer scaling is a really useful option but it's extremely Niche this will help give you 1 to one pixel scaling on certain resolutions depending on the resolution of your monitor if you had a 4K resolution Monitor and you enable integer scaling you'll have 1:1 pixel scaling for better looking images if you're planning on running some games at 1080P or 720p as both of those resolutions go into 4K and can be scaled properly if you had a 1440p monitor you would only have 720p available color depth this comes down to your personal preference and your panel settings by default for most people this is going to be left at 8bit in some cases this could be set to 10 bit if you are on a HDR display you can experiment around with the different options see how they look see how they perform if you notice any flickering or black screens when using a higher option lower it back down but for a very quick and simple setting most people will go with 8bit pixel format by default this is more than likely going to be set to ycbcr for the best looking visuals possible out of your AMD graphics card though you'd want to go with RGB 444 as this is a less compressed format again if you notice any stuttering flickering black screens go back to the default setting but if your PC works fine with this you'll more than likely get better and more accurate colors in your games display color enhancement you can choose to enable this if you wish to do so it will set AMD customized color profiles for dynamic contrast or Vivid gaming I personally don't use either of those one option I would recommend that you play around with is to navigate over to custom color enable this setting where you then have fine-tune controls over your monitor's brightness contrast and saturation in some cases I like to set my saturation up ever so slightly to about 105 You may wish to go high higher or lower than this once all of your monitor settings are dialed in remember to go to the top left hand side and select any other panels you have and go through the same settings with the display settings out of the way we can now head over to the graphics tab at the top the graphics panel options available to you may be different depending on how old or how new or high aspect your GPU is if you're using an older radon card you may have slightly more limited options with inside of here if anything is missing your GPU more than likely doesn't support it and you can skip that setting once inside of the graphics tab at the top you'll more than likely notice that you'll have some presets available to you the presets listed on your screen may be slightly different depending on how old new high-end or low-end your GPU is the only two presets I would potentially use would be hyper RX and Hyper RX Eco if you don't have either of these options or would like to fine-tune and customize your own settings which we will be going through you'd want to use custom for hyper RX this is amd's one-click solution to optimize all of your games it makes use of amd's Radeon superp resolution or FSR depending if your game supports FSR or not which is both Technologies which allow you to render the game at a lower resolution then rsr or FSR then upscales that resolution to your monitor's native giving you much better fps with inside of the game as the game isn't running as hard resulting in a massive FPS boost and a small loss of visual Fidelity it's also worth noting that amd's fluid motion frames is now part of the hyper RX Suite so if you do decide to go with Hyper RX amd's fluid motion frames is now available with inside of it I would recommend switching this off for any hyper competitive games but games where you're looking just for a massive FPS bump and you don't particularly mind about the latency but when a smoother experience especially for those of you on higher refresh rate monitors switch this on see how it feels turn it off decide which feels better for your gameplay preferences and go with the setting which works best for you hyper RX also enables amd's radon anti-ag which works similar to nvidia's low latency and ultra low latency modes it doesn't quite work the same as reflex and amd's radon boost which dynamically lowers the resolution of your game when things get quite fastpaced and you're moving your mouse around a lot in all honesty if you're looking for very quick basic settings I would enable this boot into some of your favorite games and see how you get up to make sure that you get the most out of hyper RX make sure that you do ensure that FSR is enabled in games where it's supported or if you don't have FSR you would want to lower the resolution of your game in the display settings so if you play at 1440p try out a resolution just underneath that see how you get on if you like it visually you could have very good results with these settings and it's something you more than likely would want to use in the future for hyper RX Eco this is for those of you that are looking for maximum efficiency gains you don't particularly care too much about what FPS you're getting in your game you just want a consistent low power low temperature experience this is quite good for some games and it's a very Niche setting but if you've clicked on this video you more than likely want the better performance options so you may wish to skip out on this but it's definitely a decent setting if you just want to go with inside of here enable amd's anti-ag set the frame rate target control to a minimum FPS and which you are happy with but for most of you watching this video you'll want to go with custom once custom has been set up we first of all have radon super resolution you only want to enable this setting if you actually plan on using it having this enabled in the background and not using it could potentially lower performance just slightly if you wish to go with radon super resolution once enabled you'll then have the option to be able to adjust the sharpen effect if you're planning on utilizing rsr or at least looking to try it out once it's been enabled on the graphic settings panel or on a per game setting boot into any of your favorite games you'd like to try this out on I would then recommend booting into a live instance of the game so you can see both the effects of this visually and on your FPS once you're in your game all you then need to do is press alt and Z on your keyboard the radon overlay should then appear on your screen on the left hand side you'll then be able to see SU solution one make sure that this has been enabled adjust the sharpen effect to anything you wish to do so that is personal preference underneath this you'll then see upscale status you can currently see that it's currently inactive because I'm using my monitor's native resolution so it has this yellow warning next to it to make use of rsr inside of our game go back inside of the game take a quick note of what your FPS is before we adjust anything as you can see for me on the right hand side I'm getting about 380 frames per second press the Escape menu go to options find the video settings or display settings for your game game where you can then find resolution as you can see I'm currently using 1440p which is this monitor's native resolution if I decide to set this down to let's say 1080p go back inside of the game press alt and Z on the keyboard again on the left hand side you can now see that the upscaling status is now active with the green tick next to it showing you the resolution you're now rendering from and to pressing alt and Z once again going back into my game you're now able to see that I'm getting about 500 frames per second that is an absolutely huge FPS increase and I'm still more than happy with how this looks on my 1440p display if you're happy with how the game still looks and you wanted higher FPS then you could use a lower resolution if you wanted a slightly better looking game and you don't need that much of an FPS increase where you can increase the resolution to something closer to your monitor's native resolution but that optimization alone has taking my game from 380 frames per second to roughly 500 to 520 and you could see potentially even bigger performance uplifts depending on what sort of monitor you're using and how demanding the game is that you're using rsr on it's a setting in which I would 100% recommend that anyone at least tries out if your game doesn't already support FSR because you could see some phenomenal FPS uplift for very minimal visual loss this now brings us down to the brand new AMD fluid motion frames for the most part I would recommend actually switching this off on the global settings because you don't want this set up automatically on every game you play you want to use this on a per game basis in games where it makes sense the only games I would not recommend using this on are hyper competitive FPS titles or anything which is super latency sensitive so I would avoid using this on baller CS2 or other competitive Shooters but for more casual multiplayer games single player titles or basically anything that's not a hyper competitive shooter I would definitely at least give this a go don't enable it inside of the global settings head over to your per game settings at the gaming tab at the top select the game you wish to turn this on for alternatively when you're booted into the game you would like to try this out on press alt and Zed on your keyboard inside of the overlay go to the graphics panel for that specific game and switch on AMD fluid motion frames once you enable this you should see your FPS roughly double in most scenarios which which is absolutely incredible now there is a slight latency penalty to this so you will always want to make sure that you're utilizing amds antiac with fluid motion frames now whilst this does double your FPS this does nothing for system latency so it may feel a little bit strange in some titles try this out on a game by- game basis this may work horribly on some titles or work perfectly in others if you're having issues running AMD fluid motion frames it's worthwhile noting that you have to have vsync disabled inside of the driver to ensure that this works properly to see the proper results of AMD fluid motion frames on your FPS C you want to be using the AMD metric overlay which I'll show you how to set up later on in this video as other FPS overlays may not be able to add on the additional fluid motion frames as fluid motion frames are rendered at the end of the rendering pipeline there is no real way for many FPS counters to hook onto this and add it onto the overall FPS you're experiencing to ensure that you have the best support possible for AMD fluid motion frames across all games especially for those of you on Windows 11 you'll want to navigate down to your Windows button type in GPU space settings then select the graphic settings panel at the top of graphic settings select change default Graphics settings with inside of here find the option for optimizations for windowed games and switch this on if you do see this option available exit out that will ensure you get the best compatibility with AMD fluid motion frames across all games on your system next up is AMD radon anti-ag anti-ag helps to stop your GPU buffer becoming full increasing latency drastically so it is a very good option to make use of but only when you are GPU bound this will mean that GPU usage in your selected game is above about 95 % if you enable this in games which are not GPU bound you could potentially run into slight stutters or Worse performance so what I'd recommend that you do is enable this but I would turn it off on the per game settings in games which aren't GPU bound or run into stuttering because it is a good option but you just want to make sure that you're using it in the right places and I'll be showing you how to set that up later radon boost is a great option but I personally do not use this if you would like to try this out for your system you'd want to enable it you then have maximum resolution change the way AMD radon boost works is that in slow moving areas or or static scenes in games it renders your game at 100% of the resolution you select with AMD Ron boost enabled when you move your mouse or are in fastpaced scenarios it will then lower that resolution in the game to provide you with a massive FPS uplift but in exchange for this when it does boost your FPS it will be lowering visual Fidelity by rendering a lower resolution which you select here it's a decent option but I personally do not like using it but if you would like to use it you need to make sure that your game does support use for this radon chill is also a decent option if you're looking to limit the FPS with inside of the game to have cooler temperatures or make your system more efficient in certain games in games where this works properly it's actually pretty decent especially if you're planning on utilizing this with freeing when you enable this unfortunately you won't be able to make use of amd's radon super resolution or anti-lag but if you do decide to go with Radeon chill you'll have a minimum FPS value and a maximum FPS value this works as a dynamic FPS cap in situations where your game is idling or it's extremely slow the FPS limit will be targeting the minimum FPS value saving on heat and saving power when the action starts picking up in your game and it needs the higher FPS it will then go all the way up to the maximum FPS value if you actually able to render those frames it's a relatively Niche setting but if you don't particularly need the best FPS possible inside of the game and you want to maximize efficiency you could set this down to something like 60 and set the high number to your monitor's maximum refresh rate so in my case that would be 60 and 144 you may notice that your FPS is all over the place and some games may not support this properly so is more of an experimental option next up we have Radeon image sharpening now if you're already using radon super resolution at the top and you have the sharpen effect on this is already using radon image sharpening so you won't be able to enable this but if you don't have super resolution enabled and you would just like to make your games sharper this is a fantastic option enable this and set the slider to your personal preference I like somewhere between 20 and 50% depending on the resolution I'm using but again you may want higher or lower find an option that fits you best radon enhanced sync is a fantastic option for those of you that do not like screen tearing and you want the smoothest visuals possible this works very similarly to Nvidia fast sync if you're familiar with that technology ology I would only really recommend using this if you're planning on using it alongside freesync or variable refresh rate technology so if you aren't using that Tech I would recommend switching this off and setting wait for vertical refresh to always off I am personally using freesync on this setup so I will be enabling enhanced sync next up is frame rate target control now bear in mind if you do adjust this setting with inside of the graphics panel this will limit the FPS for every game you play before adjusting the frame rate limit control inside of the radon control panel whether it be on a per game setting or the entire system it's worthwhile noting to get the lowest input latency possible when capping FPS you would always want to utilize the ingame FPS limiters first as you are capping FPS with inside of the game engine rather than capping FPS at the end of the entire render cycle if you're just looking for the outright smoothest experience possible and you don't care about the ever so tiny increase to imper latency and you are using freesync then I would recommend that you enable the frame rate target control and set this to 3 to 5 FPS lower than your monitor's maximum refresh rate so if you had 144 HZ I would go with 138 if you had 240 HZ I'd go somewhere between 221 and 237 and if you had 360 HZ then I'd recommend about 340 to 350 you want to leave a slight buffer between the maximum FPS and the maximum refresh rate in this case because you don't want accidental frames getting through potentially causing your system to go in between using free sync and not I'm going to be using ingame limits instead so I'm going to be switching this off antialising set this to use application settings only antialising method is going to be left at multi- sampling morphological anti aing I'd recommend disabling this anisotropic filtering I'd recommend setting to enabled anisotropic filtering level for a tiny FPS increase in exchange for some visual loss you'd want to set this to two times for those of you looking for the best graphics possible leave this at 16 texture filtering quality again for better Performance Set this to Performance but again you will be losing some visual Fidelity using this for most people watching stick with high surface format optimization I'd recommend switching on for everyone tessellation mode for those of you looking for the lowest input latency best FPS and you don't particularly care about Graphics set this to override application settings go to the maximum tessellation level and set this to off for those of you're looking for optimized balance settings you'd want to set this to use application setting this allows your game to apply the default setting it's made for openg GL triple buffering we're going to be switching this off 10bit pixel format we're going to be leaving disabled as This only affects openg GL applications anyway and it depends on the monitor you're using so just leave this off once that's set we're now done with the graphic settings with inside of the control panel next up we'll be covering the per game application settings by navigating over to the games tab under gaming inside of here you'll have all of the games in which are detected on your PC any game isn't appearing with ins side of here go to the top right hand side to the scan button and select this if the game of choice still doesn't appear with ins side of here go to the top right to the three dots then select add a game you then want to navigate inside of your PC find where the game is installed find the exe or application for the game and select open so let's say I wanted to set up slightly custom settings for Counter Strike 2 first up with inside of here we have the gaming experience this is a really quick and easy way to select different presets for different games so if you wanted to use your custom preset select it if you wanted to set one game to use hyperx Eco and you would rather it be a cooler quieter and more efficient experience you can select that the main options I'd recommend potentially adjusting on a per game basis is going to be radon anti-ag if you did run into those stuttering issues or your game isn't using High GPU usage and nearly all cases I'd recommend actually switching it off if you wanted to get a slightly sharper game enable radon image sharpening and adjust slider on the right hand side a really useful option is custom color you can actually set up different brightness and saturation profiles which automatically kick in for that game only and a really useful feature with inside of here is you can actually turn off AMD freesync VR or adaptive sync on a per game basis this is so useful and I would definitely recommend setting this up on your main 3 to five games you don't have to do it for every game once you done with the settings with inside of that game go up to the back button select your next game and continue on for those of you that are slightly more Advanced users another really handy feature with inside of here is tune game performance this allows you to actually undervolt overclock or overclock vram or set custom profiles for fan curves or overclocks with inside of your GPU on a game specific basis I'm not going to be showing you the settings in which you should use with inside of here because they are completely set for your GPU once your perame settings are completely dialed in and optimized for your game we can now head over to the record and stream section if you have zero plans on recording any footage or highlights live streaming or doing anything when it comes to recording simply skip about a minute into this video to skip the step if you're looking to do anything serious I would first of all recommend that you just go and use OBS especially for those of you that are looking for live streaming you do not want to use the live stream settings with inside of here OBS is completely free it's open source you want to use that for those of you looking to make small game Clips or local recordings really quickly easily and most of all really lightweight with minimal FPS loss start by navigating to the record tab go to the right hand side to settings where you have options to be able to record the Des desktop recording profile you want to set to custom recording resolution you want to set to ingame recording FPS I would recommend leaving this at 60 unless you're just getting game captures for specific reasons and they don't need to be good quality you could save on some file space going with 30 video bit rate if you want the best looking videos possible set this up to 100 for all gpus audio rate I'd leave at 192 unless you really do need high quality audio video encoding type this is the most important setting with inside of here under no circumstances would I ever use ABC any any more if you have support for av1 select av1 if you don't see av1 and you see HC select HC this allows you to make use of the high efficiency video coder which looks phenomenal on AMD gpus you can also choose to separate your microphone in a different audio track recording microphone if you want your mic in the video or not turn this on or off and i' leave the other settings default you can actually enable the instant replay buffer by enabling this option you then have the option to change the instant replay duration for most of you I would set this somewhere between 60 and 90 it will then show you the file size those clips will be if you decide to save them and you can select where you want the instant replay buffer to be saved for most people watching I would leave this at DIS storage because you may not have a ton of ram if you're looking for really optimized and efficient settings you could potentially lower the video bit rate go with something like 15 but you can now see those video clips are now going to be just 150 mbes it's really useful especially if you like sharing Clips with friends once that's set up you want to make sure that you have a keybind set to be able to use instant replays go to the top right hand side to the settings Cog go to hotkeys at the top scroll down to Med Med hot keys where you'll then be able to find save instant replay by default it's contrl shift s for one really quick optimization you want to navigate over to the performance tab navigate down to tuning if a pop-up comes up you'll need to select this once you've selected it scroll down towards the bottom and you'll then be able to find resizable bar or AMD smart Access Memory if it's supported for your GPU you want to enable this in every single scenario in some cases your GP may actually support resizable bar but it's listed as unsupported with inside of here and that may be down to not having the correct bi our setting setup this only takes a few seconds and you can find out how to do this using the how to setup resizable bar video Linked In the description down below the tuning tab is incredibly powerful with inside of AMD radon gpus basically do everything you'd wish to do so with inside of here you can undervolt your GPU overclock it I will have videos coming on those specific topics soon so make sure you are subscribed if you enjoy this style of content and would like to learn how to do that but one thing I would 100% recommend every single person does in this video is to navigate inside of the tuning tab go down to your GPU go to manual tuning ignore every other setting and go to Fan tuning set this to enabled then go to Advanced control this is where you'll then have your custom fan curve as you can see it's actually very reserved I'm still using only 50% of my fan speed at about 65Β° I'm someone that doesn't particularly care about having a quiet system so I'm going to set this a lot more aggressive if my GPU gets to let's say about 70Β° I want it to use 100% of my fan speed you can set this curve slightly more relaxed or slightly more aggressive depending on what your personal preferences are but with the Curve I've just set with zero RPM enabled my GPU won't actually be spinning any of its fans until it gets to about 40Β° anyway and when it does it's a nice linear curve up to 100% F speed a lot earlier again if you would prefer a quieter system then you may wish to drag this slightly over to the right more so your GP reaches 100% fan speed slightly later this is personal preference and if at any point you want to go back to the default settings all you need to do is go up to Fan tuning and just turn this off once you've set up your custom fan profile go up to the top to apply changes last but not least we're going to be covering the AMD metric system this is extremely useful for finding out if your CPU GPU or Ram bottleneck in your individual game this is great for finding out what game settings you may wish to adjust or if you want to use FSR or other Technologies and it's something really useful and you can turn it on and off in game with just a few clicks of a button enable metric overlay turn this on game detection for metric overlay if you have this enabled this overlay should only show up when you're actually in a game go to the left hand side to metrics at the top once inside of here you then have tracking and overlay sample sampling interval I'd recommend setting this between 0.25 and 0.5 sampling interval for Hardware metric I'd leave it the default metric profile if you just wish to see your in-game FPS your GPU and CPU utilization set the metric profile to basic intermediate allows you to be able to see your 99% FPS alongside GPU power draw temperature and CPU utilization and temperature and advanced basically enables everything you could wish for but most people watching I'd recommend leaving this at intermediate once you're happy with that go over to the overlay section here's where you can then adjust the size of the overlay you can adjust the width and the amount of columns so you could have this all at the top or you could have it all on the right hand side you could have it appear as just text you could have a background different colors and most importantly the location I'd recommend setting this to custom and adjusting the sliders until it lands where you want it to go on your system once that's completed go up to the top right hand side to the settings Cog on the right hand side you'll then be able to see toggle performance overlay by default this is control shift and O So if you're in any game that you want to see your GPU utilization FPS or other stats just just press the hot key and a quick tip if your GPU utilization is about 95% or above potentially use FSR or rsr for low resolutions or enable AMD radon anti-lag or cap fps to remove the GPU back buffer issue which can cause a massive increase to latency so it can help you stay on top of your system optimizations and make better choices with your game settings to actually give you better performance and that's it for all of the optimizations and settings you need to be making use of for the Radeon control panel in 2024 if you have enjoyed this video and are looking for more radon optimized ation content make sure you do check out the playlist section in the description down below thank you ever so much for taking the time to watch this video If you're not entirely sure where to go next check out one of the two videos on screen and I'll see you guys over there
Channel: Panjno
Views: 353,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd, amd radeon, amd radeon settings, amd settings, optimize amd, optimize radeon, amd radeon control panel settings, best amd radeon settings guide, amd radeon software settings, amd settings for gaming, radeon settings for gaming, amd settings 2024, amd radeon settings 2024, radeon update, amd radeon settings for gaming, how to optimize amd radeon for gaming, amd control panel settings for gaming, amd fps boost, radeon fps boost, increase fps amd radeon, radeon fps
Id: HgBt9Y9aNk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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