THIS is what Bottlenecking REALLY looks like! AVOID THIS!

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hey what's going on guys js2sense here and I want to do a little bit of a refresher course if you will on what bottlenecking really is I continue to get emails um that are asking me questions from new Builders and it's obvious that there's still a lot of confusion around what CPU bottlenecking is when it comes to your graphics card so today we're going to show you what a normal operation looks like and then we're going to basically do it the MythBusters way where we just force bottlenecking to happen in its most obvious form so you can see what it really looks like so anyway stay tuned we're going to talk about it today we interrupt this video to bring you a special message from iFixit no we interrupt this Interruption with this Interruption the new stuff from if it did push in grab this cardboard inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with iFixit Whoa Don't drop it can't fix that with die fiction just kidding yes you can wish you could take iFixit with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing a new Murray and a new minnow take them with you anywhere it's okay I fix it for your loved one or just get them for yourself so we have a couple different pieces of software we're going to be using here for this I've got XTU because this is an Intel CPU and I've got to be able to artificially slow down and make our CPU Dumber I I mean if I I should have really gone in here and disabled some course we can still do that I've got hardware monitor on here just so I can kind of keep an eye on some of the voltages and stuff that are happening in the system that's not totally necessary because the other stuff we'll be using is on MSI afterburner where we're going to be making our card a little faster and we're going to be using afterburner to monitor what's happening while in game so we can see what our performance limits are for the graphics card fortunately the card will tell the system hey here's why I'm limited the card is always going to be limited right now sitting here doing nothing at the desktop it's actually limited what's limiting the card right now sitting in its idle state is the fact that there's no load that's considered a no load limit it's like we're idle because there's no load so that's what's limiting is nothing is asking for it to do anything you've got voltage limit which is basically what's going to any 40 series is going to hit voltage limits pretty much before anything else uh when it comes to like power limit and such there's power limit on older generation graphics cards you'd see where power and the amount of power that the card is able to request is uh hit the limit the the actual physical limits of what the vrms and the whole power design system is able to produce and then the other one is uh temperature limit and that's where your graphics card has hit its Max temperature rating um where at that point if it doesn't start to normalize it will start to slow down the clocks to bring the temperatures down so those are kind of like the limiting factors now I've got XTU on here because I'm going to slow down the CPU but right now we're to 12 900k at 51 uh 100 megahertz or 5.1 gigahertz on the performance cores for all core and then we're at 3.9 gigahertz for the efficiency cores we're going to be using cyberpunk for today's video but first let me max out the power limit at 133 our temp limit at 88 and we'll go ahead and do like a 150 megahertz overclock on the frequency and we're gonna go with uh something very low like 500 megahertz overclock on the RAM and then we are also going to lock the GPU fans at like 80. now the idea about bottlenecking that means that something in your system's performance is being hindered by something else's performance now a lot of people will misunderstand or misconstrue the concept of bottlenecking they'll see oh my frequencies started to drop some suddenly on my GPU so it must be limited it must be bottlenecked or something but that's not always the case there's a million different reasons why your your frequency can fluctuate in your graphics card um what we're really looking for here are huge stutters any sort of long pauses and that's when the instruction for the graphics card is actually put on hold by the CPU while the CPU catches up with other instructions that has been tasked with doing before it can get to the GPU but we're also going to be looking for things like FPS drops the true indicator of bottlenecking is going to be seeing wild swings in fps you're getting 200 FPS you're getting 20 FPS you're getting 140 FPS you're getting 70 you're getting 220 again because as those instructions are happening the amount of time the GPU is having to wait is varying which is why you're seeing the FPS vary it's a much deeper conversation than that but it's not just what is the max FPS I'm getting it's how big is that cone in its performance swing so with that said everything running normal speeds right now with our graphics card overclocked let's go ahead and get into cyberpunk the world in cyberpunk does a great job at asking a lot of the CPU especially with all the AI in the game as well as allowing the graphics card depending on your settings too also not be engine limited the other problem that we deal with sometimes is people will okay I get it turn down sometimes people will hit a world engine or an API engine limit when it comes to the way that the game is designed and think that that's a bottleneck so technically it is the GPU is just being bottlenecked by the game the game is no longer capable of going any higher so if we take a look at what's happening on the screen right here we'll see a few different things gpus at 33c this is GPU utilization so the menu right now is only asking for 40 percent of the gpu's total capabilities this is our power percent if this right now we're set to 133 so we'll never hit power limit right now with this 490 because we will never get anywhere near 133 percent of its power limit just because of the way that the 12 volt high power connector is designed that's the wattage it's using right here limiting is voltage and voltage is a good thing we want to see voltage as our limiter if we see voltage that means our GPU is being allowed to go as fast as it wants for graphics in here I'm on Ray tracing medium I'm going to turn Ray tracing off again we're trying to add more work to the CPU right now so the faster we can render those frames the harder it is on the CPU so we're going to go high 1440p which is pretty ridiculous for a 1200k and a 40 90. we are also not going to be doing the synthetic Benchmark because we need to be in the world to allow the CPU to truly have to do some stuff okay so as you can see right now we are locked at 2910 and we're at 89 utilization 90 percent the reason for that is our current settings so what is actually limiting us right now is we're probably going to be seeing a fair amount of CPU load so let me go ahead and add CPU to our monitor because we also need to know what the CPU is doing okay so I've added all the CPU cores in here now as you can see there's a couple doing two percent one percent this is going to be the world thread right here or the render thread this is the one responsible for the game that's at 51 that's like everything is running off of that core and then other background tasks that the game is maybe doing in World Generation can be happening on these two percents bouncing around now interestingly enough you know we're gonna overall we're only seeing two percent utilization and this is why it's important to see what's happening on all the cores because if I only showed CPU utilization right now as a whole and it shows two percent you're Ah that's fine but that's two percent when averaged out amongst all of the cores so clearly we have one core that's over 50 percent that's you that's accounting for the two percent right so you can see why you have to see all of the cores but if I want to put the GPU at full load just so we can kind of compare what normal functionality looks like we're going to go ahead and bump this up to Ultra and we can even go to 4K and won't need to restart for that now we're at 99 load and uh our power limit also went up with it so by going with a higher resolution we've now offloaded more work to the GPU it's taking the GPU longer to render those frames because there's significantly more data happening now with the resolution change as well as the settings change which means the CPU I should probably get out of traffic which means the CPU is no longer being tasked with hey handle all these frames while it has to also have an entire computer running off of it so there you go now if I go to back to high actually it's going to low even in 4k low now we're back up to the 50s 58 53. and now the GPU usage as you can see dropped back down to 76. now someone could probably look at this and argue that this is this is bottlenecking but here's the thing if you didn't have these numbers up on screen you probably would be hard-pressed to say oh my GPU was not running at its Max Speed it's not running its Max capability because it's super smooth like it doesn't look like or feel like bottlenecking let's now go ahead and introduce some actual bottlenecking so what I'm going to do is I'm now going to go into XTU I'm going to take the entire gigahertz away from 5.1 to 4.1 on the performance core now if we go back into the game it's at 63 percent so I guess at 4.1 the 12900k is still capable of running a 40 90 and not seeing anything terrible happen but let's take a look at our FPS and the nice thing about being in one spot like this is we can see what happens here so we we dropped to 156 well we're showing 100 and upper 150s on the FPS if I go back up to 5.1 177. so we lost 20 FPS by going from 5.1 to 4.1 what we've created here is an imbalance in the system where you are not getting the full performance of the GPU which Under full technical specifications would say is bottlenecking but this is just an example of if you had a really mispaired CPU with a GPU you're going to get smooth performance like we're not getting that wild swing I mean sure depending on where I look in the world it's not fluctuating enough to make things look stuttery it doesn't there hasn't been any pauses I'm all walking around traffic there hasn't been any hiccups nothing strange is happening okay so I've dropped the core frequency down to 3.2 gigahertz for the 12900k which is the lowest I can set it in XTU that's like the lowest multiplier I can set so what that means is I mean our GPU usage is even down into the 60s now frequency is locked power is down so that's an indicator the GPU is doing less but we're still getting roughly-ish the same FPS it's maybe 10 to 15 lower once again but you still would probably have a hard time seeing this difference without an indicator on the screen now again I'm not saying this isn't bottlenecking but what I'm saying is this is not indicative of what the worst case bottlenecking is going to look like but you see our CPUs that one core is still not hitting 100 so you can absolutely be affecting your performance of your GPU without having a core be maxed out you don't have to see the CPU get into the 90 to 100 usage range that's where we're going to see the huge stutters and slowdowns so let's go ahead now that I've showed you just how your GPU absolutely can be affected by your CPU and not really classify itself as quote unquote bottlenecking let's see what happens now when we go and make this CPU very slow and a very local account okay so as you can see I have neutered our CPU to a quad core p-core with no e-cores at all and look now we have one core that's at 90 remember we were sitting at about 100 to 102 FPS with its current Max Ray tracing settings and stuff so I want to see if that's changed at all oh look at the look well it's maxing out while loading we are 2010 FPS down look at the cores though one of them now now one of the cores are maxed and look look how much we've dropped on our GPU Usage Now from the mid 90s down to the mid 80s to low 80s um anyway we now need to go ahead and hit the CPU pretty hard so as you can see 120 FPS we're don't forget we were at 170 something prior we still are 5.1 gigahertz on the four core it is noticeably jittery so what we're probably starting to see now and I don't have it on the screen is our frame timing is probably now suffering from this high CPU usage as you saw all course spiked 100 per second there as those cores are going to start spiking and doing things that's when we'll start noticing any sort of hiccups now it does feel jittery now 80 FPS normally doesn't feel that was bad right there dropped down to 53 for a second look at our core clock it's dropping look at our usage it's dropping even at 5.2 gigahertz I still managed to bottleneck it enough to where oh it's voltage but it said no limit for a second there oh there goes no load let's now drop this down to 3.2 so we can see actual real bad bottlenecking oh this this is like oh so I know this is going to be normalizing it to 30 FPS for you guys to see on a video it is I feel like I'm playing it on a potato right now it's 47.49 obviously I'm running around ah there's a car there okay now we're at 1080P and obviously it is actually we didn't really lose any FPS when we were at 4K but ironically the GPU has Well here here's these swings I was talking about in frequency I mean look at this so right now the the CPU is sending frames to the GPU so slowly the GPU is just like bro we're not doing anything we're not under under load right now 2500 1500 1400 1200. 1800. 13. this is like for all intents and purposes what bottle necking looks like now again you can make the argument that if the GPU can speed up by removing any sort of limiting factor that that limiting factor was a quote unquote bottleneck but now we're talking like how narrow is the neck right there's there's bottlenecks all over your system right whether it be the game engine or it be the refresh rate of your monitor there's a million different things in your system creating um scenarios where components waiting on another component and that's not bottlenecking that's just the way computers work but this is a bottleneck where we've got like a 10-lane highway going down into a single Lane dirt road which is what we've created right here so this is what bottlenecking looks like and I think this is what people are afraid are going to happen if they don't have like the perfect pairing of a CPU and a GPU but as you saw even at low settings uh down to 3.2 gigahertz I couldn't go any slower on the graphics on the CPU with even a 12 900k dropped all the way down that yes it's still considered a high higher end CPU I had to go pretty significantly extreme to create a situation where I could even show you what this narrow bottleneck looks like all I was doing as I changed things was taking Lanes away from how narrow the road went so a little bit of tapering is going to happen no matter what but this is what you want to avoid by grabbing like say a 13 100K and putting a 40 90 on it because I kind of created one of those right here so anyway there you go guys I just want to do a little bit of a refresher here to sort of give you guys an idea of what true bottlenecking looks like as I'm going to speed this back up you actually have to try pretty hard these days too really bottleneck your Hardware any modern CPU with any modern GPU is going to pair nicely it's when you try to get like I'm gonna get a 4080 and I'm gonna throw it on my 2700k clearly that would not be ideal so there becomes a point where um you have to upgrade your CPU but it's not nearly as recent as you think it needs to be alright guys thanks for watching as always we'll see in the next one foreign
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,133,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -VcytCt02eE
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Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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