How To Configure Windows 11 For Gaming

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as a follow-up from last week when we optimized Windows 10 for gaming this week we're going to be doing the same thing to Windows 11 so stay tuned so like I said continuing on from last week when I showed you what settings I change in Windows 10 for gaming today we're going to be doing the same thing to Windows 11 and as I said in the last video once we get Windows 10 and 11 both optimized for gaming I'm going to put them head-to-head in the next video and see if Windows 10 is still the best choice for gaming in 2023 but first we got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor today's video is brought to you by eus partition Master eus partition Master is an all-in-one free partition utility that will allow you to create delete resize move copy extend merge or even wipe in format partitions eus will also allow you to convert MBR partitions to GPT without formatting the partition and if that wasn't already enough isu's partition Master will also allow you to check file systems for errors and repair those errors isus partition master has a ton of features that I highly recommend checking out for yourself so make sure you click on the link in the description below and get your copy of eus partition Master today also check out some of the other cool software that eus has to offer now back to the video now this video is going to be kind of repetitive from the last video because many of the settings that I change in Windows 10 I also change in Windows 11 when I'm setting up a gaming system however in Windows 11 you have to go about changing those settings in different ways so I'll show you not only how to do this in Windows 11 but there's also a few other settings that I would recommend changing in Windows 11 for a gaming system so then without wasting any more time let's jump on the system and let's get this thing ready to game all right so here we are in Windows 11 and just like in the last video the first step that I want to take in this one is checking your monitor's refresh rate so to do that in Windows 11 you just right click on the desktop go down to display settings from the display settings you have to scroll down until you see Advanced display right here and then from there you should see your refresh rate right here and currently mine set to 60 and it's going to be putting a lot of performance on the table so we're going to go ahead and Jack that up to as high as it'll go and your screen's going to go black for a minute while it's testing that out then you can go ahead and hit keep changes and you should be running at the higher refresh rate now like I said in the last video changing your refresh rate isn't going to affect your game's performance at all your game is still going to run at exactly the same frame rate that it would have ran with the lower refresh rate however your perception of it is going to be different and a lot of these settings or at least some of these settings are for our own usability not just the performance of the system so make sure that if you have a high High refresh rate monitor you're taking advantage of that refresh rate I mean you did pay for it after all you might as well use it let's get back to it okay so the next setting we're going to go ahead and close our settings right here and we're going to go into control panel and for that you just click on the start menu and type in control panel you should see it on the list and then open it up just like that and then from here we want to go into system and security and then we want to go into power options and from power options as you can see I'm currently set to balanced however I would recommend setting this to high performance right here and that should be the only setting that you have to make however if you do do it this way and we click on the start menu we go into settings you'll notice that if you go down into system here and you go into Power you'll notice that right here it won't let you change your power mode if the high performance power PL is used so if you want to change this from within settings instead of within control panel then what you're going to have to do is leave it on balanced Like It Is by default and then go go into settings go back into system go into power and then from here you can actually change your power mode right here from the windows 11 settings and from there you can just go to best performance however me I personally still like to do it from control panel because well it's the way I've always done it before so that's the way I recommend doing it now and now moving on to the next one we can go ahead and close control panel and the next program we need to open is Task scheduler so go ahead and open your start menu and just type in task and you should find task scheduler there and then from there we want to go into our task Library here we want to go into Microsoft and then from there we want to go into windows and then from Windows we want to scroll down until we find Windows Defender so if we scroll down here this should all be alphabetical then we can find Windows Defender right here and then as you can see all of these different tasks right here we want to open all of these individually however the most important one is the scheduled scan right here but what you do is you open these up you go into conditions and then check this first box that says start the task if the computer is idle and then go ahead and hit okay and then kind of just go through the list and do this for all four of these right here it might take a second to get through so we'll go ahead and get all of these and then once we get to the end we can hit okay and this should calm down Windows Defender quite a bit I've noticed lately that Windows Defender is using a lot of hard drive usage and by doing this right here it will make Windows defend not function unless your system is sitting at idle it won't do any scans in the background while you're using the system and that should help your dis usage and in turn help your gaming performance so since we're in task scheduler there's a few other things that I would recommend also so for this one we're going to scroll all the way up to the top and we're going to look for application experience and once we find that it's going to be right here and then all of these different settings right here or all of these different scheduled tasks right here I would disable all of these and to disable them you just highlight them and then push disable right here and then just go through the list and do the same thing with all of them and then once you get down to the bottom oh and you might end up finding a situation like this where it says the account you're operating from doesn't have permission to disable this task and if that happens fine just hit delete instead and just delete the task and then disable all the rest of them or you can always delete all of these as well essentially all we're trying to do is this is just Windows Telemetry that we're trying to disable right here so there's no need for any of these tasks right here that's why I disable them all so the next one we're going to go down to is customer experience Improvement program and once we click on that do exactly the same thing with these two you just go ahead and hit disable and disable all of these now I like to disable these rather than deleting them unless you have no other choice than delete them because I'm afraid that Windows update might add these tasks back if you delete them completely however if you disable them then I think we have a better chance of Windows update respecting that and not re-enabling them but we'll have to wait and see what happens but I've had pretty good luck doing it this way okay so once we get done with that we can go ahead and close our task scheduler and the next thing we want to open up is our services so go ahead and click Start and type in Services here and then from the services menu we want to scroll through and there's a few services that I recommend disabling the first one is connected user experience and Telemetry and this should all be alphabetical so you just essenti scroll down until you find right here connected user experience in Telemetry and as you can see it's currently running so we're going to double click we're going to go ahead and hit disable go ahead and push stop and then at that point we can hit okay and move on to the next one and then the next one is system main now this one's kind of a controversial one some people like to disable it and some people don't I disable it all the time I think it's completely worthless now what system main does is it preloads applications when you first boot your computer and windows kind of tries to guess which applications you're going to run so it preloads those in order to make the running of those applications seem snappier when you first execute them however it only works with spinning discs if you have an SSD System main doesn't pre-load applications from an SSD so if you're running your system with a solid state drive like you should be then System main isn't actually doing anything so I see no reason to keep it running so let's get back to it and then to disable it like before just go ahead and hit disable push stop and then at that point you can hit okay and then the next one that I would go down to is Windows search now Windows search this is another one that you may want to think about before you disable because if you want to actually index your files for searching then obviously you need Windows search enabled also if you're using Windows File history as a backup then it won't work if you disable the search service so keep that in mind I disable it because I don't want the extra Cycles running in the background while indexing files I mean this a gaming system I don't care about search and again to disable it go ahead and change automatic to disabled push stop and then go ahead and hit okay and then the last one is all of these Xbox Services down at the bottom right here now these are all manually triggered however I have seen them running before so just go ahead and double click on them go ahead and put it on disabled and hit okay and then do that with all four of these right here now keep in mind this is another one of those things to where if you're using Xbox Services then you might not want to disable these because it will make your Xbox services not function but since I'm not I don't need them I turn them all off so once we're done with that we can go ahead and close our services menu and then the next one is different applications that you should have installed on a gaming system now obviously you need to have whatever game engine that you're actually using like in this case steam right here and this is where most of my games come from however any other other different game libraries that you want to install you should obviously have those installed as well but this is a no-brainer right here everybody knows that you need to have at least steam installed however there's some other ones that I would recommend as well and those are the first one being MSI After Burner this one works on both envidia and ATI graphics cards to allow you to tweak some of the the core and memory settings on it to make your card run a little bit faster and I've had really good luck with this program I love this program right here unfortunately I'm not going to show you how to overclock your GPU in this video here but I did show you how to do that in the Windows 10 video last week so if you want to see that go ahead and check that video out but the next program that I would recommend getting is this one right here Envy clean install this is a great program for people that have Nvidia gpus to be able to install a Slimmer version of your Nvidia Graphics drivers and I'll go ahead and go over that in a minute and then the last program I would recommend is this one right here this is the heaven Benchmark now I don't recommend getting it for benchmarking I actually recommend getting it to use in conjunction with MSI After Burner to overclock your GPU because you can run heaven in the background to put a load on your GPU so you can run it boosted at its highest speed while you're overclocking it and makes overclocking a little bit easier but these three programs right here are definitely a necessity now I did say I want to show you how to use NV clean and Salve so we're going to do that real quick so I'm going to minimize this and I'm going to open up my downloads folder NV clean install should be there so we're going to go ahead and click on this hit yes and then essentially I would run this every once in a while just to check to make sure that you have the most updated drivers and as you can see I do so I don't need to run this right now but I'm going to anyway so go ahead and click on install best driver for my Hardware or you can also select a driver version manually if you'd like to use an older driver version like for instance if you're having a problem with the newest driver and you want to use the last one then you can do it that way too but for us right now I'm just going to do install best driver for my hardware and then go ahead and click next now the next is going to ask ask you which parts of this driver do you want to install now obviously this is going to be different for everybody but this top section right here is what we're most looking at typically I do obviously the display driver I do the physics S driver and I also do the HD audio over HDMI those are the only three that I typically install but if you wanted to install these other components you could also go through and just select the ones that you want to install also if you look through the bottom right here if you're into the GeForce experience you can go through and you can select the different things from within GeForce experience that you want to install as well however I typically always skip that so once you select what you want here you go ahead and hit next and it's going to download the installer but it's going to take a second to download so I'm going to skip ahead until it's done okay so once you get to this page right here this is kind of G going to give you some installation tweaks now some of the ones that I typically recommend is perform a clean install right here and then I typically skip all the other ones the Telemetry and advertising I haven't really seen much difference in checking that one right there but you can if you want but one other setting that I typically do use is you got to click on Show expert tweaks down here and then go down to enabled message signaled interrupts and this one I have seen a difference in so I would recommend checking that and then once you finish that you go ahead and hit next and at this point you can push the install button and it'll install the drivers and it'll typically look like normal but it'll be a slim down version of the Nvidia driver install so once you get done with that you can go ahead and close this and we'll move on to the next step and for that is some tweaks within the Nvidia GPU settings itself now obviously if you have an ATI graphics card then this isn't going to help you much but if you're using an Nvidia card I would recommend changing these settings right here so go into manage 3D settings and then scroll down here there's two settings that we want to change the first one is going to be power management mode now obviously right now it's set to normal so we're going to select that we're going to hit prefer maximum performance and then from there we're going to scroll down a little bit more and we want to go into texture filtering quality and right now it's set to Quality and I want to set it to high performance and then once you change those two settings go ahead and hit the apply button and it's going to take a second to apply and once it's done you can go ahead and close it now with those two settings within the Nvidia settings I I've never seen them affect the visual quality of the game at all it looks exactly the same but it's usually good for a couple FPS so might as well give free FPS right okay so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to disable our notifications because we don't want any bothersome notifications coming in when we're trying to play a game so from there we're going to open up settings and then we're going to go into system and then from system we're going to go into notifications now the first one you want to do is right here where it says notifications go ahead and uncheck these right here and then you can flip this switch off right there and then from there make sure you scroll down to the bottom where it says additional settings and then from here you want to uncheck all three of these too and essentially all these are are the spam that Windows gives you all the time like bugging you to sign into a Microsoft account or getting suggestions on tips for Windows you know we don't want none of that so we'll go ahead and uncheck all of it and then since we're in settings we're going to go ahead and play around with some of our gaming settings right here and for these we want to go into the Xbox game bar and I typically always turn that off but this is going to be something that's if you use it then you use it go ahead but I usually turn it off and then also we want to go back into gaming here and we want to go into captures and this one right here I think is pretty important but right here where it says record what happened go ahead and uncheck that cuz essentially what this is doing is it's going to be using CPU Cycles in the background to record your games and you can then you can use the Xbox game bar in order to save those recordings but if you're not interested in that then go ahead and uncheck that and honestly there's much better ways to do screen capture than to use the built-in one from Windows what I typically use is right here OBS Studio that we're currently using while we're filming this video right here but this is the program that I typically recommend for doing screen captures but you use whichever one you want I recommend disabling it within settings right here and then from the gaming tab again we want to go into game mode now this one's controversial and I can honestly say that I haven't tested it to be able to justify my recommendation to turn this off so one of these days I think I may actually do a video testing game mode and see if I should be recommending turning off or not but for now I typically recommend turning it off let me know in the comments down below if you'd like to see a video of testing out game mode now I've watched tons of videos on it and I've read about it in the past and essentially what game mode does is it tries to slim down the services in the background when Windows is running in order to give more resources to games and that sounds great however I have seen situations to where it actually slows games down so that's one of the reasons why I recommend disabling it but like I said maybe I should test it for myself and see how how I do on it I might stop recommending turning it off so let me know in the comments below if that's a video you'd like to watch okay so now the next setting we're going to go ahead and close this real quick and we're going to play around with our startup apps so the first place we want to go to is we want to right click go into task manager here and then from task manager we want to click on Startup and startup is going to be this little gauge right here not sure why it's a gauge but that's the way they did it and then from here we want to go through and just find the different startup apps that we don't want like Microsoft teams no I don't want that and why Edge is opening 17 different Services I have no idea but we can disable it right here and you essentially go through and just disable all of the things that you don't want running in the background and then once you're finished you can go ahead and close task manager and the next one we're going to go ahead and click on the start button we're going to go back into settings again and we're going to uninstall some apps here so go ahead and click on apps and then click on installed apps right here and now this this is everything that you currently have installed on your computer so essentially what you would do is you would go through find something you don't want like right here isus to-do PC trans the reason this is on this computer is from a video that I did like six months ago so there's no reason for this to be on here so we're going to go ahead and right click here and we're going to click on uninstall and uninstall there and then it'll go ahead and run the uninstaller for that app and then what I would recommend doing is going through and just uninstalling all the apps that you simply don't need that could be taking res sources that you could be using in other ways all right so once you go through and remove all the things that you want to remove you can go ahead and close your settings right here and then the next thing we want to do is we want to go ahead and push the start button and you want to search for core isolation right here and from core isolation now as you can see mine's already turned off and the reason why mine's turned off is because apparently I have a driver that doesn't support it and that driver is a webcam that I have sitting behind my monitor that I simply use just for a microphone while I'm doing screen recording but you know it allows memory Integrity to be off however this is one that I'd recommend turning off anyway because it can affect gaming performance essentially what this does is it separates unsigned code from the windows kernel and you know that can have a processor overhead and it can hurt gaming performance so I recommend turning that off and this is also a setting that you should go back and change in Windows 10 as well this is one that I should have included in last week's video but I forgot that memory isolation was a thing in Windows 10 you know so I'm not perfect sorry let's get back to it okay from this point we can go ahead and close our settings and then the next setting we want to do we're going to need to make in control panel so go ahead and hit start and type in control panel so we can open that up and then the first thing that we want to do is we want to click on uninstall a program and then from there we want to click this key right here where it says turn off off features turn Windows features on or off and then from there we want to scroll down until we find our virtual virtual machine platform right here and then go ahead and uncheck it and hit okay and it should uninstall that component from your windows install and then once it finishes you go ahead and hit restart now but I don't want to restart now because I'm in the middle of filming a video so if you want to restart later you can go ahead and hit don't restart if you want and then at this point you can close control panel now one thing that you'll have to remember is by disabling the virtual machine platform you won't be able to run Windows sub system for Linux however by disabling that it does disable some windows 11 security features that are related to virtualization and it could help your gaming performance so give it a try and see how it works on your system so as you can see Windows 10 and windows 11 are fairly similar in regards to how we configure them for gaming also like I said before one thing I should have talked about in the last video is core isolation for Windows 10 this was added in Windows 10 in version 1709 but in recent versions it's on by default so you might want to check the setting in your Windows 10 system as well because it's just as detrimental to gaming performance on Windows 10 as it is on Windows 11 so with that said stay tuned to next week and we'll put Windows 10 and 11 up against each other and see which one really is is better for gaming but in the meantime another thing that you can do to help gaming performance in Windows 10 and 11 is to completely disable Windows Telemetry and I did just that in this video right here where I show you how to manually disable Telemetry in Windows 10 and 11 I like manually disabling Telemetry better than using a script and it's really not that hard as always you guys have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 220,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overclocking gpu, NVCleanstall, msi afterburner, Heaven Benchmark, windows 11 gaming, how to optimize windows 11 for gaming, hot to setup windows 11 for gaming, optimize windows 11 for gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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