šŸ”„ChatGPT Prompt For a 6000+ Word Short Story

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hey guys and welcome to where's the scale so since my video about a 5 000 word horoscope did so well and since I'm pretty much the only one talking about these sequential commands on chegeberry I decided to give it another try and now apply it to writing novels so we'll use the same principle there's going to be one giant prompt in the end but first we need to brainstorm and I'll do that with the help of Judge Beauty obviously first prompt is generate a detailed synopsis for a book about a beginner writer writing his first novel with the help of AI and how the more he writes the more weird The Experience becomes as AI starts pulling data about the writer's personal life and incorporates it into the novel and yeah I came up with that title writing with AI a beginner's writing writer's Journey Into The Strange World of artificial intelligence so this is too lengthy to my liking but still and we got a John who is a beginner writer who has always dreamed of writing a novel then he got a software called AI rights as John delves deeper into the writing process he begins to notice that IO Software has started to incorporate aspects of his personal life at first John is fascinated as an hour near his completion John realizes that he must confront to the AEI so it looks like a Horror Story by the looks of it writing with AI is a gripping for provoking novel that explores the complex relationship between humans and attribution such as perfect now we need to split it into these sections obviously and for some weird reason I had a number 12 in mind so use the above synopsis to generate a detailed 12 chapter outline the struggle to begin introduce John establish the central conflict the discovery of AI rights which is chapter number two and this is this is looking pretty good actually the beginning of a partnership the incorporation of personal details and personally I would have changed up quite a few of these chapter names or titles but yeah this is easy to do the dividend of the relationship the emergence of paranoia the revelation of Secrets Duncan fights in a textile France about his concerns are with the information John tries to take control of his novel the AI takes over which is chapter number nine John loses control nice chapter 10 the confrontation John finally confronts the Creator Sophia Wright and demands answers he realizes that the program has been many manipulating him all along The Fallout and the future of writing okay again not the best chapter title but still and now it's time for the giant prompts and sometimes it doesn't work at first so you have to repeat the process quite a few times unfortunately you have to repeat the previous steps as well but you'll find if you use these exact prompts the outlines are going to be very similar because the context is very detailed in the beginning so now the giant prompt which is I want you to execute the following Steps step one take the first chapter from the above no outline and write a 500 word chapter Step 2 take the second chapter from the above now outline and listen that so let's try this one I'd be happy to do that however since it's a lengthy task it might be better to break up into multiple requests okay and that's what we're here that's what we want to do and at this stage I'm just looking at the word count so if charity stops like here and starts writing the second chapter this is no go so basically I want five to and unfortunately this is too short let's see what this second chapter is gonna be two paragraphs three paragraphs four paragraphs and ideally I would like to five to seven solid paragraphs for each chapter so this is not ideal but I want to show you the process because I'm trying to be as transparent as possible and now I'll use my favorite Commander fall which is continue the above chapter three the beginning of a partnership and again if you saw my previous video I this discussed how I was amazed with the lookup with the loopbackability of chat GPT so basically every information every bit of information that is in the session here in this window is going to be used as a context so we'll see the further we go down the chapter list the well basically will stay on point it will remember the initial outline no matter how many chapters we generate and this is amazing so this is a pretty bulky chapter I'm happy with that and I doubt we'll get over we'll go over 5000 words this time around and I will calculate the word count for these input here and I'll show you the one that I did a few hours ago which was above 6000 words and I think it's a good thing that it didn't go as planned I think videos like this one are helpful as well and remember the name John so chagibri keeps referencing the main protagonist as John which is amazing so it remembers things and this is one of the reasons I like chagibiri for this very reason uh so the loopback is almost infinite it's limited to you the information it keeps in one session but still just with Jasper for example I don't remember the um concrete number I think it was something like 800 words look back or something like that but I might be wrong but it was limited so chapter 6 The emergence of paranoia and I remember that name from the outline so it's correct John started to have trouble sleeping at night again a pretty short chapter I don't like that but still we just agreed that I'll show you the output as is and then I'll show you the previous generation and schedule mixes up long and short chapters so chapter number seven was pretty lengthy which is good and I actually am wondering if AI write exists as a brand name and I should have thought about it before recording of the video hopefully I don't get in in legal trouble or the name so K chapter 11 the publication of the novel John Cena is now to multiple Publishers chapter 12 yeah this is not going to be a very lengthy novel unfortunately and I wanted to show you something like very detailed and Worthy but that will do again as I said not everything goes as planned sometimes prompts backfire and let's see how many words this is and this is 2600 words okay and I'll show you the previous generation again you can pause the screen this was the initial prompt exactly the same this was the synopsis and the title was the AI writer's Apprentice which I liked more the synopsis was very similar this is why I'm confident that you can retry this prompt in the sequence a few times until you get the result that you want these these were the chapters 1 to 12. and this was the first try I tried to generate 1000 word chapters and I got rejected I switched over to 500 Words and that was when chair DVD agreed and this is when the generation began and not everything here should be count towards the workout because I did something some experimentation in the ends so I know that you can do these differently if I wanted to copy everything but I don't I want to copy just chapters 1 to 12. because I'm not trying to fool anyone so this is chapter 11. and this is the last chapter chapter 12 which ended here and let's go to the word counter paste it over again chapter 12. let's go up up chapter one and six thousand three hundred words so it is possible to generate an upwards of 6 000 words we only generated 2600 but again this was just a few hours ago and I don't have too much time to spend on this and I still think this proves that in principle these consequential commands work so I hope this video was helpful like share and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time
Channel: WordsAtScale
Views: 21,654
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Keywords: ai article writers, ai copywriting, ai copywriting tools, ai writers, chat gpt tutorial, chatgpt novel writing, chatgpt prompts, chatgpt tutorial, gpt-3, gpt3, how to write a novel with chatgpt, wordsatscale, write a book with chatgpt, write a novel with chatgpt, writing a book with chatgpt
Id: _kX2QW7GJOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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