Movavi Screen Recorder: Review and Demo (2021)

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hey there today i'm going to show you the movavi screen recorder this is a screen recorder that i've been using for my videos for the past several months i bought it to complement the movavi video editor which is what i've been using to edit my videos and so far i'm very happy with my purchase the movavi screen recorder is easy to use it's affordable and it has a nice set of features so let's take a look at the movavi screen recorder [Music] hey there this is ed herzog with and i'm here to help you build and grow your online business with video and with youtube make sure to hit the red subscribe button and the notification bell so that you know when i upload a new video so let's take a look at the movavi screen recorder so this here is the movavi screen recorder and let me say a couple things up front before i take you through a demonstration of this tool first of all if you're wondering am i using the movavi screen recorder to make this video i'm not i can't use the screen recorder to record something while also demonstrating it so i'm actually using my logitech screen recorder to record this particular video but uh all of my recent videos and all my future videos i will be using or have used the movavi screen recorder so you can see it in action on those videos secondly as i'm going through this if this is a tool you think hey i might want to buy this this looks interesting i want to learn more i will put a link down in the description below and that link will take you directly to the page for the movavi screen recorder and then finally although this is called movavi movavi screen recorder it's actually a three in one tool so as i hover over each of these you see here this is a screenshot that there is a screen recorder and then that there is for webcam recording or for taking photos so it's called a screen recorder but it's actually a three in one tool so this widget here you can actually move this and put it wherever you want although it will stick along the edge of the screen so i can move it over there i can move it down here i can move over here so i can move this around wherever i want but again it will stick to the edge of the screen and i can click here on this arrow and then it will minimize it and then bring it back up that way this button here actually let me bring this back to the top this button here will close the screen recorder this here is for general settings and then we'll go through each of these in turn as well so let's start here with the general settings for for these tools here so first let me click here and we'll take a look at some of the basic settings we have for these tools here click on that and the screen here pops up so first of all you can change the interface language and you can see here they've got roughly 12 to 13 different languages so you can put in whichever one works best for you here you can enable or disable countdown actually i should unselect that because i actually do want the countdown so when recorders you know when you start a screen recording it's often good to have a countdown before the screen recording starts so i want that disabled here you can hide the recording panel so i actually don't hide it uh for me it's not a big deal it actually shows up down you know in the corner somewhere but it shows up while i'm recording but it doesn't actually show up in the video itself so uh that's kind of a nice little feature that you can see the recording panel while you're recording but it doesn't show up in the video itself uh this is to disable frame blinking during capture allow window pane selection if you want to be able to select a particular uh window capture separate streams and enable sound notifications then here we get more so you can launch the application at startup of your computer use software opengl invitation uh you can click here to read more about what that means uh save extended logs for troubleshooting automatically check for updates give consent to send anonymous you should usage stats to movavi and use alternate alternative capture mode in case of capture problems and again you can read more about that right here so those are some of the kind of general basic settings that they have available for the screen recorder and some of the other tools then come here to files if i click on this i can change the default location for where files will be sent to i can enable this to delete the original recording after export and then for the screenshot format you can change whether you want png bmp or jpeg next are keyboard shortcuts so here it says click in the keyboard shortcut field and press the key combination that you want to assign to the menu command so i have some defaults set here um but you can change this if you want to i personally don't use keyboard shortcuts but if it's something that you use you've got some different options here and you can modify them to set them up the way you want them to be the way you want them to work so next up under video here you can change your frame rate whether you want it to be 5 10 15 25 30 50 or 60 you can set your audio quality and then here you have different options for uh conversion speed hardware acceleration etc so you know you can look through these and choose the ones that you know that work best for you so next we'll take a look at effects so first of all you have the option to show your cursor on recording uh next up you can highlight your cursor and you can change the size if you want to make it bigger or smaller this is one of the things that i've been doing on my more recent videos is having a highlight cursor uh i've got this blue here obviously you're not going to see it on this particular video because as i said beginning this video is being recorded via my logitech uh screen recorder which does not have this particular option and here i can click here and change the color here if you want to highlight clicks you can click on that and have different uh highlights for right and left click here you can give a mouse click sound so you've got default or you can add your own sound and then you've got options for keystroke recording options so do not record keystrokes uh keyboards shortcuts only or all keystrokes so next come to scheduler now this is not a feature that i've used i don't have a particular use for it but if for some reason you need to schedule recordings uh or set a time limit for your recordings you can do that right here so here if you click on set time limit you can set a duration limit uh for how long you want it to be and then after capture you can either do nothing sleep or shut down or if you want to schedule recording you click there and you can set up a time date duration for scheduling a recording then finally under sharing you have options for sharing directly to youtube or to your google drive if you want to do that i don't have these set up because i obviously do a lot of editing on my videos before i upload them but you know if that's not something you want to do you can right here set up direct sharing to either these right here so that gives you an idea of kind of the general settings that you can put for these different tools right here so we're going to go through and take a look at these tools individually so let's start by taking a look at the screen recorder because i assume that's a tool that people are most interested in so i'm going to click here to open up the screen recorder and first of all if you want to record the entire screen which is what i almost always do i can just click here anywhere and now i'll be recording the full screen but let's say you don't want to do let's say you want to just record part of your screen let me close out of here i can click on this it'll take me back to the main tool widget here open this up again and if i hold down the left cursor on my mouse and then drag it i can select here you know particular section to record so right now i just recording this section right here and if i didn't get this selection right i can uh very easily move this around anywhere on my screen i can use these uh little dots here to make it bigger make it smaller i can move it this way move it that way you can even move both width and height at the same time by using these here i can even you know let's say i want something that's exactly 400 by 300 i can just enter numbers in here or you use those up or down arrows and boom i've got that right there so uh you know very easy to set up what it is that you want to record and as we saw in the general settings you can also uh set up to select a particular uh tab within your window so a lot of flexibility in terms of what you're going to be recording so i'll click here and go ahead and start recording you're going to see as i mentioned before this panel here at least in the way i have it set up stays here but this is not show up in the actual video itself so i like to have it there uh but you know in the settings in the general settings if you don't want to be displayed you can turn that off but again it doesn't show up in the video for so for me it's fine just to have it here so here you know you can see how long the video is as you're progressing if you need to make any notations uh you can click on you know one of these colors here you can make it bigger or larger let's click on that and we can draw let's see here if you want to take a screenshot during the recording you can do that right here turn that off that would allow you to do a screenshot this will pause the video so if i click on that you'll see that this down here the 44 seconds we've paused if i want to restart i click on that and starts up again this here if you decide you've screwed up which i do quite a bit i use this button quite a lot during my videos i click on that and it gives me the option to delete the recording permanently delete it uh or if i change my mind and for some reason want to keep it i can just cancel it and then it won't be uh won't be destroyed uh and then once you're done you click here and that will terminate your video and then your video opens up in the screen here so let's take a look at what you have in this particular screen right here so this here is a very very basic video editor that comes with the screen recorder now i don't personally use this because i have access to the full movavi video editor but if you just need some very very basic video editing you know maybe this is is good enough for you so you know here we could pull click on this and play this little 50 second video that we recorded you can cut parts right here this allows you to save the current frame here you can share to different media right here coming over here we have options for what you want to display down here so all files videos audio or screenshots uh here we can if you've got if you have access to the video editor and you want to open this in the video editor you can click right here here you can export it so if you want to export it you can click on that coming back up here capture uh i often you know this is the button i use the most because you know i'll do i record my videos in several different parts a lot of lots of different parts i'm on for this particular video part 13 or 14 so you know i then go back and record the next part so here i can click right here to start recording go back to the screen recorder again you've got some editing here cutting deleting files saving current frame settings for language uh and then some help information right here so again it's a very basic video editor not one that i personally use but again depending on what you need this may be sufficient for you for your purposes that gives you an idea of what you can do with the screen recording tool now let's take a look at the webcam recorder so i'm going to click here wait for this to load up so you know right now the picture quality isn't very good because you know as i said i'm recording this with my logic logitech camera and so i can't select that right here uh so you know the picture quality isn't that great because this is my webcam it's not my better watch logitech camera uh if i just want to take a picture i can do that right here if i want to start recording i do that right here uh this allows me to turn the microphone on or off and again i've got this little arrow there that allows me to choose a microphone and then this is for recording or not recording system sounds and so if i click on that i'm now recording myself and then you know i can pause i can stop the recording right there there again i can take a snapshot during it and i can cancel recording if i want to do that so those are my options with the webcam recorder okay now let's take a look at the screenshot tool so i'll click here and the first thing i need to decide is what it is that i want to take a screenshot of so i can click anywhere here on the screen and it'll be a full screenshot so here i'll be taking a screenshot of this full screen if i don't want the full screen let me back out of here click on that open this up again hold down the left mouse button drag the cursor and let's just say i want a screenshot of this windows icon right now this is what i'll be taking a screenshot of again i can very easily change this make it wider make it narrower make it taller shorter i can set an exact size here 500 by 300 so you've got a lot of flexibility in terms of deciding uh what size of a screen shot you want and again what exactly it is you want to make a screenshot of again i find this very easy to use a lot easier than some of the free tools that come on google chrome for example let me move this over here if i want to add text i click here and you see i've got i can do bold italic strike through underline i can choose my text got a lot of different text to choose from just go with arial black here i can set the size of the font or i can just enter a number in here just go with 30. put a background in my font and outline and then here's the color of text so let's just go with yellow text click in here and then expand that oops and you know i can rotate this how i want i can make it you know here if i don't like the size i can make this bigger smaller and you'll see that this here will change as i'm moving it and let me actually keep this a little bit smaller so it fits inside of the the screenshot uh you know if i said oh yeah actually do want a background just click there now i have a background on that i can change the color i can say oh actually i want this font here so very easy to set up text on your screenshots this here is the arrow so again i just click that and i drag and now i have a red arrow but let's say i want a different color i just click on that and i change the color let's say i want to make it thicker or thinner click there i can make it thicker or thinner if i want to move it around again i can just click here and move it however i want or move it up over here so again you can put this place it wherever you want here you have a line this is going to be the exact same thing so i come over here i make it red come down here click on that make it thinner and again i can click here and move it around as i want this here is a highlight box so i can drag and drop that right there uh i can i found you know when i click here for some reason it doesn't give me this color it will change it but it doesn't actually give me the color that i'm selecting i'm not sure why that is it might be some sort of bug in the program uh you can change the color somewhat and you can again come over here and make this bigger or smaller move it around however you want uh and then finally here you've got different boxes so uh you can have a square box an oval box or an oval so just add uh this here sorry this is getting very full here uh and then i've got that and i can move that there you know however i want again come over here change the color make it yellow and come down here and make it thicker or thinner this here i assume is an undo button this is if i want to again go back if i decide oh i completely messed up and i want to start over i can click there this here is for copying this to the clipboard this is for saving it and this allows me to share it directly to wherever i might want to share my screenshot so that is my overview of the movavi screen recorder again i am very happy with my purchase and i plan to continue to use the movavi screen recorder to record my videos so if you're also looking for a screen recorder that's easy to use that's affordable and it has a nice set of features then the movavi screen recorder is one that i can personally recommend and remember click on the link in the description below so you can learn more about the movavi screen recorder so that is it hope to see on the next video and i hope you have a great day bye [Music] you
Channel: Video Tools and Tips
Views: 387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movavi screen capture, movavi screen recorder 2021, movavi screen recorder, movavi screen recorder 21, Movavi screen recorder webcam, movavi screen recorder tutorial, tutorial movavi screen recorder, movavi tutorial, how to use movavi screen recorder
Id: BU0c2bRCs4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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