What is the Best Way to MINE in Minecraft?

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[Music] minecraft you mine and you craft it's simple enough there are two very trivial processes that we've all gotten used to but what if i told you that you've been mining wrong you may have been playing minecraft for a very long time or a very short time but certainly during that time you've probably been mining at least once whether that be in your survival world or in a uhc game you've definitely been mining before i'm sure of it but what is the best way to mine if i want to get as many diamonds as possible as quick as possible and mining as few blocks as possible how do i do it well i don't know yet but there are six methods that i want to test out to find out for sure what the best way to mine really is i'm sure you're familiar with most if not all these methods as they range from basic strip mining to japanese windmill mining have you ever really taken the time to question which method is the best and how can you get the most diamonds or even netherright for your pickaxe well let's find out also if you do enjoy this video please do subscribe it's free and requires available to work on your end plus it would mean the absolute world to me and help out the channel a ton i would love to hit 150 000 subscribers at the end of the year and each bit of support does help a lot thank you so much and i hope you enjoyed let's start off with the basics anyone that has ever played minecraft has probably gotten strip mining when you first start your new mine your immediate instinct is to just dig in a straight line for as long as you can and just see what you're gonna find along the way however as you probably may have guessed this isn't too effective to test out each method i mined either 250 or 500 blocks out and timed myself i did three trials of strip mining and then realizing how long it took i toned it down to two for each following methods just in case one run was a dud or insanely lucky the location for each binding session was chosen randomly by a random number generator and then i just mined wherever i saw fit in a small area around there if i ran into a cave i would ignore it and only go into caves for a tiny bit if they were exposed to be a part of my mind like a branch for my branch mine other than that though i would ignore orders that i couldn't see had there been stone there my first strip mine was disappointing to say the least after mining around 12 000 blocks i only found four diamonds and had taken me just over sixteen and a half minutes strip two let a similar result with thirteen thousand blocks and five diamonds however it was summer eden by strip three which also had thirteen hundred blocks but eleven diamonds this time more than the last two strips combined this made our average diamond total to around 6.66 diamonds per 500 block strip using some simple math i found the percentage of blocks that were diamond ore in this case just under half a percent of all blocks mine were diamond ore that's like one in 200 that's pretty low and our speed was about 0.37 diamonds per minute which is disappointing to say the least but you can't say you didn't see it coming strip mining is just the beginning we have a long way to go from here but what if you put two strip mines next to each other for this test i strip two next to each other each strip 250 blocks long in space three blocks apart well in theory spacing them two blocks apart would lead to zero missing orders in between chances are an orvin will be more than one block wide so the difference in spread really won't matter this method was far more consistent and far more successful while both pairs of strips rolled in a different amount of ores and blocks they both deposited 12 diamonds each between my two trials i averaged a total of 1284 blocks mined and 16 minutes to dig both strips with nearly one percent of the total blocks being diamond ore and i'd rate nearly doubled of 0.77 diamonds per minute so it is crawling up slowly but surely however what is actually the perfect spacing if three isn't good enough according to the minecraft wiki six is actually the best spacing well personally i would rather not miss any blocks in between 6 is definitely a number to consider when mining if you are interested but that isn't all a method that has equal efficiency to this is japanese windmill mining apart from having the coolest name on our list it is pretty efficient it has the same impact as adjacent strip mining with three block gaps it is a bit complicated though first dig to y11 then dig four blocks out put a marker then on that again turn right four blocks and put yet another marker turn left this time dig four blocks and put yet another marker go back to the previous marker dig four put another marker and send it four more and put another marker i i can understand this is a bit complicated then turn left and dig four and put another marker and then go back dig eight with a marker on each fourth block just like before then repeat the step over and over until you've completed one lap it should look something like this i hope to continue go to one of the corners go right four and then place a marker then left four and then dig all the way down to the bottom corner and repeat this again in this weird spiral motion for as many laughs as you'd like this complicated yet very efficient method was invented by a japanese minecraft player known as terry as an organized strange new form of mining it does take a bit to get used to and i wouldn't really recommend it just because it's complicated however it's actually quite a nice pattern and if you want to be unique and stand out this is definitely the method for you method 3 was the one that i had the highest hopes for branch mining branch mining is what i use in uhc and all my friends who play uhd recommend this style of mining so how fast is it really for those who don't know branch mining is just strip mining but every three blocks you mine five blocks out on either side it's kind of like adjacent strips but it's a bit more organized i guess this is my go-to mining method and has been for a while so i was glad to see that it yielded great results kind of first of all it's important to know that this method takes far longer when compared to strip or adjacent lighting just to recap the average time for a 500 block strip mine was 17 and a half minutes and the average for two 250 block adjacent strip mines was also around 16 and a half minutes however 250 long block branch mines took on average 23 minutes yes they did go more overall resources but it is important to keep this in mind however what about the diamonds that's really what matters here across my two journeys i got an average of 17 diamonds i had one really good trip with 22 and one all right one with 12. due to the branches we did invite a lot more blocks though and by the end of it my netherright pickaxe was pregnantly begging for a break due to the average 1800 blocks per mine as a result the diamond per block percentage dropped to 0.93 percent as opposed to adjacent strips 0.95 it's a very small difference sure but still can be used to argue that adjacent strip mine and by association windmill mining might actually be better if you care about efficiency the diamonds per minute were also significantly lowered to 0.72 as opposed to 0.73 very small difference still noticeable as a result of my trial i've included that adjacent strips may be more effective than branch mining which is quite a surprise but how about more unorthodox methods of mining can they be our reigning champs adjacent strips or windmill mining this is a method that i personally had very very low hopes for box mining i've always actually wondered if just digging out every single block in a range was effective at all do you get your times worth back in ores and as you may have guessed not really for my box of mine i mined two blocks up 10 blocks across and then dug a hundred blocks out this was more than boring and at certain times i dozed off for a couple of seconds which don't worry i took off the total funnily enough on both trials i'd like exactly 2 212 blocks and my average diamonds was a disappointing 11.5 per mine each mine took around 24 minutes and made the diamonds per minute 0.46 certainly not the worst but very low on the spectrum my diamond percentage was a measly half a percent and confirmed my assumptions that this method was not good at all finally there is one more method that i want to check out and while i had very low hopes for it i'd be lying if i said it didn't absolutely blow me away and that method is diagonal mine i'm going to bet that most minecraft players a huge majority never diagonal mine unless for a specific build as it's super slow to run across when you're done and it's just kind of awkward why do it at all well diagonal mining from my trials is actually strangely effective the first question you may be asking is how does one mine 500 blocks diagonally well with the simplest pythagorean theorem i can just find out i need to mine 353.3 blocks in both directions and then i've gone 500 diagonal blocks and as i said before this method worked surprisingly well across my two trials i mined an average of 1815 blocks which is well above most other methods excluding box mining however that still doesn't change the efficiency which is 1.8 of the blocks mind were diamond ore that nearly doubles adjacent strip mining and is the highest by a landslide it's only 0.9 of a percent larger but that's still a lot when compared with all the other methods similarly with an average time of around 24 and a half minutes it certainly isn't the shortest and it does have the slowest blocks per second however it's nearly doubles adjacent strip mining's diamonds per minute at 1.3 diamonds every minute overwhelmingly the best choice if you want to focus on efficiency so from this testing i've learned that diagonal mining is actually the best method of mining in minecraft that being said what i recommend it hell no well maybe it really depends what you're after if you want the most resources from your pickaxe my data shows that yes diagonal mining is the best for the job and that isn't limited just diamonds by the way diagonal mining scored the average highest for lapiz gold and redstone coming in second for a call right after branch mining and a measly fourth for iron however if you want a more organized quick and traversable method pick adjacent strip mining it's neat easy to navigate and overall quicker because if you want to reuse a diagonal strip it's a major pain to run through it so i definitely wouldn't recommend doing this in uhc also just never box mine or make one strip mine it's completely not worth your time so after all that we know how to mine but what about where to mine what is the best y level for mining to find out the answer to this we need to dig a little deeper pun intended the answer really depends on what order you want in this case each ore has a different y level for spawning but let's just consider diamonds in this case this histogram allows us to visualize the distribution of diamonds across 41 000 or sorry 416 342 chunks which is massive by the way as you can see diamond distribution is pretty symmetrical and peaks around 12 and 5. so mining while your y level is 11 or 5 will yield the best results for diamond collection if anything y11 is more efficient because spawning on y13 is higher than that of voy4 and nearly a hundred thousand as opposed to 90 000 diamond ore but that said that's all there really is to know about mining you're an expert now maybe because there probably did some exist some super effective mining tactic that i'm just not covering or does there well go out there explore have fun mine safely and as always thank you so much for watching and peace out have a good one you
Channel: Wifies
Views: 633,961
Rating: 4.9007716 out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, amazon mumbo, amazon grian, dream, skeppy, grian, georgenotfound, george not found, sapnap, what is the best way to mine in minecraft, how to mine in minecraft, mine minecraft, mining, what is the best way to mine, how to mine, how to get diamonds, how to find diamonds, diamond, netherite, how to get netherite, how to find netherite, how to find diamonds fast, how to find diamonds in minecraft
Id: hc4phBmksms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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