아이엘츠 스피킹 Band 5.0 한국인 모의시험 (피드백 포함) IELTS Speaking [edm아이엘츠]

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all right let's begin so could you tell me your full name please my full name is so would you could you spell that for me please s-e-o-h-o j-u-n okay good and are you working or are you a student yes i'm working as a student so i'm planning to go to australia next year january very good and what do you plan to study in australia my major is in hotel management so i'm working on that what do you like to do when you have some free time i would like to play basketball and chit chatting with some friends or watching a movie with my family okay what kind of movies do you like to watch i usually watch rom-com movies because they makes me very happy and feeling of trembling okay now we're gonna talk about photos so do you like to take photos not at all because i'm kinda introverted person so when i when my family tries to take photo i just pretend like smiling like i just i feel awkward like while taking a photo do you like to take photos of other people or things yes i like to take a picture like it's very beautiful feels like well when i you know i have enough time to uh climb when i when i have enough time to hiking i just uh try to reach the top of the mountain and read take some photos of like very beautiful views of the top of the mountain okay and what do you do with your photos i just do some edit editing and put some filters on it so that makes me uh very happy and very proud of myself okay and where do you keep your photos uh i usually keep my photos on my phone or my laptop so i when i see them i feel glad to see that because i remember that memory okay now we're going to give you a few questions about public transport so do people in your country usually use public transportation yes as the public spec transportation system is developed unlike the past most korean people are using transport system such as subway or bus or express bus okay good and is there anything you would like to change about public transportation in your country i think there should be some like very clear transport system like uh very convenient or like i i think the cheaper one like is important because like most korean most korean people tend to take take bus because it is cheap so i think there should be more cheaper transport systems okay that'll do us for the first part of the test okay we want to part two now here is your question for you mate so i'll give you one minute now to take some notes and then we'll get you to speak so you can begin one minute buddy let's grab that off here cheers okay so for the part two question could you describe a city you have been to and would like to visit again i would like to uh tell you about a city that i've been to and like to visit again uh a few years ago i had to visit to anju which is northwest of seoul because my grandmas were living there and describe this city uh a little bit it is very beautiful and you can smell of the countryside and also it is very quiet place because there are there were no like there were no many people around there and uh when i uh when i was uh tried to get there i had to take a bus or any transport system to like get there it takes like half half an hour so maybe if i have a if i have enough time to visit there i just take i just tend to take the bus and when i visit there my my grandmas were serving barbecue and i was chatting with my grandma's friends because i have i'm a very open-minded person so i just tend to talk to grandma's friends and maybe like i just like to visit there because it is very cool place and well when i visit there um like 100 times like it is reminiscent of my life so okay okay all right so do you think you're gonna visit there in the future unfortunately not like i don't think so because nowadays copy 19 is serious and you know the government just cannot allow to allow me to get to visit there so i just just wait for it until coffee 19 ends today okay yeah let's hope right we'll go on to part three then let's go three of the tests all right let's go so yeah what is the difference the main difference between life in the city and life in the countryside i think most of the difference like or like transport system and because uh life in the city is very like developed like all all the transport systems and like many like entertainment or like facility there are many facilities like you can that you can enjoy but otherwise life in the countryside has many has has not many facilities like entertainment or like theaters so you cannot enjoy them almost but you can have enough time to chit-chat some friends or even adults or even other people so what do you think are the main hobbies people do in the countryside i think i think the farming farming is really good and also planned plant some something like sweet potato or something like that so you can enjoy some feeling like excitement to like grow a plant or even like helping some farmers so maybe they can they can appreciate it that's one okay all right and some people believe that large cities are suitable for older people do you think that is the case i don't think that is the case elderly people usually take some rest and face some refreshment but mostly cd is very noisy and there are a lot of people so you they cannot enjoy some facilities and also as a technology is developed elderly people cannot adjust to enjoy some facilities so other people tend to live in the world countryside and do you think it's common for people who grew up in the countryside to move to bigger cities i think so mostly students are important for studying like very good environment uh as the countryside is not developed did not develop like cities like uh library library or any like studying places i think students like have to move to a place to study in a good environment and maybe they can is they can concentrate to study easily okay and why do some young people not enjoy living in a big city because i think young people tend to chit chat some friends not just uh go go to like crowded place because young people uh or uh trying to find some enthusiasm on like uh chatting some friends or uh just i think they want to feel some fresh and like very rest so i think they uh they tend to they they tend to move to like countryside and uh talk like some conversation with with them okay all right i will do this and so if we're finished thank you thank you okay so after the test time to give you some feedback score let's say the score would be 5.0 today yeah pronunciation was nice and clear and there wasn't a lot of hesitation but there was a lot of grammar errors that's what that's what will bring your score down a bit today i think some of your answers were kind of overly complicated try to speak like a little bit simply simply some of the answers were not so clear as well you know um i think maybe when you started to speak you kind of got off the topic of the question a little bit to try and focus on the question a little bit um in terms of grammar there's a few things i'll point out um what do we see he said one time next year january we don't need to say here they're just next january yeah uh i asked you what do you like to do like your hobbies you said i would like to so that's the same as i i want to so it should be just i like to i like to do that i see that one question as well i asked do you like taking photos and you said no you feel shy you don't feel good but taking photos means like you actually with the camera it doesn't mean yeah it doesn't mean you in the photo so you used to be like yeah i like taking photos of nature of people yeah things like that um sometimes we were using like the present continuous tense when we should use a present simple for example you said most people are using like public transportation should be most people use public transportation for routine activities in terms of some prepositions here visits to uh anjong yeah so just with visits there's no preposition visit yeah um and when i visit there you said my grandma's you talking about two grandmothers were you no one one one uh okay so just make sure it's singular so i was hearing my grandmas were so my grandma was my grandmother was um so in general it's just the grammar errors i can point more out to you after but i would say try to just speak a little bit more simply and more to the point of the topic these are these are the things i think that would help you improve a little bit because some of the answers were a little bit confusing to listen to yeah but yeah there's some good points you know pronunciation is very clear very nice also your fluency who are quite comfortable when you spoke i just focus on the grammars i'll give you this sheet after of course the camera is here so you're you know it's different yeah i know and like you're better when you're in class but you know i'll give it to you after and you can have a look at it yeah all right well thanks for coming sure cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 352,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, edm ielts, ielts speaking, 아이엘츠 시험, ielts practice, ielts mock test, 아이엘츠 모의고사, IELTS Speaking Score 5, 아이엘츠 스피킹 답안, 아이엘츠 스피킹 5, 아이엘츠 스피킹 고득점, 아이엘츠 스피킹 5.5, IELTS Speaking Interview, 할로윈 특집 아이엘츠, English Speaking, IELTS Speaking Candidate
Id: IZs8m4Uv-DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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