​@OfficialPeterRabbit- 2024 Valentine's Day Special πŸ’– | Friends & Family Forever | Cartoons for Kids

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woo let's go oh this is so [Music] great well Florence this is our new home what do you think too many trees well we are in the woods I'm sure we'll get used to it Lily have you fin finished unpacking yet more boxes now that's more fun than [Music] unpacking I didn't know anybody lived up there they don't so who's that then com [Music] thanks morning that one got away from me a little didn't it that hat is so sweet ooh is this your Sledge what kind of wood is that how fast does it go can it do jumps H it's old isn't it it is not old it's well used can I give it a try sorry no time we're on a big important mission mission looked more like you were SL leging nice to meet you nice to meet you too that was close last thing we wanted some girl tagging along I like them I mean yeah girl what's this hey wait you dropped your your list oh no the ink sweat if we can't read it we won't know what food to buy quick Benjamin think what did it say um um bag of something for Jima Puddle Duck ah bag of rain bag of grain something or other for squir nutkin looks like Happ nugs hazelnuts oh this is a disaster how will we know what to buy I remember the list sardines for Mr Jeremy Fisher a jar of snails for Old Brown wait wait wait you can remember everything on the list yes I'm rather good at remembering things we need you I mean I suppose you could come with us yes please if you're not busy or I don't know you weren't very friendly before I'm sorry let's start again I'm Peter and that's Benjamin hello would you help us please yeah sure come on up it's fun who [Music] look are you okay oh I think so oh no Lily's magnifying glass I'm really sorry Lily is it okay I can fix it so uh how about that radish R now uh I was kind of enjoying the nature walk uh maybe later well I'm just going to go now if that's okay with you sure see you [Music] later see you later off you go no time to lose you best be on your way proceed with care think fast and stay aw and you'll succeed in what you're trying to do so off you go and you should know the golden reach is waiting there for [Music] you now that's what I call an adventure radishes don't taste as good without someone to share them with I wonder what Benjamin and Lily are [Music] doing oh no now look where you're going rabbits again rabit are brave rabit are brave they sure are who did that Peter oh no P what do we do we we need something to shut his mouth Benjamin you're magnifying glass but uh it doesn't have any glass in it exactly hey Peter [Music] catch [Laughter] [Music] perfect wow Peter that was amazing the way jumped on Brock's back and held on like that you're the best sorry your nature walk didn't go the way you planned it went went better than planned it was so much fun and I'm sorry about your radishes there's plenty more back in Mr M's Garden uh are you saying what I think you're saying it' be fun if we did it together together sounds good to me me too come back here you terrible tiny little trouble making look one of my dad's secret Escape tunnels quick through here [Music] sounds like they're having as much fun as we [Music] are Pizza a good rabbit never gives up oh no where's he gone he's probably working on a brilliant Escape Plan we just Peter come back stay quiet Rock make yourself useful go in and get them but it's all prickly I don't like pricklies I've had enough of you ordering us around you pompus pumpkin do it yourself yeah what he [Music] say still fighting well well Peter Rabbit Peter finally we've got you where we want you right three against one you've run rings around us for the last time we'll see about [Music] that squirrel rope such handy stuff for running rings take it away boys [Music] no got it you thanks again nut kid you're a good pal no problem run rabit I'll so I I suppose we just hold on to this until we get [Applause] bored it's so nice oh oh hello you three you've been gone a while wait a second what's that I smell uh it's black Brees we pick plenty for everyone you were right Peter they're the best blackberries I've ever tasted yes indeed it really is a beautiful Valley why would we ever want to leave we're staying yes Yahoo we're staying I mean this [Music] thing on one condition we have picnics more often more picnics oh this sound will go perfectly with my masterpiece no no no I can't hear a thing this won't do at all I am composing the finest musical Masterpiece the world has ever known and I cannot hear the new sounds I need would you please stop making so much noise sorry Mr Fisher we were just playing a game then I would be obliged if you would play something quieter o o I know we could fish yeah uh really quietly I mean only we don't have a fishing rod H I suppose you could borrow [Music] [Music] mine they're making noise [Music] again Kling cacophony who whoever heard Such Noise come on fish you can't hide from us no still nothing fish are attracted to shiny things I know that's for a fact and I've got the perfect thing just in case pocket just in case great idea Lily those fish are as good as caught you're all right no no no I cannot make music like this please be quiet who is making such a Ry Rec quiet I tell you less noise I insist Fu no back this is all our fault we have to do something we are we're going to rescue our friend quick the charlet help I've been frog napped hold on what a lovely musical sound your wings [Music] make how do you talk about music at a time like this you're about to get eaten no Lily get his [Music] attention [Music] ta I'm safe so here's the plan I'm on beans Lily you go after the carrots Benjamin you get some radishes and Mr Fisher you Mr Fisher wo come on what are you waiting for it feels Splendid to be back the flowers are in bloom the vegetables are ripe and I have a spring in my step once more woohoo Mr Fisher you have to be quiet Mr Fisher out what who's there what's going on that's how C to leave I can hear you you We R under here Lily come on Benjamin this way Mr Fisher huh Mr Fisher you run Mr Fisher get out of my garden oh no I can't look what it's only a wee little froggy you're welcome in my garden anytime welcome in his garden of course Garden is love frogs frogs eat the bugs that eat vegetables and I know that for a fact what a nice little froggy I can't believe Mr McGregor patted you on the head oh Mr McGregor doesn't mind that I'm here so you could go anywhere in the garden and Mr McGregor wouldn't care exactly and that dear youngsters is why I am the unexpected hero H Mr Fisher are you out for a little more [Music] Adventure the [Music] ising well just waiting there for you w well that's my dinner what are you three having there's enough food here to feed everyone for a week oh thanks Mr Fisher goodness me that's quite a hug you've got huh sorry that's all right young rabbit together there's no limit to what we can achieve no cabbage is too big no Bean is too high nothing will stop us uh what's about Mr McGregor's cat have you really never been out of the farmyard Robinson never oh how I'd love to run through the woods and climb up the um Hills and do whatever else you wild fellas do out there but mostly I'd love to eat some Sprouts such a beautiful word don't you think sprouts well we could get you some Sprouts from Mr McGregor's Garden really you do that for me of course we'll be right back hang on I've just had a smashing idea what about if I come with you pardon I don't know Robinson mittens did say you shouldn't leave your stay boulder dash I've got my walking hat on and my umbrella to keep the sun off okay come on let's [Music] go a breeze is blowing and the day is fair it's that a r I'm smelling in the air let's go outside let's go everywhere out where the skies are blue cuz I want to explore the whole wide world with you out where life is wild and a new adventure St and carrots always taste the best some what else is gone some days it'll rain but if it never rain tell me who need a sky of blue and I want to explore the whole wide world with [Music] you just for us that's Mrs Tiggy Winkle she's a hedgehog wers I've never met a real life Hedgehog before well tweak my tail it's the young rabbit and oh you have a new friend I'm Pig Robinson pleased to meet you you're a fine young fellow all hurrying home before the storm storm what storm the one that's Brewing of of course you can always tell when a storm is coming flowers smell their best before the rain bye Mrs tigy Winkle this is Mr mcg's Garden gee Willers we'll be right back with your [Music] Sprouts we rabbits call this a vegetable Rays it's very dangerous so do exactly what I do ouchie ouchie did I get it right um yeah not [Music] bad ooh Kitty caty what are you too small to be a rabbit you're not a mouse are you she's definitely a rabbit my little sister cousin ta this is mittens hello K that's Mitten short stuff I'm trying to get cin tail home but she's having too much fun this isn't a playground Peter guarding the farm is serious business you got to be brave quick focused and ooh feather anyone who likes feathers is okay by [Music] me anybody want to see it what's wrong Robinson I've just finished a painting of mittens and she hasn't even asked to see it seems she prefers playing with feather chasing rabbits Well we'd like to see the painting yeah yeah show us oh my really it's probably not that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good [Music] almost well knock me down with a bowl of cheese that kitten looks busy too busy to guard the farm oo [Music] milk easy pickings you sure you want to see it yes really yes please Pig Robinson all right here it is what you've been waiting for the big reveal hey milky stop him wait you didn't see the painting [Music] [Music] [Music] good catch it cotton [Music] [Music] tow we have to get to the burrow uh yes we'll have to make our way on foot and fast Cotton Tail needs us this way [Music] Dad we're losing speed forward Benjamin that's quite enough kindly stop this infernal Contraption so I can eat you almost almost almost got you I've got the mint now all I need is you rabbits and I'll have the perfect stew Benjamin untie the Rope what wait stop moving we're not the ones moving moving Mr [Music] Todd that's got to hurt oh Peter Rabbit let's get to the burrow woo wooo W oh we're here yeah but Dr bobal isn't I have one job to do Benjamin bring Dr bobt back to the burrow but somehow I lost him and Lily I have to go back for them no you don't Peter of course I do a good rabbit never gives up but Peter look Lily Dr bub tail yay group hug a now let's go and help cousin tail [Music] let's get you better then open wide a yes I think I see what the problem is it seems young Cotton Tail has a toothache a toothache oh no is it serious no no Benjamin Cotton Tail will be just fine I suspect she just chewed a little too hard on something I'd suggest some mint to soothe her teeth oh dear I don't have any and we never find any not in all this snow I know exactly where I can find some [Music] mint thanks Mr T bye I'll get you Peter Rabbit Tada oh thank you Peter however did you manage to find Mint in all that snow it's easy if you know where to look and who to ask no more herty no more herty give us back our friend what's his name Peter Peter give him back not unless you have something better to bargain with oh how about this one what don't worry we'll swap you back after he gives us Percy Peter Peter after he gives us Peter wait that won't work aha I've got another idea we swap this what is that you are [Music] holding [Music] Peter thanks for saving me notkin right at your service you think you can spoil my are you we're not out of trouble yet come on bam me [Applause] [Music] hurry that was close wait where are yours oh shall we show him over to you [Music] [Applause] nutkin this is amazing your tail a helpful handle to grab you with don't let go I have no intention of letting you go you feble f I Won't Let Go my dad always call me [Music] could [Music] [Music] St did you see that we really showed old feather face you guys are great in fact you're my new best friends uh noin can we do something like that again well not exactly like that I mean we could perhaps leave out the part where the scary old owl carried you off to that big tree and they came after us and what have I caught a my tail where's my tail I'm really sorry nutkin this is all my fault no it's my fault I should have tried to rescue you on my own but this is incredible I'll be the only squirrel without a tail an amazingly agile simply spectacular completely unique squirrel ouch ouchy [Music] ow [Music] it's up to nutkin now what a sneaky thing to do I must tell them how impressed I am just before I eat them I've got you now rabbit's a brave rabbit's a brave rabbit's a brave wo I need to see we both need to see [Music] together oh no no let go [Applause] [Music] no thanks nutkin you're a good friend I really thought I was in trouble anytime uhoh [Applause] W help Benjamin can't hold on forever I've got to do something we've got to do something you're right pizza Lily help wow that's one unlucky rabbit you'd have to grow wings to get him out of there notkin you're a genius we need to grow wings let's use the kites kites for Wings great idea Peter but we're going to have to work [Music] together if we put your kite there we'll be able to control it and if we use your kite here it'll go as fast as a hwk oh You' better hurry Mr Todd is looking really hungry help I can't hold on much longer I'm ever so pleased you dropped by for lunch [Music] I got you woohoo yeah come back here you little wow this kite is amazing you grab as many carrots as you can carry uh-huh remind me the weird orangey colored stick things oh those sure w let's do this rubbit [Music] style you best be on your way [Music] you you succeed what you're try to do so you go and you no the golden waiting there for [Music] you four carrots for four rabbits [Applause] yay like this these weird orange colored stick things are so good [Music] huh look funny round red crunchy things you mean radishes and just lying there let's hobbity hop to it wait nin stop do radishes normally do that no it's a trap a trap but who do such a thing Yoo I knew I could use a silly squirrel to catch a rabbit or three this is all my fault I'm a terrible rabbit there's one more thing you need to learn nkin a good rabbit never gives up and neither does a good squirrel and right now what you need is a brilliant tree climbing squirrel and that's [Music] me no stop [Music] that ouchie I'm not yes I am all right go look in [Laughter] [Music] stop thanks for the snacks Mr Todd uh you sir have serious anger issues maybe you should try being a rabbit for a while bye-bye rabbit [Music] Todd I don't think Mr Todd like being a rabbit as much as you did nutkin you did make a pretty good rabbit nutkin but luckily for us you made an even better squirrel yeah wo I did it I mean I did it wow what a mess the Apple Grabber great idea Benjamin yeah it just came to me out of nowhere wait what was the idea we don't need to break the lock we can bend the bars with this let's go quick we need to make Mr Todd let go of the cart what oh and how do we do that clever Pauls no please not my rasbery come on Sammy all this hard work must be making you hungry Mr Todd how about a snack before the main course oh that's very thoughtful of you Peter thank you you've just been outboxed by a riit in a rat come back where'd they go watch out oh that way stop Mr Tod come [Music] on ridiculous idea was this oh I remember it was yours come on we can steal the cop by moving from side to side what's that smell Tommy Brock [Music] where oh don't see that every day no my Rasberry no Sammy I can't steal without you I am not losing this [Music] Theory got you now [Applause] uhoh screaming's not [Music] helping yes would you look at that it's open p are you okay yep and if you hadn't been for Sammy whiskers it might even have been fun oh I'm okay too thanks for asking too bad we didn't get to use this maybe we can I knew it would come in handy hey put me down if you say so no oh not my Ras don't just stand there you blundering Badger after them I can't see where I'm going okay there's a tree coming up the left I mean to right this is bird Boulder [Music] ahead very bad time we ran you off the road rabbits this is it we're Fox food a good rabbit never gives [Music] up they're coming straight at us we're heading straight for them I'm okay like anybody [Music] cares ha see you later Mr dos see told you it's fast wo wo um okay Benjamin but what do we do if the breaks are broken I think the best thing to do is Scream really loud don't worry we'll startop when we hit the lake Mr Fish sheet this is no time to worry about the laundry I'm not hold on r a bra r a bra W Peter rabit nice day for a swim Mr Todd so where were we oh yeah delivering laundry um Peter I think this one might need washing again okay then back to Mrs tiggywinkles yeah but a little slower this time [Music] okay maybe I should just move to the city I wonder if cousin Spencer would remember me just in case pocket just in case and then soon we were going downhill but backwards and Zip Zip Zip trees were going past and then we turned around but we couldn't stop and W we used the sheet to break clothes pegs and washboards who' have thought delivering laundry could be so much fun it was thanks to Benjamin and the racing rabbit yeah it's something special all right but you've got to know just how to handle it yeah a wo wo wo oh no cousin tail bye Peter come on quick there's no way we'll catch them there must be a way a good rabbit never gives up let go it's better if you ped an I steer go I'm pedaling so I'm steering what's it this why are we slowing down that's it we can't catch the go-kart but maybe we can slow it down I know wao just in case pocket just in case tie this to a tree P there now [Music] what quick this is our chance I won't it go f [Music] FAS my [Applause] basketb a brave rabbit a brave rabbit need to [Music] run [Music] Make It Stop samry whiskers I should have known you were behind this hang on C I've got you sorry Sammy this is where you get off oh yeah and who's going to make me me he rabbit [Music] wo again again go faster ha we're not finished yet C tail come [Music] on we're stuck I'll teach you to take my basket [Music] woohoo need a rabbit don't Benjamin [Music] byebye buckets oh I can't believe I'm about to do this um excuse me you you woke me up and where's all my stuff if you want it back you'll have to chase me you want come here I guess rabbits are brave you got to be strong you got to be smart you got to be quick you got to have heart rabbit I'm brave brave brave rabbit I'm brave nothing's going to stop you nowb our brait brave right behind you Peter that's the idea come and get us oh you no where have you gone I can't see a thing in [Music] here what oh this ain't off Bad Peter what did Tommy Brock say when he saw all his stuff in the cave did he like it I thought the way I arranged the tints and Boots really complimented the scrap metal in the old I think he liked it Lily can we please go back to the farm and eat a oat cakes now let's hop to it yeah oh yes dark cozy nice and damp and room for all my stuff ow who invited [Music] you home sweet home you better come down Florence Pet's already pretty upset he won't want you sitting on his journal like that the journal my journal Florence found it what's it doing up there not being lost that's what well I'm getting it back wait Peter this seems fishy to me I think what's there to think about I want my journal back and there it is huh piz um what was it that you were saying Lily that I think it might be a trap this is the work of Mr Todd I know that for a fact very good ly you clever little rabbit you just stay away from from Peter oh Benjamin and I will um Benjamin oh dear has your little friend run away smart fellow you got to be strong you got to be smart you got to be quick you got to have heart rabbit bra you got to be B to get what you need you got to be tough you got suceed brab bra it's going to stop you [Music] now who's going to save you now huh ha Benjamin what hey why don't you pick on someone your own size Mr Todd oh no it's the little little rabbit going [Applause] to by to Lily the stilts missed we weren't aiming for [Music] you wait my journal safe and sound thanks Benjamin why don't you look after it until we're back at the burrow got it besides I've got to my hands [Laughter] full thanks for finding my journal Benjamin uh well it was me who lost it in the first place and you're the one who got it back cuz a good rabbit never gives up up uhhuh this is a special moment isn't it do you think it's special I think it's special we love it yay I knew it this time nothing can go wrong cin tail what are you doing here she's leading me to my dinner oh and what have we here mice too now I'll have enough for dessert come on anyone ever tell you not to leave your toys just lying around no m m I'm so sorry I didn't think cousin ha wanted her doll's house anymore we have to give it back oh we'll be homeless forever no you won't because a good rabbit never gives up up but we're mice good mice shouldn't give up either I miss our old house listen we don't want to seem ungrateful the squirrel camp and the tunnels and the dollhouse were all nice ideas but there's nowhere quite like our cozy old sack of grain wait maybe there is meet us outside Mr McGregor's Garden come on Tada Peter that's brilliant it's just like the sack of grain the mice used to live under exactly does this mean we don't get to eat the seeds seeds sorry Benjamin but the mice need it more than cats more than [Music] cats the suck Oh no just in case pocket just in case you keep her busy I'll fix this this way G Peter we're running towards Mr McGregor's house I know R Brave R [Music] Brave What Now give me the seeds from under your hat what seeds I didn't hide any seeds under M Benjamin all right you got me here just take care of themy uhoh but won't the noise make Mr mcre come out yep who's there where are you cat have you been chasing those poor Birds again cat there you go come [Music] here good work boys a home sweet home yeah cozy everyone should have a place to call their own peter you promised you'd find us a new home and you did yeah woohoo what's this I can touch my toes Cotton Tail y I can go the [Music] ceiling uhoh not a oh cotton tow it's just an old bed but it's not just an old bed Ben Benjamin it's a bed made by my dad that's his por print look uh-oh what do we going to do Peter uh we're going to find out where this Branch came from then we're going to fix my [Music] bed that's it Florence take a good look now fly Florence go and find where this Branch came from [Applause] [Music] oh sorry guess she's tired uh can you tell what kind of tree it's from Lily I really need it so I can repair my bed uh H well it is bendy but it's really strong too you must have been bouncing really hard yeah I'm a pretty awesome bouncer I'll have to check my samples H oak tree nope Willow Tree no pine tree no not that one uh no uh-uh aha of course cragus monoga excuse [Music] me it's the scientific name for the hawthorn bush that's where the branches from your bed came from it's the strongest kind of wood around here and I know that for a fact great work Lily let's get that wood woohoo yeah yeah Peter [Music] Lily what are you going to do now you're going to take me back to to your friends and cook me up for dinner probably not uh not cook you not eat you at all really I prefer carrots or radishes that sort of thing wait a minute that blue jacket are you could it be I'm Peter Rabbit Peter Rabbit I don't believe it you look just like your father right and I'm here to finish what my dad started I'm going to reel you in and get you out of this Lake you've been scaring people long enough scaring people oh I'm tired and old I just want to be left alone what's so bad about that Mr Fisher said you were horrible and nasty you'd be horrible and nasty if someone was always trying to catch you Peter Peter your father understood that's why he let me go I understand too does that mean you'll let me go yeah I'm going to fall [Music] in hold on I've got an idea what's going on the fish is eating him I just know it no I can still see him he's still alive but he's wrestling Jack sharp to the end that tickles ah I'm still uh that's not good I seem to be just a little bit stuck out here let me help huh I mean that's what friends do isn't it help each other oh thanks [Music] Jack wooho woo thank goodness you're all right wow I've never seen a boat go that fast did you catch him let's see oh where is he Peter what happened I came close yes but he got away oh just like your father that's right get old dad why not hop in the pot Benjamin a hot bath and dinner is so relaxing and this is both things in one now I'll just add some seasoning Rosemary taragan whatever this one [Music] is a little bit of salt and where's my pepper ah there we are now a pinch of pepper and it's ah dinner time stand your ground you got no time to get away stand your ground come on think fast can save the day you can't just run this game is so you got to use your WS to get you through so stand ground and look around I know you're going to figure out what to do [Music] gotcha now now don't struggle so you won't cook properly I don't want to cook at all [Applause] help what hey Peter Rabbit YooHoo Mr [Music] do behind you can't a fox have dinner in [Music] peace you my foot time to go Benjamin thanks wait a second I need to do something [Music] first oh nice catch Benjamin I'll get [Music] [Applause] you come back here come on here you go a pece you got our pece of course he did a good rabbit never gives up our hero that's our Benjamin or should I say hero rabbit her rabbit well well three little pie sized rabbits oh my dear you've already seasoned yourself with a little nettle how thoughtful and delicious leave my sisters alone and why should I do that because you never fit three rabbits in a pie everyone knows that see Peter Well a fox mustn't be greedy much maybe I'll start with a Peter Rabbit pie one more step yes let me out I promise not to eat you much come on we're still having pie even if Mr Todd [Music] isn't you did it yes I did no chance Mr Todd will catch us now no we mean you found the Gooseberry Bush these are the sweetest juiciest most delicious berries in the woods well done Peter yeah thanks Dad couldn't have done it without your [Music] map see Peter that's what comes from being prepared you didn't need your knitting though did you thought you could leave me in a hole huh hey stay away from my [Music] sisters uh Goosey oh why not it would sweeten up my [Applause] rabbits um a little [Music] help don't worry Pizza we'll save you yes it's a good thing we've got a knitting knitting come back here wait [Music] pza easy peasy H wow that was brilliant well it was the least we could do seeing as how you did save us first yes you were Really [Music] Brave um maybe we should get out of here for real this time yay yes of berries oh this is wonderful blackberries strawberries and Peter's [Music] gooseberries oh no Peter You did leave the door open wa what of all your mess ups Peter and there have been plenty this is the biggest I can't believe it I forgot to shut the door this is all my fault I'm really sorry but I'm going to fix it I'll just use this bucket to carry out the water it's far too deep Peter but I have to do something H we'll just have to wait until it dries out shouldn't take more than a month a month but what will we do where will we stay quack feathers and fluff did someone leave a tap on hello Jima oh dear dear this will never do you'll all have to come and stay with us are you sure we wouldn't want to be in inconvenience sure I'm sure and you're sure there's enough room of course see plenty of room it may be humble but we mustn't Grumble C tail I've got you Mom thank you Peter where are you my little one leaving so soon oh well good luck with your burrow toodle [Laughter] [Music] pip what are we going to do we'll just have to find a new home somewhere else hey wait I've got an idea we can sleep here tonight what this is your plan we can't sleep in the open what about Mr Todd and Tommy Brock and old yay old brown no Cotton Tail no yay Old Brown is not nice I don't know Peter this is awfully dangerous but Mom we can hide under these look now you see me no you [Music] don't funny maybe if we keep close and stay quiet okay Peter a Night Under the Stars it is I miss our cozy room mopsy I miss my bed and my cuddly toys oh I hope they're not too wet Peter I'm really sorry but look on the bright side have you ever seen stars like that [Music] before I got his basket and there's no sign of Mr Todd Lily Benjamin let us go oh [Music] no wild strawberry pie you say um that's right in fact if you let us go we'd be happy to make one for you wouldn't we Benjamin yes you'll probably be so full that you wouldn't even have room to eat you e my rabbit dinner nice try but I can always find room for rabbit now I just need to check the seasoning um Rosemary time hey try a little pepper Peter Rabbit come on let's hop to it run oh no not so far rabbit's not off the menu yet we'll try adding berries to the [Music] menu the door's blocked come on this way how do we get down try the steps very clever [Music] Peter I'm sorry Peter the berries were all I had to trip him with I guess that means no pie for your mom Peter sorry it's my fault not yours I'm the one who forgot it was Mother's Day Peter where have you been and who left the kitchen in such a dreadful mess Peter are you all right yeah I'm fine I thought I could make you a wild strawberry pie for Mother's [Music] Day I tried but well we couldn't get the berries I'm really really sorry Mom oh Peter I told you the only present any mother needs on Mother's Day is a hug from her children and it looks like the only thing that your pie here needs are the berries wild strawberry jam what can I say it's my favorite happy Mother's Day please Tommy Brock I need to get my mom's things back I gave them away and I shouldn't have not my problem they're mine now and so's the hey that's my handkerchief not any more there's nothing we can do he's never going to give them back Never Say Never Benjamin we just need a plan and the right tools here's what we're going to [Music] do hey what's that ooh nice and smooth good for skimming I'll take [Music] that Peter's feather oo I ain't got one of them here's the card and the ornament but where's the stick he what come on Tommy Brook rabbit a brave rbit a brave huh no found it Benjamin sorry forgot to say run uh-oh get back you never [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't run forever me keep sry I've got a better idea help me with these [Music] ropes it worked rabbit sorry Tommy Brock but look on the bright side you did get my best skimming Stone and an now feather and a JW to keep them in [Music] [Laughter] rabbits not bad I suppose not bad at all [Music] oh I'm sorry Mom I didn't know they were important and I took them to the giveaway I should have checked oh Peter it doesn't matter thank you for getting them back don't you want to race yeah but the others are racing with their dads and you're sad because your dad isn't here for you to race with how about you race with me I brought some string but you're you're just a mom just a mom don't get too money Benjamin go go go L where did the ground go oh my goodness help I've got you I've got you all at last Mr Tod a rabbit Beast 2 4 6 wait someone's missing um I've been waiting a long time for this I thought I said keep an eye on them where's Peter Rabbit search me what are you moaning about anyway you got plenty of rabbits haven't you I want them all especially Peter Rabbit get looking rat unless you fancy joining them mom we have to save them it's going to take a little teamwork how about it you and me together let's hop to it what are you doing Lily getting us out of here just need to get the stick caught on something yes well done Lily good show oh yes Lily good job Indeed now listen here you let us go at once yes what he said hey hey there's Peter rabit [Music] Peter ha the fool he's playing right into my Paws Peter run sit sa yourself no don't save us I will trust [Music] me shh Mrs rabbit come on okay wait here Peter where are you going don't worry it's all part of the plan nothing's going to stop now our bra bra bra our bra Peter Rabbit I thought you'd have given up by now soon you'll be joining your friends in my cage what friends h a good rabbit never gives up Mr Todd that's right [Music] Peter gather around everyone all will be revealed but first I need a white sheet and we need to make it dark in here I can't wait I hope it works this is so exciting it's so dark in here has mopsy I have this funny feeling we should be holding snacks right now you always think you should be holding snacks Benjamin is it ready yet uh nearly there and uh ah yes here we go it seems Mr McGregor likes to record moving pictures I suspect he's been doing it for many [Music] years it's Mr mcre Cardon what's he doing here no no now don't panic these are pictures taken long ago moving pictures I don't believe it what you found were the pictures taken by Mr mcgr it was just a question of working out how to show them wow my dad is a genius really benjam yeah what Cotton Tail wow it's amazing Mr Bouncer yes but well was there anything else in the pictures I thought I saw patience Peter it does indeed seem that on occasion Mr McGregor would catch sight of something other than mere vegetables there it's him wow cool look flopsy this was a perfect day how days are meant to be a great adventure and then returning home to friends and family looking into the past I find myself alive standing on a bridge between now and then we are together again we are together again we are together again we are together again good old dad oh you look more like him every day [Music] Peter again again another viewing why [Laughter] [Music] not [Music] a rabit
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 798,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, Benjamin Bunny, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, peter rabbit cottontail and the shrew, peter rabbit with cottontail, peter rabbit winter tale, peter rabbit winter, peter rabbit tales, peter rabbit tales of friendship, peter rabbit friendship, peter rabbit family, peter rabbit cottontail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 37sec (4597 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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