@OfficialPeterRabbit- πŸ₯šEGG-citing Easter Adventures & Hunts With Friends 2024 🐰πŸ₯ | Cartoons for Kids

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we have to get that egg before Sammy whiskers does there he is we're too [Music] late oh I really don't like cats think of the cake think of the cake this is hopeless a rat is bad enough but a cat too it's not over yet Benjamin would you do the [Music] [Music] honors [Music] no we did [Applause] [Music] it oh no it's breaking it's not breaking it's hatching the duckling is on the way we'd better get it home to its mommy then it won't be long now hurry but what are we going to tell everyone Peter they still think it was you who took the egg we'll tell them the truth they'll believe [Music] us tell them the truth will you that Bunch they'll believe anything I tell them like the way they believed I found those lost rattles or that lost music or this chly egg when it was me who took them all along me Samuel Jeremiah Bartholomew Edmund Cornelia whiskers and why are you all [Music] smiling give me back my egg um yes well um um I suppose you uh heard all that yes yes I'm afraid we did Mr Whiskers oh please send me to my friends no yeah well I didn't want any of your horrid party cake anyway you best run along Sammy whiskers or you'll be feeling the sharp end of my spines you cheeky egg stealing rasal oh angry Hedgehog very curious where did this toothsome titbit come from no drat who can that [Music] be what's that who's there show yourself well well Peter Rabbit what better way to follow a nice egg than with rabbit stew this belongs to Mrs puddleduck and you're not having egg or rabbit for dinner no hey come [Music] back look at that safe and sound yeah you did it we'll get it we get [Music] it [Music] Deary me somebody really ought to look after that egg lucky I left my egg in safe hands hey huh [Music] heiz what's going on oh you were right Lily you do have to be alert and patient and careful when you're exitting come [Music] on stop stop everyone move back very very slowly it was my job job to look after that egg and that's what I'm going to do nearly there this day just can't get any worse rain [Music] [Applause] P wow I wasn't worried I knew he'd use my dad's umbrella I take it back Peter you're a brilliant eggit thanks now time we got this egg back and it keeps the rain off [Music] too thank you Peter thank you thank you what a helpful rabbit you are oh h H excuse me Dear Mrs paddled duck but you seem to have left your Bonnet outside oh oh my have I I'd forget my own head if I wasn't always wearing it ah are you sure I can't see it Mr Whiskers the Bonnet was on your head all along see now it's outside oh Deary me oh my no visitors today thank you ouch and take your knitting too can we eat the carrots now no Benjamin how about now no Benjamin oh dear Mrs Puddle Duck morning we'll help you oh this is a disaster one two three oh D May m we can do [Music] [Applause] this ow I think I've broken something oh dear me we need somewhere to stay Sammy whiskers got me all befuddled and all Bamboozled and then oh he stole my home stole your home he can't do that poor Mrs puzzle duck oh no did he take your o cakes too Benjamin yes yes he did every last one of them I never should have told him your oat cakes are the best the best do you really think so oh now I have nowhere to make them don't worry Mrs puddleduck we won't let Sammy get away with with this let's hop to [Music] it how you rabbit are on my private property clear off it's not your property it's Mrs puddled Ducks I know that for a fact yeah give Mrs puddled duck back her home well if that's okay with you I mean I've got a huge plate of oat cakes here I'm not going anywhere [Music] who ate all my oat cakes oh yeah it was me excuse me the only thing that will get that rat out of there is if he thinks we have more cake out here H which we do um Peter those are carrots we know this is a bag of carrots but Sammy doesn't here darklings darklings I can't see them anywhere what are we going to do ducklings tweet to each other I know that for a fact so maybe we should be really quiet and just listen I can hear tweeting sorry there eating the grain the others must have wandered off let's take the grain if they're hungry it'll help us round them up herey ducky ducklings come and get some grain this is bad very bad it's dangerous in the woods there's owls and badges and foxes and what was that it was you Benjamin I knew that eating always calms me down there stay here gotcha that's two is it where's the first one oh no he must have wanted off again oh we'll never find them all Never Say Never Benjamin this way there oh well well well what have we here not big enough for lunch but a small pre- dinner nibble at least and so much easier to catch than rabbits put a duckling in a pot that poor duckling well this is bad very bad I've got a plan but we'll need some help from this little guy his tweets are going to save the day portions are definitely getting smaller these days what's that another duckling I'll have enough for lunch yet be a good little fellow and wait here would you [Music] yes okay now let's make Mr Todd follow us so Peter will have enough time to save that poor duckling rabbit's a brave rabbit's are brave aha oh there you are no ding come back TR to rescue you H sounds like someone's trying to steal my snack Peter Rabbit no duckling for lunch today Mr Todd well we'll see about [Music] that looks like Mrs P do got here first you couldn't tell me where the black currents are could you H how rude imagine that no [Music] manners I think that Mrs puddleduck thinks Mr McGregor's Garden is a shop why would you think that uh because I did sort of tell her we got all the fruit we wanted here remember but we can't let her stay in there it's far too dangerous no harm done see the cat isn't even interested in Mrs P duck she's much more interested in the ducklings the ducklings I can't look oh we have to save them come on hey you leave those dark things alone yeah why don't you pick on someone your own size I didn't mean [Music] me oh quick Benjamin y get the ducklings up on the wall who who if you just like to follow me please um I know you're just the cutest duckling nice quacking [Music] Benjamin a little too ripe not ripe enough Yoo shopkeeper do you have any other strawberries hello who steady get Mrs puddle dog h hurry I'm on it looks like iy got the easy job eh ducklings we'll just sit here quietly and hey come here no heal stay sit hi again Mrs puddle oh hello Lily back for more shopping um yes looking for a strawberry here's one so we can probably go now I can't leave yet but Mrs puddle du now now Lily what what sort of Shopper would I be if I didn't get everything on my list no no that wouldn't do at all then I'll help you shop four PA's um wings are better than two ah that is kind thank you because between you and me the service here isn't very good I should have tied an easier [Music] knot hey ducklings have some cake over here quack quack quack hurry up Peter my darlings what are you eating oh stop that Mr Todd won't be happy come back oh Lily Benjamin are you having a party too oh imagine that come back here come [Music] here more guest at last better late than never what say we get this party started oh a party oh you're having a party and you didn't invite me oh you don't understand you smelly o it's not a real party smelly I only had a bath last month no stop you brute no leave me alone come back here Peter I've got this how did you undo that well it's over under two and fro out the hole around the oh you know I'm just good with knots not a real party it's a clever trap a trap you nink poop let me out don't leave me in here with him thanks for the party Mr Todd but we've really got to be going it was fun but I was going to eat you see you later Mr Todd back so catch me in a trap would you oh but you weren't invited in the first place no wait uh Brock um can't we talk about this um piece of cake wo there's so much to eat it's a good thing we invited everyone then oh that's nice excellent party yeah but I can't help thinking there's someone [Music] missing oh my I thought this party would never start come on let's see don't you like our act cottonil yay very nice thank you Peter what's the matter aren't you enjoying your birthday party mhm cousin tell is there anything that would cheer you up shw the Shrew mhm if it's the Shrew you want then I'll get him for you that's a nose twitch ear scratch rabbit por promise yay but he's such a meanie A promise is a promise if cot to wants the sh to come to her party then we'll go and get him come on let's hop to [Music] it lovely Dand Lions oh mine hey get away from my dandelion back in the box lawence I can't believe I'm going to do this me neither you can do it Peter A promise is a promise one for me one for me one for me one for me hash H none for you stay away from my dandelion we're not here for dandelion we want to invite you to a party not interested one for oh you made me lose count now I don't know which pile's next we're sorry to bother you will you come to cin House's birthday party she'd love it if you did forget it every time I see that bunny she squeezes me like I'm some kind of lemon anyway it's dinner time there's lots of food at the party yeah we've got carrots and pars Snips and really carrots and Par Snips now I'm definitely not going why would I want to eat any of that rabbit food it's hopeless he won't come to the party let's go back no way a good rabbit never gives up if only we had something he really wanted he loves Dand lons but he's got loads of them already the only thing shoes love as much as dandelions is worms I know that for a fact H wait don't go there are worms at the party worms really how many Lots if you come to the party you can eat all the worms you want all the worms I want you say fine I'll [Music] go but Peter that there aren't any worms at the party not yet don't worry I have a plan whenever he says don't worry I [Music] worry [Music] squeeing wa Nice Shot watch out [Music] what take that they should be using those strawberries to make some nice juicy muffins not throwing them around like that okay okay you win yeah woohoo yeah I love berry battles in Spring where'd you get the helmet from anyway oh I just sort of borrowed it oh Benjamin you two haven't been playing with my mixing bowl have you uh um mixing bowl um I think we just should go and see what Lily's doing don't you Benjamin all right but if you find it I'm trying to make more strawberry muffins oh did somebody say muffins Pizza when you borrowed the bowl did you remember to ask your mom uh not exactly no uhoh maybe we should just give it back I like the sound of those muffins yeah I suppose so come on let's go and find that bow excuse me Madam I was just passing through when I stumbled upon this mixing bowl and I thought such a nice Bowl could only have come from a handsome Barrow like this one oh uh thank you wherever did you find it oh well no I don't want to tell Tales but I did see a couple of mischievous young rabbits playing around with it in the woods did one of them have a blue jacket by any chance ah well yes now that I think of it yes he did that's my peter always borrowing things without asking well I'm very grateful to you Mr um oh I'm sorry the name is whiskers Samuel Jeremiah Bartholomew Edmund Cornelius whiskers I'll bet my friends call me Sammy thank you Mr Whiskers uh Sammy I don't believe we've seen you around here before uh no Mom I'm new to these ha Parts well thanks [Music] again sorry was there something else is that uh maffin as me well yes oh silly me you should have a reward for finding the bowl oh that's what I'd hoped you'd say and I um if you insist how many have you got my goodness you are hungry what better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than we oh nice sweet muffin oh [Music] five good day buckle up yay [Applause] woohoo yay we fun Benjamin don't you want to see where we're going not really P look out this is the greatest I like them wrigly I like them straight I like worms when they're on my plate well I never a laughing worm huh my worms was that Tommy Brock you made a mess of my dinner I'll get you for that yeah sorry about that Tommy Brock what so funny there's no way he can catch us you were right it is f slow down rabbit slow down go go go this is going to work ah another peaceful day in the woods the sun is shining the birds are singing and Badgers are rolling out of control toward me oh that was a softer Landing than I expected oh good morning Mr Todd it would be a much better morning if there wasn't a smelly budger sitting on top of me get off me you brute what is no need to have a go at me reck I've had a much harder day than you oh really and why is that you tedious o them rabbits they rushed by in some sort of speeding wagon and knock my worms over look there they go H that will never do they're already impossible to catch what say you and I Brock get our paws on those rabbits once and for all we have to slow them down first that's exactly what I plan to do woohoo did we l Tommy bro I think so tree no W [Music] wo wo look out for that log W laundry huh laundry [Music] uhoh look out well that's one way to stop everyone okay um [Applause] Peter maybe he came out a different way sorry I went back for another go wow this is the best birthday ever I love being a rabbit you know if you really going to be a rabbit we should make you look the part uhhuh um [Music] H there Tada just in case pocket just in case I'm a rabbit my dreams come true I can switch my nose I can shake my tail I Can Moo no wait that's count yep it's a pretty great life being a rabbit running through tunnels playing in the woods getting chased by Foxes H uh foxes yes I've got you now rabbits he called me a rabbit huh what is it with me and tail not you oh squirrels acting like rabbits what is the world coming to but perhaps I could use that silly squirrel to set a rabbit trap [Music] wow you've eaten soup you've been through tunnels you've even been chased by Mr Todd nutkin you're a rabbit now for sure not until we've taught him one last thing how to raid Mr McGregor's [Music] Garden oh here's the plan I'll go for the straw Lily and Benjamin you go for the radishes radishes check and nutkin you grab as many carrots as you can carry uhhuh remind me the weird orangey colored stick things oh those sure let's do this rabbit [Music] style you best be on your way woohoo you [Music] [Music] proceed to do you [Music] know four carrots for four rabbits yay like [Music] this
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 227,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, happy easter, easter, ducklings, egg, rabbits, easter for kids, peter rabbit egg chase, peter rabbit egg hunt, special, peter rabbit egg, peter rabbit ducklings
Id: tBmwKwW-Kvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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