​@OfficialPeterRabbit Hop-tastic Celebration: 1 Million Subscribers Special 🎉 🥳 | Cartoons for Kids

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yes [Music] last but not least what about some juicy raspberries oh let me try Peter okay Benjamin just pull the line back and uh I got one that's no raspberry [Music] [Music] Benjamin let go [Music] um oh no the fishing rod no time we'll get it later come on ah phew phew that was brilliant uh yeah it was a lot of fun [Music] well Benjamin you won't wish then zoom zoom than we you were so brave I was um yes I was there's nothing to it really you just need to keep your eyes open and stay alert oh dear Peter um what does your Journal say about the cats this way come on Peter oh no you don't oh [Music] oh see you later you know I can make the silts if I use the journal to show me how then I could surprise Pizza I don't know Benjamin pizza will be really upset when he realizes he doesn't have his journal we should get it back to him but then it wouldn't be a surprise don't worry I'll keep it completely safe Benjamin [Music] whoa [Music] don't worry you're safe with me let's see I need some branches some twine hmm no branches no swine think Benjamin hey a horseshoe nah or how about uh definitely not but these are perfect [Music] I've done it my own pair of stilts whoa um Hello thank you wow these do make you taller I'm probably the tallest rabbit ever to love to pick those apples and I'm going to approve it perfect [Music] you stay safe under my hat Journal I've got scrummy apples to pick uh pizza's gonna be so surprised whoa I wish this tree would keep still allow me to steady those for you thanks Mr Todd Mr Todd hey you leave those dark things alone yeah why don't you pick on someone your own size wow I didn't mean me [Music] oh quick Benjamin Lily get the ducklings up on the wall if you just like to follow me please um nice quacking Benjamin come on I've got you oh yeah save sure too okay say shrew too [Music] what's all this commotion lesson six when all else fails run really fast come on Peter that's it cuts until you can you commit oh and uh you too sure I suppose oh [Music] [Music] I can't believe I'm doing this [Music] [Music] time to go oh oh that was close hold on where's the Shrew yeah oh you're a really Brave shoe what is it with rabbits and hugs I can't believe you save Cottontail you're a real hero hero Brave oh no no no I'm the charu Ruth awesome and terrifying and adjustment we'd be happy to share Mr McGregor's garden with you you deserve it with that wild cats running around in a garden with these big grubby hands there no thank you I'll stick with my and that's my dandelions last lesson never get between the shroomies dandelions isn't that right Cottontail Cottontail dandelions mine [Music] oh Mr McGregor's Garden scene of a thousand Dairy grades with your father Peter no carrot was safe no radish unplundered I'm sure he wrote about it in his journal his journal huh here you go hmm see here's a picture of Mr McGregor's silly little kitten that's Mr McGregor's cat oh we used to run rings around her it's just so small I suppose it was a long time ago sure was so here's the plan I'm on beans Lily you go after the carrots Benjamin you get some radishes and Mr fish are you Mr Fisher come on what are you waiting for ah it feels Splendid to be back the flowers are in blue the vegetables are right and I have a sprink if I step Once More Mr Fisher you have to be quiet Mr Fisher who's there [Music] come on Benjamin this way Mr Fisher huh Mr Fisher run Mr Fisher get out of my garden oh no I can't look what it's only a wee little froggy you're welcome in my garden anytime welcome in his garden of course Cardenas love frogs frogs eat the bugs that eat vegetables and I know that for a fact what a nice little froggy I can't believe Mr McGregor patted you on the head oh Mr McGregor doesn't mind that I'm here so you could go anywhere in the garden and Mr McGregor wouldn't care exactly and that dear youngsters is why I am the unexpected hero you can run rabbits but you can't hide it's Mr Toad Mr Tully we have to get out of here yes yes now your father marked a special Escape Route round here just for me I had him Market with a paw print so we could always find it the Paw Prints were your idea wow sure he put them on all his roots and tunnels after that and I'll tell you another thing hey there's a tunnel look hmm not bad bit rabbity let's see there's a better Escape Route for me up here somewhere [Music] we really need to get out of here Mr tolly we haven't got time your father always used to say a good rabbit never oh now how did it end never gives up Lily Benjamin you take the tunnel we've got another Escape Route to find it what if there isn't one I've Got a Feeling Mr Tully knows what he's doing [Music] I'm sure it was around here somewhere too bad we don't have your father's Journal it had a map with all the Escape Routes oh the channel well I'll be but there's no Escape Route here no tunnel or catapult there's just a weird drawing what is that that's me huh I'm the Escape Route now who shall I have for lunch and who shall I have for dinner oh decisions decisions come on Peter climb on my back you're not going anywhere oh three Peter wait what no not again [Music] we're outrun by a tortoise how humiliating [Music] across the fields thank you [Applause] just waiting there for you [Music] one leg four heads jacket oh well that was fun the grass is green Shining what a day for a radish ride hey Benjamin Benjamin rise and shine Benjamin hmm Lily hello Lily where is everyone hmm and what's that mind your dragonfly why oh why must you fly so we want we wanted to say [Music] I forgot all about the auditions for Mr Fisher's recital are you going to try out Peter no way today's a perfect day for a radish raid I guess I'll just see you later oh there you are Peter come to help out um excellent I could do with some assistance actually I Was preparing to be dazzled I know just how you feel and what a day for it the grass is green the sun is shining right over here Peter you take notes uh well uh uh if you're a rabbit get in the habit of cleaning your Borough each day that's all we wanted to say congratulations flopsy mopsy you're in the show yeah write that down please Peter who's next oh and what is this and cucumbers and radishes I think she's just listening vegetables adorable such Raw Talent she's in two nice singing Cottontail bye bye next please [Music] smells so great to make fresh what the that's the loudest thing I've ever heard Sublime you're in who nobody cares about me my whole tribe has forgotten me on my biggest most special day of the year Benjamin [Music] happy birthday you remembered oh thank you thank you thank you you are the best friends a squirrel could have ah I was going to spend the day with the squirrel tribe but I'd much rather hang out with you my real friends in fact I don't want to be a squirrel anymore nice one looking that's funny are you serious I've never been more serious about anything apart from that one time I thought the hazelnuts were talking to me I still think I was onto something but today all I want is to learn to be a rabbit laughs oh I can't wait to be a rabbit I want to run along the ground like you do I want to Twitch my nose in an adorable way and eat those weird orange colored stick things you mean carrots is that well they're called then yes I guess we could teach you to be a rabbit if that's what you really want it is your birthday after all oh thank you my remedy friend I'll be the most rabbit rabbit in the whole Woods you'll see okay knocking we're just getting back to my Barrow for lunch let's hop to it ah yes let's hobbity up to it [Music] there you are Lily thank you Mrs rabbit so napkin sometimes rabbit lunches soup and sometimes a salad I really love soup carrots cabbage um you might want to sit the right way up for this no squirrel Cotton Tail today I'm a rabbit here you go you Lily my ears could do with the cleaning whoa no no it's a spoon napkin I'll show you how to eat like a rabbit okay [Music] trickier than they look aren't they um [Music] these make a pretty good sound don't they four carrots for four rabbits yay like this oh these weird orange colored stick things are so good yes wow nice bowling Peter [Music] stand aside this rabbit's going to show you how pine cone bowling is done um maybe facing the pine cones would be a good idea oh yeah I knew that remember what we told you one a nice smooth action smooth as an acorn two and quick quick is the wind three whoa look out it's okay no harm done oh sorry not kin that's okay we squirrels have very hard heads like feathers no that's not right uh what no no no oh wait wood Ah that's it squirrels forward [Music] it's working it's really working [Music] well that went wrong faster than I expected oh [Music] yeah almost Peter don't it's not worth it oh Peter yay huh oh don't you like her act Cottontail yay very nice thank you Peter ah aren't you enjoying your birthday party cousin tell is there anything that will cheer you up the Shrew if it's the Shrew you want then I'll get him for you that's a nose twitch ear scratch rabbit poor promise hey bunny A promise is a promise if Cottontail wants this show to come to her party then we'll go and get him come on let's hop to it [Music] um hi daddy lions [Music] back in the Box Florence I can't believe I'm going to do this me neither you can do it Peter A promise is a promise me one for me one for me one from me hi shrew ah none for you stay away from my dandelions we're not here for dandelions we want to invite you to a party yeah not interested one for oh you made me lose count now I don't know which piles next we're sorry to bother you will you come to cousin's house birthday party she'd love it if you did forget it every time I see that bunny she squeezes me like I'm some kind of lemon anyway it's dinner time there's lots of food at the party yeah we've got carrots and parsnips and really carrots and parsnips now I'm definitely not going why would I want to eat any of that rabbit food yeah [Music] is hopeless he won't come to the party let's go back no way a good rabbit never gives up if only we had something he really wanted he loves dandelions but he's got loads of them already the only thing shoes love as much as dandelions is worms I know that for a fact hmm [Music] wait don't go there are worms at the party once really how many Lots hmm if you come to the party you can eat all the worms you want all the worms I want to say [Music] fine I'll go [Music] but Peter there aren't any worms at the party not yet don't worry I have a plan whatever he says don't worry I worry [Music] yeah very funny oh they do smell good no nothing but interruptions today hello Mr Todd um lovely day and it's getting better by the minute another rabbit and a plump one too [Music] we're here yay Bieber Peter Rabbit get me out of here what took you so long a please would be nice okay please tell me what took you so long hmm aha here you go finally let's get out of here ah not so fast hey boiled roasted fried scrumptious yes tasty plump rabbits so if you'll just give me my dandelions I'll leave you to your dinner you are such a meanie everybody run run like you've never run before [Music] [Music] you may be tiny but you're going to taste just fine on a cracker I told you I am not exciting you're right Cottontail a good rabbit never gives up on anyone even if he is a meanie [Music] oh dude oh they've gone I think maybe you've got something you need to say to ushero I have oh ah thank you for helping me out what was that thank you for helping me out this way [Music] rabbit's a brave I had to get that feeling someone is watching you like the fire on the back of your neck goes sprawling and you keep expecting to turn around and see staring eyes [Music] I don't know what scared the mice but looks like we're the only ones here is that rabbit speak for how do you do I'm Pig Robinson pleased to meet you nice to meet you too Pig Robinson I'm Peter Rabbit this is Lily Bobtail hi and that's Benjamin bunny hello oh look at this mess I don't even have any Sprouts to offer you they're my favorite thing to paint and he'd come to think of it pardon me he's not so scary scary me I should say not the mice told us there was something big and furry and scary here there's nothing like that around here that I know of excuse me I do that when I'm excited well looks like the coast is clear no scary things around here [Music] play nicely [Music] I think we found our big scary creature oh she's so cute boots look at her little ears and I love that dress and oh my goodness that tail is just the sweetest mittens how many times have I told you we don't wrestle guests hello Mr Smarty Piggy Pants that guest is a mouse a really big one too hey I'm not a mouse ha nice try but you don't for me what you're feeding by the way honestly mittens manners she's very nice once you get to know her and here's something else you should know this is my farm yard and that means you obey my rules rule number one no mice there's one oh you I'm not a mouse sorry sorry I knew that but wow you do have a mousy kind of feel about you sprouts sprouts sprouts you're welcome Pig Robinson I'm sorry how rude of me thank you Peter Lily Benjamin Good Golly Lolly what a treat you'll join me of course of course it's a big rude not to oh I didn't know lettuce had legs it doesn't I know that for a fact hello Albert Louisa Stanley we weren't trying to take your sprouts well maybe just one why is it Brave myself Brave there's no need to be afraid it's not you we're worried about is that kitten you mean mittens she won't mind not if you're with us no mice in my farm years it feels like could be wrong mittens [Music] [Music] this is so exciting over here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's more like it right it's not your fault Peter cats chase mice I know that for a fact we used to live in a nice cozy nook under a grain sack till She chased us out imagine having nowhere to live nowhere to snuggle down and feel safe and warm no place to rest your head and call your own but we're going to find you a new home someplace without cats hahaha would you come again soon and bring fish don't eat rabbits Benjamin I know that for a fact sorry Jack we'll get you back in the lake right away You're the Jack shop I've never actually met a real life trout before is it true that you breathe underwater using your gills and you don't close your eyes when you sleep do you no does she always talk this much yeah huh what kind of food do you like to eat oh [Music] we have to save him [Music] let's go we can't lose them fishtails [Music] oh oh skaters and sticklebacks it's it's raining fish afternoon ma'am sorry to drop in like that the name's Jack sharp well I've never seen the like Finn from the sky in here look out old brown you keep away from our friend out of my way oh you've had someone else to bother you horrible bird what were you wave that thing I'll be back for my physical well both my buckets and here I was expecting a nice quiet wash day Jack are you okay I've had better days this little Beauty's got it all three seats four wheels and one steering wheel amazing I love the color and the horn and the round Wheels I mean wheels are always round but still whoa what does this thing do nothing really just makes it look cool and what's this whoa the danger lever is painted red for a reason danger lever it's a little something I added for emergencies awesome yeah it looks good but is it fast oh it's really fast I have two words for you buckle up [Music] yay [Applause] [Music] don't you want to see where we're going not really this is the greatest I like them Wrigley I like them straight I like worms when they're on my plate well I never a laughing worm my worms was that Tommy Brock you made a mess of my dinner I'll get you for that yeah sorry about that Tommy bro what's so funny there's no way he can catch us you were right [Music] [Music] attempt number 178 failed oh hello son everything okay it's such a sunny day I thought you'd be out with Peter and Lily on some Adventure not today why don't you give me a hand then I'm making some modifications to the Apple Grabber between you and me it's not going all that well you might need this ah oh Dad are you okay fine fine no I'm done why bother trying to fix that thing it's not working why not give up because if at first you don't succeed try try and try again sounds a lot like what Peter says I must say it's so nice to have you all over and look I've modified the nut gatherer to help with lunch I call it the soup server hmm how ingenious ah there you know what though that's all right come on Moxie we'll be safer here yeah when in doubt give it a kick is what I always say [Music] [Laughter] Peter we'll do it mom come on Benjamin try this wow let me try fun ouchy better try again [Music] um weren't you supposed to be keeping Lookout Benjamin uh-huh I can do two things at once see all clear foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well looks like we're in charge now being in charge of a shop is a big responsibility and I know that for a fact you've got to keep your eye on everything I've got this cake covered don't worry I'll look after you ah Benjamin oh sorry well I guess we can take care of the shop until Mrs Puddle Duck comes back everything seems pretty quiet [Music] an empty shop means yummy scrummy cakes are mine all mine [Music] that shop isn't empty getting my mitts on some cake might be tougher than I thought over here which one will it be one of them okay um this way please I just can't decide on which tin to choose what do you think Lily um sardines the sardines aren't they this way come on now Benjamin it's wash day tomorrow and washing won't wait I'll be needing soap and a new washboard and a cloth line soap uh washboard and other thing you said cloth [Music] this shot was a lot easier to run when no one was here to buy anything hmm I think I'll choose Bastion no wait that one notice one decide Chop Chop Benjamin yeah wow those rabbits are busy I can take take my cake cake [Music] I've made a decision Lily oh great I'll take this one [Music] ah that Pie's not going anywhere yeah unless it grows some legs and runs away yeah I'm not joking look huh oops laughs hey hey watch out oh hi it's gone [Music] bye Pie about time two now Scurry along and let me feast in peace hey that's not fair you you you you right sorry takers Keepers [Music] that's right run away this pie is all mine is that so oh why thank you I am rather hungry as it happens hey give that back careful whiskers or I might decide to have this pie with a side order of rat [Music] found them hey hey not so fast Pi thieves easy boys don't scare them uh I like your bow tie and that hat is so cute oh and did you make that pretty late yourself why yes yes I did and it took forever to get it just so oh I'm sure it is um so where is our pie it wasn't yours it was semi whiskers pie no it was owls that rat came along and stole it Sammy stole it why should we believe you because it's the truth Peter's mom baked it this morning and then we were watching it cool down and then Sammy whiskers ran in and grabbed it and we were like sweet and we got it back and the meow you swiped them hey that rat promised us a slice of pie if we helped him but he tricked us we'd never steal from anyone we were just so hungry Wow might have Tommy alarms too so which way did that rat go with our pie semi whiskers doesn't have the pie anymore huh then who does Mr Todd well that's it goodbye pie oh cakes feathers and fluff you've got quite an appetite enjoy come on now come on it's okay Mark cake isn't broken huh Don't Mind If I Do Sammy whiskers get him not today rabbits huh hey [Music] come on [Music] come on Lily Harry Benjamin [Music] how many times do I have to tell you whiskers no rats allowed at Hilltop Farm let's go get your clothes off me [Music] you asked for it Sammy yes and stay out we make quite a team don't we mittens I could have handed that rat on my own no problem oh come on mittens it was kind of fun wasn't it yeah maybe a little but it's a serious business protecting my Barnyard outtakes forever [Music] oh no no no no [Music] foreign [Music] wow there goes my meal on wheels these are for you Mrs Puddle Duck oh thank you my heroes [Music] ridiculous idea was nice it was yours come on we can see the cop I'm moving from side to side what's that smell tummy rock where [Music] don't see the eye every day Theory [Music] I got you now [Applause] [Music] are you okay yep and if it hadn't been for Sammy whiskers it might even have been fun okay too thanks for asking too bad we didn't get to use this maybe we can I knew it would come in handy hey put me down if you say so oh no no not my raspberry sorry Sammy but like we said this raspberry is ours [Music] think you can hit the lock just watch me [Music] [Applause] whoa this snatch is really really fast there is a break right Peter um oh no not again [Music] wait a second [Music] we really weren't that hungry anyway were we and not at all who's ready for a feast Peter however did you uh wait do I really want to know Young are you still sad about your dad's amazing sedge Peter are you kidding Arnold Sledge is even better than amazing it's spectacular attack who'd like some more soup then again maybe it can wait till tomorrow [Music] the day you were born if only we knew then you'd be tearing over hill and dale every chance you got well I've got to go the chair why don't you sit yourself down and we can have a nice cozy chat but isn't this nice oh I love a good chat I certainly do old Mr Tiggy Winkle used to say that there aren't enough words in the woods for me I talk so much I'm a puddle dog's egg was it a boy or a girl I asked and nobody could tell me so you know what I did and the look of Mr bouncer's face you've never seen such the like Mrs Ticky wrinkle [Music] whoa whoa keep the squirrels away from Tommy Brock no problem you're handling this very calmly thanks who just thought Tommy Brock would ever get up here yes oh that my squirrel friends would do handstands on his head while he sleeps yeah wait what [Music] [Music] you worry too much you can't let Tommy Brock wake up trust me nothing is going to wake up that old Badger not sitting on his head or poking him or carrying him around on a plank of water oh [Music] the whole it'll be fine we'll get Tommy Brock out of here you'll see rabbit's a brave rabbits are brave be sure they take a nap they do like a good sleep okay and remember to sing them a lullaby lullaby I can do that and the water is there and the grain is here and most importantly make sure they don't play outside in the woods I wouldn't want them to get lost start of the woods you got it Mrs Puddle Duck we'll be fine oh how wonderful um maybe you should go before the shop closes oh yes indeedy goodbye [Music] feed them and make sure they nap and keep them out of the woods duckling sitting is a piece of cake ah I take it back oh this is not a piece of cake oh come back sorry a little busy oh this is impossible give up a good rabbit never gives up Benjamin Mrs puddled up said they should take a nap try singing a lullaby okay once upon a time there was there was a rabbit it's wrong his name was Benjamin and he was never wrong very nice Benjamin uh but perhaps Peter should have a try rest your head it's time to sleep hush hush now don't make a peep close your eyes and never fit cause when you wake up I'll be here well that didn't work I don't I don't know it kind of did look [Music] Benjamin Benjamin wake up sweet treat Benjamin you can't sleep when we're duckling sitting [Music] here oh no Benjamin [Music] squeak squeak where are you cat I mean yeah kitty kitty kitty ah there you go now where are my slippers ah there's a hedgehog in my slipper is taking coal I know there's a rabbit in my house and another one and one more foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow she can sleep through anything we've got to get to the handle [Music] I can't reach it oh no this is it we're going to end up in a pie for sure a good rabbit never gives up [Music] okay Peter if you want that door open you get yourself on top of that tying in board ah [Music] now what of course oh [Music] it's too heavy what come on [Music] oh what a busy day thank you Pizza rabbit oh never a dull moment with you around is there I have no idea how I'll get back to sleep you need something that can reach up high and grab her ouchie hi Benjamin whoa maybe we could shoot the tree and she'll fall down like a pine cone yay no it's too risky she could hurt herself what about your dad's Branch breaker it can reach much higher than we can I know that for a fact great idea but we have to get it before Mr Todd comes back Benjamin you stay here and keep watch keep watch no problem let's hop to it wait what oh all by myself oh let me see that needs a smaller spanner I think [Music] quick ah that should do it oh how very odd um no um hey Cottontail who's this big tall boiled cold or hot I like rabbits in the pots what a mouth-watering thought [Music] ah where have you gone no matter soon I'll have your tasty little friend no no hold on little rabbit oh no Cottontail right rabbit Brave rabbit to Brave hey you uh you stay away from her or what oh right that's it it's dinner time [Music] oh it's no use I need something really big to move this ladder have Branch breaker Peter Lily you got it okay Lily let's save Cottontail yeah come here my fluffy little friend [Music] now Lily Cottontail hop on the branch breaker [Applause] oh [Music] wow oh everything's spinning again oh thanks you can let go now what is this anyway I don't know but there was loads of it in Mr McGregor's house hmm that's strange it looks just like [Music] oh I like junk and break your back I put it all inside my sack something bigger something tiny I don't much care as long as it is oh shiny good oh um your dad Peter are you sure you sure I'm sure it was a picture of my dad I'll show you I just need to get the light to shine through it the right way come on Benjamin you're blocking the light uh it's not me give me that shiny thing where's it gone come here oh no you don't Tommy Brock really wants that thing yeah why don't you just give it to him Peter then he'll leave us alone no way whatever this is it's got something to do with my Dad I'm not giving it to anyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh he's gonna catch us we're done for a good rabbit never gives up Benjamin we can get away from Tommy Brock we just need to be smart about it well if you have given to Tommy Brock maybe we can use it to get away from him come on where are you what I did go this way [Music] what did you say hey watch it good skipping tummy Brock uh are you sure this thing is safe very a squirrel scares away any bird even on the Rouse and I know that for a fact scare other owls hmm like Old Brown [Music] scare out is perfect for the squirrel camp um can we call it something else scary I was just so scary what do you want to call it um how about Brian come on then Brian let's hop to it wait with Brian here to scare away any owls the squirrels will never have to worry about Old Brown again I oh Brown sees it he'll swoop in then he'll see good old Ryan here and squat two two little fellas yeah [Music] not away Rowdy rabbit I've got you this time oh they're shittiest strings on bottles won't help you [Applause] it's really great to have you here Brian you're going to fit right in hey Lily you like facts did you know that Brian is the first hour ever to be welcomed into the squirrel Camp okay so maybe it's because he's not a real owl maybe it's that he's made of wood and maybe he is an excuse for a party who it's an excuse hey what do you say we move this party to the trampoline little help please [Music] be careful mascara was made of pine what's up [Music] no I am never going to get to sleep with this calamitous cacophony enough is enough to be Brian talk to me he couldn't talk before you know he's made of wood good point oh well easy come easy go wait I can glue him back together just in case pocket just in case oh no Peter George can't you see Louise concentrating but look whoa [Music] hello I'm headed with your Roller King racket I'm moving goodbye forever can't just rush in or we'll get caught too you're right if only we had some way of grabbing Benjamin without going in there the thingamajig now for the fun part [Music] okay I'll wind it up you aim it up Benjamin let's do it ready [Music] oh what's that how did you do that wow rabbit how dare you steal my dinner from under my nose [Music] Peter you did it you found out what the thingamajig is for yeah and I have the Sawtelle to prove it come on we need to get out of here before Mr Todd catches up with you [Music] oh no Finn Peter what if he uses the thing I'm a jake Benjamin use the thingamajig what's he rabbiting on about uh nothing thank you [Music] all right oh no oh [Music] we did we did it [Music] wait for it [Music] [Music] what on Earth [Music] [Music] so long scary fox [Music] you nincompoop Olivia with him thank you for the party Mr Todd but we've really got to be going it was fun but I was going to eat you see you later so catch me in a trap would you oh but you weren't invited in the first place oh no wait ah Brock um can't we talk about this um piece of cake [Music] there's so much to eat it's a good thing we invited everyone then nice excellent party yeah but I can't help thinking there's someone missing oh I thought this party would never start come on let's see [Applause] hmm no sign is the tunnel rumbly yet that's a shame it must have gone oh well we tried look so Prince they must belong to the tunnel rumbler oh that's really really exciting [Music] I wish he wouldn't keep running off like that come on let's go get time solution on your way come on tonight [Music] [Music] hello Peter Lily if you can hear me say something [Music] really young Benjamin you shouldn't go about scaring frogs like that Mr Fisher we've got to get out of here there's a terrible tunnel rumbler on the loose oh have you heard him he has a horrible nasty Crowd Oh dear I just no he's got huge big eyes and massive Claws and ginormous teeth [Music] wait a second do that again what it's you you well I've been called a few names in my time but that's a new one I'm sorry if I scared you no scared me not Benjamin bunny [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music]
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 1,338,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, ducklings, rabbits, special, peter rabbit special, peter rabbit compilation, peter rabbit one hour, peter rabbit tales, peter rabbit friendship
Id: DVZbqAjSxJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 13sec (4273 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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