โ€‹@OfficialPeterRabbit- ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿค”๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿฐ Valentine's Day Special: From Foes to Friends?! ๐Ÿค” | Cartoons for Kids

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this is bad this is big Angry bad you bad rat's back but I'm on top of it you got rid of that badgy yet yes well um you see slight problem there Brock decided to live here he's what nothing never fear that Badger is as good as gone good what are we going to do Peter Ms and pig Robinson can't live here with that nasty Badger around but you heard Tommy Brook it's his home now we'll never move him Never Say Never if Tommy Brook wants a home for all his junk then that's what we'll give him but not here I've got it the [Music] cave that's everything let's go [Music] pH wait just need to rest what now come on Benjamin we can do it no no my o cake get me out of wait a minute maybe this place isn't so bad did you hear something nope nothing wow it feels even heavier than [Music] before all set Peter the perfect home for a badger right then Benjamin you know what you have to do rabit are brave rabit are brave your buckets oh I can't believe I'm about to do this um excuse me you you woke me up and where's all my stuff if you want it back you'll have to chase me you want come here I guess rabbits are brave you got to be strong you got to be smart you got to be quick you got to have heart rabbit I'm brave bra brab Brave nothing's going to stop you nowb are brabb right behind you Peter that's the idea come and get us oh you where have you gone I can't see a thing in [Music] here what h oh this ain't half bad Happy Christmas Tommy Brock oh oh yeah that's that's cozy oh that was uh that was a really nice thing to do Peter Rabbit I'm kind of an expert on hugs and that was a pretty good one Tommy Brock um aren't you forgetting something H oh yeah a Deal's a deal I [Music] suppose I can't wait to see coton Tail's face when we give her dolly Mr Todd hey give that back Mr Todd careful Peter why don't you come and get it oh no hey let me go I can't let you go Peter you're my Christmas dinner [Music] Peter what where did the ground go put the rabbit down Mr Todd get off me you interfering oath all right all right fine oh I say Merry Christmas Peter Rabbit um happy Christmas to you too yay doly thank you Peter so here's is the plan I'm on beans Lily you go after the carrots Benjamin you get some radishes and Mr Fisher you Mr Fisher come on what are you waiting for ah it feels Splendid to be back the flowers are in bloom the vegetables are ripe and I have a spring in my step once more woohoo Mr Fisher you have to be quiet Mr Fisher out what who's there what's going on over that's like cute to leave I can hear you you We R under here Lily come on Benjamin this way Mr Fisher huh Mr Fisher run Mr Fisher get out of my garden oh no I can't look what it's only a wee little froggy you're welcome in my garden anytime welcome in his garden of course gardeners love frogs frogs eat the bugs that eat vegetables and I know that for a fact what a nice little froggy I can't believe Mr McGregor patted you on the head oh Mr McGregor doesn't mind that I'm here so you could go anywhere in the garden and Mr McGregor wouldn't care exactly and that dear youngsters is why I am the unexpected hero H Mr Fisher are you out for a little more Adventure playit let's to Adventures on the [Music] way the sun is blazing and amazing and [Music] everything well that's my dinner what are you three having cousin that's not our burrow no cussin tail it's almost dark we need to get home cousin [Music] tail there you are people play wait we have to get home cousins out careful yay we [Music] again looks like we'll be here a while SCS this is going to be my best painting of you ever is it done yet no how about now a little patience please mittens Robinson I've been sitting here all day hi guys look the rabbits are here and the rabbits are here what wait mittens don't go now look I finished who's that wait oo Kitty caddy what are you too small to be a rabbit you're not a mouse are you she's definitely a rabbit my little sister cousin H this is mittens hello K that's Mitten short stuff I'm trying to get cin tail home but she's having too much fun this isn't a playground Peter guarding the farm is Serious Business You' got to be brave quick focused and ooh feather anyone who likes feathers is okay by [Music] me anybody want to see it what's wrong Robinson I've just finished a painting of mittens and she hasn't even asked to see it seems she prefers playing with feather chasing rabbits Well we'd like to see the painting yeah yeah show us oh my really it's probably not that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good [Music] almost catch it coton [Music] tow [Music] if you get me out of the garden I promise I'll never chase you or any of your friends ever again and don't forget all the vegetables in your kitchen and the secret blackberry bush yes yes you can have it all Fox's honor just get me out of here okay wait [Music] here Fox's honor not likely wait you go to to be quick This Time Peter really [Music] [Music] quick what are you waiting for hop to it well hobble to it [Music] anyway you're a smart rabbit I'll give you that I can hear you you we Ral but not smart enough no open it do you know the other thing your father would never have done Peter he'd have never trusted a fox you lied what can I say I'm a fox I confess I've always wanted to catch you Peter but it seems I must leave that honor to Mr McGregor I imagine he'd rather enjoy you in a pie Trio [Music] ah you're mine Robert oh no Rob not today he [Music] won't where you wretched d one of dad's secret [Music] tunnels I can't believe he fell for the old Fox's hon a line silly rabbit that's the last time you tricked me Mr Todd two can play at that game [Music] H yes I'm out Peter Rabbit oh I should have known you'd get away Mr to help me I'm stuck inside the tunnel I'll help all right help eat you you up what on Earth no no my [Music] Jack this is T you know oh stop it stop [Music] it what are you going to do now you're going to take me back to your friends and cook me up for dinner probably not not cook you not eat you at all really I prefer carrots or radishes that sort of thing wait a minute that that blue jacket are you could it be I'm Peter Rabbit Peter Rabbit I don't believe it you look just like your father right and I'm here to finish what my dad started I'm going to reel you in and get you out of this Lake you've been scaring people long enough scaring people oh I'm tired and old I just want to be left alone what's so bad about that Mr Fisher said you were horrible and nasty you'd be horrible and nasty if someone was always trying to catch you Peter Peter your father understood that's why he let me go I understand too does that mean you'll let me go yeah I'm going to fall [Music] in hold on I've got an idea what's going on the fish is eating him I just know it no I can still see him he's still alive but he's wrestling Jack sharp to the end that tickles still uh that's not good I seem to be just a little bit stuck out here let me help huh I mean that's what friends do isn't it help each other oh thanks [Music] Jack woohoo [Music] woo thank goodness you're all right wow I've never seen a boat go that fast did you catch him let's see oh where is he Peter what happened I came close yes but he got away oh just like your [Music] father oh boy they're in trouble now I can't wait to see their faces I want my dandelions back and I want them now you've taken too many I only have exactly 1,073 dandelions left and another thing is petza rabbit home well what are you looking at pretty sure oh hey hey get off what are you doing hey they keep that D let me go oh I'm sure I heard something uh everything all right yes thank you okay well call if you need anything [Music] okay okay that's it little rabbit Fun's over I'm not your dolly [Music] [Music] Daddy help get after me huh I definitely didn't imagine [Music] that so I'm guessing you want me to stay in [Music] here what's he doing here my darling get me out of here yeah get him out of here Cotton Tail I'm sorry but you can't keep him you can keep the dandelion I don't care that's lucky oh excuse me because we ate them already and just keep that crazy bunny away from me byebye sh don't worry cousin to I'll get you somehow and me don't forget me Lesson Four a good rabbit never gives up aha [Music] perfect lesson five how to make the perfect ladder just climb up slowly cin tail oh that's right look after the rabbit first never mind I've been stuck in here all this time that's it come on I've got [Music] you save too okay save shrew too come on oh my friend huh what's all this commotion lesson six when all else fails run really fast come on Peter that's it tell you can do it oh and uh you too shrew I suppose out for [Music] me cin ta robot I'll put you I can't believe I'm doing this swo one [Music] hug time to [Music] go that was close hold on where's the Shrew here oh you're a really Brave shrew what is it with sabits and hugs I can't believe you saved Cotton Tail you're a real [Music] hero
Channel: Peter Rabbit
Views: 43,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, Benjamin Bunny, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, peter rabbit with cottontail, peter rabbit winter, peter rabbit tales, peter rabbit friendship, peter rabbit family, peter rabbit cottontail, peter rabbit valentines day, peter rabbit valentines day special
Id: -5NN6a3kJ0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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