@OfficialPeterRabbit- 🦃 #Thanksgiving Time! 🎉 | Family, Friends & Food 💜 |@OctonautsandFriends​

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hello Uncle bcer did you pass me the J ah Peter so pleased you could join us sit down sit down what count Jam sandwich thanks can someone tell me where the table is whoa pH thanks Peter no problem there you go I must say it's so nice to have you all over and look I've modified the nut gatherer to help with lunch I call it the soup server H How uh ingenus ah there oh no that's not right hang on B Machine come on moopy we'll be safer here when in doubt give it a kick is what I always say he Peter we'll do it mom come on [Music] Benjamin thanks for coming uh sorry about the uh soup accident and the bed problem bye thanks for having us I'll say this for your uncle his lunches are never dull well at least it stopped raining oh so it has you did make sure to shut the burrow door didn't you Peter yep shut tight I think door please be shut please be shut please be shut oh oh [Music] no oh no Peter You did leave the door open w what of all your mess ups Peter and there have been plenty this is the biggest I can't believe it I forgot to shut the door this is all my fault I'm really sorry sorry but I'm going to fix it I'll just use this bucket to carry out the water it's far too deep Peter but I have to do something H we'll just have to wait until it dries out shouldn't take more than a month a month but what will we do where will we stay quack feathers and fluff did someone leave a tap on hello Jima oh dear dear this will never do you'll all have to come and stay with us are you sure we wouldn't want to be an inconvenience sure I'm sure I should have tied an easier [Music] knot hey ducklings have some cake over here quack quack quack hurry up Peter my darlings what are you eating oh stop that Mr Todd won't be happy come back oh oh Lily Benjamin are you having a party too oh imagine that come back here I come [Music] here more guests at last better late than never what say we get this party started oh a party oh you're having a party and you didn't invite me oh you don't understand you smelly oaf it's not a real party smelly I only had a bath last month no stop you leave me [Music] alone come back here p i got this how did you undo that well it's over under two and fro out the hole around the oh you know I'm just good with knots no it's not a real it's a clever trap a trap you nink poop let me out don't leave me in here with him thanks for the party Mr Todd but we've really got to be going it was fun but I was going to eat you see you later Mr Todd back so catch me in a trap would you oh but you weren't invited in the first place no wait uh Brock um can't we we talk about this um piece of cake help wo there's so much to eat it's a good thing we invited everyone then oh that's nice excellent party yeah but I can't help thinking there's someone [Music] missing oh my I thought this party would never start come on let's see four carrots for four rabbits [Applause] y like this oh these weird orange colored stick things are so [Music] good huh look funny round red crunchy things you mean radishes and just lying there let's hoppity hop to it wait knin stop do radishes normally do that no it's a trap a trap but who do such a thing YooHoo I knew I could use a silly squirrel to catch a rabbit or three this is all my fault I'm a terrible rabbit there's one more thing you need to learn notkin a good rabbit never gives up and neither does a good squirrel and right now what you need is a brilliant tree climbing squirrel and that's [Music] me no stop that ouchie not yes I am all right go look in [Laughter] [Music] stop thanks for the snacks Mr Todd you sir have serious anger issues maybe you should try being a r rabbits for a while bye-bye rabbit Todd y I don't think Mr Todd like being a rabbit as much as you did nutkin you did make a pretty good rabbit notkin but luckily for us you made an even better [Music] squirrel yes I know I am brilliant just the way I am and this is where I belong oh even if my squirrel tribe forgot my birthday guys you remembered oh thanks Felix although I was kind of hoping for hazel n happy birthday that's not bad but it could do with something else a touch of carrot only joking what oh my someone's taking me chair oh oh dear this is going to be so much [Music] fun at least you're here too I didn't really want to come but mom and dad told me no strawberry picking until after the recital I I couldn't wait to come have you seen the cakes we get to eat afterwards m music yay Peter turn around it's [Music] starting I'd like to welcome you all to my recital a great poet once said If Music be the food of Love play off [Music] so let's get on with it shall we I'll tell you all a story if you wish about a lonely old in love with a fish the fish was silver the Frog was green but he was her King and she was his a queen [Music] y oh oh what a horable racket knock me sideways and call me a river red look at all that lovely [Applause] cake they fell in love under the sky so blue frog and a fish in a pond with [Music] to Mom Sammy whis is trying to steal the cake Peter I told you no more fips he sh no talking during the [Music] performance what are we going to do let's hop to [Music] it very good that was great thank you friends thank you and now for my next piece let's rock out shall [Music] we no what those cakes are for after the recital Sammy whiskers go B off hey oh what's the big idea Benjamin huh uh yeah right left a bit right a bit Benjamin get ready to catch the cake ow that didn't feel like a cake kill feathers who did that rip skellion rabbits row faster oh no look look come here they don't look very happy tail feathers it's all my fault running around blaming everyone making them angry at USB I'm sorry it's okay Peter you were just trying to get coton Tail's cake back well I got us into this mess and I'm going to get us out but how they can see us coming we can't just disappear maybe we can Lily do you still have that leftover flower right here in my just in case pocket you know just in case they can't catch what they can't see awful foggy all of a sudden right let's get up got where' you go get off quiet fo yes Rock [Music] rabbits what are you doing you feathery o I thought you were those rabbits you must have let them Escape we let them Escape you're the one who was following them you three are a bunch of bungling Bon heads at least we're not stuck like you I'm not stuck I'm just sharpening my [Music] claws looks like we were all stuck thanks to Peter [Music] RIT sh I'm sorry Mom I looked everywhere and I just couldn't find cotton Tail's cake never mind Peter you tried but how could that King just have disappeared it was right wait a minute what is it Peter Peter Cotton Tail it was you all along you stole your own birthday cake you naughty little rabbit birthday cake yum me you got rid of that Badger yet yes well um you see slight problem there Brock decided to live here he's what nothing never fear that Badger is as good as gone good what are we going to do Peter Ms and pig Robinson can't live here with that nasty Badger around but you heard Tommy Brook it's his home now we'll never move him Never Say Never if Tommy Brook wants a home for all his junk then that's what we'll give him but not here I've got it the [Music] cave that's everything let's [Music] go wait just need to rest what now come on Benjamin we can do it no no my okay get me out of wait a minute H maybe this place isn't so bad did you hear something nope nothing wow it feels even heavier than [Music] before all set Peter the perfect home for a badger right then Benjamin you know what you have to do rert a brave RIT a brave Brave your buckets oh I can't believe I'm about to do this um excuse me you you woke me up and where's all my stuff if you want it back you'll have to chase me you what come here I guess rabbit's are brave you got to be strong you got to be smart you got to be quick you got to have a heart rabbits are brave brave brave are brave nothing's going to stop you nowb are brave brab bra right behind you Peter that's the idea come and get us oh you little where have you gone I can't see a thing in here [Music] here [Music] what this ain't off bad time to eat no no I've got it I've got it I haven't got this [Music] wao yay what a catch I mean I meant for that to happen nice try Sammy but this cake goes back to the shop oh I don't believe it no cake for me again oh cheer up whiskers it could be worse I mean I wanted rabbit for lunch but now I'll simply have to make do with rat come back here thank you Cheerio I think we better get this place cleaned up that's okay at least we got the cake back right Benjamin yep safe and sound wa oh no the cake uh maybe no one will notice I think they might Benjamin who would have thought running a shop would be so hard and after finding a new washboard for Mrs tigy Winkle choosing it in sardines for Mr Fisher and finding the right kind of cheese with the right amount of holes for the mice we couldn't even save the cake it's ruined oh poor little cake what have I done to you I'm so sorry and you so tasty too we'll just make a new one but how Peter there's nothing in my Justin Case pocket that could fix this maybe not but a good rabbit never gives up and we've got everything we need right here it is a shop after all [Music] Tada a completely different but totally scrumptious brand new cake wow Peter that's brilliant isn't it Benjamin Benjamin my tummy alarm says yes a shops cleaned up cake is made now we just need to wait for Mrs Puddle Duck to come back end that's it come on dear where I can keep an eye both eyes on you feathers and fluff my helpful little rabbits thank you so much for minding the shop although it doesn't look like you've had any problems nope it was a piece of cake H that's OD I don't remember this mind you I'd forget my own Bak if it wasn't right in front of [Laughter] me wo W that's the biggest radish I've ever seen we've got to get it it's gigantic normous oh no alarm Bells who's there oh no rabbits you want get my place Ladish we can't touch the fence without Mr McGregor hearing the bells I know that for a fact and then he'll catch us and make a giant rabbit pie to go with his giant radish we're not quitting yet we can't climb over the fence but we can get under it Benjamin start digging okay it's no good the fence just keeps going down and down and down forever you've got to hand it to Mr McGregor no rabbit could ever get in there no rabbit but maybe someone else could someone who can stay clear of those alarms and who's really good at climbing no can do uhuh sorry too busy is he doing what exactly playing I mean squirrel training very important to keep fit and bendy someone bendy's just what we're looking for H there's a giant radish in Mr mcg's Garden but it's behind the big fence with alarm bells oh we need your help nkin we throw a rope over the branch of the apple tree like this then we lower you inside the fence you pluck the radish and we pull you out Tada I colored that in by the way that is incredibly nice coloring in but I'll pass that's too bad because because Mr McGregor's Garden is the most exciting place there is only the greatest acrobat who ever lived could get to that radish keep talking only a tree swinging Superstar could even get close to it and everyone knows who that is his name is legendary from Rocky island to the deep dark woods they mean you knin w yes I got that thank you giant radish here I come popping hazelnuts i' forgotten how great this place was so much stuff to break I mean play with bringing nutkin is the best idea ever let's stay alert make it fast and above all keep [Music] quiet actually bringing nkin was the worst idea ever he's the Great greatest acrobat who ever lived he's just having a little [Music] fun what if we put the sledges together we can use parts from both you mean like a super Sledge Lily you're a genius well yes I suppose I am come on let's hop to [Music] it [Applause] oops robbit oh no I know you're out there robbit okay guys you load up the Sledge what are you doing buying us some time you got to be strong you got to be smart you got to be quick you got to have Heart bra brave brave you got to be bold to get what you need you got to be tough if you're going to succeed rabbit rabbit nothing's going to stop you now rabbit bra rabbit Brave Lily Benjamin jump H come on ha he to the gate Benjamin how's your throwing arm think you can hit the lock just watch me you did it w wao this Sledge is really really fast woohoo there is a break right Peter um oh no not again again from to pray from to pray wait a [Music] second we really weren't that hungry anyway were we not at [Music] all who's ready for a feast Peter however did you uh wait do I really want to [Laughter] know y are you still sad about your dad's amazing Sledge Peter are you kidding our new Sledge is even better than amazing it's spectacular I can't wait to use it again who'd like some more soup then again maybe it can wait till tomorrow don't stop my dear jamaa I'll be right back and then it's time to eat oh my hazelnut Mr to W hear you too late how I love toar you no don't shush nutkin ah a fan at last Peter you keep Mr to busy with nutkin singing and I'll rescue Mrs Puddle Duck and Mr Fisher um uh go ahead sing Peter Welcome to our little Dinner Show there is no dinner show you and Mrs puddled duck are the dinner but I was just about to sing another song but uh wouldn't it sound even better outside I mean in a tiny place like this your voice is [Music] wasted where are you Mr Fisher finally listen to this hazelnut hazelnut hazelnut not oh glorious Majestic my dear fellow you simply must sing at my recital but what about me how about we skip the singing and go straight to dinner listen to this Mr Fisher if you like that you'll love this stop it the noise Mr Todd doesn't like loud noise we should get out of here Peter no sing we should all sing now you want us to sing come on as loud as you [Music] can I beg you I can't take anymore my poor ears guess he's not a music lover after all oh fantastic you're all in the show something that's scy something that's saly something so tasty that you can't get enough something thatch for breakfast or lunchy whether it's or t yes everyone has their favorite food as for us we're in the food for hazelnuts or oat cakes oat cakes or hazelnuts we love [Applause] you you've quite the ear for talent Peter you simply must help with the recital every gear okay Mr Fisher Count Me In did someone ask for an [Applause] uncle monkey with a tool belt Wy sound the octo alert Octonaut to the launch B and got it
Channel: Octonauts and Friends
Views: 342,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: octonauts, chico bon bon, peter rabbit, octonauts above and beyond, creature cases, silvergate, barnacles, kwazii, peso, underwater, education, shows for kids, tv for kids, kids cartoons, cartoons for kids, benjamin bunny, cottontail, peter rabbit tales, octonauts and friends, peter rabbit adventures, lily bobtail, mr tod, beatrix potter, peter rabbit mr tod, peter rabbit cottontail, thanksgiving for kids, thanksgiving, be kind, kindness for kids, peter rabbit food adventure
Id: 7-sBdKfeGoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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