#Christmas @OfficialPeterRabbit - One Hour Festive Special! | Action-Packed Adventures | Wizz Cartoons

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what are we doing here let's see what the old guy's up to as long as he's not looking for a rabbit to put in a pie [Music] blooming wheelbarrow peter let's get out of here i mean shouldn't we be getting to the shop shopping can wait now that we're outside let's have some fun [Music] [Music] well florence this is our new home what do you think too many trees well we are in the woods i'm sure we'll get used to it lily have you finished unpacking yet more boxes now that's more fun than unpacking [Music] i didn't know anybody lived up there they don't so who's that then [Music] morning that one got away from me a little didn't it that hat is so sweet oh is this your sledge what kind of wood is that how fast does it go can it do jumps hmm it's old isn't it it is not old it's well used can i give it a try sorry no time we're on a big important mission mission looked more like he was sledging nice to me nice to meet you [Music] what's this hey wait you dropped your list [Music] no the ink sweat if we can't read it we won't know what food to buy quick benjamin think what did he say um um i got something for jemima puddle duck a bag of rain bag of grain something or other for squirrel napkin looks like apple nugs um hazelnuts oh this is a disaster how will we know what to buy i remember the list sardines for mr jeremy fisher a jar of snails for old brown wait wait wait you can remember everything on the list yes i'm rather good at remembering things hello anybody up there hello who are we looking for you mean someone lives way up there in the trees who'd want to live up there maybe they're not here oh they're here all right somewhere just whatever you do don't say snowball fight snowball fight [Music] hey [Applause] did somebody say snowball fights [Music] we'd love to play but we're in a rush oh somebody's having a nut roast for dinner we brought you a present too it was lily's idea what's it lily did you help i am nice throw really do you think it was the first one i've ever thrown to merry christmas [Music] the expert's guide to trees and shrubs it's one of my favorites uh well hmm let's see just in case pocket just in case how about a nice roll of elastic you could use it to um mend trousers or hang stuff [Music] or you could do that thank you this is the best christmas presents ever sure we don't want to hang around sorry nutkin no time for us no don't say it double fights do you think we will make all the deliveries before nightfall peter we need to hop to it and i know a great shortcut [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] peter needs our help come on rather brave [Music] what are you waiting for lily this way just a second girls did you see that flopsy see what peter in the trees you are silly mopsy rabbits don't climb trees really mopsy oh dear i meant to take the empty milk bottles back to ginger and pickles we'll have to go back and get them come on girls [Music] are you up there [Music] peter now would be a great time to save the baby i mean if i waste any longer to jump with this icicle it's going to be summer and then there won't be any icicles [Music] i've got to get up there but i'm no squirrel how will i jump that high well there are a few things we might consider number one we could try oh never mind [Music] friends i shall now jump to where no squirrel has jumped before why should i attempt such a feat yes because i look no felix take that squirrel's name um it is because i'm brave and heroic no tail and i have very strong leg muscles no one else would even attempt this jump [Applause] [Music] save the cheers [Music] you did it yes oh cottontail i'm so glad you're okay i promise i'll keep you safe from now on come on oh oh oh oh no your mom's heading home already we'll never get back before them don't worry a good babysitter never gives up follow me [Music] your heart is pounding [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] great job done now let's go home you're forgetting the sprouts i just remembered i don't even like sprouts that much yeah come on peter let's go home no way i'm not leaving without those sprouts they're way too good to leave behind this time we'll get into the garden without the cat seeing us i know we'll tie one of us to the branch pull it back then wash cut a boat into the garden grab the sprouts come back and we all head home um which one of us were you thinking of catapulting into the garden pot no way cottontail it's too dangerous i should do it [Music] rabbits he's seen us we'd better make this fast let's hop to it we just need to get that sack of sprouse onto the cart and out of the gate you brought the cart right uh sort of what uh we left it on the other side of the gate then we'll just have to roll the sack come on [Music] [Music] thought you'd come back did you i've caught you at last when i say jump jump onto the sack ah you won't escape me now [Music] i hope well i've got one of you hey one of dad's secret tunnels sorry mr mcgregor but there'll be no rabbit pie on the menu tonight come back here i hear the dinner bell somebody must have fallen into my trap i wonder what i've caught today a duck a squirrel or a rabbit florence quick go for help [Music] florence hey wasn't it you who said if something looks too good to be true it probably is and didn't you say it was a trap okay okay i just couldn't resist the most mouth-watering tastiest radishes ever help me down benjamin hop up just a little closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't worry lily will save you [Music] ah the old figure of eight rolling hitch double overhand two and a half loop uh say it all again but really slowly it's a type of knot crumbs keys comb just in case pocket just in case i can use the comb to unknot the knot all i need is a little time you want time you got it come on benjamin we're going to slow down that fox just wait healing where else would i go i just knew one of those fluffy fools would walk right into my trap with a little luck i'll be having roast rabbit this evening start tunneling stand back should trip him up [Music] steam and simmer bacon stew grilled or fried barbecue that stopped him in his tracks oh how i hate rabbits leaving holes all over the place onwards and upwards we have to try again lily's depending on us got to unnot this no come on lily bobtail you've got yourself into this mess now think your way out shake it [Music] if i didn't know any better i'd say someone was trying to stop me from getting to my trap [Music] all this time looking for wood and now we have nothing to show for it what nothing to bring back to the borough we've got to get it back but if mr mcgregor catches us he'll put us in a pie this is bad very bad i'll think of something a good rabbit never gives up [Music] okay cover me [Music] all this snow [Music] this will make fine firewood right time to go home and warm up by the fire well well well looks like i'll be having rabbit pay tonight i told you so don't [Music] where'd you go robert [Music] robert [Music] that's what [Music] [Applause] [Music] here with my wheelbarrows [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's gone out we are going to freeze they should have been back by now with the wood you stay here while i go and look for them [Music] did somebody want wood [Music] we're not going to freeze how did you manage to get all this wood um peter is it a wheelbarrow [Music] peter rabbit that isn't mr mcgregor's wheelbarrow is it well uh sort of eat a rabbit ready for the best meal i've had in a long long time what do you think benjamin bunny ready to hop in the pot i do have some nice peas here after all [Music] right brave rubbish brave especially hero rabbits what are we going to do peter there's no way in we'll find a way a good rabbit never gives up rabbits you have to do something our peas are trapped in there never mind your peas are friends in there i wish we'd never left our mouse hole this morning wait a minute oh that's it we'll dig a hole hold the leads to benjamin and our peace [Music] why not hop in the pot benjamin a hot bath and dinner is so relaxing and this is both things in one now i'll just add some seasoning rosemary whatever this one is [Music] a little bit of salt and where's my pepper ah there we are now a pinch of pepper and it's ah dinner time [Music] come on think fast [Music] i know [Music] we won't cook properly i don't want to cook it [Music] [Applause] hey peter rabbit [Music] time to go benjamin thanks wait a second i need to do something first [Music] we should get out of here don't be silly not before we've had lunch if we stay we'll be lunch mr todd's lunch [Music] peter how could you bringing us to that bad foxy's house this is dangerous shame on you do you know what mother would say uh maybe we could talk about this later come on don't move foxy you've got a nettle behind your ears [Music] look what are that secret tunnels we can go through there no way looks scary ah a beautiful day the sun is shining the faintest hint of a breeze in the air and the fragrant whiff of rabbit [Music] well well three little pie-sized rabbits oh my dear you've already seasoned yourself with a little nettle how thoughtful and delicious leave my sisters alone and why should i do that because you never fit three rabbits in a pie everyone knows that see peter well a fox mustn't be greedy much maybe i'll start with a peter rabbit pie one more step [Music] let me out i promise not to eat you much come on we're still having time even if mr todd isn't you did it yes i did no chance mr todd will catch us now no we mean you found the gooseberry bush [Music] these are the sweetest juiciest most delicious berries in the woods well done peter yeah [Music] thanks dad couldn't have done it without your map [Music] that's what comes from being prepared you didn't need your knitting though did you [Music] thought you could leave me in a home huh hey stay away from my sisters [Music] uh gooseberry oh why not it would sweeten up my rabbits [Music] [Music] ah benjamin peter lilly perfect timing can't stop dad we're on an important mission we're rescuing cottontail's blanket but there's a storm brewing that's why we're racing we need to get the blanket before the storm breaks [Music] wow what an amazing adventure mr bouncer why thank you it's my new pedal-powered house sweeper [Music] is that a box pan chip ringer junction you're using or is it a simple frequency expander lily bobtail you certainly know a lot about how machines work peter it would be a shame if it got ruined in the rain hmm you're right there's still time to help the storm is a long way off i hope you're right [Music] okay time to go hold on you might need this my turbo charged pocket pop umbrella oh thanks dad oh no no no thank you all how do you close this thing here let me try you go oh let's get cottondale's blankets get inside the copios [Music] thank goodness there's a storm coming and i can't get my naughty back don't cleanse into the coop sorry mrs puddle duck but we have to get cottontail's blanket oh gracious me come back you cheeky things gotcha uh-oh the storm we still got time to help come on guys [Music] i think that's all of them oh thank you huh [Music] oops nearly all of them thank you thank you i'd lose my head if it wasn't fixed to my body peter the storm is getting really close let's go home you know what my dad used to say a good rabbit never gives up we have to get cottontail's blanket let's go thank you [Music] wait for me [Music] wow [Music] it's fine [Music] cottontail [Music] it didn't just break this roof cut [Music] nope [Music] is everyone okay who cut the rope maybe it was the fierce bad rabbit well we tried i'm going home no way a good rabbit never gives up let's keep going look [Music] uh why are those rocks moving all by themselves it's the first bad rabbit moving them this way quick come on i can't get stuck [Music] who never tastes the dandelions now we're trapped no trapped is not good cottontail hmm i know we can work this out stand back everyone why don't we all push oh great idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick let's go [Music] this is your shortcut what was that looks like rain no rabbit hunting today then we can't get past mr todd without him seeing us we'll have to try a different way we don't have time here goes [Music] [Music] let's get that blanket [Music] hang on a minute i smell rabbits heading that way storm or no storm it's a rabbit hunting i will go got it cottontails blanket [Applause] whoa that storm must be right on top of us that's not the storm that's mr todd well hello eeny meeny [Music] come back here [Music] those feet [Music] i can't run anymore that blanket will get little rabbits soaked benjamin come back here now what i know uh come on ah finally the moment i've been waiting for peter [Music] back off mr todd ah excellent uh very thoughtful of you keep me dry while i eat you i don't think so come on guys wait you wretched creatures [Music] oh a nut gathering invention you say it needs to reach up high oh oh and pick the hazelnuts of trees and gather them all up fascinating but i'm extremely busy at the moment working on my latest invention may i present the automated tidy opera observer [Music] marvelous idea peter quite the young inventor aren't you well he spends a lot of time with me let me just empty the basket [Music] uh one thing make sure it doesn't overheat we'll be careful thanks uncle automated nut gatherer well well [Music] hey what's the big idea looks like rabbits can collect nuts after all fire it up benjamin [Laughter] it works i mean of course it works my dad made it whoa that thing is amazing those are for you hopping hazelnuts it looks like every nut in the wood is in that thing we'll be nibbling them all winter thank you my radish loving friends thank you why do you want to store them right there i'll help you carry them down no carrying needed i'll just reverse the machine and blow them in [Music] um maybe you should turn it off and try again don't worry i got it benjamin's dad said don't let it overheat it's fine i think [Music] tail i don't like this mist it feels very wet especially around my face [Music] oh no cotton tail water in the boat is not good we must have sprung a leak when we hit the rocks quick find something to plug the hole sink just in case pocket just in case buttons pencils ah no hair ribbon handkerchief uh this is no time to blow your nose no but it's the perfect time to plug the leak oh i see nice one [Applause] [Music] got any more handkerchiefs [Music] oh what are we going to do i'll swim to shore and get some help peter it's too far oh and it's too cold [Music] hey mrs puddle duck help hey hey it's no good she can't hear us lily can you whistle [Music] too cold oh if only i'd get that rusty old whistle wait we did i put it in my pocket yes oh no it's gone [Applause] what a screechy scratchy tweet for a leg to make [Music] hey a rabbit on water that doesn't seem right follow me little ones [Music] oh she heard the whistle she's coming yeah [Music] i really do think there's something wrong with your books we know we're sinking please can you help us get to shore of course my little ones liberty liberty lickety-split i'll have you back to dry land in no time at all [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yes there's definitely something wrong with that boat we can't wait codendel is out here too and it's all my fault if i just played with her like she asked none of this would have happened [Music] that'll stop those rabbits from coming back excuse me have you seen cottontail no i haven't seen that crazy little rabbit don't tell me she's loose oh she'll make me wear a dress i was sure she'd be here oh she must be lost [Music] heading this way then shouldn't we be heading that way it looks like he's circling he must be hunting something cotton [Music] [Music] [Music] don't worry cottontail you're safe now we can't stay here all night owls don't stop hunting till they've caught something i know that for a fact rabbits are brave to brave [Music] cotton tail wait i've got to plan it's risky but it might just work let's hop to it you can't hide forever you fluffy fools there you are [Music] carrying that juicy baby bunny you'll never get caught until [Music] your heart is pounding those feet are sounding so close to you what can you do [Music] [Music] not that i care about the little rabbits but don't you think you should go and rescue her no need all brown hasn't got her we have [Music] birdie gun look at that four of the tastiest radishes i've ever seen yummy cotton tail you don't just gobble down a hole like this first you trim the leaves then you sniff and then you lisa quick hide them under the cushions if mom sees them she'll know we were in mrs mcgregor's garden hmm now my dears having a nice morning are we uh yes yes auntie lovely weather yes uh yes been getting up to mischief in mr mcgregor's garden yep uh no i hope not you know how dangerous that place can be cotton tail don't worry mum we'd much rather be somewhere nice and safe [Music] safe enough to eat our radishes that is let's hop to it [Music] this is the perfect spot ready to eat that's a yes hello boys oh phew lily it's only you florence and i were just taking the laundry to mrs ticky winkles weren't we florence oh radishes i've heard about those don't tell me you've never seen a radish before no are they as nice as everyone says they are huh shh ever get that feeling someone is watching you i do maybe someone is after your radishes what do you need is a secret place to eat them oh i know where quick hide them in here follow me [Music] do you think we lost them i think so i i meant to do that this is the perfect place to eat the radishes let's get munching yeah yay [Music] the radishes [Music] look my spines if it isn't paid to rabbit and benjamin and lily too if you please and what brings you three youngsters to my door morning mrs ticky winkle we just thought uh we thought we could help you with laundry [Music] i say stop making this infernal hullabaloo oh and what do we have here i will make the hullaba what's it mr todd you ate my oat cakes without asking oat cakes oh too plain for me i'm more of a meat eater ah now it's no use telling fibs mr top but my dear jemima to have one's precious oat cake stolen must be exceedingly distressing oh it is exceedingly early so please let me cook you a brand new batch it's the very least i can do for such a fair lady oh well you are a gentleman and here i was thinking you're a no-good nick what a silly [Music] oh mister is lying he's not going to cook oat cake he's going to cook jemima not if we can help it come on uh would you mind terribly putting this orange in your mouth [Music] left a bit right a bit and fire yes right into tommy box sack why do we want mr todd to think that tommy brock stole his cane because what better way to get our enemies to stop bothering us than give them new enemies each other great thinking peter and there's another one of my worms and another oh boy watch where you're oh my bucket you stole it and my worms i most certainly did not but you stole my cane you thief liar i will not let some blundering badger stand here and accuse me of petty theft on gaza oh you wanna fight but i'll give you a fight fox [Music] it works with those two chasing each other they won't chase us we are finally safe the food chain is broken i thank you [Music] the sun is blazing and life's amazing and everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] come back here you ah you're thieving fox oh uh may may i suggest we resume this chase after we both had some sleep yeah good idea at the same time same place tomorrow agreed wait what's that that's my back isn't it not your back you lumbering oaf this here look blue thread who do we know who wears blue um oh who would want to keep us so busy chasing each other we wouldn't chase him rabbit ah isn't this a great day lily not a care in the world oh really [Music] we're not going fishing we're going to help peter we are i mean of course we are [Music] don't let go don't let go almost down hold on tight benjamin this mixture seems awfully watery for our cakes hmm it's almost perfect just needs one more thing the lid oh no you don't you leave mrs puddle duck alone or roush peter rabbit what a surprise and just in time to join us for oat cakes yes peter do stay for dinner i insist now i wonder who to have for the main course [Laughter] me oh my oh my poor nerves and just look at all this mess rule one of cooking mr todd keep a tidy kitchen no this won't do good day to you dizzy duck oh thanks to you duck is off the menu but it's a good thing i prefer rabbits oh no peter he might be bigger than us but wait quicker let's hop to it [Music] hey mr todd over here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know you're gonna figure out what to do heat up [Music] there looks just like a rabbit but he's not shivering like this rabbit huh come on let's go back to your borough warm up [Music] tommy brock's in my house this is bad very bad very very very i'll get him out quick grab the chair quietly [Music] rabbits [Music] i'll get you tommy brock stop that lily back to me run where'd he go [Music] peter quick that isn't your home tommy brock it's benjamin's you can't stay tough luck it's freezing cold out there so i'm not leaving you can go and find somewhere else to live i can't believe there's a bedroom in my house what if he eats all our food what if he sleeps in my bed what if he stays there forever i'd really really like my house back don't worry benjamin we'll find a way to get him out maybe if we make the borough cold tommy brock will move on tommy brock is only in there because of the nice warm fire all we have to do is put out the fire how are we going to do that we're outside and the fire is inside [Music] oh no all the way up there come on you can do it quick help me make some snowballs [Music] got it this will get him out the borough will be freezing in no time [Music] what i wouldn't do for a nice bucket of wrigley worms right now [Music] oh yuck rabbit food it's cold in here no [Music] rabbits [Music] now i'm colder than ever thanks to you mr mcgregor's garden i can't look hmm this could work [Music] now let me see [Music] come on come on come on what's he doing now guess he is caught that's what come on oh it's only you look like you needed a hand oh what's all that noise let's get out of here [Music] all right what do you say we make some deliveries oh looks like i'll be having rabbits for christmas after all let's see you escape now that i have your rather peculiar getaway vehicle let's get out of here i'm not leaving the sledge behind oh we weren't trying to escape mr todd you've caught us fair and square this time what but before you eat us yeah oh dear is that the best you can do a few little snowballs stop it i'm warning you come on say it say it yeah i don't want a snowball fight [Applause] [Music] now that's what i call friends in high places thanks nutkin anytime um peter we have a problem it's no good the snow's too deep and it's getting a little dark oh we've got to get this sledge moving and make the christmas deliveries or no one will have the christmas dinner i have an idea [Music] oh my that's something you don't see every day here you are merry christmas mr fisher oh thank you a merry christmas [Music] oh thank you and thank you and merry christmas [Music] dark don't worry cottontail if anyone can find their way home in this it's peter oh peter where are you my boy benjamin is the best digger in these woods he'll dug the butcher shelter oh [Applause] [Music] peter sorry we're late mom you're home that's all that matters thanks nothing can we keep this merry christmas it's christmas and who's this [Music] you
Channel: Wizz Cartoons
Views: 2,133,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wizz Cartoons, Peter Rabbit (Fictional Character), Peter Rabit cartoon, Peter rabbit full episodes, Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter, Kids TV Show, Rabbits, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, family fun adventure, Peter rabbit movie, Peter rabbit trailer, cartoons for kids, Action Packed Adventures, christmas, peter rabbit christmas special, christmas peter rabbit
Id: bysgLy11Q-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 14sec (3614 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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