How to Make INTERACTIVE Google Slides (All the Basics & Then Some!)

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hey guys today I'm going to show you how to make a fun interactive Google slides presentation you can share with your students and they can use it for their weekly homework assignments the whole week in one place with buttons with images with videos so let's get started [Music] hey guys I'm gonna show you how to make a fun interactive slide deck in Google slides you can share with your students and they can work on it throughout the week I am NOT going to show you in this video how to make a bitmoji seen like this I have another tutorial that covers that so if you're interested in making the bitmoji scene go to my tutorial called make a bitmoji classroom scene in Google slides make your scene there and then come back and check out the rest of this tutorial what it will show you is some really fun interactive stuff that you can do in slides for example add audio hey guys here your slide oh by the way right now we're in view-only mode so if you assign it to your students as students can view this is exactly what they'll see I also have some videos in here hey guys so this is a screencast explaining to the students exactly how the slide deck works and I've color-coded everything and made links so that if you click on Monday it takes you right to the first slide for Monday and you'll notice that Monday's yellow and the Monday slides are yellow we've got some more video and audio I've got a check for understanding here that takes you to a Google quiz so that you can check for understanding and get a response that students are working on this and also here it says complete your work in code sculptor and this is a link to code sculptor and submit the link in classroom in this classroom link will take you directly to the assignment and classroom so students can turn their work in there and then it goes on to the next color-coded slide which if you clicked on the Tuesday button you would have drunked right here so just to give you some idea of what the different slides look like and some different features that we can add we've got the bulletin board here more audio on this one another link to classroom got some gifs stickers in here and I'll just scroll through quickly so you can see some of the different things that I put in here at the end I've got some fireworks and the last slide is a choice board that will take students to different activities and this is the embedded video here and there's links to all these activities this is a link to a forum where they can answer one question about the video just to show that they watched it so that's what this slide presentation is gonna look like so let's get started making some slides okay so I've already made the background that I want for this slide presentation as the first slide but I don't want to use the original in my slides because I might want to change this later and use it in future slides so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go to file download PNG image that's going to download right to my computer and then I'm gonna start a new slide deck so I'm going to go to file new presentation and now and my new slides I'm gonna clean up my workspace a little I'm gonna close out these themes don't need those I am going to get rid of these speaker notes at the bottom press view and then uncheck show speaker notes and then I'm gonna click at the top of the screen and hold my mouse down and drag down until I highlight those text boxes and then just press Delete so now I want to set my background so I'm gonna click on background choose image I'm going to upload and I know that I have a Downloads folder that this is gonna go directly to so I select the most recent download and there it is and now this can't be changed it's all locked in because I downloaded it as an image so it basically just took a picture of the slide now I need to take a second to title my presentation so I can find it later and now I'm gonna get started adding some interactive features to the slide so first I'm going to insert an image search the web and I'm gonna look for that little cartoon bubble transparent cartoon bubble or thought bubble something like that as long as it's transparent that's the key thing so I'm going to put this right here and it takes a second to create and then I can get rid of this box on the side so I've got more space to work in and then I'm just gonna dress eyes it down and drag it from one of the corners so it maintains the same ratio for width and height and then I'm gonna just drag it over here to my bitmoji girl and I don't mind that it goes a little off the slides and now I want to insert an audio file but to do that I need to make an audio file so I'm gonna go to a website called vocaroo okay so this is vocaroo where you can record a quick and easy audio message hey guys here's your slides for the week of May 11th they're due on Friday let me know if you have any questions okay so I pressed record stop my recording now I want to download it so my downloads show right here at the bottom and I know that they go into a folder called downloads so I'm gonna go back into my drive and I'm just gonna drag this file into my drive and I'll just take a second to upload and here it is so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna right click on this and press share and now I want to press advanced it says private only you can access so you want to press change anyone at your school district can find and access and press save so now anyone at my school district can find in view you could also choose anyone at your school district who has the link can access so actually I'm gonna go with that so they have to have the link in order to access it and then I'm gonna press done so let's go back to our slides and put in our audio so now I'm going to press insert audio and it's the most recent file and it puts it in right over here and so I'm just gonna drag it to my thought bubble and you can resize it if you want make it a little bigger and I use those red lines to line it up there's some format options over here I leave it on the default which is on click so when people click it they will hear the message hey guys yep you can also do automatically but that's gonna only automatically play when it's in presentation mode and since I don't expect my students to have it in presentation mode I'm not gonna press automatically so I can close out these format options and the next thing I want to do is put in that arrow so let's go to shapes insert shape arrow so it's right here so it doesn't really matter which one you pick because we're gonna change it anyway and then once I select my arrow I just put my mouse down and hold it down and drag it over until I get the arrow that I want it's a little bit fat so I'm gonna just size it down a little bit and now I need to do some formatting options so I'm gonna pick a fill color and make it red and if you like the border like that you can leave it I think I'm gonna get rid of the border so I'm gonna press that pen tool and then transparent and now I want to rotate this arrow so let me get to this top dot here and I can just rotate it right around so I just clicked on that top dot and I got those crosshairs press down then just dragged it to where I want so that's it for the first slide we're all set so now I'm going to add a new slide and on my next slide I am going to first of all erase these so I just click down drag down that box till it's highlighted get rid of the text boxes and I'm gonna do a couple of things one is I want to put in a background so let me see background color let's pick that one okay that's a little bit bright and I actually really like this color in the background here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use this extension I have called colorzilla click on that and pick color from page and now I just put my little crosshairs over the pick the color I want I can see on that bar on the top that it's the right color in the box so I am going to click and now the hexadecimal code for that color is copy to my clipboard so when I go back to my new slide and pick background and pick color now I can go down to custom and in this box at the top where it says hex I'm going to paste in the new hexadecimal code that I just copied and hex is just a way to tell the computer exactly what color you want so let's do that and excellent I like that color much better and I'm going to duplicate this slide because I know I'm going to use this background color more than once so I'm going to highlight the slide on the left and then press command or control D to duplicate the slide so now back to my second slide so make sure you're working on the right one I've got a couple things to do here one is I want to insert an image I'm going to search the web for a transparent TV so let's see here I like this one I'm going to put this over here and that's good cuz it really is transparent they aren't always make it a little bigger I can always size it down if I want to and what I did in the final slides is I made a screencast of how to use these slides a little walkthrough for the students but I didn't want this screen blank in the screencast so I came over here let's back to the first slide and I made a screenshot of it so for a screenshot okay did my screenshot and then I go back to my new slide insert image upload from the computer and the screenshots on my computer go to my desktop and now I just got to size it down so this is like a placeholder for me I put it in the TV so that when I do my video my screencast of these slides the TV is not blank but later I'm gonna go back and erase this so the next thing I need is a box so to put the text in so I'm going to insert shape and I like this one it's like a rectangle with rounded edges and so I'm going to click to put that on my screen and then just resize it and there's a couple things I want to do I'm going to I'm not gonna pick the background color just yet but I am gonna change the borders I like the border color being black but I want it to be much thicker let's go with a three-point border on that and now I want to insert a text box so you can either do it under the insert menu or you can just pick text box right here on the top I'm gonna put a text box inside here watch the video to see how to use these slides or something like that and then I'm not a big fan of this font I like source quote code Pro kind of looks computery and I'm a computer science teacher but you can just choose what you like and let's see how a teen fits in there I'm just changing the size of the font I like that that looks like it fits well so I'm gonna just size my text box down a little and then drag it up there we go okay so that looks good and like I said I'm gonna do my background color on this box later now I need to insert another arrow so I'm going to insert shape arrows and this time I want an arrow facing to the right so I'm gonna click to put that in and I just clicked once on my screen and it puts it right in okay resize it a little bit drag it up yeah I like that so now I'm going a lot of this is just trial and error and seeing what you like so I'm gonna go to the fill color and pick red just like my last one and go to the border color tool and pick transparent because I don't want a border on my on my arrow okay so let's go to the next slide which we already duplicated so that was um so I've already got it set up so now I'm going to put a text box at the top of the screen and type in some directions click on the day of the week to go to the lesson of the day okay and sighs this down a little bit and then again I'm going to change the font so let me highlight everything and also if you want to highlight you can also just click three times and that'll highlight everything I like bad script as a font because um I like the handwriting look of it I got that from an extension called extensive fonts but that extension doesn't work in slides so you have to go over to Docs and open it there and then find the font copy it and paste it back into slides which is a little bit annoying but the good thing is is that once you do that once then it shows up in your fonts in um in slides so let me just make this bold so it really stands out and I am going to Center it on the page so I'm going to go to arrange center horizontally excellent so now I need to make my day of the week buttons so I am going to go to insert shape again my favorite little rounded box and just drag it out make it a little bit bigger so I want it to look like a button there we go and then I need to put a text box in here let me click on text box and then type Monday and again I'm going to use bad script as my font and make this a little bigger let's try 18 maybe 24 yeah that's perfect and I might want to bold that to make it really stand out and then just size my text box down Oh size down a little too much okay great and then I'm gonna right click on the word and um nope that's not the menu I'm looking for so no matter how many times you do this you might get you don't always find the right thing so I mean I want to Center it so I'm gonna go to this alignment tool on the top and Center it and then I'm gonna move this over so it's in the middle of the button and just use those red grids to make sure you've really got it in the middle I'm not gonna fill in the color right now which you'll see why in a minute I'm gonna color code the slides but I am going to duplicate this so I'm gonna highlight this text box and press command D a few times ctrl D if you're on a PC so then I can just arrange all my buttons and I need six of them all together so I've got my six buttons and again just use those red lines to line everything up and arrange them how you want you okay that looks good so I need to move this textbox over just a little bit get my little crosshairs okay that looks great so now I'm going to go on to my next slide this can have a blank background because this is my first Monday slide so I want to make it my Monday color so let me delete these text boxes and then I'm gonna go to insert image search the web and transparent calendar okay let's see here so those are an option for days of the week you see where did I find my transparent days of the week here we go this is it okay so I just drag this over into my slides and here's the cool thing you can do is just double click on the box till it's got a gray bar and then drag it up and over and over and now I've cropped it so now I've only got the Monday sticker so I can just put that over here and fill in my background color so let me get rid of this on the side and I'm gonna click on my slide so background comes up as an option and now I want to pick a color so let's pick a yellow whoa so get a couple problems here once the yellow is a little too much and the other is this Monday sticker is not really transparent so I need to fix that so I'm gonna press command Z that undoes whatever you last did or ctrl Z to get rid of that yellow so what I want to do now is press file download PNG image so again I'm just downloading a PNG and it'll just do this one slide and now I'm gonna go to remove dot BG it's a great website that removes the background of anything of any image and upload image and it should be my downloads right at the top takes a second and then it just gets rid of your background which is great so it just downloaded when I clicked it or you can just press this download button and then I go back to my slides let me get rid of this and insert image and to get rid of that I just clicked on it so it was highlighted and press Delete and now I'm gonna upload from computer and if the top one where it says BG remove BG preview that's the one I want okay great so this is perfect but now I need to just crop it down because this I don't want this box to be so big so I double click on the box itself till it becomes gray and then just drag everything down and there we go that's perfect so to get my background color I wanted to go with this yellow this kind of gold color so I'm gonna use my colorzilla picker again so I'm gonna pick colors at colorzilla and then pick color from page and then just hover over this yellow till it shows up in the banner at the top and click on that so now when I go to background color I can go to custom and just paste in the hex code that I just copied and then I don't want to be matching so I just want to drag this down till I get to a lighter yellow that looks good and you can see right here you get a little preview of the color great I like that a lot better that's not - not too much on the eyes okay so what do we need to put on our first Monday slide well before I put anything actually I do want to duplicate this slide a couple times so that I have some Monday slides I'll need probably three or four Monday slides and I don't want to go through all that again so I'm gonna click on the slide on the left and press command-d maybe three times or control-d depending on what kind of computer you're on okay so let me go back to my first Monday slide and I am going to put in a box so insert image oh no insert shape and it's my rounded corners boxes up here on the top so I'm gonna just click on my slide to insert that and make it a little bigger move it over a little okay so now I need a text box in there so you can see once you get the hang of these tools you're using a lot of the same tools over and over again in fact if you wanted to you could even go up to this text box and just copy it highlight it and copy it and paste it into your other slides so that you don't have to read you the text box and the formatting and all that so watch this video and then go to the next slide great coding example I teach high school computer science so this is a computer science lesson obviously tailored to whatever you whatever you teach so I'm gonna go back to that source code Pro and that size wise that actually looks pretty good for the text but I know I'm gonna want to put an audio clip in there so I would size it down a little bit I've already showed you how to do the audio clip so I'm not going to go through that again you just do the same thing and next I need to put in a video so I am going to first insert an image because I want to frame around my video search the web transparent frame and this one looks good sometimes they're not truly transparent even when you search for transparent but good this one is okay so we can size this down a little bit you and I just it just moved me to the next slide so I got too close to the edge so and then I'm gonna close this out for more workspace and now I need to go find the video I want to insert so I'm going to do insert video by URL and I need to find the video okay so here's the video I want to use so I'm gonna click share and copy and then I go back to my slides and just paste that URL right here and that's it and you can also search on YouTube right from here I like to get the specific video because I don't always remember the exact titles and select and there we go our videos right here just drag it into my frame you and this is why I haven't picked the color background for any of my texts offering my boxes yet because I like this kind of aqua color so I'm going to use my color picker and pick color from page and I'm going to pick one of these aqua tones over here in the video I like that one so I'm gonna click on that and now let me get it rid of this format options box now I'm going to click on this box on the shape itself and go to fill color custom and just paste in my hex code and there we go I like that much better and it goes nicely with the with the yellow too so now um I want to put in an arrow so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to Jeffie and I just typed in a search for arrow stickers and this is what it gave me so you can choose whatever you like you can you'll see later in the slideshow I use this one I like these stickers this is the one I'm looking for so I'm gonna go to this link and it just automatically copied to the keyboard so now let me go back to my slides and I'm gonna insert image by URL and there we go that's the arrow that I want it's gonna need to be size down a little bit so let me just drag it from the corner and I actually want to drag this down a little bit I think Oh down the textbox I want to drag down the whole shape so you could either command Z there and redo the whole thing or just drag down the rectangle then it's gonna bring this over here and then you can just play around the with where things are I would you know play with this layout a little bit but it's pretty much what I want it to be so let's move on to the next slide so in the next slide it's actually all things that I've shown you before I have on the next slide a desk and say transparent I don't like the way these are facing so I want to do I want something facing forward let's see here you you nope the desk I'm looking for isn't here so let me just try transparent desk again you okay this will work so what I want is something to put my monitor on so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to crop this one way down because I just wanted at the bottom of my screen to hold the computer monitor image that I'm going to put in and then transparent you could put TV monitor computer let's let's see what we get here this is the one that I used yeah that looks good so it was this or something very similar to this so then you can just put this right on top and just size it and then to put whatever you want in here um I just took a screenshot of some of an example I wanted to put in here so you can put a text box in the screen you could put a you could put a screenshot of some work from another page if you were gonna put a text box what I would do first is do insert shape and then just pick a rectangle and just click on the screen to put it in and then just make a white rectangle so that it looks like a screen and and then just tight and then just put a text box in there so let's see what other new things oh let's do another slide for the bitmoji x' so on this next slide I had the words check for understanding and then I had a box on the side with some text over here it just had text it was a box and audio so I'm not going to show you all that because we've done that before so let's go to the bitmoji extension and one cool thing about the moji extension is you can put in any words that you want and they'll put them over a bit moji so i want check for understanding make sure you don't have any typos though check for understanding okay and the other cool thing is if you don't like any of these I'm actually going to try this one just gonna drag and drop it was just loading so it's taking a minute if you don't like any of these the cool thing is if you go back to the extension and do it again it will give you different options so you can just kind of play with it well let's see what's going on here let's try it again that seemed like it was taking too long it seems like some of those going wrong so that's the beauty of Technology okay so check for understanding so let's use these are both yellow and they they might not go with what we're doing so let's try this one check for understanding and and that just showed you that does exactly that these are different options every time so what I want to do is I want to use these words but not that bitmoji picture so I'm going to crop this so I'm going to double click on the edge crop up crop it down and now I've just got the words and the little part of my head but that's easy enough to get rid of insert image nope insert shape and any shape will do because it's kind of rounded I'm gonna go with a circle and I'm gonna insert this circle big enough to cover my head and now for the circle I'm gonna get rid of the border transparent and I'm gonna use a fill color and you can see under custom the fill colors I've already put the hexadecimal code in or already here so the yellow for the backgrounds right here so I don't have to do that again I can just click on that and now that's disappeared so I can use the bitmoji font and words without using the bitmoji and in fact you can use a different bitmoji so let's see can it kind of mix and match so if you find one that you like you just put it right under there you sighs it down a little bit and there you go now if I wanted to put you know a box with text on here what I can do is go back to a previous slide and highlight not this is highlighting the text box I want to highlight the whole thing and I want to press command or control C to copy and come back to this slide and press and then paste it right in here so I have my shape and I can also copy my text as well actually I don't want to copy the text itself what I want to do is copy the text box so let me highlight this text box and press command C and command V or control as the case may be I'm on a Mac obviously and now you can just change this text so that um so that uh it's it's the right text for the slide without reformatting everything and what I did was I have the text side do you understand what we have learned today click here to find out and then I have a Google quiz that I made so I'm going to go to my drive and find that Google quiz that I made and here it is so I'm going to open this up well I opened it twice only needed once okay so I'm gonna open this up and I'm gonna check my settings and make sure it has collect email addresses restrict my district and limit to one response so those are really important settings for me because if I forget to put a name field in which I actually did forget what this quiz collect email addresses tells me who did it so now I'm gonna press send and then go to the link icon and just press copy I'm gonna go back to my slides and highlight the words click link and then just insert a link and I'll take me right to my Google quiz now I don't like that font so I'm going to highlight this not the font the color I'm gonna make it black and then in my walkthrough video I just tell them everything underlined is a link and play with the size of this this box you know I would make a lot bigger and I'd make the text a lot bigger and play with the font size but that's easy enough to do you just click on it drag it make it bigger make your text box bigger change your font size and that's easy enough to do so that it looks better on the page okay so let's see what we've got next so the on the next slide I have some images of you know I give them the work the problem but the important thing here is I have a box I'm gonna drag I just put my cursor at the top over this box and drag over it so that I can copy both the shape and the text box I'm gonna press ctrl C go to the next slide and press control V and now in the text box here I'm gonna tell them how to how to do their work complete your work and code sculptor that's a site we use to do our coding in and submit the link and classroom so this is a really cool thing so I am going to highlight the word classroom or you can highlight the word submit whatever you want and press link and now I'm gonna go to my Google classroom and I'm gonna grab linked directly to that assignment so the kids will be directed right there let me go into my class go to class work and on the three dots right next to the assignment I am going to press copy link and now when I go back I'm just gonna paste that link in and apply and again I'm gonna make it black I press the a for the text color and black look didn't quite make it all the way so the other thing you can do is do the little paint roller highlight some text that has the formatting you want and then roll the paint roller over but command Z that didn't work out okay let me just change the color of that C okay great so now you can see this link takes you directly to the assignment in Google classroom which is great super easy for the kids so let's see what other features in these slides are really useful so after this I had one more Monday slide which tells them that Monday's done so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna duplicate this last slide so again I click it on the Left command-d and then on the new slide I can just get rid of the stuff highlight it just drag my mouse over it and then I want to resize this Monday sticker put it in the middle and then I put a text box under it Monday is complete think of a good job or whatever um so I'm gonna go to my fonts again again I'm gonna use bad script and size it way up so let me just highlight the number that's try 30 yeah 30 looks good and I'm gonna bold it for some emphasis in fact you know what I think I want a bigger let's try 48 yeah that's much better okay the backgrounds a little boring though so I'm gonna go to background choose image and go to Google Image Search and let's try something fun confetti okay let's try this one see how it looks so that looks great but the problem is is is that um I wanted the yellow still in the background okay so let's set the background so let's go to background and color we're gonna pick our custom color and now I want to insert an image over it let me search the web on transparent confetti is a search term that I used and I am going to put that in here and just size it so it fits the whole screen let me get rid of this on the right and then just fix it down here okay that's great but I don't want the confetti on front because it's covering the words so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna right click somewhere on the slide on where it's just on the confetti and pick order and send to back and now the sticker the Monday sticker and the words are on the front and now I'm gonna use a bit moji let's see great job this is the one that I used in mine I like this one killing it and then just put it over here and I kind of like it when it's like a little bit off but again personal preference you can play with it so that's it for Monday so then they go on to Tuesday and you repeat the same process where you have a new slide I'm gonna pick a new slide and you get the Tuesday sticker pick a color according to that there are a couple other things that I used in this slideshow on one slide I used a bulletin board so whatever your background color is for that day let's see I'm just gonna keep it the same one but you know this is what it would be whatever day you're doing this on you would go to insert image search the web transparent bulletin board and that's it and you just pick whatever bulletin board you like I like this one but I don't like the push pins on the side so I just double click it to get that crop window crop those out double click again and then just size my bulletin board accordingly and then I did transparent post it and then I just drag and drop my post it right onto my bulletin board yeah size it down and throw a textbox on there and that's it that's so that's easy enough to do so let's see what other features I want to go over with you guys oh one thing is the choice board at the end so that one's a lot of fun um the go to a new slide drag and drop to get rid of these and pick your background color and then for the text at the top I did insert word art choice board and it shows up like this and then I would just fill in with for a fill color I would pick the same color I have in the background but then I would go back and do custom and so now that I have it on this color already I can look at the options that kind of go with it and just drag my cursor around until I find a color I like and go with that you can change the thickness of the black line around the letters if you like and insert a text box to give directions and then I see well just put the text box here and then work okay and that would change the font and all that and then I'm going to insert some shapes so going to insert a shape and click on my screen to just insert that shape and make it the size that I want I know I want three of them but I want to get this one set up first before I duplicate so first I want to change the thickness of the border I'm gonna do an 8-point I want a nice thick border and I want to change the color of that border so let's go with green on that one and put a text box in and whatever else you want so I'm gonna duplicate this and you might I might need to size these up and play around with them because this looks a little empty on the screen so maybe I'll make these a little bigger and then if I want to make sure that they're all exactly the same size I would just duplicate it again I just highlighted the ones on the screen I'm impressed delete okay that looks good and command D again and play around with them get them the right size and now I can just change the border color on these so that makes it a lot easier and then what I did for to make the boxes was I just inserted an image let's see insert transparent dance party and just scroll through till I found one that I liked I like this one for the colors sighs it down and fit it right in there and then you can act a little big and then you can also put a text box in at the bottom and you need to play around with that get it centered and all that but that's just a little trial and error so let me get rid of this on the side and I'm going to size down this text box code a dance party okay so the cool thing here is whatever link I'm gonna put in I can either make the the image into a link so you just pick any image and click insert link and put the link right here and then the image is a clickable link or you could do the words so either way that you prefer you can put the link in so that's cool so that's it's as easy as that to make a choice board so um another thing that I want to show you is how to link these buttons so Monday slide is slide for the first slide so I'm going to first of all I'm gonna pick this same yellow background so I'm gonna go on to my button here I'm gonna go to fill color and pick under my custom colors that yellow for Monday and then I'm gonna highlight the shape and so we're doing the same thing that I just talked about we're making this shape into a link so I'm going to insert link but rather than putting a URL I'm going to pick slides in this presentation and slide four is the first Monday slide so now when they press on the Monday they go directly to slide 4 so that's a pretty cool thing and you can do that for all of the days of the week I had all the days of the week plus the choice board and I put all the colors so whatever Tuesday's color was for the background that's that button whatever Wednesday's color was that's that button and oh for my last slide on Friday I put all the days of the week and um I put some fireworks in there so that was a cool background so let's just go over that real quick and let's go to insert background and I chose the color and maybe it was a light blue so let's say that it was a light blue I would lighten that blue up but you get the idea and I put all the days of the week on there and then so in jiffy I just search for fireworks and pick the ones that I like copy the URL go back to my slide insert an image go back to my slide insert an image by URL and just paste that right in there that I just copied from jiffy so it takes a second and then we're just going to press insert when it's done so this is how I got the fireworks as a background on one of my slides and that's it and then it's way too big down here so I'll just resize it up okay so I'm all done working on my slides and I'm ready to assign them to my students so I'm gonna press class work on the top and then I'm gonna press create for this I'm gonna select material material is automatically view only and there's no submit button and there's nothing in these slides that they need to submit through classroom except for the links that have already given them so I'm gonna give it a title and whatever instructions or description you want to give it and then I'm gonna select the slides to attach from my drive and they're right here since we just recently worked on them and now I can under four it says this class and I could select other classes so I could assign it to more than one class on the all students tab this will automatically assign it to all my students but if I just wanted to choose selected students I could click on this and do that here and under topic I'm going to organize it under unit two I can either press post and send it and post it right now or I can press the drop down and schedule it for later so that's it if I wanted to post it tomorrow morning I could schedule it for tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. and so that's it if I forgot anything or if there's any topics that you want me to cover drop it in the comments have fun making your interactive slides [Music]
Channel: EZ EdTech!
Views: 922,359
Rating: 4.9033036 out of 5
Keywords: google slides, google classroom, tech for teachers, distance learning, remote instruction, interactive slides, lesson slides, edtech, ed tech, teacher tech, interactive, fun in the classroom, online instruction, online learning, student engagement, hyperdocs, hyperdoc
Id: 2oJT_CXLeGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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