Just Two Buckets of Sand?!!! Oregon Gold Mining the Beach

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel so glad you can join me I'm back at the beach I can't wait to get back down there so bad as a matter of fact that I even set my alarm on my day off and as usual yes I am racing the tide once again like it's low tide right now which gives me a good three maybe 4 hours to test a few layers and see if I can find those good Rich gold deposits that I'm so desperately looking for let's get down there and find that gold baby and no I didn't forget it's gold hunter 77 thanks for coming with me looky here I got my brand new rubber boots I didn't forget them today and I tell you what they feel [Music] great [Music] he [Music] sometimes I get so busy taking all this video I forget what my main goal is I need to get my butt down there and get that gold before this tide comes in look at the size of that jellyfish there's my hand that thing's bigger than a damn Flapjack look at the purple in it that's a biggest jellyfish I've seen down here now we actually have a pretty big tide today almost 8 ft that's comparable to like smaller high tides of 6 ft which means I'd imagine it will come all the way up to the cliff sides and just in case you're wondering that would be an Escape Route yeah not much of an Escape Route if those High Tides or a sneaker wave rolls in I would somehow have to manage my way up that cliff the problem with testing on the beach is that the Black Sands move constantly so what might have been good color last week might have vanished today that's the problem you pretty much got to dig the same spot that you're testing good on today down the beach we go way down there way way way way down [Music] there I swear I just saw a Shark th out there little to the left oh oh there he is can you see him look right right there here he comes wa there is just jellyfish everywhere these are humongous humongous I'm going to have to find out what type these are maybe why they're washing up they look alive I mean I'm not like a jellyfish expert but they still got good color to [Music] him yep brought my lucky testing spoon today keep that up and uh we're hoping for at least five colors for good Spoonful all right let's go ahead and take our test spoon here that's about a good tablespoon so we're really hoping for at least five colors let's go down our little hole here real quick come on baby well I saw one color one two three three four five 6 7 they're tiny but they're there there's at least 10 colors so it's going to be a good spot here as you can see I have my pond dug out so I can get my buckets of water put them in my mobile panning station all right finally found me a little patch that is the stuff right there black and red Sands not much I mean there's probably a decent little layer down there but it's sitting on Bedrock so that's probably good I have about 6 to 8 in of overburden to clear and it seems like it gets thicker and better color further up towards the [Music] rocks [Music] he [Music] [Music] well that was fun had chat come up had a talk with him I've never met him before I'm just saying his name like I've known him for 20 years but it's fun to me meet people on the beach or anywhere for that matter and we were talking about tides and rocks and gold and it was cool man so I want to give a special shout out to Chad if you're watching this video I hope to see you again buddy see you later Chad my biggest fear right here is a sneaker wave that would come all the way up here take my cart take my bucket shovel my chair everything my tripod and I'd be lucky to Scurry up that Cliff oh we got the old beach Walkers I think I know this guy and his two dogs we'll see when he comes up here yep that tide is just creeping on in already I don't even think it's 11 yet however my first bucket is almost done and processed down to just my rich black sand gold laddin cons and I would hope to get one more bucket if I am able to process this before the tide comes in I will have twice as many cons as last time you know what that's just a little too close for comfort I really need get the hell out of here chased out again I tell you it'd be nice to have four or five hours here instead of just two but I did get some good material so let's get this back home and take a [Music] look yeah yeah I'm cutting it too close for such a high tide of about 8 ft you can see the wet sand right here that only leaves me in some spots 20 ft to the cliff there is some amazing rocks here too there is Jasper and agot and mosag quch petrified wood all this oh my God oh my God are you kidding me what the hell is that thing it's the Kraken [Music] run look at that the ocean is traveling up stream [Music] that is cool man woo oh boy it's getting deep I got to get out of here wow it went way up here that almost went over my [Music] boots that's how powerful that ocean is right up this Creek no problem hell look at that throw a Driftwood clear up there come up over these Banks that was a little more than I thought that almost went up my boots all right well there's my hard earned Bounty that's about a gallon I'd say a little bit more than a gallon probably gallon and a half of concentrates so I took more time and panned them down the best I could out of two buckets oh mama all right that was a pretty good workout had a lot of fun and I'm really glad I had those boots on or my feet would be soaked right now so you can never go wrong with a pair of rubber boots let's get back to the house and get this thing panned out shall we we are having a great start I still have about a gallon left of material and I am seeing some fantastic gold here as you can see we're already building up on those golden lines the white specks would be platinum and the rest is gold look at that trail of gold to the right that is pretty darn good color though and I still have a ways to go all right going good we're about halfway through these concentrates it's taking me about an hour but that's damn fast with this gutter slle now with the blue Bull and the black magic you really got to baby those like minimal water flow teaspoon at a time maybe a tablespoon uh this gutter slle is just getting with it I think it's unbeatable myself I got to tell you what folks I'm only halfway through these concentrates and I am seeing Gold [Music] Everywhere this is definitely better than my last haul that is looking phenomenal again I'm only halfway through those concentrates all right guys it's been about 2 hours it takes a long time to run these Beach concentration requires a lot of patience but the gold is looking awesome let's have a look now this is from two buckets oh yeah starting to build up we ain't even the good stuff yet we ain't even to the good stuff yet I'm telling you what lines and lines and lines of gold it's getting kind of thick right there too oh yeah oh yeah two buckets Ro the party nonstop like this Ro the party nonstop like this nonstop like [Music] this [Music] all right guys that's going to do it for this episode hope you liked it I had fun that was a fair amount of gold you know I should probably weigh that but it takes a lot of steps and a lot of time to weigh up this gold so that will be done when I have more gold if I had to guess uh maybe maybe a0 2.1 1 point2 probably closer to 0.1 it takes a lot to add up so the thing about Beach mining for me is it's just so much fun I love it it'd be nice to get some weight but hey I'm just in it for the thrill of it I have people asking me is that enough gold to make a wedding ring no absolutely not you would need much much more is that enough gold to make an earring maybe not a big knot you would need much more gold how much gold would you need oh if I had to guess I'd say a couple grams I wanted to give a special shout out to everybody who joined my live earlier that would include prospector Jason e- Miner Ralphy boy secret Creek Jason D Patriot prospecting gold Adventures Colorado scoan goes out doors crushing the game Levi whiter the day guy what okay Elijah Kenneth Green and GS prospecting a couple of you were not in that live but I included you anyways because you're legit you're cool you got channels and I love you guys till next [Music] turn itn't feel
Channel: Gold Hunter 77
Views: 15,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1JT0J7n7RVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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