Walking on MILLIONS in GOLD !

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company leader to Raven come in Raven company leader to Raven talk to me Ricky I'll fly in and get you out of there company leader to Rigby to have to be Rigby hey everybody welcome back to the flower gold wizard Channel I'm Jason that's Rigby my mind and partner we're part-time gold prospectors based in Wisconsin today we're going to see if we can find a whole bunch of beach gold up on Lake Superior in Michigan take a little look around see all that black sand right there that's where it's all hiding and there could be millions of dollars in these black sand deposits all up and down the shoreline the problem is how do you get it out all these big commercial outfits out there they don't know how to beat this black sand but we do we're gonna see if we can get a little bit of shiny in the pan right now yes sir indeed look who's back it's Rambo well Rigby anyway we're here today with Jim yeah how are you doing the unknown prospector he alerted us to the spot right here so we took the opportunity on Rigby's first time out and darn near two months look at this guy I've been lost without him I couldn't find any gold but he's here today so he's gonna try to find us some gold and as you can see we got a plethora of black sand to choose from and Jim said he's been doing pretty darn good out here okay yeah that's what we like to hear so a Rigby's on the hunt he's still got a little bit of a limp but he's not hurting it just healed up crooked kind of like my brain but anyway first thing we do just like we always do test test I'm gonna start walking up and down the beach to see if we can't find the best stuff around get on it rick bone that's right now when I say doing some testing I don't mean number two pencils or beakers I mean a pan and a scoop or just your hand now Jim says he's been getting some gold right up on the top edge of this deposit right here but I'm sure there's a certain amount of gold scattered amongst this stuff you're really looking for the areas where the waves coming in and pushing everything up and pulling it back down or creating a line of the heavy heaviest and super heaviest which would be the gold so we're gonna do that we're gonna start right at the top work our way down this deposit in small samples just to see if we can't find such a deposit like behind that log just a small amount is all you need foreign that's only a couple of tablespoons for sure right there we'll just go ahead and work this on down this all look how clear this water is by the way absolutely crystal clear beautiful you can drink this stuff I guarantee it matter of fact Rigby has been so I'm gonna go ahead and work this down just here see if we can't spot a couple colors that's probably worked on I don't know far enough and then from here we'll just get it into the corner like such we'll just pull this here let me see if I can get it out of the glare we'll just pull this back check for colors there's well there was a collie up right there where is it right somewhere well there's a color I saw one this is a little more difficult than you would imagine with one hand so let me get this one down we'll take a peek and there's the results not too darn bad there's three right there pretty small and one went flat actually I thought it went flying by but there it is right there all really small but I tell you what three or four pieces and what the first little sample we did right there I'm encouraged I'm gonna take a few more test pans over there the weather is absolutely perfect it's about 62 degrees the sun's not boiling down on us by any means and there's hardly any wind absolutely perfect so let's do a few more test pans and get our gear set up on the best stuff we could find we gotta get moving all right we're getting our spoofs all set up and ready to roll I didn't find anything extravagant so we're gonna run the numbers Jim over there is set up and running already and he's finding gold on his first and second scoop third and fourth and fifth so I'm gonna go get some water fill up my tub get my pump in there we're gonna start running this stuff thank you foreign 22 seconds and TV time four years later we're finally up and running now we just gotta go get a little bit of black sand off the top [Applause] all right that's all there is to it they grabbed us here sand throw it right in there and let Mother Nature work its action I'll leave one scoop on there just to see if I can see any gold in it let me show you my system well it's having a gold sniffing Hound oh wait my other system well it's over here this is a small high banker I converted into a beach Banker right here I've got a small classifier in case I run into any sticks and leaves and weeds and rocks and whatnot that takes care of all that I've got some Sawtooth mat down in here or up top I've got some vdr uh Vortex drop riffle mat there got some gold hog mother load mat and more Sawtooth mat all proven gold catchers on the beach so we are gonna run run not Flock of Seagulls now when I say there's millions of dollars on this beach I mean it and the commercial guys I don't even know if they have enough have a way to come out here and viably mine all this stuff but this black sand is just so darn heavy uh they would have to have a sluice box 50 feet wide in order to spread that sand out enough to make it worth their time I mean we can come out here for the price of gas and a couple of Pops cobbles Maximus we can set up camp here and sometimes they hit it pretty darn good sometimes you don't but the most important part is we're out here having fun I got my mean main man Rigby behind me got my buddy Jim here weather's perfect can't beat it oh he's on to something he's on to something oh you don't want to lay on Jim's sweatshirt you just go right ahead and get on there yeah yeah I tell you yeah oh boy okay so you guys didn't see my class fire it's just this chunk of bent up 16th inch metal right here I just stick it right up inside of there and it Smooths that water out real nicely as you can see it catches All These Little Fibers and whatnot that might catch a clog up your sluice and I could put dry material in there and bigger scoops and it's forced into the water by the screen right here because you don't want to add dry material to an Open Water sluice because a lot of times you're gold and a lot of your black sand will just float actually float right on out and we don't want that we're working too darn hard to do that so the feed continues Rigby and I'll just look what you did to his sweatshirt hey you know what's nice about having a little system that you can put a big pile on and just leave it sit for a minute well you get to walk around and look for agates such like that and a great spot to look is underneath the water where nobody else has been looking let's take a little peek see if we can find one foreign [Music] yeah I didn't see any either but we'll keep trying all right the sun actually did come out it's getting a little warm and a few flies are bugging Rigby but we're still in good shape here not putting in the last of a 10 gallon run right here in so far it's not looking too darn bad sometimes those small samples don't actually tell you exactly what you might be sitting on until you run maybe a bit a little bit larger sample so I think 10 gallons is going to do it I'll go ahead and dump the rest of this in there we're gonna leave it clean out just a minute then I'll show you guys what I'm looking at when I say we're doing okay all right now hopefully I can get this the sun's out a little bit so that might help I'm going to put this down into three bam there you can see quite a few little speckles in there for sure let me pull that back out to one there we go that's scattered all over in here as you can see so I think what I'm going to do when I do a cleanup is just through the top section I'll dump that whole bottom section down into my my uh concentrate bucket which Rigby did not let me forget today and I do see some gold down in here too let's see if I can get that to show oh yeah right there son hey there's another nice looking piece there's a there's some actually actually some decent looking pieces in there I did not see when I was Sample panning but things are looking pretty darn good so let's get that into a pan and take a look at it all right I'll kill our battery pull the water looking real good all right I'll just pull my PIN look at that and that comes right off there are a couple of splashes and done correction we don't even have to put it in a pan I got it dumped into this black tub right here and look at the gold in there it is everywhere oh maybe it doesn't stand all quite as nicely as it does in a black pan or a blue pan but all darn it there's a there's a nice pile of gold in there oh God I'm gonna put it in a pan anyway I like to see gold too you know all right we got it let's take a little peek not too bad that's just my top tree right there let me see if I can get that one in the tree look at that there's no real big pieces or anything but I tell you what that's a pretty good pile of gold for something that's just mediocre I think Jim was trying to catfish me over there but yeah that's pretty darn good and um I met bottom mats digging here twice as long as the top one here so I got good feelings about this stuff too uh moving up to my vdr mat I do see some gold down inside of there it's a little bit tough out here but it always turns up nice in a in a blue pan there's a nice looking piece right there and that gold hog mother load map oh man this is this is exactly what we needed for our first day back isn't it buddy that's right okay so now that we're actually finding good gold if we're gonna get our millions of dollars we just gotta run run run and I got a feeling after we run all that black sand back there for I don't know half a mile that way we'll have it just depends how long it takes now even though we're gonna run this all our concentrates through a cleanup's loose when we get back to the fridge of Wonder I still like to Snuffer up any goal that I can it's just less that we have the chance to lose when we're doing that so we'll go ahead and grab this got it and we'll keep it running company leader to Rigby come in Rigby it's snack time this snack time is brought to you by Bobo links 100 grass-fed beef sticks that's right Rigby tested Rigby approved yeah true you need that he's a hard worker Miner yeah yeah he's been gone so darn long everybody missed you buddy yeah yeah it's everybody's favorite gold mine and Holland right there yeah that little screen sure catches the material I tell you what yeah oh look at there we almost lost her oh I'm so glad I put that in there that's right we just did another clean out it looks just as good as the first one but just to break up the monotony a little bit of throwing hundred dollar bills down my sluice all day long I'm going to take a little walk up the beach that way just do a little testing maybe we can find some 200 bills well it got Mighty hot out here we're done running we got a long ride back but I'm looking forward to seeing what we've got in our concentrate so far here's all our tailings right here pretty nice pile that's for sure whole rig bone he's hot and the Flies are bugging them but he still had fun today first day back Jim over here he did a pretty good job today too I saw lots of gold coming out of his equipment so we're gonna make the 19 042 Mile ride back go check out the fridge Wonder back in a bit it's warm out there hey you guys beat me back how do you guys do that all the time well since you guys are already in the fridge and wonder I might as well grab a little something out of there too first we'll take just a little bit of a peek at all of our awesome stickers from all the awesome people out there fantastic we're running out of room actually I have a little bit of room on that side yet all right let's go ahead and grab something out of here PBR we've got all kinds of beef sticks and well pbr's just in case the Apocalypse all right now I've got my cleanup sluice all ready to roll here basically I just have to turn on the water I have a little bit of Jet dry in there here's our big fat pile of concentrates right here loaded with gold so I'm gonna crank this baby up turn the camera over here see if we can't find a little something special all right we're up and running I got all the bubbles out of there ready let's take a little teeny weeny spoonful of this stuff drop it on there always put one or two on there just to see how your system is running let's take a little look up close all right now after that first scoop all the black most of the black sand cleared right on out of these little tiny riffles up here those little indicator riffles but these down here they seem to be staying just a little bit full yeah maybe not I guess I could just run it a little bit slower but we do see a few pieces of gold in that stuff right there right up in there that wasn't bad at all so I'm gonna go ahead and grab another one oh juicy throw it on there let's take a little look see on see all the action is and it does look to be actually I think it's running pretty darn good and it's capturing gold at 100 these are working real slow all that material went through a 16th inch classifier on the beach so we don't have to worry about doing none of that right now so all we got to do is run run not Flock of Seagulls well here's our progress so far oh wait we got about half run it's looking pretty good let me jab this down into three oh yeah look at that hey look guys gold showing up in there that's some beautiful stuff right there back into one but and there's some gold on the knees here I'm going especially slow today or especially slow today I just want to make sure we get each and every flake because that thing works fantastic and we did fantastic all right so let's get all this gold into a pan and we'll take a look at it yeah all right we'll kill the power we'll grab this bad Pony and stick it into a nice clean pail oh it looks really good just like that hopefully gravity helps us out a little bit come on gravity no gravity let's hook the boat back off there we go here it comes this like that all right tarp off oh now I'll grab what he's gonna work all right we'll dump that right around in there just like that there are a couple splashes foreign all right now I let that sluice clean out good and long I just wanted to have as little black sand I have to pan through as possible I'm looking through the camera lens and believe it or not when I got this thing in three it's incredibly hard to do looking through the camera trying to pan this black poison but as you can see there's plenty of good gold in there now I did dump my snufferings in there that we snuffered up earlier I'll go ahead and spread some of this over here a little bit I don't think we'll get a Galaxy quite yet only because it's still a little bit thick but you can see that that sand is absolutely peppered with gold we're pulling a little bit off every every time here I'm losing some down in there and a little bit over here so I'll probably have to do this off camera so I can actually see what I'm doing I was kind of hoping I could get off get enough off of here to do the Galaxy trick and it looks pretty close let's see not too shabby I guess all right let's clean this up for reals take a look at it and a big smile jeez all right now we've got that gold I don't know 99 cleaned up or so there's a few flakes laying around here there but I left a little bit of black sand in there just so I could throw my macro lens on here and hopefully show you guys the difference in the shapes of these this material here now you see how flat a lot of that gold is and take a look at the black sand when we get it over there the sand is extremely round in that black with that flat gold it has a hard time penetrating through that black sand that's for sure there's the trick right there trying to figure out how to do that it looks like we did pretty good all right so we're gonna go ahead and give this a tap to the top this week's tap to the top is brought to you for Rigby and his first day back look at that beautiful pile of gold right there thanks Rigby we couldn't have done it without you what a fun day Rigby's back baby and he put us on the gold well Jim did a little bit too thanks for the heads up Jim uh you got a pretty good spot there I do intend on going back with or without you uh we got a nice little pile of gold over there smile about yay longer sew in a pan and there really are millions of dollars of gold in that stretch of beach you know it would probably be a few miles long but there isn't one commercial operation out there that's set up to fight that black sand to get the gold out of it to get that millions of dollars so we're stuck going out there getting a half gram gram or whatever at a crack but I'm fine with that because that's my favorite hobby so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our Channel check out our patreon page in the description box below floor gold wizards out all I wanted thank you
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 106,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Hurd, PioneerPauly
Id: ehNc08w61eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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