Beach mining the stockpiles Part 2✅

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[Music] breakfast time hmm all right day two we're out on the on our beach mining site this is andy the paparazzi channel he's been out with us before and he came up here to see for himself what all the gold rush talk was all about let me show you what those monster waves last night did to my area well it saved my pile it didn't get up quite that high so we still got i'd say there's probably maybe 15 to 20 gallons there yet but them waves came all the way up and smashed into the bank just below that pile this is all different none of these rocks were here and some of that deposit that was down in here is covered up with blonde sand and rocks but that good stuff back in there is still there so we're gonna run that today too heck some of this here might even be good with gold now that the waves came up so high and pushed that really good black gold sand up in here so we're going to get set up right now and we'll do some testing while we're running thanks for coming along andy you're right right here let's get to work yeah i think i'll go and do some other beach activities plant seems to be running okay this snack time is brought to you by andy from paparazzi let's take a little look here got some looks like some smoked salmon some crackers what do you think of that rick bone you want some of that oh is that ever good there you go buddy he needs that he's a hard work miner all right it's cleanup time i got a little over five gallons probably run now and i'm seeing some pretty good gold in there so i'm going to turn off my speed controller here nope that's the other way that's the other off that's on and we'll take a little look at the mats and i see a good amount of gold right up on top there as you can see and down in this first one here i know that goes all the way across you can see gold and i'll move down here slowly and i can see a pretty good line of gold in this one halfway and i don't see much gold down here at all but i didn't leave it run for too darn long proof will be in the pan so let me get in the pan well we got some more visitors you guys have all seen a gold cube before right well this guy right here mike he invented it and we've got curtis along here today and we still have andy here we're up top up top of the hill up here and a 800 foot tall cliff we're going to help these guys get their gold cube gear down there so we'll pick it back up 850 000 2 feet down now for those of you guys who don't know mike pong the inventor of the gold cube he also invented a method of testing black sand and other types of sand it's called a three finger pinch now i'm not talking the vulcan nerve pinch he's not mr spock i'm talking the three finger pinch it's a unit of measurement out in the field amongst minders which tells you how much gold is in a given amount of material that you can get in a three-finger pinch and you multiply that by 10 and that's basically what you could probably expect in your pan and that's what you could probably expect to be throwing it in your system so thanks mike for the three finger pinch and you mr spock [Music] out here on the beach you have to use a recirculating system i run mine into a five gallon pail and all the sand collects in the pail when it gets about half full i dump it out that way it keeps most of the sand out of my water tub that i draw water with you know i can get away with probably four or five five gallon pails before i have to change this water out let's take a look at mike and curtis's system over here they have a two tub system right here where they run their machine their gold cube right there which by the way is the best beach gold catching unit on the planet into one tub and they draw water from another tub they can run this thing for how long do you figure mike oh joe at least easter easter which is how long it's gonna take us to crawl out of here [Laughter] you really did that well you're all rich [Laughter] well we're all done mining for the day we got our 10 ounces of gold guaranteed that's a lot so we came down to a different part of the beach just to get lots more pretty beach rocks for mrs wizard's flower garden and andy papa rock zr look our local rock expert came down here broad daylight and found a yuper light just by looking at the way this rock looks we'll take a look at that right now all right let's take a look at it andy one rock yep you can see the orange coming through he's got his blue little lily beef led flashlight there and that thing works pretty good even during the day good job andy thank you how many can we possibly carry back to the truck and we're just going through our beach rocks here soaking them in a little bit of water and we've got a whole monster pile and it's going looking to see how cool they are there's some of these here i mean every one time you pick a new one up they're cooler than the next darn one yeah i even got one with some pirate or something in there look at that i'm gonna have to crush that one up very cool i think we might even have a couple little agates here that's right but there's about another 200 to go so we'll see hey hey we made it back what a trip we had a blast and we came back with a whole big huge pile of black sand beach concentrates and it's loaded with gold and i wanted to spend the last half of this video showing you how or one way to process your material once you get it home it's going to be fun and i thought you know what why don't we go ahead and we'll dry this stuff out and we'll take all the magnetics out because i have some pretty cool toys that i like to play with and they were going to work quite a bit better dry so i'm going to go ahead and i'll rinse all this stuff into my moonshine mash cooker then we'll boil all the water off then we'll have some absolutely dry material and it'll be quite a bit easier to get the magnetics out doing it that way and i've got some really like i said some really cool toys to play with to do that all right we've got all that stuff in there and done turn on the heat and let her cook and we can use this time to dry out my liver [Laughter] yeah right uh i tell ya oh it's cooking now also here's that rock we looked at earlier with all that pyrite looking material on it now mrs wizards already got a coat of shellac on this one here so i don't know if i should tear this one open or not i'm a little bit torn on that there might be gold mixed along with this pyrite i mean they are have been known to travel together this stuff call came down from the canada gold field so who knows hey we'll see and you know if i'm gonna do that one i might as well do this one too oh yeah all right that material is good and dry what do you think rick bone oh yeah all right we'll turn the heat off and off let me grab a glove here we'll give her a little shape oh yeah good and dry real good all right we're gonna leave that cooled down and we're gonna process it a little further all right now our material is all in this pan right here and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna classify it because i wanna run that material through my black magnetic sand removal tool i got from mining magnets coulter young made that thing and it works fantastic and basically it works using a funnel system well some of these little rocks right here will get trapped in that funnel then it won't work at all so we're going to classify that out with my kitchen type strainer device then we're going to run it through our our black magnetic sand removal tool right there but first i always every time i run a beach video i get people telling me i'm breaking the law here and breaking along there apparently they just they're not aware of the the rules right there so i have a copy of the rules from the michigan department of natural resources right here now i'll go ahead and scroll over that real slowly you can pause this you can do whatever you want with it but it clearly states recirculating systems are allowed it tells you how big they can be how much water you can use etc so there you have it back in a bit now that we have all the larger material taken out of this stuff we'll be able to run it through our black magnetic sand separator and there are a few magnetics in there just like that not a whole lot but you can kind of get a gist of where that black sand on the beach is coming from well it's this stuff right here over the eons and eons this stuff is getting ground down into a fine powder and there it is all right let me get this baby hooked up to a little electricity and we'll begin all right let's get this baby put together now this here piece that has the magnet inside of there and that's connected to a small little motor inside of here and this just slides right in here just like that and then there's a protective case around there which does the the business end of this thing so we'll go ahead and we'll plug this in if i have my little speed controller right here one for the one for the motor right here and one for some really cool led lights he has on there i might have to use two hands all right we got the wires all hooked up we'll turn this baby on takes just a second it gives you a little readout of the the juice you're running here and i'm gonna turn this baby way up to 24.4 as you can see the little light came on there now this thing came with a number of different size funnels i had a big and a medium which i have glued in there just for your for the base and then a really small one now this thing is going to run more effectively with a smaller one having less black sand go through this thing at one time now i'll go ahead and i'll grab a little scoop of that stuff here just like this and we'll throw throw a little scoop in there there we go right in there and as you can see the magnetic wheel or gears is turning in there this way drawing off the magnetics putting them in this side right here and the non-magnetic skull right there let me grab a little different spoon right here this will work a little bit better i'll grab another one oh i had so much coffee this morning we'll throw it in that works pretty quickly and out comes the black sand right down into there and this is the stuff we'll run through our sluice and i'll probably run all this stuff twice just to make sure we're not losing anything because i think we got something quite special today so let's run this stuff through there and move on to the next project all right it's all run we'll shut the machine down there we are and we'll back that out of there and this is the amount of magnetics we got not a whole lot but still worth getting out if you're going to run it through a sluice it's just less heavy material you got to go through to get to your gold and that is the non-magnetic material i don't know what the ratio of that would be there might be two tablespoons of black magnetics in here and there's about a quart and a half of non-magnetics in there and that's where my gold is going to be i'll have to scrape some of this up i shook it around a little bit but we'll get that let's get our sluice set up and we'll get running all right now that we have all our material in our container i went ahead and i added a little bit of water to it because you never want to run dry material especially when you're cleaning up through a cleanups loose or anything for that matter i have some jet dry i'm going to put it right in my water tub right here because this stuff will float like crazy we don't want that we worked awful hard to get it so i'm going to grab a spoon and we'll start feeding our sluice yeah we'll put that on there nice and slow we're going to take our time let this run as efficiently as possible just let it work its way down and then we'll add another one i could typically feed this stuff on there really fairly quickly but i have nothing else going on today all right let's run this through there maybe we'll run half of it see how it looks and we'll run the other half i already see some pretty nice gold there's a nice flake right there i'll show you before i turn the camera off grab this sucker here okay is that the one right there that's pretty nice looking piece i could turn the water down on this yeah look at the gold showing up in there already that was only a couple little scoops very cool let me get that back into one i'm getting dizzy all right let's get busy well we are running away and we're doing quite well i just got some awesome mail before i left for this trip and i just had to go go ahead and show you this stuff it's really cool now you can see we hardly have any of that stuff ran yet not even a quarter and the gold on this thing i can turn that down is nothing short of stellar absolutely stellar no i i don't even think we're a fifth of the way done yet and these things are just absolutely packed pack pack packed with gold so i'll turn that back up and here's that mail i was talking about right here i got this from creed over at nine finger mining he has a youtube channel up in alaska and he also has a little side business d d engraving and he sent me all this cool stuff here now he must have got this from a gift shop or something that's a really cool alaska souvenir coin and he printed me up some vials here well that one's printed on the inside so when when you got your gold in there you can see my channel name in there really cool and the outside of that one and these are huper lights he engraved these upper lights with fgw on there i don't know how he did that but that is cool and he also made me some stickers because i do a whole lot of driving and i don't care for left lane squatters so i got one of those on my truck plus a few spares just in case and he engraved this bad boy right here nice little wood plaque very cool thank you so much creed that is awesome and he made this little shiny hippies type t-shirt looking a little plaque here with florida gold wizards and an alaska flag that baby is going up on the wall asap thank you creed very much finally done like i said i was going to take my time to make sure we got the most out of what we got i'll go ahead and i'll turn this water down or off and it is really really looking good let me turn that off those things are loaded with gold now underneath these little piles right here on the bottom that is loaded with gold all the way to that back side and that gold comes down down down gets a little bit less a little bit less until you get down to the bottom here and there's only a couple of pieces that i can see so we are doing quite well let's get this stuff in a pan and we'll see what it looks like now this little system here it's sitting up quite a bit higher than my pail so all i got to do is grab it stick it in the pail and gravity is going to siphon the water out of there and i'll just shake this baby out into a pail give it a couple of taps just like that and we are good to go all we gotta do is pan it out i'll lift it up the water quits running back in my tub let's get that into this pan right here just like that splash roll nice and clean this is gonna be good and here's what we're left with it's roughly a tablespoon and a half or so of black sand out of that little sluice and while i was pushing all this stuff down into the corner of the pan i noticed exactly how much gold was in there so i'll just quickly take this flatness out and i'm going to run my finger over this look at the gold inside of there it is so full of gold underneath there this is going to be absolutely amazing look at that now it's going to take me a little while to get this stuff cleaned up because this the stuff you're left with after you run your cleanups loose or you know your sluice out on the beach is the absolute heaviest of the heavy just absolutely heavy so and especially with this much gold notice how fine powder some of this gold is that system i run works tremendously so i'm going to go ahead and take a little while here it might take me up to i don't know half an hour to clean this up but we're going to oh we're getting there slowly but surely changing color huh there it is all cleaned up nice and beautiful like there are some pretty nice looking pieces in there if you ask me let me put that in three one see if we can't pan in on some of that sure we can look at that some little twisted ones there misshapen ones i mean they're not all just round they actually have some shape but there's lots and lots of it and i have my scale right here we'll turn that baby on actually i'm to set my camera holder up and we'll take a look at it so i can work with two hands all right here we go let's get that down it sure looks like a nice pile it's good and thick come on baby you add up to something here one way or the other we had fun this is not my job i'm a bricklayer at all darn it i go out and bust hump all week long this is my hobby and i really enjoy it so anything we get i am going to be quite happy with they're pretty close we got .64 .65 it's kind of bouncing back and forth but i'm happy with that look at that that's gold i didn't have before and we had a lot of fun doing it awesome heck talk about a lot of fun what a camping trip uh thank you andy and mike and curtis for hanging out with us in the wausau prospectors club uh you guys looked like you were having a lot of fun too i know we sure did uh we found some uprolites and some agates and all kinds of pretty beach rocks and most importantly that precious gold over there yeah we only worked a few hours each day but we were sitting on a really good deposit and it showed i mean we got a nice pile there for the amount of time we work fantastic so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our channel flower gold wizards oh [Music]
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 61,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold prospecting, Dan Hurd, Ask Jeff Williams, Gold panning
Id: 9yj-KnJmGUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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