ZHC Sent Me to Art School... *expelled?*

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honestly my art is getting so good what do you think zack preston i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to send you back to art school oh man first up we have an imitation lesson in front of you you have one of my paintings you're gonna recreate it using play-doh five minutes starts now let's go hey i'm gonna need everybody to leave a like right now because i'm scared sorry i got stressed can i sabotage now this is literally like a crab bread with a lion five four three two one perfect time is up different different colored tentacles just saying theirs actually didn't turn out too bad i see right oh michelle okay i'm gonna sound biased but michelle this is really good preston i would give you something in between but minus bree i'm gonna have to give you an f as well i did think yours was the best not because you're my girlfriend since brie and preston failed the class i have a little punishment for them let's take two of your fingers together for this next class we have color theory so all of you will be painting a landscape using your fingers only however there's a twist you are wearing red glasses so you actually can't tell what color you're using five minutes starts now i got really excited sorry you look like a toddler you will not understand my greatness five four three two one all right michelle let's start with you honestly it looks pretty good but i expected more so i have a very simple elegant piece of art explaining my love for you three yes if you want to close your eyes and picture it so you don't look at the actual painting brie i'm surprised you did a pretty nice gradient i attempted a gradient michelle i'm going to give you an a again brie a minus yes preston give you an f but since you had a nice message i'll give you an f plus and we're going to take your thumb impedance is this illegal in california this class is precision class all of you have dizzy goggles on and all of you need to color your preston coloring book with crayola crayons please subscribe to my youtube channel right there so i cannot be below average thank you all right five four three two no more time yes just tell me where i could have improved because i don't know it looks great are you trying to get an a yes right very nice trust your fire whoa wait wait there's definitely some missed color in there [Music] at least i'm not out of the lines bucko wait a second what is that and that is way outside the line i hate doing this again it doesn't i'm really really sorry just give it to me plus minus this is painting class all of you are blindfolded right now and you have five minutes to paint a self portrait after this round whoever has the most s gets a huge disadvantage in the next round any questions um five minutes starts now okay yo i think i'm gonna win this one all right i'm telling you right now for all the goat fishes watching did i have paint i felt like i had paint and then i somebody took my paint who took my pain i don't know okay that's the fuzzy tip part self-portrait so think about it [Music] what i'm doing so far very good present stop hating the death i can't see the pit somebody definitely moved the paint who knew he was messing with me did you take my paint hey did you take my all right take off your blindfolds you're sucks sorry take a shower okay it's definitely gonna be an f yes let's go great i think you got the face in place thank you it looks a little funky if you got the hair in the right place i'm going to give you an a minus okay okay active i am come on dude that's my son by the way when bree decides to give me children that would that's my son well to be fair i also messed with preston so yeah yeah and still this is the best one so i'm gonna give you an a an a yes i beat you pinky and i beat you too blondie preston don't get too excited look who has the most f's okay listen i failed math welcome to photography class and preston you had the most apps you're hooked up to a birding simulator am i giving birth on my arms it's pulsing all right so you all have 90 seconds to take a picture all right go tell me where a cool place is to take the photo i don't know where you're going to take the photos well give me a passing grade photo of the ps4 well landscape or portrait get creative oh my god for that i'm turning it yes i think it broke michelle let's see yours very nice there's a lot of depth of field and then you use the rule of thirds where there's a third at the top and two guys at the bottom very nice i like it three yes oh artsy i tried i laid on the floor for this it actually looks really cool yeah like from that angle it looks like a stairway to heaven exactly that's the title of the photo preston okay well as i was giving birth i took this photo so if you would like to see i call this two best friends a playstation 5 some popular youtubers one more handsome than the other i like how you use your creativity and took a selfie and so technically it wasn't a selfie because i used these cameras on the back you took a a front teeth i think that's still a selfie that's it i'm going to give grace now just where are we starting he went to 10. michelle a minus bree i'm gonna give you an a plus yes preston yes considering you got hooked up to a torture device i'll give you an a minus yes now we have crafting class in front of you you have paper scissors and a mitten you will be cutting snowflakes using a mitten you only have two minutes for this challenge and preston i thought you were only wearing this for one class but apparently we're told you have this until the end of the challenge if i get an a can i have them put on brie get a better grade than all of them this round and i'm not going to judge biasly this to her arm that's to her arm oh [Applause] she looks like she knows what she's doing i don't really but i'm trying oh i can't use this hand i don't think supposed to be our teacher teach me something i'll do it better world's best snowflake here on the channel ladies and gentlemen did it while being zapped on the arm fyi what is that i don't know what to say these are not looking good so far what do you mean five oh no four three two one all right stop what you're doing just call it a winner okay think about it snowflakes are not supposed to be oh i don't the wrong way i'm sorry can't we turn this off i can't even find it all right michelle looks kind of like a typical snowflake that you cut out in class so i'll give you an a minus three i'm gonna give you an a minus preston even though i was reading for you i can't judge well i mean if you hold the scissors like that i thought it was gonna poke me with the scissors for this class you will be using different mediums in front of you oh wait what's a meat what's a medium it's like the stuff you're working with pay attention preston okay first of all michelle very i apologize press and threaten me i have no choice for this class you will be making an animal out of magnets class do you have any questions nope that was only before at some point during this challenge you can tell me to turn it up it's only because i'm intimidated by preston president just just let me know when time starts now it feels like your arms okay i'm gonna turn it down a little bit and then preston just let me know when yeah should i use all of it i'm gonna make oh i know i'm gonna make it this yeah yours is looking trash wait wait wait this is meant to happen this is it and yes when we turn it up i'll also assign michelle and bree to a number and and you'll pick a random number one two okay [Applause] all right let me guess bunny yeah come on that is a lion sure what was this supposed to be i mean it cats it's all the same thing he has a jingle bearing that is awful what is that is that a slug is that it no think about it a hummingbird yeah oh preston i'm gonna give you an a minor wait but i feel like i need to even out from last time because you threatened me so we'll swap these and i'll give you an f oh i like that [Laughter] we're doing that you're going to get an extra minus all right michelle i'll get an a there's no way outside there are three rocks that look similar to this find it and paint it you have five minutes i'm going uh i i i didn't say go yet i'm going i'm not i didn't say go yet okay and you make me i didn't say okay go preston i'm the only good student oh look i found the rock oh yes i found it it's so easy we're at the rocks oh wait can i paint the turtle oh extra credit baby let's go baby this looks like a potato no turtle is drunk very pretty honestly ugly it's definitely a potato pink he reminded me of us oh wait two minutes left no i don't have time to paint this big flipping turtle looks like shrek sneezed on him if i were you i'd add a little bit more detail yeah i would definitely have more details perfect your rock is literally just pink it looks like a pink poop very nice preston but do you have a design uh yes it's called blue and green i feel confident oh whoa michelle's looking good no stop stop favoritism that's called a stone cold heart like this [Applause] wait time is up who set the timers up no yours looks satanic oh my goodness that's a little scary though bro that's like overly attached girlfriend preston you have some nice colors thank you it was it was a large rock he just ruined your turtle somebody took all the rocks so i had to take this all right michelle oh that is nice so preston we're gonna start with yours okay since you grabbed the turtle i'll overboard the creativity i'll give you an a minus all right the next person an a-plus that was me literally all she did was clean a rainbow i'm gonna be in a rainbow myself okay i'm sorry it was cute but it scared me a little bit so zach runs a very tight art school he has these other students are being punished and doing push-ups they are training right now 90 degrees dang now we have jewelry class in front of you you have beats to make a friendship bracelet you have two minutes what that's it did we mention their hands are tied oh yeah did we mention your handwriting yeah that was aggressive this is zach's favorite color green you know what else rhymes with green mean because zach has been kind of mean michelle be careful michelle let's just calm down you demi gorgon all right how big do we think zack's wrist is probably about yay oh yeah yeah it's gonna fit daddy you all have one minute left and only brie has a beat on it oh i require an extension i'd like to go calm down dad all right i need this one all right ooh grace is looking pretty good i you turned on the birther five oh no four oh no three no two no one time is up can you turn off the buzzer there you go bff eye is better this one's really good it's just bff in the middle and all the colors match wait that is very good ah why is it okay no it's not it's see it's backwards no way not if you're from israel okay i certainly lose feeling preston michelle this is like a friendship ring all right bray i actually did think yours was really impressive you're gonna get an a plus whoa preston you got the letters wrong and what do you mean i'm gonna give you an f plus michelle [Music] yours wasn't very close so i'm gonna give you an f class now we're doing the one line challenge are we telling jokes no but we are going to be drawing the skyline and you have to do it without picking up your marker oh geez two minutes i'm ready starting now all right skyline before chicken okay i see what you're doing here buddy bro this is so freaking tough wow stop it michelle has houses going press and lift up your marker limit series real quick stop it a little bit ooh i don't know about breeze oh no i didn't think about it all right preston's is finally coming together oh michelle even has happy trees happy trees five four three two one boom it's over look at that i got a skyscraper that sky scraper looks like it's about a fall zach there's only so much i have two hollers okay the hill the buildings i wanna encourage [Music] all right i'm sorry you get an f for this one i know yeah that stands for failure pressing minus it's not bad it's not bad um i'll give in a minus yes [Laughter] all right not bad oh oh you got some volume on the buildings okay michelle i will give you an a students for our final class we have geometry art yes you have two minutes to make a shape all right so i'm going to make what they call a trapezius that is a muscle in your body trapezoid i'm gonna make actually octogon do you know why they call it octogon because it has eight octo ins what all right so this is what i've got so far not too bad not getting a ball in there yeah i know i've got plenty of balls buddy don't worry breeze is looking really artsy michelle's going big oh my gosh my shape fell one two three four five six seven eight let's go baby all right 30 seconds left oh my gosh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop michelle you're gonna want to come create that shape oh breeze is looking like something that can go in a museum no what thanks oh i get it now because it's so ugly uh michelle what is going on i'm not playing no don't do that five four three whoa preston that is good time's up boom skirt dad what up daddy chill are you okay all right preston preston you're getting taco preston i'm gonna give you an a plus no bri yes see it's it's a little triangle guy it it does look interesting i'm going to give it an a minus bias michelle stop working you're already done you get an f plus since it's symmetrical good job students thank you for attending boot camp michelle you are the winner with only three f's brie you did pretty well you got four f's okay preston you got five f's so michelle i want to recount place these wherever you want and thank you well before these turned on please continue watching more content over here check out michelle's channel breeze and zacks i'll see you next time when my face gives birth all right start it up
Channel: Preston
Views: 7,614,854
Rating: 4.8923211 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: YjP7jbtX_ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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