Zelda TotK Vehicles & Builds That Will BLOW YOUR MIND 🤯

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I wish I could say this was the craziest Zone I build in this video but I'm not so sure euron 120 has built a fully functional gun in totk you can even move it around with ultra hand and it continues to shoot enemies sit tight this episode's gonna be a good one hi my name is Dom and welcome back to top gaming plays don't forget to drop a like if you enjoyed today's video and submit your Clips using the link in the description let's get into it war is changing oifers created a death drone that literally power washes enemies to death after torturing koroks throughout their playthrough chuckarab decided to build this little guy a swing the link spinning wheels create the forward and backwards momentum like a little engine foreign War Machine it's got shock absorbers for rough terrain and Link is protected by this handy cover [Music] there's very little that can stop it well maybe a big hill [Music] when you grow tired of tearing through Hyrule with your Mech or torturing Comics enjoy a bit of downtime at Cody's fairground oh [Music] foreign convention more like Geneva's suggestions at this stage players continue to find ways to torment enemies and koroks and this one is pretty inventive I like how it's toggleable [Music] some machines aren't built to ride they're built to observe who's hungry today's special menu includes corax if only players use their engineering ability for good PM calls this build the korok motors F-150 hydraulic 4x4 smart use of Springs to create functioning shock absorbers Trung is role-playing as America and he heard the bow Goblin have oil y above so much freedom [Music] thank you dasma has built a trojan horse Ganondorf isn't gonna know what hit him when this thing rocks up to the castle gate [Music] after a failed attempt to storm the castle Matt tries to take it to the chasm nothing [Music] foreign [Music] this is getting ridiculous now so banana has built a Gundam to terrorize Hyrule [Music] thank you [Music] when modern military equipment rolls into Hyrule [Music] if you're looking for a better way to launch Wings karak has built this contraption dreamonto calls this contraption the bully for reasons that are about to become very obvious [Music] foreign it seems that link is no longer above breaking the Geneva Convention nintendio dubs this monstrosity the bow Goblin death cage [Music] did we just witness a war crime this is what Peak traversal looks like introducing the air Segway simple but highly effective thank you this build only requires three parts a steering stick and two fans making it super cheap to build Darth father whoa spoiler alert found a way to combine Wheels with wings to create a multi-functional vehicle [Applause] foreign robots seem to be on many players Minds Mufasa calls this contraption Auto boner go forth you magnificent Monster there's a phrase getting thrown around underneath totk Clips if it works it works this is soup Daddy's doohickey Contraption and it just works thank you one of my favorite comments about this clip was it looks like it keeps going out of pure spite foreign is a 3D animator and has a lot of experience rigging 3D models she's using some of that rigging experience to create clever Contraptions in totk like this engine attaching halberds to the end gives it a practical use [Music] foreign [Music] fishing has never been easier [Music] attaching a shock emitter to the front of your boat electrocutes the fish genius a trick to defeating the bow goblins like winning any modern war is to achieve air superiority mad polygon has created a bomber that controls the Skies over Hyrule [Music] thank you foreign working engines in totk she's inventing new forms of Transport she's attempting a wheel bike inspired by General Grievous Mission success [Music] thank you [Music] foreign ERS come up with this paddle boat design the thing that makes it particularly cool is that it doesn't use fans instead it uses Wheels to turn the puddles and create motion which take way less energy than fans this is probably one of the smartest bike builds we've seen so far the trick is to use a stabilizer between the two wheels to ensure the bike always stays upright while riding it audition has built an armored personnel carrier equipped with lasers and has brought it along to try and take down a flux construct keep an eye on the construct's health those lasers are doing the Lord's work foreign [Music] so sticking a stabilizer on a bike prevents it from going uphill tier many has discovered a contraption that allows a stabilizer to stop the bike from falling on its side but still allows it to have traction going uphill the trick is to stick a stabilizer on a freestanding wheel this is probably the most insane off-road vehicle we've seen it's been doing the rounds on Chinese social media sites what makes this buggy fairly unique it's this it's four-wheel drive and has built-in suspension I bet you're curious to see how it drives though right probably the smoothest ride in the whole of Hyrule foreign Warfare in Hyrule has evolved Cabello's tank uses a construct head to automatically Target enemies once they're in range it activates every zonai device and unleashes Firepower upon him he's about to roll up on a pack of bow Goblin and put this thing to work it starts well but ends not good for all you Farmers out there a sprinkler Schmidt face has built a machine Loosely inspired by Howl's Moving Castle just keep in mind that I did say Loosely inspired although it does move as elegantly as it does in the anime thanks so much for watching guys don't forget to hit subscribe if you're new and we'll see you tomorrow for another video thank you
Channel: Top Gaming Plays
Views: 2,338,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, zelda totk, zelda totk gameplay, zelda gameplay, zelda totk boss, zelda totk building, zelda totk mech, new zelda, zelda build, vehicle, boss, bossess, walkthrough, zelda totk funny, zelda totk moments, zelda funny moments, zelda funny, zonai, zonai builds, zonai devices, ultrahand, Beta Brawler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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