Zelda TotK Best Highlights, Builds & Funny Moments #79

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foreign [Music] and welcome back to top gaming plays don't forget to drop a like if you enjoyed today's video and submit your Clips using the link in the description so let's get into it most fishing trawlers are either large slow or both well Mega mato's baby shark is neither absolutely not we are not doing this the baby shark is just two fans a steering stick two sleds and a shock emitter genius the August design contest on the Hyrule engineering subreddit is asking for ridiculous flying machines well mine Wanderer has delivered with his take on the zonite Dragon the flexibility in the body is down to the cooking pots being used as joints but this clip is missing one thing that's better [Music] Spirit Tracks [Music] super smart use of the prostometer for the spoke and it's time for House of the day [Music] so this is MC esh's relativity well it's a 3D tribute but it does show off the concept prong has recreated relativity in Tarrytown and who better to represent the people on the staircase than our very own mayor Hudson relativity depicts a world where the normal laws of physics and gravity do not apply a concept that I think speaks to a lot of our builders [Music] last episode we featured RQ who finally completed the task of transporting a bow Goblin to the sky island well RQ didn't stop there they've now tasked themselves with transporting a bow Goblin even higher onto the great Sky Island if for any reason you would like to attempt this RQ says this flying box design seems to be the most reliable as a reminder you must freeze the bulkoblin inside the box to prevent it from despawning foreign off the edge hyrule's most confused Lionel and if you're just as confused as the Lionel RCS is using This brilliant mortar design to unleash Firepower from a distance all right we've had beetle-powered Vehicles we've had little fast-powered vehicles but one energy source remains untapped until now NPCs Arya makes games entry into the August ridiculous flying machine competition is this perfectly balanced three-stage jet it is not cheap to build thanks to the Dual batteries this thing costs 250 zonite yikes this is obviously stage one but what about stage two when the first battery runs out this happens sure it's lost two fans from the front but it's also now much lighter smaller and more agile as you've probably guessed by now there's a stage three in Aria's words not mine this is like an expensive onion posing as a jet a very fun build that looks really cool but in terms of practicality you'd be better off building 25 hover bikes for your Zoe night time for the prestigious build of the day award [Music] built what they are calling crab bot the upside down card to recreate the beady little crab eyes is actually a stroke of brilliance [Music] the sideways placement of the wheels means it even Walks Like a crab a great touch completely impractical but a great touch thank you but the real question can it deal with a pack of both goblins well like any crab it deals its damage by its claws [Music] Alistair star has discovered that you can remove the stuck-on wheels from the wagon first place a hydrant on top next set fire to one of the wheels using a firefruit will activate the hydrant saving the rest of the Carp from the flames oh [Music] you now have a new chassis to stick wheels on Alistair calls this the Volkswagen good pun extra unwanted a rock crawler that was small in size and parts and I think they've achieved it this rock crawling Segway uses just eight parts which I'll list on the bottom left of the screen once you've reached the top of whatever you are climbing you might want to get back down in which case the build descends at a nice slow pace as you'll have probably noticed by now the octoprop at the back of the vehicle is actually two Shrine propellers combined that is achieved via pressing thank you I guess this is one way to solve it [Music] thanks so much for watching guys don't forget to hit subscribe if you're new and we'll see you tomorrow for another video foreign
Channel: Top Gaming Plays
Views: 66,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, zelda totk, zelda totk gameplay, zelda gameplay, zelda totk boss, zelda totk building, zelda totk mech, new zelda, zelda build, vehicle, boss, bossess, walkthrough, zelda totk funny, zelda totk moments, zelda funny moments, zelda funny, zonai, zonai builds, zonai devices, ultrahand
Id: ljJnRfHO6TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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