Tears Of The Kingdom | PRO BUILDING TIPS + Important Missable Ability!

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hey it's Alex and let's talk about some of the  more universally useful stuff you can build in   tears of the Kingdom there is a very important  construction ability that can be completely   missable but it can be found pretty early on so  I'm going to show you how to snag it in a moment   after that I'm gonna break down some of the most  useful things you can create and actually save for   later like improved error and ground Vehicles  trap devices and a few other tricks you're not   going to find anywhere else now let's get into  it and if you happen to be new here hit subscribe   okay before we get into the builds let's get this  spot on the radial menu unlocked the auto build   mechanic this will let you save anything that you  build so it can be spawned over and over and over   to get Auto build head Southwest of Lookout  Landing put a pin marker on the Temple of Time   and go directly east of that to this hole in the  ground that'll lead you down into the underground   and when you open up into that start paragliding  to that spot you mark directly under the temple   you'll find this device and when you interact  with it that will unlock the auto build mechanic   using Auto build shows you schematics of buildable  things you've already found has a history of   things you've built yourself and has a favorite  section where you can save your own creations   if the materials are nearby this will  Auto build it for free but if not it'll   simply cost zoneite which is easily  farmable down in the Underworld region   if you test the auto build and complete  the quest here you'll then have to Battle   Master Koga which is intimidating looking  to fight but really doesn't hit that hard   after that you'll get 100 crystallized charges  if you want to use those to improve your max   battery capacity which is going to be helpful  for powering all the stuff you're about to build   now that you have Auto build it's time to  make some important Creations to save to   your favorites for use later instead of explaining  how to make some ridiculous and expensive things   you're probably not going to use and will  cost a ton of zonite to summon I'm going to   show you some really efficient vehicles and useful  devices to make that cost really little to spawn   so garch here Giga automated robot Chad helper  should have came up with the words before the   acronym is going to remain as a failed Abomination  no one should bother building something that is   useful though are quick simple and cheaply  spawned trap devices to assist with combat   unlike the recall tactic for making traps from  my previous tips video which requires resources   to be nearby and takes time to set up these  traps are instantly ploppable death machines   first you're going to need a big wheel and  if you notice when you attach anything to   its axle the other side will retract giving  you the perfect stationary spinning device   you can stick something like a flame emitter to  that and save that to Auto build as a favorite   that'll cost you only six zonite to spawn and with  this Auto build feature you're really incentivized   to come up with things requiring the least amount  of Parts which lessens the cost to summon them   this spinning fire trap I made is pretty  good at breaking up large groups of enemies   and burning everything around it that's  one of my personal favorites but you can   also make physical damage bass traps as well  by slapping logs onto the axle of that wheel   this one has a pretty big area that it covers  but requires 15 zonite to spawn since it uses   four separate logs and a wheel if you find a  big log though like over here by the River East   of Lookout Landing you can use those in their  place that'll give you about the same size of   a trap but costing only nine zonite instead  since it's only made up of three Total Parts   if you can get your hands on a homing cart you can  add a wheel to the top of that to create your own   little battle bots those will seek out enemies  on their own and provide a bit of backup for you   this flame emitter bot works really well in  grassy areas for example since it'll be moving and   creating updrafts so you can avoid the destruction  below and maybe provide some backup for your Bot   putting beam emitters facing 45 degrees downward  so that you're not accidentally hitting yourself   works as well so that's pretty much the basics  of making traps and little battle devices   with the auto build mechanic now let's build  some simple vertical takeoff flying machines   one solid option uses a wing two fans and a  steering stick but put that steering stick   towards the back of the unit as you can see this  isn't going to take off on its own yet now grab   an octo balloon from your inventory and use ultra  hand to put it Square in the middle of the wing   save that as a favorite and for 15 Zone night you  can spawn this which allows you to take off from   a stationary vertical position compare this to a  similar type of flying machine that uses a cart   at the bottom to take off and you'll see why  I recommend the Octo balloon route the flying   machine with the big chunky cart attached will  always be weighing down the whole unit causing   it to be slower and have less lift the other one  remains pretty light and Nimble by comparison   if you need octo Balloons by the way there's a  few places but there's guaranteed to be some over   here heading towards Zora's domain now an even  cheaper vertical flyer costing only nine zonite   use two fans stuck together take a steering stick  and rotate it 45 degrees upwards and attach it as   centered as you possibly can right here on the  back fan this vehicle will take off vertically   by pressing backwards and if you lean off of  holding the analog stick back it'll shift its   rotation to fly more horizontally this requires a  bit more finesse to control than the last option   but does technically get you flying a vehicle  for Less when you're just trying to get raw   vertical height it's useful to have a good balloon  device save to your favorites as well this version   is powered by a flame emitter directly under  the balloon and cost 15 Zone Knight to summon   the advantage of this one is that it rises very  fast for a quick burst of elevation but when   your battery meter Runs Out The Flame also stops  and now you're left plummeting downward another   option somewhat fixes that by attaching a wood  material right here instead of a flame emitter   aim slightly up when you're lighting this so you  don't catch the whole thing on fire I did that   this floating device will rise a lot slower than  the flame emitter one but when your battery runs   out the flame will still persist allowing you  to wait and start controlling it again when   your battery comes back early on something  like this is an easy way to get up to the   very top of Hyrule castle where you can snag  some pretty useful stuff and the last vertical   takeoff option I messed around with will cost  the most so night and has some assembly required   attach a missile to a square board not on the  actual side of it but right here on the edge   you can then actually stack multiples of these  on top not attached to each other to make a   really awkward looking space rocket now let's test  drive the thing to get up to that Dragon up there   remember the order you stack these in and activate  the first one to initiate launch when that rocket   starts flashing green hit the next one in the  sequence to launch again off of that a few more   times to doing that and that weird Daisy chained  rocket method just got me up onto that dragon from   the ground in about 20 seconds stacking the rocket  platforms is pretty fun but not the most practical   next some easy ways to avoid the annoyance of  not being able to climb things in the rain just   straight up a spring is the best item to counter  that but you might not always have a stack of   those available on you however with auto Build You  Now do take out anything like an apple and stick   it to the side of that spring now it'll show up in  your auto build history and you can favorite that   if you run out of the real Springs you can always  now simply summon one for 609 another good rain   counter are Ascend ladders attached to the side  of things build something simple but tall here I   used long logs to keep the cost down with spaced  out platforms and a stake facing opposite of those   two-tiered one I made cost 18 zonite so it's  a lot more expensive than the spring route   but that can be attached to things to give you  platforms to use Ascend on have at least one   of these two options saved to your favorites to  avoid the rain or just quickly get up to stuff   next car salesman solid battery efficient  cheap ground-based vehicles get you in one   right now today one of my favorites requires  just two small wheels and a steering stick   attach the steering stick on the side of the  wheel somewhat lowered and towards the front of it   carefully attach the other wheel so that it's  in line with the other this gives you a Snappy   little vehicle that is easily maneuverable and  will only set you back nine Zone Knight to spawn   you can also press forward on the analog stick  to boost the speed a bit now let's compare this   to another simple vehicle that costs the same  amount of zoneite a cart with a fan attached   the car Option is going to be a lot more stable  but since it's fan powered it will drain your   battery drastically faster than the wheel powered  one the wheels also give you the advantage of   being able to break and reverse if you're trying  to build something like a motorcycle you'll need   to use a stabilizer to keep it upright while  driving when you spawn one of these or just get   off of it it can be a pain to get back onto since  it'll tip so I added some kickstands onto Mine by   attaching a simple material to it like these  ambers then when the vehicle's in the relaxing   position it just casually sits there leaning  upright ready to be driven again whenever you're   making something with auto build you can also  build off the foundation of previously made things   for example you can attach cannons to that vehicle  we previously made to make a battle variant   save that from your history and you now have two  versions of the same vehicle and you didn't have   to make both from the ground up if you're trying  to build something like an actual tank though I   recommend using cement slabs as the foundation  so that you don't catch yourself on fire   you can easily find those at the material Depots  Underground and last a bonus use for auto build   when you come across any explosive objects you  can slap those together and save them for later   if you summon those just a little bit off the  ground they'll immediately detonate when they   hit it depending on how much of a boom you  want and zenite you're willing to consume   you can attach more of these together to use  as your own quickly summonable airstrikes   so that's the basics of Tears of the Kingdom's  cool Auto build mechanic and some of the more   practical stuff you can create for it there  is use for making some crazy builds that   cost a ton to spawn but I wanted to keep this  primarily to things you'll actually be using   I want to hear what some of your own  creation ideas are so put them down below   or hit me up on Twitter at Boomstick  Alex with a clip of your best builds   as always I'm Alex thanks for checking  this out and I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Boomstick Gaming
Views: 519,290
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Keywords: tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom, totk, tears of the kingdom tips, tears of the kingdom guide, nintendo switch, legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom pro tips, tears of the kingdom advanced tips, tears of the kingdom traps, totk tips, tears of the kingdom gameplay tips, zelda, autobuild, tears of the kingdom autobuild, tears of the kingdom building, tears of the kingdom vehicles, tears of the kingdom flying machine, tears of the kingdom best builds, zelda totk, link
Id: xR_B3xoLIFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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