Zane Grey: Nevada | Full 1940s Classic Western Movie | Robert Mitchum | Western Central

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] from mexico i come down with my little sweet guitar i ride the crusty border to chiquita where she are when last i see chiquita big tears in her eye i tell her little turtle i don't want for you to cry my chiquita pretty soon i'm going to see nevada she is pito you call that singing you don't like my song dusty it's terrible oh jim he liked it the cars like it well i don't like it especially the way you foreigners butcher it foreigners i guess you put it wrong all kinds of people make up this country my mother she was mexican my father he was irish so they call me chito jose gonzalez bustamante rafferty pretty good american though hey take a look do you see what i see this country's getting too many peoples where you're wrecking their heads lacey there's one way to find out take that out hey your eyes look like a couple of poached eggs you ever seen a bonanza town dusty lots of oroville el dorado placerville grass valley hang town it must be something to see it's something to keep away from men shaking gold right out of the grassroots hey you sure you're all right never felt better why cause that's the way gold fever usually starts listen that old pancake comstock is the longest-legged liar out of limbo nothing that old glute ever uncovered is worth a jumping bean well maybe mr comstock hit the jackpot this time oh let's let's go dusty jim lacey do you mean to tell me you'll join up with them wildlife nitwits oh let's give the comstock low the world whether you score they're swimming i will sing to them settle down you yodeling pipsqueak but such a bonanza why them fellers coming back oh gold's up there all right the trick is to get it out some do but most of them don't one minute you think you got something and the next minute you run into that dirty blue muck and you ain't got nothing reckon they take me all at the ranch why not ed you're a good cowpol right over and talk turkey to the foreman thanks see what i mean yeah i guess you're right dusty only i sure would like to have gone oh forget it you can comb more goldust out of your whiskers than they'll ever take out of the gold hell hurry hurry hurry hurry step right up boys buy your footage from the family that discovered the load cut yourself in on the first nevada bonanza boy she's amazing your load's not good comstock i get away you bother me all i found is that filthy blue stuff why you ain't no miner you're a farmer go on home with the rest of your haul why look at that gold fella who wants 20 feet at 10 a foot huh i'll give you a five pancake why you low down cheapskate what no sale six and a bottle ride [Laughter] so oh how are you mr burger hi boys hey uh have you got the location ledger handy you bet that's fine i'm selling 20 feet of my mind to offer penangi to sandy bars here write it in you know i can't write you know all my locations too you order you bought enough of them all right pancake 20 feet yeah the offer yeah sold tomorrow sandy bowers thank you mark is that ledger legal mr burge legal and valid as soon as i have the contents registered at the land office in carson city one lap oh i'll be going down the valley in a few days well now that everything's legal let's have a drink on it don't use it thanks that's the same well you ought to the water here is rank poison and that's only ranked much black mr buried thanks mr berry goodbye boys hello joe hi joe howdy another crowd just left the load chief yes i know port devils well what are you going to start buying you can pick up that footage for a song not ready yet we'll know for sure tomorrow when julie dexter gets back from carson city [Music] oh women women hello i never saw such a messy job who hits up these nags i did didn't anyone ever tell you the lines were supposed to be on the outside you think these rings were just a decoration doesn't look like i did so well no you prevented a serious accident here no thanks ma'am just seeing you squares everything up that's a very flattering compliment well i meant it man i'm sure you did they don't tell me you're heading up to the comstock why not well that kind of throws me ladies up there oh my business is on the load and then paul and aaron took me to carlson city i'm julie dexter i'm jim lacy jim lacy i'm gonna call you nevada well a man could have a worse name you know this country's gonna monitor something one day they tell me is the comstock much of a place oh not yet but it will be quite a place i'd like to see it what's all of you back cows you ever come to gold hill i'll try to return this favor goodbye nevada goodbye ma'am seven seven what seven lovely women you know who she is julie dexter she's the biggest gambler between frisco and saint joe she dealt pharaoh at hang count and money at placerville cleaned up a fortune well she wouldn't be wasting her time on the comstock if it was a fizzle are you full with her and she lift your coat hat and pistol it's a nice way to lose your money if you have any which we have not well you've got a month's pay coming at the ranch and i've got a hunch seven's my lucky number at what he wouldn't mean dice all you have to do is to pool your wages with mine nope i need a new pair of boots i love the women i love the dice but also i love my music i'm sailing for a new guitar what she do i don't speak no english senor all right if you're satisfied to be 20 dollar car pokes the rest of your lives i'm not i'm riding my hunch the last time he coaches into the red berry dice game it was very sad you lose my chaparrajos you mean your pants same thing all right taking it all lazy nice be nice he needs those new boots [Applause] we've got more than 3 000 here you've made six naturals i can make it seven you've got seven on the brain please amigo all i want is enough to buy a new guitar i'll make it have to buy you a heart cheeto oh no singer with the player harp almost have wings i don't want to fly what's the stall barry i've lost plenty in this place this time i'm either going out with a whole works or busted this is my last roll you can't quit without giving me a break all right but one of those i quit you can have any part or all of this i'll take the chunk [ __ ] was seven thousand lacy roll them hard and hit the boards that's the idea new dice oh no those dice are hot i shoot the old dice or no dice seventh rule for seven thousand and i won a set we'd settle for 11. come on you said it well that's the payoff boys pick it up how are we gonna carry it in your hat hold on you're stripping all the hard stuff from the game i need it for the play how about taking yellow banks for this no sorry paper money no good anything wrong with the bank of sacramento i'll take it 7 100 bills count them hightail [Music] don't let it get away [Music] we'll be back in a minute we better spread up we better split this money up first not now you've got the fastest horse so you get away with it cheeto and meal play jack rabbit with barry's men what do we mean since your supplies has been on seeing the comstock head that way after you cross the 40-mile desert you'll see a big lone pine wait for us there here they come back but very on the prowl for lacey you better take another name when you hit the washers look for [Music] nevada [Music] [Music] [Applause] did you have a nice trip miss julie all right say boy don't forget the opening of my new show tonight oh don't worry i'll go back to your life i'll say miss julie save me a blonde will you why pancake by nightfall you won't be sober enough to tell a blonde from a pie hello joe hello miss julie is your boss in to you he's always in hello cash julie it's good to see you you know it seems like you've been gone for a year instead of just a week well i'd have been here a day earlier but i had to wait for the pony expressed carson the writer brought what you were expecting what is it regarding the bluish clay and gravel you sent us for assay the gold content is only 72 dollars per ton read the rest of it this unusual material has however the amazing value of four thousand two hundred eighty 280 in silver you realize what this means julie i'm trying the stuff those men out there are cursing and throwing away is worth millions then the comstock isn't a gold bonanza it's silver yes oh i'm gonna tell them wait do you want gold hill to become another hang town oh but some of the men are so discouraged they're selling out and leaving if i thought you were gonna lose your head i wouldn't have shown you this report oh but they don't realize what they're giving off julie i i thought i could trust you when this news breaks anything can happen it'd be different if nevada were a state or or even an organized territory but there's no authority here no courts no man can be certain that what he buys is his but you have a location ledger why not send bill drawer down to carson city with it and have the claims validated julie for my sake for your own wait i suppose you know best only when the time comes and it won't be long julie you'll be the one to tell them i promise will i see you this evening as if i'd miss your new show bye julie [Applause] sure we got everything now honey yes father everything but the money we have to stop at julie's place for that pop can i use your gun while you're gone oh marvel you'll hurt yourself with that old blunderbuss well i got a guard on mine don't i if i was only sure there's anything left in that hole to guard look who's coming good morning well i saved it just in time it's the wrong time marvie the fact is mr burridge we were just leaving i won't take a minute ben i uh i've come to make you another offer on your place as you know it's adjacent to a ledge that my company bought and well we think it might be suitable for a quartz mill these 360 acres are in the very heart of the load we had hard time proving up on our homestead rights but they're ours we're not selling you see we figured we can always go back to ranching if the load runs out but we aim to find out about that find out about what marvie well we're uh we're sinking the shaft we're going down to carson city now and order the machinery i'm afraid you'll find that you only put back into the ground but you're taken out that's what i tell her well what's this that's darn blue stuff pop and hattie are having an assay by the government while they're down in carson oh but i uh i've already had an essay made look here the gold content is only 72 of the ton it won't pay unless the mining is done on a very large scale but that isn't the government essay well this is one of the finest firms in the country i've already made arrangements with the bureau of mines their representative is going to meet us in cars since it isn't going to cost us anything what can we lose when this girl gets a book in her bonnet there's no stopping it i'm afraid it's a waste of time and effort sorry we can't make a deal but uh i'll be interested in pairing what your uh assay shows enjoy your trip we'll try to pop what about that gun all right mobby you look out for things and don't shoot yourself oh sis be a good boy [Applause] get in line on the side again once more please no no no no no margie please turn with the other girl i'm sorry julie rest minute girl hello ben hello hello julie my how pretty you look thank you we stopped by to pick up the money we left on deposit with you all right my cashier isn't here this early but i'll get it for you you're the bank of gold hill julie does look like it doesn't we couldn't have a safer bank either oh you'll have a real bank soon 437 ounces i'll need it all i'm going to carson city to buy a machinery oh well then you'd better have a yellow box right sooner all right yep bank of california is good enough for me not there isn't it sure is we've got a job to do i'd better get some of the men we'll take care of this ourselves not that way we'll leave a horse at the front hitch rail use the spares [Music] correct julie goodbye julie goodbye [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyway ben never knew what hit him this has got to look like robbery take whatever he's got hurry up [Music] we're in time we haven't been missed it's all excitement looks like a runaway cash something terrible's happening to hattie julie patty what is it father's been shot we were dry ghosted in the game get a posse together we'll volunteer finn was carrying over seven thousand dollars take her inside and keep that we bring her father julie send someone from barbie i'll go miss julie thank you he's uh been shot seems uh yeah but who you don't think that i yes you don't try that either of you where are you from carson valley what's your name nevada at all that's enough isn't it yeah when did you get here just now this ain't the first killing in this gap it's been going on ever since the load was uncovered shut up how did you come by this that's my business mister how much seven thousand didn't julie dexter say that was the amount benide was carrying yeah somebody get a rope yeah let's try them i've had enough from you pal put up that gun everything looks against this kid and he's probably guilty but i won't stand for any funny business if i killed a man i wouldn't hang around waiting for somebody to come along and catch me at it would you that seems to make sense nevada i'll see that you've got a square deal he's still killing me oh wait a minute boys wait a minute brewer's right it's about time we had something like law and order around this load thanks barry get on your horse bring them all by golly i think we're here first the heck we are from the looks of these tracks he's been here and gone colorado why didn't he wait you tell me if there's any trouble i bet he'll find it if they know trouble he'll make it this is what comes out of gold honey that makes me think of a very sad song it's about a very brave man who followed his sanuritha until he died then he turned into a pigeon with beautiful wings la paloma i see it for you you gotta bust out saying why don't you warble what one little doggie said to another little doggie what's that let's get along i've well who is it i've never seen him before that's terrible what it is yeah they ought to spring him up [Applause] we've got the killer julie nevada you know him why he saved me from being badly smashed up in a runaway yesterday we found the money on him yellowbacks yes you didn't do it what do you think paper money isn't common currency in this country where did you get it gambling can you prove it maybe yes maybe no the man i wanted from isn't likely to help me out who was it i'll tell that to the marshall when i have to you see what brought you up here you don't you remember your friend certainly gave me a hot reception gold hill is going to be quite a place you said it sure is you can keep it patty i want you to help us is this the man who killed your father you must be sure this man's life hangs up on your answer how can i say everything happened too fast the shot sounded like there was more than one man but i couldn't be sure it was all i could do to keep the horses on the road thanks miss i heard those shots too and i'd say you were right if and when i kill a man it'll have to be for a better reason than money that doesn't clear him i'm afraid not circumstance is too often accepted as evidence in this country i'll have to hold you for the territorial court that cop poke is pretty smart chief he could talk himself right out of jaylen if he's aces with julie all right go over the golden hill bar it doesn't take much to get that crowd going buy him plenty of drinks eggman a necktie party huh yes and if brewer nelson happened to get hurt trying to stop it'll be just too bad i better get a move on he comes julie hello miss julie cash i'd never ask anything of you but i want something now you've got to help that boy why oh he's not the road agent who's been working the gap oh surely you're too sensible to be taken in by his [ __ ] and bull story we couldn't do such a thing i'm sure of it but he's fine and clean and there's something well something different about him he doesn't know fear or he faced that crowd with his head high ah that was mere bravado of course if there's something personal behind your wish there he is he never would have come here except for me i talked him into it oh i'm responsible for him don't you see i see that you're overly sentimental that's trash and you know it well are you going to help him if you make an issue of it i do settle up against for everybody say this road agent business is a terrible thing joel what do you say buy all the talk pancake whether we do something about it ah that's just what i say come on give me another drink [Music] [Applause] i guess my god it is pretty bad it ain't good here we go another time hi there pancake well hello dusty mr raphael yeah rafferty season your cheeto jose gonzales booster i need a drink what's all the excitement pancakes road agent killed 14 men and a marshall in the last month but we catched him his name's nevada where's he now he's in the cooler come let's get him out how go and take him like my father used to say one rapper they can lick this whole town maybe now listen let's don't do this the hard way hey pancake why don't they stretch this outlaw's windpipe cause this load's getting too feminine that's why this ain't like the good old days in hang town so gold hill don't dare hang a man well i ain't never seen a miner yet with a gumption of a snail i heard what you said your ears burn where i come from when we catch a road agent we do something about it you talk awful big stranger but there's a hundred dollars in it for the man that puts a rope around that kill his neck i doubt if there's a hundred dollars on this whole dead blasted load you got yourself a necktie party mister i got a brand new rope that needs stretching well come on why do we wait i'll stop them [Music] well you saw there's nothing i could crowd they mean do do our best for you no matter taking on quite a chore i'd protect my prisoner even if i knew you was guilty that's my job here's your pistol nevada thanks [Music] don't go mr bro there are too many of them but nevada you men want to do what's right but it just won't help [Music] ain't nothing more than a murdering road agent stick your neck in there feller come on that reward mister hey this army should be hung from his own horse what do you say [Applause] come on [Music] rogers i need a drink i'm not going okay we've been robbed i'm not gonna leave here let me get our money back amigo meal my mother always say it is better to live for than to die reach weight broke yes i still got that 100 pound give me for hanging you let me see that that's funny you're good why was powell so settled on getting the rope around my windpipe miners don't use paper money wait power get this i got a hunch another yes you're both going straight down to red berries please sure if you say so what and bring barry back here i don't feel so good well what's wrong with that everything he'd shoot us on site i don't feel no better oh sir we ain't gonna do no such a dead burn thing i promised my mother i wouldn't die with my boots on and that's one promise i'm going to keep i'd bet you my life all right then i'll work this out by myself you mean that yes goodbye did you ever see such an unreasonable judgement now you've had trouble ever since we meet up with him in his hands i've been waiting hours for you to light that lamp i had to be sure you were alone if i killed your father i'd be 50 miles away by now you can see that can't you i stayed here and i came here because there may be some way i can help you move out of the way hattie i'm gonna let him have it marvie mommy i haven't got a gun it'll be easy for you to kill me everybody will say you've done a very brave thing only when you kill a man in this country you have a reputation to live up to you have to keep on killing men until finally somebody kills you maybe it's just as well he didn't fire this old relic she's got an awful kick i'll bet it'll probably hurt you as much as me why should you want to help us first of all declare myself did you ever see this the bank of california why that could be part of the money my phone how did your father get it from julie dexter from julie she's always kept our money for us i'm gonna see you she couldn't have had anything to do with this i'm gonna have a showdown with julie dexter [Applause] me remember the girl you left behind although you are far far away be sure that her cloud stays silverline be true to her and come back someday save all your kisses for someone who cares it's you she misses so answered her prayers and when you return you're sure to find the girl [Music] i'll be back as soon as i can [Applause] [Music] see what it is please nevada i'll call you when i need you do you realize what a chance you're taking were there 50 men in there who'd kill you on site why don't you call them i know you didn't kill ben i've got to hide you i've got nothing to hide of you i'm expecting mr burge in a minute are you on him that thick what are you trying to say i'll get down to cases [Music] and you've seen it before i gave it to ben eyed where did you get it my partner he got it from powell that gunfano's the right-hand man of your friend burridge does that begin to make sense cash burge is a very wealthy man why should he kill a man for a few thousand dollars wouldn't i like to know he doesn't play for small stakes maybe the stakes ain't so small if paul had anything to do with ben's death cash will know how to deal with it oh don't let on the birds you're so wrong nevada i know cash burge and i trust him too much maybe if i'm right and you're wrong you're out in the same limb with the eyes if you tip him off now he'll be on guard powell is the one to work on and i can take care of him everyone's waiting for you nevada i'll just take it easy and nobody will get hurt i only want one man powell drop your belt get going all right don't come any further all right come on you you know whatever good morning mr berry what is this they are come here am i glad to see you two grossest thing are we the same how about a drink what'll it be poison i think they care except we broke where's all them yellow backs they see he took them even hours just like you scan you with them loaded dice lord of dice where's lacey now in the gold hill clink what for well they catch him trying to treat the other julie dexter too and they didn't shoot him oh no so your shooting is too good for such a buzzard they had a better idea they're giving him a necktie party tonight i'm gonna get my money back ow saddle three fresh bronx i'll need you two for witnesses you're going to gold hill with me see mr barry we'd do anything to get even with lacey the slick-fingered sidewinder give him a drink george we call him the six mile canyon not a track if powell talks the comstock will blow up right in our faces we've got to find him how about the eyed place well nevada wouldn't dare take him there hatty i to turn him in that buckaroo has a way with women cash showing up at the comstock club and facing julie dexter took nerve yes you men watch the roads leading in and out of town [Applause] right just in case you're not going in there unarmed powell's had all night to think it over i'm gonna make him talk you ready to tell me where you got that money we went over all night last night and stay healthy change your mind [Music] [Music] here's your shirt all mended it's a good thing i had a spare how are you feeling well i feel all right but it must look like something the cat dragged in you look all right to me marvie can't you find something to do outside see she wants to get rid of me so she can have you all to herself marvie i'm going it didn't hurt a bit uh he's a great kid he was right nevada i do want to talk to you but i hardly know how to begin i guess maybe i see you quite differently than i did yesterday i don't want you to get in any more trouble because of us i want you to go before something happens i got a score to settle first bridge is coming he'll see you quick in here hurry all right barbie open the door hello hattie you uh you heard about last night yes i mean no that is what about last night that road agent is still on the load or he was i i was worried about you oh i'm all right what's this oh marvie fell and hurt himself oh that's too bad where it's my leg jiminy whiskers i think i spring my clavicle my clavicle oh won't you sit down mr burridge well thank you hattie being an old friend of your father's i feel privileged to help you to to advise you this load is no place for a young woman alone and unprotected i'm beginning to realize that of course i i could lend you the money to develop this property but uh i think you've had enough experience to realize the expense entailed in getting down to bedrock this blue stuff well there must be hundreds of tons of it and it'd be a gamble whether or not you'd find gold even if you got through it if you still want to buy the wrench i'll sell you've made a very wise decision hattie be at the office in an hour and we'll settle everything your leg seems better marvin oh oh my clavicle he's suspicious so am i that blue stuff what about it that's what i want to know suppose you tell me [Applause] and that blue stuff is what i saw scattered along the trail in the gap we were taking you down to carson to have a government ass they made mommy get some of it stack it up and throw it in the buck board you bet howdy you didn't mean what you said about selling the burj i did i won't let you it doesn't concern you i've had all i can stand all i want is to get away from here well i'm going to mr brewer he'll know what to do he's a lawyer he'll never reach town every road will be watched nevada wait please [Music] [Applause] nevada who's there [Music] let me out of here i've had enough [Music] nobody i'll tell you what you want to know [Music] julie patty have you seen [Music] look yeah [Music] well here we are won't be long now here we go another time take it easy there's 12 bucks shot in this hog leg you all right marty except i was plenty scared but we made it didn't we nevada i thought you said lacey was in jail he will be in a minute we will too what'd you do with powell wouldn't you like to know i gave you credit for better sense than to come back here bro look here i got first claim against this buckle hello ferry aren't you a long way from home what's your lien on nevada no vatami ai his name's jim lacy and he robbed me of seven thousand dollars seven thousand with crooked dice if they were crooked they were your dice red didn't you tell me i don't speak my english thing off red like nevada said then were your dice maybe you put them in the game by mistake i'll blow you two inside out you're not in your tavern now barry you can't shoot people just because you happen to feel like it the important thing is nevada won 7 000 from you can you identify the money it was yellow bikes on the bank of sacramento that's it you'll have to whistle for it barry i don't know any law that protects a man in your position i was cheated these two fell assault your witnesses are as notoriously disreputable as yourself you're right mr brewer we're just a couple of low characters in high heels he is right we're a couple of heels we like so much we can't even trust ourselves wait till you two show up down below you wait we like it here well nevada looks like you're in the clear about ben eyed now about powell powell's been shot let's see you get out of this one he isn't dead nevada didn't shoot powell i'll testify to that and so will hatty eyed necessary i'll go his bond at any amount there's no reason to do that julie we've no evidence of whole nevada now come with me dr burton certainly julie keep your eye on purge hey every rat nest has two holes i'll watch the front you fellas go through the alley and watch the back see what i mean you're pretty sharp for small fry here we go another time i believe this is the reason benide was killed why would anyone kill a man that counted that i don't know yet this stuff is worthless what makes you so sure it's my business to know all right then what is it mostly lead i should judge oh i thought you knew well people use lead don't they you for instance quite a lot of it has anyone ever made an essay of it not that i know of and it's time somebody did and such geological strata is this gold occurs only in quartz with occasional plaster deposits supposing it's something even more valuable than gold you're a cowboy you know nothing in this mining business nelson's a mining engineer can you make an essay my equipment isn't quite set up yet i'll pay you whatever it costs well i suppose i could make a cupil furnace test it won't be accurate but i'll convince you i'm right come on over to my office what's the answer doc how do you feel so that's it and check it out well it didn't hurt so low in the mind who shot you joe why do you want to know because of nevada you think a lot of that kid don't you miss julie yes do a lot and all the time i thought it was burgeonist nevada if that ain't a hot one on bridge tell you what miss julie i'll make a deal with you you get me a great big drink and i'll tell you what you want to know won't hurt him now if i could see buried i'd laugh right in his face i've never seen anything act like this except it isn't lead that heat is more than 1700 fahrenheit the base metals are burned off in gases or have been taken up by the lining of the crucible you don't suppose it's unbelievable and yet what is it we'll know in a minute now there's a final test if this button dissolves under the action of nitric acid it's silver silver the comstock load is a great bonanza not gold but silver they'll be mined through a great tunnel into sun peak and perhaps i shall be the one to build it what if it's just a freak of cons well it's the same stuff that's piled up all along the canyon it must run thousands of dollars to the tunnel and we are the first to know my bank must be notified at once so i'm sending a fast rider to california we're not the first to know ben eyed was killed because he was on his way to carson to have an essay made the man who killed him knew that was silver well who is it who's been buying up every claim he can lay his hands on it to stress prices sorry burge was in his office yesterday when i was killed his horse was outside yes but did you actually see him or power oh you're barking at the wrong tree nevada urge is the most trusted man in gold hill the men here like to hear me keep the location ledger and he's the most dangerous man on the comstock load no better no better no better i was across the street in bridge i tried to stop her but you wouldn't listen harry you didn't sell the purge i did perhaps all the trouble will end now mr burge is going to cost another claim recorded gather around we got great news [Music] the comstock load is a great bonanza the greatest track ever made not gold but silver [Applause] [Music] you realize what you've done very flat for the bank what can we do now in nevada if he gets the cost and record your claims in his own name nothing but if we beat him to the gap we can stop it [Music] we better find out [Music] i'll have your horse you can't ride i'm all right julie i came to tell you that joe you promised miss julie ain't making any mistake loving that nevada he's a game kid they may kill him but they're never with him the birds figured to get the whole load i killed ben eyed for him he wanted me to shoot hattie too but you know i couldn't do that of course you couldn't kill it was birds that shot me i guess he wanted to blame that onto nevada hey i [Applause] you stay here take care of this for me julie put it in safe you killed benide i'll told you everything no not everything julie joe couldn't tell you why i took such chances to control the comstock perhaps you'd like to know it was for you julie i wanted to put the comstock and all her hidden millions in your lap everything i did was for you i believe you and i blame myself i kept silent about the silver when everything within me made me want to tell those men the truth julie i love you i loved you once but it isn't too late even yet we can still let me throw julie [Music] i'm all right nevada i gave you that name didn't that yes truly the comstock would need men like you and nelson brewer willing to give your lives of what you believe to be right stay in nevada promise me [Music] open the window please how ageless and dominant are those mountains their stands have beacon for great migration sun peak the glory of the washrooms another star for our flag [Applause] nevada
Channel: Western Central
Views: 227,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40s, american, apache, best western movies, bonanza, chief, cisco, classic, classic western movies, clint eastwood, cowboy movies, cowboys, f-troop, film, free, free western movies, free westerns, full, hollywood, indians, kid, movies, sheriff, spaghetti, watch, west, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free, westerns, wild, 1944, 1940s, Robert Mitcham, Anne Jeffreys, Guin Williams, Edward Killy, Zane Grey, Norman Houston
Id: tmwRQUhAS_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 47sec (3707 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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