Zane Grey: Code of the West | Full Classic 1940s Western Movie | James Warren | Western Central

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[Music] [Music] oh hello doc hi carter horizon's turned out to be quite a town handy yeah quite a ton yeah settlers coming in from all over cattlemen out of texas farmers out of highway that makes it good for you too with all the land that you own oh but i'll buy more you got anyone to sell me duck oh did you ever see a doctor with any business and another thing if we did have any i'd hold on to it myself and that's a lot more than any man that does business with you can do a man has to be sharp in business yeah but not this sharp boy i just heard about that st louis banker stockton yeah he just left denison on the charter states coach he's bringing about thirty thousand dollars in cash to start a business here where'd you hear it mail writer from bisway [Music] you know the stage road between here and denison sure like a book there's a chartered stagecoach coming through there about day after tomorrow it'll carry a banker named stockton and 30 000 in cash i want that money we'll get it for you boyd and i don't want stockton to reach the arizona strip it's clear enough let's go with well how are you jeff yeah but i've seen bob and dennison he's out riding with the next wagon train him and that mexican irishman cheetah rafferty they ought to be along in a few days now i sure will be glad to see bob he's been gone now for over a year well i'll be seeing it boy [Music] [Music] say the nature is kind to the rainbow valley [Music] here you will find [Music] how you like my song roberto oh i like it fine but how does she like it there's one way to find out [Music] oh hello what you do when you get to ryzen i find my little store i sell the hatamales i make plenty pesos i love this energy to like you you should not have to work you got some other ideas i think so i'm beginning to get some that i edition will make you pretty fresh oh it's on your way how you doing tito that's so good hey hear that come on [Music] well go ahead use it [Music] [Music] [Music] so you hit bad ed just crease my shoulder you all in one piece yeah i got my shotgun rider back there you know go see what happened to him see the very cycle quick thank you young man for coming to our rescue my name is stockton and this is my daughter ruth and my son harriet howdy my name is bob wade tito and i are out ready for the wagon train outfit hey haven't i seen you somewhere before yeah back in denison i'm the fellow that told you if you had to travel in this country with a lady to take the wagon train for protection harry why didn't you tell us that because the state agent said it was safe well the stage company tries to always charter its coaches to easterners the fault is partly mine when harry urged me to charter the coach i agreed because i thought it would be more comfortable for ruth my brother did his best well it wasn't good enough you see somehow rather got around the bars in denison that your father was carrying thirty thousand dollars to invest the banking business at rice that kind of news travels fast for cactus telegraph yeah i'm very sorry your shotgun rider he's dead tex was a good man i rode with him for 10 years i will take her up for you thanks just the same bob texas rather be me it's the last thing i can do for him mr wade may we join your wagon train for the rest of the trip well i'm glad you asked me that miss stockton because if you hadn't what we just had to take you we'll get as far as the summer and river tonight we'll make camp there you hit bad west feels like a slug still on my shoulder you know who it was no cheeto rafferty and bob wade wait are you sure yeah we better hustle back to town and report to boyd carter yeah boyle'll want to know about that pair coming back into the arizona strip rolling along to the rainbow valley [Music] in rainbow valley distant guitars [Music] that guide the world not eating oh what are you doing up i couldn't sleep oh i'm glad i have company this night guard's a lonely job how do you happen to be a guard with a wagon train oh cheater and i need the money you see when the government opened rainbow valley we homesteaded two sections the law says we got to start developing within a year and that takes money well why don't you talk to father he's a banker he might lend you the money we'd rather not borrow if we can make out any other way oh then you and cheetah are our partners yeah we've fought together been rich broke happy and sad together cheeto sad i can hardly believe that where's your girl oh i haven't found one i want to throw a rope on yet well you know about me what about you i wish we'd never left st louis why did you well my brother got running around with a pretty fast crowd back home uh-huh father and i thought a change might do him some good so far the result isn't exactly what we hoped for maybe things will work out this is a new country and it's a great country plenty of work to be done here though that's just it harry and work don't seem to hit it off together well i'll be glad father's business is established and i can go back to st louis and civilization i've already seen quite enough of your wild west oh you haven't seen anything yet wait tomorrow when you get to ricin and the strip [Applause] [Music] wow spider yes i feel makers here whatever he's got a gun stick around in case he makes trouble i know what to do hello ira looking for me yes what do you mean pulling my stakes and scattering my markers me yes you're men same thing everybody knows when anything rotten happens around here you're behind it you haven't made the improvements required by homestead law that puts your property in the public domain i've slaved and sweated to clear that quarter section it's all i've got it's mine if you think so we'll settle it in court what court you know i can't fight you i ain't got a red cent you're the only law in this town get out of here and don't bother me you're a thief you jump my queen take your filthy hands off of me there's a close call for you carter he'd assure gunji if i hadn't been handy and watching and as good as you were to him too i wouldn't have believed the little rooster had that much grip in his craw what about him doc he's dead too bad you can all see it was either him or me the marshall had to shoot to save my life take him over to my place boys what about meeker's wife and kids you know me doc always ready to contribute to a worthy cause pass the hat i'll start it rolling with fifty dollars all right dig deep you're getting out of it cheap that leaves you forty nine hundred and fifty dollars ahead on the deal why don't you shut your mouth you won't shoot me because you see you need me here in case somebody plugs you that's true have a drink and cool off no thanks what are you kicking about doc you get the embalming job don't you when you get yours hatfield i'll be very happy to do the embalming job free don't try the man's cracks with a dark hat field you're outclassed hold your horses i'll tell you when [Music] mr carter nat saunders is back i let him in backstage he's in your office you're a smart girl milly [Music] thanks well we didn't get away with it boyd you let that stage get through with that banker and thirty thousand we had a little hard luck you had a little hard luck i told you i wanted him stop from getting into town what are you getting all steamed up about how can he stop our plans when we hold all the options on the land around here yeah but if the people find out there's a railroad coming through here and they can borrow money from that fellow stockton we lose the options and a chance to control the entire strip say where's wes you got hit dead no but shot up pretty bad i dropped him off over doc quinn's you shouldn't have done that wes being shot up we'll start the old buzzard guessing neither one of you bothered to ask who plugged with or maybe you ain't interested was bob wait wait recognize you i don't know where is he now he and cheeto rabbit here headed for town with a wagon train he's coming back to improve his land i have to have that land look boss if wade doesn't know about the railroad maybe you can trade him out of it if you hadn't fallen down on that stagecoach job i could have used that thirty thousand dollars to buy it get upstairs and keep out of sight till i find out if wade suspects anything what are you gonna do about stockton oh i'll keep an eye on him until i figure out something well the time has come the time for what you say goodbye you have no heart maybe i come back tomorrow huh i bring my guitar no from now on i'm a business woman no longer do you see me out of my frijoles and from now on chile is 25 centavos the modest is 50. [Applause] this is going to be bad there you are right side up i sure appreciate what you've done for us my boy but i wish you let me show it in a more material way oh no thanks but ruth says you need money i didn't say that and i didn't say that you did but don't you you don't i'll make out all right hello doc i was never so happy to see anyone hello wade this is quite a reunion have a good trip anything interesting happened nothing we couldn't handle nice work too how long do you figure to stay in this trip from now on is that so about those claims of yours in rainbow valley they're not in the best section and a lot of the land isn't even usable how much will you take for an option on them no deal our claims happen to adjoin that government land that hasn't opened up yet we've got a 10-year grazing lease on 30 000 acres i don't believe it see yes this should call for a celebration stick around town tonight maybe we can make it interesting for you if he asked me to stick around town that's exactly where i wouldn't be i think you got something there doc take a couple of men and head for rainbow valley pull the waden rafferty claim stakes and scatter their markers but that's a federal offense we're lively getting a bad jam with that why not just wait and gun them oh no more shooting till this meeker thing blows over i'm sorry something's come up i gotta leave now hey cheeto see i got the same hunch as doc quinn that talk about buying our claims is just to keep us here in town we're heading for the valley and right now oh but i don't get these time to get one little kiss from the pizza mr stockton yes i'm boyd carter i've heard about you welcome to ryzen thank you this is my daughter and my son how are you oh may i help you thank you higgins take care mr stock yes mr carter if we do say so ourselves mr stockton we can offer you the best accommodations decided denver we have a bathroom on each floor not with running water cold and hot that is sometimes george take the bags i must apologize for the crude surroundings we do the best we can with what we can get i think they're quite colorful can't buy you a drink i don't know why not what are the business opportunities around here well to tell you the truth a little crowded oh will you do me the honor of being my guests at dinner tonight [Music] well our easter egg was right here no it was over there [Music] yeah we're both wrong but there's where it was the stake has been pulled yeah not too long ago someone jumped our claim hey they're still at it and that far away let's go i fixed that hombre oh wait a minute cheeto but this rain should only scare them i want to find out who they are you take the far end of the ridge and i'll take this one whichever way they run we're bound to get one or two of them peter better we go [Music] well that's the last one let's get out of here [Applause] [Music] so [Music] it was a great fight i think i just shot cheeto [Music] do it some more i am disappointed i think you are dead do i have to be dead to find out that you love me maybe i am it is the angel that keeps me but you go when you are dead there is no angels nothing wrong with cheeto a bowl of your chili won't fix already i find me a little store where i have my chili parlor come i show you wait wait i'm still weak oh now i am much stronger down here bud let me see what you do have a tussle with a wildcat or something a little run-in with your city marshall big hat for you did you shoot him no but i gave him a beating he won't forget in a hurry and let him lay out there you didn't go far enough well i was worried about cheeto i couldn't tell how badly he was hurt you can't order a marshall arrest himself can you i couldn't kill him in cold blood he'd have no mercy on you let me tell you something he'll plug you the first chance he gets this here is hatfield's license as the most notorious cure in the strip where's your badge i lost it that's a hard one you're not saying i'm lying on you who beat you up wade so you got caught by this time tomorrow it'll be all over the strip that you're a claim jumper you're not tough enough for this job that's the first time i ever fell down the job i'll take care of weight all right why don't you get wise to yourself marshall you're through so i'm silly connie well i'd expected that from you i've seen it happen before use a man as long as you can to do your dirty work and then give them the boot get out don't hurt me i'm going but before i leave town i'll show you all i'll take care of wade yes my boy since you've been gone we've gotten used to accidents and sudden death you remember our maker what about uh he's out there on a slab and bombing needles in him what happened lead poison oh some more of hatfield's work now i know what you meant when you said i didn't go far enough i should have finished the job i started out there maybe even that wouldn't have helped you know son to cure a disease you've got to get to the root and carter is the root he's the one that had irish shut down sort of a difference of opinion over the ethics of claim jumping poor little man like that couldn't help himself oh i heard he he was man enough to go for his gun when carter egged him on then hatfield let him have it well i don't know why i should bellyache though as long as men are hurt and shocked and killed every day my business is good what's up oh that i took that out of one of carter's gunman this morning followed by the name of westcott i remember him the pharaoh dealer that's right which matter that's a 44 40. he used to hunk a lead to me yeah that came from my rifle or cheetos how do you know uh we had our winchester's board to take that special ammunition the marshall works for carter westcott works for carter looks like the decent people in this town are in for a pretty rough time i think i'll go have a little talk with boyd carter plan right now as soon as i find cheeto and i'll go with you why [Music] [Applause] any wrong not want to play you should sing and you should dance as they do in love in france and remember this when you start to romance just it's a naughty naughty phrase but it's what we call she she say it twice and it's nice when you're walking in the dark in the soromatic park and he steals a kiss or two just say [Music] what it means i cannot say but it's spot and it's done and it's gay bye george that's the best meal i've had since we left st louis i told you these tales of our wildness were exaggerated you see i'm trying to change your opinion of our frontier you're a very entertaining host mr carter the frontier must have something to offer to keep you here oh i managed to get along that something's coming off something's coming in [Music] you better duck west keep your hands above the table who do you think you're talking to and stand up stockton i'm sorry so am i and disappointed i'll have you jailed for this wade call your marshall you can't and i'm here to tell you and everyone in this room why you can't everyone here knows you got hatfield in your pocket you used them today to try to jump our claims here's the proof if hatfield's a claim jumper then he should be thrown out of office he will be but i know nothing of hatfield's actions you're a liar you wouldn't say that to me wade if i had a gun on me i hear you never wear a gun when you figure on having someone murdered you came in here looking for trouble you've made a lot of wild charges but you've proven nothing i haven't figured out yet what you're up to carter but it looks like you've been pushing the people of ricin around pretty much as you like well you won't get away with it with me i'm not ira meeker and if i catch you or any of your gang on our land from now on we shoot on sight mr stockton if i were you i'd get myself out of this thieves nest because there is the man who tried to have you robbed back in the past ass in your saunders keep your hand away from the pistola otherwise for you hamikko tonight is bonus notches go for your gun wade that's murder hatfield drew first uh dead is a macro and i have to bury him for free thanks for the loan mr stockton not at all good luck looks like stockton's doing all right oh harry yeah stay here and take care of the office for me will you i have some important calls to make all right father you wouldn't be going as far as the wade plays why yes the fact is uh i've got a proposition to offer bob mind if i go along you're kind of interested in that young man aren't you yes follow that buggy from now on your job is to stay undercover we'll check on every ranch where stockton does business why waste all that time he's cutting it on our game let's get rid of him time enough for us to go to work when he's invested all his money oh flapjacks and beans again you do not like my cooking amigo oh it's good cheeto the flapjacks and pinto beans all the time hey where's for dinner tonight tonight he's different we got the beans i need flopjacks can't you think of anything else oh see i can think of the chilean tamales but she's so far away in town you don't got the time to help me to wash your dishes no look when it's my trick to cook do i ask you to help me with the dishes what a cookie put this salt instead of the baked powder in the biscuits what we need around these ranchers more women well i wanted help hey why don't you get married why don't you hey luke hi hello we had four time locating you well it's not much yet but it soon will be well what brings your way out here business i'm picking up some of these 10 loans that carter has here in the valley refinancing them at six to the ranchers carter's not gonna like competition i do that's what makes a new country boom what do you boys know about short horn cattle why we worked on the first herd of black angus ever brought into texas oh they showed horns what about herefords well what do you ask well it seems that they're the coming thing in the eastern markets you see all the big packing companies are demanding heavier beef now i know where a small herd of herbs can be picked up very cheap where willow creek the owner just unloaded them a couple of weeks ago and now for some reason he has to go east he's got to turn them into cash uh we wouldn't have enough money well i took an option on them i thought maybe if you were interested that i might help you swing the deal if we're interested we are so interested and it hurt oh wait a minute wait a minute maybe i better look around before i decide let me show you around from the back ever since that night at carter's i've been wanting a chance to talk to you alone about what oh wait things happen i know it must look pretty bad to you i don't like trouble i just want to live like other people i've been talking with doc quinn he seems to think the sun rises and sits on your shoulder that's just because he brought me into this world he talks up anyone he takes a liking to say uh what's your brother doing how's his behavior there's a girl at carter's harry's infatuated with her and she's making a fool of him oh milly will drop him like a hot potato when his dinero runs out dinero yeah money it won't run out harry gets an allowance each month for mother's estate and he's gambling away every penny of it well i'm satisfied with what i've seen bob i'll own you what you need when can you come to town oh right now or even sooner we'll be within a jiffy i let trio stockton like you said he stopped at webster's place and went on allen's ranch webster was here a little while ago he paid me off yeah i know with stockton's money after he left allen's he went on a wage ranch what happened there i don't know i couldn't get close enough to find out but i do know there's something up because they're all headed for town together that's funny i told harry not to leave here until we returned well you don't have to spread it all on one world you know i've got to get back what i lost last night play something on 13 for me all down all right number 13 wins odd and black see if you played 13 like i did think what you'd have won your sister's looking for you uh i don't expect her back so soon i better go she sure got the indian sign on you she won't come between us really see you later maybe here cash this milly i want you to find out what wade and rafferty are doing in stockton's office sure mr carter anything for you i'll find out from harry all right hello i got to say how they used to my girl i know how long it takes you to say goodbye last time it took two days but this time it's different yeah this time it'll take two weeks i had doc where hi stranger how strict last year i'm just as fit as a fiddle but you know in a town without law a doctor's as busy as a bird dog yes sir i bring them in the world and i bury them sort of get them coming and going see but it ain't funny doc who said it was why don't you send for a federal judge don't you think we've tried but you see carter controls all the votes and that's what counts sourcing for stockton he he's tried to do something about it but i don't know well i can't stay here and shoot the fat with you all day i got a mighty interest interesting operation a man who had two hearts two hearts yeah both aces had him in a poker game come on earl let's go maybe we can get married on what maybe you get rich or something huh or roberto and me we go now to buy the cows by and by the cows they have the little cows they grow up how long does this go on what do we have thousands of them if i have to wait for your cows which you've not yet got to make up their minds i'll be an old woman with wrinkles if you two keep me waiting much longer the cows will have wrinkles you always can eat that huh well harris says they borrowed money to buy cattle how much i don't know but they're going to willa crete a trip will take him a couple of weeks come on with wade out of the way we're going to take care of mr stockton i want you to pay a visit to every rancher he's had dealings with we're going to make every one of his loans a bad investment that'll drive him out of the strip for good do you think this is the time for it this has got to be the time i've received definite word the railroad will lay its rails right through this valley that'll make this the biggest cattle shipping center in the territory how far do we go you stop at nothing [Music] all those months all that work seeing all those pesos we put in too plumb wiped out we never prove on a rancho now senor stockton will have to take it over now there won't be any more use to him than it is to us even that carter he will not take it now well i wouldn't bet anything on that cheeto you got it too eh bob yeah i guess you made a bad bet on us mr stockton don't worry about me if i can't take a loss once in a while i'm in the wrong business but this problem is much bigger than money you know who's behind this don't you wade yeah carter yeah carter everybody knows this carter and if you lead me and the boys will follow we'll string him up come on boys let's go wait bob this is the wrong way to handle this thing there comes a time mr stockton when there's nothing left for people to do but to take justice in their own hands that's lynch law are you sticking up for that sidewinder i am in the same boat with the rest of you in fact i have more at stake than any of you but this would be mob action without authority and that's the kind of a fight that carter is prepared for can't you men see that's carter's game to egg you wanted to starting this fight and then plead self-defense the other fellow drew first yeah but that's the way he got meeker and all the others we ain't gonna be talked out of this did you see carter in these raids well no but i know that can any one of you actually identify anyone they torched my place just before sunrise he shot my son who did it morley who shot your son the leader i seen him i ripped the mask off in his face who was it saunders saunders that's enough for us boys wait if you kill saunders you'll have no witness against carter your only chance is to make saunders talk oh arrest him well what good will that do there isn't a law on the strip to hold over saunders there's a federal judge in tucson as if carter would let a federal judge come here you get the lot of ryzen and i'll have saunders in jail by the time he gets here that's a deal it's father don't worry ruthie dr quinn will get you back to town you look after harry son that leaves it in your lap we'll back you up wade no she don't know i'll have to handle this her own way we're going to arrest him and legally come on cheeto i'd like to see that [Music] [Music] my trigger finger she is itching keep it crossed remember we gotta have saunders [Music] alive hello wade here you had a little trouble out your way yes maybe you changed your mind about selling out or saunders why i want him you want him for destruction of property and suspicion of murder you have no authority for making an arrest you better read up on your law carter the absence of an authorized officer any citizen may arrest a criminal and transport him to the nearest court for trial where is he if we knew do you think we'd tell you am i gonna have to kick down every door in this place to find them i'll hold you responsible for any damage done to my property someone's gonna have to pay for the damage done to mine and i'm gonna start with saunders no nothing yet i would not do that saunders wouldn't happen to be backstage in your dressing room woody and what if he is i think i'll have a look [Music] come on out [Music] get rid of him wade come on milly we're getting out of here i get this straight wade i'm keeping this chump till millie and i are safe across the mexican border understand [Music] come on cheeto [Music] don't feel so badly buffed i know it wasn't your fault son ah but i shouldn't let him pull that trick on me come quick rebecca look don't shoot [Music] cheeto then they'll kill harry how do you know they will not kill him anyhow [Music] [Music] wait is he i don't know he was here just a minute ago could he run out on us oh no not bob wade i wouldn't believe anything like that to him see me too i would not believe it [Music] then you've been making a fool of me all the time yeah billy and i are married and in here there's enough of that money you lost so that we can live in style a long time i ever get out of this what makes you think you're gonna get out you said you'd let me go and we got the mexican border oh we're not going to mexico i just told bob wade that to throw him off the trail we're heading for california you think we're gonna let you get out of this alive so you can tell where we've [Music] gone [Music] so [Music] wait give me a break i'll talk i didn't hurt nobody carter's behind everything he wants the whole valley because the railroad's going through he wants to put old man stockton out of business what's the cleaning house perry get up in the box put that gun in westcott's rib make him drive us back to town why don't i just shoot him and drive myself hurry okay cheetoh will you take my rig to the liver's table and have him rub down my horse and blanket him see is anything that matter everything everything you find out oh hello doctor hi mr talking uh judge culver dr quinn how do you do how are you mr stockton's been explaining this disgraceful situation i'm going over the courthouse now and take affidavits from all the men who have suffered from carter's actions well i'm afraid you came to ricin just for the ride judge you see the bird that we hope to make sing has thrown the coop where's bob that's what we'd like to know come along judge i'll show you where the courthouse is right over here doctor i want to talk to you well why don't you and i make a deal a deal with you i'll take over all your investments if the price is right they're not for sale i'll even give you a profit i'm not interested i only interfered because i'm determined to see that those ranchers out there get a run for their money i'm going to bring law and order to this town you've started something you'll never finish i just came back from tucson i brought federal judge culver he's on his way to the courthouse now to take affidavits from all those men that you tried to burn out father look [Music] everything's fine look roberto [Music] you to smash this door [Music] [Applause] [Music] well are you still going back east yes my mind's made up when in about 10 years on our wooden anniversary you see what i mean the women driving crazy too i kind of think it's nice to be crazy you
Channel: Western Central
Views: 261,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watch, western, movies, online, free, download, classic, old, spaghetti, westerns, full, films, film, school, hollywood, american, bonanza, clint eastwood, DVD, 60s, 70s, 80s, 40s, 50s, cisco, kid, cowboys, f-troop, wild, west, indians, sheriff, world, apache, chief, western movies, western movies full length free, classic western movies, western movies full length, free western movies, best western movies, western movie, cowboy movies, western feature films, free westerns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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