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I haven't hit a box yet but I am gonna hit this one land hub turtles move their neck turtles I thought we were talking about squirrels okay folks two squirrels and what about platypuses I don't know a lot about them but I know so weird I mean here's one right now it's a crow yes scattered throughout the entire house today we're playing a version of hide-and-seek called prop hunt some of you guys may have heard of it some of you guys have it basically it's simple there's a lot of boxes tied inside of you I in here The Seeker how could it be the secret for the first round I can only tap six boxes and I have to try and find you guys only six only six yeah there's like 30 boxes and five tap six boxes and I can't find anyone I lose hydrous win now give me my lid thank you so this is the box let's spice it up a little bit I've got these two hats the seeker will draw from the red unspeakable hats and the hiders will draw from the blue one so you saw this and Gabe no no this one oh no it's theirs there's paper inside so what you do is you draw it whatever it says that is what you have to bring with you or do when you're hiding or when I'm seeking let's see what I got the seeker can use the call function on the walkie-talkie one time on the hiders at any time you get to pause the game to shift the boxes around the room you can smell colors that's why it says yeah it says you can freeze / pause to the seeker for 30 seconds they can't see or hear well I feel be pretty powerful that's pretty Opie all right well 60 seconds one of you guys grab a walkie-talkie cuz I got the walkie-talkie call oh you guys got 60 seconds starting now flash like who's gonna be dark okay which box did I say 60 seconds or 60 minutes goodnight see this box I like this box but it's too close I don't have a walkie-talkie I can't go back upstairs are mine this box could be good but I'm not gonna risk it go get it go get it go go go I think I'm gonna do this puncture this box right here 30 minutes left seconds I'm gonna go into this box over here good luck to James hey welcome to my box is very box like and it's quite small do you actually think I'm snoring can we talk five four three I heard that one hockey table supposed to do - or going downstairs okay so in order for me to hit these boxes I need my secret weapon that is this I can only hit six boxes I'll start off by the front door I'm just gonna go by and interrogate every single box like a good neighbor hard enough I can save you 15% or more on no one in the merch room right there's no one in that room there's someone over there I haven't hit a box yet but I am gonna hit this one there's no one inside there that's why I say use the boxes there's no one in that one he's really attacking this box like a good neighbor Ethan I just heard someone whisper in this box someone say something but you cheated I'm not cheat you did cheat purge it use the call function that was my that was my call but you did I was twice no I didn't I don't want he did to cheat did them know I did once he's a cheater I wouldn't go through twice something okay Lewis I have three more boxes to hits James is in one of these boxes I think he's in this box you were just in that one oh yeah is not in that one is not in that box I'm impressed but dude I don't know we have two more heads left 16 minutes could save you 15% or more on I don't think that thing's working you might have to try another one there's no one in this box Cory said and I hear breathing he's not in that one there's no way he's got to be you know this box in the corner is awfully quiet quiet yeah yeah there's no one in there oh my gosh you guys only have one more hit has won the first round now since you're the last one found you're the stake here for round number two do the hacks a for round two we need to draw our carts now last round you guys didn't even use your special ability what I got Oh collect this one you get a second life wind found and have 15 seconds to move to a new box that's pretty okay - you have to eat Oreos loud I'd have a piece of paper say he's got words on this you have to use the seated scooter and you cannot stand up are you ready 1 2 these companies nothing right now yeah where my god where am i 9 where are you hiding don't speak lies I would give away my position Oh matches my Oreos maybe I should hide there you know cameraman let's play game play hangman all right here it's in the corner it's nice and small there we go oh this is way more comfy than the last spot here well that was a bright light okay stars letter what do you think hey hey please stop laying down and it's more comfortable next I think he's still counting he doing really good on this s the Wes is I don't thank you stop counting I can hear keep talking three of tea no tea are so high that's before James comes and finds me because I have to eat these Oreos super loudly we need you guys to button click that subscribe button right now it's red like the light huh I don't know what's going on outside you think anything just trying to talk with a mouth full of Oreos you give up I mean give you fees just psychic no I'm joking there's a V in there okay okay okay leave a like on the video huh it's kind of hot you I'm not gonna lie it's kind of spicing it cuz it's about to get pretty hot in this box you know just casually walking down the stairs all you hear is you can hear me so my item for this round is my scooter for this one around without your first ride yeah I mean to be honest animals knocked over the three other boxes I definitely lost that got out of a very bad special building that box is very suspicious okay that over there so how many so I get you get six six four more left didn't hear anyone over here when I well yeah because Gabe doesn't have to eat Oreos can anyone be in inside maybe there could be someone in here I have no idea where give it you know I'm sick never seen him that right now behaving this one oh why here chicken the wild James approaching the motor shop faster than they can walk always thought a walking was actually scooting back James it's going near the front door but little doesn't know he'll never find them there that's give me any sparks it's not in that box change how do you know I don't how do I have bad luck if I'm telling you in like five seconds because I was munching already house I can come can I survive can I give you a tip of advice what you're cold like how cold like Antarctica cold orange is cold I suppose a second life he's in the kitchen it has to be oh you just fell off a scooter no I think it's just you how many more do you have left I'm just gonna roll it has one more opportunity to find game kids in that cardboard would gone for it Gabe's favorite colors not yellow that's right boy no I swore I heard them over there though how it's pretty quiet I survived I have a waiting no I heard you by the front door without a doubt heard something by the front door nothing you win being the seeker okay use as a distraction good luck to you shoes together it's once you're in your spot I think you've come take them two minutes though yeah I guess that works okay and I need something to snack boxes with see you later buddy remember you got two minutes to find us remember an excuse they died together yeah but I'll be sitting on one spot so really good shoes I'm just gonna sit right here and start a timer on my phone Sarah oh yeah we'll do a timer one minute starting now and you set my phone you gotta help me you're gonna help me do other people use timers or am I the only one we're chef at the speaker I don't know put it in put the speaker in use a timer it's exact in the big one the big box and it's not any work okay so James has a decoy speaker yeah put it in there I got color was it James I need your help yeah I only grabbed one Oreo I wish I got a handful how much time do we have left 20 seconds no go I spent keep turnin boxes ten nine eight seven six five four three two one I'm coming I'll give you a couple seconds because it sounds like it's still kid ink in a box okay I'm going now so the box it's someone keeping tabs of the two minutes I'll start a timer again I guess so hmm oh what's that flashlight whose only one reason the flashlight would be over here oh wait what if you took it in there and you thought one step ahead I don't thank you for that putz this Bluetooth speaker was it okay so I have used to wait what's my time I lost my time I have a minute no I'm gonna I'm gonna go with he's in there with the Bluetooth speaker thirty seconds left and one more chance [Music] hang on that was probably a Bluetooth speakers I used Tom my head and my timer is probably up okay a game is over you both won are you under the couch he's totally under the couch he's under the couch you would be under the couch not quite a box but you know I did think about doing that myself so accurate hiding spot every PI chose the wrong but were you under I was in the box under the table that was a difficult place to hide that was a really crammed and then you know there was a box on there he said five four three two I really was hoping you'd be in there with the Bluetooth speaker this is just funny cuz I got two ads on the YouTube play it didn't even sound like ass girls like fourth round and the last round I am going to be the seeker you guys are hiding so let's see what we got here for a special or unspecial abilities has to wear a mask given to by the cameraman Jean naté this wasn't hard enough know something the next time you hide you only have 15 seconds / 15 seconds top horse you have shrilling chicken stuck to both of your feet you guys have a good time exactly where James's may my spy technically so yeah mr. cameraman we're going to play a quick game this is the word right here now you guys said I watched the video you guys can play as well try to guess my spot so everything will make sense to you in a few minutes no no I do you know what this is is that you supposed subscribe guys click that subscribe button right now click that subscribe button if you guys don't click that red subscribe button then you're gonna miss out on all the videos that we post in the future and that's just sad because I mean we already filled the house with sand turned into a beach those are the ball pit balls I mean next week we could turn into a jungle with real monkeys subscribe probably on your shoulders for a while you ready this was our master plan ok so I'm ready to go find them but I was told you have to give me a mask oh are you serious ok hold on let me put this on real quick I can't see a single thing it doesn't miles there's no our most I'm gonna have to make my own I know he's complaining about the mask I'm parking the day number 4 stuck in the pantry with chicken stretch your foot and your best friends on your shoulders I touched the see me hungry don't you grab a snack gonna be so loud it's a can of beans you come help every care I don't think you guys realize how difficult it is to see out of this see this little tiny hole right here that's all I have to see out of now all right I didn't know there was a step there okay I can't hear anything I can't see anything oh I just heard something I'm gonna go for this one this is my second truck I can't see is there anyone in there welcome back to that we're gonna jam the door shut so they can't open it because I'm pretty sure they're in there going for my second box this one looks a little funky seems pretty solid sound great hiding spot boys till next time we're playing hide and seek in the entire world
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 19,041,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: UPr_EHESs2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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