INSANE Waterpark HIDE & SEEK Challenge!

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I see someone in one of these cabins I don't really know what to say about that is there anyone else with us now we're the only people here today I have something fun for you guys right now we are on a private resort we have a tennis court a basketball court in front of us that you guys can't see there's a waterslide four-story waterslide we're on 25 acres of land on a private resort there's seven different houses and today we're going to play hide and seek this is the ultimate game of hide and seek because round one is gonna be with the lights on we're gonna have the Sun to our advantage and round 2 is gonna be with the lights off red and blue vs. yellow I'm going first you're the secret first bananas which the strawberries and berries berries blackberries how much time do we have give us a we guys so we got 25 acres of land five minutes you can't go farther than half a mile I am just so addicted to this game I can't stop playing yet am i interrupting today's video I'm so sorry this is just amazing guys I know most of you guys probably already play monsters ledges but if you don't what are you waiting for are you kidding me it's a free to play app and you can get it on iOS and Android devices I always have great news to share with you guys monster legends has created an unspeakable monster and he's so cool and look at those hunts when you guys click the link in the description and download the game for free definitely be sure to get my monster I've also collected these different monsters as well and you know it's super super simple you can breed two different species to create a brand new monster there's so many different monsters collections I'm trying to get them all but I'm pretty far from it when my monsters are well-trained and growing I can then take them into battle you can even fight in real time against your friends so challenge them and prove that you're the best there's also different EVP modes which is pretty sick that's where you can take your strongest monsters and fight them in special dungeons or adventure maps don't forget to check out monster legends is completely free on iOS and Android devices check out my link in the description wait are we running we have so much time oh yeah cuz this place is huge where are you going over there somewhere okay I'm gonna go over here okay bye so pre-plan this spot it is so simple in the corner of all the buildings I don't think he'll look but then again I get found first most the time okay guys I have no idea where to hide what about this truck ooh I'm gonna pass on that one I will say there's a lot of places to hide one good place to hide would probably be inside this water slide what if I turned off the water and hid in the tube oh he would never find me mmm actually you know I don't like spiders and this looks like a lovely spot for some spiders here's a cabin here I could hide behind this cabin what about in here yeah I'll pass on that one we've locked in this go-kart okay I think that's locked what about over here what's over here there's another barn over there and an RV camper I don't think we talked about it but we all have walkie talkie the beautiful blueberry my self is in his spot over so we could talk to each other and I can mess with them and try to like scare them to come out of their hiding spots let's tune in and see what they're talking about all right boys I'm still looking for a spot I am not in my spot you know I'm on this channel right oh right talkies are quite loudly I have voice I think I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna go hide in the waterslide that looks like the best spot there is a cactus within a hundred feet of me that doesn't hope at all there's always check this out look I shut this door there's a lock on the door even get in this room so you have to walk up these stairs and then out here Lock this door as well he's not gonna be able to get to me then I gotta walk across this bridge climbed all the way up there see them out in the Sun I'm nice and comfortable that's about the only pro is the only good parts about this spot yellow like blue socks on with Mario light blue shorts you shirt blue and yellow beanie I match hardcore my feet are visible so that's not good didn't have a good share I was hoping to be up higher to cover my feet there you go boom feet cannot be seen but the rest of my body can't this is like a four or five storey waterslide check it out that's the waterslide right there I'm gonna be really quiet because it's really echo in here hello all right boys Gabriel are you ready to be found ever ever be found they both found their parking spots are there hiding spots and I am going to find them all right here I come fifty two two two two two two two two right so here's the plan if I hear James coming I'm gonna slide down the waterslide but I'm only gonna go like halfway down the waterslide if I'm here long enough so I can take a shower a shower right there yo but check out the view up here this is crazy look at this also guys we got some bouncy houses over there you see them right there and right there oh yeah those are for next week's video stay tuned alright so we're gonna check the first cactus I don't know anyone here these are ants anyone hiding at fish camp the first building why do not go to the front door and then check the house and then just leave you were supposed to come here this was not part of the plan your play yeah I know plans my plan but you said you're near cactus oh the fastest I've ever been found in any hide-and-seek ever so far so good absolutely no sign of James so far that's a big rock that's a lot of big rocks they're still going that's a tiny Rock alright mr. unspeakable Gabe has been found I'm coming for you okay so they just found Gabe that is not good I think I should get in the water oh but what if they turn on the water mmm I guess somebody said at least a new record well let's keep looking around the house maybe it's around here I failed you guys I'm sorry hey Gabe you want to help me look for unspeakable say again do you want to help me search for unspeakable yeah yeah what are you I think last time I checked that was that fish camp I'm by like a house it has bobbers lights around the very large rock that helps a very large rock this doesn't help any of us because all the houses are made out of rocks what are you looking at exactly unspeakable all right there is a large rock on the ground approximately two thousand six hundred and seventy two pounds could use a little bit of cleaning hasn't been car washed in a while I don't make the rules here yeah yeah we can just jump on my golf cart where's your car it's right around this bar like right next to Rails hiding yeah boys definitely gonna need it did you have the button going wait how did you hear us you're on a walkie-talkie yeah I can hear everything you're saying oh let's push in the button okay then that makes sense you're coming to find you and your giant boulder still no sight of anyone for literally miles there's a big rock oh that is a very big rock how many pounds did he guess he said like thirty thousand or something like that oh boy I see there they are boys guide me Gabriel you're on the road nice they're on the road right in front of you eh I go left over left right right so that's left okay left wait a minute this is right I say go left I ran off this is just a dead end all boys they're hopping off they're hopping off the go-kart bullet Beatty flew and just cut my knee into two I don't know who or I'll lose I don't know I think I need to get in here turning off the walkie talkie walkie talkies off actually I'm gonna put the walkie-talkie on full volume and throw it out the window wait hold on hold on do you think a call on this walkie-talkie I just think walkie talkie window it came from over there I heard him he's in this direction so he's seen those rocks maybe he combined all those rocks together boys and then this line it's so we adore elect yeah hold this yes have secrets hello yeah hello who is this oh this James my next here we go in the crazy wild there's no way he's in here but he has to be somewhere where you could see those rocks I can't hear anything can you get through this one well you need a key for that one we'll go around we need to check that balcony yo that's a big rock okay okay there's cabinets here so what if he moves spots maybe he's not in the same spot anymore okay there's no he's in there hey hey K huh what's that a big gray pipe no no that ain't under a big gray pipe a hole in the wall you think he's in there it looks like it's actually part of the pool that goes in boys I think they're referring to the waterslide I'm gonna scream and the water's like you hear that yo yo do you hear that yeah yeah it's coming from the pipe yo are you yo he's in the he's in the slide but the pipe goes all the way up there how you get up there is there away from this balcony misses the door we missed a door door been compromised we're coming for you you're in the slide I'm kind of done this for that yeah they're coming up there we have an issue we have to go through the have an issue we have to go through the window I totally forgot I want the doors thing can't even get to the slide there's two doors that are lock thing and then get through there just screaming the way did you go ladder so we can get this a stick but is there kill me the key to the door ah you sure is it the right key though okay so bad news I think they found the keys I think there is keys over in the kitchen yeah yes not because I can't get this door but the problem is on the second door I locked in the bottom lock and on the bottom lock you can't unlock it from the other side doesn't work on that yeah for you dan dan dan two dead dead dead dead Dan watch out for the screen that fell that's all I know boys this is not good all right I'm going inside he has to be up wiggle up yo he's above us he's above us up their arms oh no boys I think I hear him I'm in the turn of the slide yo no one's up here yo I swear look no way no way I told them the truth no what is a yo it is completely dark do you think he went down the slide cuz dude I heard him from the slide yeah I see something glowing at the end you see that yo are you gonna fly he can't get out can't we turn on the water for the slide wash your mouth oh you guys I think he told me it was over there yeah it's in the it's in the kitchen yeah that's in the kids gonna do it I mean why not that reason he gets wet any-any falls out but all right we're gonna turn on the water slide I really hope he's in there all right Gabe you go I'll stay here just in case he does come on it okay hurry up we're on a mission let's go yo I thought you were in here and then like no one was in here now it's just like in my eyes whatever you guys are gonna turn the water I still in the slide any all of God's so all right boys it's time for round two let the sunset fall it's night-vision time could you throw whites I got this you ready yep go for it he's got a magical keyboard slash there's nothing behind watch watch this set zero leave a lock on to these video guys click that subscribe button you ready yeah press Enter - is lights are off your boys I'm gonna need you guys to grab the night-vision cameras I'm gonna sneak here for round two yeah good luck finding us a it's dark outside right now I can't see anything more than all I see LM all round number two boy since I'm the secret for round two you guys got night-vision cameras cuz you're gonna need some help looking out there you guys have till whenever died there's really no time limit but whenever you guys are ready let me know on the walkie-talkie and I'll come find you guys but for now lights off we're going dark time so I've never done down in the grass oh wait where's the fence I uh I have no idea where I'm going I didn't even bring a real flashlight with me dude I have no idea where I'm gonna hide it actually have to use a camera to see where I'm stepping I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go hide in the spot for a little bit and then I'm going to grab a golf cart and this is driving around with the other got hurts of light bars am I just going to but I'm not gonna lie it's scary out here well I will say it is absolutely beautiful when you look at the sky there are so many stars in the sky I have never seen this many stars in my life this is insane so pretty I guess this is what stars look like in the middle of nowhere bush have you ever found a hiding spot yet no we're standing in the middle of the whole part property and just talking to each other finding the spot office is going to be a lot like I can really look around to see this hide and seek is kind of difficult not just for me as a cigarette for them as hiders good I could probably see a maximum of 10 feet and that's with this super bright light that's on the camera I can't imagine how hard they're struggling I'm just gonna travel into the black of this and hope for the best yeah say hey mom I got the Sun oh that's the way it's gonna go wait you got together okay the only thing that would really give up so is the light from the camera yeah I can literally still hear you guys talking you're probably like 15 feet away from me I can actually see you go hide I'm actually kind of spooked out cuz I can't see anything y'all I'm scared honestly look he's scared because look this is what I see lady and gentlemen this is your captain speaking find a hiding spot you noobs you know how do I know where the heck I'm walking yo I should have brought a flashlight out here it's so quiet out here it is scary it's peaceful it's also terrifying because if I can hear the slightest thing like a little twig over there I'm gonna be like what is over there have you found your hiding spot yet if it gets to half an hour I'm taking a nap and I'll probably look in the morning let's go lay down right here how's that sound absolutely you're gonna bleed on right here hey I have a question what is your question James one of these cabins I know Gabe is not in a cabin I don't really know what to say about that what do you mean is there anyone else with us no we're the only people here we've done some night hide-and-seek's before on the channel guys but this is like really creepy I'm in the house now don't know where to hide though any update on the person in the cabin to be honest I kind of ran away from that place this is Gabe I am ready and in my spot all right Gabe is ready James what's your ETA I'm trying not to get killed but snake at the moment so literally count to 15 and I'll be ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I let's go okay so I'm gonna be on the lookout for a random person that James saw I don't know if he's just messing with me or if he was being legit yeah I'm supposed to know this is the Jim Hill of anyone trying to get a quick workout in no one's in the gym gym is clear definitely no one hiding in the pool or else we would see them instantly if he gets close I'm gonna put the camera in my foot and just try and be as quiet as possible I found this spot underneath the tree if you can't tell and it's pretty not amazing heard something over here no we're good we're good dude this is get you bro oh my gosh this is scary I say we hop on a golf cart and just drive around the property see if we see anyone just hiding in very obvious spots and then we'll start checking a more of the cabins where are you Nathan and Picabo I'm currently walking yeah I'm just walking how fast are you out already boys let's do it little simple was touching come on man this golf carts dead are you kidding me I guess we're gonna be on foot it's cold out here it's scary out here think we're gonna go around this way just see what we can find do you feel creepy this looks really nice with named James the chicken strip is fried I repeat the chicken strip is fried that means nothing by the way you know what is that what is that in the path what is that wait is that a golf course how did that golf cart get from there to over there bro what that's a golf cart oh this is just weird why is there our on the golf cart what the heck is some creepy stuff I'm not even gonna lie right now I'm in the gym oh no I totally kept didn't any of those cabinets this might be the worst idea I've ever had the lights on yeah we're gonna Lombard we're getting out of here boys so with the light bar on the golf cart we can definitely see a lot more doesn't help the fact that it's still insanely dark out here dude I have no idea where these dudes are at mood I'm gonna try something crazy right now I'm gonna try get up on the ceiling currently I'm a ceiling let's go this way okay hold on hold on stop here that light bar make that golf cart or whatever you thought is alright alright let's check out this area okay so there's a camper here this is just creepy dude okay okay fellow its anyone hiding under you know anyone hiding in here no one in there no one in this kind of hard to get up here I know it looked like I just jumped up here like with no eath but I was super terrified of falling yeah I'm not talking about but there's a serious business hey Nathan how's everything going everything is going dude I'm just trying to look for you guys it's pretty difficult I'm not gonna lie considering how dark it is outside I guess we'll check over here what is this dude dude this is creepy stop locked this has a lock on it too how is everyone doing let's just say I've never been so high off the ground before let me in the tower it goes to the waterslide it's like three or four storeys it's really guys I'm hoping like one like saying that he'll think I'm in that Tower he hit him during day time Oh boys I found a saw let's uh leave let's skip back on the golf cart let's go let's go I'm like actually scared boys I'm gonna shack right now and I just found a saw oh I got oh my god was so y-you see the saw why are you not scared of the soul we're in the middle of nowhere nearly a hundred miles away from a hospital and I just stumbled upon a random Shack that we didn't find all day there's saw hanging on the wall with freezers that are locked I don't know about you guys over a little sketchy to me well now that you put it that way yeah all right let's check it out boys what's going on in here got a good old gas station pump okay we're not messing around with saasy well I like it ping-pong table what's around back anyone hiding back here I'm not going that way now and then go pass on that one what about the roof now you can easily climbed up there no not there though okay starting to struggle a little bit not gonna lie I have absolutely no idea where you guys are hiding right now I have a look just about everywhere I don't know where else to look I'll tell you what man I'm just chillin I might take a nap on that roof just crawled across broke away something's on the roof what do you mean look on this side look I'm let's say oh no it's kind of looking over here now there's nothing on the roof wait come here look on this side there's nothing there where it's on the crawl on that roof bro that's creepy you know what we're gonna find these boys we need more flashlights no I in the second floor of a building that's across from the kitchen with the pool in between and he is next to the kitchen and I can see him through a clear door I have an idea all right want to grab my keys we're gonna go hop in my truck we're gonna drive around I'm not feel comfortable in that golf car guys I'm not even gonna lie I've never actually been scared in the video but right now I'm like low-key terrified like this is creepy bro I just wouldn't feel much more comfortable in a truck so let's do that never throw some water - lets go are you just any letters walkie talkie I'm paranoid creepy man please creepy dude look at that look at you see that you see the headlights on my car look at this it doesn't even run come here oh I see you I see you they are on the move look how creepy this is bro look at this this car is like a hundred years old no one is in the truck I repeat no one is in the truck I forgot my walkie talkie okay okay okay we go grab my walkie-talkie back to the kitchen sit here oh here this boys I'm not gonna lie you just passed a bag of chips in that kitchen and they are delicious what'd you just say did he just say I passed the bag of chips so they could stop creeping me out I'm sorry did you say I was in the kitchen game oh you were in the kitchen I was just guessing I think I might know where Gabe is boys come here if you had to say kitchen huh this is sketch dude I have all these places have to look so creepy at night but good during the day you know Gabe anywhere he's not under there that doors locked [Applause] I'm gonna try to find James though I have no idea where he is and we're gonna drive around Kaiba has been found his spot was absolutely terrible oh he's not gonna expect Raths to be laying on the ground okay underneath Oh wrath Oh RAF I repeat hi boys we're hopping in the truck it's warm and cozy I got a big light bar so we'll be able to see everything oh we're getting in the truck I thought you meant the golf cart now we're taking it to another level okay I'm in the bed please tell me that's someone's truck do you hear it truck James yeah and its really really loud right now James we're not anywhere near a truck but I don't hear anything don't say that don't you say that right now no like I'm being serious like I'm not even near my truck I'm near the river almost this red scarab yo it's the random person I swear I'm serious we're going to look for this boy I have no idea where he is where we're gonna find him cuz look how bright this barn the truck is moving away from me I think I'm safe he says we're apparently driving away from him right now that's the Hot Topic area right there so we're gonna have to turn around I guess but as of right now I did not see anything they just drove past me I mean YouTube on the ground how did they not see me do I see anything in my camera what does that supposed to mean no well look in front of you just say look in front of you what do you mean it's catching me out dude yo bro I can't hide in the same spot twice I do not see James anywhere at all dude I've gone up these stairs I'm pretty sure I'm locked up here now alright we're helping either trying to go on foot cuz we can only go so far with the truck yo James how's that hidin spot big boy hey did you see that raft when you were driving a raft I think I saw one over there by the golf carts okay there's two inner tubes on the ground I'm under one of them all right James wherever you are these inner tubes I will find you and when I do you're gonna leave a like on this video you guys seem to leave a like you click that subscribe button this is the creepiest video I've ever done way boys and YouTube's right here just knowing he's under that he's playing games with us there's another issue you call these around this planet I just heard something over here I'm guessing you found the inner tubes I did find the inner tubes unless there is obviously I had to run because you would have found my position oh so you ran away I see okay so James was under this inner tube but he ran away so I don't know where he is now I'm not near the hot tub you can see us wherever he is right now he can see us I think we should split up where could we be seen from if you're gonna look for me you need to move to different places Nathan there's this boy yeah stop talking now I need some pep talk what a silly little goose wait hold on I hit the call button again yo you almost got me I had my do that thing one more time yo check the workout room really dude I'm not working out you may able to use the phone call one more time you go check up there Mikiko ways out of the door open wait I didn't open that door I did not open that door maybe the wind blew the door open nice peekaboo there is definitely ya get your exercise going up them stairs when I'm not even over there we're in two different buildings right now that's from over here you go up there and check we're gonna go down here because I heard a signal those over there okay I'm splitting up this is like scooby Doo all over again I have reached the top of Romeo's tower over oh my gosh - what is this - red Robins was Red Robin that have to do with anything yo Gabe he's not up there in nothing last thing he said was red Robins what does that even mean Red Robin yeah I was laying on a bed for a while it's kind of nice dude nice spot thank you house nice and that comes to being on the floor instead of a mattress what a game of hide and seek ladies gentlemen a what a video for you guys leave a like if we should do another one and we'll see you soon a new vlog click that subscribe button gonna miss out on future content what's up with that Red Robin young
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 22,145,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: mwXME3FjXfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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