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[Music] this is kennedy she's gonna step up to the stairmaster those of you that don't know what a stairmaster is you step on stairs that's it so here's the deal james rise with the vault there you go so your prize lays within the doors of this vote but you won't get it until you take ten thousand steps i'm just kidding i'm just getting outside i'm just kidding all right here's the deal every step you take i'm gonna give you one dollar oh okay you get one dollar and we only have so many ones so eventually the ones are going to turn into 20s and then 50s than 100s so if you make it far enough you might really be stacking up okay so rise first step second step you're slacking four steps 11 12. what speeder up speed up how do you speed it up i think i'm gonna go get some water i'll be back all right i'll hold it we're probably going to be here all day are we just going to trade up hey if you need some water it's right around the corner if you need water i'm going to go get some water good luck dude what do you mean good luck leaving me oh they're leaving me i knew this would happen i shouldn't have already just me and you now yeah just don't step any faster or else you might be missing some money in today's video if you lift it then you win it gabe pick up that dumbbell whoa you win an ipad that's it it's literally that easy wait all right james pick up that dumbbell no that one oh snap come on pick it up come on come on come on dude i lifted mine with beans you got this what are they feeding these children there you go there's a hundred dollars this is less than what i just picked up all right that's 150. i'll make up for it i promise okay let's go so now that you guys know how this video works let's go find people in the gym and put them up to the test but we're gonna do a more difficult challenge i'm putting this on the tree it's the star of the tree because it's christmas can't reach there we go come on stay right there buddy yeah no you know what this doesn't feel right uh i know what it is it's not christmas it's july it's christmas in july oh my gosh we should have a merch sale and we should also release brand new christmas shirts that are out right now fifteen percent off all merchandise starting right now go to www.speakable.com go get your merch christmas [Music] i'm not the one lifting the weight yet no no you're not lifting anything why do you keep thinking this i want to lift just explain that okay so we have saxby here and we have dumbbells we have 20 30 40 and 50. if you do 10 reps you'll get that cash 10 reps of the 30 you'll get that cash 5 reps with a 40 you'll get that cash and then one rep of the 50 you'll get that cash but you have to do it without stopping whenever you're ready all right okay i'm ready so ten ten five one no thirty thirty four one i think that one's 72 that one's 86 and this one's 30 and this one's 78. 10 10 5 1. all right keeps licking his eyebrows one arm yeah yeah yes it has to be done with one you can't we can't switch arms okay one yo wait hold on three she's just gonna be like oh no you keep going you cannot stop falling she's just gonna be ripped in one arm oh that isn't like boom and then like toothpick on this side maybe she's counting she's yeah that's good ten all right the first pile of cash is owned one two and two three four four just like you're opening soda five six that's how you open it i told you we should have done 80 pounds five reps can you curl forty four one two three four one rep for the final pile of cash i think that's also the biggest pilot you can do one rep one okay made it look so easy but i knew you should have gone up and wait i told you yo i don't even want to try it i don't want to get embarrassed well there you go that's 500 congratulations that was 50 then that was 100 and that was 150. this one doubled it to 300. wow 150 times two 300. no you didn't film that i'm like me and me i may have i don't remember all right guys hey what hey this is hilo hi everybody he used to be a bodybuilder looking like this guy right here so we're going to put him up to his head we're going to put weights on his legs and stack prizes oh that's why i'm holding the weight we need to see if he can hold me first get down jump up on it oh yeah he's good solid man here we go what are these these are 45 pounds no we gotta go heavier what is that grab this what 100 pounds you ready let's go nice here we go all right gabriel up next i can drop it home oh we're just gonna stack them up more weight so that's 500 pounds another weight that is 45 pounds so 145 another 45 190 pounds how you feeling dummy you doing good yeah it's a walk in the park how long do you think you could hold this for how many prizes you can put on he's challenging i think he wants another plate i got another present for you now i think we should grab the price yeah yeah oh snap so hey don't drop this it's for your daughter i'm just i want to let you know if you drop all this you lose all of it are you telling that now we didn't tell you that we got some goodies we're kind of very i got a big check right 15 seconds 15 seconds well now it's ten seconds hold it come on do it for your daughter 30 seconds there it is how do you feel your daughter has all these new toys are those your size they look she's still going machine needs a bit of oil sounds kind of squeaky is that her the she's done over a thousand dollars right now when you're gonna stop on the stems yeah yeah thank you come here okay here's the deal all right kennedy is draining my bank account and um we need to turn up the speed listen let's not girl in the challenge [Music] so we're grabbing 20s and 50s so we'll just give you a 20 every 20 steps and a 50 every 50 steps like a plan yeah all right guys this is martin he's my best friend we just met just now and he's going to be doing push-ups for some prizes i think he's already going what's up oh no that's where's my prizes yeah you know he's not competing get up i'm not gonna no no you said i was you told me you're not martin i don't get an iphone no you don't get anything you got a high five dolphin tired you ready why is it called a push-up because you're pushing the ground down but wouldn't you push down because you're pushing the ground down are we moving the earth are we moving ourselves all right you ready i'm ready all right let's go down give me five real quick that's nice oh i thought we were squatting here comes the tv yeah we might have to strap it to him add more oh headboard we're gonna have to hold it on we got a headset for what this is what the headset's for it's for the xbox oh you want to spin that around real quick oh my bad all right go again it's still too light this is really heavy this is this is an iphone wait what here we go what's that the brand new yeah how are you doing down there good all right so right now you got a tv an xbox and iphone basically an entire life supply entertainment that's good do you feel the burn oh we got apple tv so now you got tv for your tv and an xbox for your tv and an iphone for being an iphone all right so i know the xbox comes with a controller but we got you a controller it matches your shirt we have a little bit more weight here this is a bose tv speaker for your tv for your xbox for your apple tv for your controller that ties into your iphone you can also play music all right now if you give me 10 more push-ups you can keep all those items oh he's struggling he's struggling oh yes oh he's going the ground he said that's that's a good push down i like that one more all right you can keep it you got it yeah okay it's not like we have expensive stuff over here all right so we have this big piece of wood and we have donna now if you can pick up this piece of wood and throw it across the entire gym completely confused he thought he thought i was in this like no i thought we were lifting we're lifting we have a 100 pound dumbbell a 110 a 125 and a 135 i need you to get these dumbbells up on top of this wood and for every dumbbell you bring up here you get bright let me pull out the first one hold on this is our first price brand new airpods put the weight right there on it yeah i was just kidding were you actually gonna moving up to the 110 we have brand new apple watch wait which one is that one apple watch series six gold aluminum case you're not watching this you're not watching it she struggled there it is that one looked easier apple watch all right stakes are getting higher we have an ipad air fourth generation don't break it now 25. she about to go super saiyan there it is you told me i'm sorry you told me to do it so close you got this so close breathe oh go go oh watch your hand don't hurt yourself don't hurt i know you've broken your head don't break this that's good for the ipad and for the final prize since you didn't need an iphone we have an apple bag empty nothing in it strings included no wait sorry no strings attached [Applause] yes that was designer i'm just kidding you get an iphone here you go thank you the 135 looked way easier long technique it's just like after you break it a mental thing yeah after you break it now you have nothing to lose so you just go for it she downloaded hacks all right we got this sled and you gotta pull it forever there's no mark you just gotta keep going that's how you win and you don't get anything sounds good to me i'm just kidding the mark is over there yellow mark good uh 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet maybe 50. 20 70. you have to get the head of the sled past that mark here's the deal this sled's empty we're throwing weights on it yeah but not just that's 25 pounds that's a good another you know james why don't you hop on there too you want me to get on yeah hold on okay take me for a ride let's go oh this looks easy we're gonna need the hundred pound dumbbells go do a kick flip you're almost there keep going oh he's struggling i don't know oh come on there we go all right so you got one prize but there's more of us and there's more weights in this chat yeah so let's keep going until you give up and we'll just keep giving you prizes sounds good to me all right here's your first prize it's a tripod and then whoa a ring light so you can make tick tock videos we're gonna make you famous all right but don't worry don't worry the prices get better every single time they get more and more and more expensive this is what i wanted one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh your shoes on tight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yo she broke a sweat look at it juan all right you're on counting duty i can't do this i'm done with counting duty that's up to you too what if we just count to a hundred that's a better idea so you want me to hear the one three looks like you're already doing it count all the way to 100 then give her one of these there you go 13. good job 14. i think there's one around the corner huh still one right three thirty six thirty seven thirty eight thirty nine forty forty six forty seven forty eight keep going forty nine 90. honestly this challenge is more work for us than it is for you we have to count i failed math three times and i was in that class all right welcome to the bench challenge the moment we've all been waiting for that's a heavy weight be careful with that be careful with that so this right here crazy is 100 pounds and this is justin hi justin can you uh lift this up yeah you think you can do it let's see if he can do one rep here okay he's shaking oh easy so we have a prize for you it's literally that simple so here is your first prize now we're gonna go up 50 pounds every single time and you're gonna get a new prize every time we add 50 pounds but if you fail one rep you lose everything you can go as long as you want quit whenever you want here's price number one right 150 boom so now we have 150 pounds you can lift it you can win it [Music] you did it bro just making it making it look way too easy all right we're gonna hit a thousand no times the next prize is games oh it's a pretty good one now you can listen to your game assassin's creed spider-man the prizes get better as we go let's move it up remember there is still a 2.5 in there don't let that 2.5 kill you all right this is 200 pounds bro that's heavier than me that's easy are you ready he's going to knock this out no problem he's not even going to sweat i told you it's too easy all right we're stepping up the prizes here you got that playstation 5. now that one was really easy though do you want to keep going i want to keep going all right let's do it remember if you fail one rep you lose it off everything even your shirt and your shoes and those pearly whites you're taking his teeth all right now we have 250 pounds that's a lot of weight i could not pick this up this is like a hundred pounds heavier than i am even lift breakfast so we can get it i've been waiting for that comment this whole video see i don't know he got this it's making it way too easy do you want to keep going let's keep going oh he said it okay grab the hundreds next prize we got is a controller it comes with one but i don't play with your friends so there we go we got that controller but don't worry the next prize is worth it i promise you can do this 300 pounds the next prize it's nice whenever you're ready you can tell we asked for a spot i believe you think we think we're getting there that looks pretty easy too now the question is do you want to keep going up oh man while you think about that let me give you your next prize big old bundle of cash oh that's nice do i want to risk it all what the next prize can you double the next like respectfully that next prize be buffing how did this feel we felt good but 50 pounds all right i'm stopping there oh stopping i think so honestly i mean that's the smart decision i don't want to risk it all right going from 300 to 350 pounds that's a big change and honestly these are pretty good prizes can i even let me help you up yeah all right we got another 50 pounds and we're gonna have james hop on again and we're also gonna have gabe hop on we're gonna go for a ride as well i got this side just to help you out a little bit i'll be uh sweeping the floor making it smooth this is a strategy right here we're trying to take all the dust out all right ready oh he can't do it look at him he can't do it oh he's strong stop the momentum sweep higher i'll put more weight on the front to try and make it even just like dory said keep swimming just gotta keep pulling keep going just keep pulling it go go go go faster let me get behind your feet we're almost there [Music] let's go let's go come on he's right there no breather keep going you don't need air just photo sit aside let's go i'm trying to give a motivation how do you feel did i tell you the prizes get better your next prize is this broomstick yeah but not the broom part just the sticks i'm just kidding i'm just getting out of price for you your next prize the nintendo switch light thank you this man is very tired let's add on more weights the surprises get better you ready you sure you're ready are you ready professional rock climbing declined the the bean in chicago challenge is simple step into the ring i want you to hold this and we're going to put on weight we're going to keep putting on weight and you're just going to keep holding it and don't let go we're just going to keep giving you prizes it's easy you know hey grab the hundred pounds okay bit oh he's ready all right should we throw on the first set one thing ready yeah boom how you feeling good good good huh feels good all right let's go for two oh two oh doubling it up oh if you drop it right now it'd land on my foot give him that first prize that first prize services here's your first prize [Applause] all right now doing the first prize yeah pictionary see this is what we're doing to you right now we're laughing all right put on another way one more way if i left you standing here right now how long do you think you could hold this for maybe like a 30 second all right so when we throw on this weight right here i'll pull out your second prize all right next prize let's see what this cash is oh we got cash starting to sweat another piece of weight keep holding on to that bad boy give it a go oh please don't do that all right give him the robot robot clean your floors thank you thank you should we end up yeah let's add another one if you can hold this all right should we give him the second money prize bring it in okay oh more cash more cash now there is one more prize and i promise this prize you're gonna need it [Applause] the final prize was a massager for your hands i'm sorry i'm not massaging your hands hey this is the work good job proud of you here's your final prize ten pounds souvenirs stepping it up boys we're all getting on the scale let's go hop on hop on all right now we got three people on oh let's go we moved it in two inches yeah three inches oh got some speed in there for a second there you go there you go keep that momentum oh whoa hey where'd you go he got distracted i saw some cheese you want that prize you gotta work for him come on sacrifice come on you're not even halfway you're about halfway oh oh oh i'm popping a wheelie come on let's go let's go i'm hopping back on that's so close there it is we're so close we're going to stay here [Applause] all right now you get the other end of the broomstick you get the broom you get a sweeping part real quick all right here we go max speed max speed max b oh that machine looks like he's gonna explode all right one two three four five two seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten two four six eight ten yards two three four five three okay no now you can buy yourself a bed and like a paper towel shower here is your prize i don't know how you're going to hold it just be careful you can need a whole bag go deposit that asap yes thank you you ready baby all right we got a camera and we got a bundle of cash if you can pull that car past that line lightweight baby let's go oh it's moving it's moving it's moving a lot but what i didn't tell you is there's two cars actually oh there it is [Music] you made that look easy my way baby does that mean the car is lighter than all three of us we're just fat i guess you just pulled two cars so you deserve this brand new camera or the tripod that i gave you as well as some cash make sure you use that camera on that ring light and the tripod make them tick tocks i'll make them tick-tock this is how you pull a car in a heavier car probably oh you want to pull that all right boys the final prize lays among us among us you ever played that game yeah all right so this prize was sent to us by just dustin and it's an unbreakable cube with thousands of dollars inside and whoever hangs on this bar the longest gets to keep this cube the only problem is you're gonna break into it yeah maybe we'll do that another video this thing is no joke if you guys remember the unbreakable box video that was crazy but this he said that was a cute little it's a whole other level all right so the challenge is simple hang on the bar last one to stay up there uh when's the cube that's easy i already know you're gonna win you won last night cash in there bro all right boys are you ready are your hands clammy yes i got calluses here we go we're going to jump on goo on goo okay good oh i want my shirt messed up you want me to fix it yeah if you can do i get it kind of i get it yeah i can't well i guess it could not worth it i'm just gonna wait no no no no [Applause] you got it let's go i knew you guys couldn't get away from me you gotta do more than does that mean i win that means you win you don't have that challenge in the bag bro you know what that means i get the unbreakable cube yeah i'm breaking into it without that you can have the cube but you can't have the rectangle inside of it deal we never agreed on that okay i tried i'm gonna split it with you let me grab my shoes all right a classic tug of war battle the end of this tug of war is a key this key unlocks his chest this chest is full of prizes for the team to split all you have to do is pull the key past your line and you win it's that simple now james why don't you go over there and gabe you go over there you go over to team gloveless because there's gloves on and we have team underdogs all right on the slap of my thigh you may begin so oh it's moving towards team gloveless moving strong come on james [Applause] we have the prize for team gloveless over here go ahead and unlock the box see what's inside you guys can split this prize evenly or if someone just wants to run and take it all that's you know totally you guys as soon as this unlocks didn't even see what was inside oh look at this headset we got cash we got unspeakable oh a bunch of merch like a lot merchandise it's a lot of work oh that's cool that's some cool prizes guys i think i'm gonna go get some water if you need some water it's right around the corner if you need water i'm gonna go get some water good luck
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 8,740,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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