You've Been Warming Up Wrong in CS2

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the concept of warmup is known to all of us it exists in pretty much every game and Sport you might know most of the time it represents a set of less challenging tasks to prepare us for the more demanding activities like match or training the purpose is to make our body and mind aware of what is coming and literally warm it up for a performance a lot of players maybe you included warm up incorrectly for Counter Strike and they are not even aware of it in this video we will talk about warm-up and how to build your own routine that makes sense I will also show my own routine that I'm using for past couple of months as a professional CS2 player and explain why I do certain things the way I do before we jump in here are the time stamps for the video in case you want to jump into the chapter you are interested in but for the full context I would suggest watching the whole video Let's Get in so what is warm-up and why is it important warm-up is a thought out routine we repeat each day before competitive play or training this helps us to play at our best from the round one and helps brings our skill to a consist consist level it also helps us to reach our aame more often and for longer periods of time so when everyone understands what warm-up does why so many players struggle to have one that actually helps them well the reason is a lot of players just copy what others do especially Pro players warmup is a very individual set routine that is exact opposite of one size fits all it requires realizing your weaknesses strengths and it has to be tailor made for you the amount of players who play without warm-up routine is shockingly high from my experience if you play aim ball for 20 minutes and the next day you just play dead match for 20 minutes you don't have a routine you have a warmup That Is Random and your performance will be inconsistent and with the lag of structure you also compromise the psychological aspect as warmup is important even for injury prevention neglecting warm-up can have a long-term negative effects so that is why in this video I want to inspire you to rethink how you warm up and give you some ideas how to improve it effectively by the way I had to re-record some part so don't mind the setup and the clothing and anything this is this is the continuance of the video what does a good warm-up consist of warm-up consists of two parts physical preparation and in-game warm-up in De order physical preparation is for cognitive benefits and injury prevention this is done through light exercise ideally the whole body but minimally your arms and wrists we must not neglect this part as it can cost us in the future injuries from repetitive stress in gaming might take years to develop but when they do develop they can be devastating for players the symptoms that indicate that you might have a problem coming can be easily overlooked and thus it is important to focus on prevention from the beginning good thing about it is that only a few minutes can go a long way for the in-game warm-up there are two main components for Counter Strike aim and movement I'm going to provide you with a set of modules you can pick and choose from to build your own perfect warm-up I highly recommend testing every single module I will mention and write down three or four of those where you had most fun the whole point of warm-up is to make you ready in a more enjoyable fashion if you don't look forward to warm up you will rush through it or even worse skip it completely it won't stick and the routine will be destroyed there are other ways to make it Fun by of course listening to your favorite music or podcast I sometimes listen to YouTube videos or I had a period where I listen to audiobooks all that made it more enjoyable for me another great way is to invite a teammate or a friend to join you for the session you can just casually chat or you can push each other to improve by playing on the same server and seeing who can get a better score when building your perfect warm-up routine you need to cover both movement and aim to help you with this I've split modules into three categories aim movement and hybrid hybrid covers both areas but you might need to play it for longer to get properly warmed up an optimal warm warm up would be for example 10 minutes in AIM and 10 minutes in movement or just 20 minutes with a hybrid module the point is again to choose whatever makes you feel the best lengthwise warmup should last from 20 to 45 minutes let's start with the first category of modules aim warm-up so aim trainers I did a separate video on my 30-day aim trainer Challenge and ever since that I'm using kovax or aim laap on pretty much daily basis it's part of my daily warm-up routine but also my aim practice routine is great way to isolate an aim scenario which will make you feel the mouse without you being worried of getting killed or paying attention to movement such as SC strafing some OAS might prefer to warm up flicking this way while rers can benefit from Target switching or tracking tasks the downside is that while it is very customizable it will never mimic the actual game like CS2 where movement plays huge part this is great way to start off your routines before you boot up the game Workshop Maps so disclaimer Workshop maps in CS2 are super SCU now they are far from what they wear in csgo but I will include them anyway as I am hopeful valf will fix it soon enough main reason is that mappers don't yet have the same tools for map creation like before thus it is difficult for them to create Workshop maps that have the needed features for what we need for the warm-up but luckily there are some that are good enough to include so let's talk about those CS goo Hub most popular Workshop map within CS2 right now it has bunch of game modes where you can practice St game but also tracking flicking and spraying it has faress options that it had in CSO but it is still solid way to warm up which I see a lot of pro players use furthermore it feels incredibly clunky at times when the shots somehow don't register on moving targets properly but as I said we have to work with what valve cooked for us aimbots so we all know this one standard aimbots Arena which we all played at some point to me it is a bit inferior to CS go Hub as it has a bit more ways to make it challenging but honestly this is prefer if you want to warm up with an actual Cs on static targets either of these two maps will do the job and some more recall Master this is honorable mention I personally love the concept of the map but I only include it in my warmup after I have been away from the game from some time and I need to remind myself of spray patterns and yes I don't remember them by heart I remember them by feeling and this is great tool to include in your aim practice though now we are going to continue into the second category movement warmup so we have KY and surf for this game mode you will have to search for an online servers and to be honest I would avoid them for now surf is literally unplayable in CS2 due to smoothing and fix is nowhere inside it's a shame as I had a lot of fun adding surf sessions to my routines back in csgo and I had always fun time Workshop Maps only up this is the best I found for movement practice which is ridiculously annoying in CS2 only up got popular towards the end of csgo and it was ported into CS2 as it's pretty much fun way to work on your jumping skills if you want to test the map don't forget to set your Shader settings on high for the best experience and yes it is buggy at times but I have to yet find a better movement map if you know one let me know that closes the movement category lastly we're going to look at hybrid warm-up modules so that match in hybrid warm-up you will face real opponents real players against you mean you need to increase your focus on both movement and aim this is why hybrid warm-up is often the most effective way to warm up which I agree with but I don't agree that it should be the only way you warm up that mat is going to be a place where you die a lot do not care about your score at all try to take as many ds as you possibly can even those where you are in heavy disadvantage camping in the corner waiting for people to come by is losing its purpose try out every shooting technique this is great place where you not only tap or burst but also spray your targets which are moving realistically this improves your tracking tension management and Target switching Death Match should be a part of everyone's warm-up routine Only Exception would be again that if you don't enjoy it I met people who were within 5 minutes of playing tilted off the planet because they die a lot they die in the back and the sense of hopelessness when you can't even fight back is so annoying to them I get it and little tip I would give is to join less populated servers first I find 21 players on the server optimal number so I get string of Duss constantly but at the same time it doesn't get to the point where we just SP kill each other luckily there is one option people don't talk about enough in my opinion that is aim that match instead of playing regular maps you play aim map which is very simple and straightforward Arena this ensures you will have a lot of duels and you will never die in the back however these DS are not as realistic as they become too repetitive very quickly but it is an option that I had to mention as aim dead match is something that I did for years instead of regular dead match servers next one is refrag before I touch on refrag I need to say that this video is not sponsored by them or anyone else if you like that no ads appear in these in-depth videos please consider hitting that like And subscribe to allow me doing these more often thank you it would be dishonest of me not to include refrag in this video the service they provide is actually very well polished frequently updated and very easy to use they have multiple game modes which despite playing against simulated Bots will ensure realistic gameplay I know a lot of pro players use this tool to warm up on game modes like pre-fire or Defender which I tried on stream and it's been incredible fun since this is actually a third party software it comes with a few disadvantages compared to any other module I mentioned in this video so far you will actually have to make an account and get a subscription on their website but in my opinion for the price they offer it is very much worth it also setting up a server takes some time as you get you know familiar with everything but I suggest at least giving it a try now we talk about retak SL executes and these modes are customiz scenarios on competitive Maps which may make author plan situation the round starts at the moment T splend the bomb and CS try to retake this adds a good amount of realism into DS as well as improving your clutch mechanics and gam sense I know some face players love to join random retake servers during the tourament for this unusual but fun practice and execute is basically the same concept but this time terrorists just try to hit the side with an execute or a predetermined strategy so the idea stays but the type of the round shifts the other way around tools and Arenas so these servers were also super fun but since CS2 I struggle to find any basically you are putting a One V one Arena against a random player on the server if you win your duel you move up by one level if you lose you move down the system ensures you will face somewhat similarly skilled players with with the same score against you and you try to outd them either through aim or positioning okay physical warm-up so warmup doesn't have to start at the PC necessarily professionals use other means of warmup before they even launch the game the only thing I feel comfortable recommending personally is Powerball uh Powerball is small exercise tool that helps you exercise the muscles around your wrist and forearm thanks to its gyroscope it also helps with both Rehabilitation and injury prevention as I'm not an expert as you can see I have consulted a few messages with Doctor Who who is physical therapist that focuses on gaming and Esports here's what I learned so static stretching seems to be overrated for warmup you might have stumbled upon these stretches in old Gaming focused physically therapy videos the trend now is more focus on light exercise light exercise is also something that has gained popularity lately amongst us professional players as I'm not qualified to show you specific routines I will reference Doctor Who and his 1 HP YouTube channel where you will find a lot of useful information which exercises you can benefit from surprisingly the main benefit of physical preparation is still performance research has shown even as little as stre minutes at the correct intensity can lead to cognitive benefits though it probably is best to not cut this part short and invest at least 10 to 15 minutes each day to have a more General physical preparation that includes full body exercise including shoulder wrist and finger dexterity warm-ups the other benefits for performance are going to be through increasing muscle temperature oxygen uptake alongside with improved neural activation here are actional steps you can take from this chapter so you can try a power ball and use it for 1 minute in each hand before your in-game warm-up alternatively use a warm-up routine from 1 HP I have linked the few in the description below so pick the one that fits you best If you experience pain or discomfort while gaming visit the 1hp website link to the description for injury consultations and online Physical Therapy Services I've collaborated with them to offer you and then perc discount code and I also receive a small benefit and a kickback from your purchase so full disclosure so let's talk about the example of my warmup this is how my warm-up looks for full context and maybe for inspiration as I mentioned I start with physical warm-up which was prepared for me by my personal coach I wrote this before game activation routine into a document which can be found also down in the description of this video it consists of three parts core activation Mobility drills and CNS activation which stands for central nervous system it's not difficult exercises I don't want to get sweaty or anything like that just enough to get me going this usually takes me around 25 minutes but you don't need to exercise for it that long you can start with a 3 to 5 minutes warmup and increase it over time as needed personally I'm thinking about shortening it this routine down to like 20 minutes but as I said it's important to tweak your routine slightly I know for example zyu is doing a routine with a tennis bow for games and who knows maybe that is the secret to his CS2 superpowers now let's move into in-game warm-up I come back to it and revisit it every couple of months to add or replace some modules but since I have very good experience with aim trainers lately I'm including them into my usual routine paired up with a dead match which works very well for me for years already so I use 15 minutes of aim trainer currently I'm still in the process of finding optimal task L but in the aim Labs I'm currently doing 5 minutes of VT 2T white Poke Ball which is very easy fast flicking task combined with speed Target switching next task is 5 minutes of CG just click micro to warm up those micro adjustments while correcting aim on short distances and for last 5 minutes is I'm still experimenting with tasks but tracking task called VT SED track smoth is what I'm currently using then I move into 15 minutes of that match so this is where I switch my focus on movement and proper jiggle pigs and col strafing as I said I'm constantly moving around the map trying to actively look for duels I warm up both with AK and M4 for 10 minutes before I switch to deagle or USB for the last 5 minutes important thing is to stay active and be mindful of your shooting technique don't forget to try tapping bursting and spraying I make it extra difficult for me by forcing myself into these techniques no matter the distance of a dual I'm having so sometimes it looks super awkward to spray a Target which is across the map but it works for me in total 40 minutes is optimal time for me to get ready I tried routines that were 1 hour long but I became too fatigued after a few games and I also tried short warm-ups for 10 minutes but I struggle to find consistency with those so 40 minutes is like a sweet spot for me all in all warm up is something we all should do and we know it if you want to steadily improve in anything you do in life consistency is key and warm up is foundation of it I hope this video explains some of the concepts to think about when building your own warm-up routine if I forgot a way that you love to do or you have some experience with let me know in the comment section down below and I'll be curious to try it out myself happy fragging and see you in the next video which is already I think appearing on the screen somewhere right now bye-bye take care byebye
Channel: STYKO
Views: 34,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STYKO, Martin, Styk, csgo, Slovakia, rifler, esports, gaming, player, gamer, professionalplayer, tournaments, officialtournaments, professionalgamer, competitions, streamer, headshot, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, APEKS, CS2, Counter-Strike 2, Source2, Source
Id: mv57CEY-zes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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