How to Play Deathmatch Like a PRO in CS2

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hello everyone in this video I'll talk about how to play that match like a pro in CS2 first let's talk about why should you play that much the reason you should play that much is because it is going to be something that is going to train all of your mechanics pretty much it's going to train your pecking your shooting cells so tapping bursting spraying it's going to train your aiming overall flicking tracking anything like that spraying it's going to train your movement your Crosshair placement and your pre- aim as well the good thing about that match is that when you play that match you take all these things together and you use them together all the time and that's one of the reasons why I think it is one of the best ways to improve your mechanics you can also use Steam Workshop maps and things like this but in my opinion that much is going to be the most efficient way because you train pretty much all the things together and you apply them in something that is in some ways close to what real Duos would be like in a real game now let's talk about on which servers should play that much of course you shouldn't be playing on the valve servers you should be playing on third party servers and in my opinion the best ones are going to be the servers warm-up servers or cyers sh servers I personally use servers and I would recommend them the most because let's say on warmup server you need to buy VIP in order to be able to play all the time because sometimes there won't be good servers that have free spots on them and on Cyber shock in general it a little bit more weird the servers can sometimes be worse and also the players are going to be worse in general also a good benefit of is that for every 60 Minutes that you play in 24 hours you're going to get two days of Light which means you can join any server you can join even servers that are full and you also going to have some skins that you can use while playing that much and while playing screams or any other mode and also with light you can unlock their additional practice modes like pre fire barage and whatever else they have now let's talk about the death match itself and what you should be doing when you're playing death match the most important thing in my opinion is to play aggressive and try to get as many fights as you can because that's the most efficient use of your time if you you're going to play for half an hour it's going to be better if you get 400 ju in this half an hour than if you get 200 ju in those half an hour because it's going to help you improve way more you're going to get way more ju which means you're going to apply your mechanics way more and that's going to help you improve more for the amount of time that you're playing also something good is getting into uncomfortable fights it is uncomfortable but the more you do it the more comfortable you're going to get into it and you're going to get used to being un comfortable and it's going to be easier for you to get kills when you're in an uncomfortable situation in a real game it's important to move around and not St in one place because obviously it's going to get you more Duos but it's also going to make you peek around a little bit more use your movement more use your pre more your CR placement more in general it's going to make you apply more mechanics I would recommend most the time playing with AK and Deo unless you're an oper but if you are an oper you have to play with dop obviously but you should not neglect the rifles you should also play with AK and D for a good amount of time because you don't want to be onedimensional as an oper as an oper you always want to be good with the rifle as well something very important about that match is that you should not be tilting the more you tilt the less efficient practice you're going to get something that helps me personally is going there with the mentality that you are there to improve you're not there to get kills you're there to imp improve your mechanics you join and you're trying to practice as much as possible and when you die that doesn't matter dying is not going to make you worse dying is not going to stop you from anything being tilted in that much because you dying will be equivalent to something like going to the gym seeing that somebody can lift more weight than you and then getting anger because of that it doesn't really make sense the next thing I want to talk about is for how long should you play that much for this you can either set an amount of kills that you want to get or amount of time that that you want to play for so you could let's say set a target of 200 kills or the equivalent of that in time would be around 30 minutes so 200 kills or 30 to 45 minutes for me personally it's probably the sweet spot where you're not going to get tired or anything but it's also going to really make sure you practice a decent amount of time and that you really applied the mechanics and you got a good amount of Jews if this feels like it's not enough for you or if you want to do more you can go for 1 hour and 1 hour is something that I actually do pretty often something you can keep in mind is that you don't have to do 1 hour at once you can let's say do 30 minutes now and do 30 minutes later or you can do 30 minutes in the morning 30 minutes in the evening depends on what your schedule is like now in conclusion the most important things to remember are that you are there to improve so you need commitment and consistency you need to play that much in my opinion at least 5 days per week for the amount of time that you selected so let's say five times per week you do 45 minutes each day remember to move around the map and get as many deals as you can don't get tilted keep a positive Improvement mindset and something you can do to also help that point is to listen to music or podcast to make the process a bit more enjoyable and lastly don't get demotivated after about that mat session I have had days where I get 0.8 KD on death match and then I get 25 or more kills in the games after that that I play so if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like And subscribe to my channel to not miss out on any upcoming content thank you for watching
Channel: amdbakiev
Views: 292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2 pro guide, csgo tips and tricks, counter-strike, cs2, cs2 tips, cs2 tricks, cs2 tips and tricks, cs2 deathmatch, how to play deathmatch in cs2, cs2 pro deathmatch, cs2 pro, how to practice in cs2, cs2 aim training, cs2 aim practice, cs2 deathmatch tips, cs2 deathmatch servers, cs2 niko, cs2 monesy, cs2 pro practice, cs2 practice routine
Id: AsvxMplI4TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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