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Dom's high af

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigNerdSteel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 10 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Game Grumps!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joulegrey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

How did Dom even get there lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Agroki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GeassRequiem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 11 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
β™ͺ (Michael Jackson, "Thriller") β™ͺ - Oh! - (shrieking) - Stop! Stop! Stop! - (eerie vocalizing) - (uneasily) Ooh, ooh... no. β™ͺ (dramatic chord) β™ͺ - (FBE) So today, we are going to do one of our favorite types of YouTubers React episodes. - Uh-oh. - (FBE) We are going to show you a compilation of videos where people often respond with "What the [bleep] did I just watch?" after watching them. - (chuckling) My body is ready. - I'm pretty familiar with the weird side of YouTube. - We are the weird side of YouTube. - (FBE) So after each one, we're gonna have you rate them on a scale of 1-5, based on how WTF you thought they were. - One to [bleep]. - I'm actually weirdly excited for this. - Let's do this. - Can you guess who this is? Yes, it's me. - (laughing) - (Nagi) You can't believe it, huh? Yes, it's me. - I think I've seen this before. - Yeah, I think I've seen GIFs. - (Nagi) But what I want to say here is hope that anyone could do it. - That's not real, is it? - (Nagi) Beauty and strength, this is connected to everything in life. Connect it to victory and-- - Look at the dogs! - What is going on? - (Nagi) ...the most important thing for everyone. - Is she a poodle? - She's so thematically designed. - I love her. - (Nagi) Let's go! β™ͺ (energetic music) β™ͺ - (chuckling) - (Nagi) Pump the arms like you're in the mud. Shoulders down. - I don't know who thought this was a good idea. - I don't know what you're talking about. I'd buy this DVD. - (laughing) I don't know why I thought they were real poodles. - (Nagi) Come look at this. - Listen, the aerobics seem to be working for her and for the dogs. - (Nagi) Just bring it-- - My brain hurts! - Are those actually her arms? - (Nagi) Nice control. - Also, what am I watching? - That video left me with a lot more questions than answers. - What the [bleep]?! That is a "what the [bleep]." (laughing) - (FBE) Scale of 1-5, how WTF was that? - A three. - I'll give that one a two out of five. I think I'll be able to sleep at night. - It's not normal, definitely, but I would say maybe two? - Two. - Yeah. - If it was just the weird muscles, I'd give it a two. But because of the dogs, I'd give it a three. - Four, just in case. - Four. - That's a five. - It was like a two. - Yeah, I'd say two. That was clearly intentional as a comedy bit. β™ͺ (Final Fantasy VI,"Dancing Mad") β™ͺ - Is that a mushroom? - Oh no. Is it a mushroom? β™ͺ (music intensifying) β™ͺ - I like the Final Fantasy music. β™ͺ (music swelling) β™ͺ - Ooh, give me the 2D girls. Don't give me that. β™ͺ (music becomes unsettling) β™ͺ - (giggling) What? What?! β™ͺ (tempo increases) β™ͺ - Yes! - Yeah. - Yeah, this needed to happen. β™ͺ (Final Fantasy music continues) β™ͺ - Good music, though. - Oh, wow, his loin cloth has changed. - Oh, that's a gas mask. That's a gas mask. - I think he's being a little generous, the whole gas mask. β™ͺ (Michael Jackson, "Thriller") β™ͺ - Oh, wait. - Wait, no! What?! No! The illusion. - No. Oh, he just-- (shrieking) - Stop! Stop! Stop! - No, you can keep the pants on, my friend. - Good for this guy for being comfortable with his body. - Yeah. - β™ͺ It's close to midnight β™ͺ - Oh, that escalated very quickly. (laughing) - Loved it, first of all. - Yeah, thumbs up. - This is a three 'cause definitely internet is a lot weird than this. - Four, just more room. They can get weirder. - Three. - Four. - I'd give it a two. - It's just a two. - If I saw that happening in my basement, yes, a five. - I'm gonna give it a three. - Four. I think the ending really sold it. - I'd give that a three. - Like, a two. You're trying too hard. I'm not gonna give you a good rating just because you're trying to be as weird as possible. - I'm gonna give that one a two. Once he sort of took the horse head off, he was just a naked guy rolling around to Michael Jackson, and I was like, yeah, I get it. - (eerie vocalizing) - Whoa. - (eerie vocalizing) - Mm-mm. - (eerie vocalizing) - What? What? - I know how to make this. That's insulation. - (vocalizing continues) - (uneasily) Ooh, ooh, ooh, no. - (vocalizing continues) - Oh, I don't like how fast it's moving. - Oh no! - Oh. Oh, I don't like that, actually. - (laughing) It's creepy, dude. - It's quite upsetting. - (vocalizing continues) - I'm taking my-- I don't want it to be too much in my head. - What are these? - What just happened? - That was pretty "what the [bleep]." - The subscribers picked these videos? - (FBE) I found that one. - Oh. - Three out of five, that one was a little more disturbing. - I'd give it a three. - Three. It's creepy. They did a good job. - I salute the what the [bleep] in that video. - Three? - Four. - A solid five. There's no reason for that video to exist. - Five, just straight confused. - Five. - I'd give that a two. I didn't like it. - A four. That's what happens when you eat Tide pods. - Ho-ho-ho. - (giggling softly) - (mutant elf) Ho-ho-ho. - (cracking up) - (mutant elf) Ho-ho-hooo. - (giggling) - (mutant elf) Ho-ho-hooooo. - No. - Oh, that's it? Oh, that's-- oh, okay, I was waiting for the resolution of this emotional story. - I'm more confused. - Yeah. - I mean, I guess that's what-- - That is what the [bleep]. - One out of five. That is a tame children's show. - Three. It's no dancing poodle. - I'm gonna give it a four again. It was on the same level as the weird marshmallow people things. - Two. - Two. Yeah, a two. - Two. - Yeah, three. I'd go three. - Three, yeah. - Two. I've seen much weirder. - Three. - Like, a one. The thing that we just saw was way weirder. - (voice-over) The name of the game is Ball Buster. - Yes! I love this. - "Ball Buster"? - (voice-over) It's a family game-- - (laughing) - (voice-over) It's a family game-- - Ball Buster's a family game. - What the--? - (voice-over) And for adults, it's exciting. And for adults, it's exciting. β™ͺ (snazzy music playing) β™ͺ - (man) You're a ball buster! - Get it, girl. - I had no clue what that game was. - That one wasn't so bad. I'd say a one. - Three. - It's a one. I just think it's silly. - Two. - One? - Yeah. - One? Not normal, but, you know, still not weird. - That's a one. - I'd give that a three. It's a little funky, a little weird. - I'm intrigued. I'd give it a three. - A one out of five. That one didn't disturb me. - (man breathing heavily) - Oh my god. - Oh no, honey. - Ahh, I've seen this! - I have, too. - Welcome to the dark web. - (man eating noisily) - This stresses me out. - (man breathing heavily) - (chuckling) I love the breathing as he eats. - (man breathing heavily) - Hey, bud. Whatchu eating? - Why is he crying into his ramen? - Oh, he's nice. Oh, there's two of them. - Who are these things? What are these things? - (man sobbing) - I have nothing in my brain. Right now, I'm processing what just happened. - I need context. - One for me. - I'll give it a three. - I want to see that movie. - Three out of five. - That was a one. Maybe I've just seen too much weird [bleep] on the internet. - I would give that a one as well. - A two. - It wasn't like, "Ah, it's so weird," but it's just thinking of the big why makes it a solid four. - Three. - Yeah, I'll do a three. - Five. Just nothing about it makes sense. - I'll go for five. We did it. We got a five. - (dealer) Ever thought about taking drugs? - (girl) I don't know. - Oh god, look at these characters. - (girl) I don't know. - What's wrong with their lips? - (laughing) They took drugs. - Don't do drugs, kids! - (dealer) The first hit's free. - Wow, he had all the drugs in his hands. - (boy) NO! It's just not worth the time. - Just not worth-- I like that. - This is so gr-- - Whoa! - Damn it. I remember that. - Oh my Lord. - Canada, why would you do that? - Canada! - As soon as he took the sunglasses off, I was like, "Oh no." - Two. - Yeah, two, sorry. We're so dead inside. - A four. I loved that. Link me. - The puppets by themselves were already like, "Oh, this is creepy," at a three, then that just sold it, I think. - Yeah, a five. - Yeah, I would give it a five. - I'll give that one a four. - A four. Even the puppet character design, creepy. - I'd give that a two. - A two. - A three. - Three? Whoever did this was seriously on drugs. "We should do a drug video so kids don't do drugs, so there's more drugs for us!" β™ͺ (creepy music) β™ͺ - (creep) Wiggle it. - (sighing) - (laughing) - Oh, okay, it's a five. It's a five. (laughing) - (creep) Wiggle it all around. Wiggle it. - No. - (creep) Wiggle it. - Nope. - (creep) When you feel-- - I could see myself making something like this, when I'm really bored. - I like the Moog music in the background. - The music is the worst part. - (creep) Wiggle-- - He's got a career in dancing ahead of him. - (creep laughing) - (snorting) - (creep laughing) - Why does he have teeth on his teeth? - I relate to this guy. I'm gonna go with a two. - Four. - Yeah, that's a four. It's so weird. - It's a two for me. - Two. - I'll give it a three. - He was clearly trying to be weird, so that makes it less weird. - A three. - Four. - Two. - Five. - Really? - It's not the concept that freaks me out, it's his face makeup that's like, oh, I don't like looking at that. - I'd give that one a three. Is that it? - (FBE) Nope! - (grandma) It's so good to see you! How is your friend Hannah? Don't be scared-- - Is that dookie on her forehead? - That's like poop or something. - (grandma making kissy noises) (indiscernible - poor audio) - Oh-- oh, no, what's happening? - (indiscernible - poor audio) - Demonic! Nope. - (grandma) ...why my sweet pea will not kiss kiss grandma. - Grandma, no! - (grandma screaming) - That's a five. It's hard to keep your eyes on that the whole time. You just want to look away. That's the weirdest one, I think, for sure. You saved the best for last. - I'm gonna give that one a three. - I'd give that one a two. - I'd give that a four. I would really not like to watch that again. - Two. That was just someone playing around with a bunch of effects. - That's a four. That took some creativity to do. - Oh, that's a two. - That's a one for me. - We're just so ruined inside that it takes a little bit more. - A solid five for me. - It was too much. I'm gonna give it a two. - Yeah, a two. There's a lot of weird stuff on the internet, and I think that was just the tip of the iceberg. - (FBE) So finally, as we wrap up this episode, pulling inspiration from any of these videos, what do you think is the most WTF way that we could end this episode? - Um, just hardcore porn. - Me being super creepy, like, "Yeeaaaah, don't do drugs, kids." - I'm just gonna... - Probably if you just ended it right now. - Thanks for watching this episode of YouTubers React. - Subscribe to everyone who's in this episode. Links are in the description. - WTF should we react to next? Let us know in the comments, por favor? - Hey, guys, Ethan here from FBE. Thank you so much for watching this episode of YouTubers React. A big shout-out to Derek Lopez, Pug Man, and the Friendly Pancake for watching last week. What's the most WTF way I could end this video? I dunno. (yelping)
Channel: REACT
Views: 5,783,609
Rating: 4.8881426 out of 5
Keywords: wtf did i just watch, wtf compilation, wtf did i just watch compilation, YOUTUBERS REACT TO WTF DID JUST WATCH COMPILATION #4, reacts, reaction, reactions, youtubers react, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, elders react, teens react, kids react, adults react, parents react, college kids react
Id: QdwxKdYG1qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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