Youtuber Scammed Out of $1 Million

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the words scam and YouTuber go together like peanut butter and jelly usually when you see these two words in the same sentence together it indicates that a YouTuber is the one doing the scamming but today I've got a goofy little sad story for you that subverts your expectations more than Game of Thrones season 8. this turns that narrative on its head because in today's story a YouTuber was the victim of a scam and lost about a million dollars in pursuit of a dream this is the story of how a friend of mine named oompaville was schmekeldorf'd out of a million clams by a greasy worm named Jake oompaville just posted a beautifully made documentary going over the entire situation so I highly recommend checking that out for the full story basically oompaville embarked on a journey to fulfill a dream of starting his own candy company called sour boys and along the way got into bed with a bad bad demon named Jake who hosts the million dollars out of them in a big disgusting scam and this is something that I actually have a close personal connection to because I was actually very much updated on his company sour boys over the last year and a half last year last January of 2022 oompeville talked to me about his candy company and I was super excited by it oompaville was glowing you know blushing in the cheeks every time he'd talk about it it was like he was going to prom every single day when I'd ask about the candy company and it made me super happy to see that from him just a really cool project Adventure taken by someone that was very passionate about the product and I mentioned this in the Stream Clips I want to show a little bit later but I'll mention it here too I'd actually tried the candy well me and my friends had all tried the Candy by complete accident it was sent to our P.O box like two years ago or something like that and we were eating it during a moist Esports watch party and just [ __ ] loving it and we had no idea it was is it wasn't until much later that we learned that that sour boys that we were eating was oompavills so it was a product that I had already liked without ever even knowing it was his so it was top quality and I eventually was told by Oompa that he was unfortunately used like a [ __ ] Fleshlight by a scammer and lost tons and tons of money and that he may be making a video on it and now that video is finally out so I'd like to talk about it here today because it is tragic now I want to make it clear that this doesn't mean that sour boys is dead and buried according to oompaville they are still pursuing a full launch and it is apparently in a very good place so that should be on the horizon at some point but this is a massive million dollar hiccup that's a hiccup that could put you in an early grave honestly losing that amount of money to a scammer is nothing shy of an absolute asteroid hitting your world but Oompa and his family have persevered and are still planning on launching sour boys in a big way sour boys is started by but he has hired like most of his family to do it with him as well as other people on payroll so it is a huge undertaking and you know God willing he's not been scammed by his family next it should come out at some point but anyway let me explain what this scam was and how he lost so much money over the course of starting this business in a nutshell launching a candy company it's actually candy that I had before by accident like I didn't know it was his you might remember during our early moist Esports watch parties we were all eating a bunch of like sour candy that was his candy we didn't know it like it actually slapped and those were like I guess prototypes that he did like a promotional for that we got and fast forward over the last year and a half or so I don't remember how long it's been now but he's been trying to launch that candy company in a bigger way so he's up to production got a warehouse and he got a big machine in order to really be able to pump out volume and scale turns out the person who supposedly built the machine and shipped him the machine was a giant [ __ ] scammer who also happened to be a friend of his not like a best friend but a close enough friend where it would be the ultimate betrayal to even consider a scam so basically the machine that he bought under the assumption that it was built by his friend uh serviced by his friend's friend was all a complete lie what it was was he bought the machine from China and up charged Oompa like [ __ ] three or four x what it was actually valued at so in total he's out a million dollars would have been more too he was supposed to send an additional like 70 grand to the scammer but he had like a come to Jesus moment about it being fishy and uh yeah he is still planning on launching the candy company he says it's in a good spot but he did lose a million dollars over the course of this journey because of that scammer that was his friend when you watch the video I think it becomes pretty clear how anyone would have fallen for this like there was so much communication the person was for for the most part reputable it was a friend trustworthy so you always give them the benefit of doubt in the first place Oompa bent over backwards to pay wages and accommodate in order to get everything you know situated getting everything serviced having a maintenance team doing all pretty much everything by the book but it just turns out it was all a complete [ __ ] lie even if it wasn't a scam he'd be out a million yeah but he'd have a company to show for it right now he still has to keep building in order to get that ready he says he is close and it's in a good spot but that million dollars assuming it didn't go to a scammer would have helped launch the company and they would have already been in production well and also another thing that I think is worth mentioning the machine that he did get that came from China that he was told was built by his friend and all them the machine was quoted on the receipt as a hundred and forty three thousand dollars meanwhile Oompa paid like 700 Grand so he also wouldn't have been out a million dollars and he would have also been in production by now even if it was your friend when you look up how much the machine may be going for well he again he wasn't buying a pre-built machine the whole reason that he was going to his friend for this was to produce that machine to make that machine it wasn't supposed to be like a pre-built machine so where would you even go to get information on that or see other competitive quotes when this is supposed to be like basically a bespoke deal here it wasn't one mill for the machine he lost one mill over time by getting the machine and paying the guy and everything yep he said 700 000 to the actual scammer and then over the course of like wages and other expenses came out to around a million dollars in the [ __ ] should have consulted me easy sure he should have went to you he should have been in twitch chat just looking for the experts you would have sniffed it out just go to ask Reddit for advice we're all saying people go yeah why not ask a specialist about this before paying the guy was a [ __ ] specialist well it was supposed to be a specialist and I guess in a way he was with scamming like I don't know who else he was supposed to find like you Willy Wonka like at it's a hard thing to to find people for that can you do something to press charges or is it out of his control oh they could absolutely press charges 100 percent now I don't know how hard they're gonna go on that but yeah you can't just scam someone out of seven hundred thousand dollars for labor you didn't do and a completely false pretense on the whole situation yeah like it absolutely too and should sue can't sue if you can't be served that's true you just gotta you gotta be real elusive just hide in the shadows and wear a disguise like glasses and a mustache that's kind of the general overview of what happened again just to give you the bullet points oompaville wanting to start the candy company eventually realizing that if he wants to scale and keep things interesting they're going to need to produce the candy themselves thus they're going to need an actual machine thus they're going to need an industrial engineer who knows what they're doing and can make the machine for them he finds Jake he hires Jake he pays Jake up to seven hundred thousand dollars under the assumption that he is making this machine himself specifically for the purpose of the sour boys candy production with tons and tons of delays and a lot of very odd circumstances and things that happen throughout this multi multiple year Venture he learns that the machine that he eventually does get from Jake's shop is not a machine that Jake or anyone that works for Jake built it was a machine that Jake purchased from China for a hundred and forty thousand dollars and was sold to oompaville for significant really more than a hundred and forty thousand dollars and since Jake and no one on his team built it no one knew how to really service this machine so when eventually uberville did have uh someone that knew Jake come out to help that person his name is Will did not know how to actually work on the machine thus they were at a complete standstill it was it was gridlocked there wasn't a whole lot to be done they realized then when will got there that they never built that machine that machine was purchased from China and everything Jake had been saying everything Jake had claimed that he was doing was all a blatant lie at the expense of umpaville's Financial Security a million dollars over the course of a few years and he does still have a machine but has to retrofit that machine now completely change it around in order to actually work for the candy that he is producing that's kind of the whole situation nutshell there's a lot more moving Parts in between there he went in with both feet he [ __ ] cannonballed into the into the big business pool here uh in the video he talks about how he had a a brief time of homelessness because he put like so much into this he was like living out of the warehouse it's a very like actually concerning story but Oompa tells it with a smile on his face but hearing that I'm like Jesus Christ that was like Reckless and scary but you know things are working out kind of though it would have been a lot smoother had he never met Jake and instead found a different engineer but you know that's water under the bridge now hopefully Jake will face real punishment for this scam this is not something that's like you know like oh that's what a goofball Jake you got us darn this is absolutely a needs to be in jail long prison sentence type of situation for this guy that's an unforgivable thing to do so yeah that's kind of the the bare bones of the story I highly encourage you watch the entire documentary if you want to see like the nitty-gritty of everything that went on throughout this entire Journey it's it's wild and and sad his him his family have like a really good attitude about everything somehow which is you know hats off to them I don't know how they maintain like positivity in the face of a million dollar [ __ ] scam like that but good on them I'm wishing them nothing but the best I hope sour boys does very well and yeah I just wanted to talk about this a little bit because this is a very rare instance of a YouTuber being the victim of a scam so yeah that's uh really about it so yep
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,535,976
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Id: YM1sIhB3OFs
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Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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