How I Got Scammed and Lost $100,000

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the title of this video is not clickbait i wish it was but it's something that actually happened to me and i thought i wasn't going to talk about it on stream because it's just kind of embarrassing especially because the amount of money i got scammed for is so high over 100 000 of real money that i will never see again but i'm gonna talk about it for two reasons one it's wildly interesting and two and most importantly i've talked about the guy who scam me in different youtube videos and on the yard and it turns out that some of the people who have watched my channel have actually met this guy in vegas and not only met him but given him their money now most of the stories i've heard aren't people who've gotten scammed but i don't want to take a risk of having some random viewer of mine get scammed because a story i told about making a lot of money so let me tell you a story about how i lost a lot of money and how i got scammed for over 100 000 before you keep watching please do me a favor do not try to contact this guy don't reach out to him do not harass him it only reflects poorly on me and at the end of this video i'll tell you how i'm gonna make sure he is never able to scam someone again am i understanding correctly you actually had a good bet the the french open that was a good bet and you had some good tips on it but you used that to rush me to send you all the crypto i had so you could make a bunch of bets for free correct so you scammed me yes ludwig i scanned why is that why is that word so hard to say why why has it taken in four months for you to say that what's the summary for people who just joined that guy scammed me out of about fifty thousand dollars arguably a hundred and eighteen thousand dollars but depends on your point of view how do i have to tell it again all right last time last time and if grayson doesn't pay me out today we'll make it a fun youtube video we'll tell it from the top last time youtube video style okay and chat you just have to just a lull w in pog and smiley face and chat like good old youtube frogs but i'll tell you it from the start for real there was a poker match that i put on a few months ago it featured some amazing poker players and then also some huge creators like mr beast and ninja in xqc so i did this poker event and in the poker event it was a 100 000 buy-in which is insane it's an insane amount of money but surprisingly against all odds i won and i won big i went 300 000 and the way they paid me out was half in cash and half through a check now like a good boy i immediately went to my bank and i cashed the checkout so i put all the money back in my bank but i've never held a hundred thousand dollars before it's really fun to hold and so when i was at the bank i had the cash with me and i thought about putting it into my bank account but i was like you know what i kind of want to just hold on to this for a little bit and i kept it and i really didn't do much with it i only did like a few things that made me happy like i gave the people who cleaned my house like uh ten thousand dollars and i gave a restaurant that i really like a thousand dollars as a tip because like that that would make me happy they're really nice but the rest of the money i just had lying around until my friend jake my childhood friend jake was getting married and he was like hey i'm getting married and i would love if you came out to vegas to celebrate with me and like you know i grew up with this guy i lived with this guy and i was like yeah jake absolutely so i show up to vegas and right as i'm about to leave i see the big stack of cash and i'm like i'll bring half of that just half of that let me just bring half of that i want to very very clearly state i usually never gamble that much money before that day the most i had ever gambled with was 3 000 and i thought that was still insane my heart still races when i have you know a hundred dollars on the line but i brought a crazy amount of money and i landed in vegas a little before jake and his friends did and i sat down on a roulette table and i decided to get a little crazy i said hey i'm gonna put a thousand dollars on black if i win it's a great weekend it was red and that was just the start of what this entire weekend was going to be and i kept on losing and it was it was bit by bit it's very gradual i was there for like a full weekend and i i gave i gave jacob like as a wedding gift i gave him like like a 5 000 of it but the other 45 000 i was just losing and the last day i had 20 000 and i went to a blackjack table and i had one goal bring it all the way back to 50 000. and you know what i did i brought it all the way back to 50 000 dimes aka 5 000 i lost fifteen thousand dollars almost within like 30 minutes it was actually crazy i can't believe the things that i saw happened but they were happening in front of me and i felt a feeling in my chest that was it it was like someone twisted my heart i felt so sad and demoralized it was it was bad all right gambling addictions are not fun it felt terrible and so i moved over from this high roller room where they have really big bets to a pie gal table now you don't need to know anything about the game of pie gal the only thing you do need to know is that it's a game where you don't win a lot of money and you don't lose a lot of money it's a game that you play to sit down chill get some free drinks in las vegas and talk and cheer up if you've lost money playing other games and at the table i meet this dude you guys might have heard this story i've said it on a youtube channel before i said it on the main channel but it's a different ending now so i have five thousand left and we start talking and he's like hey my name's grayson i'm a voice actor and he goes it was a spongebob impression and i was like that was a six out of ten impression but i kind of believe it and he's like yeah on the side i'm also a professional gambler and i'm like huh that's crazy he's like yeah i have this algorithm that can beat the game and i'm also a really avid sports bettor and i'm like cool you know that's that's really interesting and i tell him about hey i'm a youtuber and he's like yeah i think i might have seen you before i'm like yeah i'm ludwig and i and i brought a lot of money this time and i ended up losing it all and grayson does a couple nice things like for one he says well hey i can try to help you gamble and win some back and for two i can introduce you to a guy who's a host this guy is basically meant to give you free things if you lose all your money gambling and i'm like okay well that sounds kind of good i lost a lot of money so i met this guy and i was like well this guy's being really nice to me and so we gamble and we gamble and he ends up bringing my five thousand dollars all the way up to fifteen thousand dollars and i was like dang this guy kind of knows what he's doing so right before i left las vegas i gave him six thousand dollars because that's how much i had at the very very end and i said hey i'm gonna give this to you very trusting i'm gonna give you this six thousand dollars you do whatever you can to make this bigger in a week in a month whatever it is and you can take a 30 cut of any of the money you make he's like all right bet and like a couple weeks pass and the money goes up and it goes down and he's like hey there was a giant storm in las vegas and they've shut down all the sports bets but i think i have a lot of sports bets that can win can you send me some money on crypto and i was like kind of suss but you've already been winning me a bit of money so sure and i send him about maybe five thousand dollars of crypto and then he wins a bit and i remember i even cashed out at one point i was like hey can i cash out some of the money you've won he's like yeah of course and i cashed out seventeen thousand dollars and i was like god damn that's not too bad like that's a that's a decent chunk of money that i just won and i started to trust this guy a bit and then he gambles over the next couple weeks some wins some losses and eventually i get a call i'm playing a valerant game i remember this very clearly and it's from grayson he's very panicked he's stressed out her name is maria and she's a tennis player and she's oh it's like you got it all how much money you have okay i'm in a valerian game i'm trying to clutch up we got air coots in the building i'm not gonna try to [ __ ] around and lose this game i'll call you back later before the game even ends i get another call from him he's desperate and he's like dude we have to do this right now i'm like okay what what is going on he's like okay the women's french open is happening right now it's one of the biggest tennis tournaments in the world the fourth best player in the world maria sakari just broke up with her boyfriend he broke up with her she's really sad and she wants to leave the event so she's going to throw the second round game and i'm there with aiden and he's like and i'm like okay this all sounds kind of sus and he's like how much bitcoin do you have and i'm like zero dollars but i have fifty thousand dollars in ethereum he's like well i think this is a sure-fire bet you should send as much money as you can so i'm like hmm and i literally turn to aiden i say i'm gonna send him everything and he's like what and i was like well it's losing its value anyway staying in ethereum as a cryptocurrency one and two it'd be kind of a hype story if i won and if i lose i think i'm okay with it maybe not the best choice but it was my choice and i sent him fifty thousand dollars and then i wait the tennis match gets delayed two days i'm stressed out i think that maybe maria will get over her boyfriend eventually i wake up the match happened at 6 00 a.m pacific because it happened in france and i wake up to not only maria sakari losing but losing 2-0 i immediately call grace and i go dude do we win he goes yes i made a 40 000 bet you are owed 108 000 with the other 10 000 you sent 108 000 and i'm like dude this is [ __ ] crazy at the same time that i have won crypto also crashes like all of crypto immediately halves in value so not only did i make all this money in a way i won two times because if it had stayed in my crypto wallet it would have gone from 50 000 to like 20 thousand it was like the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me and so i'm like alright well grayson can i get paid out and he's like okay well hold your horses a bit the guy who he made the bet with doesn't have the money i was like what he's like well yeah he didn't think we'd win and he doesn't have that much liquid money on hand it's normal and i'm like well i don't know what i'm doing sure okay he's like yeah it happens we'll just wait a bit he'll pay us out i'm like sure another week passes i'm like hey grayson is the money ready he's like well not yet but i think it's getting closer i'm like okay and then i go on a few trips i think a couple weeks pass and i finally get a text and it's a twitter thread and in the twitter thread it talks about how this guy named grayson scanned them out of a thousand dollars how they lent this guy a thousand dollars and then grayson was like hey man i just got beat up i got mugged here's the picture of me getting mugged they stole everything from me my phone my wallet i have nothing left can you call me so i can explain it and the tweet thread continues and it says well hey here's the weird part i saw grayson later that day and he had zero bruises on him at all and they made a whole twitter thing about it so i call him because i got a bit nervous the first thing i hear the number you're trying to reach is unavailable it's like a [ __ ] movie scene time freezes and my phone falls out of my hand and as it's falling i'm remembering like like dozens of conversations i've had with cutie where she's like i don't know if i trust this guy babe and i'm like dude it's gonna be fine and everyone's like man you sent him that much money and i'm like don't worry about it and before it hits the floor i come to the realization i've been scammed i spend the next couple weeks trying to understand how i've gotten myself into such a dumb position where i've been scammed out of this this insane amount of money how i can overcome the embarrassment of having gone through this what are my next steps and here's a problem by the way getting scammed is embarrassing when you get scammed you're getting scammed because someone took advantage of you because you were nice or because you were dumb in this case i was definitely both maybe a bit more of the latter and usually you're so embarrassed you do nothing about the scam this happens to old people all the time now obviously this happened to me so it's not exclusive to old people what i did after i found out i got scammed is i spent two weeks trying to get over it trying not to feel so bad about it trying not to be embarrassed about it and trying to be open and talking about it what i never thought is let me try to get this money back let me try to contact authorities that was until my birthday came around now i said grayson did a couple nice things one of the nice things that he did is that he linked me with one of the hosts at the venetian and this host was a guy whose entire job was to make people who gamble a lot of money have a good time and one of the ways he does this is by writing down all their birthdays and sending them a nice little text that says happy birthday and i got that exact text and when i got that text some gear started turning in my head i was like wait a second he probably has grayson's number yo can you send me grayson's number within 30 seconds i have his new phone number and i call bring bring bring bring and grayson picks up and immediately he's kind of like nervous he's not normally like that nervous of a guy but he's like stammering but he's like yo what's going on man i was like where's my money it's like the stewie griffin where's my money he's like dude i got an insane story for you and he tells me bar for bar this exact story dude it's grayson i got mugged i they stole [ __ ] so much cash for me they saw my phone they stole my wallet i can't pay you out now i'm like what does that have to do with anything just give me the money i mowed and let's go on our ways he's like no man you don't get it like obviously i'm not scamming you why would i be talking to you right now if i was scamming you i was like okay then why can't you send me the money he's like well the way it works is that you find someone you're gonna gamble with right like like i'm just a broker i'm not the guy who doesn't gamble you have to go to like a sports betting website and the way you talk to these sports betting websites is you talking like on instagram so i'm talking this guy on instagram and then but they stole my phone and when they stole my phone they logged in to my instagram changed the password change the recovery email so now i can no longer log into my instagram account i was like what he's like yeah that's what happened but at this point i'm fed up there's nothing that he can say that will make me believe him unless the money enters my account and then he says it but i start asking questions what's the email that it was before uh well it's like my name grayson starts with a g like okay great is it on instagram he's like yeah well hey man i don't trust you for [ __ ] i think you scammed me i wish you would just admit it but you're not going to do that he's like no i'm not i got mugged it's like all right i'm going to go hang up i immediately go to i type in his username and then i type in forgot password send reset link it pops up and it says email sent to now if you've ever done a password reset you might have experienced this it'll show you the email but only the first letter in the last letter and at whatever it is at so i look at it it says g asked for sas accessory assessors s and i look at the thing he gave me and it matches up g blah blah blah s ain't no [ __ ] why ain't no [ __ ] k ain't no [ __ ] way he thinks i'm gonna buy this horse [ __ ] bag of lies and so that leads us to where we are today the authorities are getting contacted i'm talking to other people he's scammed to get a whole report to make sure this guy never does that [ __ ] again i'm also trying to get him banned from every casino in vegas so he can't do it and even walk into the casino unless he can prove in the next two hours that he didn't do it and we'll find out because we just talked to him on stream today and he said he has to go home to get to his crypto account to be able to send me the crypto that's where we're at so what happened well i talked to grayson on the phone a couple times since telling that story and i got him to admit that he's scamming me i also hired a private investigator and i think i have enough information that i can go to the fbi and even get him locked up but i'm not going to do that yet grayson agreed to self-ban him from every casino in las vegas if you don't know you can actually send a letter to the casino and they will ban you if you ask to get banned i guess it's some gambler's anonymous thing now i think this is what happened grayson is a gambling addict he oversold his ability to gamble to get funds to gamble with for free he had an overconfidence in his ability he thought he would win pay back the person and use their interest-free loan to keep some of the money that plan works until it doesn't and he was in a really bad spot one night after losing 90 000 gambling in blackjack the same week he found this really good tennis bet that was a surefire hit and he hit me up in a panic state to get me to put all my money in which is exactly what i did i gave him fifty six thousand dollars of the fifty six thousand dollars he only bet fifteen the other forty one thousand dollars he used for various other bets most of them failed maybe some won but even those bets he ended up gambling in blackjack anyway so he was in a state where he had about zero dollars and no way to pay me my 108 000 that i was actually owed so he came up with some elaborate lie about how he got beat up his phone stolen and then instagram account changed and if he logged into his instagram account the money would magically be there but it's a lie the money is not there it doesn't exist maybe he has some money somewhere can pay back some of it but he'll never be able to pay back all of it unless he gambles again which i don't want him to do or he gets a job and works for a couple years which i also don't want to do i don't want some guy to be working and giving me 10 of their paycheck so what do i do i either put the guy in jail or i publicly shame him and get him to ban himself from all casinos i'm going to this route and maybe you're thinking that i'm a bit soft and maybe i am but i don't know i think a 23 year old kid who [ __ ] up and his [ __ ] people over deserves to get what's coming for them but also deserves the other 70 years of their life that they're going to live and he's lucky that he [ __ ] me over because i told him this to his face the amount of money that he scamming for 100k is the amount of money that people die for the amount of money people died for an uncut gems that's the whole point of the movie but i'm a youtuber and thankfully because you guys watch my videos it is crazy to say but i'm all right getting scammed out of 56 000 as long as he never does it again and if he does if you ever hear a story if you ever interact with him and he scams you or or you see him gambling let me know because i have the information to send to the fbi he promised he never would and now grayson it's your turn to hold to that promise and that's how i got scammed for over 100 000 thanks for watching boys see you later subscribe down below because i lost a lot of money making this video not on purpose [Music]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,920,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: 7t2xErsVFUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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