The 5 Best Netflix Shows - NitPix

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Hello Males, Females and non-applicables. It’s me, your favourite little boy in the whole wide world, NitPix with two Is. Now, a lot of you have been leaving comments about how negative my channel is. Since a life changing experience involving a cup of tea and a woodpecker I now fucking hate negativity and want it to die. I’ve decided to make my channel a safe space free from all negativity. So, to compensate for my long slew of content where I mostly shit on Netflix shows, I’ve decided to make up to you by giving you a top five list of my favourite shows that are currently on Netflix. Alright so I’m going to start out by telling you that uncle NitPix is recommending shows for you to watch, I’m not giving you an objective list of the best shows of all time, I’m trying to show you the hidden gems. Obviously Breaking Bad, House Of Cards, Stranger Things, Rick and Morty and Kevin James’s Never Don’t Give Up are excellent but if you had any sense you’d have probably watched them all by now. Also, not everything on this list is a Netflix original, they can be any show that is currently on Netflix. These shows aren’t ranked in any order of preference - it’s just random, but they are all quality. So… let’s start with the fucking positivity. 1: American Vandal American Vandal is a mockumentary in the style of ‘Making a Murderer’ but is mostly inspired by the first season of the podcast Serial. The show aims to answer one key question, did delinquent Dylan Maxwell spray paint 27 dicks on cars belonging to high school faculty members. Everyone seems to think he did, he’s a known pranker, dick drawer and has been subsequently expelled for his alleged involvement. But Peter Maldonado, a high school filmmaker isn’t convinced and sets out to uncover the truth. With each new bit of information that’s slowly revealed about the characters and the events of that day, the plot thickens into a clotted pancake batter of comedy, intrigue and genuine emotional stakes. At first impressions from the trailers and premise, American Vandal could be judged as a dumb high school comedy. However, it doesn’t take long to realise that this show offers something incredibly special. The high school lifestyle that’s presented here is the most realistic I’ve seen in modern television. This is a show that demonstrates the social nuances of everyday high school interactions. The characters always have justification for doing unethical things and the lines between friendship groups aren’t clearly defined. There is a hierarchy, but it isn’t enforced by a dress code or who sits with who at the canteen, it’s communicated by who gets invited to a party, how the characters interact with each other or how many likes or followers someone has on social media. Speaking of which, American Vandal is the first show I know of, to use Social Media as a narrative tool to develop characters, forward a plot and reveal hidden truths. It’s also particularly impressive how much thought is put into every multimedia aspect of this show. Whenever archive footage is used, there’s clearly thought put into what camera would be used, what angle and who would be filming it. You find your feelings for each suspect in the case of the dicks to be constantly fluctuating as you continuously find out new details about each of them. the show balances hilarious character interactions, overly dramatic re-enactments and an absurd narrative with what becomes a genuinely engaging and well thought out crime story. You’re just continuously questioning who drew the dicks. All in all, watching American Vandal is like having a drip feed of high school gossip being cathartically pumped into your veins, circulating into your blood stream and slowly making you more and more addicted, until you’ve binged it all and you’re left feeling empty and used. But luckily, you’ve got another 4 shows on this list to give your meaningless life a little bit of value. 2: Limmy’s show Watching Limmy’s show feels like you’ve been kidnapped by a mad Scottish man on methamphetamines, who just wants to tell you bizarre and surreal stories that make you laugh and feel a bit uncomfortable. In a good way. It’s essentially a sketch comedy show entirely from the brain of Brain Limond, a Scottish comedian who although looks like an unusually normal man, is very far from that. Limmy’s show has an unhinged quality that makes each sketch feel entirely contained and magnetic. It’s comedy you’ll find yourself quoting and recounting to people endlessly. There isn’t a standard format or structure to a sketch in Limmy’s show. It can be a mere few seconds or it can be lengthy, with multiple scenes and characters. There are reoccurring characters, such as Dee Dee, a paranoid stoner, often caught up in a preposterous delusion, such as going to space in a cardboard box or he might theorise that the objects in his kitchen come alive like toy story when he’s not in the room. These are hilarious but as an audience we feel pity for Dee Dee, as we watch a mentally ill, socially deprived victim of drug abuse talk to himself there’s a conflicting stew of emotions boiling in our souls and this is what makes Limmy’s Show above the standard sketch comedy show. Brian limond has had experiences with alcoholism and depression and he uses these experiences to write tragic characters that evoke empathy and depth. But sometimes Limmy’s Show just goes balls to the wall with entirely surreal and trippy gags that are so varied and out there that every time a new sketch begins you’re in the dark as to what to expect. It could be childish slapstick, offensive and dark humour, something that resembles stand-up or nonsensical dreamlike audio and visuals. Limmy’s Show has no limits and it’s impossible to predict a punchline. Not only this, but you have no idea which jokes and sketches may come back and be re incorporated into an episode. There’s a sketch in one of the episodes where limmy is at a cafeteria and asks for a bowl of onion soup which he starts stirring, as he does this strange ethereal music plays and as he stares into the soup, we see a very small limmy sitting on a floatie relaxing in the onion soup, smugly smiling back at the limmy with the soup. Unlike other sketch comedy shows, which mostly rely on dialogue for humour, Limmy’s Show has an emphasis on deriving laughs from the editing, sound design and visual styles that can be achieved in filmmaking. Ten minutes after the onion soup sketch we go back to the cafeteria and this time Limmy gets a Tomato soup and the context of the joke completely changes, his fantasy takes a dark turn as he imagines all his work colleagues dead and covered in blood. There is such an array of creative set pieces and ideas on display with Limmy’s show and if this is the sort of dark twisted depraved shit you’d be into then give it a go. 3: Dirk Gently’s holistic detective Alright, it’s time to address the elephant in the room. Due to regional distribution rights, Netflix looks a bit different for every country. I really tried to make this list as global as it could be, but some of you will find you can’t watch some of these shows on Netflix in your country. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency is available to everyone outside the US, but as Netflix partly produced it, I feel like it’s only a matter of time before that’s reprimanded. But to make up for it here’s some honourable mentions that are available to stream in the US right now. Why am I doing the honourable mentions halfway through the list? Because I like to go one step beyond. Chefs Table, this guy took the idea of cooking and flipped the concept on its head. James Acaster’s Repertoire, he only went and did the best Netflix stand-up act since Kevin James. Wild Wild Country, do you like a good doco? Here’s a good a doco. Luther, ohh ahhh it’s a crime drama that’s not formulac and borinnng. Aside from series 4 stay right away from that. First three though… Toast Of London, Oh look more surreal British humour… are you sensing a pattern yet? At first impressions Dirk Gently’s Holistic detective agency can feel quite jarring and disorientating, as it doesn’t attempt to try and ease you into its schizophrenic child-like world. However, if you give this show the time to charm you, you’ll be swept away by one of the most unique television experiences available to you right now. All these chaotic and quirky aspects that may originally ostracise you are exactly what makes the show unique. In typical detective mysteries, each plot thread that serves to bring the detective closer to solving the case has to be worked for and earnt within the context of the story. If our detective is coincidently at the right place at the right time, this would make for an unengaging story and would be considered lazy writing in most instances, however, Dirk gently is a holistic detective, this means that those coincidences which would typically be seen as cheap cop-outs are the very crux of the story, since the universe specifically guides Dirk to the clues of a case instead of him working to find them. Max Landis takes a hugely bizarre and complicated mystery plot, and writes it in a way where every scene works towards furthering that mystery. The unpredictable twists and turns provide you with a satisfaction that can only be achieved through a considered and meticulous writing process. This spans an entire series, 6 hours of content and everything in those six hours is important and has a payoff. At the start of the series, certain characters and scenes feel randomly shoved in, but as the narrative progresses, the separate elements start to link together, resulting in a narrative resolution that feels like taking acid and having a life changing personal epiphany involving a cup of tea and a woodpecker. This overarching narrative is impressive, but what’s more impressive is the level of skill that goes into the individual scenes that make up Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. The dialogue is witty and is brimming with intricate characters. However, there is catch when it comes to Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. Due to the reasons I mentioned earlier, the viewership wasn’t high enough to warrant a 3rd season of the show. You’ll grow to love the characters and the world they inhabit so much that you’ll be in constant misery fantasising about what could’ve been. So, I don’t recommend this show if you are vulnerable or haven’t yet gotten over firefly. 4: Star Trek TNG Now we all know what Star Trek is, it’s been around since the 60s and has been able to carve itself out as one of the most iconic sci-fi franchises ever. But as far as I know there aren’t a lot of millennials such as myself watching star trek the next generation, and they really should because im desperate to talk to someone my age about how actually sick it is. With the first iteration of trek you are required to approach the show with a grain of salt due to the limitations of when it was made, the later iterations feel like they belong in the uncomfortable part of the 90s but with The Next Generation it has a timeless quality that holds up to today’s standards The general gist of it, is we’re hundreds of years into the future, where human beings have become fully peaceful, ethical and tolerant. They’ve developed intergalactic travel and have formed Starfleet, an organisation with the primary goal of spreading peace and uniting the galaxy. The crew of the USS Enterprise are so bloody efficient, with their protocols and rules, they’re calm as fuck and have full confidence in what they’re doing all the time. The only member of the enterprise who really fucks up is this guy and he was there on a Starfleet exchange program and didn’t know how to work anything. But the rest of the crew are able to solve the problem in the most efficient way possible. OHHH IT’S JUST SO SATISFYING. I LOVE YOU WORF. It shows the best of humanity, our empathy, understanding and resilience. It just makes you feel so warm and happy inside. With each episode there is a moral conundrum, a problem presents itself that doesn’t have a clear solution. The antagonist are not typical villains that want to take over the galaxy, their motivations and actions are understandable and relatable. They usually come from a different culture, with different values and ideas. Instead of attacking them violently, the enterprise and you as a viewer, are forced to empathise and learn about how these life forms function. Ultimately resulting some juicy juicy themes for you to stick your intellectual teeth into. However, the show is never heavy handed or preachy with these philosophical narratives. It’s just the bottom of the Star Trek Sundae. On top of that, you’ve got a natural build-up of suspense and tension, even though the show is slightly formulaic, there’s always a point in every episode where you feel like the enterprise is definitely fucked and everyone’s going to die. I can gush my creamy British vocal chords all day when it comes to this show, but I’ll just say that Star Trek The Next Generation made me a kinder, more selfless human being and if you want to be a better person you should watch it too… and all my videos. 5: People just do nothing People just do nothing is an English mockumentary, that’s right I have two mockumentaries on this list and four out of five of these are comedies but fuck you I can do what I want, it’s my list, it’s my channel, it’s my- oh shit I forgot we were trying to be positive FUCK But the idea with this one is that we follow a group of the biggest wasters in the country. Some of the most unlikeable, frustrating, self-entitled, rude, unintelligent and deluded people ever put into a mockumentary. If you thought David Brent from The Office was as pathetic as an English male could get, you haven’t seen MC Grindah. MC Grindah runs a pirate radio station Kurupt FM plays garage music all day everyday and according to Grindah, is West London’s most popular station with ten to a hundred fans tuning in at any moment. No matter where Grindah is, he always thinks he’s the most intelligent person in the room. He’s committed his life to a crappy radio station and acts like the people around him should worship the ground he walks on. He’s so unaware that his life is a complete train wreck that you can’t help but feel sorry for him and want him to get his shit together. In order for cringe comedy to work, the audience have to hope that the characters can change, we have to root for them and want them to do better. This is what People Just Do Nothing excels in. DJ Beats, Grindah’s partner in crime is constantly being manipulated, he’s docile and malleable, but is redemptive with his pure loyalty and trust. Chappady G is a man who completely values himself through women and is desperate for any kind of affection, with every advance and subsequent rejection, he becomes more tragic and pitiful. This empathy is created by a perfect mix of exceptional performances and incredibly solid writing. With English cringe comedy shows, such This Country, The Ali G show and I’m Alan Partidge, they can often feel very episodic. What makes People Just Do Nothing different, is it has a strong narrative continuity that flows from one episode to the next. At times the show feels like a straight up drama, with each scene progressing the overarching story further. Additionally, the ensemble nature of the show means we have multiple sub plots all running simultaneously which contains key moments of overlap. Different combinations of characters can produce a wide variety of hilarious set pieces. Just like real people, the character’s status and behaviour will change depending on who they’re with and in what context. This keeps the show fresh and engaging, as it gives characters you’re familiar with brand new dimensions that you didn’t know existed and makes your butthole cringe in ways you didn’t know existed. The through line with all these shows is that they are doing more than what it says on the can, all of these projects are headed by artists who respect you as a viewer and a consumer and so through that respect they supersede what they need to be, each of them offering something innovative and pushing the boundaries of their respected area, and because of that we should give them our money, I promise you won’t be disappointed… Well I can’t promise because I don’t know you… I semi-promise you won’t be disappointed. But if you’re triggered that I didn’t mention a show that you like, then how about you tell me about it in the comments and I’ll give it a watch. Also make sure to subscribe, pummel the like button and share this video with a mate if you learnt something new, but if you didn’t learn anything new from this, then I have something a little... special for you my child. ‘Brilliant’ is a fun interactive problem-solving website which allows you to push yourself in a whole range of ways. There’s only so much you can get from sitting about watching videos my man, the best learning is active learning and THAT is exactly what Brilliant is about. Brilliant teaches you to think like a scientist by guiding you through problems. They take complex mathematical and scientific concepts, break them up into delicious bite sized bits, where they present clear thinking in each part and then build back up to a sexy conclusion. I mostly found myself gravitating towards the logic puzzles, because in my own deluded world, I like to think I could be Sherlock, using logic and deduction to solve problems. 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Channel: undefined
Views: 204,775
Rating: 4.8824563 out of 5
Keywords: NitPix, Nit Pix, NitPicks, Top 5 Netflix, Netflix, top 5, top, shows, originals, review, best, What to watch, You can watch right now, Video Essay, top 10, best shows on netflix, best netflix originals, recommend, Limmy's Show, Dirk Gently Holistic Detective Agency, American Vandal, Star Trek, The Next Generation, TNG, People Just Do Nothing, Stranger Things, Rick and Morty, House Of Cards, The OA, Breaking Bad, Lost In Space, Altered Carbon, Narcos, Ozark, Making A Murderer
Id: DuoGwsPknFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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