Youtube has some serious issues...

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so i just got back from la and right before i left on my way to the airport the main man corey kenshin dropped an absolute banger of a video youtube you guys either play favorites you are racist or it's a mix of the two these are the three options youtube he levied uh some pretty serious accusations against youtube and i wanted to talk to i want to talk about it a little bit in this video because i kind of have a a lot of thoughts around these types of subjects when it comes to youtube in general the stuff that corey talked about was very specific to his use case about what was going on with his channel and he accused youtube of playing favorites and possibly being racist against black creators and other creators of color when they upload their content um as i mean let's face it i come from a place of immense privilege being a white man on the internet so i can't speak for the racist side of things but he brought us some pretty good points that are kind of hard not to think about in that regard because uh he brought up a bunch of receipts as well talking about his uh instances with the youtube rep that he had and just kind of break it down for you he uploaded uh the mortuary assistant and his video got age restricted because of a certain section got to do with self-harm and dealing with the themes of suicide and everything if you've watched my series on the mortuary assistant you know what scene that is um and he got frustrated by it because he got age restricted and then he started searching around other youtubers to see if theirs was age restricted and it wasn't no one else's was age restricted so i appealed the restriction um hey guys i'm i'm not sure why mine got age restricted could you look into this appeal reject it but i i should clarify this that i talked to corey a little bit about this i was texting him after his video went out to talk about it um because i really liked his video and i i'm really glad that he he did it and brought up a lot of these points um but he said that he checked my video as one of the first ones he went to to see if it got age restricted and at the time it wasn't but my video has been age restricted since the 15th of august cory scenario that happened was that his video got age restricted he looked around some other youtubers didn't have age restrictions on their content either and he went to some other channels like uh like markipliers to see if theirs got restricted as well because like a big creator who's seen very favorably in youtube's eyes um and had like a very popular video about mortuary assistant as well wasn't age restricted so he felt a bit targeted as a result of that which fair enough this happens all the time and i'll get to that in a minute as well but he went back to his youtube rep and was like hey why is my age restricted when marx isn't and it has the exact same scene in it and then suddenly his got green lit it was fine they took the age restriction off and everything went about their business and then he started to get pretty mad about it which i completely understand because why is that the scenario why is that the order of operations now my youtube rep he was excited he was oh great this is awesome look corey they took the age restriction off i said why i expected them to triple down and give markiplier an age restriction too but they looked at mark's video and they used that to verify my innocence and then sent a pretty scathing email to his youtube rep which fair play to you i'm i'm very proud of you corey for doing that because it takes a lot to stand up to these types of things that are happening whenever they do happen because it's a big system and a lot of times we're left to feel very dumb in regards to what's going on at youtube like we just don't understand the system and then this happens and you're like why what the hell is going on why did it suddenly get green light when it only was because i mentioned it and then they turned around and age restricted him again and age restricted mark's video and what do you know they re-age restricted the video they re-age restricted the video i say no way did they do that i go to markiplier's video now and now his video is age-restricted they got caught with their pants down and i don't know if that's when mine got age restricted as well i think corey actually uploaded his after mine so maybe not um but at the same time it highlights a huge problem on the platform and i want to talk a little bit about that not just corey's case but my sort of experiences with it as well because the amount of times and i have very good evidence of this as well because i have a girlfriend who does the exact same job as me in the other room and a lot of times we upload the same games and this has happened a couple of times now where we'll both upload the same game her video will get flagged or claimed or something like that and mine will be totally fine and then she's wondering why mine is clear and i'm also like yeah that's so weird why is mine suddenly fine like that they just not flag me because i'm a bigger creator and then sometimes a couple of days will go by and then i'll get flagged for it but it's like why did hers get flagged instantly and mine didn't because she got flagged for the mortuary assistant as well got age restricted for the same scene and it took days before minded when you think if it's supposed to be that obvious that it's in the system and these types of scenes are happening and they get auto flagged by this system shouldn't it be consistent across everybody's i don't want special treatment because i'm a bigger youtuber i don't want special treatment because i've been on the platform for a while or maybe my content has been a bit more palatable to a lot of people and i don't i don't like walk the boat i i mean i swear a lot of my content and that's been something in the past where i'm like am i getting is my stuff getting restricted because of that but for the most part my content is totally fine and i think because of that then they come to me and they're like no we're not going to flag you because you're fine you normally are green in the system which is a massive problem as well because i have the benefit of there's been a couple of times when this has happened to me and evelyn where we go to our youtube rep and say why is this age restricted why did this get flagged why am i ad limited on my videos and then they'll come back and be like let me look into it they go to the policy team come back saying sorry it was a false flag and then everything gets greenlit again and now this has nothing got to do with my youtube rep i have nothing against him i actually really really love my youtube rep he's amazing he always has my back and really fights for me whenever i ask him to he's as transparent as he can be with the information that he has all the time so this is nothing against him he's just my point of contact to get to youtube's policy team and i don't think even he has all the answers most of the time so i don't want any if anybody at youtube is watching this please don't say anything to them in regards to this because they are phenomenal and i'm really glad that i have them but at the same time i keep thinking about what it's like if you don't have a youtube rep uh to talk to this stuff about like there's a lot of smaller creators out there that gets to fly for the same reasons and then they don't have anybody to talk to and it just stays flagged for a long time and what happens because of that is when your stuff gets like a yellow symbol on it you get demonetized or you get ad limited suitability or you get claimed or anything like that it just kills your search rankings because youtube don't want to promote something that can go out to people that's claimed or has some sort of sensitive material or something in it so you just don't end up in people's recommendations you don't end up in suggested videos you don't get pushed to as many people as you would if you were green lit in the system so there's a lot of creators out there who are probably getting hit with stuff that shouldn't be and one of my instances was that i got i can't remember the video off the top of my head right now but i got it flagged then i went to my youtube rep about it and they put it into the system and were like yeah that's weird why did that happen and then it came back and it was greenlit and they were like we don't know what happened but what might have been the cause is that something in the auto captions had like underscores in it and whenever uh youtube want to sensor swear words it puts underscores into the auto generated captions so it might have thought that i was swearing where i wasn't swearing and auto flagged the video which is a massive issue whenever you upload a video and most of your views come within the 24 hour period that it's uploaded and then maybe it hits the algorithm later and takes off but a lot of my views come in that first 24 hour period or 48 hours and if something like that happens immediately it crushes the video it can't really take off again as much as it probably once could and there's just a whole mess of issues around it in regards to that so that inconsistency with uploading and that kind of check system that's going on is really bothersome and sometimes i'll upload a video today i'm trying to get an eye tracker video done uh that had like some nudity in it but we were trying really hard to like censor it as best we could so that it was like you can't actually see anything in the video and it kept getting uh restricted immediately every time i uploaded it no matter how many sensors we were putting onto it and i was like fine there's a lot of implied stuff in it i get it it's it's a very like risque kind of video and i knew that before even recording the video but we kept uploading and i was like you know what at one point i'll just try an appeal on it to see what they say maybe they'll tell me exactly what actually is getting flied because i have no idea i don't know if it's some of the implied nudity some of the stuff we're covering up with pictures some of the stuff that's pixelated there's some male like top body nudity in it which that double standard has existed for a while where that's totally fine showing male nipples but anything else then is deemed way too sensitive which is a whole other topic for a different discussion but i was like okay maybe it's that but then all of a sudden the appeal came back and the video was greenlit and i don't know why i don't know why suddenly it's fine because somebody looked at it and was like actually yeah this video is fine why is it getting flagged so it's this uh imbalance between the system flagging stuff versus uh like a manual reviewer flagging it and a lot of times i don't know which is doing it i don't know which is which i don't know who's actually checking the stuff or what's checking this stuff why it's getting flagged and that i think is the biggest issue with all of this is that lack of communication and transparency and willingness to know what we're getting flagged for and that's been an issue for a really long time on the platform because not only can that happen but the reverse can happen as well where i get something flagged then it gets green lit by somebody at youtube supposedly and then suddenly i upload the video and then five days later i'm like okay it's clear great now i'm happy because i know that that video is fine because someone manually reviewed it and then a couple of days go by and then it gets flagged again and i can't appeal it that's that's a really big problem for anybody doing this kind of job and again i come from a place of huge privilege where i have the ability to actually talk to them about it can you imagine if you don't have that ability what are you going to do about your content you're just sitting there with it in limbo wondering if the next thing you upload is actually going to get flagged as well you're second guessing everything and that sort of like second guessing of stuff has really killed my sort of creativity when it comes to content or like it just pulls me out of it whenever i'm recording something and i'm thinking man is this going to get flagged do i have to edit this out and all of these filters going through my brain just kind of like pulls me out of the moment and pulls me out of my own content where i just want to sit here and have fun and record stuff and i know these systems are in place for good reasons like to keep children safe um to keep pornographic content off the platform like for the reasons that they're implemented they're very they're very good reasons for them being there and i completely understand that and don't want them to go away i just wish it was more consistent and a bit more transparent as to what's going on because right now it feels like you get flagged for some sort of stuff and they won't tell you what it is because either they don't know or they don't want to tell you because then it'll like poke holes in the system and i guess this is a good jumping off point to the next point which is that there's a big issue with users flagging videos these days as well and i again i'm speaking all of this anecdotally because i don't have any like crazy proof of this it's just kind of what i go through and what i see others go through and the stories that i hear from them is that users can flag videos and if you get mass reported for something i think then youtube pays attention to it and does something about it and a recent example of this was that the corridor digital people got their channel hacked and they got mass reported by people watching the video to be like hey your channel's hacked or we want this taken down or something like that and then their whole channel was removed from youtube so it made me think what happens if you're not hacked and people report you on mass like that as well do youtube actually check it and then be like no that's fine we'll keep it or is it automated where the the system will just take your channel down anyway if you just get mass flagged for something because what if somebody uploads something and other people don't like it and then it gets mass reported like i don't know the systems in place for users flagging videos like that or if somebody finds something unsavory or they didn't find it funny or something like that can't they just abuse the system then to get something they don't like uh addressed and again i could be i could be talking out of my ass on this one and it could not actually be like that and there could be way more systems in place to protect people from that but again i don't know and the fact that i don't know in these scenarios and i'm guessing is a massive problem we should know especially as people on this platform that are like all these massive creators that are bringing in so much revenue for youtube and the fact that we don't know exactly how you address these types of things i think is a really big problem because this happened a while ago as well um with between charlie and mark as well and again people keep saying this poor mark keeps getting dragged into all of this stuff but it's a very good use case scenario because in youtube's eyes it seems like mark can do no wrong these days and i don't i don't know why but it seems like i've gotten stuff flagged before where mark hasn't and i think because me and mark are similar size and like make similar content that to me was really bizarre um the only difference is that mark has made like youtube original shows with them and i'm wondering if he was put into a different system so those shows wouldn't get flagged for some of the stuff that was in them so now other stuff kind of gets a bit more leeway on it again i don't know i could be talking out of my ass and i don't want to put instances in place that aren't actually happening but it's kind of hard to not think about these things from this perspective and i would love to be able to talk to someone at youtube about this more in depth and see exactly like get some actual honesty out of it instead of being talked to in riddles but this happened with mark and charlie before where charlie uploaded a video with the same clip that mark reacted to years ago and charlie's video got a strike it wasn't just like a claim i think he legitimately got a strike on his channel which is like the three strikes in your out rule and mark didn't so mark made a video about it being like where's my strike and instead of addressing the problem and being like oh yeah we're inconsistent and that sucks and we're sorry they just gave mark a strike it's like that's not the solution that's not what we were talking about and that's not the solution here either we're not saying everybody should be flagged now because we're talking about it it should be maybe everyone should be flagged for the same things all the time so it's consistent across everybody's channels and no one is being prioritized no one's getting favoritism or is the system just missing things which is also a big problem like what is actually going on we don't know and that's really disheartening to upload content like there's sometimes when i'm like i don't know if i should upload that because i don't know if it'll actually like go into the system i don't know if it'll do well i don't know if youtube will actually serve this up to people i don't know if it'll flagged i don't like all these things going through my head and then it's just like well i just want to upload it now because it just killed the phone in uploading my own content and that's why i make content is just for the fun of it just to like get out of my own head a piece of escapism to have fun with everybody at home but the fact that like this year i've had to second-guess absolutely everything i'm doing down to like titles and thumbnails because that's the new meta with everything it's like you have to think of a title first and then think of a really slapping thumbnail that like click baits people into your video instead of just having it be like hey i'm uploading an hour of this video that's a game and it's fun and i just want to do it casually and like sit back relax and actually have my stuff served to the same people that it was always served to before and now suddenly it's just vastly different i i don't get it and it's hard to talk about this stuff as well because i'm not trying to come at this from a perspective of like oh woe is me my video should be doing better that that's not the case if if i upload something that people just aren't interested in that's totally fine i absolutely get it like i uploaded that watcher video recently about the camera system for like a bigger universe that i'm building for iris and like the egos and everything and i get that that's jarring and it comes out of nowhere and it's not really anything that people can latch on to yet because the whole world hasn't been built yet so i get if something like that does a little differently because people just don't know what to expect with it and just aren't that interested in it but when i'm uploading like similar videos to some of my peers and then it gets like punished for that because of something i did slightly differently than them that's that's a really big issue to me because everyone should be treated fairly on the platform if we're all going to rise again because this is coming from a perspective of like being a white dude on youtube and this comes back to corey's video again where he said he'll come back from a massive break have huge videos do massive numbers and it's always super impressive to see and then certainly youtube will come out of nowhere and start flagging videos from like eight months ago when he wasn't uploading and every single time i start to get an uptick in traction and uptick in activity use here comes youtube coming through hey um uh uh let's get them for that video from 2019. yeah you see this cory no this is bad it wasn't bad the nine months that i was off the platform it was only bad when i got back and i was number one trending so why why are they getting flagged now when he's back and not when he's uploaded them or not when he's on his break it's suddenly like now i'm gaining traction and attention again and then youtube punish him for it is it users flagging videos who maybe don't like him is it racists is it people at youtube doing it nobody knows so all he can do is like jump to his own conclusions based on the experience that he's been having and that ends up in the video that he has and that's why i'm making this video and i saw that ludwig made one as well and charlie made one and mark's probably gonna make a video on this too talking about those experiences as well and i just hate how inconsistent everything is these days as people who upload to this platform that i've been doing it i'll be doing it 10 years in december i know what consistency looks like i know what it's like to upload that often over long periods of time and to suddenly have things shift and be so chaotic and so inconsistent is really jarring from my perspective um and i just i don't really know what to do about it other than the fact that i just kind of don't want to upload videos right now i i mean have a couple of brand deals that i i'm committed to that i told people i would do and like contracts and everything that i i will do but at the same time after that i'm like i don't even know if i want to upload because the ecosystem that's on youtube right now is so bland and boring to upload to um like as an example as well some of my videos were like really underperforming when i took like a week off and i was like well i don't know why these are underperforming because again i know what my consistency looks like i know what my average is and then i upload these videos after taking time off and it's like are you punishing me for taking time away from my channel surely not and if you're not then why are these underperforming compared to like the average of what i'm normally doing when they're the types of games that people are interested in it's not just something out of nowhere that people wouldn't want to watch and then it's like were my title and thumbnail not good enough for what the current meta is which is that like click-through rate um like getting people into the video immediately and i feel like that ecosystem right now is all about like what is the massive idea like how much money am i giving away in a video um like i did this in this video and you'll never believe what happened it's that kind of like click baiting into videos instead of just being like hey i just want to upload a video game here's part one and not have to worry about like how do i clickbait people into it and that i mean i i get it because that's just my style of youtube that's just the way i like doing it i come from a place of just more casualness and um like the genuine side of youtube instead of trying to like do huge numbers that's never been like my thing um so i get that at some point that kind of stuff is going to take over and it's always kind of been on the platform anyway but for me it's just kind of like it's kind of killing the fun of the platform it's not why i do youtube so i'm like why am i funneling into this system that's just not that fun to do right now so i'm glad corey made that video i'm glad that it's the same as me talking about the spam comments a while ago that is still kind of a problem they brought in new filters and i got to like beta tested and it did it did okay but there's still a lot of it out there um you still see channels with like fake mr beast profile pictures and then n words in their name or they'll have pornographic pictures as their profile picture and like sex in their name it's like why is that stuff fine but i have to jump through a million hoops just to upload a video and that other stuff is way more easy to catch than any of the stuff that i'm doing is like all of that stuff just kind of ruins the fun of it and i don't blame corey for taking breaks as often as he does because why why wouldn't you if you're not having as much fun because cory comes from the same school of youtube that i do which is like you just start off in your room and you play and you just wanna have fun with your audience and entertain and make as many jokes as possible and just get through a game and make it the most entertaining experience you can and right now it feels like that's not the prime goal of content because everybody has to have like a crazy idea first and then the content kind of forms around it and in some ways that's great in some ways that's uh increased their productivity on the platform with the production quality and the platform and like you get more information now in 10 minutes than you ever did you can't just sit back and upload an unedited 10-minute video like you could back in the day and that's better um i do like that stuff has to be a bit more involved you have to try a little harder you have to edit your videos a bit better you have to keep people's attention a bit more that stuff's great i just think the extreme end of that is a bit concerning for where the platform is going um but i don't know i'm curious to see what other people think in the comments i'm curious what other youtubers think am i alone in this is this just my experience for what i'm doing um but i thought i'd make a video about this kind of stuff anyway to kind of like back up corey too because i'll always have his back he's uh he's one of the more genuine people on the platform so nice doesn't swear makes the most fun content he can for his audience and i really respect and appreciate that um and even though i started like before him and he talks about how i inspired him a lot of times he's really inspiring me these days to like try harder with my content so shout out to corey he's one of the best youtubers on the platform so that's why i want to back him up on this and talk about it as well um because it's it's just a confusing time to kind of be on the platform where i don't know it's just kind of exhausting to have to overthink your content this much when it was just so much more fun before but again open discussion i don't have all the answers i don't claim to either i'm speaking from my own experience in these regards so i'm very curious to see what everybody else thinks um other youtubers other creators other like people in the comments anything at all um but i do think that this is a discussion worth having when it comes to youtube about the inconsistencies with their systems and how many different variations and variables there are in it for uploading content because it's starting to get really confusing and really annoying to do when i upload a video that's like like my stray video i wanted to get that up on time when the game came out had to wait till the next day because youtube's systems were checking to see if it was okay took nine hours to check it when sometimes it takes 20 minutes and i have no idea why and they couldn't tell me why either just their solution was like maybe try re-uploading the video but you can't re-upload the same video and have that one still checked because you'll upload it and then youtube will be like this is the same video so we're not uploading it like what am i supposed to do anyway that's going to do it for this video uh curious to see what you guys think uh and i'll see in the next one thanks now i realize that when you call someone a racist that's a very very serious accusation and for that matter how do you expressly prove that someone is a racist i mean unless they're spamming the n-word in the chat how how do you really know and admittedly i cannot 100 percent prove that race had everything to do with this but i can tell you the people on that policy team those shadow people that are anonymous and get to enact their will however they see fit how can we be sure that they take a black person's video and a white person's video and it can be the same exact video and they restrict the black person's video but not the white person's video
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,715,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: _IuqFlWovGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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