YouTube: Racism and Favoritism

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i'm gonna try my best to articulate this video as thoroughly as plainly as eloquently as possible i don't want there to be any lost context i don't want to just look like i'm coming out of nowhere having a temper tantrum because these things are happening the allegations i am levying towards youtube are extremely serious and i'm taking this video extremely seriously youtube you guys either play favorites you are racist or it's a mix of the two these are the three options youtube which one is it here's my proof i've been doing youtube a long time okay i never want to be that guy oh it's because i'm black all these issues are happening because i'm black there have been certain situations that i looked at kind of funny i said hmm it could be because of that but nah i ain't gonna i'm not trying to press that i don't want to build that narrative around my my youtube channel this time i can no longer let it slide this is the situation august 18th i uploaded the mortuary assistant a lot of you would know it got age restricted because the following video i did i let you guys know we got her age restricted youtube didn't tell me why i saw that all these other youtubers were playing the mortuary assistant and only my video seemed to be age restricted and i looked for like an hour two hours i was scrolling all different types of people's video no one else's was age restricted so i appealed the restriction um hey guys i'm not sure why mine got age restricted could you look into this appeal rejected they doubled down the policy team said no corey your video is restricted for good reason we're not going to tell you why but it's restricted that's our final decision i said hmm okay i get with my youtube rep i sent him an email hey could you look at this this is some weird stuff going on only my video got age restricted my youtube rep who isn't on the policy team he looked at my video and he said hey it could possibly be this part at the end where the woman was battling some depression and i'm just going to leave it there lest this video also get age restricted just because i'm talking about it so i looked at that part the first thing i did was try to find other youtubers who had that part or at least a part similar now markiplier i don't know if you'll ever see this but i just want you to know i have a lot of respect for you and i didn't mean to drag you into the middle of this your channel just has happens to be a great reference point because a you're really big youtuber and b you're not black so i can look at your channel and then i can look at my channel or look at anyone else's channel and make sure that the things in the games that you play all that they're enforcing the rules equally to everybody so i go to markiplier's mortuary assistant part three and he had the same situation going on and his video wasn't age restricted so i send the video to my youtube rep i say hey um markiplier has this situation in his video but his isn't age restricted could you send that to the policy team and see what they say about that he said wow corey uh that's some astute detective work let me uh send this to them and see what they say what do you think happened after that i'll give you a second they came back and they removed my age restriction they took it off after they already rejected my appeal i sent them the clip of markiplier's video that has the same thing and they removed it now my youtube rep he was excited he was oh great this is awesome look cory they took the age restriction off i said why i expected them to triple down and give markiplier an age restriction too but they looked at mark's video and they used that to verify my innocence so i sent my youtube rep a lengthy email detailing my feelings about the the entire situation feeling like there was some favoritism at play there was either that or some racism at play and that i would like to sit down with the policy team and figure out why my video was flagged in the first place actually number one was it automated or was it a human that age restricted it in the first place number two who was the human reviewer because it's a human reviewer once you send submit an appeal who was the human reviewer that doubled down and rejected my appeal number three why did it take markiplier's clip in order for them to reverse the decision my youtube rep gets back with me he wants to hop on a call we get on the phone um for about 10-15 minutes and i tell them i've been feeling like this for a long time i've been feeling like every single time that i come back to youtube i'm number one trending for a few days and then they find some arbitrary issue they nitpick and they try and find something that they can incriminate me for and try to push me down you don't believe me what happened the last time i came back and i was number one trending for like a week they copyright strike me for a video that was in 2019 or something like that why don't these issues ever crop up when i'm not uploading i mean i'm not on youtube like nine months out of the year nothing ever happens until i come back and i start uploading again and i'm getting my numbers they're climbing they're exploding i'm number one trending and then they're like hey we need to stop him we need to like this black man he's getting too many views he's getting too much exposure too much activity hold that bob let's get back to the current situation so my youtube rep assures me he's going to continue this dialogue with the policy team and try to get some answers to those three questions that i had so another day another two days go by and what do you know they re-age restricted the video they re-age restricted the video i say no way did they do that i go to markiplier's video now and now his video is age restricted they got caught with their pants down they got called out and then they had to go back and say oh whoa whoa whoa okay we see the narrative that he's kind of pushing here we need to take some steps back we need to just age restrict them both and be done with it you thought that i wasn't gonna like talk about this make a video about it you realize how bad this looks for you youtube you realize how unfair this comes across i in all my years have never seen a video get age restricted d age restricted and then age restricted again have any of you ever seen that happen before they saw that i saw that there was some unfair stuff going on so then they tried to appease me by the age restricting the video i say wait why are you doing that because i sent markiplier's clip and then they say oh okay well let's just age restrict them both why is my channel so much more heavily scrutinized than my peers my peers and when i say peers i mean people around my level around my view count just to keep it simple why is my channel so much more thoroughly scrutinized especially so when i've been number one trending multiple days in a row which i've done multiple times and every single time i start to get an uptick in traction and uptick in activity use here comes youtube coming through hey uh uh uh let's get them for that video from 2019. yeah you see this corey no this is bad it wasn't bad the nine months that i was off the platform it was only bad when i got back and i was number one trending this situation was only bad because i've been number one trending since i got back every other youtuber has uploaded the mortuary assistant and now they're about to start putting in some age restrictions because i called them out on some unfair behavior now i realize that when you call someone a racist that's a very very serious accusation and for that matter how do you expressly prove that someone is a racist i mean unless they're spamming the n-word in the chat how how do you really know and admittedly i cannot 100 prove that race had everything to do with this but i can tell you the people on that policy team those shadow people that are anonymous and get to enact their will however they see fit how can we be sure that they take a black person's video and a white person's video and it can be the same exact video and they restrict the black person's video but not the white person's video i feel i've been mistreated for a long time i mean even when we hit 10 million subscribers and i was supposed to get my diamond play button and know when there was no correspondence these situations always coincide with an uptick of growth and it always just comes off like we can't let this black guy get too high up i mean if i'm wrong i'm wrong i'm telling you that's how it comes off i don't see any other youtuber that gets number one trending many times and then all of a sudden they're getting age restricted and they're getting copyright strikes and all of that if i'm wrong i'm wrong point him out i want to see him i'll retract this entire video i'll make a public apology to youtube i have no problem my dad told me if you make a mistake be a man and address it and apologize i will do that no problem but to me you know what it comes off it comes off whenever corey kenshin starts doing some crazy numbers or or getting on trending too much we gotta find some we gotta get him for something he's gotta he's gotta have done something i mean i bleep out cuss words in video games like i i literally this is the this is the youtuber that you want to have smoke with and have problems with i believe there is some racism involved within the policy team and youtube in general really doesn't care about black people like that they got their favorite creators you know log out of youtube log out and go to youtube you'll see the people on the front page every single day you'll see the favorites count how many are black count how many are of people of color so then what does youtube try and do they try and pedal youtube black they try and give us a spotlighting do you know how condescending and patronizing that is oh yeah let's give a spotlight to these black creators because we're all about diversity all this communicates is black people aren't good enough on their own skill on their own merits on their own talent so we gotta give them a spotlight we gotta come down and raise them up so they can get some spotlight action well how about you save all that youtube black all that fake patronage all that fake pandering that you guys do and when you have a black creator coming to you repeatedly saying why am i being treated differently than other creators and then you come back and oh we gotta d age restricted and then oh no we gotta we gotta he's on to us okay we gotta age restrict them both fake it's fake that's what it is i am deeply sorry that this came off as a rant you know in the beginning i wanted to keep my emotions out of it i wanted to stay logical stay on the things that i could prove i gave you the facts but it also turned into me venting the emotions that i've had built up around youtube ironic that i have to upload this on youtube but where else am i gonna upload it you know i worked hard i built this community from the ground it's taken me over a decade to do and i would have just hoped that the playing field was fair and that hey if i did something bad then everybody else who also did that thing should get punished too is that unreasonable i have no problem being punished i have no problem if i break a rule that i get punished for it and i learn but when you start like when it's targeted when you're doing things only because i'm like getting bigger or i don't know how it always seems to coincide with that situation but that's just what it is now if my youtube channel gets shadow banned or they like you know they start like not sending my videos out to my subscribers or or you know a couple months from now y'all just stopped seeing my videos we know why we know why i mean those shadows behind the scenes they control it all they control all of it if they don't want if they don't want my channel they could terminate it right now they could hide my videos they could shadow ban me not send my videos out to anybody that's why i thought long and hard before i recorded this but as one of the biggest black creators on the platform i want you to hear it from my mouth that there is some shady business going on behind the scenes at youtube
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 9,372,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube, favoritism, and, racism, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, black, youtube black, unfair, discrimination, age, restriction, 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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