King's Chapel United Pentecostal Live Stream September 19, 2021 Sunday Morning Service

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[Music] my [Music] you are more for me [Music] [Music] you're my [Applause] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you are with me oh [Music] you are more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh you are more the bible said we have never seen the righteous forsaken not seen begging bread hallelujah he is our provider in spite of the pandemic hallelujah in spite of what is going on around us hallelujah is a surety that he is our provider hallelujah he is our comforter hallelujah he is our healer hallelujah this morning we're here to lift up the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody begin to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords he's a mighty god hallelujah is a counselor he is the prince of peace i don't know about you but i'm in love with my jesus hallelujah he has been so good hallelujah come on somebody begin to worship the lord hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] for your name is grace [Music] prayed [Music] oh lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus for he's worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah his name is above every name thank you jesus hallelujah and greatly thank you lord hallelujah wherever you are let us exhort the name of jesus thank you jesus hallelujah to your name to your name oh lord thank you jesus hallelujah come on let us sing it again let us sing it again come on let us open up our hearts let us exalt jesus oh hallelujah he's worthy hallelujah oh my god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah for your name his name is great his name is great and greatly such a name that's the name that delivers hallelujah oh my god that's the name of salvation hallelujah oh my great what god hallelujah thank you jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah wherefore god hath highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every day that at the name of jesus every knee should bow every knee should bow [Music] for your name is great for your name is great hallelujah greatly to be praised thank you lord hallelujah jesus became a man hallelujah humbled himself as a man hallelujah hallelujah he did it hallelujah hallelujah and lowly jesus but yet so highly exalted hallelujah for your name is great come on hallelujah for your name is great hallelujah glory to god hallelujah is great and greatly hallelujah hallelujah come on wherever you are at this moment wherever you are at this moment come on let us sing it for your name think about the greatness in the name of if you are bound jesus any way there is power in the name of jesus to set you free to deliver hallelujah for your name is great for your name is great for your name is great oh your name is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah jesus jesus [Music] the presence of the lord is here [Music] lord jesus [Music] jesus jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah [Applause] god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] kingdoms they shall all pass away hallelujah by the name of jesus is here forever hallelujah about the name oh god hallelujah hallelujah come on let's sing it again let's see it again jesus jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] there is hallelujah about the name of jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Music] jesus came to save us he came to set us free hallelujah hallelujah oh glory oh glory the rain hallelujah come on hallelujah jesus oh yes jesus oh my king my king our kingdom hallelujah oh yes let [Applause] thank you jesus king and kingdoms they shall all pass away oh my [Applause] [Music] there is something there is something hallelujah devils know this demons know this hallelujah come on hallelujah there is something they hallelujah at the name of jesus sickness has to go in the name of jesus deliverance in the name hallelujah that's the name of salvation if you have not yet given your life to the lord that's the name of salvation hallelujah that name that's the name of salvation can we just adore him let me just honor him praise that dominion and power oh lord praise and dominion and power and honor be unto the lord be unto the lord jesus be unto you arcade a resurrected savior a resurrected savior a resurrected savior hallelujah thank you jesus we exalt you we exalt your lord jesus we exalt you oh god we magnify you we give you honor thank you jesus thank you jesus we praise you hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah thank you jesus oh thank you jesus hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah thank you jesus we are here to praise him we are here to praise him hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah take it down a little bit for him we're going to pray hallelujah and then we're going to pick it up hallelujah thank you jesus let us unite your voices in prayer father we thank you here we are as your children the sheep of your pastures we come in jesus name and by the blood of jesus christ oh god hallelujah hallelujah let everything that we do in word our deed be done in the name of jesus be done in the name of jesus and father today here we gather you said in your word where two or three are gathered in your name you are there in the midst and you are here among us this morning and those who are joining us via the internet you are invading their atmosphere and you are there oh god almighty we submit this service to you we give it to you oh god almighty father wherever you lead wherever your spirit go that's where we want to go oh god almighty whatever you desire to do among us today father lord god i pray thy kingdom come and thy will be done in here in our service in our homes in our hearts in our country hallelujah as it is in heaven oh god almighty we are looking to you our expectation comes from you only you will do o god almighty father some trust in chariots in horses but father this morning hallelujah oh god almighty and not just this morning we choose to remember the name of the lord we are not calling upon man we are not calling upon the dead oh god we are calling upon you in the name of jesus hallelujah and whosoever call upon you oh god almighty shall not be ashamed o god almighty i pray this morning that you will come show yourselves strong [Music] hallelujah [Music] we thank you for the angels who are here we thank you for the anointing that destroys yokes and fetters set free this morning deliver this morning great and mighty god have your way have your way oh god almighty heal oh god i pray that black sliders hallelujah will come running will return to you o father i pray that those who have not yet made you the lord of their lives that they'll use this opportunity this morning wisely hallelujah true oh god hallelujah oh god you hear the prayers of your people no prayers that have been prayed oh god those who have fasted concerning our service oh god almighty you are not unrighteous to forget you hear them oh god almighty and i pray that you will do according to your will this morning in the name of jesus oh god our country we give to you father our government hallelujah our medical fraternity the police force the military oh god the crime and the violence that has been taking place in our land oh god oh god hallelujah this global pandemic this quote 19 father you are able to heal colvin 19 oh god hallelujah in the name of jesus father your word says if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways you said you will hear from heaven you will forgive their sins you will heal their land father this land needs healing and therefore i pray o god almighty where there's pride hallelujah where there is loftiness i pray god almighty that we will come down that will humble ourselves before you that will begin to come after you to pursue you to seek your face i will turn from wickedness hallelujah your people o god wherever they are hallelujah father wherever they are i pray that you speak to our hearts i pray that if we are out of place we'll get back in place if we are out of groove we'll get back in proof if we have been slacking up we'll tighten up oh god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus jesus in the name of jesus oh god we raise up our people before you dreams and visions give to our leaders those who are our members of parliament who have not yet given their lives to you father those who have given their lives to you but they are backslidden i pray in the name of jesus that today will be a turnaround in their lives in the name of jesus we thank you for it now and everybody say in jesus name in jesus name holy spirit [Music] [Applause] your glory god is what our hearts long for to your come by your presence [Music] your presence lord [Music] your presence [Music] hallelujah holy spirit holy spirit you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your presence where there's fullness of joy and at your right hand with your pleasures forevermore [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is glory god is [Music] [Applause] [Music] under this wonderful atmosphere we're going to be reading our opening scripture for this morning saint john chapter 14. after which we'll be singing our opening hymn hallelujah but don't you sense his presence hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah our theme this morning says one lord one faith one baptism and of course if you're here on if you're joining us online hallelujah i want to welcome you every person here this morning hallelujah a little later on we'll be doing or official welcome hallelujah you're joining us here at king's chaplain on albion road in montego bay jamaica king's chapel united pentecostal church hospital pastor or pastor francois kelly says saint john chapter 14 verse 8 i'll of course read and you follow look at verse 8 to verse 20. it says philip saith unto him lord show us the father and it sufficeth us jesus saith unto him have i been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me philip he that hath seen me had seen the father and who says though then shoe us the father believe as though not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works believe me that i am in the father and the father in me or else believe me for the very works seek verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than thee shall he do because i go unto my father and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the son if ye shall ask anything in my name i will do it if he love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that there knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you yet a little while and the world saith me no more but ye see me because i live ye shall live also at that day ye shall know that i am in the father and ye in me and i in you the word of the lord verse 18 says i will not leave your comfortless i will come to you the word of the lord hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord at this moment we are going to be reading sorry we're going to be singing or opening him hymn number 294 all in him hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah we're here to praise the lord hallelujah let us not hold him hold it back thank god for this opportunity thank you jesus the mighty god is jesus hallelujah the prince of peace is he the everlasting father the king eternally [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] it's [Applause] is [Music] when jesus comes again [Music] lord of god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is thank you jesus come on can we exalt the name of jesus can we lift up the lord hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah if there's breath inside of your body hallelujah open up your mouth and shout a praise hallelujah there's a shorter praise at home you have breath in your body breath in your lungs hallelujah come on let us open up our mouth and give him praise let us give him praise hallelujah for he is worthy for he is worthy for he is worthy jesus is worthy hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah we're going to be praying again hallelujah for persons who are not feeling well anybody hallelujah persons who are bereaved hallelujah we're going to be praying hallelujah one more time thank you jesus have a a a list of prayer requests here we're going to be praying for pastor zelika mitchell um who went on to be with the lord and we're going to be praying for we're going to be praying for it we're going to be praying for his family yes zedekiah mitchell's family pastor zedeka mitchell's family hallelujah elder glenroy sharp shawn's father we're also going to be praying for the heinz family during their time of bereavement also our brother garnett beckford and his family during his time of bereavement brother norris winter also going through their time of bereavement and sister sharon cope hallelujah so we're gonna and those who may not be feeling well anybody want to pray for you too amen thank you jesus god is here he is able there's no question and he's willing he's able and willing thank you jesus look at all that jesus went through on the cross such a gruesome death it's not for nothing he did it for us hallelujah he did it for you hallelujah hallelujah he did it for us all hallelujah so we're going to be praying for you he's our help this morning and listen as we pray the lord may instruct you hallelujah to do something or your obedience is important sometimes it's a lack of obedience that causes us to be in the place that we are in so if god instruct you as we as we pray and god instruct you please we're asking you to comply amen so that you can be delivered we're gonna pray father we thank you here we are once more in jesus name by the blood of jesus lord god almighty families oh god not just limited to those that we've mentioned lord god almighty but those who have lost a member a family member during this time of the pandemic maybe it could be natural causes it could be covered it could be another sickness father we need your strength oh god almighty like you did it for me you're so faithful hallelujah father like you were there for me oh great god like you came through for me hallelujah the time when it was one of the roughest times hallelujah of my life but you were there every step of the way you strengthened me all those things that i had to do which was associated with that situation you carried me o god almighty father i pray that even now he will do double for lord god almighty the heinz family the mitchell's family oh god brother garnet and his family brother winter and his family sister sharon koch hallelujah and her family lord god mr lorraine hallelujah and her family lord god almighty father we declare peace [Music] to all families who are going through bereavement even now those whose name that we don't have father we are looking to you your word declare that we should trust in you for in the lord jehovah is everlasting strength oh god we want to wait upon you lord god lest we fade we want to depend on you we want to rely on you as we walk through oh god hallelujah hallelujah and father i pray that even these situations will be a wake-up call to many others who have been putting off giving their lives to you oh god almighty that they'll run to you oh god hallelujah in the name of jesus glenroy sharp hallelujah elder glenn white sharp we give them to you lord god hallelujah father his family hallelujah i pray lord god almighty that will that you'll do with that which only you can do oh god we are looking to you our help is not in ourselves or help comment from the lord and we thank you this morning we thank you this morning hallelujah deliver this morning god give wisdom this morning hallelujah i pray father hallelujah to those who are lacking wisdom and father i pray that you'll move upon the hearts of those you have already given wisdom but they have been not bold about it they have not been working it out working out your instructions oh father we thank you for it now we praise you for it now in the name of jesus every person seeking body you set up your word declare that by your stripes by the stripes of jesus we are healed father i declare healing to every individual this morning who is not feeling well in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the name that is above every name your peace that passage all understanding in jesus name hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah can we just praise him hallelujah can't just give him thanks and we just thank him for what he's doing hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord at this moment i want to invite hallelujah brother dave mcclarkin hallelujah thank you jesus who has a musical item okay all right thank you jesus thank you [Music] not hold you down you are the reason [Music] just [Music] you are the reason keys is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the reason hold you down [Music] [Applause] [Music] see them you are the reason key [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] far above far above amen hallelujah far above he sits hallelujah this time we're gonna be collecting our offering hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah we're gonna bless our offering this morning father we thank you so much for another opportunity to be here the fellowship oh god not just with us but especially most importantly you are the reason you are the core the center of it all this morning we want to focus on you and here we have been given oh god almighty afford another opportunity to give to you lord god and this morning we want to give out of our love out of our appreciation out of the abundance of everything that you have you have given us you have given us oh god almighty you said prove me with our tithes with our offering if i will not open up the windows of heaven pour out a blessing that you won't even have room enough to contain it oh god not room enough to contain it not just us but for others so that we can come again and be able to give for the further answer your gospel o god and we thank you for your word we thank you for sowers who will sow cheerfully give us you love it a cheerful giver oh god hallelujah and so we thank you now in jesus name amen hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord keep it true jesus keep me true keep me true lord jesus keep me true [Music] for this give me power lord jesus [Applause] lord jesus [Music] [Music] every hour [Music] keep it true lord jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] every hour [Music] [Music] i am determined to hold out to the air i hear the trumpets [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing i'm held out to the end i am determined to hold out to the end jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i am determined to hold out to the head jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i feel it [Music] you have a determination this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah anybody have a made-up mind that you say comes what me hallelujah with god being on my side hallelujah i'm gonna make it hallelujah thank you jesus and at this moment i invite brother leave my clock in got my minister [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey am [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] uh [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh so [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi hey [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] am [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you lord [Music] you have won the victory [Music] [Music] be [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes thank you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the reason praise god hallelujah hallelujah amen amen amen thank you for joining us in worship this morning god bless you amen thank you for the day by talking all the way from canada being with us here today ministering amen with the arms god bless you for the day god bless you god bless you thank you very much amen and it's no time for the words of the lord and without much delay it's such a wonderful privilege to have with us today our presbyter for region 5 pastor robert edwards amen praise god he'll be coming today to minister to us as the lord leads him amen god bless you pastor edwards amen god bless you happy to have you with us today amen praise god praise god [Music] [Music] all about you yes [Music] it's all [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] from my heart [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's just lift our hands let's just magnify the name of jesus he is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty god we serve hallelujah angels bow before him heaven and earth adore him what a mighty god we serve hallelujah he said if he be lifted up from this earth he will draw all men unto him i wish somebody would just lift him up right now i wish somebody would just worship the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah hallelujah all hail king jesus all hail emmanuel hallelujah we worship your god we bow down before you we honor you we adore you we lift your hallelujah you are from everlasting to everlasting hallelujah you are omnipotent god you are omnipresent you are immutable lord you are unchanging you are the same yesterday today and forever hallelujah heaven is your throne and dirt is your footstool i wish someone would just exalt the name of jesus oh somebody giving praise somebody gave him praise somebody give him praise hallelujah when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he has done for me my soul cry out hallelujah thank god for saving me somebody worship him hallelujah somebody magnify his name he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy hallelujah god is worthy somebody worship him hallelujah oh lamb of god hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus come on lift those hands if you have anything to thank him for just leave those hands and give him thanks the very fact that we're alive is a reason of thanksgiving hallelujah praise god hallelujah many of us should have been dead long time but god hallelujah and so every moment that i get to praise him i'm gonna praise him every opportunity that i get to lift him up i'm gonna lift him up you know why because i should have been dead a long time but god's mercy kept me hallelujah oh lamb of god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord you're worthy you're worthy great is thy faithfulness oh god you are alleluia my deliverer you are my provider you are my healer lord god almighty trump trust in chariots and so many horses but we will remember the name of the lord our god for they are brought down and fallen but we we are risen and stand upright the lord hear us when we call the god of abraham is our refuge hallelujah oh thank you jesus thank you lord thank you god hallelujah hallelujah surely the presence of the lord is in this place my god the anointing of the holy ghost is in this place the shaking of glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god is in this place my god hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus oh thank you jesus at the very moment i walked through those doors hallelujah i felt the anointing of god hallelujah oh hallelujah i recognize that i walk into the presence of the lord and where the presence of the lord is there is liberty hallelujah hallelujah oh glory be to god thank you jesus thank you jesus oh hallelujah let's bow our heads right now father in the name of jesus we give you praise we give your honor we lift up your name god hallelujah there is no other name that is above your name or the name of jesus every knee shall bow whenever tongue must confess you are lord hallelujah lord god take over this message today of your own way god as your servants stand before your people lord god almighty i have nothing to offer but god i can do all things through you who strengthened me and so right now god almighty i pray that the spirit of god will envelop lord jesus this flesh hallelujah and that as i speak god almighty let not the words come out of lord my mind lord hallelujah are my ability but god i pray that the words will come straight from your throne room god i pray lord hallelujah that you will anoint this word today god i pray that this word will go out lord in the hear waves lord and touch every heart every mind lord god and that man and woman of the lord god will come to know you for who you are because you are god and the bible declare neither is there salvation in another for there is no other name on the heaven given among men whereby we must be saved but the name of jesus hallelujah have your own sweet way now god as we place everything in your hand in jesus name i pray in jesus name somebody lift their hands and worship him let me greet pastor and sister kelly praise god i greet all the saints that are here today i greet you in jesus name special greetings to all the saints and friends and well-wishers that are viewing praise god you may be seated amen on facebook or whatever amen praise god more than more than you are with today praise god hallelujah praise god we greet you in jesus name hallelujah praise god it's a great privilege for me to be here today praise god hallelujah amen hallelujah i felt the anointing of god in this house today praise god god is here praise god hallelujah praise god i want to speak to us today for a little while praise god amen i bring greetings from sister edwards she said please give my greetings so i want to make sure amen pastor kelly greet you on her behalf on the saints of king's chapel united pentecostal church amen it's a good feeling when i stepped into the sanctuary today praise god amen you know this morning when i woke up and you know was praying praise god about somewhere about 4 30 i was praying and something hit me praise god amen i started to reflect on the fact that we have not been in the sanctuary except for fasting service and thursday we have not been in the sanctuary for maybe about three weeks now amen praise god hallelujah for our normal sunday service and something hit me this morning amen something praise god touched my spirit and amen spoke to me praise god and said we have abundant the house of god praise god and when i was finished praying i said to sister edwards to come in sunday we're gonna go back to the sanctuary praise god we can't afford to stay out for not even one more sunday i said if it is just you and i we're going to go down to the sanctuary because the lord is saying we have abundant sanctuary oh hallelujah praise god and some people might say oh we're having service nevertheless we're on praise god zoom and we're on facebook oh hallelujah where and all those other medias praise god and so praise god it does not make a difference but i want to say to us today that it do make a difference pastor kelly praise god hallelujah amen when i stepped in oh hallelujah there this morning praise god i said to myself it has been a long time since i'm feeling this way when i walk into the house of god and that confirmed what hallelujah touched my spirit this morning praise god that it can never be the same praise god oh hallelujah because hallelujah in the house of god the presence o holly dwells praise god and that doesn't say the presence is not at home yes the presence is out of home praise god but this is a special place for a special purpose oh hallelujah and god always meet us oh hallelujah in the sanctuary i wish somebody would agree with me today oh hallelujah praise god but i come to realize that a lot of the virgin wants to stay home oh hallelujah praise god amen and even a few months ago when we were given the opportunity amen praise god to accommodate 50 in terms of social distance in some folks were still not coming praise god they still stay home oh hallelujah and because they're staying home amen they are eating all over the place oh hallelujah they're feeding oh hallelujah and some food amen that are not good for their spiritual health oh hallelujah and some begun now to believe a new doctrine of some are now discovering oh hallelujah the right doctrine praise god and said hallelujah their eyes are no open but i want to say to you that your eyes are not open but your eyes are blinded oh hallelujah because you're eating food that are not good for your spiritual health i don't know who i'm talking to today but i believe i'm talking to somebody praise god oh hallelujah praise god my mother taught me many years ago ah she said praise god is not every home that you go to and they offer you food to eat you should eat it praise god you must be selective in who you eat from oh somebody hear me but as a little lad pastor and love food so much amen praise god it was difficult amen when i go to some homes and even though the place is not clean praise god even though the environment is not well hallelujah accommodating a man i'll eat nevertheless and sometimes when i eat on my way home my stomach upset oh hallelujah and when i go home i can't tell my mother that my stomach is upset because she's gonna ask me did you heat hallelujah and if i said no and she found out that it's yes oh hallelujah my head praise god would go like that hallelujah so i have to keep the upset stomach for hours praise god until it disappear praise god oh hallelujah praise god somebody leave those hands and worship god i'm going to ask you to stand on your feet right now everyone everywhere praise god amen hallelujah i'm going to preach don't worry praise god amen but i want you to just lift those hands and just magnify the name of jesus let's just give him thanks oh hallelujah praise god amen i want to tell somebody today that jesus is alive and well praise god i want to tell somebody today amen hallelujah that we serve a risen savior oh hallelujah amen i want to tell somebody today that because he live i can face tomorrow because he lives all fears are gone because we live hallelujah praise god all my doubts are settled and i know because we live do i have a witness in the house of god do i have a witness in the house of god oh hallelujah are your adults settled today oh hallelujah i said are your doubts settled today oh hallelujah praise god do you still hold on to what you believe hallelujah amen hallelujah are you still standing on that firm foundation oh that the bible spoke about it he said on christ the solid rock i stand all of the ground is sinking sand oh hallelujah praise god when you build your house and the rock praise god amen hallelujah the foundation is stronger i said when you build your house and the rocker the foundation is stable when you build your house on the rock oh hallelujah the foundation is firmer oh glory to god so when the wind and the wave comes and hit against oh hallelujah your house your house will stand but if you build your foundation understand oh hallelujah the house might look like the house that is built on the rocker oh hallelujah but the difference pastor kellya is the strength of the foundation oh hallelujah you know why some people are gravitating towards false doctrine you know why because they're foundational on a strong praise god hallelujah the house above the ground looks good praise god but below the foundation is weak and so the wave hallelujah comes and the breeze comes and the house just fall over because the foundation is weak i want to ask somebody in king's in king's chapel today i want to ask somebody that is viewing on facebook what is the strength of your foundation oh somebody hear me here is your foundation stronger oh hallelujah and what is your foundation builder is your foundation built on the rock because if your foundation is on the rock you're gonna stand strong in the midst of adversity you're gonna stand strong o hallelujah praise god adversity must come and adversity will come but when adversity comes how do we deal with our adversity because our adversity comes to test our strength our adversities come to strength test oh hallelujah our commitment and that's our greatest problem in the church today our commitment to who are you committed praise god if you are committed to pastor kelly stop praise god you're not supposed to be committed to pastor kelly i tell you folks don't commit to me oh hallelujah commit to god because i am not committed to no man praise god i am committed to god oh thank you jesus as much as i love my superintendent i'm not committed to him praise god because i am committed to god for on christ the solid rock i stand all at the ground sinking sand if you have your bibles turn with me to the gospel of jesus christ according to john chapter 3 and we're going to read from verse 1 to 7. a very familiar scripture very familiar i prayed earnestly for a word praise god amen and thursday while i was at fast in service amen praise god this word came to me praise god amen and i said to myself you know folks must have heard messages preached from the scripture many many many many times over and over amen and when i went home last night praise god i sat down amen and the thought came back to me you must preach from that scripture and so i sat down and i type up some stuff praise god amen hallelujah praise god i'm just hoping that god will take over praise god amen hallelujah the gospel of jesus christ according to john 3 reading from verse 1 to 7 he said there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except god be with him jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god nicodemus said unto him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born jesus answered verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born of the water and of the spirit he cannot enter praise god into the kingdom of god that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit mothered not that i said unto thee he must be born again you may be seated praise god hallelujah the topic that came to my mind praise god as i pray amen and seek god for word praise god is the second birth can you repeat with me the second birth oh hallelujah praise god amen hallelujah the scripture that i read in your hearing today is very familiar and most of us if not all of us praise god amen can almost quote most of these verses praise god we might attempt to quote the entire seven verses but somewhere along the line we might miss one and two words praise god but most of us can quote these verses praise god because amen this verse are these verses of scripture amen praise god many of us might have read it over and over and we have taken it lightly praise god but i want us to understand praise god that these verses praise god this hallelujah phenomenon amen this encounter is something that must not be taken lightly praise god oh hallelujah praise god amen glory to god and nicodemus praise god amen praise god amen hallelujah as we know amen praise god his name means conqueror of the people oh hallelujah praise god nicodemus uh he was a ruler amen of the jewish amen praise god nation amen he was a pharisee oh hallelujah praise god and so the question is who is a pharisee oh glory to god the pharisees they believe in the supernatural they believe in angels they believe in demons heavens they believe in hell oh hallelujah and so on oh hallelujah but they had a problem praise god with who jesus is oh somebody hear me praise god amen glory to god amen it is said amen that the name pharisee in the hebrew form means separatism or the separated one oh hallelujah praise god but even though nicodemus was a separatist or one of the separated one amen there was something about him oh hallelujah that puts him oh hallelujah in a different light oh somebody hear me praise god amen when you study the life of nicodemus amen according to the jewish commentary amen praise god he said nicodemus was a learned man well learned oh hallelujah he was very knowledgeable of the lord oh somebody hear me praise god not only was he knowledgeable but he was a teacher of the law oh hallelujah amen praise god and not only was he a teacher of the law praise god but he was one of the hallelujah praise god glory to god he was one of the sanhedrin oh glory to god so the question is who were the saneedrins praise god amen he said the sanhedrins were assemblers of either twenty or three art or 30 or 70 elders who were where were appointed to sit at tribunal in every city in ancient israel oh hallelujah praise god so that tells you that nicodemus was no ordinary man oh hallelujah praise god nicodemus had to study amen the torah amen to teach the law o hallelujah nicodemus and to familiarize himself with the tenacle o hallelujah so he can teach the law oh glory to god and so one day while he was studying oh glory to god amen he had a revelation oh glory to god amen and that revelation that he had hallelujah it buffers his mind and so praise god he made a decision a unilateral decision oh glory to god he did not go to the other sadhedrons and said hallelujah in reading the word of god amen i had a revelation oh hallelujah but something said to him hallelujah find jesus oh somebody hear me here oh hallelujah i believe pastor kelly that he sat down after getting that revelation and began to wonder among himself what am i going to do hallelujah how am i going to approach jesus and what time i'm going to approach him oh hallelujah because if my brothers if they see me going towards him oh hallelujah they are going to denounce me praise god i might lose my position as a son he trainer oh hallelujah i might be deprived of the opportunity of teaching the law or glory to god but something said to him nicodemus you must go to jesus by night oh hallelujah oh glory to god i don't know at what time of the day hallelujah amen he got the inspiration but whatever time he got the inspiration i believe that he keep looking at his watch oh hallelujah wondering why hallelujah the night is not coming oh glory to god amen because there was something inside of nicodemus that was saying to nicodemus you must go and have conversation with jesus christ oh hallelujah because there's something about this man that makes him hallelujah separate from every others oh hallelujah there's something that is unique about this matter because this man amen is doing some things or we have done some things that only god can do or somebody hear me hallelujah and so nicodemus went to jesus by night the bible said oh glory to god and he said hallelujah amen praise god rabbi o hallelujah which means master oh god help me we know that the water teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except god be with him oh hallelujah praise god jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i said unto you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god oh hallelujah praise god amen because nicodemus in his studies or while he was studying praise god amen is revelation oh hallelujah praise god that there is going to come a time amen praise god when a group of people are going to be taken out of this world oh hallelujah praise god he recognized that there is going to be a rapture oh hallelujah praise god and therefore he said i want to know praise god how can i be a part of this great phenomena that is going to happen one of these days or somebody leave those hands and magnify the name of jesus so he asked jesus a very pertinent question somebody worship him oh hallelujah somebody magnify the name of jesus oh hallelujah he said what can i do to inherit eternal life amen praise god there are many folks that want to inherit eternal life but they don't want to do what it takes oh hallelujah praise god amen hallelujah i said the very day we were born into this world without committing any sin we were born in sin oh hallelujah praise god oh hallelujah praise god so sister stewart the very day we get out of our mother's womb we were born in sin oh hallelujah and surpass the killer if we born and we live and we don't commit any sin oh hallelujah and we die without baptizing in jesus name receiving the baptism of the holy ghost and live a godly on a sober life we're still going to go down to hell oh somebody worship him somebody magnify the name of jesus so nicodemus god said to him amen can a man be born again amen can he enter into his mother's womb a second time and be born oh somebody hear me praise god amen when you read amen the jewish commentary it is said then praise god nicodemus amen was just engaging jesus in a conversation because nicodemus knew oh hallelujah that you cannot go back into your mother's womb and be born again nicodemus at the knowledge praise god because nicodemus was no ordinary man praise god he's like some of us sometimes sister stewart you know what i'm talking about some student might ask your question but they know you they know the answer but they ask you to hear what you are going to say oh hallelujah so nicodemus know the answer but he just wanted to find out what jesus was going to say oh hallelujah praise god but jesus amen praise god said hallelujah except you're born of the water and of the spirit oh hallelujah you cannot enter the kingdom of god oh somebody hear me oh just magnify his name amen praise god hallelujah praise god we all are familiar with the natural birth oh hallelujah praise god hallelujah but if you notice amen praise god hallelujah amen jesus christ did not say it except you'll be born from the water oh hallelujah amen when i saw that phrase in my studies praise god amen is cause for an alarm amen hallelujah and so when i dived on in the jewish commentary i wanted to find out what's the difference between born off the water and born from the water oh hallelujah praise god and in my research i discovered that all of us who are born naturally oh hallelujah we were born from the water oh hallelujah praise god those of us who studied human biology are human and not to me praise god amen we were told amen praise god amen that once the hager is fertilizer amen it is implanted in the uterus amen praise god it is said hallelujah amen the uterus is a aim in a thin wall sucker amen praise god and in that uterus amen we have what is called the amniotic sucker and the baby the uterus amen praise god will fold up in the omniatic sucker amen but in the omniatic sucker is the omniatic fluid oh somebody hear me oh hallelujah and after praise god amen whether it be six months whether it be seven months or eight months nine months or nine months and and two weeks praise god oh hallelujah amen it's time for the baby to come out of that omniac sucker oh hallelujah but before the baby can get out of the omniatic soccer amen praise god amen hallelujah in clear praise god amen familial terms we always hear that the water bursts is there any mother in the house today that when the water burst oh hallelujah anywhere you are if you're not in the hospital amen praise god somebody will have to take you there or if amen praise god you have somebody present amen to help to give birth to that baby but after the baby comes out of amen the amniotic sucker amen praise god amen and his release amen from the womb or the baby is attached to the mother with what we call the umbilical cord or somebody hear me and before the baby can be released you have to detach the umbilical cord o hallelujah but the umbilical cord is very important because the umbilical cord is what attached the baby to the mother oh hallelujah and so the baby is fed to the umbilical cord so every new trench that the baby gets it comes through the umbilical cord or somebody lift those hands and worship god hallelujah and so the question is what does that have to do with baptism in jesus name what does that have to do with the receiving of the holy spirit oh somebody hear me oh hallelujah amen praise god amen praise god glory to god the amniotic fluid amen it's like the water that jesus said you have to amen praise god be buried in water in jesus name amen praise god jesus said you have to be born off the water oh glory to god and you have to be born of the spirit oh hallelujah and so praise god the umbilical cord is like the holy ghost oh hallelujah it's the umbilical cord that aligns or attach the baby to the mother oh hallelujah and that's why the bible said without the spirit of god you are none of his o hallelujah for he that coming to god must believe that he is and that is a reward of them that diligently seek him or somebody hear me so when jesus said to nicodemus marvel not that i said unto you you must be born again oh the term monster is a strong word praise god amen oh hallelujah it's not maybe hello praise god hallelujah or he didn't say it is not necessary oh hallelujah if you want you can oh hallelujah but he said you must be born again oh glory to god oh somebody lift those hands and magnify the name of jesus oh hallelujah colossians chapter 3 and verse 17 said and whatsoever doing words indeed do all in the name of the lord jesus christ amen thanks to god the father by him amen jesus didn't said you must amen praise god be born of the water calling on my name jesus would not have done that oh hallelujah praise god amen because amen hallelujah the revelation was not yet come oh glory to god oh hallelujah and so before the revelation come all jesus did was you hallelujah said to him you must be born again born of the water and of the spirit oh hallelujah when you read the scripture ah you will learn that there are many folks that were baptized by jesus himself while he himself was not baptized praise god but you didn't see anywhere in the scripture that he said baptized in my name oh hallelujah you know why because that revelation was not revealed yet oh hallelujah praise god but when jesus said it ah to nicodemus what he was saying to him hallelujah you must be hallelujah baptized in water amen praise god you must be buried in water after repentance and after you are buried in water oh hallelujah then you're gonna rise you're gonna receive the baptism of the holy ghost oh hallelujah glory to god oh hallelujah but when the time was fully combat oh glory to god amen hallelujah jesus gave the revelation to his disciples or somebody hear me in king's chapel this afternoon oh hallelujah or this morning oh hallelujah praise god oh hallelujah amen luke chapter 24 and verse 47 he said and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached hallelujah in his name among all nations beginning in jerusalem oh somebody hear me acts chapter 4 and verse 12 he said neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved oh hallelujah praise god amen if you know jesus amen hallelujah jesus said he must be born of the water and of the spirit oh hallelujah praise god amen hallelujah amen praise god when you're born of the spirit you are you'll receive the power amen hallelujah to turn from sin you receive the power to live above sinner you receive the power amen to walk holy oh somebody hear me oh glory to god and so jesus did not stop of hallelujah you must be born of the water oh hallelujah because if he had stopped there then the processor would have been incomplete and so he said born of the water and of the spirit oh somebody hear me here and so when jesus was asked by his disciples further down in the scripture ah peter said who do oh god almighty amen hallelujah they wanted to find out jesus wanted to find out if they really knew who he was because they were with him they have seen many miracles oh hallelujah they experience a lot of miracles in their presence but the question is do they knew who he really was hallelujah amen and so jesus asked them oh glory to god he could have asked them the direct question at first who do you think i am praise god but you and i know how jesus is oh god hallelujah when you read the scripture if you ask him a question pastor kelly he asks you back a question and if you can't answer his question he said then i can't answer your question oh hallelujah and there's several questions that were asked and in asking the question they expected to get a direct answer but you know jesus said jesus is like some of the teachers i encounter oh hallelujah while i was studying at university when you ask them a simple question they will go all the way around oh hallelujah and they go uptown downtown and they go in between oh hallelujah and when they finish you still don't get the answer you know why because they want you to read between the line they want you to pick the answer out of what they said oh hallelujah i wish i have somebody in the house today who have that experience oh hallelujah i have had that experience oh hallelujah and i gave the same thing to my students sometimes sometimes they ask a question expecting a direct answer oh hallelujah and i don't give them the answer oh hallelujah as a maths teacher i'll go to the board and i work a problem expect them to see the answer in the problem oh hallelujah oh god help me here that's how jesus is oh hallelujah oh somebody hear me oh god almighty and so jesus said who do men say i am oh hallelujah oh glory to god jesus knew what they were thinking jesus knew their thoughts oh hallelujah he knew their preconceived idea of who he was and so he said who do men say i am peter said the word some said the word john the baptist amen some said the word elias some said the word one of the prophets oh hallelujah but here here is jesus now oh hallelujah praise god because peter was trying amen to hide behind what other people said oh hallelujah but jesus never oh hallelujah going to leave amen a question and answer amen even if you don't get the answer he's gonna give you the answer amen so he said who do you say i am praise god somebody hear me i believe peter might have scratched his head oh hallelujah praise god because he knew that he had to be careful when he answered jesus oh glory to god amen amen pastor kelly i was at a forum the other day and i put up my hand and before i ask the question amen praise god amen glory to god they all said i have to be careful oh i answer your question because when you ask a question you ask two or three questions in one oh hallelujah praise god amen all my life through school i never asked a lot of questions oh glory to god i am always a good listener but when i ask a question oh hallelujah praise god amen is going to come good oh hallelujah when i ask a question it makes sense oh hallelujah and i agree with the person that i ask three questions in one o hallelujah praise god and so jesus said who do you say i am o girl to god and peter said the lord the christ the son of the living god oh hallelujah jesus said peter flesh and blood did not reveal that unto you oh hallelujah but my father which is in heaven and he said peter upon this rock i will build my church oh glory to god and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it he said peter i hand you the key of the kingdom he said whatever you lose and hurt is loosed in heaven whatever you find unhurt is pound in heaven oh hallelujah praise god oh hallelujah so when peter walk away from jesus he walked away with the revelation of who jesus is but not only did he walk away with the revelation but he walked away with the revelation of how one can enter into the kingdom of god oh hallelujah praise god so jesus oh hallelujah he gave him one answer but in that answer were several other answers or somebody hear me and so on the day of pentecost oh hallelujah or somebody lift their hands and worship god somebody magnify the name of jesus oh hallelujah come on somebody lift up the name of jesus lift up the name of jesus he is worthy to be praised oh hallelujah what a mighty god we serve oh hallelujah oh god you're worthy hallelujah hallelujah i just feel like worshiping god oh hallelujah i bow down before you lord i honor and adore you i lift up your name jesus you're worthy to be praised hallelujah praise god romans chapter 8 and verse 9 to 11 said but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you if any man have not the spirit of god is none of his oh somebody hear me here oh hallelujah paul writing to the romans and he said in verse 10 he said and if christ be in you amen the body is dead because of sinner but the spirit is life because of righteousness but if the spirit of him that raised jesus raise up jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up christ from the dead amen shall also that raise up christ from he shall also quickly your mortal bodies by this is spirit that dwell in you oh hallelujah and so praise god amen praise god peter got the revelation and jesus said hallelujah amen praise god when he was about to leave them he gave them instruction he said they must wait until they be endured with power from an ayah the scripture we read earlier said amen praise god he's not going to leave them comfortless but hallelujah the comforter is going to come in his name oh hallelujah oh somebody hear me and that is why i praise god when jesus amen hallelujah was ascending the bible said praise god amen the disciples they stood up and they looked at him while he ascended amen i imagine how they felt at that time can anybody imagine how they felt jesus was leaving them and even though he comforted them and said don't worry if i go i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there he may be also and not only that he said if i go the comforter will come in my name praise god but yet when he was ascending they stood in awe and looking and he gave them instruction they must go to the upper room and turn the air until there is be endured with power from an eye praise god but they were still looking in oh praise god anybody ever tell you something and you believe it sister stood but you still wonder if it was going to happen oh hallelujah amen praise god glory to god they believed him but they were still wandering they were still wondering because they were in the flesh they were humans praise god oh hallelujah but nevertheless they were obedient and so they went into the upper room oh hallelujah and they turned here amen praise god amen for 10 days oh somebody hear me here and the bible said when the day of pentecost was fully comma oh hallelujah they were at one place and one accord or somebody hear me they were in the same mind they are the same desire oh hallelujah their motives were the same oh hallelujah their line of thoughts were the same their beliefs were the same their expectations were the same and the bible said and immediately come on somebody said immediately oh hallelujah there came a shout o hallelujah of a rushing mighty wind and the bible is sat upon their head oh hallelujah praise god brother virgo oh hallelujah i can imagine how they felt at that time oh hallelujah and the bible said they began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave utter answer oh hallelujah they received the baptism of the holy ghost they were born of the spirit oh somebody hear me oh hallelujah praise god the same spirit that jesus told nicodemus you must be born of the water and of the spirit and so the disciples were born of the spirit o hallelujah praise god it was pandemonium at that day because it was pentecost men traveled and women from far near to celebrate and when they heard these men speaking their language they were in ha oh hallelujah they were astonished because they don't know this manner as learned manner oh hallelujah they were some fishermen oh hallelujah they did mainly menial task oh glory to god and so one of them is taught up and said amen men and preaching what shall we do oh somebody hear me here oh hallelujah because what they were experiencing was something that they wanted to be a part of i want to let somebody know that if you're going to be a part of the church you have to be buried in water baptism in jesus name and receive the baptism of the holy ghost that is the only way you can be a part of the church and if you are going to be resurrected you have to live a godly and a sober life in this present world but the question was man and virtue what shall we do the bible said peter stood up with the eleven now peter didn't have to have a meeting peter didn't have to call pastor kelly a quick meeting and said what should i say to them now tell me let us all agree and what i'm going to say no the bible said he stood up within heaven oh hallelujah and he said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the lord jesus christ and he shall receive the baptism of the holy ghost oh hallelujah he didn't mince it he did not cut it he just gave it to them in the way that it was supposed to be that's how it is supposed to be there is no diversion there is no way around the praise god oh hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah amen hallelujah praise god and so peter said repent and be baptized everyone every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and he shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the lord our god shall call and so none is exempted none when you read the hebrew bible the hebrew bible quote it like this repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the lord jesus christ for the remission of sin and take the holy ghost and if you read the scripture carefully the bible said the holy ghost is a promise and if somebody promised you something all you need to do is to do it receive it take it praise god oh hallelujah praise god hallelujah and so hallelujah let me quickly go back to the beginning of the message amen hallelujah the topic praise god the second birth and i want to end with this today hallelujah my friends on facebook zoo amen and all the other and youtube and all the other virtual space i want to say to you without any apology amen praise god the bible said jesus gave the command amen praise god he said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sin and according to the hebrew bible and take the holy ghost according to the king james virgin and receive the baptism of the holy ghost so if you want to inherit eternal life the answer to the question that the goddess must ask i just want to say to you you have to repent of your sins you have to be buried in water baptism in jesus name and you must receive the baptism of the holy ghost i'm going to ask us to stand wherever we are right now hallelujah if you're in your home you're driving in your car if you're in your living room if you're in your bedroom uh even if you're in your kitchen just stop what you're doing right now hallelujah stop what you're doing right now oh hallelujah and just lift those hands oh and just begin to call on the name of jesus oh hallelujah ah god if you need a revelation oh hallelujah read through the book of asks and while you read ask god to give you a revelation oh hallelujah and he will reveal himself to you because you need the baptism of the holy ghost you need to be buried in water baptism in jesus name for the bible said neither is their salvation in any other for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved jesus was not frightened by nicodemus jesus knew who nicodemus was jesus know his status he knew his accolades his status his achievement but jesus said to him marvel not that i said unto you you must be born again born of the water and of the spirit somebody lift those hands and worship him wherever you are even in your home right now if you don't have the holy ghost you can receive the baptism of the holy ghost and if you are in your home and you have the holy ghost and you have somebody beside you listening to this message and they don't have the holy ghost stretch your hands towards them oh hallelujah pray for them put your hand on them and declare it receive the holy ghost my god oh hallelujah the holy ghost is a promise you just need to take it you just need to receive it oh hallelujah praise god all it takes is for you to just repent amen and repentance means hallelujah praying and become sorry for your sins ask god to wash away your sins oh hallelujah amen hallelujah and if you pray and ask god amen with a true heart god is going to wash away your sins he's going to receive your prayer and he's going to do likewise oh hallelujah and once you have repented you have opened the way to receive the holy ghost oh hallelujah praise god for the bible declare amen get a man put new wine in whole wineskinner or somebody hear me when you're in sin oh hallelujah amen you can't receive the holy ghost in sinner you have to repent before you can receive the holy ghost but once you have repented you have opened the way to receive the holy ghost and so i want to say to somebody in my hearing today receive here the holy ghost o hallelujah in the name of jesus receive the promise o glory to god for the bible said the promise is unto you unto your children's children ah even as many as the lord our god shall call i said receive he the holy ghost receive the holy ghost oh hallelujah could you just bore your heads everyone everywhere right now bore your heads everyone everywhere oh hallelujah we're gonna pray pray for somebody right now who heard this message and is pondering over it and is asking the question like nicodemus but you have heard so your next step is to pray and believe god believe him for the holy ghost the bible said without the spirit of god you are none of his and if that same spirit that raised jesus from the dead be in you it shall also quit in your mortal body to be quickened means to be bring to life oh hallelujah that which was dead will come back to life because when you're in sin you are dead the bible said we are dead in trespasses and sin but when you receive the baptism of the holy ghost you become alive and so if you want to get out of that dead state that you're in [Music] oh seek for the holy ghost hallelujah i'm gonna ask the praise of worship too sing this song spirit of hallelujah [Music] spirit of the living god fall afresh on somebody that is listening on that here waved right now god [Music] break me hallelujah [Music] somebody need to be broken right now hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] spirit of speech [Music] glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] god hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh we worshipping jesus yes yes yes yes [Music] to [Music] [Applause] i wanna be where you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] surrounded by your glory [Applause] [Music] always want to be [Music] i wanna be where you are [Applause] [Music] surrounded by that's where i always want to [Music] i be want to be with you i wanna be [Music] [Applause] surrounded by your glory [Music] [Music] i just wanna do [Music] [Music] i just want to be [Music] amen praise god [Music] one hallelujah can touch my heart [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] if [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i love you [Music] my soul i love you [Music] i really do [Music] myself i love you [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] yes lord [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh lord [Music] [Music] world [Music] thank you jesus oh my god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord [Music] hallelujah oh yes lord we exalt you hallelujah certainly your presence is here thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] you are [Music] of you [Music] hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah thank god amen we rejoice this morning and heaven rejoice over one soul that repented and we're thankful today that janel brady amen has made up her mind to serve god amen and is now about to be baptized taking on her second birth amen in the name of our lord jesus christ praise god amen we're gonna ask you to pray for sister brady she's a registered nurse i don't know what the nurses are going through at this time amen is pandemic we're going to cover her under the blood of jesus christ amen praise god sister you know brady we're gonna ask you to your word of testimony you're gonna have to speak a bit lord you're here to hold a mic i'll hold it for you and you'll see if we can speak a bit lord give a lot of testimonies tell us why i want to get baptized in the name of jesus christ hello everybody um you know i've been visiting this church for um maybe five years or more and um ever since i grew up in church i'm a pentecostal church i always go to sunday school all of that you know so i have known god like forever um you know we all falter sometimes and you know our situation and sometimes i've been wanting to do this forever but um you know lifestyle and certain things you know who just was not fit in and i kept telling myself that you know it's time and i just made up my mind and i'm ready to be born again and i'm ready to serve him amen hallelujah praise god praise god in the name of jesus christ amen lord jesus we present to you this is certainly brady oh god and she will be buried in your name jesus as you have commanded in your words and even the message today that one for you to be born again to enter into the kingdom of god one must be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ and so lord we pray for your touch upon your life we pray that you're baptizer with the holy ghost even before she departs this pool today my god helper to be an example at home in your community and work lord help her to be an example you serve for your glory bless her right now as we present her to you in the name of jesus christ bless her lord in jesus name amen you know brady amen sister jean already upon the confession of your faith i will now baptize you in the name of the lord jesus christ for the remission of sins as you rise to walk from this watery grave you will rise to walk in newness of life in jesus name jesus [Music] thank god i'm born again thank god i'm born again i'm born of the water the thank god i'm born again one more born again thank god i'm born again boy born again thank god i'm born again i'm born on the water the spirit and the blood thank god i'm born again i'm born of the water the spirit and the blood thank god i'm born again [Applause] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah can we just thank him for his words today hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah and you've heard the word of god hallelujah and if you have not yet given your lives to the lord you've this this this this service this message is an opportunity to you hallelujah you must be born again hallelujah you must be born again having done tried so many other things a myriad of things you've tried you've tasted so many other hallelujah jesus has come to you hallelujah letting you know that none of those things can save you only jesus hallelujah and we're going to pray again and we want to pray for you hallelujah and for black sliders hallelujah those who are drifted away hallelujah from the master hallelujah we are calling you home hallelujah this is another call to you the lord has been knocking the lord has been knocking hallelujah hallelujah and you have been shaking it off hallelujah but here now here again so merciful he keeps coming and knocking hallelujah the lord knows what's ahead and he wants to deliver you he wants to come he wants you to commune with him hallelujah not not not only hallelujah hallelujah to keep you away from the rod to come but he wants to be in a relationship with you he loves you so much that's what i want you to know that's what he wants you to know that he wants to be in a relationship with you hallelujah i know you sense him i know you feel the tug-in on your heart so we're going to pray one more time for backsliders and we're going to pray for those who have not yet given your life to the lord repent hallelujah change your mind for the kingdom of heaven is at hand it is the kingdom is near you today hallelujah receive jesus hallelujah a sense his presence i sense his power he's here for you hallelujah thank you jesus father we thank you here we are once more concerning persons who are watching and have not yet made you the lord of their lives they have not yet repented of their sins they have not yet been baptized in jesus name they have not yet received the promise of the father the holy ghost hallelujah father i pray hallelujah it is not your will for end to perish oh god oh my god but you want all to come to repentance everybody everybody whosoever believeth in you lord jesus shall not perish but have everlasting life your goodness leads to repentance you have been so good to us the rain has been fought the sun the rain hallelujah shines hallelujah us upon the just and on the unjust the light of your goodness the reign of your goodness o god i pray in the name of jesus that they'll yield to you today i pray that they'll lay down at your feet i pray that they'll surrender they'll repent to be baptized in jesus name and that they'll be filled with your spirit born from above but sliders father we call them to you today we call them to you today wherever they are wherever they may be in the name of jesus oh god hallelujah hallelujah those who have once tasted but have returned to their vomits you are here to save you are not sure to condemn them you want them to come home and i pray in the name of jesus that black sliders will come home that the oh god almighty the faints of it that the enemy has put up the iron gate of the enemy that will be destroyed so that they can run hope oh god the blindfold of the enemy has put over unbelievers the eyes of their minds i pray oh god almighty in the name of jesus that the blindfold will fall off that the glorious light of the gospels shining oh god that they will be surrounded not only today not only by what they have heard in this service but for others who you will send to them along the way hallelujah to point them oh god in your direction we thank about those who have started to surrender for those who have started to yield lord jesus i pray hallelujah that you'll personally come to them i pray that you'll personally visit them i pray in the name of jesus father we thank you for it we thank you for today we thank you for this service this is the day that you have made rejoice we are glad in it we thank you for pastor edwards hallelujah we thank you for the word that you gave to him oh god i pray that you'll continue oh god to rest upon him to rest upon his family that you'll bring them deeper that they oh god almighty will go to another dimension higher heights and deeper depths oh god almighty hallelujah that they will come hallelujah to a greater revelation of you father hallelujah in the name of jesus christ sweet communion with you thank you for our pastor thank you for every person that came out lord god almighty so that this service could be possible the technical team the musicians the praise though and worship oh god almighty every person thank you for the oh god almighty the lady that got baptized in your name we just want to give you thanks and everything we just want to give you thanks oh god our ushers we thank you for them oh god hallelujah we thank you for our pastor pastor frank kellier continue to cover him continue to carry him oh god almighty lead him give him wisdom show him what to do concerning your people every day and also pastor edwards give them wisdom so that they'll know every day what to do oh god almighty we give you all the praise strengthen i pray that your people be strengthened by your spirit in their inner man we give you the praise now we give you the praise now in the name of jesus hallelujah thank you so much for being a part of our service today hallelujah hallelujah we give god thanks for his presence we acknowledge him we thank god for those who have already to turn in their hearts to him in the name of jesus hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus oh we praise you thank you lord in jesus name hallelujah thank you thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Music] it is jesus it's jesus he's the difference in our lives hallelujah some of us and liars hallelujah feasts sinners in the highest god god has delivered god is working on us hallelujah [Music] in my soul for i have touched [Music] him off his heart [Music] [Music] it is jesus [Music] it is [Music] [Music] had his [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 867
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: umOnQYkxQco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 23sec (9923 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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