Youth: Eric Wilson Spiritualism and Testimony 8/14/19 #2

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it's good to see everybody again tonight we're going to be sharing the testimony of what what God did I'm gonna I'm gonna do as much as I can in the time that we have I was gonna let you know if if you would like more information if you go on YouTube with your mom and dad you can type in the Dragon revealed part one and it brings it up for free the the part one which tells the main section of the story it's about an hour of 14 minutes so if you would like more information that would be the place to start okay what that's the big story what started the story was a really really devastating thing that happened in my family my mom and dad when I was 11 or 12 years old they separated and got a divorce and it really really messed my brother and I am they've messed over everything and if anybody's ever been through that you know what I mean but because of that even though I didn't show that I was hurt inside I became very afraid it was like I didn't have any assurance since my dad wasn't there your dad is supposed to be the one that really gives you confidence and let you know everything's safe and he provides for you and I know my dad loved me now but back then I didn't know that he did and because I felt so powerless in my life I was looking for something that would help me to have power to have power at school and power with other people that was having difficulty with and I saw power in the martial arts you know because everybody that I saw that and trained in it and made Black Milk they had a lot of power they had control in their lives and so I started training but what I didn't realize is is that it's kind of like the Garden of Eden there were two special trees in the Garden of Eden what were the names of those trees yes there was the tree of life and then there was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and I think how to put this you know what a man and a woman get married a husband and a wife get married the Bible says they become one right do you remember that it means it means everything I'll give you a good way to think about this everything that I am is my wife's everything that my wife owns is mine if she needed my car she doesn't have to ask it's hers if I win a million dollars she wins a million dollars because we're one does that make sense what happened with my mom and dad getting that going through that divorce was it took away the assurance that we had and when I got into the martial arts I was looking for that again and so searching for that that strength and that unity that I knew I should have but I couldn't have because my parents worked together so when I was looking for that I was looking for it in a place that you can't find it and God actually tells us that he wants us to become one with him like we talked about in our last session together the way that we become one with him is by following him so it's like if you were my little boy just pretend you were my little boy and I said I want you to come hang out with me today we're gonna go for a hike and I said I'm gonna I'll lead I'll show you I've been up this trail before it's a five mile trail there's grizzly bears up there but you don't have to worry about because I know where they live and we can take the path around that if you weren't willing to trust me and follow me you would wander off by yourself and I couldn't protect you that's how God is with us he wants us to follow him and trust him so that he can protect us and provide for us but just like how God wants us to be one with him that's what Satan wants Satan wants to take the throne of our lives so just like there was those two trees the tree of you know white which really is a symbol of Jesus there was the tree of knowledge of good and evil it means knowing good and evil knowing God who is good and also knowing evil which is Satan you can't know both of them you can't be married to two women at one time you've got to choose one or the other and what I did was is I started choosing to follow what Satan was saying and I'll give you just a couple of quick examples and it starts really small the devil never throws you into deep into the pool he always starts you in just taking a little step off the right path so you take one little inch and you go that button for I'm still right here on the then you take one more little inch and you go I'm not that far off but if you go 50 feet out you'll be way off the path to see what I mean in the martial arts one of the first things that they asked you to do when you go into a martial arts school is they tell you to take your shoes off you know you're in the dojo you got to take your shoes off and you go why most of them can't tell you they'll try some of them will say well it's because we got the special floor here but that's not really the walk that the reason why when you when you get to a master level or if you've read a master who's willing to open up and tell the truth they'll actually tell you that the reason you take your shoes off is because martial arts school is considered holy ground they say that in their own books it's considered sacred ground and you think okay well if God's not the one that's in charge of this whole thing then how can the ground be sacred well the devil claims that ground so when a Christian walks into a more forceful they take their shoes off the evil spirits look up to God and they go is that is that guy on your team and he's here taking his shoes off in my room that would be like going to a football game and you wearing the opposite sides jersey that would be a no-no wouldn't it you guys want me to talk for three hours aren't you everybody's being really and really quiet if you had a football team and you all were all on the seventh day adventists caribou football team and there was another team from somewhere else you wouldn't want to wear the jersey for the other team because that shows you're supporting the other side so that's what happens when a Christian goes somewhere that belongs to the devil he looks up there and he says I thought this was yourself your child why are they here why they taking their shoes off here do you remember a place in the Bible where someone had to take their shoes off notice that's right tell me what happened that's right take your shoes off you're standing on holy ground when I read that in the martial-arts books after I came out of the martial arts martial arts I forgot delivered me I was like they sent it this is holy ground when you're in the dojo you're standing on sacred ground God said don't do that and yet I compromised I did it one of the things that God also said is he said don't bow down yourself before others when you go into a martial arts school you bow to the master you're supposed to bow when you enter the dojo you're supposed to bow to your opponent whoever that is and it's funny because a lot of the a lot of the men and women that are in martial arts they don't realize what they're doing even the instructors unless they're a master level they probably don't know they say no it's we bow out of a sign of respect like shaking hands but that's not true even according to their own writings Yoga has become very popular over the last 10 or 15 years and there's a word that they use in yoga practice that's called namaste you know what that word means it means the divine in me vows to the God in you that's what the word people say no no it's just a greeting no it's not when you look the word up in a Hindu dictionary it means that God and me is bowing to the God in you the Shaolin Temple which is where all martial arts started it's called the Shaolin Temple it's not called the Shaolin workout room with a Shaolin gym or gymnasium it's called a temple that's because it's a religious institution they worship gods there and so when you know when you go into a martial arts school and you bow and you take your shoes off you are showing reverence to the pagan gods or the evil spirits that empower that school or that master one of the other things that happen when you go into a martial arts school when once you join up if you have an instructor that is normally higher than a first degree black belt they want you to call them if they're Japanese sensei and if you are Chinese they call them seafood and Sifu actually means a master or a father that's what the word is it's like a family term sensei in the Japanese dictionary not a martial arts dictionary into actual Japanese dictionary the word sensei means a man that's been twice born when you take that step to be a sensei you actually are taking an initiation step and they consider that a rite of passage almost like you're being born in what happens is the same way that we're born-again by God's Spirit coming in is the same way that they say they're born-again a spirit has to enter into you so whenever you go to a dojo and you call somebody Grand Master or Master you're actually doing something Jesus said don't do he said call no man Master you are all brothers you have one master me so that was three strikes right off the bat even without getting into witchcraft or magic but after I started taking those steps the steps kept getting darker they took me farther off the path and what I really wanted to go probably probably after maybe eight years of being in the martial arts eight or ten years the training became more internal more focused on meditation more focused on being able to tap into that real power like you know you guys have probably seen people break you know boards before and that's hard to do but a lot of schools will take pine boards which are a soft wood and they'll put pencils between the boards and what that happens is if you've got three or four or five or ten boards there there's pencils filling the boards if you hit it hard enough even with physical skill the momentum will carry all the way through but then you get people that are breaking concrete blocks I mean like a concrete block like you build a house with that's a different story to take a palm and just smack it and break that brick it takes more than just brute force because I mean you'll damage the bones and the hand and the Chinese art we would put this liniment on our hands called it to child and that jowl was supposed to trap energy and increase blood flow in the hand they when I say energy I'm talking about spiritual mystical not good stuff and we would also do things called iron body with iron body you would learn how to quote send this energy into a part of your body so that you can withstand being hit there I remember the first time that I did that class they call it pain class at the kung-fu school we always had our class like that after hours it was like 9 10 o'clock at night all the doors were shut all the windows were closed nobody could see what was happening to get trouble and even legally if a parent was upset you'd get in trouble for doing that to a young person or an old person however but in this pain class you would get somebody your rank preferably your size and they would come up and you would start by smacking the arms I would be standing here with you know my partner and maybe he was a green belt like when I first did it so I would smack him on the shoulder and he would smack me on the shoulder and we would go back and forth and each time I would tell him harder harder you didn't want to play chicken and go no don't do it harder everybody it's like you you want to get fired up and you don't want to be a chicken so you keep telling the guy no hit me harder and as you're doing that it does release adrenaline but it's also changing your frame of mind so we would do that on the arms for you know five minutes or so and then we would do it on the legs and then you would have to stand in a stance like this and they would smack you on the belly and you know you would go smack and then they would go harder and you'd hit them harder and you keep doing that until they said that's good and nobody wanted to say stop because that means you're chicken so you kept building up and then after you've got done with the arms the legs and the belly then you would stand face to face and you would tell your partners might be on the cheek and they would smack you and then you smack them back and they'd say harder and you'd say harder and we would do that five to ten minutes and it was I remember the first night that I was there I mean it's like all the green belts that were there was the first time they've done it I mean our faces were just blood red from being smacked with a palm and you know you kept doing it until the person said okay that's good I've had enough and I remember I woke up the next morning at home and my legs were purple not just from the hands because after we did it with our bare hands we would get a board we'd usually start off with a an inch thick you know some type of a board like a Hickory or some type of a hardwood and it would be about six feet long and your partner would smack you on the shoulder smack you on the leg smack you in the belly and you would say harder or you would let them go a couple of times and then stop but when I went home the next one and I woke up my thighs were purple from the bruises I mean every bruise blood bruise stayed that way for almost two weeks but we couldn't show anybody because if somebody saw about him if a mom or dad saw and these weren't little children that we're doing this most of these were 11 and up which is still little but I'm saying there were 11 year old boys and girls that went through this and it does something to your mind and you weren't supposed to show anybody so even with my wife and me being married I was like you know I couldn't show her so I'm walking around waiting for her to leave before I get in the shower waiting for not wearing shorts I'd always get up in the middle of the night put on sweatpants oh she couldn't see my legs my arms had bruises on my stomach I mean we bring blood to the surface on the stomach by getting into that war and yeah that went on for a number of years and then I noticed something the brown belts never had bruises the black belts never had bruises ever and so you kept training and trying to learn how to focus that that power in there and the only way you could do is was by doing things that God's Word forbade number one you're not supposed to have to do anything to do with pagan gods like Buddhas or Hinduism or Taoism or Shintoism but yet we were following their teachings and we kept progressing until when I got to the point where I was a brown belt you know we would do it I would go on that night and it didn't matter I had no bruises on me at all wouldn't get any bruises and that's impossible the only way that can be done is their spiritual powers you have to take the mind and command the body to do something in a spirit makes it happen when I got to the point that I was teaching I had my own school I remember we had students that I was then teaching how to do this and you know I was trying to show them how to get hit with the board and I remember we had to it was like a two by two you know which is not real thing it's not a two by four but like a two by two and I told one the guys I said you know swinging at me I said I want you to swing it up here like you're gonna hit me in the head now I said I want you to really swing it I said you can't hold back I say if you hold back it's gonna mess up they said you really won't be a hit you know I said yes and he swung it as hard as he could and as soon as he did I just put my arm up like that and the board went everywhere I just broke the board in half and there was no bruise and I was trying to teach them that I was showing them this is the power you can have if you keep doing what I tell you to do but what I was telling them to do was things God's Word said don't do so that's how the evil spirits got into my life by disobeying God says setting a wicked thing before your eyes you know he says that and I never realized I should have realized if you turn on the television or if you go to the movies or let's just think television turn on a cable television watch one movie one movie and and find a movie that does not have anything to do with sin if you find a movie in somebody's murder somebody's kissing somebody they're not married - that's fornication somebody's drinking smoking everything that the movies are about for things that are going to cause people to lose eternal life so when God said don't send a wicked thing before your eyes he was trying to protect us from giving the enemy rights to come into our lives so in my life what happened was it because I was ignoring God I'd taken a little step and I kept taking more steps it got to the point where I had gone so far that the door had been opened spirits of pride spirits of selfishness that was what Judas problem was he had a demon named selfishness in it doesn't mean anybody that's acting selfish has a demon that it means that if you keep surrendering to that voice instead of God's voice you can find yourself under the influence of that that spirit of Satan so that's why whenever a thought comes to our mind and it does not match up with what Christ would do you have to say Lord I reject this thought say it out loud he can hear you but that also tells the enemy I'm rejecting your authority in my life I belong to Jesus Christ not to you I choose to obey no matter what but I had not done that so as I kept training in the martial arts you know I was getting higher level I got the road as a fifth degree you know black belt or a fifth dawn in in kung-fu and I had six other black belts and other styles can I was a teacher level in Chinese ki Kong and a couple of other things that were you know Eastern related with healing and all of them dealt with power they dealt with it that spiritual power to be able to control people and it was affecting my family because in martial arts people will say martial arts is about self-defense right it's about self-defense let me get let me get a volunteer what's your name John thank you for your help John is a whole lot bigger than I am Don don't really hit me okay if he hits me I'll just wake me up okay what John's gonna do is we're gonna go slow he's gonna throw a haymaker at me like a big haymaker with his right hand so self-defense would be like this I'm blocking the punch I've got this hand back here cocked where is my weight leaning where am i leaving am i leaning into him or away from him this is defense right okay this is the best kind of defense he swings I mean I don't have to I don't have to face him you just run and you know what running cost you as much as a cheap pair of shoes and you can and you stay up here with me percentage on there and you can train it every day it doesn't cost you to join a club or a gym there's no occult anything in it I mean you run you know what people don't want to run right right girls maybe not as much as guys but for guys is prize man I don't want to be a chicken and run well Jesus had turned the other cheek don't run let him hit you and ask the Lord first protection let me show you something they don't want you to know though do the slow punch again all right here I'm leaning away from him that's defense that's not what martial arts does more swords does this and the next movement is this where's my weight going now that's not defense that's offense the moment that our arms connect it's going to become offensive thank you John the reason why is it because all the Masters tell you in order to defeat an opponent you have to be come more violent or more vicious than your opponent they say that's the only way and I remember I asked one of one of the grandmasters I trained under the first one I asked him one time I said this one guy's been here for four years and he had he made green belt yet this other man has been trained in for 11 months and you just promoted him to green belt I said I want to be a teacher one day help me to understand how how does that work and he looked at me and he said Eric that man walked into the school he was already a fighter this man knows all kinds of techniques but he does not have a fighting spirit that guy he was born that way or maybe he was raised that way or maybe he's got four bigger brothers that you know beat him up a lot or a dad who knows he I didn't have to put a spirit in him he already had it I have to teach them techniques but that's that's easy it's not techniques that went a fight it's spirit you have to have that martial spirit and that's what he told me he said the other guy said you know we go through all the training just to put the spirit in them the karate spirit or the kung-fu spirit that's all the training is for you know block and strike and block and strike and they start off going I'm nervous you know it's like I'm nervous and you can see their face because they're going this is going to hurt and after a while they're like man this doesn't hurt at all like this and it's becoming that spirit is taking over them it's a spirit of pride it's a spirit of control a spirit of domination and that's everything that happens a lot of people will say yeah but this is good for our children because they're gonna learn self discipline and self control and self esteem and self and self and self it's all about self everything in martial arts Tai Chi Yoga is about self everything is to look inward to self instead of upward to our Savior what is sad is is a lot of the young people that I taught and that we're going through it when I was they would start off learning self-discipline and and you know those good attributes but after a few years of doing it they lost all respect for their father at home mother's was not as big an issue but all respect for their fathers and you know what would happen to a lot of the young men they were like I can hit with I can get hit with a board I can you know break a to things of you know pine board my dad can't do that I can run faster than my dad I can do more push-ups than my dad and pretty soon their father would be come down here in their eyes and their master or sensei at the school became this which is why they're also known as the father figure so when they tell you it teaches you respect it's really not it's only an illusion anyway so I went through this for years probably I think it was the 24th year that I was in martial arts there was an event that happened that the Lord allowed to open my eyes I had been training I was getting ready to make a sixth or seventh dawn in in kung-fu I had the whole world in front of me and you never retire when you're in a martial arts never I mean you can be a hundred and twenty and you don't have to retire you don't lose money and you really don't lose power anymore because the higher level you get the power becomes more spiritual than physical so you you don't rely on physical ability I remember yell knows who Steven Seagal is an actor did a lot of martial arts Aikido Steven Seagal he was one of the few Caucasians that was allowed to make the rank that he did he made seventh dawn in in traditional Aikido the man that was the founder of this system his name was more EIU a Shiva and your way Shiva when he was 84 85 years old he was still teaching and training just like he when he was 35 and I remember he went in and they have it on film footage you may still be able to find it on YouTube he went in he was asked by the Japanese government they said our culture is changing because you know Japan used to be feudal and now they're wanting to get them more into the the modern age so they asked you a shoe but would you be willing to come and meet with some of the heads of state and the the leading men in our political system in Japan and these men were most of them were not old-school where you had warlords and Samurai most of these men were like forget about all that junk in the past all the religious hocus-pocus we want technology and money and we want to be like America and you a ship has said I think this is important so he agreed to meet with these men he told them he said you'd bring them all to this I think it was like a Collis not a Colosseum like an arena where you would have a sporting event it was an indoor and he got there and there were guessing there was four or five hundred of these Japanese men all in black tailored suits sitting on the bleachers to see what he was going to show them and when they brought him in he was in his 80s he had four of his black belts that were carrying him on a cot because he was having a hard time walking and they carried him in on a cot and they sent him down in the middle of the floor they set the cot down and he was on his knees on that cot and then they stepped back and then a bunch of other white belts don't remember how many more you know 10 15 20 of them they all came out in circle now and if you're a student of a master or a grand master and he tells you I want you to really hit me and you hold back he won't promote you to the next rank he may he may hold you back another year or two before he even consider promoting you to the next rank because you didn't believe he could handle what he told you to do it's not like the master would say I want you to really hit me you gotta I'm gonna give him 25% you know because I don't want to make it look mad he just he would he'd knock you off your feet and you would not be promoted so you a Shabazz sitting there in the floor on his knees and he calls for two or three or four of the black belts to come out so they come out one at a time one swinging a bokken a wooden sword once swinging a Jew staff or a bo staff another one's coming at him with a punch another one with a kick and he's on his knees and he's blocking and defending and throwing these guys into the floor and pretty soon they said that being two or three or four of them coming one at a time it's four at a time it's five at a time they've presented all of them all these black belts fourth fifth six degree black belts are all attacking him at one time and he's on his knees and he's throwing them all over the floor none of them can touch him everyone that reaches to hit him he takes hold of them and slings on and then all of a sudden in the middle of it he's just moving so fast and all these men are trying to get him he stands up on his feet and it looks like he's floating he's not really floating but I mean his movements were so graceful for an 87 year old man it didn't even look like his feet were touching the ground he was moving so gracefully and none of the guys can hit him and then he started and he started throwing them without touching them literally backwards I mean one of the guys would come up with a knife to stab him and he would raise his hand like that and the guy would be knocked you could see something hit him in the chin and he would knock him a complete flip backwards and people say oh that was just gymnastics it was all staged no it wasn't more eiu a shovel was not a faker he really was doing that through the power of evil spirits and then he went over when he got finished and he kneeled back down on the floor sat there on that caught in the came back out and they picked up the caught and they carried him out that was the whole thing he didn't say one word to the men he was showing them this is the power that you guys don't know anything about you think it's just marshal power it's more than what you realize when I was training and it had gotten to a level where I was I was getting close to that type of stuff and I knew and I was excited about it and I had a school I had my own school I had between 70 and 100 students I talked private lessons every day so I would teach all day you know if somebody wanted to come get a class I feel little pay for an hour of private instruction then I had group classes and one day I think it was on a Friday if I remember correctly I was there I had just finished teaching a group class and they left the students left and I went back to stand behind the desk I was doing some paperwork and the UPS guy showed up you know the brown truck and I love to UPS because that's like you know surprised you could open a box even if I had ordered it it's fun opening a new box so he comes in drops the box off he even tells me how much it is I got out my checkbook for the school and I started running the checkbook and all of a sudden it was like it was like I was there but I was up here it's like I saw myself and I was looking down and I was seeing my body and I was seeing my hand write the check but I was not telling my hand to write the check it's hard to describe I mean my hand was writing the check and I was signing my name but I wasn't telling my hand to do it it was like I was back here behind and I was like this is not right because if I if I hand does something I have to tell it to do that it can't do that without you know my control and all of a sudden it hit me something else was moving my hand and then I saw my face and I was coming back down into my body I saw my face talking to the UPS guy then it wasn't me I was in the back almost like I was sitting in the back seat of the car and I had tape over my mouth and my hands were tied behind my back and somebody else who looked like me was driving the car and I was sitting there thinking That's not me what are you doing sitting in my seat driving my car and the UPS guy left and I walked to the front of the building and I had chills all over my neck hair on the back of my neck was standing up and I knew this is not good I'll lock the door and I pulled the shades down on the school and I got on my knees I started praying god help me help me and the Lord heard I was not living for him when this happened I mean you'll sing the full story you know if you get the DVD or if you watch it on YouTube I was not living for the Lord he had no reason to save me it's not because I was doing something right or good that he heard my cry he heard my cries because he had promised a lot of times we as seventh-day Adventist Christians we put conditions on God's promises there's one condition are you willing to believe anyway that day was a wake-up it was it was a wake-up call the next thing that happened I had a night at the school I'm trying to skip through what ports I had a night at the school where I was teaching a class and when I got finished with the class and I went home I'm not going to take the details of what happened because you'll have to watch the film on YouTube but when I finished with the class and I went back to the apartment my wife and I were the Lord was bringing us back together we weren't all the way back together yet but we were working God was really working on us and I got back to the apartment my wife was upstairs as she was asleep and my son and my daughter were in their room asleep and I remember I set my gym bag down and I walked over to the refrigerator and I reached up with my right hand to open the refrigerator door and all of a sudden all those hair on the back of my neck stood up again and I felt something standing behind me and if you've never experienced that I can't put it into words in a way that you will but I felt this thing behind me and what was so strange about it was I could feel how big it was I'm not literally I knew that what was behind me was at least 10 or 12 feet tall I could feel it it was like I felt like there was a huge being of some kind behind me and it was scary it was not good and all of a sudden all these thoughts run started running through my head about fighting a lot of people think martial arts is like you know Taekwondo plus or you know karate or whatever and you put the pads on and you go shin guard you got pads on your feet and that's that's point sparring we didn't we did not do points for we wore shoes we kicked each other we hit each other full-contact and the only way to make the next rank was to be everybody that was your right you want to make green belt you had to beat everybody that was alight and it had gotten to the point after those 20-some years I would have fought anybody and I don't say that with any air against it I'm not that way now now if you hit me I'm gonna hit the ground or just stand there look at you they go wipe the blood off my face but back then I would have fought anybody didn't matter who it was and didn't matter if I won or lost it didn't matter if I died I wasn't even worried about dying I would have fought a bear or a dog if somebody had told me to and when I was standing there and I could feel this thing behind me I was terrified I had not been scared in years and I knew if I turn around I can't defeat whatever this is I knew it because I was scared not looking at it and I knew that if I run there's no way I can outrun it I don't know how I knew that but I felt it and all of a sudden out of nowhere I heard a voice and it's that call on the name of Jesus whosoever calls upon the name of Jesus shall be saved if you ever look up the word saved in a concordance or on a sword it doesn't mean you get a ticket to heaven it means delivered rescued set free healed and made whole now hey I didn't want to talk to God I had one to talk to y'all in a long time but I knew that I had no one else to turn to and I dropped without even looking behind me I would not look I was terrified to look at it I dropped on my knees and I started screaming at the top of my lungs Jesus have mercy on me and save me now I don't know how long I've sat there but I felt something come into the room something that was more powerful and something that was light I was not at all afraid I felt this huge mass of whatever this evil thing was behind me and then I felt something else come in that was pure it was just it was it was so powerful that it was pure and it was like boom and the other thing was gone about that time my wife can't running down the stairs cuz she heard me screaming I don't know how long I was there I was drenched my whole shirt was just drenched with sweat and tears and she was like what's wrong and I was like I think God just did a miracle that demon that was behind me was the one that had been with me and empowering me in the martial arts and I've had a lot of talked to a lot of people that was in 2007 that was 12 years ago I've talked to a lot of people and say oh that never happened to me I'm not going that deep or I'm not going this far and I'm like well how far do you want to go I mean I had at least that one in me I have no idea how many others but you don't want to open the door because the only thing that will cast an evil spirit out is the blood of Christ and you have to have faith in that blood and in his name God is faithful he will not fail you I want to read a promise to you and I hope if you are able to the children come tomorrow because tomorrow we're going to we're going to have a really good message and we're going to show some things visually that will it will catch your eyes it'll make it real I wish somebody had told me these things when I was young and I would have known this is a verse in Malachi chapter 7 actually Micah chapter 7 I'm sorry Micah chapter 7 I want you to listen to this and I want you to read your name into these words listen to this and hear your name who is a God like unto you that pardons iniquity and passes by the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance he retains not his anger forever because he delights in mercy says there he pardons iniquity there's two there's three kinds of sin in the Bible you have sin transgression and iniquity I always thought that was like you know good better best you know one was bad one was worse one was the ultimate but that's not what it is the word iniquity means perversity and mischievous perversity God says I can handle it I can take care of that and he passes by the transgression the word transgression means rebellion and apostasy of the remnant of his heritage that's us we're the remnant of his heritage it says he will turn again your mom or dad has never been embarrassed or a teacher or a coach it's like if you're a coach and you're like that's my team and also they do something really dumb and you go oh I can't even look at that that's what God is saying when he sees this fall for the devil's lies he's like oh I can't even look at this I can't believe they believe that liar again that says he will turn again if turned towards us he will have compassion upon us he will subdue your iniquities you ever wondered how does Jesus did that how can God or Jesus subdue my iniquities personally I used to drink beer next to drink $200 worth of liquor and alcohol a week by myself how can Christ subdue that do you know the only way he could subdue that he had to take my addiction to alcohol in his own flesh and he had to look at his flesh and say my flesh wants to go and buy that beer or drink that vinegar and I'm I would rather die than drink it remember when they came to give him the cup and he wouldn't take it he said that's Eric's alcoholism that's Eric's lust or his bitterness or his resentment or his unforgiveness and bitterness I took it and I died rather than yield to it he says I will subdue your iniquities and now we'll cast all of our sins into the depths of the sea then he says this promise listen to this thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob what did what did Jesus promise Jacob I'm changing your name Jacob means a heel catcher it's a guy who trips the guy in front of him in a race you know he's running in front of you and you go trip boom and you walk over top of him to win the race that's what Jacob means so whenever he would go up to somebody he'd go hi you'd say what's your name and then you asked me Jacob and you go let go of my hand you're a swindler you're a cheat when you told somebody your name you were telling them about you Christ said your name's not gonna be Jacob anymore I'm naming you Israel you know what Israel means one who prevails an overcomer he says thou wilt perform my truth to Jacob your word is truth and the mercy to Abraham which thou hath sworn unto our fathers from the days of hold and I was like God what does that mean the mercy you promised Abraham in Luke chapter one he tells what that verse is promising that we should be saved from our enemies that means every evil spirit that's tempting you and from the hand of all those that hate us to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy Covenant the oath which he sware to our father Abraham that he would grant unto us what's the difference between a grant and a school loan a grant you don't pay back but a school loan you do pay back with interest right it doesn't say that he would give us a school loan of salvation that he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our lives that's an oath God can't lie God promised us that what he wants for us to do is to take hold of that promise and say God I need you to fix me and need you to fix me and he will tomorrow we're going to share some things about how the enemy can defile God's temple we're going to talk about Saul ties between men and women young men and young women we're going to talk about things that that should be saved for marriage that sometimes are not and that they they open the door now I'll give you a heads-up on that I don't want to do this I'm gonna be careful since we had some younger people here but I'll put it in a way so that everybody including them will be able to understand their level the Bible says that when a husband and a wife get married the two become one flesh they become one flesh you ever wondered there'll be a wife sometimes like during Vietnam she'd be standing in the kitchen washing dishes and all of a sudden she'd go and drop the dishes and her husband was in Vietnam he had just been shot she could feel it because the two of them were one that's why Christ feels what we go through even Ellen White said that she said he experiences every pain as if it were his own were one with him when two people become joined and this can be through kissing it can be through foreplay it can be through going farther than that it can even be through visual and in our country we've got problems with internet and with magazines and television even visually if a man is joined to a woman even in his heart in his mind two can become one flesh now I'll tell you what happens with that by experience if you have had I think I want to be careful I always say this if you've got a girl and she meets a young man maybe they're at church and they they do some things that they shouldn't do and they're joined what if that man that young man had his previous girlfriend had had had an abortion the spirit of murder and guilt and shame and depression and sometimes even suicide will go into the woman that's had the abortion if that man was joined to her that spirit now has rights to him even though he didn't have the abortion because he became one with her he can come under that spirit's influence now this other girl comes along and she thinks he's a great guy and she begins dating him and they become joined even mentally that spirit can then begin to exercise rights in her life and that's terrifying because nobody told me that when I was 14 15 16 years old the enemy is using that to destroy lives to destroy families I had a man a couple of years ago he was a deacon at a church a 7tms church he had been in Vietnam and he came to me after we had shared a series one weekend and he said I need that I need to talk me I need to ask for prayer and I said you know what's wrong and he said I was in Vietnam I said ok and I thought he was going to tell me about you know bad memories of Vietnam and he said no he said he said did something really dumb he said I was unfaithful to my wife one night with you know a woman that worked and got paid for it he said I've come home and I can't be intimate with my wife anymore he said that was a years ago that was Vietnam that was back 68 69 70 71 72 that was a long time ago he said I can't get that woman's picture out of my head every time I try to be loving to my wife that woman's face is there what happened was the two became one the only way that can be broken is by faith in what Christ has promised then you know what the moment that it's confessed and you believe that Jesus has forgiven you the tie is broken that instant and people say man but how can you believe I know what that was like I battled the stuff it was like it took me years to get free it could've been done in one minute you have to believe what God says and people say but I'm trying to believe and I can't make myself faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you start reading the promises out loud of how much he loves you and of what he will do to set you free and you'll believe it and the devil's power is gone and Christ will come into your heart and he will cast out every buyer and seller we're going to talk a little bit more about that tomorrow but we've also got some other things that I'm going to share with you so I hope you guys have a blessed evening and please keep me in your prayers and my family and I'm keeping all of you in my prayers let's say prayer together Father in Heaven Lord Jesus Christ thank you for all that you've done father we lift every individual and every family that is here at or camp-meeting this year father we confess all of our sins all of our iniquities all of our transgressions all of those of our ancestors under the fifth generation father we claim your promise the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which cleanses us from all sin father I pray that tonight you will fight for each person that is here open our eyes and cause us to see your glory the high calling that you have upon our lives help each young woman here in this tent to know who she is as a daughter of the Most High God help each young man in this tent to know who they are as the sons of God father open our ears and cause us to hear your voice as we read and search through your word for your promises we thank you in Jesus name
Channel: Caribou Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship
Views: 478
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: spiritualism, martial arts, self defense, unity, two become one, one with Christ, one with a demon, spiritual power
Id: K801T3hbh7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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