Christopher Hudson "The Wise Will Understand"

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good evening everyone good evening it's a blessing to be here with you it is Tuesday correct its blessing to be here with you this Tuesday and I'm just getting back into the u.s. from Romania where we were doing a camp meeting and we had the privilege to go out with it about with about a hundred and thirty young people into the city of Cluj where we were distributing ten thousand copies of the book great controversy and God really bless and I'm sure that the Lord has prepared a very special blessing for us as we spend the next few days here in this place we want his spirit to abide with us amen and so because I'm not one to do too much talking I really believe that the Word of God speaks eloquently all by itself but I have a tradition that I love to hold to and I want to invite you to embrace it with me this evening and that's number one I always love to ask people please pray for yourself I'm firmly of the belief that whenever the Word of God has opened the Spirit of God desires to move upon our hearts to lead and direct us into all truth John 16:13 tells us how be it when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever years that shall he speak and he will show you things to come and we need to understand the truth with the great clarity we're in living in a time right now where people believe that truth is relative have you heard this before and but we know that's the one special thing that's one of the many special things that God has blessed us with as he's given us his word we are some of the only people in the face of planet Earth that knows that know rather that truth is absolute truth is absolute and truth is absolute and truth is God and all that proceeds from him that is true and so we want to understand the truth we don't want to simply spend our time here listening to the ramblings of men we've done enough of that unfortunately many of us can attest to the fact that we after week we hear men rambling telling stories and fables in giving philosophies and it has no eternal benefit associated with it is that true we need truth jesus said and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you for you and so if it is your desire to hear the Spirit of God speak I just simply counsel you to pray earnestly pray and ask Lord send your spirit speak to my heart help me understand what it is you need me to understand for this critical time open up my understanding and guide me in the way of eternal life if that is your prayer I can assure you God is going to bless you as we spend time together here amen and please pray for myself as well that I'll simply be used as an instrument by which the Lord might be lifted up so I'm going to kneel to pray at this time if you're inclined or able to do so I invite you to kneel with me and I want to afford you the opportunity to take the next few moments just 60 seconds to be precise and I'm giving you this opportunity simply to pray I know there are many things that are upon our hearts that we can pray for being family members issues in our lives but in particular I want us to focus our prayers upon this moment of time ask the Lord to purify and cleanse your minds in your hearts and invite his spirit to fall upon us even in latter rain power and then when you hear my voice I'll be closing us out in prayer so let's seek the face of the Lord at this time a loving father in heaven we thank you for this privilege that we have to call upon your name now we can seek your face and we come before your throne in faith in the name of Jesus and we ask that you'd forgive us of our sins whatever we may have been engaged in this week this day moments before we entered into this tent moments before we came onto these campgrounds that was displeasing in your sight we asked that you to please cleanse our hearts of all of this unrighteousness we want your Holy Spirit to be here with us we desire your Holy Angels to come into this place to minister unto us we are weak and needy people and we're living at such a critical time in this Earth's history father opened our eyes that we might behold wondrous things out of thy Lord may your truth have a sanctifying effect upon our lives may Christ be lifted up in this your sanctuary for he said if he was lifted up he would draw all men unto himself Lord remember me I asked that you to cleanse me of all my pride my self trust and my self-righteousness and all of my weakness I pray that you would take me into your hand and use me that my life might simply be an instrument through which you might part your grace upon your people my brothers and my sisters we thank you for hearing this our prayer all things we ask we pray it in the worthy name of our Lord and Savior Christ the righteous amen what invites you to open your Bibles we're going to go to the Book of Daniel going to the Book of Daniel by the way I must say I'm so pleased that I can stand here before you without a translator right now I feel very free I know you don't understand what I'm saying I just had to speak with two translators brothers and sisters I tell you have mercy upon me go with me to the Book of Daniel the Book of Daniel and we're going the 12 chapter Daniel the 12 chapter and I want you to look with me now at verse 10 Daniel chapter 12 and we're looking at the tenth verse when you arrive during your Bibles just simply note let me know by saying Amen we're looking at Daniel 2:12 chapter and verse 10 the Bible tells us here many shall be purified made white and tried the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise will do what the wise will understand there's a time of crisis coming upon our world this is not something that we speak about as frequently as we should but it is a truth that the Lord Himself would have us ever to keep before our faces because that is what is on the horizon for a hundred and twenty years there was a critical message that the world was in need of and that was the fact that judgment was coming upon mankind God was going to send a flood because of the impurity the wickedness that dwelled in the hearts of men and for a hundred and twenty years God's preacher of righteousness Noah with every bro with every blow that he struck on that ark and with every word that he spoke when the multitudes were about him he made sure that they were clearly aware of the fact that the judgment of God was coming a crisis was coming and this would be the only means by which the people might begin to prepare themselves for this crisis that was going to come upon the world a crisis that none had ever seen before we're getting ready to go into a time of trouble such as never was do you believe that do you still believe that there is something called the mark of the beast that is getting ready to come upon this planet how many of you believe that is very very close even closer than what we may think when this crisis touches down my friends we are told that the most skillful pen cannot begin to give us an understanding of the magnitude of what is before what is getting ready to take hold upon this planet the most imaginative writer does not have the adeptness the skill the the language to be able to just give us a picture of what is getting ready to come upon this world a crisis is coming but in this crisis when this fire is kindled upon planet Earth the Bible says many shall be purified made white and tried however the wicked they will do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but then the Word of God goes on to say that the wise will understand I want to ask you two questions number one do you want to be wicked I figured you say that number two do you want to be wise I figured you say that so then what type of person do you need to be in this hour person that what understands the wise are characterized by the fact that they will understand I want to talk about that this evening if you turn your Bibles with me to the Book of Psalms the 49th division and go with me to the twentieth verse I want you to see what the Word of God has to say here about this issue of man being understanding Psalm 49 we're looking at the 20th verse Psalm 49 looking at verse 20 the Bible says this man that is in honor and understandeth not he is like the beasts that perish that word honor it means esteemed highly esteemed of great value and worth man that is an honor and understand it not he is like the beasts that perish I don't know about all of you here but I can speak very frankly and be very open concerning myself and say I was subject to a Babylonian education I don't know if any of you anyone else here can say that I know that you can I'll take it on my shoulders right now though I was subject to a Babylonian education I was subject to I fell prey to the lies and the deceptions that are developed in the hearts of sinful men and because of this my perception of things and many of our perceptions of things very very skewered very very very they're inaccurate when we think of people that are honorable unfortunately without verbalizing our opinion when we think of the Honorable in the world most of us think of individuals that hold high positions in society he's saying for a person to be honorable they must be a governor they must be a president they must be a prime minister they must be a doctor they must be a lawyer they must have a certain type of bank account with a certain number of zeros are you following so far and then some of us who really have a perverted understanding we look at individuals in Hollywood on the television screen and the music videos for my young people and we look at these individuals as the so-called celebrated an honourable of society but this is a perverted understanding of things because according to the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation God makes one thing clear all men and women are honorable in the sight of the Almighty I need to say that and say that one more time all men and women are honorable in this side of the almighty and I want you to turn in your Bibles with me the Hebrews the second chapter I want you to look at something there that the Apostle Paul says under the inspiration of the Spirit of God concerning this issue we're looking at Hebrews chapter 2 beginning at verse 6 and I want you to see what God has to say about mankind whom he is responsible for creating in Hebrews chapter 2 beginning at verse 6 the Bible says but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him for thou madest him a little lower than the Angels thou crown is him with glory and honor and descent him over the works of thine hands so according to the Bible every man and woman every man and woman no matter their race their nationality the tongue they speak makes no difference from the time that God created man the Bible says he crowned us with both glory and on and it is my firm belief that the reason God crowned us with honor was because he first crowned us with glory why do I say that what is this glory that God crowned us with the issue is made clear in the book of Exodus go with me to the 33rd chapter in Exodus chapter 33 in Exodus chapter 33 beginning at verse 18 this is one of my favorite passages in the Bible because you see God interacting with a human being another man like ourselves in a very intimate fashion we have Moses speaking to God as a son with his father as a friend with his friend and it's really powerful and I pray that you would even take the time to consider that God desires to commune with you in this type of intimate fashion and in Exodus 33 and verse 18 as poses for speaking with God Moses said to God and I beseech thee show me thy glory God responds in verse 19 I will make all my goodness pass before thee and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee and I will be gracious to him I'll be gracious and show mercy to whom I will show mercy so Moses says to God Lord show me your glory God says to Moses okay I'll proclaim my name to you I believe I talked about this issue with you the last two years ago that I was with you but this is one issue that I always reiterate over and over and over again and you will understand why I reiterate it over and over and over again as it plays so as it plays such an important role in the final issues of the great controversy the glory of God so God tells Moses ah proclaim my name to you when Moses asks him to reveal his glory to him the reason is because God's glory and his name they're one in the same are you following so far the name of God and the glory of God they are one in the same inseparable they are synonymous matter of fact look with me at verse 17 same chapter Exodus chapter 33 looking at verse 17 I want you to see what God says to Moses are you there in your Bibles with me Exodus chapter 33 looking at the 17 first liquid God says to Moses and the Lord said unto Moses I will do this thing also that I have spoken for thou hast found what grace in my sight and I know thee by name so Moses makes a request of God God says okay Moses I'm gonna do what you ask of me you found grace in my sight and the reality is Moses I know you by name it is clear just from reading that Scripture you don't have to read too many other verses to get the understanding of what God was saying to Moses when he said to him I know you by name God was simply saying to Moses Moses I know what type of man you are I know your character if you believe it to be true say Amen and so when God makes this statement to Moses and Moses comes to this understanding that God knows him inside and out he understands the mind of his servant he knows him intimately Moses looking at God says Lord you know me I want to know you the same way you know me show me thy glory have you said that to God Lord you know me I want to know you show me your glory do you think God will answer that prayer I believe with all of my heart God will reveal that truth to any person with the sincere contrite heart makes the request and when Moses makes the request God says okay I'll proclaim my name to you and in Exodus chapter 34 beginning at verse 5 start there with me in your Bibles Exodus 34 beginning at verse 5 the Bible says and the Lord descended in a cloud and stood with him there and proclaim the name of the Lord and the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord God merciful and gracious long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiving iniquity transgression in sin and that will by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children and upon the children's children unto the third and fourth generation so here it is when God proclaims his name to Moses did he say I am the I am did he say that there is it in your Bible no did he say Yahshua HaMashiach you know there's a lot of people going around right now saying that you have to use a particular name when you I address God have you ever heard this one before they say you can't use the name Jesus you could have fooled me because I remember when I was coming to the Lord and I found myself in that bed being pinned down by a demon and being strangled and I remembered hearing that there is power in the name of Jesus when I when I just got the name of Jesus between my teeth everything that was taking place in my room stopped so I do know that there's power in the name of Jesus no so I'll stick with that one are you following so far but here in Exodus 34 verses 5 all the way down through 7 God does not give us any of these titles he begins to give a clear exposition he gives a clear point-by-point layout of the different attributes that make up the spectrum of the character of God such a powerful thing that's his glory brothers and sisters the Bible says in the book of Hebrews chapter 2 that God crowned us with glory from the very time that we were made God crowned us with glory what is the understanding the Lord wants us to walk away from that verse of scripture with he wants each and every one of us to clearly understand that God made us for the specific purpose of reflecting his character period period we were made for no other purpose God may have blessed you with the intellect to be a rocket scientist God may have blessed you with a good woman to be your wife he says the Bible says if a man has found a good woman he's found a good thing the Lord may have blessed you with many talents and gifts placed before you a multitude of opportunities in this life but all of them are worthless if they do not play into the accomplishing of this all-important overarching design for which God made you and that is to reveal your glory my friends with this knowledge we have to all remember this period in every decision that we make every goal that we set up for ourselves we have to think to ourselves will making this decision right now while making this purchase right now while getting this particular job right now while seeking out this career right now what will bringing this individual into my life what doing any of these things assist me in accomplishing God's ultimate design for my life and that is to reveal his character that is the way we have to think that is the way we must make our decisions because that is the purpose for which we were created to reveal the glory of God it's a powerful thing matter of fact go with me Isaiah chapter 43 look what the scripture says there Isaiah chapter 43 we're looking at the seventh verse isaiah chapter 43 looking at verse 7 says exactly what we've been talking about for the last few moments in isaiah 43 looking at verse 7 the bible says there even everyone that is called by my name if i've created him for my glory i have formed in yeh I have made him you and I were made for the glory of God that means when you see the person strung out on drugs when you see the person that is homeless when you see the person that has anger issues when you see people in all types of unwelcome oval positions in this life this truth stands true for them as much as it does for any other do you understand what we're talking about right now it is a truth that the devil does not want us to consider and certainly does not want us to live a life based upon this principle that I am an INT I am a man you are a woman we are people that were made creations that were made to be reflectors of the character of the Almighty what type of work that does that invest in every human being what type of work it's so powerful brothers and sisters what God has done for us as human beings we really need to understand because it is superior I have to just say it that way it is greater from everything that I've studied in the scriptures it is so wonderful it is different from any other thing that he's done for any other intelligent form of creation you do know there are other intelligent forms of creation other than humanity you're all familiar with this amen I mean one intelligent form of creation that the Bible clearly speaks of or angels these are intelligent life forms are you following so far and the way God made them is different from the way that God made us we're told back there in the book of Hebrews chapter 2 that we were made a little lower than the Angels but I want you to consider how God made the highest angel go with me to Ezekiel chapter 28 Ezekiel the 28th chapter because in Ezekiel chapter 28 the highest angel that was ever created by the hand of God is spoken of here in very favorable language reason it's favorable language is because a lamentation is being taken up against him that's a eulogy you always say nice people nice things about people when you're eulogizing them don't you the Bible says here I want you are you there with me in your Bibles Ezekiel 28 looking at verse 12 are you there with me it says son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say unto Him thus saith the Lord thou tillest up the son full of wisdom and perfect in beauty Daoist in the Eden of God every precious was like covering the Bible goes on to enumerate all of these precious stones and metals but then I want you to go down with me to verse 14 are you there in your Bibles now are the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set these so so we know we're looking at this high angel this anointed cherub that covered the presence of God as he said upon his throne high and lifted up and in speaking about the way that he was created by the Almighty the Bible says in verse 12 he sealed up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty now when you look at that phrase that he sealed up the sum what does that mean to you think about it think think think think about it if I had a bottle of water here right now for instance there's one here I'm sorry to the camera person let me use it as a prop so I have a bottle of water here in my hand it says that it's supposed to be able to hold six point sixteen point nine floral ounces of water it is evidently not full to the top right now but if I was to put this to a faucet fill it all the way to the top take this cap and do this what did I just do I sewed it up to what it's some can I put any more fluid in this bottle why because it was only made with the ability to retain but so much fluid are you with me so far the Bible says concerning Lucifer the highest angel that was ever created that he sealed up the sum full of wisdom and perfect and beauty in other words all of the wisdom and beauty of divinity that God could pour into or confer upon an angel Lucifer had it in him all of the wisdom and beauty of God that could be conferred that could be put in an angel into that order of creation Lucifer had it and it fitted him to hold a very high and exalted position in the courts of heaven what was that position he was a covering chair he covered the throne of God would you not declare that to me would you not state that would you not say that's a high position would you like to be at the side of the throne ooga but look what the Bible says about humanity one more time go back with Hebrews chapter 2 I want you to really consider this Hebrews chapter 2 there's something in Hebrews chapter 2 in those same verses that we looked at earlier that I purposefully did not share with you but many of you as you read your Bible I know some of you have some really nice Bibles out there so you have margins in your Bible and you'll be able to read in the margin of your Bible exactly what I'm getting ready to share with you in Hebrews chapter 2 beginning at verse 6 when the Bible says but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him for thou madest him a little lower than the Angels when the Bible says there that we were made a little lower than the Angels it does not mean that God made us lower than the angels to eternally remain lower than the Angels that phrase a little lower then for those of you that have margins in your Bible you'll be able to read it there that phrase a little lower than the Angels actually means for a little while lower than the Angels that's a big difference isn't it for a little while lower that gives a whole different understanding to that verse of scripture doesn't it that lets us know that God may have made us originally lower than the Angels but it is not was not his intention for us to continually remain lower than the Angels it was just for a season just for a probationary period of time we're even told in the spirit of prophecy that if Adam and Eve had passed that test in the garden they would have forever been placed beyond sin and they would have just continued to grow in the will of God brothers and sisters God has a purpose for Humanity that is different than that which he created the Angels my friends through the plan of redemption God does not only design to bring us up to where the angels are and by the way I'd be totally I'd be totally happy with that I'd be very happy with that David said that he just wants to be a doorkeeper if I could keep the door of the doorkeeper I'd be all right but God has something else in heart for us how do I know this because the Bible tells us something very special in the book of Revelation chapter 3 go there with me in your Bibles in Revelation chapter 3 as God pronounces a special blessing to the Church of Laodicea which all of us are a part of we are this people that are living during the time of the judgment of God and that's what Laodicea means the judgment of the people we are the ones that are living during the time period of the investigative judgment and to each one of the churches God expresses our blessing to them if they will overcome the situations that they're going through by looking unto Jesus as the author and the finisher of their faith and for Laodicea he as well extends a promise that I say supersedes anything that we could ever comprehend for ourselves in the book of Revelation 3 I want you to look at this verse 21 are you there in your Bibles it says to him that overcometh will I grant to him to sit with me upon my throne even as I also overcame and AM set down with my father in his throne you didn't hear them I'm telling you the truth when I read things like this enough in the Bible my wife knows because I start things might get broken in the house I get so excited I'm being honest with him when God starts pricking my mind to understand better his love for me and what he designs for me and all of us it it changes everything it just it I can't sit there if you listen to this scripture it clearly states that if we overcome this cancer of sin the same way that Christ the Word of God made flesh was victorious over the enemy and sin when he walked amongst men the Word of God says we will sit with him in his throne even the way he is set down with his father in his throne now my friends you can search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you will never see one scripture where God extends a promise to an angel or any other creature for that matter to share the throne with him the closest that the Angels get is to the side of the throne you're hearing Lucifer an angel that sealed up the sum full of wisdom perfect and beauty he was so blessed that he was able to stand at the side of the throne covering the presence of God as he sits in the throne but humanity if we by the grace of God overcome sin in this life looking unto Jesus we are told that there is room for us in the throne of God my friend that's powerful because who gets to sit in the throne wait a second who's sitting in the throne right now the father and the son are sitting in the throne God sits in the throne royalty sits in the throne if you consider this you might squint your eyes and say hold on brother Hudson so are you trying to tell me that we are going to be gone I'm not trying to tell you that we're going to be God but this whole plan of redemption the mystery of godliness is clearly stated to be Christ in you the hope of glory Christ in you the hope of glory I have a question for you does Christ have right to the throne well if Christ is in you then you have right to the throne too come on brothers and sisters do you see what God designs for us my friends God made us to be reflectors of his character we're talking about a God that is infinite if God is infinite and he is would you not as well agree that the character of God must be infinite as well is that not something that you agree to God is infinite so his character must be infinite but you and I were made to be reflectors of the character of an infinite God so what does that mean for us it can only simply mean that God has made each one of us with the potential to grow and grow and grow and grow and grow throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity so that as eternity rolls on we can reveal the character of God more and more perfectly that's powerful there's some special engineering that had to go into the fashioning of mankind so that we could obtain to this high and holy purpose for which God made us and God did engineer us in a very special fashion and you know exactly what I'm talking about because the Bible speaks of it here in Genesis chapter 1 and verse 27 let's go there in our Bibles familiar Scripture I believe to all of us here in the room Genesis chapter 1 looking at the 27th verse and when you arrive there just say Amen pardon me if I'm going a bit fast I'm just happy to be back home are you falling right now are you with me in Genesis chapter 1 in verse 27 it says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he then so we were made in the image of God for the sole purpose of us being able to reveal the character of God how many of us here in this room already knew that we were made in the image of God I'm sure all of us knew this have you really sat down sometimes and thought about this I was made in the image of God what does that really mean I want you to look at a couple of scriptures with me and I hope it really opens up your breadth of understanding on this particular subject matter go with me to the book of Colossians let's go to Colossians Colossians chapter 1 and let's look at the let's begin at verse 14 Colossians chapter 1 let's look at verse 14 we were made in the image of God so that we can reveal the glory of God in Colossians chapter 1 and we're looking at verse 14 the Bible says this in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins so the word of God here clearly speaking about Jesus Christ because he's the only one that's built his blood for us to redeem us but then speaking of the same Jesus go to verse 15 now are you there it says whom is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of what of all creation of all things and when the Bible says that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation it doesn't mean that he is a created being it is speaking of him as being the eldest the chief like the like the eldest brother he's the one that is above all created things and this Jesus the Bible says he is the image of the invisible God so when God said in Genesis chapter 1 let us make man in our own image who were we made to be like brothers and sisters there is only one that is the image of the invisible God what is his name Jesus God said let us make man in our own image who were we made to be like just say the same answer Jesus do you believe that you were made to be like Jesus we were made to be like Jesus that's a powerful truth have you ever heard somebody say nobody can be like Jesus have you ever heard that before or when they talk about Jesus getting victory over his sin they say well that was Jesus but we're not Jesus have you ever heard that one before to say that we can't be like Jesus is like saying a plane can't fly or a car can't drive cars were made to drive planes were made to fly if they're not getting hit by lightning human beings were made in the image of God are you getting the point right now we were made for that particular purpose to reflect the character of God so either we were made in the image of God or God messed up when he made us so if God did make us in His image then it stands true that we can obtain to the purpose for which he made us by grace and in speaking of this very Jesus who is the image of God go with me again we're going to the book of Colossians chapter 2 I want you to look at verse 3 with me now we're talking about Jesus whom is the image of the invisible God because as we look at Jesus we learn much about what God's purpose is for us in Colossians chapter 2 in verse 3 are you there with me in your Bibles it says in whom I had all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge of all things of all divine things found right there in Jesus Christ the image of God now drop down to verse 9 same chapter Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 are you there the Bible says and ye are complete in him is that 10 look at verse 9 for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily so all the treasures and knowledge of wisdom of God right there in Jesus the image of God the fullness of the father the fullness of the Spirit of God right there in Jesus Christ the image of God but now we were made in the image of God so do you believe that it is God's desire that the treasures of knowledge and wisdom are found in us do you believe that it's God's design that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in each one of us bodily do you think that God's design is that for you and I brothers and sisters we don't have to guess there's no guesswork to the Bible all we have to do is look in the Bible look what the Word of God says on this subject matter we're looking at Ephesians chapter through to I 3 rather I want you to begin with me at verse 16 and yes yes yes I'm giving you a lot of scriptures why because we must stand upon the Word of God we have to get back to that old moniker we used to be called by the people of the book remember that can I share with you a quick testimony for I get back to this that's a powerful title I was I don't know if I shared this with you but I'm going to share with you again anyway I was in the land of I went to Israel to do some evangelistic meetings in Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv and as I was on the plane I was flying out of he throw in London in into into Israel and I got on the plane and I sat next to this this Jewish brother and I don't remember exactly what happened I I just don't know what it was but for some reason he and I laughed about something and we began to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk we we talked so much within about five minutes of us sitting next to each other that some of the the people that came with me to go to UM to Israel they thought I already knew the guy and as we were talking he asked me so what are you going to Israel for and I told him I told him I was going to do some some some meetings out there and that I I was a Christian and he said really what type of Christian are you and I told him I'm a seventh-day adventists and he wasn't familiar with seventh-day adventists and he said what is that I said well you know we have we have a few things very income I said I keep the seventh-day Sabbath the same way that you keep the seventh-day Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset and I said I also believe in the health laws that were given by Moses but I'm a little bit different from you because I've gone back to the Genesis diet I don't even eat any I don't even eat any meat I eat a total plant-based diet and I said and our women dress modestly you didn't hear that way I said in our women dress modestly see because I knew what region of the world I was going today they always claim that Christians reclaim all these things but we dress our women dress immodest all they have horrible things to say about us but when I said this day me sat back he said ah at first I was happy to sit next to you now I'm honored he said you're a son of Noah he said you're the people of the book he took his scarf off of his neck and put it around mines we got to the airport he took my bags off of the belt this is a Jewish brother taking a black man's bags off the belt are you with me right now there's some power and being the people of the book brothers and sisters you know what we need to give back to being able to be a Denton to be a people that are identified by this title as we seek to obtain to God's purpose for our lives to be a people in whom the fullness of his presence can dwell in whom he can deposit all the treasures of knowledge and wisdom people will identify us as such but I want you to see what the Bible says on this subject matter once again go with me we're looking at Fijians are you still there with me in your Bibles Ephesians chapter 3 and we're beginning at verse 16 the Bible said that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man that Christ might dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the which passeth all knowledge that she might be filled with son all of the fullness of God do you see it it's right there God wants his wisdom and knowledge to dwell in us bodily all the fullness of the Godhead he wants to dwell in these vessels which he created to be living temples what type of honor God has conferred upon us this is something for all of us to meditate upon this is really something for all of us to think about and when I think about things like this to be honest the only I think about why would God even do this why would he make us this way what was the purpose behind it on and of course I can never meet the mind of God because his thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways in our ways but still nonetheless I believe God would have us to meditate upon these things and as I consider this the only thought that comes to my mind is that God is love he doesn't have love the Bible says God is love and love must express itself love cannot exist without expression it's impossible is that true if you don't believe that's true husband and wife we need to have the met you're with Mina it's another issue we need to talk about love cannot exist without expression and so the only thing that I can think of is because God is love he wanted to create an order of intelligent beings that could love him the same way that he would love them I saw anything that I can think of but as I searched the scriptures one thing becomes clear through the entrance of sin and the roll out of the plan of redemption there is a very specific design that God is seeking to accomplish in restoring men and women like ourselves back into his image I want you to see this with me look back with me at Ephesians chapter 3 I want you to begin with me let's start at verse 9 Ephesians chapter 3 looking at verse 9 have you arrived there in your Bibles the Bible says this in Ephesians chapter 3 beginning at verse 9 and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ and this mystery that we're talking about here that's being revealed is the mystery of godliness the plan of redemption the work that God would do to restore men and women back into his image it's a mysterious thing that God can take us and make us into beings that we come that can reflect the character of divinity it's powerful he wants all men to see once all men to be partakers of this fellowship of the mystery and what will he do look at verse 10 are you there with me it says to the intent for the purpose for the goal to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God God has an intention that he's trying to accomplish through the playing out through the through the work of redemption he hasn't it he has a purpose and this purpose this aim for which the plan of redemption is being rolled out and performed right here on planet Earth it goes beyond humanity it goes beyond our planet did you see that in your Bibles he's trying to do a work that will be a blessing even to the principalities and powers in heavenly places these are not human beings we're talking about here if you're not clear on that go with me to Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 quickly keep your finger in Ephesians chapter 3 but gold with me Ephesians chapter 6 in Ephesians 6 and verse 12 familiar Scripture I believe to all of us here once again it tells us for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places so we know this to be the devil and his fallen angels that inhabit this world that are seeking to draw us down into sin that we might be destroyed with them these are the principalities and powers spiritual wickedness in the dark places of our region but in the Bible right there in the book of Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 10 the Bible said to the intent that now unto principalities and powers in heavenly places they don't occupy planet earth you know when we think of the plan of redemption because we're selfish human beings all we think about is me us but God is thinking about all he has a plan that he's trying to accomplish and this plan is to be a blessing not only to mankind but it's to be a blessing to the angelic host that did not fall with the third of the Angels that were put into this earth with the devil in his rebellious plot it even encompasses all of the unfallen worlds and all of the other unfallen beings my friend the Lord is trying to provide all with the blessing to the plan of redemption and what is this blessing to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers and heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God in other words through the church the very entity that we're told in the spirit of prophecy is the theater in which God loves to display His grace his intention is to reveal through us to them the full spectrum of the wisdom of God our brothers and sisters are you hearing what they're talking about right now God wants the angels and the unfallen worlds to gain a knowledge of his character that they've never possessed before and they will gain this knowledge of his character through the work that God is performing in and through us this church unfallen beings who have enjoyed being able to commune with God for who knows how long some that have probably had conversations with God through fallen men and women like us you may be in a problem right now you might have an anger issue you might have a pride issue you might have a problem with your tongue you might be a gossiper a back biter you know what's in you may be struggling with in your life but as you submit your life into the hand of the Potter that he might purge you and cleanse you and fashion you anew and give you a new wake up way of thinking a new heart with new shires new plans new bowls a new way of speaking a new way of walking as this work is being accomplished in us point by point hour by hour day by day do you know that they're beholding this brothers and sisters do you realize that planet Earth is the reality television show of the universe we are a theater in which God loves to display His grace their beholding us you don't think that they are beholding us you really think they don't know who we are do you remember when the sons of Skeever boldly tried to cast the demon out of a man after they saw the Apostles doing that remember that book of Acts and then when they went in there to cast out the demon they said hold on hissing Paul I know Jesus we know him too but who are you you know what happened next my friends they know who we are can you imagine as they observe you and see you going through this process of justification and sanctification growing and developing to be more and more like your elder brother Jesus Christ and they say wow wait a second for 50 years he's had a problem with forgiving people 50 years and God has born along with him for 50 years Wow God really is long-suffering every time the Lord blesses this woman she squanders all of the gifts then he gives her and yet when she turns him and she prays he blesses her with another gift that she stands in need of Wow God really is gracious that boy knew he wasn't supposed to be there if he died in the middle of his sin he actually deserved it but the Lord speared him Wow God really is merciful are you getting the point right now they will behold amplified the character of God in ways they are beholding the character of God being amplified them in amplified before them in ways that they have never had the opportunity to truly perceive the character of God and it's through us and there is a purpose that God is seeking to accomplish by giving all intelligent beings and intimate knowledge of himself and you know why very very well from the book of John chapter 17 go there with me in your Bibles please John chapter 17 and verse 3 familiar Scripture once again in John chapter 17 looking at the third verse the Bible says and this is what life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent to know God to have an intimate knowledge of God means to possess life eternal it's not something that happens in the future life eternal begins now brothers and sisters Jacob and Isaac they're dead in the grave the Bible says God says he's the God of Jacob and Isaac why because when they died they died with this knowledge of God they have within them that gift of life eternal and when any of us come to an intimate understanding of the character of God when we have an intimate knowledge of who he is an experimental relationship with this Lord the Bible says we possess life eternal what's the opposite of life eternal it's not a trick question ten and that only comes through one medium and that is sin Romans 6 verse 23 tells us for the wages of sin is but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord what is the point that I'm getting at here through the plan of redemption God is seeking through those men and women through people like ourselves who willfully put our lives in the hand of God that he can make us into new creatures he is seeking to reveal to the entire universe and intimate knowledge of himself which means he is seeking to place within the possession of the entire universe life eternal are you with me so far brothers and sisters if all the universe possesses this intimate knowledge which is life eternal that means to the plan of redemption God is simply seeking to give the entire universe that intimate knowledge of himself that will guard against sin rising up the second time he is using the plan of redemption to vaccinate the world against to vaccinate the entire created universe against the second uprising of sin are you getting the point right now through us that's why it talks about in the book great controversy in the final chapter last pages last few sentences when this whole controversy comes to its conclusion and all have had an opportunity to see the work of sin the mystery of iniquity and see the mystery of godliness and everything is completed we are told that everything every Adam all will declare god is end of controversy it will not be that sin no one will have the opportunity to choose and again no one will choose sin again because they will truly know who God is and we need to seek this knowledge and we need to seek it now with all of our hearts do you understand the type of honor that God has conferred upon us go with me we're nearing to a close now go with me to Isaiah Isaiah Isaiah chapter 43 once again I want you to look with me at verse 4 Isaiah chapter 43 looking at verse 4 the Bible says here in Isaiah chapter 43 looking at verse 4 please when you get there in your Bible just say Amen in Isaiah 43 in verse 4 the Bible says there since that was precious in my sight thou has been honorable and I have a love thee therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life we're so precious to God we're honored by God God actually did give a man for us did he not first Timothy 2 and verse 5 tells us for there is one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus the Son of God became a man so that mankind might be restored into the image of God I want you to think about this thought the image of God came to this earth and died so that we might be restored back into the image of God if Jesus had failed on any point when he walked her in this earth would he have had the opportunity to be reunited with his father brothers and sisters he would have been internally separated from the father so God took the chance in him seeking to restore us into his image God took the chance that the one whom is the very image of God could be eternally lost it's almost as if God said if I can't have them I don't want to live it's almost like God saying if I can't fix them then I then I'll break the mold that made them you're not hearing the point here brothers and sisters God put everything on the line for all of us it's not hypothetical it's not a philosophical concept it's not a theory it's the reality that has breath in our lungs right now God invested everything so that we could be restored back into his image when Jesus gave his life for our sins the Bible says he did so in a particular fashion go with me we're going to first Peter first Peter chapter yea first Peter chapter 1 first Peter chapter 1 what a month of merciful God we have look at verse 18 with me for as much as you know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your father's but by the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot Jesus offered himself as a lamb the Lamb of God for our sins so that we could be restored back into his image and when did he offer himself as a lamb when did he do it there we go I love that answer go with me to Revelation the 13 revelation 13 and verse 8 the Bible is clear as the Bible here speaks of what will transpire in the near future when the first beast of Revelation which is a symbol of the papal power led out by the Pope of Rome well once again reclaim the throne of global dominance the Bible says and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him the Beast whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world brothers and sisters before there was a heaven and earth there was a God before there was a piece of dust a blade of grass there was God God knew all things before there was anything he knew sin was going to rise up he knew the bad choices that we were going to make God knew that if man had the opportunity man would repel him to rebel against him to such an extent we would drag him down off of his throne and kill him if we could and we proved it when we put his son on the cross but God loved us before there was us brothers and sisters here man before there was us God loved us he loved the thought of us being with him so much before we even existed that he provided a sacrifice to restore us before he even made us when we when you were just a spark in the mind of God he loved the thought of you spending the ceaseless ages of eternity with him so much that when you were just a spark in the mind of God he laid down the life of his son so that you could be with him brothers and sisters that is honor you can't be any more valuable than that that's why the Bible told us in Psalm 49 and verse 20 man that is an honor and understandeth not man that is so valued of such great worth man that is so highly esteemed in the eyes of God that God Himself would lay down his life for us that God would become a man and go through our situation so that we he could bring us into his situation come on brothers and sisters mm-hmm man that is so honored by God like this and we don't understand it we're just like the beasts that perish we're no greater than a beast we are getting ready to face the issue of the mark of the beast we talked about that at the top of this evening Bible says when this issue of the mark of the beast becomes a tangible reality in the book of Revelation chapter 13 I know you're all familiar with these scriptures beginning at verse 15 it says and he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast could both speak and cause that as many should not worship the image of the Beast should be killed and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead so that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark of the beast or the name of the beast or the number of his name you can talk big right now it's easy to talk big right now when there's no fire to your feet but let's be honest to the best of our ability when the time comes when we no longer will possess the ability to buy or sell because we refuse to give up our allegiance to God and we are placed in a predicament where we can't have electricity we can't put food in the frigerator we can't have the frigerator we can't have a job and every earthly support is cut off brothers and sisters in that hour the reality is many men and women because we are ruled by our appetites and our passions like beasts will take the mark of the beast and when the beast is thrown into the lake of fire will get thrown into the lake of fire with the beast as well and we will perish along with him are you getting the point right now why because we lack an understanding what understanding am I talking about that understanding which is life eternal because we lack an understanding of the great love the great honor the great value that all of us have in the sight of God how valuable we are to God so valuable that he lay down his life for us that we were made to be like him like Joseph will say how how can I do this great evil in sin against my God if you understand like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you'll say we're not careful to answer you in this matter our King has the ability our God has the ability to deliver us but if he doesn't were still not bowing down why because they understood brothers and sisters when Daniel purposed in his heart and said I'm not going to define myself as because Daniel stood that he was the living temple of Jehovah see it's this type of understanding of the honor that God has conferred upon us that has always made made men and women throughout the ages maintain their integrity stand fast in the face of danger and keep their love upon God and forget about themselves do we understand I promise you if we understand will stand in that hour but if we don't understand will give up everything for nothing and will perish like a beast so my appeal to you this evening is do you understand do you understand how valuable you are how much God has invested in you I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes with me please brothers and sisters my friends God loves us with a love that is stronger than death and none of us deserve it but he does not love us because we deserve it He loves us because He is love and God's only desire for each one of us is to save us to restore us back into his image that we might enjoy that face-to-face communion with him that he always intended for us to have but we have to understand this this evening if you would like to say Lord I realize just a little better this evening the great honor that you have conferred upon me I realize a little better this evening that I am eternally valuable in your sight and I don't want to live my life like a beast I don't want my appetites and my passions I don't want my flesh ruling over me so that I'm like a beast I want to live my life filled with your spirit so that your image might be restored in me that's the desire of your heart I'd like to invite you to come down front this evening I'd like to say a special word of Prayer with you
Channel: Caribou Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship
Views: 20,150
Rating: 4.8814816 out of 5
Keywords: Daniel 12:10, time of the end, wise will understand, time of crisis, judgment, flood, Noah, judgment coming, preparation needed, time of trouble, mark of the beast, magnitude unknown, Psa 49:20, man in honor, Heb 2:7, Isa 43, Stand, Daniel, Joseph, Jesus, John 17:3, Rev 14:8, Eph 3, Col 1:14, Gen 1:27
Id: uOgf1mun7J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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