Lord's Prayer. Prayer Is...8/25/17 Pavel Goia

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just okay thank you okay so before he started somebody has I usually either start or end with questions answers if somebody has a question go ahead and ask and then we will continue yes okay so he says in the book and I know what he refers to I say that I pray until I have God's presence so there is a quotation in the spirit of prophecy that says referring to prayer that we should not leave God's presence before we are filled with his presence and we have the assurance of his presence my father used to say don't leave that room if you leave it alone because you are not safe how do you know that you have God's presence now I need to emphasize two things number one listen carefully there is also a quotation I just read it today in the morning and this is the like 10th time when I read it we should not be based on emotions God's answer is not related to our emotions our emotions are related with chemistry God doesn't depend on our chemistry you follow me God works not because of you God doesn't or because you feel good or bad today I am in a good mood I am happier God answered tomorrow I am desperate I don't feel good I feel bad God God has nothing to do with our emotions God answers not because of how you feel not because of how you deserve not because of what you have done God answered because of him his love his covenant his promises his faithfulness his sacrifice regardless how you feel some people even go so far to say I sinned I don't feel good to pray hello he's like you say I am sick I cannot go to the doctor before I feel good why would you wait to feel good and then go to the doctor Illinois says that one is sin does the time money should not procrastinate betray right away when she says instant prayer when you are sick and you just have a cuff you go and stay in line at the doctor but when you come after an accident you don't stay in line you get in it's an emergency when you sin and it's a crisis that's when you need to get in right away you follow knee and therefore prayer is not based on what you do or what you deserve is based on his promise and His grace when he says gather my people that have made a covenant with me based on sacrifice and we did it before offerings and do you think it's about sacrifice meat sacrificing we misunderstand misinterpret the Bible verse in some 50 or 51 God might gather my people that have made a covenant with me based on sacrifice the covenant between you and God is not based on your sacrifice is based on Jesus act on his sacrifice do you follow me there is nothing that we can do to deserve anything period therefore our prayers should not be based on emotions feelings or meanings but based on promises and God's character now I'm gonna move to the next step a little deeper in that answer when you go before the Lord we don't feel good because we don't know him you cannot trust a stranger you can trust only somebody that you know very well you know what we expect from that person if somebody would tell my wife that they saw you with a girl my wife say you lost your mind he never had a girlfriend in his life if you talk to him about a motorcycle he's gonna listen if you talk to him about a girl it goes like that he has no interest oh I saw him taking drugs she says you crazy he has never touched drugs alcohol to tobacco or pork in his life if you tell her she lost his temper parsa's would say that would her that could happen do you follow me how does she know she knows me she knows me very well when we have visitors we don't have to talk she looks at me I know what she wants I go and do it why she knows me and I know her you cannot trust God unless you know him you need to spend enough time with him and his word prayer and study not as a duty I got to do my study not as a routine but seeking his presence seeking to know him as a dear thanks for water you follow me seeking him and as you do that as you spend time with him this is a little too tight okay I got a listener okay as you seek Him the more you seek Him the more closer he gets to you and the more you seek him the closer he gets to you and when you seek him more you get to know him a little more and then you know him more you understand his love more and you understand his righteousness and you understand your sinfulness comparing yourself with him not with people around and you understand his love his grace undeserved you don't deserve it you know what you did and he still loves you and he knew that you're about to do something and you did it and you asked forgiveness and then you do it again and you go back like he forgives you again and you say why would he forgive me because I cannot forgive myself and when you see how gracious his the more you know him and understand his love and His grace the more overwhelmed you are because his love constrains you the more overwhelmed you are and the more you want him and love him and the more thankful and humble you are and you see his righteousness and you realize how much you need him and you seek him more because you need him more and you love him more when you seek him more he gets closer to you and then you get to know him more and then you see Wow and you want him more and you seek him more he gets closer to you and the more you seek Him the closer you are until you become one and people look to you and they see him and then you know him and then whatever you go through says Ellen White in that quotation listen carefully whatever you go through you have peace a peace that nobody can explain or take it from you because you know him because you know you are in his hands you know that he is present you know if something happens you are not alone he is with you you have peace and then your prayers don't depend on emotions or feelings or meditate depend on relationship do you follow me going on that direction when I pray I don't look about how I feel I focus on promises I don't look on how I feel I focus on his character I was in Monterrey years ago in California speaking for a ministry convention maybe you heard me telling the story I tell it everywhere and I had my cell phone in my pocket but I just purchased that telephone the day before and I didn't know I didn't play with it to know how to use it and you know new telephones have a lot more than I use it's crazy you pay for all those crazy things that you never use you know anyway so I had my telephone in my pocket and I did manage to turn it off on vibrate but he - not I was unable to take the vibration off and I didn't know how to do it and I had to preach so I start preaching and my telephone starts vibrating in my pocket after all it just you know I took it and price and people are waiting and just I didn't know how to do so I opened it took the battery out and that's it leave me alone and I keep preaching peacefully when I finish my sermon I go back put the battery in 26 text messages and 16 voice messages from the same person first message pastor please answer the phone I need to talk to you second one pastor I am desperate why don't you answer the phone third message pastors you never care fourth message I will never talk to you again it got from bad to worse you know so I call him I say okay what's the problem why don't you answer the phone other than that I said I was preaching oh why don't you say so I was patient why don't you say so duh yeah battalion and so I said what's wrong well you know that my wife had a surgery two years ago and she never healed it was something strange I visited her several times she had a arm surgery when I had my surgery mine killed in a few weeks the doctor gave me like three months and then take that thing that sling off and then another six months of therapy give me a break after two weeks I took the sling threw it away and I started to mow and to use the chainsaw and it healed you know I was climbing trees I cannot stand still it'll keep missed him the lady two years later it was not healed and she went to the doctors and they didn't know it would not heal and he said you know that my wife didn't heal and then she lost her job you know that my grandson was born and died a week later seven days old baby I had to bury and you know that I got sick and now I am losing my job and he says I've been praying for months and months and months and God doesn't answer what should I do and I told him I said God doesn't like Americans [Applause] he answers only Romanian prayers he doesn't answer American prayers you guys blue eyes blonde what's that he says you kidding God loves everybody the same he answers every prayer the same I said AHA I got you because I want I put him in the corner to force him to say God loves everybody else and that answers every prayer I said ok you just said that God answers every prayer and one minute before you said God doesn't answer your prayer now make up your mind I said I don't know so I said theoretically you say God loves me practically you have no peace you struggle and going somewhere in this you struggle I said you know what's the problem he said no that's the reason I called you I said would you do what I say or what it depends what you say you called me now do what I say or stop calling me he said what do you want me to do I said I want you to go to the Bible I don't care Old Testament New Testament go to your Bible and find 10 Bible promises he says why 10 I said stop arguing do what I say and the pastor you call me now obey I want you to find 10 Bible promises son Isaiah whatever just find 10 Bible promises and I want you to write them down by the way during the announcements you heard when he said write it down my father had a saying whatever you remember you forget whatever you write down you remember the Bible in Psalm 103 says bless the Lord O my soul and do not forget any of his benefits in the autonomy Moses says to them write all these things read them to your children and and children in Psalm 105 of 906 do not forget these things and they seen because they forgot how the Lord has led them and then I says we have nothing to fear unless we shall forget how the Lord has led us listen folks you know different paragraph she says as we will remember how God has led us in the past it gives us strength for the day listen carefully folks if you don't write down the miracle the answered prayer of today you will not remember next week but if you write it down whenever you struggle whenever I struggle I go to my journal and I read how God has led me in the past and the instantly I get peace and I know that you work again it reminds me how God is you follow me okay so I told him back to the story I told him I want you to write down ten Bible promises and then I want you to write down ten and sort prayers and he said to me I don't remember any you have been an adventist all your life and you tell me that God never answered a prayer oh he answered maybe they'll write down ten I don't remember I said shame on you ask God to remind you ten answered prayers will he try I said you don't get peace you don't sit down you keep praying and say Lord remind me ten answered prayers instead and then and then I want you to go to prayer and stop asking for your wife for yourself for your health for your job just you have been praying for two three years that's poor business if you keep doing the same thing and have the same results stop doing it you keep asking for job and for health for job and for health you tell me for the last two years with no answer in there God doesn't care all he doesn't want to because he's not death he's not asleep and he's not in vacation God heard you and he knows it in fact he knew your problem before you had a problem he knew your problem before you're born he knew all your days all your sins all your problems before you're born and he chose to love you and he chose to save you regardless he knows your problems he has a thousand solutions before you have a problem and then I said our prayers code are not to inform dad and then she says present your petitions not to inform that he knows it but to give him permission talk and then she says submit to his will now listen carefully if he knows the flowers if he cares for the flowers you remember the Bible verse doesn't he care for you know for me if he gave Jesus doesn't he care but because we don't see we don't believe with who without we are afraid and that's because we don't know him enough if we knew him we'll have peace and so I told him I said stop focusing on your problems take your eyes of the problems and put your eyes on him and I want you to go to prayer you did present your needs and that's okay but that's enough there should be a limit I mean come on once twice three times a month two months two years move on if God wants to answer he'll answer if he says no was the point to keep twisting his arm shouldn't you say may you will be done you need to move on you need to stop focusing on your problems that's your problem your real problem is not your problem your real problem is that you don't trust God and don't know God that's your problem and I said this is what you need to do go to prayer and you say Lord I already prayed yesterday on the day before and the day before and the day before and the day before you know it I gave it permission to work you know it and then say these words I make a decision today to trust you hello what I said say loud physically say this once Lord and she says in the book prayer she says what we speak influences how we think and how we act you'll be judged by your words says the Bible what we speak influences how we think and how we act and then she says very nice speak faith pray faith sing faith have you ever read that quotation it's just unbelievable she says speak faith don't allow yourself to speak doubts pray face sing faith sing faith acts faith don't allow when doubt comes kick it away sing faith preface speak faith but then this is the key next listen carefully I told him after you say Lord now back to the Lord I make a decision today to trust you there you don't have to feel it is not an emotion decision it's a mind decision faith has nothing to do the emotions has nothing to do with you faith is not based on you faith is based on him therefore how you feel doesn't matter faith and feelings don't have anything in common therefore she says make a mild decision you say in your mind I make a decision to trust you and then she says act on your prayed words she says those that you would act on your prayer and then she explains it listen carefully so I told him I said after you say Lord I don't feel it I have no proof I don't deserve it but I am gonna make a decision to trust in you you are worth my trust because you love me and you love and you promise that you'll answer my prayer in the best way so I'm making a scene to trust you and then I said I want you then after that instead of about your problems about your health about your job about your wife I want you to read the ten Bible promises out loud to God now say for instance pick a Bible promise I will not leave you alone I will not leave you for instance God's mercies are fresh every morning may the mountains move my love will never move from you I will scribe your my powers when you go to the waters I will be with you gi-give nations for you I said read them loud Lord you said this and that and that nor do you promise read them all 10 he says why I said just do it and then I said tell God the ten answer prayers nor do you remember and I lost my passport and I looked everywhere and I was supposed to live and I prayed and the passport was right on the floor what a prayer thank you Lord Lord you remember when tatata you follow tell God the ten answered prayers he says it doesn't make any sense I said then stop calling me he said well I said just do it once you did it your way two years do my way one time what do you lose well I guess I don't knows anything okay call me after that night I didn't sleep I prayed for him did not pray for his job or health I prayed for his relationship with God because that's what was his real problem I was still praying around 6 a.m. in the morning when he called me and I didn't know it maybe God God can use the donkey's God can use the telephone you know I do know he's God or not so I hope to see who calls it was him so I said ok what is it he said you not believe you do not believe what happened I said just tell me he said well I wrote down the ten Bible promises and then I kind of remembered to answer prayers and as I was asking God another one and another one eventually I got more than 10 I wrote them down when I started to pray and to read them to God in the beginning nothing happened but as I was reading them to God I started to have peace he said I didn't have peace in my heart for the last two years it's such a good feeling to have peace again and then he said I felt ashamed of myself how could I doubt my god that is such a wonderful gracious God he said as I was reading the promises I started to cry and say Lord forgive my unbelief that was his problem the real problem was not the sickness of the job that was his real problem because God can solve the job in fact God did solve the job but God wants us badly to learn faith to learn dependence to learn obedience to learn prayer you follow me and so she said as I was reading the promises I started to have peace and I didn't have peace for the last three years and then he said and then I felt ashamed of myself and then he said I told the Lord what he has done for me and I realized that he has not led me so far to let me down what he started you're finished if he has led me in the past he certainly would gonna lead me now now he said when I remembered how he has led me in the past I had confidence that he has a solution he said for some reason instead of praying and asking as usually I started to sink and he says I never sink folks we lost the hobby to sing we have no happiness happy people sing in heaven is gonna be a lot of singing my grandpa died when he was 103 all his life 24/7 he was whistling always singing I said grandpa why do you seem so much because the Lord is good that was his answer he says the Lord is good he deserves my praises and I'm gonna use any opportunity to praise Him I said how do you know because I watch him all the time and he says to me he says for some reason I stopped praying what he meant ask him I'm complaining because our prayers are all whining and complaining I stopped praying and I started to sing he says pastor I've never done that in my life it's just first time in my life when I have real peace can it be a life of being an Adventist and we don't experience that and I told him I said you need to tell somebody else somebody that is struggling so he called a co-worker I said hey I need to share with you something he told him the ten promises and the ten and short prayers he called me and he said you know what happened I said no unless you tell me I'm not a prophet and he says well I call him and after I told him he says you don't know what you did his Co his colleague coworker his wife died of cancer and his son 18 19 years old died in a car accident he was also losing his job and he says when you call me I had my gun loaded here ready to pull the trigger and the telephone went off so I said I'm gonna answer this phone and then kill myself and when he answered the phone my church members started to say listen this is what God has for you in store read him that 10 promises and then this is what God has done for me and read him the 10 answered prayers and the guy says as they need to kill myself how did you know he says I don't know and he says how could you your wife is sick you lost a grandson your wife lost her job you are losing your job how could you have so much peace and Singh said well I know my god he says I need what you have I badly need what you have do you follow why don't we have peace because in prayer we focus on problems we focus on sin we focus on surface God never told you to turn your eyes upon you but in prayer if you focus on promises if you focus on God's miracles on God's works for you if you focus on his character if you focus on his sacrifice if you focus on the last week of his life if you focus on his law if you focus on his world you focus on him that's gonna give you strength and peace because the more you know him the more peace you have that's how peace comes and so what I do in prayer instead of focusing on my problems after I present my problems and give him permission to work with all my heart I say Lord do whatever you want and if I don't like it help me except in joyfully but I give you permission to do your will not my way and I want you to work for your glory not for my benefit and then I say Lord I remember how you have done in this situation and I remember how the done in that situation how can I not trust you and I talked faith you follow me and I remember your promise where you say so-and-so and I talked faith and after I say that I can say serve I do believe in you thank you do whatever you want in your time and then I wait upon the Lord and if he doesn't happen within two three months I don't let my man wonder and doubt and I say no I got to wait so I go back to prayer I say Lord I make the decision to trust in you and I am waiting on you and no you'll deliver and God honors faith you follow me oh he did Joyce's he loves faith he says yep that's my kid watch it to the whole universe do you see my kid he knows me God honors that anyway I answered your question you see it was a whole sermon issues have an offering now okay another one or two more questions and yes press and hold just say it and I'll repeat it try to go back you don't tweeze it okay if you lost your connection and you want to go back how you do that okay I have a counter question how do you know that you lost connection okay now listen carefully there are four stages of spiritual growth from here to the start or fullness of Christ could be more but in my study I found four and anybody in the Bible and anybody in my life people that I meet and talk with right away I could tell you there in stage one in stage two and stage three very rarely in my life I've seen people in stage four pauline the Bible was in stage four Daniel in the Bible my grandpa was in stage four most of the people are in stage one I rarely see somebody in stage two and if I give you the whole study it takes us four hours but you'll know right away where you are and everybody around you right away the way they talk the way they ask the way they behaved away right away the way they pray you'll know right away based on what happens what they say you'll know where they are no question and now let me answer your question if you lost connection how do you get it back how do you know on piece many times people tell me yes I can pray until I have peace but things don't happen when I got baptized I would pray and this is what happened and I will pray and this is what happened when God calls you God takes you from wherever you are he comes down to your level wherever you are he doesn't expect you to be here he takes you from whatever you are now listen carefully very important in stage one people are looking for visible things for miracle for answers given if I put the wall let it be wet it was easy to be wet I'm gonna put it back let it be dry you remember Gideon he spread people are looking for visible answers because they don't know the Lord yet however in stage two and I'm not gonna go to details it takes four hours God wants you to move on and not to depend on miracles or answers but on relationship on that stage - and soon as we lose that we feel all unsecured and they don't like change nobody likes change if I put my tools here and my kids take my tools and don't put them back I lose my temper don't touch my tools if you touch them put them back the way they were I don't like change my wife changes furniture every six months why she says well it's better this way that's what you said six months ago for me leave it alone don't touch it thank you exactly and I think I am busy I'm gonna do some visiting so she cannot move it and well she find somebody and when I can't home is moved we don't like change when something changes in our spiritual walk with Christ when God moves from here to here we don't know it we don't feel secure and do you want to go back to stage one God loves you the same as he loved you yesterday or a week ago or a year ago but God wants you to grow therefore you may feel that you lost connection the whole point is not how you feel is not how he answers John the Baptist was in prison and Jesus did not save him he lost his head he says may he decrease and may I decrease he should increase I should decrease he was not losing his oh I lost correction God didn't answer and he was still okay that's good enough for me basically God wants us to grow to that level that we don't depend on answers we don't depend on feelings we don't depend on our thinking we don't depend on our understanding we get to depend entirely on him who he is and then you grow over that and you don't focus on you anymore you focus only on God's work but your price you say I would rather die but God works you'll prosper I'll rather die with my job bad work somebody will be safe if a soul is safe I'm willing to lose my life you go to the next stage when Moses says take my name off and save them when Paul says I would rather be anathema that means in Greek cut off that means lose your eternity but save them you'd get to that level that you are like Jesus what'd you say I risk my eternal life if you can save a person you love so much people that you forget self you follow me we say we should love the Lord with all our heart or our mind or our strength and love the neighbor as you love yourself really well how much do you pray for you pray the same for your neighbor if you love him as you love you you follow me how much do you spend for you spend for your neighbor as much as you spend for you if you love your neighbor as you love yourself huh when you grow in that ladder of spiritual growth you go to the stages every time God moves you to the next stage you don't feel good you undone to understand is not happening the way it used to happen and you want to go back to the first stage God want you to move on to keep growing take the diaper off you follow me it's time for the next step and so don't try to feel to understand that's based on humans just learn to trust him he knows what he does he is working on you you follow me tomorrow 11:00 Akaka we'll talk more about that okay do we have time to even start the Lord's Prayer okay so many people this is essential as we start many people tell me I am afraid I do mistakes when I pray Illinois says don't try to pray perfect prayers or flowery prayers she says just pray honest prayers because Jesus takes them and he remodels them presents them before the Father as they should be you follow me I asked my father one time what if I don't pray well and my father said to me if I have to choose between your not praying and you praying with mistakes I will choose you to break mistakes one time I asked him you pray the whole night what if I prayed the whole night and I fall asleep my father said if God had to choose between somebody not praying and somebody praying that he falls asleep which one do you think he would choose and then he said to me every night when you go to sleep I tell you a story every night you fall asleep on my story do you think that I get angry or I kiss you on your forehead and I cover you and go when you fall asleep talking to God he gets angry or he would kiss you and say goodnight my baby and then my father gave me the Bible verse where David says when I fall asleep I am with you and then he says in the watchit of the night in Hebrew says in the middle of the night if I wake up you are caught still by my bed hello when I go to sleep I am with you in the watches of the night if I wake up you are still there and then he says in the morning I am with you so my father said to me son talk to God until you fall asleep and when you wake up continue or he left it off and that's you learn how you learn to continually communicate with God you follow me that's how you get closer seek Him more than job-seeking more than money seek him more than faith you never lose your job or a bill you work for it why don't you work for prayer why don't we persevere on prayer every persevere on worldly matters you follow me so don't worry about I'm gonna pray on his taking prayer just pray I've never heard about anybody learning about swimming just reading books on swimming eventually need to jump in the water I never learned about anybody that learnt driving just reading on driving you need to get behind the steering wheel and you learn driving by driving and after you drive a million miles then you are a driver how could we expect to learn prayer just listening seminars on prayer get busy praying you follow me okay let's start so the disciples noticed that Jesus had power and the laneway says that he did not use his divine power but all he did did based on prayer the word that process is charisma that he took his divine his part his misspent he took his tent off him means his divinity he took off his divinity and laid down he willingly surrendered his divinity to the Father and did not use it all he did was by prayer he didn't come to prove that he God can obey or do miracles he came to prove that we humans when we pray we have power I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me he came to prove that the law can be obeyed that we can live a righteous life if we stay connected so Christ did not use his divine power but he prayed whenever I said that he prayed so much every morning until he was filled with God's presence is like you are a rechargeable battery and every morning you plant yourself on you move before your battery is fully charged you follow me now listen carefully the disciples noticed that he has power and they don't and they said how do you do these things and Jesus said prayer and fasting and probably they said we do pray and just said no you don't oh yes we do no you don't owe yesterday no you don't he's not how you should pray and they said okay then teach us how to pray and Jesus said in this manner he did not say with this words he said in this manner and the Greek word means this is the structure to build your prayers on the following you don't eat the same words our Father in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come follow me is like Ave Maria that's a mantra in fact Jesus says do not repeat the same words s who does that pagans pedals repeat the same words and Jesus when he says repeat the same words he says Babel the same words and that means it leads to confusion when you repeat the same words again and again and again you don't think anymore it becomes routine number one again when you repeat the same prayer I know people I know somebody who has 70 like 72 all his life he prayed the same prayer he when he got baptized when he was training she wrote the nicest possible prayer most complex the nicest just perfect prayer he learned it and he prayed it on his life is it as the perfect prayer now if I would say the same words every day to my wife I'll sleep on the couch prayer is the opening of the heart steps to Christ prayer is the opening of the heart to God is to a friend a different quotation prayer is an open conversation with God my wife and I talk everything good and bad openly together because the more we talk the less problems we have we communicate so that there is no misunderstanding no confusion no assumption we know everything and so we have no problem we talk everything we pray together for everything we decide together everything and there is no surprise you follow it and so talk to God as to a friend if you repeat the same words then you say pastor but I cannot focus my mind ghost sure because you don't need to think because you repeat the same words is routine you can think about sucker and pray you can't think about pizza and pray did it ever happen to you that you pray and you don't remember what you said and you read in the Bible and you don't remember what you read because it is routine you need not to pray the same prayer but you need to always freshly talk to the Lord about your daily actual needs in the most relevant most honest most open way with reverence respect nevertheless honesty well but if I feel bad about God that he didn't answer my prayer tell him that God is able to handle your emotions he knows how you feel anyway he knows you in the shower if you go in the bottom of the sea on height he knows you dare tell him how you feel because he knows how you feel anyway think about job he says cursed be the day when I was born why do you do that come on stop job goes a little far doesn't he and God says he did nothing wrong why would God say about job he did nothing wrong because job expressed with honesty his struggles and his feelings and his emotions but in the respectful reverent way Lord would all respect our reverence but this is how I feel and I don't understand what is going on you follow me if you are honest Reverend you can tell God everything you should not repeat the same prayer because it becomes routine routine is not a prayer secondly when you pray the same words again and again and again it becomes mantra oriental prayers what they do Satan wants you to repeat two three words again and again because the more you repeat the more it hypnotized issue it brainwashes you and you are not in control somebody can take over you and God want you to think that the reason he gave you a brain and God want you to choose but when you repeat the same words it becomes a mantra psychology says it brainwashes you is like you are in trance you are in hypnosis you don't think anymore they can do whatever to you don't repeat don't bubble the same words again and again pagans do that your prayer should be the opening of the heart pray in truth and in spirit in truth means that you open your heart honestly and in spirit although in truth means that you pray according to the Bible both when in spirit means that you ask the Lord what to ask because you don't know in Romans chapter II we don't even know how to play but in Greek says we don't know what to ask therefore ask the Spirit what to ask you follow me don't assume that what you want is the best okay so Jesus says don't repeat the same odds this is not the word you should play with but this is a sample structure to build your prayers he says this is not these are the words but this is how you should pray and he says our Father in Heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done the word hour is not my it's our is plural in Greek it's a reversible it is in a way that God doesn't allow you to pray for self God wants you to pray for others as much as you pray for you because if you pray for self you'll become selfish God wants you to care for others exactly as much as you care for you if you want to have a christ-like character if you want to be in heaven otherwise you don't match heaven you are not appropriate to live in heaven therefore he says our Father because God cares for all of us equally now the word father after removed from our is not about the word father there is a diminutive that means it denotes clothes extremely close relationship friendship trust as you say daddy puppy is not the word father but a word that would show that the father and the son or the father and the daughter have a good relationship I remember I would do stupid I was crazy I never missed ideas how to do pranks I never missed ideas I could inspire everybody around me I had so many crazy ideas for instance for instance we'll go to the church okay I would take this that you use for cars and put on the door knob and people could not open to get inside and I was watching on having I was crazy they had youth meeting it was Sunday afternoon actually late it was 6:00 p.m. and they took the passport talk to us about evil spirits stay away don't go there Tata Tata and kids were like wow and I said huh I got an idea I left the youth meeting I took her 2 by 4 and another 2 by 4 and cut it in two and put hens and another 2 by 4 cut it in two and put legs I took some clothes from the workers that were painting the church I dressed my cross like a scarecrow or however you call it in English my two by fours I dressed it in the workers painting clothes I put a hat I put a nail behind the neck I put a rope through it in the tree by the gate in front of the church and got the Scarecrow in the tree and then went to the garage and kept the string when the youth came out of the church and they got under the tree I dropped it to this level and then I started to pull it up and down and it would move all the run back to the church and it's a pastor st. Mary's in the tree and the pastor says where is Pavel they look around he's not here he said you can go peacefully his Pavel I never missed ideas I had too many ideas the D thought I will never recover they thought I was crazy my mother would cry honey he's never gonna change and my father would say calm down I am praying for him it would be ok and my father said from all the energetic calls you have good wars good horses for war you follow from energetic polls polls you get good horses for war and you say if you pray and God takes that energy imagine what God can do and so going back going back I would go home and the pastor would call my this is what he did my mom my dad would come to me give me a hug as I did something really good and say you know that I love you more than life I don't know you know that I did that too when I was younger he said yeah you told me a few stories and my father prayed for me when I was 32 I changed I want you to know it's not good what you did but I am praying for you and I know you will change and he would kiss me and say don't do that again but I want you to know I love you as God loves me I was never afraid to talk to my dad because he would hug me kiss me and said that was not good but you will change because I am praying for you and God answers my prayers and I know that I have peace already and God is gonna use you because I am praying for you and I said how long do you pray for me and he said day and night do you follow me does the relationship that we should have with God to be able to go to him and now you did wrong but he loves you to the point that He gave His life and you say daddy I don't deserve it but here I will get that's what he means when he says our daddy not father you follow me that's the world in prayer and now listen carefully hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done what word is repeated three times second part of the prayer give us today forgive us and do not lead us into temptation what word is repeated three times so first part of prayer second third and fourth hallowed be thy name is praises you enter his gates with praises Thanksgiving you don't go in God's presence and start asking you enter his presence with praise is what he deserves our praises why would we praise Him because he's proud he said ah I like to be flattered why would he want us to praise him is for us is not for him if you go before him complaining you focus on problems if you go before him praising you focus on him and promises he's not safe to ask before you nurture reinforce build faith without faith it's impossible to please God faith is the channel that God can answer your prayer unless you have faith God can report it's all by faith to faith we are saved through faith he answers prayers therefore he wants us to praise Him as we praise Him we build nurture praying force-feed faith and they'll replace him then you can ask so let me explain George Mueller in England he said hundreds of orphans you remember somebody asked him how do you get so much food for so many children daily because you are broke he said I pray and they said what do you ask in prayer he says quote my friend you got it all wrong prayer is not about asking but about praising and they said what do you mean he says god knows what we need don't forget that he's God and God loves those children don't forget that he is love and then he says when I go to prayer I don't ask him I know him already relationship I know him already I know that he knows I know that he loves I know that she is able so I don't need to ask when I know how good he is I cannot help but praise him and then he says the more I think about his goodness the more secure I am that he will provide the more I feel about what not about problems the more I think about his goodness the more I know that he'll provide and then he says I can not help but praise Him in advance for what he is about to do and I says I don't know what you'll do but I know him so I know that he'll do so I cannot help but praise him and they said how long do you praise Him he says until my heart is glad period that was the answer how long do you praise him until I have joy do you follow him he's not safe to go in God's presence and start asking because you not have faith you need to start praising and you build faith remember Jehoshaphat he takes the letter those in the temple which doesn't say save us from this nation he says you Lord have led us out of Egypt you split the sea before us you lend us to the wilderness you got us in the promised land you what is he doing remembering what God has done in the past and praising him for that why because God has lost his memory because talking about God's works builds faith do you follow me you go in God's presence a hallowed be thy name you are wonderful Oh your promises your works your sacrifice your heaven how can I not praise your angels praise you day and night one over me thank you lord and the more you praise him the more joy you have and then you ask do you follow me enter his gated praises what means hallowed the word in Greek should be AG use that means holy but there is a different world if Otto and that doesn't mean holy it's like you saying Lord may your name be holy his name is holy anyway regardless what you think or do his name is holy period so I went to the Greek dictionary is not obvious it's hardly at so what does it mean and the translation is led me sanctify your name in my life God is funny but people don't know God however people know you and me and they judge God based on how Christians behave because we are an open letter you may think people don't know oh yes they do know and they do what you remember the story that I tell some of you may do I was in with I should not tell the place I was somewhere and I got a motorcycle Oh heaven honda nighthawk 750 cc four-cylinder bullet heaven you feel good is like gardening and I got a motorcycle and I got it from garage sale they were divorced he left with a different lady she had his motorcycle and the motorcycle would not start she says give me something I said how much do you want when he says 500 how I said deal I gave her 500 it was just the battery that was old I put a new battery 26 dollars was in that time and I got myself a nice bike and I said I'm gonna test the bike but I just moved in that district and there was a lady that she fell from heaven she was maybe she was mother Ferris or something she was holy she had the holy voice I said in my mind how could she love me she doesn't even know me I didn't say I love you too because I would lie I said well thank you you wanna come and visit when she prayed she was even holier her voice would go even had kind of you know mean what a holy person so I got on my bike to test the bike and go on visit I said hello yeah I am puzzled I'm cutting today's oh okay by brown shoe I go there she hugs me okay and we talk and we eat and we pray and I go as I leave the bike was one day old with me so I forgot that under the tank there was a faucet a valve that you need to open the gas and I forgot to open the gas so the bike went two blocks and stopped without gas you know it used the gas from the carburetor and stopped and to not start and I drained I killed the battery so what should I do I walked back to the house to ask for help but they didn't know that I'm coming back they didn't hear the engine because I was walking and guess what she lost her holy voice she was screaming calling him terrible names I cannot even say the first letter how she called him not one letter I cannot allow myself to think she started you stupid and insolent a few more words terrible terrible words horrible words and he pushed her and they had a fight I was ready to knock in the door I say whoopsie and I left when his brother who was not an Adventist or me you think there are since you don't know these life it's held in their home I don't need your church because he's horny at the church and she is 40 at the church and at home I don't need your church that's what his brother said and so I left and he pushed her in the door and the door opened she became holy instantly hallowed be thy name it doesn't matter what you preach it doesn't matter what you say when you have evangelists well when you give a Bible study it matters evangelism of daily life that's what matters you can preach whatever doctrines people see how you behave you go the stoplight and somebody doesn't start is green and they don't start and you start blowing the horn what are they that's Christianity it depends how you behave then you go in the parking and you wait and this guy leaves and somebody comes and takes your spot do you lose it or you say I'm gonna pray for you and you look for a different spot do you follow me Christianity that he's lived daily that's how you hallow his name when you say Lord you don't say your name is holy yes he is holy you say lord please help me sanctify your name to my behavior so people that see me as a Christian as a Christian I carry your name I am a follower of Christ help me represent you properly don't let me misrepresent you help me tell people how you are to my behavior that means hallowed be thy name do you follow me what time is it they are not a good answer what time excuse me eat at one should we go a little longer thy kingdom come you remember last night I told you the earthquake story you remember I'm gonna try to move fast the words bairdi kingdom come are not future tense but present continuous tense it doesn't refer to second coming it is the invitation of God's presence in your daily life what God told Zacchaeus today my kingdom has entered your house some translations say salvation the Greek says today my kingdom has entered your house basically you need to pray that God's kingdom is real in your heart in your family in your church so when people see your family when people's your church they know how heaven is gonna be like if you don't experience God's kingdom here you are not going to experience it when he comes he's gonna come but not for us we need to start living heaven do you follow me that's what the neighbor said mister go ahead can I come in your house why because I know heaven is here do you follow me that's what means your kingdom come it's a present continue every morning invite God's kingdom invite God's presence in your heart in your life in your family in your church every morning say Lord I want you more than water I want you more than life I want you period I don't ask anything else I do have needs but I want you before those needs regardless what happens to my health I want you more than my health that's what it means there you will be done there how could you do God's will if you don't know God's will it refers to two things number one that you submit your will to his rule when you pray we did talk about that didn't we and number two that you need to do God's will because he says on earth as it is in heaven how is it in heaven when God says to the Angels go and do that do angels argue I don't have the money I don't have the time I am not trained what do you angel say when Jesus says go yes sir no there is no comment there is no argument there is no negotiation why do we negotiate with God in prayer we were in Cuba mission trip Peter he's an eye doctor took five people when seven hours away from Havana Randy he's a bonus doctor took five people when three are safe from Havana I took a team and went one hour away from Havana we have been praying for three months and God inspired us as an answer to prayer after three months prayer we got a phone call and they said we need you if you can come in these three locations because there is no Adventist presence zero we would like to plant a church in these three locations we can't delete an answer to prayer God sent us the money somebody called and said I wanna give a donation eleven thousand for Cuba somebody else called and said I wanna give a donation twenty-seven thousand for Cuba somebody else called I wanna give a donation 1500 for Cuba a lady came and she says to me pastor I'm broke I am poor I have no job but I want to be part of it all I have is twenty bucks would you be offended if I give twenty bucks I said this is the loss I got this is the greatest gift because those people I know them they have a lot praise the Lord for the ages but I know you you don't have a job you are sick you are old you get like 600 a month or something this is amazing God can take the 20 bucks as the fish and the bread and multiply them and bless 5,000 people praise the Lord for the 20 bucks give it away and we raised over 60,000 went to Cuba anyway paid for church building pay for this paid for that paid for over I don't remember three hundred pastors prayed paid paid paid paid paid and then let's do evangelism let's be evangelists we got there 85 radios 3abn radios that connect with the satellite to try bein the law says when you enter in Cuba that you cannot have more than five of the same item if you have six chocolates they will confiscate it you can have for up to five items that are the same we had 85 radios when we prayed and we got a phone call somebody says I know the lady that works at the customs she's a security officer and I know her and she asked me last time she says don't tell anybody but I want a Bible but if you tell them I lose my job or my freedom and he said I gave her a Bible and she knows me he said when you come give her steps to Christ or a Bible for children with pictures because she has children and she's gonna let you pass through without being controlled we go there we go to her straight to her and she says so many villagers impossible and we say well what's gonna happen we take you in a room and confiscate everything let's go in the room let's confiscate it she said you okay with that yes she took us in the room and I say any cameras here no any microphones now why okay I got the Bible out this is for your children and I said so and so send me she says wait a second she goes in the airport you all the whole group come here you are in trouble all your baggage and we had a lot I mean law you're allowed two per person with like five six seven suitcases per person a lot you are in trouble Korean side we all came inside and she open the other door you are free go straight in the parking we had four projectors we had 18 laptops we had I mean you name it Allah we had Bibles we had those I don't know how you call them for children that you put the class and it's six felts whatever okay we had several of those I mean we had a lot okay so we spread and after we spent for everything and for tip and for insurance we don't have money left over we had just only what we need for evangelism so I give Peter this is your money enough to pay evangelist to pay rent of the location the building to pay for the sleep for the hotel to pay for the food to pay for the Bible workers and to pay for transportation every night because people don't have cars and we hire buses to take them to church and take them back home to different locations so this is your money and then I went to Randy this is your money and then to make him to the treasurer this is your money and I divided the money in three okay I started Angela Friday night Randy starts Avengers Peter starts evangelist the police came and took Peter on his team took them to the police station confiscated their money and took the room away and said you cannot do evangelism why you don't have a proven yes we do we have applied six months ago we have a religious visa and approval from your government yeah you do that you don't have approval from the city and they took his money and his wrong end of the story they didn't take mine or Randy's so Peter calls me and says what should I do I come and join you there and we just leave engine together I said what is God's will he says I don't know then why do you ask me I'm not God pray and ask God what to do because God sent you there not me hello who sent you there God then why do you ask me go back to God well is he answering I said shame on you you are elder it's okay half an hour later he cuz I paid nothing happens so we come I said when did you pray I even have time to eat and you already prayed he's not a prayer go back to prayer and pray the whole night and then tell me what God said he said okay pastor he prayed the whole night his family join the whole team join the children join and kids from Cuba join them in prayer he told me pastor I never had such a nice experience we prayed and more and more and more kids started to pray with us and he said we prayed around 9 p.m. everybody left and me and my wife we kept praying until morning he said somebody came in the morning and said you know there is a law you are not allowed to do evangelism in a public building without approval however you are allowed to do evangelism without approval in a church we within a church and I said that's your answer go to all churches in the city and ask them to let you do evangelism ok he went to the Baptist Church they said no he went to Pentecostal church they said no he went to Lutheran Church they said no he went to Apostolic Church they said no he went to all churches and they all said no so he calling he says what should I do I said again who sent you there God then why do you call me call God yes oh okay so they pray again and the guy comes back and says you know that you can do evangelism in churches he says here but I did go so he calls me God again says that I should go to a church I said go back to churches well I did go again he started again all churches they all said no except the Baptist pastor said well you came second time let me tell you something I don't want to let you do a vengeance in my church but the roof is broken it was broken I saw that roof you could see the heaven the sky - the roof it was bad it was raining inside he says the roof is broken the ceiling is broken you can see horse and he says it takes us two thousand five hundred to fix it and we don't have the money and Peter says that's all I have left over to pay sleep to pay food to pay Bible workers to pay transportation to pay books that all I have two thousand five hundred he says well if you want to do evangelism in my church you paid the the fixing of the roof 2,500 so Peter calls me pastor what should I do pray well I did and gaggy inspired me to give the money give the money then what am I gonna do I don't know oh my god but if I give him the money we have zero left over to live we don't have food I said well people don't live only with food you know is it easy for you I said well faith comes in pray he gave the Baptist pastor the money they did evangeline that night sixteen people that came Friday night came Sunday night plus the Baptist pastor on his family Monday night sixteen plus the Baptist pastor plus 140 people the whole Baptist Church because the Baptist pastor said I check them out they are good come on listen why would God allow the police to stop them because God we don't want only 16 people to hear God wanted 16 plus a family the Baptist pastor plus 140 and God cares for those people more than that money okay now Peter was supposed to pay transportation to pay sleep to pay food he says I have no money he called me can you send some of your money I said no because if I divide my oil I don't have enough oil you don't have enough oil no you pray God sent you there God should give you the money well I cannot ask for money oh yes you can if you ask for real you cannot but if you ask for God's mission you can go ahead and ask God anything they prayed and then he says to his wife honey God didn't answer do you have any money in your pocket she says I have 300 that I took pocket money for you know and she opens her purse and she says Peter the envelope that you are supposed to give to the Baptist pastor 2500 is here you didn't give it to him he has oh my he looks 2500 the whole envelope that you are supposed to give for the roof is there so he calls the Baptist pastor he says I'm so sorry I forgot to give you the envelope and the Baptist pastor says you did give it to me I have it in my hand now they'd have two envelopes of 2500 he called me did you put one more envelope I said are you crazy no I didn't he takes money 300 from the envelope pays transportation sleeping food and tomorrow night when he counts the money is 2500 he takes 300 and next night he comes the money 2500 every night he takes 300 he counts the money 2500 he calls me you not believe what God did I keep taking money and the money don't go down I said can I have that when they finish the evangelism 26 people got baptized when they left Sunday in that location and they stopped after a few hours drive went to sleep and they took money to pay hotel the money started to go down as long as he uses for evangelism the money did not go down now folks what if he acted on his will and came back and joined my team would this have happened thy will be done not my will be done instead of praying that God would bless your will and fulfill it rather pray that God would discover you his will and you fulfill it don't seek a blessing for your will seek a blessing for God's will and then go ahead and work on it one of my wife comes and talks to me she gives me a to-do list guess what I don't argue I go ahead and do it why do you argue with God you don't argue with your spouse some of us do you don't tell you your boss but you argue with God when you say may your will be done if you pose is that you seek that will and do it and that means that in prayer you should not only talk but although listen it says there he says in the morning I pray listen carefully to this Bible verse lay my request before you and then I wait silently other translations say I wait expectantly I wait when do you wait he says he awakens my ear not my mouth to listen not to talk as a disciple listens he awakens my ear to listen as a disciple listens each in the Bible do you know that Bible verse absolutely Isiah when do we listen we already stacked up the talk and then live when do we listen how do you listen Ellen White says prayer study and meditation should go together now I need to clarify what meditation means meditation doesn't refer to oriental meditation they hijacked the world and they say focus on the middle I I don't have a riddle I and they see empty your brain I cannot as long as I live my brain goes and then white clarifies it she has I have four pages with quotations about meditation and she clarifies she says meditate upon God and his world in every single Bible verse there are many by in the Bible says day and night I meditate upon your love you remember the Bible as psalm 119 every single literally every single Bible verse the taxable meditation gives you the object of your meditation every single quotation in the spirit of prophecy meditation gives you the object of your meditation none of them say enter your brain in fact she says fill your brain with God you don't empty your brain and then Satan comes over and takes over you feel your brain you follow me you meditate upon God he sacrificed his she says his last week of life she says if you remember the quotation she said you meditate upon his law you meditate upon his word you meditate upon his works she gives you the object always his God God God God God sees what he's not God you meditate on God and then she explains you reflect you don't just read read read and go you reflect on it you digest it you treat you think on it okay you don't just read as a duty you treat you follow me the same in prayer you talk and then you keep quiet and then you study and then you pray and then you study and then you think and then you pray and then you study and then you think Ellen White says that prayer and study should go together don't only pray don't only study you need both because you need God to explain to you what the Holy Spirit meant in that Bible verse you cannot pretend that in your human wisdom you understand that spiritual profound thing and the more listen how I do it is not a rule how I do it instead of it in five ten chapters I read one paragraph but it says I hide thy world into my heart that I may not sin against you in Hebrew doesn't say so he says I store died world into my heart so that I don't sin against you it means to memorize LMI says memorize God's words that what she says literally memorize so I take a paragraph read it and then pray over it and they read it again and then think about what it means and then read it again pray over it and they read it again and think and I read it about 10 15 20 times you don't need to be smart if you read 30 Bible verses 15 times you memorize them today you memorize two Bible verses not a big deal tomorrow you memorize two Bible verses next day next day next day after a year you know several hundred Bible verses after ten years and he says the Holy Spirit is going to remind you in that hour you remember how to remind you if there is nothing in how to recall it out if there is nothing you need to put it in for the Holy Spirit to recall it you follow it so this is what happens Isaiah says God explains it to you a little here a little there you remember the Bible verse from Isaiah about how you interpret how you study the Bible a little here a little there line upon line a little here a little there and you memorize it it piles up to three years down the road when you read something it comes that one the same subject and that one and all of them start connecting because you have them in the memory and then when somebody talks to you tick tick tick all of them that talk about that subject come back because you memorize them and then when you go to a trial to a temptation they all come back and they give you strength and they protect you and they give you courage when you're discouraged and they give you wisdom when you're supposed to answer and it all comes when you need it if you put it in the Holy Spirit brings it out if you put it in and that protects you and helps you and encourages you you follow me therefore you not only live but yours oh listen prayer is when you talk study is when God talks and then what I do I ask questions what if I was there what if I was Noah and I would have to build an ark and work on it 120 years what will my family say what will my church what would my neighbors say I ask questions as many as possible there is no bad questions because that helps you understand what happened then so you can put it in your life today you follow me so I memorize ask questions pray think reflect read again and this way I get something out of my study you follow me that's how you play and how you study you don't just read say a quick prayer and go you follow it and that's how you find God's will may you will be done you cannot say I love God but I don't care his will you cannot say I want to do his will and you don't know it you need to know it we need to finish we need to go on eat I'm hungry but I'm gonna give you a story underneath finish and you probably know the story some of you do I was in Wisconsin and also church a small church really small elderly nothing going on boring nothing going on there was no program there was no evangelism there was no Bible studies there was no mission there was no feeling now elderly are good people my father my grandfather wonderful table but that church that specific I had in Lexington young elderly everybody but they were wonderful they would get involved they would pray they would help but in this specific church they were good people but nothing no programs you'll come to church Saturday morning Sabbath school 11 o'clock and that's it see you next week nothing and they told me pastor we tried nothing happens in this city we do evangelist nobody comes we do Bible study nobody comes stop trying it doesn't work here I said well my Jesus tells me differently he says harvest plentiful workers he doesn't say you have a harvest problem he says you have a workers problem there are many people out there he says come out of Babylon my ship where is his ship and Babylon he says I have other ship they are not in the ship fault they will hear my voice and come my Jesus tells me differently so I told them you need to pray what you do may not work but you need to ask God what to do and we need to seek His will not only say after you say your prayer as a routine may your will be done Eamon you actually need to mean it Lord I want to do your will you don't only say as I would say to my wife honey may your be done what's that you say honey what do you want meat what is your will what do you wish and she tells me I want you to fix the door I want you to go grocery shopping I want you to change the oil to the car you follow me that's how I do her will is not my thing may your will be done I love your love I that's baloney you need to find out her will and then do it and so that's in prayer so I told him you need to pray for God's will seek God's will and then do it they say uh-huh okay but one of them a lady that talks a lot she can kill you document should grab you and tuck forever and you have no chance to escape she heard me and she says and how do you find out God will I do want to learn God's will and do it how do I learn it I said prayer and study and reflection I give in say meditation because I didn't have time to explain and I didn't want her to think about oriental stupid nonsense meditation so I said prayer study on reflection she said you want to say that in prayer you don't only talk and then go after you pray you study and think I said yep you heard me oh that's hard I said in my mind for Europe you never listen you always but I didn't say that I was polite she said okay pastor I will do it and she did it praise the Lord good for her in fact probably she was the single one that did it so she went home and she prayed for about one to three weeks and then she called me and she said I've been praying and studying and thinking and God didn't talk to me it I said you don't pray until God talks you pray forever God doesn't talk when you ask him to talk he talks when he wants he is the master you just keep praying and listening so whenever he talks you are listening because if you stop listening he may talk and you don't hear oh you want me to keep doing that that's a lifestyle prayer is not an even it's a lifestyle like breathing you don't breathe for one hour you breathe forever I said oh okay I think I can do that I said good for you she kept praying three months later she called me and she says I started to recognize God's voice I feel his impressions I know when he talks and I do obey and he started to work more and more and more in my life right now I have an experience that I never had for in 40 years of being an Adventist what if everybody did that and so I said good for you I said well let me tell you what God said I said okay she says God impressed me that we don't have success here because all we do with these doctrines but we have never done anything for the community and she says I didn't know you've got told me that so I asked him for confirmation and guess what I studied Christ method alone he mingled with people like one who cared for their good he helped them heal them a to them one their friendship and trust and then said follow me and she says God says to me you need to start a community center and help the pool and help the community and have people know you and have people love you or have people trust you and then do evangelism I said god bless you go ahead and do it she went to the board she told the church board and they said forget it doesn't make any sense they didn't listen so she called me she said you told me to pray this way now you got to help me why did I tell her to pray that way now I got to help and so I said what do you want let's go and look for a room that we rent and start a community center I said okay Thursday morning 9:00 a.m. I'll be there Thursday morning 9:00 a.m. I was there we took the whole town of Delavan Wisconsin from door-to-door from business to business from house to house all of them were too expensive or too broken or too small we didn't find anything she says okay I see you next Thursday I said no that's it she said you told me to pray this way you got to help me okay next Thursday 9 o'clock from door to door next Thursday 9 o'clock next every Thursday she kills me I didn't like her anymore we finished Delavan two three times from door to door from business to business every single door she says let's go to the next town are you crazy I prayed I doubt it and God said keep going you need to obey me without understanding we humans obey when we understand faith is not based on understanding because it's not science faith is based on faith or relationship on obedience period like Josiah go around Jericho why would I go they can throw arrows and kill us we are exposed God said go you go God didn't tell him if you go the walls will come down ah God didn't tell him God just said walk around jericho you need to obey period dust face got told gideon take a trumpet and take you remember a jar with the light inside that's stupidity you don't go to work with the trumpet on the job but you obey that's faith and so she said I ask God and God says keep obeying okay so she said we go to the next town elkhorn I hated her we went to next town six months all together every Thursday I was ready to move from that district after six months I was like Lord why do you allow it so I prayed I shame on me finally started to pray lord please I got tired if this is from you solve it if not help her understand and God spoke to me and said she prayed you didn't pray and God said keep going why when God said keep going we kept going after six months we went back to a man he said yep I was broke I closed my business I wanted to ask you for 4,500 you said last time you cannot offer so much you cannot offer more than 2500 I guess is better than nothing I'll take 2,500 praise the Lord next Thursday don't come again as soon as we sign the papers and got the location I got a phone call from the manager from Kmart are you Pastor Boyer yes did you find the room for your community center I said how do you know he says everybody knows you knock in every door in every business even to my house did you find the location yes do you have Sheridan no I closed Kmart come I want to help take as much shelving for free as you want we gotta show you as soon as we took the cherlene from the truck I got a phone call the Lutheran pastor you got a location yes you got a shilling yes do you accept donations I said duh we are Adventist we accept any donation bring it on I said how do you know he says duh you knocked him I know everybody knows I started to understand why God allowed us six months to knock in every door nobody knew that vent is dead adventist church before now everybody knew it God wanted us to be known before he could do the work and God allowed us 6 terrible months every Thursday from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. to go from door to door anyway seven other denominations called and they started to bring donations we got so much that we had no room to store it when Katrina came we sent 1800 after 1800 for forest we kept sending help from that little store the government called they said we want you to handle the food stands for the poor the the the prison called and they said when people get out of prison they have probation time we want you to handle them we want you to put them do volunteer work in your Center we want you to teach them how to behave we want you to even give them Bible study if you want so and we were on the front whole page of the newspaper like every week for a month the Adventist Church is helping our community Presbyterian Church came and said you have a prayer meeting at the community center Wednesday night and my members come to you I said what do you want me to do why don't they come to my prayer meeting I said I don't know he says would you be willing to start the prayer meeting in my church I said yes Tuesday night I started a prayer meeting in the Presbyterian Church folks it grew and grew and grew and grew we had no more room we started to store stuff outside winter came it was knowing on our stuff next door business council says you know I'm not doing well it's crisis it was in 2008 or something he says I'm not doing well I closed half of my business because it's very cold and I don't want to use too much heat so I can let you store what you have outside in the rear half of my building as long as you don't turn the heat said okay how much do you want he says nothing you help our community I wanna be part of this blessing three months later the other neighbor on the other side consensus that guy told me that in three months god blessed him in half of the building like never in the whole building I'm gonna give you half of my building [Applause] two years later we purchased autozone building because we had no more room why because one lady was really not only to pay but also to seek God's plan God has a plan for every location for every person for every situation for every Church we go to board meetings we plan we try we plan and then ask God to bless our plan and it never works instead of getting together and alone Isis having more prayer than touch and they should pray and seek his plan and then ask for a blessing do you follow me not only boards church members what if every church member would daily seek God's plan I know the plans I have for you that doesn't refer to salvation because it's plural plans refers to daily plans God has plans for you don't you think that is important that we seek God's will God's plan every day I was living going to a born-again Thursday night not too long ago like two years ago and I have a puppy I love dogs I love animals animals come to me cats chickens dogs they come to me they don't bite me they chickens get on my hands dogs come on lick me I just loved them I just like I would take care of all of them if I could anyway and so I have a I have five dogs on one of them it's a King Charles Spaniel do you know Cavalier King Charles Spaniel beautiful dog loving he sleeps around my head like a crown anyway and so I left to go to the board meeting and my wife calls me honey Gucci vomits blood the dog I call my head elder I said David start board meeting with on me I got to turn around I have an emergency I turned around went home picked up the dog went to the vet and I prayed and I said listen carefully Lord I know that nothing happens by chance tell me why show me why and if this can be used for your glory use it I pray that every morning Lord show me your will today I make myself available I want to be a blessing I want to serve use me today open my eyes I see people open my ears so I hear people I'm not so focused on me that I am blind to what happens around I want to do your will I don't say may your will be done amen I want to do your will show the old will so I said that Lord if this happened because you allowed it if this is your women use it so I go to the vet but I was in my shoot because I was driving to a board meeting so the vet says mr. Goya I've never seen you in a suit what are you going well I was going to work and I came back because of the puppy what do you work oh don't you know no I'm a pastor I had a board meeting well this is good timing we were just talking what happens to the pets when they die they go to heaven or to hell so I told him a few Bible verses and I said I'm not sure but this is what I think and after I told him a few Bible verses he said never thought about that what happened to people then when they died so I gave him a full Bible study two other doctors two three nurses and to trigger that order they all came and listened he says this is the most interesting thing I ever heard next day I went back to check the puppy see if he's better and he says what about Second Coming is it gonna be ruptured or not I gave him another Bible study he says can you come again tomorrow next day my puppy was fine but I went again for 10 days every almost every day gave them Bible studies and I say listen take these DVDs and watch them he took the DVDs wash them gave them to his family to his neighbors everybody watch them they came to evangelism nothing happens by chance when you say may your will be done you actually asked for trouble you follow me be careful what you play because he's going to do it but if you focus only on your will and want him to bless your will gotcha never use you you are self-centered we need to really mean it and say Lord I want to do your will I want your will to happen in my life but I myself also want to know your will today and do it so if you have something for me please let me know you follow me okay our time is up no more we did first part of the Lord's Prayer I don't think we have time for the second part but we may maybe change our little plans and tomorrow morning we give a sermon and tomorrow afternoon I was planning for another sermon that was actually crucial about second coming maybe we finish the Lord I don't know pray about it lets anybody wants to have a closing prayer I said but you know what I suggest take two minutes and pray privately that God would help us implement and by the way don't wait until you are good in prayer nobody's good in prayer just start praying Jesus is gonna model your prayers so take two minutes pray and then I'm gonna ask one of the elders to have a closing prayer is that okay
Channel: Caribou Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship
Views: 13,580
Rating: 4.7260275 out of 5
Keywords: Lord's prayer, presumption, faith, prayer is communication, talk, listen, reflect, God's plan, Seek His Plan, Thy Will Be Done, God Knows What We Need Before We Ask, Meditation, Faith, Obedience
Id: eXAFIfJa0rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 27sec (6567 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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