One With God's Purpose 8/26/17 Pavel Goia

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[Applause] very nice group here what a privilege I won before before he starts today I want to share something with you that is extremely important for me okay give me one second okay what do you think this is the best family in the world thank you thank you i if you agree or not not important I agree so and then this is the best granddaughter in the world she has the habit when I prepare a sermon to jump on my back on my neck and she stays there I get down I need to work I'm not going down and this is the rest of the family aren't they precious though okay now we finish that part we can move to the next I believe God has been leading powerfully tremendously here and I do believe nothing happens by chance so I am going to share couple of stories with you and restart we believe that Jesus is coming sooner than we think and as Jesus comes it's very easy to be asleep and thing that you are awake the ten virgins those wise and those foolish they are all sleeping and the sleeping symbol is when you think that everything is good you can relax because things are okay and that's how we think in the church while we say all we need to repent all we need to grow or we need to tada dadada we in fact don't make serious efforts to change anything we don't act like in an emergency like if your son or your wife or somebody in the family had a car accident and they have hours to live and they are in the emergency room you don't just pray you labor in prayer is life and death prayer we don't do that we don't think Jesus is coming soon the way we live is the way the world lives and so how do you prepare what do you do how do you know God how do you serve God I was in my very first district 27 years ago and in my very first district most of them were good people like in every church and there are a couple of stinkers that they have the purpose in life to make life miserable for the pastor and for the board and that's okay because they teach you patience and wisdom you know and you can take it as you are my enemy or you can take it as God send him to throw rocks let him throw rocks I need to learn wisdom and so I give them take it as enemies but I didn't spend my energy with them like Nehemiah I cannot come down I have something else to do you follow me but besides 99% wonderful people and 1% whatever in every Church there is somebody that always bugs you to death they follow you everywhere they never let you alone there were two of them they would come to my house and get roots there and they would stay and never leave and I would spend time eat together say I'm really busy yeah you need to do your job but they will not live I said well we go to bed do you want us to prepare a place here for your bed now we just stay here it was kind of strange and those two guys they are not home they had a room but there was no furniture inside they had a face like and laughter kind of and whatever you said you touch them on the phone how are you doing without doing good they'll start laughing and I would wonder why but well it was what it was one time I told my wife I said they really push it I really I am busy over my head I didn't get any sleep last night and I said honey Jesus loves them too and I said that's enough let Jesus love them and they got to my limits and I was wondering why would God punish me for what since you know to send those two guys anyway once a but I was preaching on God's purpose for every life and I said and I gave my story when I was four I went to church this is a story in the story paranthesis okay when I was four I went to church and the pastor from the Union called Lazarus for I Lazarus came to visit our church he spoke from Jeremiah 29 in and he said God has a plan for each one of us sad that we are so focused on our plans that we never spend time to seek God's plan and we are so focused on our plans that we ask God to bless our plans instead of asking God to discover us his plans and basically we go to this life and never fulfill our purpose and if we would seek God's plan God would not only use us save many but by using us bless us and then he said something amazing he said you see we go to church and we ask for blessings lord please give us a blessing today and we never get the blessing is Jacob a whole life tried to get the blessing and he didn't he tried to deceive who are you I am Eva it was not easy he was Jacob okay he always tried to get a blessing but never did it and he said we go to church under you want a blessing and never get it because in the Bible God doesn't promise to give you a blessing hello you heard me he promised to make you everywhere in Hebrew or Testament or Greek New Testament he promises to make you a blessing it doesn't say you should receive showers of blessings it says you shall be got your Bible and check it you shall be showers of blessings it doesn't say to Abraham I will bless you period I will bless you so that you could be a blessing to the whole world to all the nations it's not that I give it to you period I give it to you so you have what to give to pass on do you follow me and he said in heaven there is no room for selfish people well I don't like that sentence there is no room for self-centered selfish minami people Jesus never focused on self he came to serve others and to save others and in order to be in heaven we must have Jesus character we must live for others you don't match heaven unless you are that way don't worry they they are wonderful they are good Christians I mean that I if the church will let me I would bring my puppet to a pulpit with me you know I love my puppy I just just they have no fault we do anyway going back to the subject and he said you cannot be in heaven unless you match the heavens characteristics christ-like character and he said as long as we focus on self we copy Satan's character wow that's pretty strong isn't it and then he said if you really want to be like Christ you need to forget self you need to die to self you need to give up self and to do what jesus said whoever doesn't hate the data and himself is not worthy to be my disciple and then he said whatever you try to save you'll lose and whatever you lose that what you save if you try to save your life you'll lose it if you try to save your job your health you'll lose it whatever you sacrifice for God and give it to God that's what is blessed whatever you give away think about the kid there are many people that had food only that kid gave the bread and the fish and only that was blessed and multiplied whoever tries to save his life all knows it who is really intelligent for me we'll save it and the pastor and on and on and said God has a plan for each one of you and God is calling you to forget your plans and seek his plan and fulfill the purpose he designed for your life and I was like after that sermon I was for I could not focus too long not today even today I cannot focus like you cannot keep me still for five minutes I mean I have worked and when I don't have work I find work and if I don't have work I go and cut a tree and still find work you know what I plant a tree I just cannot stand still you know and so it was hard for me to focus but that sermon got me and so I go in the front yard of the church and as I go in the front yard of the church there is an apple tree and two almond trees and then the pathway that goes to the gate and I get between the two almonds and the old yellow Golden Delicious beautiful apple tree okay and as I get there my dad with another two elders and the pastor and like a small group like four or five people were talking about the church and they were saying how can we get the whole church involved in our church there are 1015 people who do all the jobs and the other 270 do nothing they come to the game watch the game and say yes go good job no no bad bad and then they go home how can we get them all work and I go to my dad and say I don't know how you get them all work but I want to work now I was for you remember he looks to me he says praise the Lord I said I thought you would say you are wrong when my father said oh you got it all wrong I said I did listen carefully to the sermon and my father said no no no you got the other sermons wrong I said what do you mean you say you are too small yes I am for and my father said who told you that you have to do the job he said God can do it with you or a demoniac or a donkey or a sick person paralyzed because he does the job not you do you you start to follow me God can do it to 300 Gideon God can do you throw a million or that can do it you won or that can do victory to acquire not an army or God can you follow it is not based on how strong how trained how experienced how smart you are is based on him stop looking to self oh I am only for how I am old I'm sick I'm poor I'm uneducated I don't have time I have two jobs excuses you what you're saying you say I'm selfish uh-huh you all you say I am proud would you please preach no I'm not trained you know what they say what if I don't do well and people don't appreciate me they are proud they want to succeed who cares if you succeed or lose you're not supposed to succeed Jesus is supposed to succeed oh how did I do in my sermon stop asking [Music] that's the reason people don't want to serve what if I fail who cares if you fail that's how you learn you don't serve to succeed you serve to serve period you don't focus on you focus on Jesus experience and so my father says you got it wrong it's not about you or what you can do I said so do you think that God has a plan for children too he said absolutely I said okay tell me God's plan and my father says maybe it is not my plan it is God's plan he has to tell you his plan I said how does he talk and my father said prayer I said okay I got it I went under the tree kneel down I said lord I know I am only four but would you please tell me your plan and you know what God said nothing and so I got up I went to my dad and said he doesn't talk to me I'm too small and my father said why did you do I prayed well you talk to him now take the Bible and let him talk to you but I don't know how to read he looks to me he was like puzzled you know and I said okay give me the Bible I took the Bible I said lord please I know I am a child tell me your plan I opened the Bible somewhere put my finger and I said would you read for me here it was jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5 don't say I am a child that's how he starts don't say I am a child because I'm going to send you and you will speak for me I'm gonna put my words into it into your mouth don't be afraid of them so I'll make you be afraid of them I took the Bible closes I said thank you I'm gonna be a pastor by now going back closing the parentheses to the tool crazy man story you remember I preached that sermon that Sabbath and I said God has a plan for everybody if he has a plan for a donkey he can use you too you have no excuse I said I don't care if you are smart or foolish if you are educated or not God has a plan for each one of you well guess what after my sermon who comes to me the two brothers pastor we heard you you said that God is the plan for everybody we've him evangelism in three months you said everybody should do something you said tell us what to do oh brother why in the world I said everybody what should I do now so I get rid of them because they are gonna really make people laugh at our church you know how should I get rid of them I said I know I got an idea I'm smart you pray that's the easiest way to get rid of somebody you know you play they said okay bye and they left they go home and they talk and they talk and they talk and they talk and they say we pray we pray but he didn't say where we have evangelism evangelism is for people so we thinks or he may think that we need to pray with people that should come to evangelism so they go in the town small small small small town they go to the first house not not not not the pastor said that he should pray I don't know what to pray for what do you want us to pray for and the guy says I'm extremely broke poor I only have a cow the cow is sick the vet told me today the cow will die does my single source of income please pray for my cow okay lord please heal his cow nextdoor the pastor said we should pray father you want us to pray my wife left me Lord bring her back by next house my kids are in jail one stole a car one drugs Lord get them out of jail and make them behave by house by house 15,000 households actually less 15,000 people in the town probably around 5,000 households more or less I don't know anyway they finished in one month they came back to me and they say we prayed what do you want us to do next I said the Lord it was good a month heading peace I said you need to pray more okay they talked and talked and they said we go back to him to every house now buckle up they went to the first house and the guy says I've never had anybody in my church different denomination praying for me and I prayed for ever and it since I never got an answer you guys prayed and my cow recovered and the vet cannot explain how tell me what church do you belong to they went to the second house wife was back they went to the third house kids your home they went to basically God answered all those prayers there is a quotation in the spirit of prophecy that says that when we pray for others specifically when we fight for their salvation God cannot resist those prayers they went second time and then they went third time from home to home the whole town when he had evangelist the whole church brought two people and these two crazy these two nuts brought 44 it humbled me big time it made me repent and it leaves everybody without an excuse if God can use those two people if you knew the stories you'd love forever I just don't spend time to give you the stories our church had fun every Sabbath because of those two if God could use those two people nobody has an excuse I've learned in my life that when I focus on me the more I work for me the more problems I solve the more problem Satan gives me to keep me busy and when I totally give up and say whatever happens I don't care and I focus on God he goes before me he takes care of my problems without my stress or expense and when I get there they are taking care of because he promised if you seek first the kingdom of God he doesn't refer to seek heaven but to seek the prosperity in Greek the prosperity of his kingdom the advance of his King if you seek first gather his kingdom I promise says God all the other things will be provided we say we trust God but for some reason it's at this level not at this level and so the thermometer the test the acidity test of Christianity is not what you say but what you do and so God has a purpose God has a plan for everybody do you know God's plan for you how much do you pray a day to seek God's will to seek God's plan how much do you pray that God would take a transform you and use you and make you a blessing every morning I say that prayer and I say Lord I mean it with all my heart I need your plan for today it says in the spirit of prophecy that Jesus every single morning would go and seek in prayer the Father's plan for that day if Jesus our example did that shouldn't we so I said Lord show me the plan for today when I get in the car I don't listen to stupid music or stupid news they are all bad I have the Bible on CDs I have sermons on CDs I have the spirit of prophecy on CD you can find it you can find the Bible on the internet for nothing like not even 99 cents right now is for free and you can listen and you can memorize Bible verses and then I pray and I say Lord use me today open my eyes so I am not selfish if there is somebody that needs a blessing make me a blessing for somebody else because the more you bless others the more you are blessed the more you teach others the more you learn the more you help others the more you grow that doesn't need you you need God the church doesn't need you you need a church God didn't call you to serve Him because he need you he can use rocks God called you to serve because that's the way you grow and so I prayed I'm driving from Tennessee to Wisconsin and I'm in the car with my wife praying and praying lord please please please show me the plan use me make me a blessing help me help others help me save others I want to know that there will be thousands in heaven because you works through me I really I don't want to focus on here because this is gonna very soon sooner than we think I want to get to heaven as many as possible I want to see them forever there and as I am paying after about five hours drive I am driving on interstate 57 to Mount Vernon close to 3abn and I get a phone call a past or a friend of mine who can kill you touching he can talk your ears off he can drain the battery of the cell phone and you take a new cell phone or a new battery and he can drain that one too he taps on solar power his batteries never to the point that you are hypnotized and you don't even think you just like the sermon you know and he can talk and last time when I visited him with my wife he talked until 3:00 a.m. and I was like I heard wake up I got to tell you something telling me something for five hours leave me alone anyway so he talks and I told my wife so I'm so he's calling and she says don't answer now my wife never says that you know but this time she did if you answer you'll be on the phone for the rest of the trip up to 11 hours to his concern said okay let him ring and I keep driving through the snow it was knowing for several days and there were cars in the ditch I was driving the Toyota Sienna all drive go into the that's a good car you know anyone and so as I was driving and Subaru tow it never you never get stuck anyone so as I was I don't sell cars okay so her as I was driving as I was driving praying Lord make me a blessing the phone started to ring again same guy mother says don't answer don't answer I keep praying and driving and say Lord make me a blessing and God says in my mind I'm trying to but you don't answer the phone okay so I said honey I got to answer this is God so now this is that guy and she said the name I said honey God told me to answer the phone she says suit yourself so I answered the phone hey man how are you doing good how are you doing good man please pray for me I have a big problem I said okay what should I pray for I'm going to Cuba a mission trip my plane leaves in three hours the bus was cancelled my car is broken and nobody wants to give me a ride through the snow I said listen it happens that I'm driving right now this second buy or exit I kept putting off on off on off until I could see his exit and I was passing so I pushed the brake a little got on the exit and I said I don't need to pray for you I already did for five hours God told me now to answer your prayers oh I am coming he says where are you aren't you home in Wisconsin I said no I am at your exit actually he says wow what a coincidence I said brother coincidence you don't exist I got on the exit got to his home picked him up got him to Airport within half an hour the plane left he baptized about I don't remember 24 source of something I don't remember why don't we pray every day Lord make me a blessing why don't you do that why don't we seek God's purpose for our life it would be really sad to go to this life call yourself a Christian and always serve self and never even have a desire or the simple curiosity to know God's plan for you and never fulfill that plan and you get young and you can get mature and you get old and you die and you never knew God's plan and you never fulfill that plan wouldn't that be sad what if every Christian member what if every 7-day Adventist what if everyone searched daily and served daily and became a daily how would the churches be oh they will be packed but God called us not to save us God called us to serve and then to save us God called us not to salvation he called us to service and he called everybody including us to salvation I don't know if you follow me we think we are called to salvation no we specifically are called to service and everybody including us is called to salvation I don't know if you follow me God called Israel to be a kingdom of a kingdom of priests they had a job to do they had a job to do you're supposed to be alive you're supposed to be a blessing you're supposed to be a house of prayer for whom it says in the Bible for all nations for all people okay now if they did that they would be saved not that salvation depends on what you do but he refused to do that they closed themselves in walls and call themselves God's people but I don't remember ever Jesus saying invite the world come to you what I remember from my Bible says go and my father and I asked him to explain with this Bible verse he said son you don't do agriculture in the barn you do it on the field you just bring the harvest in the bar hello you don't do the work in the barn you do it on the field and my father said that's what Jesus meant go we for some reason expect people to come to us we for some reason closed ourselves and my father said another expression he said what benefit would be to have sheep that make milk and drink the milk themselves and then he said that's what we do in the church we make the programs and then we watch the programs and then we congratulate ourselves for the good programs and then we go home the programs should not be for us should be for them and you should go and invite them why have program if you make it only watch it that doesn't make sense does it and so what's the purpose Israel was called to be a kingdom of priests to be alive to serve to save because God loves those people around us Israel was called Israel clothes themselves in a ghetto and everybody was unclean and your holy and God rejected them and God called us and in the New Testament the same Bible verse is repeated copy and paste first Peter 2:9 we are called to be a kingdom of priests who is the Bible tucked into to the passwords or to everybody when Jesus says come into my yard come come and work is he referring to pastors or to everybody everybody it happens that the church lost its mission and we expect people to come and we don't fulfill the plan that God has for us and so if says then they were called to be a force of attraction to the fallen world to show the world God's love did they do that Leslie the Bible verses and start it says they're therefore as the Holy Spirit says today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion dadadada therefore I was angry with that generation and I sure do not enter my rest now be our brethren so Paul is not talking about Israel that's Dan bill he is giving that example talking to us so we learn a lesson from Israel so we don't do the same and he says you don't do as David they don't have to found a leaf today if you hear his voice this is second time he says today do not harden your hearts by the way in this passage it says today today today three times in Hebrew culture when something is repeated three times is extremely important and then he says they did not enter in the promised land because of unbelief okay so let's go for lessons that you should learn from Israel procrastinate verses urgency called out verses love for Egypt unbelievers with faith going up or verses going down procrastinate today if you hear his voice don't harden your hearts when what day is today tell me the date today 26 August 26 Saturday today August 26 if you hear his voice you need to listen I have a problem with our church I believe he's God's church but the problem I have we hear in a lifetime thousands of sermons but we don't change once the purpose to hear so many sermons if we don't change isn't it better to stay home eat pizza and watch a stupid movie the brainwashes you and you are like a vegetable at least you don't struggle eat church and all this stuff on our repented Saints and so on you know if we come to the church shouldn't a although be doers and not listeners if the Holy Spirit touched your heart today don't play games with the Holy Spirit now why not tomorrow tomorrow he's not bad 27th Augustine why not tomorrow Oh tomorrow we don't have a chance you may be right somebody may die tonight not me I intend to leave 103 my grandfather lived 103 I want to beat him with half a year but but anyway I tell you why today this guy was Byram husana he was in the city where I grew up he was not Romanian he was Turkish he made the best in the world ice cream I mean even now when I talk about that I have water in my mouth I don't care he's not healthy this is heaven I mean it was good he had three types of ice cream there was ice inside and three tubes inside he kept the cones here and those three tubes inside head chocolate ice cream vanilla ice cream pistachio ice cream the pistachio ice cream was heavenly and he also had juice and she would scream as loud as possible today you pay tomorrow is for free oh I believed him I went and I paid for my pistachio ice cream I ate it and then I went next day and I said I want my free ice cream he's a son today you pay tomorrow is for free and I said what today is tomorrow he said no today is today they say well I came yesterday that was today he said no yesterday was yesterday I said you said yesterday today you pay tomorrow's for free yes I did well I came today he said exactly and today you pay well isn't today tomorrow he said now today's today said ok I paid again next day I'm gonna get my free ice cream I go to him today's tomorrow I want my ice cream he said now today's today tomorrow is tomorrow I said come on man I need my free ice cream when is tomorrow he says son tomorrow never comes why why would we think that we change tomorrow if we don't change today what is different tomorrow if we don't change today we're not going to change tomorrow you want to obey obey if you procrastinate you're not going to want to change tomorrow you know what happens the Bible tells you it says in Greek in English says today there is voice do not harden your hearts in Greek says today if you hear his voice listen carefully or based on your hearts will not harden when you procrastinate your hearts hardened they become less unless unless unless sensitive to the Holy Spirit to the point that nothing would impress you if the Holy Spirit him we have a saying in Romania he says hit the iron when it's hot if the Holy Spirit impresses you now and you don't act and impress you tomorrow and you don't act eventually you become deaf to the voice of the Holy Spirit and there is no point to impress you you are beyond impression do you follow me basically the more you play the less chance you have it's not a game we talk about losing our salvation eternal life then why go to church is not a game basically we develop crocodile scales on our skin we become so hardened the now sermon no study no event no economy crisis no tornado no nothing impresses us anymore and we say tomorrow now there will be no tomorrow tomorrow your heart is going to be even harder than today don't play with the Holy Spirit it's about your salvation today if God is impressing you to take a small step and start praying start praying tomorrow if God impresses you to start studying start studying that is not going to give you more than you can handle and when he calls you to do something he's going to give you the power to do something next day if God sent you in mission go a mission oh I don't have time oh I don't have the money if he calls you he's able test him he'll provide don't argue don't look for excuses oh I just bought a property oh I just got married you play with salvation and so why today because you procrastinate your heart becomes harder and harder and harder now I need to say something here I've been in many churches and I've talked to many people and I've not I've never seen anybody I've never seen anybody that said you know later when I am older when I get it tired I'm gonna give my life to Jesus and they actually did it what I have seen I've seen people that when they are moved they give their life to Jesus that's what I've seen people who procrastinate they become worse and worse and worse and what they do they start criticizing the others for their own problems this they become the judge houses the judges of the embroiderer those people who don't change they become caustic you know what caustic means caustic caustic all English okay thank you they they become acidic they become cannibals they may not admit but the church members they condemn you for their own problems they condemn the brother and the sister and the wife and the husband and the children and the parents and the pastor they condemn everybody around except themselves people who don't change have a tendency to impose their rules to everybody and to judge everybody and Satan's name in Greek is how untidy COEs translated the one who judges his brother when you judge somebody else you borrow Satan's character God did not call you to judge God called you to solve judgment belongs to him vengeance belongs to him he's right he doesn't need your help you just love others let him do the judging he does it better than you if he did the judging with you you will not be happy he is gracious to you you need to be gracious to the others you follow me people who don't change become judges when you see somebody in the church throwing rocks you need to know that person has hidden sins in his or her life did you hear what I said you may not like it I don't care don't call me back bottom line people who judge others have hidden sins in their life number two they have not experienced grace yet when you see God's love to you that you've seen and you go back and he forgives you again then you sin and you go back and he forgives you again if you process he's unbelievable grace you cannot help but forgive the others because the more you walk among flowers the more likely you smell like flowers what I mean is the more experienced grace the more likely you share great but if you never experienced grace and forgiveness yourself how could you give it if you don't have it and so let's move on a little so we can finish today and it Paul is using this example for us he's not talking about Israel he started talking about spiritual Israel God Church of today now lesson number two lesson number two lesson number two is listen carefully called out versus loved for Egypt so what happened to Israel Israel was in Egypt for how many years now 430 precisely 430 okay God sent Moses to do what to deliver them God sent Moses to deliver them Moses went to Pharaoh by the way Moses it's symbol for Jesus it says in Deuteronomy God is gonna send you a prophet like me who will deliver his people obey Him he was talking about Jesus Moses is a symbol of Jesus Israel is the symbol for us God's church Egypt is the symbol for sin by the way I don't know if you know in Egypt for every single letter of the alphabet they had an average of 25 to 35 God's idols for a unless a mess action I have the lists for every letter in the alphabet they had over 25 idols can you believe that and they are in Egypt for 430 years after 430 years they looked more like Egypt than like Israel slowly they started to copy Egypt and they thought we are ok and they didn't know that they are not ok as we think we are ok and we don't know that we are not ok when we say I am fine and God says now in Revelation chapter 3 you are not fine you are blind you are miserable you are naked and you don't know that's the problem is not that you have cancer the problem is that you don't know that's the problem and so God sent Moses to do what say them see why he says there in the verse that they were doing the wilderness to worship number two to serve God and number three to get them to the promised land what is to ownership and what is to serve because the last one we don't know the promised land we don't know that but what the first two what is to worship what is to serve what is worship oh when I go to church on Saturday mornings 11 o'clock sing the song pray the prayer listen to the sermon now that's not worship worship is every day worship is every day it's your continual connection with God where you are reverent and you are obedient and you move in faith and that's how you worship God we are not one day a week Adventists we should be every day of the week Adventists that worship and what is service service is when you fulfill whatever purpose God gave you basically you use the gifts that God gave you there are a bunch of parables in the Bible in none of them those that didn't use the gifts were saved in every parable those who did not use their gifts or lost you follow me for instance faithful servant and faithful servant they are supposed to feed the others they don't feed they look they lose fig tree doesn't produce fruit their eyes every single parable talent parable those who didn't use their talent lost you follow me you are called to serve God gave you a gift use it and so what happened to Israel what happened to Israel they got out of Egypt and they got to the Red Sea what is Red Sea the Bible says who believes and is baptized shall be saved but the Bible says that they are all baptized into the sea that's what he says they are all baptized into the sea basically God says hey I call you first I want you to make a covenant with me now we are mostly baptized and if you are not talk to the pastor and don't procrastinate because baptism it's a privilege at baptism all your previous sins are not only forgiven but erased thrown in the Mariana Trench and there is a no fishing sign above done you never did it Jesus takes all your past put it on himself takes his divine righteousness put it on you and says perfect born again and gives you a new start and says you are my son you are my daughter but so what what happened I want you to let's move on I want you to her to father let's go I want you to think about this they get out of Egypt they get to the Red Sea as soon as they got to the Red Sea there are meals flowers and a party was that what was there water mountains mountains snakes army behind what happens when you make a decision to follow God oh it's going to be wonderful who tells you that is lying when you make a decision to follow God the whole heaven breaks loose Satan attacks you relatives hate you you lose job you get sick and your car breaks why would God allow it because that time you start learning to depend on God and God wants you to learn to live differently and we expect to be baptized but continue with the life like in Egypt and God says no no no you just got out of Egypt from now on you don't depend on your job you don't depend on your power you don't depend on your wisdom you learn to depend on me to the point that there will be nothing except the rope and you need to hold to that rope by faith then if you don't learn that you are not good forever and God is trying to all those trials to the Red Sea and so on to teach you to total dependence now I'm gonna say something here that we sometimes forget they get to the Red Sea they commented a more more they don't have food in the wilderness they more more they don't have water they more MORE they don't have this they are attacked by now Amalekites they more MORE that's what the church does every time there is a trouble better than the past on the borders if you is not a pastor because if you are good you are not normal because if you had a relationship with God you say who brought me to the Red Sea God who should I go to pray for help to God but you start blaming somebody for what God did to you it means that you don't know your God it's you and your mom or you should say it's me it's me o lord standing in the need of prayer not my brother not my sister but is me O Lord if you you have a problem stop blaming the pastor and so they blame Moses and they say we want to get a different leader and go back to Egypt who gave them Moses who gave them pastor Jim who gave them God did now I'm not saying that pastors are perfect they are not accept me nobody is perfect but but what I am saying it doesn't help to blame your spouse you don't solve the problem you create a problem it doesn't help to blame the pastor or the conference or the board it doesn't help if you really want to help if you have good intentions you should rather pray you should say let's give a prayer group and let's pray for our pastor let's pray for our conference the critic - you know that all and they leave with criticism is like it's like water - the winds are it nurtures them that's evil stop more morning if you have a problem if you lost your car you lost your house you are sick if you have a problem remember nothing happens by chance but all things all things work together if God didn't want you to have a problem he would not have allowed it you not have had a problem if God allowed it you need it start solving it oh please not take this problem away why I'll send it God allowed it you need it say lord help me grow that's the prayer we always want to solve problems and we never do because God keeps sending them to teach us lessons necessary lessons and we repeat the class again and again because we never pass the exam learn the lesson so you don't have to face it again do you follow me okay so each time we more more we are actually not more moving against the leader but murmuring against the one who allowed the trial murmuring against God we don't like this manner who send them manna when they are more willing they were actually in fact when they are moving against Moses Moses goes to God and God says is right there they don't complain against you but they complain against me you remember the verse they were complaining against Moses and God says no no no they don't complain against you they complain against me do you realize that every time you move you actually complain against God Wow because we focus so much on this life and we are blind like holes vision when they are cover like that and we don't see that God has a bigger picture in mind he wants to give you eternity and you want this anguses mmm I want you to have that anyway so let's move on so we can finish we talked about that let's move on what happened to Israel listen carefully they lost sight of God God is in control God is with you every second of the day every day every night God is when you more more you lose sight of God's presence and Providence they lost sight that God is there are good angels evil angels there is God he can see you every more they lost sight of their color do you remember our mission they lost sight of the promised land do you remember that we go to heaven soon are you leaving that way or you leave like we'll be here a thousand years they focus so much on here and now that they lost sight of there and then it's like talking about me anew each time one more more we lose focus of God of our call and of the promised land and we gradually harden our hearts now listen carefully salvation is a process justification sanctification glorification what is justification salvation from the penalty of sin this level justification are you perfect no God calls you you make a decision get baptized give your life to Jesus but you're still a stinker nothing changed God says you are perfect but you are a sinner when you confess your sins in that moment God takes your sins away and impute his righteousness unto you and says you are perfect but you are not perfect when abraham believed god Costard him righteous the Hebrew says translated word by word I took word by word I did a translation he says abraham believed and that was considered to him as now it doesn't say so in hebrews says abraham believed and in that moment god considered him as righteous as God himself period in the moment when you believe in that moment God considers you as righteous as God you are not righteous Abraham after that light oh this is my sister Abraham after that married his slave Abraham did mistakes but when you repent and give your life to Jesus in that moment he considers her righteous but you're not there for you go to the second step sanctification justification deliverance from Egypt an event could be a day could be an hour it's an event sanctification is salvation from the power of sin does not an event that's a life it's a process wilderness experience God works through every trial through every instance to every situation every day to teach you lessons to grow you to teach you patience to teach you humbleness to teach you love and kindness and compassion and dependence on him and faith and to teach you necessary lessons and hearing the trial furnace to purify you and that's wilderness process that we don't like how Amalekites oh let's see Oh mana God is teaching you that's what's happening you are in school you are under construction you follow me and that's a process and then glorification that's the promised land that's an eternity sank justification and even sanctification alive glorification an eternity they follow okay are you saved yes or no well let me give you the right answer I am being saved I have been saved justified I am being saved I'm in the process of sanctification right now and I will be saved I'll be glorified well let me give you the good news now regardless where you are here like the thief on the cross or here like Paul regardless where you are as long as you are in the process you are saved that's good news isn't it when you get out of the process you could be here you are lost if you get in the process you could be here you are saved because he doesn't depend on what you do on who you are he depends on His grace by faith therefore if today you are the thief on the cross and get in the process and say Jesus please save me you're saved and tomorrow you are righteous and get out of the process you are lost because there is no hope without Jesus his name is the single hope there's the reason he says he who calls the name of the Lord shall be saved in greek says he who keeps calling on the name of the Lord it's a continual tense if you keep calling Jesus every day Lord please I need you I am nothing without you please come into my life as long as you invite him and choose him you are safe it doesn't matter if you are only here or the woman at the well or it doesn't matter where you are as long as you are in Jesus Christ in you the hope of glory as long as he is in you and you in him you are saved get out you're lost he who has the son present continue his life period that's it so now they they move from Egypt to Red Sea this is you remember I just talked about it justification now they move from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai sanctification starts now let me ask you a very simple question which one comes first justification why in the world we pretend people to obey the commandments sanctification and then give their life to Jesus justification you cannot give Sinai and then the Red Sea you need to first give the Red Sea and then Sinai that's the order they come you cannot make apples to deserve to be an apple tree you need to be an apple tree and naturally you make apples you cannot produce good foods without being a son of the king you need to be a son of the king and as a natural result you produce fruits stop trying to make apples become an apple tree first do you follow me first you need to be saved and then Christ in you bears good fruit is not your effort okay God first pulls us out of Egypt save us and then he gives us his law and says follow me now let's move on belief versus unbelief what happened next for we are saved by faith Kadosh Kadosh varna Kadesh Barnea what happened there Moses stuck to 12 people and says go and see the land 12 people go spies to see the land they come back and they give a report ten of them say oh the land is beautiful oh it has big grapes ice cream now they didn't say that it has this and that and tomatoes and and it has Giants and big walls and they have big army and they will kill us were they right or wrong they were right that was the truth the other two they said yes they have a big army and Giants but remember what God has done for us in the past remember how he got us out of Egypt remember the miracles the plagues remember the Red Sea split remember the water from the rock remember the manna from heaven remember the victory over the Amalekites remember the sun standing still remember what God has done for you and don't look to the Giants look to Jesus now why the other ten were wrong because they focused on problems instead of focusing on God he says there in Hebrew they perished because of Giants and believe listen folks if during Noah when God asked Noah to build the ark and said open the door who enters in the Ark will be saved if somebody was drunk okay and by mistake got into dark would have been saved or lost but he doesn't deserve it he didn't pay tithe he didn't eat tofu he doesn't he's a drunk who do you think you are better than him do you think that you buy what you do deserve heaven is nothing that we do that to deserve heaven our righteous acts are filthy drugs we'll compare to each other that's the reason I think I am better than you but if we'd compared to Christ's divine righteousness we deserve to die therefore heaven is not based on what you do heaven is based on his righteousness period for my faith you have been saved you follow me by grace through faith okay but listen carefully they did not perish because of the Giants they did not perish because of the in sins they did not perish because of the problems they did not perish they perished because of unbelief when you face a trial stop looking to the trial turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the world will go Ellie rises exercise faith choose faith think faith suck face seal faith pray faith don't allow yourself to doubt don't allow your mind and then she says next paragraph don't allow emotions to control how you think God's love doesn't depend on your emotions does love has nothing to do with your chemistry she says you must choose faith you must exercise faith and so at Kadesh burner ten of them chose to focus on problems and therefore they finished and that's a strong lesson that every day when we go to trials if we chose to be negative if we choose sorry if we choose to focus on problems to focus on self to focus on our weakness to focus on our sins if we choose that God cannot work God is able God is able to give you a new life God is able to give you a new heart God is able to give you victory over your sin God is able to solve your problem you don't need to understand how I cannot believe because I don't understand it's impossible nothing is impossible with God you don't need to understand you don't need to deserve you don't need to pay for it you need to choose to trust and rejoice my son avi I keep telling this story because I love the story he was three and I love motorcycles I had the big bike he comes to me dad can I have your bike go away dad can I have your bike now you need to grow up and then you can have a bike dad can I have my bike I said okay I'm gonna buy you two dollar Hot Wheels bike nah that's not real I want a real one said you're small look to the bike look to yourself too small he says dad okay that's too big for me can I have one like this I said okay you can't have one like this I'm gonna get one that is remote so you can play with it know that I need to get on it okay can I get on like this I said okay deal I'm gonna get you one like this plastic three wheels so you don't fall come pedals no engine can I get on it and ride it yes you can can you make it blue I like blue I said blue it is when are you gonna give it to me tomorrow 5:00 p.m. when I come from work I stop and get your bike wow she started to scream he runs out those in front of the building calls all the children from the neighborhood listen everybody I have a bike it is so big it has three wheels pedals and it's blue and they say can we see it oh it comes tomorrow why would he rejoice he knew me and I did get his bike tomorrow trust me he got the bike he didn't choose it he would shine it and put it in the closet but anyway that's not not the point here but-but-but listen carefully can it be the twin luck that childish trust when the god of the universe makes a promise I'll remove your sins as East from West I will forgive your sins throw them in the deep depth of the ocean I'll be with you you are never alone may the mountains move my love will never move from you I have inscribed you on my palms I love you with an everlasting life love you are never alone if you go to waters if you go to fire I am there with you when God makes this absolutely heavenly promises could it be that we don't trust in him as children do Ellen White says not only to trust but to rejoice as you have got your answer you must be crazy to be a Christian God promise is something impossible and you jump up and down scream and dance and rejoice because you say if he promised is mine and nobody can take it because God promised think about it think about it we trust our showers more than you trust God you turn the water on and you believe water starts running we trust our cars more than you trust God we put the key in and we believe the engine starts but then you pray when you don't believe should we trust our cars more than God yeah really think about it folks you don't need to understand you cannot understand God unless you are God you don't need to deserve you just need to make a mind decision he promised I trust in him let's move on so they didn't believe the asterism they had to go back 40 years now let me ask you let me ask you how long should have taken from Kadesh to Canaan I've been there I asked the guide 14 days he said if you walk 14 days if you have elderly and you take breaks up to 17 days now let me ask you a bad question how long did he take them that would get on my nerves I would go crazy around and around and around learn every Rock every cat learn every I mean around and around and around I would die can it be folks that we are still here because of unbelief and Jesus could have come long ago and we could have been in heaven long ago and he continued to have cancer and he continued to have terrorism and bad economy and bad politics and everything bad because we God's people don't believe strongly that he is able to deliver the uttermost can it be that I say I believe and actually I don't choose to believe and to rejoice when you pray something impossible to say I actually believe and you like crazy rejoice I believe you give me victory period I don't need to understand I don't want to think I don't understand how it was but I know him I know him I know in whom I believed and I know that he is able you remember anyway so next quick next God did not design his people to wonder 40 years in the wilderness he promised to lead them how to the land of and establish them there holy healthy unhappy but those who eat was preached went not because of Giants nobody will be saved I'm sorry nobody will be lost because of Giants nobody regardless nobody will be lost because of problems or sins will those who are saved will be saved by faith and those who are lost will be by unbelief because he's not based on who you are what you do we need to get it pagans believe that they are saved by what they do for God's Christians believe that they are saved by what God does for them listen those whom it was preached when not because of unbelief didn't hurt or filled with first murmuring first you start attack attack attack and then what is next rebellion and then hate Wow Christians we don't hate each other doing and then God could not fulfill his promise for 40 years unbelief murmuring rebellion shut out ancient Israel from the land of Canaan no listen carefully now listen carefully everybody I want you to listen carefully the same sins have delayed modern Israel from entering the heavenly Canaan hello murmuring rebellion unbelief the same sins in either case were the promise of God at fault it is unbelief and consecration worldliness strife murmuring among God's professed people that have kept us in this world of sin and sorrow for so many years evangelism 696 have you read this paragraph before this is powerful isn't it it was easy for God to pull Israel out of Egypt but it was difficult forgot to pull Egypt out of Israel how many left Egypt 600,000 men that was men that would go to army was not children was not elderly was not women 600,000 men if you put the children and the elderly and the women it says in archeology estimate around 1.4 million people more or less how many of them enter Cana bad statistics how many of us are here 250-300 roughly so what is the percentage if out of 1.4 million entered to how many out of 300 do you do you get the point the spirit of prophecy says there will be many when the final crisis comes we'll leave churches because they are not consecrated because she says they didn't know God enough to trust him in every trial God allows trials that you'll earn trust so in the final greatest crisis in history comes you can make it if you don't keep up with those who walk how are you gonna keep up with those on horses and then she says when the trials come because they didn't learn to trust him they will leave churches and then she says others will come in the eleventh hour and pay their place I wanna be the one who stays I don't want to live here I am not moving therefore God teach me the lesser God I don't care if I suffer I want to be in heaven do whatever it takes I give you permission kill me if that's what it takes is better without an eye a hand or dead here but in heaven forever we should never forget that folks never never listen behold the lamb of God you need to fix your eyes and behold him by beholding him by calling his presence daily by fully fixing your eyes turning turning your eyes on him by fully trusting him he will take away your sins you don't understand when how you don't understand the process how it works but he we'll finish what he started he will get you there [Music] it was not because they didn't overcome the Giants but because of unbelief no one will be lost for being weak but for not trusting God the last one why wilderness every experience that we face daily every trial every circumstance every thing that happens that we experience daily has the potential to get you up or to get you down nothing leaves you neutral if you learn from this experience you grow if not you become harder and worse therefore don't play with the holy spirit God allow them to go through trials God allow them to go to disease God allowed them to go without job and to lose homes God allow them to go to whatever problems you have to tell them to let go of Egypt to teach them to fully trust in God's not himself to teach them to live a godly lifestyle what is a godly lifestyle is the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control how do you produce the fruit of the Spirit you don't produce the fruit of the Spirit your fruits they are the fruit of the Spirit therefore you need the Spirit to produce the fruit of the Spirit in you so stop trying to produce maybe I managed light makes no effort to light salt makes no effort to salt stop making efforts to produce the fruit of the Spirit rather pray for the spirit indwelling in you because when the Spirit comes he is gonna change everything the person who trusts God enough to daily surrender and daily invites the spirit his fruits in his life that person will become the most powerful force of action in this world for saving the lost listen folks it's time to eat I'm hungry and our time is past I'm not gonna go to the yeah you remember the story let's finish with a story you remember the story of that guy that came from Africa two Olympics years ago it's all over the Internet that Runner and he was running and a muscle snapped and he was every Olympics for five years he won the gold and that here he came to represent his country and he was running ahead of everybody else easily to make it and to win the gold and what happened a muscle snapped disconnected that the joint and everything and he was in absolutely excruciating terrible pain and he collapsed and the others passed by he tried really hard to get up now he collapsed again and he tried again and he collapsed again and he tried again and he crawled like collapsed again and it was absolutely impossible his dad was watching him and as long as he did it alone his dad didn't do anything when he collapsed his dad jumped over the fence went between the guards when there and said son what are you trying to do I am trying to make it don't you get it you cannot make it what should I do we will make it together sir he took him like that the son took him like that and together he didn't get a gold but across the line I could not care for the board if I cross the line even if I go like making you remember David and Jonathan and Murphy that was invited to eat a Davis table everybody was handsome King David you know handsome Solomon handsome job with the sward big man Schwarzenegger everybody desert something and then the last one comes to the table Mephibosheth paralyzed he ate at the table of the king he was paralyzed I could not care less if I am paralyzed if I walk in one leg if I am then I am there folks we will never make it alone stop trying the way you get victory is by seeking Christ's presence continually every day every hour every second come into my life into my life into my life I am alone I am nothing without you I'm nothing come into my life those who make a habit to have a communion with Christ those will make it it doesn't matter if they are smart or stupid it doesn't matter if they are rich or poor old or young educated or not sinful or righteous those who call the name of the Lord in their life God is gonna work in them since that they cannot even imagine and God's not gonna work only in them but through them better things then you pray or expect God is going to surprise you you are going to pray a small prayer and he's gonna answer a gigantic prayer or give me a penny Peter says I don't have money but what I have I give you in Jesus name walk whoa 40 years paralyzed God is going to answer what you don't even imagine to ask if you call the name of the Lord that's our fight that's what we need that's what you need to focus on not on problems not on scene not on trials not on self not on people not on the church focus on Jesus that's righteousness by faith let's close because I'm dead hungry if I talk more I'm gonna collapse here let's close with prayer I'm gonna ask you to take one minute reconsecrate your life and say to Jesus Lord I don't deserve it and I'm not able to but today I make a commitment as I am just as iron I'm gonna call you every day and I give you permission to work in me and I'm gonna call you today and I'm gonna call you tomorrow and you do whatever you want because even if I don't deserve even if I cannot do it even if I don't understand I now and you say these words that you keep your world I know that you are able I know that you love me I know that you can finish what you started I know that you'll get me in the promised land I don't know how but I trust you so please work on me you follow me let's take one minute and pray and then I'm going to close those who want to need you can kneel those who cannot you can remain seated it's up to you take one minute put your life before Jesus don't focus on you to focus on you will get you discouraged put your eyes on him pray faith father in heaven we come to you just as we are we don't deserve anything we are nothing we can do nothing but father what a wonderful promise that he who calls the name of the Lord shall be saved that he who has the son has life we don't know how this works but we make a commitment today come into our lives come into our families come into our churches lord please help us to seek your presence more than job more than health more than blessings more than anything else more than life help us to focus on you and you alone help us to seek you daily and to choose to trust you daily without a shadow of doubt help us to grow faith and to rejoice in faith in Jesus precious name we ask and we believe that you rejoice you know how to do it and you already answered and you are looking to the final result one will be with you forever so we thank you in anticipation let's sing together into my [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you
Channel: Caribou Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship
Views: 18,043
Rating: 4.7062936 out of 5
Keywords: Selfish people, Blessing, Service, Heaven, Problems, Self seeking, Self surrender, Salvation, Egypt, Canaan, Earth, Wilderness experience, Belief, Unbelief, Salvation experience, Procrastination, God's plan for my life, Trust in God, Fruit of the spirit
Id: LxgvPuzGJWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 19sec (5239 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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