Your Questions, my Answers - Frage und Antwort

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hi welcome back to a shop two weeks ago I announced a Q&A session where you can put your questions into the comments and I will answer them on video and I got a lot of good questions and I'll try to go through as many as I can in about half an hour or something like that I don't want to make this video too long because a lot of people just can't devote that much time to watch some random video on YouTube so certain minutes may be plus minus a few minutes so this is to thank you minou for my 5,000 subscribers and the time to speak you ago online I'm almost at 5,800 subscribers so thank you all and also something new Instagram yeah I put a link down in the description and also right here maybe I post video photos and short video clips out of the shop and random crap all around pretty regular there so might be interesting to follow there and I have the very interesting section random draw off the week where I'll one draw in the shop take a picture and post it so I went through the comments of the video after a robbery table video and I picked a handful of questions I mean screenshot Tufton and I put my folks I can go through them and answer them first one Christopher B Beasley asked me hey how long does it take to make a video what tools do you use doesn't require any special computer hardware how long it takes to make a video it's you have to do the project which takes as long as it takes and you get some video footage normally for a normal video I get about 1 to 3 hours of footage and you have to go through all the footage and watch it most of the time repeatedly and you have to edit it which takes at least as long as as much for that you have so three hours of footage is normally about minimum three hours of editing just because you have to watch it and it's real time and then you have to render it that means the video editing software puts the whole video segments together with the title and the outro and effects and sound music and socks together in one video file that takes for a 30 minute we knew about one hour I shoot everything in 1080p high-definition and also edit and render it at 10 a and your files that get are pretty big and the machine I'm using for IOT is not the most powerful so that's about the one hour of rendering time and then I have to upload it I have a 50 M bit connection here so uploading as about half an hour or something like that half an hour to an hour normally a bit depending on the time day time what tools do you use I have a camera that one it's a Sony Handycam I will get down the description very good camera incredible good lens and very good microphone I like it very much sometimes I use the phone for additional this is a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 which I use for as a secondary camera when I have this miss even troops in 4k and I have an old SLR a yes 350 D that I use for still pictures and my video editing tool is coral we do studio which is very inexpensive and it works really well with my with image output off my camera gear so that's the tools I use and does it require any special hardware computer hardware nope I have an ice cream and lies really in computer with a few gigabytes of RAM and that's it big hard drive and to mantra setup which makes it way easier to to handle video output you have your main editing software on one screen and you have all your video clips and stuff like that and the secondary monitor so yeah not too much to it okay next one Pierre he has a theory has a whole lot of questions let's go through them because he has a lot of questions that came up a lot so let's go through them what part and German do you live of area about 150 kilometres north of Munich my guess is you're married with no kids no I'm not married I have a girlfriend right here we're not married we're not living together we're in how I learned you English and do you speak other languages yes I speak German and the Varian my English is just I had English during school but most of the English I use watching series and movies on English reading English literature and technical description and stuff like that it's just learning by doing for me a hand I quite like talking English so yeah works out for me what's your editing method I drop everything I shoot in a timeline and then I cut everything in a way that I don't want to see anymore when hit about 35 minutes I hit the render button Bella air boy asks do you buy tools cutler's online and if so where yes of course first ad versus every time eBay I looking for Industrial Surplus well new new unused and Mills inserts and stuff like that and also truly like Weiss's and stuff like that Oh everything on eBay and my main tool seller Hoffman tools has of course online shopping that's what I use if I have to buy new also linked an instruction lake dog asks what is the education and profession and did you have to learn English for your chillip my my education I went to school home school then I learned trade I'm a chronic sky that's combination of electronics mechanics automation and some programming stuff and I went through a three and a half year apprenticeship and a pretty big company at the same company I still work for and yeah and then I specialize mechanics and machining and prototyping and stuff like that which brings us to the next question that my profession I think that my date sharpened why do for a living I'm a machinist in a prototype shop or in a prototyping department for a big company that makes electronic appliances or electric appliances like breakers our CDs I have you the current switching stuff and on a song song I mostly run a CNC router big doctrine and 10 Pro pretty nice machine have acuity router machining all sorts of plastic parts prototype parts of sheet metal steel what's everything that's needed do I do the can work myself programming Sweeney can we use creo I cut the material I set up the machine I select the tools I do everything from start to end on the trucks I get so it's a very very interesting very rewarding job because you start with a sketch or a 3d model and at the end you have a wild wolf thing that no one has else had seen before because it's prototype wood Oh shield asks are you finished with the miniature not till 11:00 no I'm not sure if I'm going to finish it because gum law and Germany's really are really strange thing even if it's a model its kind yeah not sure about it but I will let you know if I cancel it and second question also any other firearm related projects nope no firearms no gunsmith no gunsmithing license so no Devon mood Lee asks where do you find time for all these projects I have a very understanding girlfriend also what what is your ideal job working in a machine shop prototyping shop to dye shop for me it doesn't matter what I make I just want to make something I'm very interested in the process itself of machining parts making parts getting everything right I would even I would build everything but I like the process itself how would you spend your days what would you buy honey wasn't an object a big ass machine shop Dennis skirt asks do you mind being called Steph or do you prefer Stephan Stephan a second question our machinists in the family yes my dad was a tool by maker yoky asks early literature in Germany as I said the variant do we have any machining education background yes I did an apprenticeship in Medtronic so you learn basic machine shop practice your lathe machines manual and CNC you learn very little about surface grinding you learn a lot benchmark drill press bands all the stuff you need for daily work and after that I just went to work and I started to learn while being a machinist and while doing jobs yeah that's that's the way how I got where now Robert Klein asks posted on the wall who what where there are two posters in my shop let's take the camera ask for the posters in my shop this is a blackguard young band postal or true poster back in 2006 I was at a black garden concert and with myself and was a great show and we decided to to take one of the posters with us so got in my shop this is the second poster or photographing I shot this this is out of an apprentice shop during the huh judging by the haircuts I would say 70s 60 70s the bench meter down here has even Nixie tubes in it now LCDs or stuff like that so this is quite old from the quite old picture of an apprentice shop all guy is wearing shirts checkered shirts and yeah I got this due to a trade and the person who gave me this first he didn't want to throw it away so he looked for somebody who would hang it up and appreciate it and I like the look of it and yeah I took it and I hang it up in the shop and I liked it it gives yeah it has a it has a weird retro feeling even if it's an electronics shop not a machine shop or something like that longtime viewer certai asks what is that started you on this path I think he means get me started in machining I think it wasn't my dad as he was a tool die maker he had also always all sorts of tools at home and that one box with taps and smoke drills and mills and so on and so on and that stuff fascinated me from the get-go and that kind of directed me into the right direction and also I always loved to take pieces take all devices apart VCRs and all TV's radios I took everything apart and look how it what made it tick okay my phone started to troll me or should I say Dropbox started to troll me where I put all the questions so I had to go back to still nature and print them out Eva's moo-hoo Eva's more recent asks to get started in home hobby machining what is the best way to buy machines tools and equipment that's a tough one I can tell you how I started I bought a mini lathe a seven by 12 new leaf that's me buy seek in a hardware store and just started to machine stuff then quickly escalated I bought a crow press I bought that very cheap milling machine all new Chinese machines and then I learned what I needed to know I of machining I learned how to measure stuff how to trammel ice and science on and then I got big a lathe then I bought a big world and just industrial milling machine which was horrible condition I rebuilt it and used it quite some time then I sold it then I built my CNC milling machine out of an old duster the gravy machine stole that too now I have the manual Chinese milling machine which I like pretty much then I bought a shaper and some stuff I buy you some I prefer old industrial machinery like my grading machine this is a this is something you can't get at a Chinese machine there are not so I looked especially for the type of mission I had and I got one perfectly shape for a reasonable price you only have to look hard enough my bandsaw was a 50 euro bargain on eBay my shaper I got from a friend for also murder reasonable money but it's like new and a lot of the animals copters measuring tools I got it just from eBay but I started just to invest more to shop and I tend if I can't find something on eBay and I needed for a certain project I buy it you so hard to say I would say start out with a small not too expensive machine then you will see what you need and what you want what you want to do and so on that song the first place you buy will not be the last you buy or the first milling machine that's if you have a milling machine and you see about the one you can't afford and have time to move it into their shop after space change it why not they're not married to the milling machine and even been divorce Sebastian we part ask approximately how much money you have spent in your machine shop it's too much I think it would be about yeah go to medium-sized car car Allah ask you had a great question I really like this one could you show us some pages from your design sketchbook and talk about your it already how you iterate at the design yeah I will let's go to the bench and take a look at my sketchbooks I'm somewhat known for my sketches and sketchbooks for some reason but not exactly why but I love to sketch when I'm sitting in the evening on the couch and watching some some crap on TV I most of the time have one of my notebooks and a pencil and reach and I love to do sketches for some reason I like a the a5 format as a sketchbook and I prefer graph paper I draw freehand most of the time and only with pencil 0.7 millimeter mechanical pencil is what I like because you can push down pretty hard and it's not going to break that easy so yeah some projects I draw have drawn this one might be familiar this is the sign base and this is how it turned out later this was the first iteration of the sign base just thought it out sketching down one of the granny wises I have been made the attachment I sketched up the attachment for it I knew that I wanted to have different pin positions for different sign angles and and I created this whole thing around it and then I realized that I want to have to position where I can stand it upright that needed that may may make me create it in this shape you have moon shape with four pin holes and that's how other the sign of this of the sign base evolved yeah that was I was fooling around with making a magnifying magnifier which looked at the end nothing like my sketch it has a ten millimeter scale down here graduated point one millimeter it's seven times magnified and yeah that's what I this is what I grew up and this is what I made in the end yes this is the this is this design of the Batman shaped cut out down here like this here I have copied a design this is a here sits a dial indicator with a lever that goes down and it can be clamped here in the spindle of a milling machine and you can use it to to Center on wrong features I might build this one day I have seen this designs made by a Swiss company called Hauser and it looked pretty cool and I want to make it if my one touch and this is just a sweetie sketch I will always try around with asymmetric sketching but I'm not very good at it after call it that holds the Doudna cater this is the sketch for my collet block for this er 25 colic block this appear is a cross-section view this is the screw or not with internal taper and down here is the body with the bore and taper ends on here I was figuring out the lever mechanism for my power feet this is the sketch for the baddest reading gauge here we have the sketch 4d also a cross-section view through the chamfering machine down here is the motor on something like this I just start out I had the motor the kress spindle motor and I sketched it down the collet and with an Aunt Millie Annette then I just sketched the housing around it and added the V we cut out up here and from that it iterated to the thing it is today over here is already tripping tool holders that I made just a few weeks ago these were easy to draw because I had one original I just copied that there are different signs ideas for small boring hats I built this one and it failed miserably completely crashed here it is small boring yet not so not the best design failure is always an option safety yeah other designs for boring hats this is an an indie cult style clamp for the quill or for the spin left a milling machine ver can hold your indicator without clamping it to spindle I will make that one day another sign bar design I will build this for sure I made one like this before and I built this one with swiveling point here and you put your gauge blocks in here to set your angle between this and the slack and I want to build a more compact version that's just a bit more that's and this misses a bit of a rough design but still is quite accurate here I was fooling around with with a with an right angle head for my machine I sketched the spindle nose of the milling machine and then I went online looked for spiral bevel gears and I sketched some some tool down as a right angle head might build one day and here are the saw purpose we just built I have first part of the videos is already up not sure if part two is up one and when this video goes online and here is a face plate with a single T slot and a Keeks angle plate and here I'm just gathering ideas for tool grinding machine or a tool cutter grinder oh and this is a new one been sketching a design for a low-profile heavy-duty boring head low profile that direction here goes the shank more steeper - white base dovetail takes 12 millimeter boring bars I want to change this sign I wanted to take 16 millimeter boring bars but this is not the final design yet and that's it for this sketchbook you pay just left Mike field and there was my oldest sketchbook or there this is the sketch for the for the quill of my drill press and also the spindle I made a new quill for the drill press and with the directive I did a large mint view of the rack teeth with all measurements and also with dimensions to check the teeth the gauge pin in it yeah these are my fly cutters small medium big and to-do lists take stock turret most taper to I will build this one day this and mercy to shank goes of course into your Telegraph device then you have this angled bearing block and your turret on top which can rotate and this index with this plunger down here into the rotating turret yeah that's my notebooks at least those I could find right now and I can only say I love sketching I do a lot of CAD work cat and cam at work I have solid edge as Kant software at home and I use it only for really complicated stuff where I have to get many moving parts in against each other and apart from that I do all by hand sketching and as you saw and sketching us it has quite I'd like to look at fit you look at this this is if I like it I like it how it looks for the questions sorry if I didn't address your specific question but I tried to get a broad section off all the questions and I had to draw a line somewhere because I couldn't get to half this we were hour long and thank you all for watching commenting and sharing these videos it helps a lot and also thank you for watching this video see you next time
Channel: Stefan Gotteswinter
Views: 16,680
Rating: 4.9895697 out of 5
Keywords: questions, tool die maker, machinist, mechatroniker, mechatronics, model engineer, frage und antwort, Q&A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2015
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