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it's so cool I like to be able to come around and see other people shops and what they do the well-known 4 by 6 bandsaw and wow this is such a cool setup they everybody loved leaving if the cutest surface grinder you will find this might be the only RF 45 with a heat shrink the system is I have to find ways to do with the machines I have it to to be profitable right that's already ground look at that you do it by hand yes or no we're gonna disable comments for this video hi folks if you don't know Stefan Gothas vinter from YouTube or Instagram you should we are here in Bethel fells in Germany yeah some Terminator and this is your home shop yeah you want to show us around your basement go let's come let's start in the main shop manual machines this is so cool I like to be able to come around and see other people shops and what they do you work as a machinist yeah I'm a full-time prototype machine is running CNC machine yeah doing programming and basically everything yes and this is my my site business and hobby and just what I do passion yeah the work you do on YouTube is really cool yes I do I do YouTube - so comes all together yes cool unfortunately I cannot show my my work stuff on YouTube because it's all or indeed your day job yeah that's come from confident right right I can't show that but I can show you everything in here cool so let's start over here yeah we have large menu large menu or a 45 Chinese milling machine from German reseller my mom has been a very good machine to me it's gearhead it has lots of torque goes up to 3000 rpm so it's suitable for small tooling again yeah nothing like the high speed spindles though they're so common no no no of co-opting Klee not but on a manual mill there is always the misconception that you need a very high speed for small tooling at that's not really the case really yeah you cannot get the need the feet you need to run them at high speed interesting so what when you say a small tool like a point five millimeter you run really yeah I will run a point five millimeter and mill on that and steel without a problem no kidding yeah and you have acceptable run out or slop it's okay I I have on this on the tool I will check the run out and I will tweak it to get it better than 10 microns okay I will have a bump to call it not if needed yes or bump the tool itself or clock it mm-hmm do whatever is necessary to get to run out down then it's yeah it have Yuri script this or oh I didn't I I i scrape the Gibbs okay because for content better contact yeah okay and make them just match perfectly yes so you do that by simply bluing the Gib and then fitting it and then see where it wears how'd you get better contact what you put the give in Snug it down slightly uh-huh and then you put an indicator here and here ah from the fixed part against the moving party yes rekted okay so it's not by bluing it's no but you know you measure it I see then if you get 10 microns over here and zero here you know that you need to make your taper thinner so shallow right yeah okay interesting that you figure and then you scrape it flat again after you get correcting against a known good master you have a 640 by 400 surface plate in here on the older chunk kind of looks like our 18 by 24 size yeah good quality surface plate and it's you need some reference in the shop right and for me it's surface plate I can do a lot of measurements with an indicator and gauge blocks off the surface plate I was thinking about getting a like a tease or micro height or me yes hi gage but the work I do doesn't really comply to that okay you can it's hard to measure like a 1 millimeter hole with it distance wise yeah you can't do it with tiny probes but right not sure if I really need it fair enough yeah machine is really good to me in a recent time I do a lot of broaching on it like slotting okay internal features yeah you put a so not a traditional brooch but rather it is a single point the endpoint brooch like seconds so you're just taking I mean I'm sorry I talk in inches but you'll one thousandth of an inch y-axis movement just kind of move over down and you just go down with the quill and just shaving off a little that's like she like cheaper this tool this cuts is used to cut an internal washer look at that oh that's so cool and now did you grind that too that's that's ground under deep across this cool well we'll come back this here in a minute but I just have never really seen how simple it is to do some really really cool things on this d bit grinder so we'll work our way around the room perhaps yeah sure okay so that that's what I did recently a lot of broaching off internal splines rotary table so you can get multiple yeah shapes right so the sorry oh I love yeah sure the power feet I did ages ago a video on this this machine usually doesn't come with a power quill feet mm-hm i retrofitted one that works quite well it has adjustable speed and you said Nord we know inside it has an Arduino inside and chose the actual feet speed and millimeters per minute okay here under this yeah it's like when I need a certain surface finish I can do my math and you go back to the finish we had a rpm and hand defeat and has Doc sliding he clock here so I can go back to individual really smooth I yeah and and I wanted to look kind of stock mm-hmm nothing hacked on well but it's funny so I met Theo yeah who I think you know yeah and it was too funny because it's just funny how small the world is he and you have both done the Richard King scraping class yes and he has a smaller version of this but he has really overhauled it in a very cool hwhip leaky which is impressive it's been a lot more to it you get more yeah it's really cool you did so it's common to do the gas piston he's not really common but it helps cranking the head up and down I do not have a power feet or y'all are rabid for it but the it helps ya linear scales on all axis that's to me that's absolute given on a manual mill and relief yeah if you want to do any production or precision work in a reasonable amount of time yeah your scales are no brainer your row you have to have and I like the kind of look so what I think of like it that looks a bit hectic yes that's the power food for the xxxx it's great it's really quiet smooth does what I need you'll use it to cut or just for position I use it to cut yeah okay if I have to take a long finishing cut even the fly cutter or a face mill right to could just walk away no problem cool this is amazing this is such a cool setup that that's like nineteen seventies technology that's the pantograph engraving machine it's a mechanical copy milling machine or an grading machine duplicator yeah yes exactly it can do from one to one copy mm-hmm down to 50 to one reduction yes it's amazing very high precision it fern engraver but it's built to specs like a two-room machine at the moment it's set up to cut the Torx head into some some titanium screws that I'm making check this out he's got a indexer here with the looks like a 5c so I'll call it and then get that out of the way and you can see what that's at a half millimeter approximate the an ability is 0.6 millimeter and mil 0.6 millimeter hiddenville and and he will see in another room he does have a small CNC machine here he rounded out this is 20 times yeah that's I think it's yeah 20 times 20 times larger pattern okay so that's where you set your you set here on the scales you set your your reduction yep and then it's really cool he's got the microscope here is so slick and you can actually see if it comes through on camera yeah that comes through I can hold it steady enough you actually hold this here let's see if I can do that and crank the head up to the table up a little bit ox y'all can crank the head up now I won't touch the tool you can now see the tool from a distance away so you're very relaxed and then you can just slowly move your right hand around that pattern am i doing it somewhat correctly yeah you're you're going climb milling that's good cool because willfully if we film you should look at it oh yeah usually you sit when you operate the machine right hand operates the stylus left hand operates table height mm-hmm and if you're doing rating you have a small C axis or AK will travel together that just drops down the spindle by three millimeters for engraving but I'm not using that for milling I'm using the whole table and basically dropping down 0.2 millimeters for a cut then I will trace out the shape like this going clunk milling of course with with large n no that gets really hard to hold on the cutting forces you see are ya shorter the 20 times reduction helps here too cause it gets 20 times more force mm-hmm multiplication and then you just step down and cut your torques as you do I had to laugh when I saw this cuz I there's some element of this that's so fascinating to me and the only other person I know that cuts torques is his jaw yeah on the Nakamoto modern C axis for the speeder polar interpolation like probably the exact opposite extreme of how they do such a thing dude this goes up to 20,000 rpm no wave with just a rope drive oh my gosh really yeah I'm running it now at 9,000 something something our piano yeah that's incredible because otherwise I cannot keep up with the feet yeah hey I'm making a nice chip that way okay I'm not making dust yes and you don't how often do you break one of those tools oh they last forever really yeah less maybe for four hours in titanium but it's oh it's titanium yeah titanium grade 23 oh I don't know that's like grade five okay that's high purity and low oxygen I think interesting how hard is it though to train your right hand to be smooth on as the unlit racer here oh that takes a little bit getting used to it because when you go into a sharp corner mm-hmm when you're in the corner you have to get out again you have to keep moving yeah I see okay you it takes a little bit you can rest your hand on here and that's okay for heavier cuts you would stand up and you would rescuer other hand here and you would guide it oh really you would hang on it Wow and you would use a single fuel cutter okay it's less cutting force or more flutes more cutting forces yeah interesting the larger machines can do 3d tracing oh yeah yeah I can do one-to-one duplicating three-dimensional and tool steel cool that's what we used years ago oh sure prescient see yeah era look I'm old making right that was before I was a machinist right no I've seen that with you could see you at hands--and a pattern or guess I don't and that's the duplex the master interesting yeah then you you duplicate it down to a steel to steel mode for example that's how it was done it's cool it's real a nice machine thethe preloaded bearings and all the pivots okay so there is no backlash there's not many left-hander graph it's quite easy to move though yeah it's really well designed got this out of an apprentice shop from BMW oh really close to Union you care it's cool and these are the in great racing for characters and yeah doesn't that's for if you do serial numbers you can slide you can slide them through and when you do multiple numbers you have to do serial numbers are counting up it's sequential yeah sequential yes and then you just move them up exit quick yeah I like for round yeah rayvon on a circle huh and that's that's that's quite nifty that's a pattern holder that goes in here mounts on this slide way here okay reaches over the spindle in here okay then you can set the spindle to free float oh so you fully you put that pattern on there over a free-form part Wow like a cast your cast off the part and then you can engrave on a free-form part that's like they Trond us with this really probing but that was way or there's some limitation - hell yeah Jewish like like it has a limit right why did you go off the edge right that's cool but that I tried that a long time ago once yeah it works but I don't need it yeah sure sure I can do that if I need on the CC right yeah that's the second most recent machine in my shop okay it's a cute cute tomb cutter grinder oh I've seen that company at two shows yeah they are importing from everywhere okay I think they built the machines themselves partly to basically like a surface grinder has a table with crypt reverse as a wheel head that moves up and down rotates like this okay rotates like this yeah Watson has a motor-driven Burkett for cylinder grinding okay I can do some basic silly running on it and I have down here and adjustable five three three four X's Burkett okay and mill grinding okay the helix ever no you can't do the helix with it but you can do for example the cutting edges in front okay the face of the Tula I tried I tried to learn how to grind the edges of end mills some of them look okay yeah some of them look not today but they they all work but some of them look really not not like they're supposed to Tarek and I use this as kind of a universal machine for all all set ups okay it's so you were showing me what I think is really cool is how easy it is to back relieve a tool on the debate grinder but it looks like this could almost be easier no yes if it's set up that way okay what is it right now wouldn't you be able to just put an end to me yeah right now I just would put an end mill in here put a diamond tool on here yeah right like the wheel spin left the work head spin and feed it in like this right Lee seems quite easy and that would put a nice neck down got it but usually when you walk up to this machine it's set up for some completely data task okay maybe have the multi-axis head on it this might be swung around in some weird angle got it where's the debug writers quite easier it kind of takes five minutes in whatever condition it is right regardless cool oh it's it's it's a lot of setup work but it's very Universal maybe second grinder it's a little cute it's the cutest surface grinder you will find it's a lip yes a French company okay I was still around us they were called lip mech now okay small surface grinder 200 millimeter travel hundred-and-something movement across travel and hundred in height it's incredibly small it's fully manual as a Harry as a Heric six by twelve basically yeah table trover table travel traverse and you have your wheel height here and it's really a good machine to me yeah I scraped the table oh really yeah you just work this badly worn and worn it is bowed from use yeah it ground a heavy bow did you have to grind it first - no completely scripted no bikes that's fixed that's yeah that's fast okay script it and now it's running it's it's grinding straight as an arrow cool it's like two microns over the whole length yeah it's decent it's funny because the first when I walked up to it and just sort of moving it's strange to see your surrender it's wobbling on that space yeah but the machine within itself was rigid enough so this is not an issue if you see a vertical machining Center and it's moving really fast yeah it will open so we saw that I mean the last two plays are toward work turn and herma which is yeah two amazing companies and they sort of treat the sheet metal slightly different than the machine itself the sheet metal is going to have some motion to it but it's yeah I think the machine is rigid enough yeah not too it's okay to the machine neither of those machine tools so far as I know most of them models article yeah not bolt it down that's commonly not done anymore yeah yeah I know none of our VMC's is bolted on they're all sit on your day job yeah yeah they all sit on leveling elements uh-huh that's good enough huh yeah I mean I guess our hours aren't either but I've the higher end machines I feel like I probably if you go into the deep bore a chick grinder realm machines maybe those buttresses but yeah sure I'm not sure really everybody loves leaf everybody loves ladies uh actually I actually like em Kobe's acceptable exception visit the most recent machine bought this three weeks ago yeah ended up already making production parts on it so funny how much smaller the 11 is than the 13 yeah the 32 newest really piece though yes I totally have to this surprising you Richard machine for its size huh it's not like an Harding aviation which is about the same envelope yes weighs about five times yes you have to you have to bring these all down the stairs through there yeah it comes down staircase with a 180 degree turn yeah so thirteen wouldn't be fun or an HL yeah I was considering in hard age but yeah we're almost worth it though given how awesome is our yeah sure but yeah yeah now it works really well spin was very stiff has good spindle bearings in it it's almost looks and he looks great condition model engineer from Munich bought this machine probably in the 80s zoo you know oh yeah that's amazing and when he died it got sold off to a machinery deliverance and it was not really a machinery dealer he dealt with a cho model trains Oh motorcycles whole time a cars okay yeah as you do yeah and he sold it for a reasonable price to me yeah I know I'm the second owner of this machine that's really cool and it's a little much you can you can tell I mean it's in good ways looking great condition and I have to gear box open it's all hardened and ground gears there is nothing soft in there the 13 has a flame hardened that is this is this is a hard bed okay it's rock hard endless hardened to ground yeah really that's what I was looking for yeah I wanted a very solid machine that I can run for years right it's very very quiet for years for years right right that's incredible sounds great for expendable points what's with the strange spindle okay okay that's a d13 spindle okay same taper as on a cam lock spindle like a normal or at least a support taper and it matches on the flat surface like a major skate like a dual almost like a dual contact as I kept to a confident or it just Kate yes sits on but on this machine it has not the cam lock feature only the taper I see no you put how do you bolt it in oh let's get a 6 draw here preferred style of Chuck Mel yes for two boilers and it's great I can't put it on because I have to yes nothing behind it you put it through the holes and you put three nuts on the back tighten it down very safe method of mounting a Chuck insufficiently repeatable and I was get zero the taper will repeat it perfectly when your machine a taper for for this nose you make it that way it hits on the taper first okay and it pulls into the flat so it had exactly you have you have about 10 to 20 microns gap between the two faces went on the bolts it will go on interesting and make full contact on both the taper and the flat so you have I like a very Richard connection so there was a I think it was an Instagram sort of challenge between Stephan and Marvin so we filmed at Karen yesterday turn and we Marvin interpolated on a Kearn micro I believe I think though yes he interpolated to probably a 2 inch ring that has an h sk 40 taper to it and then we took it to there's ice CMM and measured it was I think two different strategies the interpolation strategy that I think was 1.9 microns of circularity run out 1.9 or point 9 yeah maybe that's what sorry I will correct that in the in the text right here so you're trying to challenge to see if you can outdo that this machine will not do it okay that's so crazy the the spindle bearings on PSR p6 tapered roller bearings okay it's a higher grade of tapered roller bearings but probably not good enough to match this tolerance of roundness okay but on a high-end leaf like hardened Roebling 135 that will no problem no problem or a pseudo grinder oh sure but you have to consider it it's XY interpolated kind of that's crazy good it's incredible it's really you're right and no in the test that we did had I think it was four or four five thousand four thousand pull it wasn't like they were cheating with just certain quadrants yeah no III talked to him about that too but I will do a test part and we'll have it checked on a few mm with the same parameters like four thousand points okay we will keep everyone updated on that yes very slow oh this will be embarrassing but I don't expect the slave to cut that round yeah the roundness tolerance on these bearings is like I think they are respect to a max of 4 microns okay okay usually they are better right if you buy bearings from a decent manufacturer they are usually better that they do not use the tolerance at all I like that put me the drill on the on your tool or so your drilling with your crop I'm drilling mr. carrier chest yeah that's great with small drills you need the hand crank tailstock it takes forever if you have to drill a deep hole yes this is way faster mm-hmm and you have the benefit of a bureau short depth control right that's great this is just reading five microns in the yeah depth and two microns on the diameter yeah that's look that's you need that the well-known four by six pencil I've modified for the vertical yeah usually it's a horizontal band saw that can be used vertical but I don't need a cut-off band saw that much so and it means very much space that way so I threw away the base mount it is a large stand and I'm using it vertical and the keen observer might see this here normally they have a small gear box a motor and the belt drive yep I rebuilt that gearbox a number of times and then I got too thick of it and I bought proper dust really geared three-phase motor hooked up to a PFD yeah that's awesome and this this I can only imagine the low-speed torque this has over Wow and this gives me quite a large range of speeds yes it works for wood and for to steal have anyone has anyone ever tried to modify this to have sort of a sort of a modified infeed design Oh like a role in yeah I'm looking I'm I want to do this on this one right oh very intact I want a sliding tables notice we have gravity field right yeah it'd be awesome you can even have a counter if like a pneumatic counter assist yeah so you have to have a chip load mm-hm defined Chipola yeah like cool like on the roll in Salzburg can cut like finished metal right with such a coarse plate right that's one thing I noticed it's very coarse a lot of people keep a super fine blade on there four by six bands or like you tend to watching TV via TPI yeah plate that's very common as it seems but it takes forever to cut heavy stock with it right I think people can I think it's maybe even a misperception but it seems to be with these teeth it's easier when you feed to faster than chip one off and as soon as you chip one it's downhill from there it's not a problem at all yeah yeah such a rough blade torque is more a problem okay the bandsaw you will stall it out yeah for sure I think you're gonna solve this thing out i-i-i-i cut really yeah this is what but I cut recently this started as a round chunk of oh my god of cast iron Wow and I needed a square block for a solid tool post replace the compound slide on the sleeve oh cool yeah and I'm doing the full Renzetti great right and all I could get was around chunk of cast irons I have to pan solid square and a cut of this this is 80 millimetres hood and three inches four inches yeah yeah and hundred and twenty millimeter length takes three minutes no just push it through goes fast Wow that's not bad at all well so I can certainly see having the thing I think the rule of thumb I've heard is you want four teeth engaged yes yeah basically displayed is to find for this heavy okay yeah but you cannot get a rough Corsa blade in this with with work right that's so I'm stuck with that but but it works for me and for me band sawing is in a lot of cases faster than milling if I can you keep it scrapped if I can mill away this chunk of material and I can make for example a taper to give out after small one do a lot of rebuilding of machine tools or small machine tools you always need to make new gifts for them why would you choose between cast iron and brass on a Gib okay siren is just just drama materially okay it's a little bit harder though it's very resistant against the pressure and and you can hold it on a magnetic Chuck that's breast breast expanding on a chuck yes yeah quite bad there's a chance of working with them does it change the turkey that you would use with whether it's brass or cast-iron oh you mean one side Turcotte the other one brass correct doesn't matter good question not sure okay I wouldn't probably matter the Turk guys will probably wear slower than the brass over time really I guess that's crazy I guess so slow Turk I where's it's just in a lot of cases to solve the material where's slower okay or the plastic were slower than the metal if you embed any grit in it it well it won't hurt or cut but it will hurt the other side interesting we see that a lot if we make a sliding slab like guide rails out of HTTP yes sure sure and we have a metal part sliding up against the metal part will wear no true and it's HDPE we have the Mort felt that's a very slippery green plastic of Calphalon it it will not wear at all it's funny because you can take a pocket knife you can carve yeah figure result funny but butt-blasting will not laugh you know it reminds me to we've sort of played them more with the I just products or I guess yeah similar great they will not wear yes we always make make fun of this because at the trade shows they always have this this test rig yeah with with dirt in it and linear slide and running just dry and dirt and we always made fun oh you have to lubricate them with dirt yeah see see the Germans the Germans have is simply we have it is funny a little bit of remaining sense of humor yeah what's over here demagnetizer yeah you need that for to do any surface grinding yeah or generally you know shop stuff gets magnetic it was funny when we hosted our last Richard King scraping I've seen those get smoked out he was furious that we didn't have a demagnetizer until you overnighted one from I'm se not just me as a character yeah that's good yeah you need one escape oblique yet magnetic it's it's super annoying yeah I have to oh that's the that's the moon every table read of all I think that's the thing that Adam show that superb yes no he's bigger he's not the right size for his there do we believe 50% figure oh yeah that's awesome if it's actually pretty pretty nice on the RF 45 really did you flake that no no that's from them was that that spunk that's beautiful i gosh I bought that from my from my day job yes we had a more number sweet chick writer huh that got sold off you should about the jig Reiner yeah put it could put it in the garden yeah but don't put a tarp over but I bought the rotary table and the one two three blocks cool oh so you ever said a more wire it has the full set of I can show you that's very cool yeah the foam is this movie but blocks are yeah all very nice look at that and even the smaller once I have the full sets of imperial screws to go with it it's cool so these are the folks that wrote the book precision service fundamentals of mechanic's fundamentals of mechanical accuracy yeah and hole surfaces and contours which is McKenna foundations of mechanical accuracy is a great book if you want to design a rebuild a machine holes contours and surfaces is written for the machinist I've heard it more difficult it's more dense book a little bit less yeah it's great if you run a mill at Rick Bora or check Rinder or a surface grinder there is a large portion of profile grinding in it okay the fundamentals of running a chick borer you can use a lot of that skill knowledge or then technique on a mill yeah sure sure factor ten yeah sure sure but but but the the principle stay the same yes it's also a see frame she was building right up and down right I was interesting we saw at superb industries and Adam talking about me I figured what the term that they used was but it was a heater to keep that chip or a yes so cool it's as a small term ometer yeah keeps his fellow the concept of those machines and that was the current or the currents basically all about the thermal stability and the thermal cooling loops and the sensors is amazing I used some more blocks here on the surface plates you add a bit and what I also got obviously I use it all the time I got this with where to the centering microscope it's also from more yeah goes in the spindle yes this has the mounting to go on the chick right mm-hm but you can take this plate off and then we can just mount the shank to it and hold it for example in a mill or in the tailstock of a leaf and then we'll help you find center of a tool or a drill so that's what mode you can use the mill as a tool makers microscope oh you have your gyro sure oh look at that you have an XY table right that's really cool you can do a lot well in with with having scales you don't care so much about the quality of the machine tool the least crews are really not that great on that machine got the linear scales or it doesn't matter right that's cool I like that you can do a lot with that I've I have a tool makers microscope up here which only large people can use up there yeah if I'm not quite obvious how tall are you in 10 feet inches you know whoa I'm 2 meters and 30 millimeter will put the conversion up but I'm six foot one and he's quite tall that's that's why I work on small pockets that's funny I I absolutely enjoy working on tiny or small parts everything that's bigger than my my fist already gets me worked up well where's the cast iron part yeah sure that that's yeah but but I can show you a customer part later these small titanium screws yes those are really small that's the work I enjoy to do the screws that we were doing in the day that's what I showed in a paragraph and there was a second style yeah that's cool yeah and that's Verdi to make us microscope is very nice it has micrometer heads here to one micron per division Wow they have vernier scales and you move to XY stage you have up here you have angle graduations okay and rotate to measure angles so there's an actual crosshairs across it's kind of like an optical comparator it's the cheapo version of up to become paraded right basically you can do a lot with it not as much result to cooperate but it doesn't meet that the large footprint yes of course the optical co-operators have crazy large footprint because of the optical instantaneous projection yeah a reflection right a projection it takes a lot of what this might be the only RF 45 with a heat shrink system yeah sure I like that I got this for a very reasonable price for my use machinery review I don't really meet them it's but there are nice to have and it kind of fun that's clear is but but I also have look sort of beautiful boring a large boring hat japanese clone of envelope or a very sure all the feet boring head or in my other fee you can do normal feeding by by spinning this here it will move it yeah or you set it to fine feet let it spin in the machine and you hold the rig know and it was all the feet and all the face that way really can do if you have a part you board the whole yes then you want to face the bottom of the whole the backside basis yeah bottom of a hole yes oh sure or a flange surface of a round part you want to face it yeah that's what you use anything to avoid a lathe ah it's basically lazy right little yeah yeah you can do a lot of it it has a clutch on the inside you can set the stop before they take off oh that's cool you can do internal snapper and groups with it okay short shorted would do on a C&C with a with a Woodruff cutter and isolated XY you can use this to single pointed right that's right that's really cool yeah that's a very very nice tool this is the large one with more steeper four which is that spindle yeah that's a more sip of for spin usually I have a more steeper to reduction because I use a lot of small tool I use a lot of more steeper to write and I have a little brother that's the hat's up will help the UPA one boring hit it has also all the feet it can also be facing and the adjusting was the ring you you do not need a wrench like I'm a criterion boring head which I find quite annoying with the wrench to adjust yes these have a set a graduated ring that shows 10 microns in diameter and if you set it 10 microns larger it will move exactly add it right it's spot on these are incredibly well made all hardened there is no soft part on this except for maybe the screw here and just well built I love that idea of second cage blocks off line and then coming up to a blind ID future move it out X out and you bring it back bring it back for you can you hopefully yeah yeah otherwise it crashes a little bit yeah that that's just random tooling what's that in the background that that's for a job I did I had to make plastic parts that had 30 degree V grooves in a long pause Oh interesting and I made this insert that cutter here there's a shop made yeah I reground these inserts these are VCM tea-length inserts yeah we put them to 30 degrees we call I modified I see yeah and I run this like this yeah and I have to plate like this here and device and I just cadential Herb Dean I tried climb milling didn't help much yeah I went for conventional and just use the fork Buster and blasters yeah coolant on it did you blew it yeah that's cold blue okay if rains blue if cold blue is done properly it looks really good huh cleanliness yeah I cook it off in the ultrasonic cleaner with a very basic cleaner okay basic meaning not acidic yeah okay is very good thank you and then wash it off with isopropyl alcohol blows dry and use the cold pool directly yeah then you get decent results just the small things I'm I run this Olmo I run this as a fight business so I have to find ways to do things for a reasonable price right that's still fast and you do treat this and it's your hobby and you do the videos but you do treat this as a revenue generating side business i I'm illiterate business yes I make enough revenue to be I'm very taxable yes okay and yeah I have to find ways to do with the machines I have right to to be profitable right otherwise it wouldn't make sense to do all this it's just a hobby I don't want to work for a buck an hour right right I want to have a reasonable hourly rate right right that's the the pantograph machine is good example it may may seem like an ant ancient idea of machining but we can't cut this Torx head in like a minute 30 to 2 minutes yeah somebody that's decent yeah it's a little bit of set-up time but that's calculated yeah and the quote yeah and then we have the bench yes I do a lot of bench work I see that a lot of in in CNC shops they have they don't have benches anymore where people do like deburring assembly yeah well it well number one I would argue that unfortunately oftentimes benches just collect junk as you see wow this isn't bad last week yeah we need a place to work I need a place where I kind of have a microscope sometimes I have my cat notebook here I yeah I need a place to like I got a nice like mc6 stereo microscope on earth oh it's nice I don't know understands that I made yeah yeah it has eCos bushings in here oh yeah yeah you say inglis he goes yes I just I just yeah that's awesome they are actually pre-loaded there is a homonym ground pin in them and I grant the pin a little bit shorter than the actual dimension okay oh so you give it and that's that's cool just very nicely and just a cool microscope it's it's by far you know and stuff way more microscope than I ever need right it's this is what you would find in a semi semiconductor laboratory oh really comes from okay as a self-taught machines myself if there's one tool I found over the last say two years that isn't obvious as something yes please if you're watching this video and you love this trade go on ebay or craigslist buy a cheap one at first cuz you cheap one is fine um scopes yes well those are those are okay those are still but for a hundred bucks you could probably find a microscope somewhere stereo microscope that is stereo will give you that well so we have both the stereo microscope will give you that three-dimensional depth which I would agree is really good the video can be really helpful for showing other people or I'll be doing microscope yes yes you don't have that depth oh sure so deburring you want this stereo yeah no question or get a mental eat yeah those are nice to the 3d vision technology yeah yeah they're like seven grams I got one at work yeah they're cool for DeBerg yeah that's really nice work under them but for actual magnification there are not that's good I'll have a 4 times 1/8 times magnification on my network yes it's not brilliant bright but it you can sit in front of it for hours and yeah doesn't fatigue you at all yeah speaking of microscope the second-best thing is if I can find one get some magnifiers okay we call yeah yeah get get these yeah bye-bye a bunch of drop drop them everywhere don't place them everywhere 8 times imagine magnification look at those look at cutting it just look at everything yeah it we I like the Year set up here he modified one uh-huh these are like probably a five pack for $10 oh but these are the el cheapo from ebay this little bag Noga base 3d printed finger clamp and then just sets in there and it's genius because you can actually be again five or what two feet back from this and sin have it angled yeah like a scope and it just and you don't have to be crammed over the machine like like I'm killing your back which is for me off often the case so yeah magnification this is this is actually the lens of a large this is of an optical cooperator really yeah and this the optics in this are crazy good has no distortion at all to the radius this is a very good loop but you can get that right right away but cheap cheap magnifier so cheap so get get some great learned that very early at work these are those screws you're just doing yeah that that's the parts I'm doing at the moment has like the answer box sword yeah I saw that and there are numbered oh yeah because I have to give protocol with everyone serious inspection sheet on each I have to do basic inspection on them Wow some dimensions yeah yeah write them down so the job shop work you do is is if the end is very it's not super high-end but it's it should be done properly yeah sure it's it's not anywhere near than a job shop of current well yeah that's world that's literally probably one of the best work job shops in the world they have a lease is incredible we saw a I don't know the diameter maybe 0.2 millimeter 0.3 millimeter machined turbine impeller pump it goes at one point 1 million rpms that's great you couldn't even see you to pick it up with the tweezers was difficult and would have crushed it is incredible I don't know I'm not doing that time yeah sure but but I'm doing relatively small parts for the most time and these have I can take a pair of tweezers and find some it's a threaded feature just grooves oh that that's point three five millimeter fine thread okay I have to disrupt gauges here oh cool look at that that's the Novo you and go gauge yeah that's that's the problem with that work you have to buy that the gauging and the test equipment yeah nobody has this catering on hand right right I have to buy it yeah that's all machine on demco yeah Torx head is machined on Pendergraft machine hmm and how did you do it looks like it has two different diameters and they're taper between it yeah so but it's not CNC no I don't understand how you would ever do that without seeing small the small diameter ah the small diameter and the taper yeah cut with a form two in one pass anything in yet so you feed in actually with the form yes they prevent Saul the load of okay interesting and that also gives me the very tight run-out tolerance between the taper shank and oh sure Federico dive it's almost like a topping insert where you cut the grass in the root of the threat at what it's guaranteed to be good it has to be has to fit I like that yeah okay and then the larger diameter just cut with a normal we'll be CMT and absorb its ground sharper on top okay insert is that common with titanium to have a like a neutral rake I'm not sure how the people do it but I it's slightly positive ground but with that sharp edge okay you want that sharp normal a molded insert has a little bit of an edge radius yes so it lasts longer than half a second right but all right but on small and micro machining you can get away with a sharp edge got it if it's ground with a very fine diamond twill so will you take where you actually take like a visa where there's a DNN yeah DC MT will you grind an insert on the DVI I do that very low-key I can show you that yeah so I need to get tool after DC MT that's already ground look at that it has a little it's almost like a tiny chip breaker right okay I could I could grind a tool firm solid too sure just a solid carbide shank with geometry sure but I want the 0.2 millimeter nose radius of the insert because it's done very good it has a very precise range is already formed on it and I cannot do that don't reinvent very easily yeah exactly don't reinvent it and normally this this insert has a chip breaker geometry on top uh-huh which makes sense if you do production sure but I don't need that for very short passes right so I take in other words you're saying birds nests are okay yeah I just okay I just take the the birds nesting yeah right throw it away I can get in there with a tweezer or just a finger right so short oh don't touch into your chips right otherwise we will get sued the grinding is very basic I just turn on the grinder have a d40 diamond wheel okay which is very fine 40 grit is that what no that's 40 micron diamonds oh okay that's quit so mother Gail I see grid designation and then I just rest my hand some you know by hand yes or no sure that's my manual Ruth my gosh I do a lot of offhand grinding Wow just just a sec I don't have a rest where I put it on right I just OOP it's a grinded flat yeah look at it take maybe a magnifier look at it it's good yeah I like ready to go takes a few seconds I've never thought to grind a cemented carbide insert Odawa a lot of the guys who do manual and small work do that sure the Swiss guys Swiss slave guys those have inserts that are dead sharp okay they have the Apple II tech inserts which are ground razor-sharp home - interesting but those are expensive and these these are titanium search for titanium huh which I wouldn't need in this case because I'm grinding them anyway well that's what's funny you're grinding off the coating and the edge finger these are even uncoated oh is that right yeah okay these are uncoated the inside I used them for if I have to remove a lot more stock I used them with the chip break of course feed them with the correct feet per F yeah and I bricked chip very nice but on these small parts I need very low cutting pressure so I can get my fit without spring passes or anything then I do two shredding on these parts these are all single points threaded on the lathe mm-hmm you grind that insert yes of course like I ground this of course I looked in the tooling catalog yeah Hoffman group they do not have a single point insert small or 0.35 millimeter real pitch it starts at 0.5 okay so I ground so 0.5 would have too much of a radius together the sharp point exactly and if I can't ah here just look at that that's a beautiful just like a bit like a people root but it does have a look at that block it's beautiful and it's just ground up other from the old micro grain high speed no we we will spare you the long conversation but there's just suffice it to say that there's no need for high speed steel left anymore all carbide yes if you tell me that that high speed steel can be ground sharper than carbide yes we're gonna disable comments for this video that's a good idea this will get flamed yes or actually if you have to have read a book buy more to be allowed to comment but basically you can grind carbide ashore best high speed steel yeah we've heard the same thing from saying ik helical tool yeah they should know yeah and if you take a new date run singles flute carbide end mill they make really nice tools of the Polish flutes you will be able to take off hair off your arm with it there's razor well I can do more than that I assure you oh yeah but you cannot do that with a high speed um no I have some here they we're not cut put a shape on my arm I will say this I've learned carbide is not all the same oh how it's sourced how it's entered the mix the grade the micro grain structure of it so don't think all-carbon episode just lacar by his carbine they're all very rough grades of carbide that you can see the grain structure almost by high yeah and there is micro grain or ultra fine-grained carbide that has below submicron grain size yeah and the problem with high speed steel is you will burn up the edge of your shorten it to a dead show you can't hold the heat and overshirt it burns up and you round the edge over and we're in a hurry so carve I did this then there is a second style of parts there's the second style it's basically the same part just a little bit longer oh yeah it has a hex milled on it okay to go on with a wrench drill it all the way through almost the tip yeah 1.4 millimeter drill look at that then cross drilled with a 1 millimeter drill Wow that nut crust rolling has done on the RF 45 is that right yeah it's a really good example you know we all get a joke but of course you don't need a huge shop you don't need a Shaolin to do no I can't I can't cross I use a good quality drill bit is a good Chuck I have a small Albert Chuck yes we have a finger Chuck not even the finger truck no this is just a regular Chuck without it's just held in a six millimeter call it as well I just roll with the normal yes there are gradations though on this yes if you have to do if you have to check very tiny drills you can almost preset the Chuck to that interests you never know that you know that one millimeter drill is that carbide or is that high speed that's the high speed steel okay coated with titanium nitride or the gold color in no DD black-ish oh okay okay with a high helix like a 45 degree helix and stop length and I slipped a point on the microscope with of a small ruby stone okay so I do not have to spot really sure it just starts on point yeah I will do it we do keep this short okay cool awesome yeah I got I cannot tell what the parts are for of course I cannot show the drawings yes but I can show the process of making them cool this is quite interesting while we're over here I have to show this is one of the coolest things I've ever seen and Stefan doesn't like it so I have managed to make a deal with him to take it home with me look at this ancient I love it I love it I can't believe it doesn't say east or west germany on it though that's the only thing i think is funny it looks that old in a cool way it's heavy heavy diecast housing yeah different totally different stylus style as well yeah they have a tapered shank okay that just slips in oh yes it's okay I I guess we can't break that one because I don't think we'll be able to get replacement Mike good problem yeah it's funny I have to look maybe I have one or two replacement tips for it may be better if we didn't get a replacement tip oh yeah and that's just know is that shim sock do you run pops yes yes that's brilliant you'll get that oh my god why I have identified well have I never seen that before thought it dead for scraping when you check oh yeah never foolin machines if you have to show them something right oh no I know at the gym sock yeah the way that it's always a mess yeah but but a lot of people don't stock it Lily yeah oh he came to a lot of shops that do not have shoes oh yeah I know we have plastic and metal and brass and plastic one is great from apply precision you just buy a whole pack rainbow-colored yeah yeah exactly that stuff I almost prefer the plastic chips talk yeah we'll use it if we don't have to shim machines or grinders because they don't just works yeah because it's because in reality nothing is perfect you have to even if people won't accept it sometimes yeah that that's just all the things that I need on a regular basis small electric diagram yeah soldering iron just small parts cool because it's getting harder and harder to to pick up stuff just a magnet on a stick but it's stupid really uh yeah but you use it all the time and I have a Tam use the same for a mirror on this yeah we did the mirrors yeah I have a die grinder oh yeah ix tiger under here all always ready to go see the carbide burr for deburring it's it's so fast you can put a very clean chamfer on a part what do you want don't want to put on a machine yes or you just need to watch something and and up a hole or make a slaughter it's just always at the hand at 60,000 rpm so 60,000 Wow thank you takes a ton of air yeah the compressor in the room next door will run but if this thing but I use this a lot our two makers at work all have these and use them all the time we have the Fordham tools our yeah you know the flexible chef so yes those are that's what's interesting you have the your pneumatic motors in the in the handle there yeah you don't have no you don't have a separate body yes like on the four times but for dome have a lot more torque okay if you want to run in the torque usually I feel wrong if you do polishing sometimes anymore we have a larger diameter that the tax cuts would be a nsk handpiece these are micro motor okay and pieces electric go from like thousand to 60,000 rpm and have a ton of torque interesting but there are like 1,500 bucks for the control unit hand handpiece what's it called again NS k and it's okay it was KN piece interest or micro motor and peace yeah Peter stent and shows some one sometimes okay it looks almost like a tiny dremel yeah but it has a million times more yes that's true yeah cool and that's just another wall of tools I have to you to ties in this relatively small shop this 4 by 5 meters uh-huh 20 square meters after you tilt eyes every corner like clamps I have some some of the grant whistle yeah just I know the stent it can twist clamps have a regular shred on here you know that's an ACME we call it Acme yeah it's home they're always just a standard yeah that's way stronger oh yeah it's interesting huh and we've had a number of ours we've just because of you what you use them they'll get nicked and then you've got a thread file yeah that's just one thing that I noticed when I that's all yeah can't twist on on YouTube maybe yeah camera equipment because YouTube YouTube you still edit your videos all yourself yes I do all my editing myself I film every single for DSLR yes absolute pain yeah the focus or that you have to focus this guy was it it was over here dharamendra yes there we go I don't know how I like that it's an absolute pain to film with it but but the video footage should get off it is really good yeah I was very upset when I met clickspring and he uses a really old really low pretty low quality quarter yes camcorder I can't quarter this brilliant for filming I have one off the old sony sony sony what stay called handycam yeah a handycam that's funny like just one yeah that's what I started with and I use it from time to time the second camera still it's quite easy there low stress easy to shoot and they have a large depth of focal right yeah yeah which DSLR does not have yes okay which is very annoying right we can't use the footage of this other folks yes common problem I want to show us you're the CNC oh sure I the devilish Jim fee if it wasn't clear we are in the basement of your house this is this is the basement of my house yes and very annoyingly most or all houses in Germany have three-phase power so yeah 400 volts reface 16 or 23 AB 32 amps at least well the 32 amps at forward volts is a lot more than like most houses we would have a hundred amps but only at 200 volts yeah that's not much yeah it's the three phases then yes you can run quite a grumpy mood or on there you can you can put a BMC here in your garage and power up without a problem it's funny like a Hass mini Miller or something like that yeah yeah that's uh let's see the CNC it's a router sincere out over made by ezel German company they built all the aluminum extrusions and the demotion equipment like the ball screws and the linear rails are made in Germany okay oh wow I got this machine without the controller just with the motors on it very very reasonable price and then i retrofitted commercial label stepper drivers like a gecko system yeah it's called a triple beast okay German maid took and I'm running it with linuxcnc okay programming is at the moment still done with fusion 360 but I'm looking to get another system ah I work with cat I switched completely away from the fusion I'm using a leaper designer now huh got a full license for it very happy with it yeah how much is its 2.3 kilo okay 2,300 bucks yeah but I'm very happy with it I can store my files locally yeah I know I used to use a Libre it was great I didn't like the Geo magic but it sounds like they're back yeah it's it's now again the Libre incorporate it yeah yeah so what do you use for cam for cam still fusion oh I might go I know sprutcam okay it's very difficult I mean we use it for as well Bobcat no no no not Bobcat um I'd have to defriend you I already tried Bobcat they called me a few KS on a few times about every 10 minutes yes kondeh cam that's what is it kondeh cam CEO and da yeah that's a full license for I think 500 bucks okay it was very decent really two and a half damage let's see mom but I'm what I'm going with in the end sure I I don't it's obviously only a three axis machines right right cool I could fit the four facts as well problem on it but at the moment that I don't have a need for it yeah yeah tella 24k spindle on it Wow well it's coming from router I guess yeah Roger spindle but it's a to change oh yeah yeah this is cool it's an ISO 10 taper to change your spindle I'm at it I can preset the tool length right that's I do the pre setting in the machine I just using a gauge block yes touch off my tool with this observe precise takes forever but it's precise and can you get these are commercially available yeah you're getting this company yeah this is Megatron okay they are selling those spin the spindle and the tool changer in this case are two it's a two-part system it's a spin 11 you're 11 call it Chuck okay which you can't use as a standalone unit yes and this tool changer just interesting so that's in the but the drawbar is a pneumatic drawbar that could blow up all these the drawbar is in the tool changer itself interested it's like a ring piston that goes around the spindle I guess interesting so that's just the motor of the top that's it's not over spindle yeah that's interesting Wow look at that thing that's great how much are the tool holders they are like 30 bucks oh yeah so not bad we're out of college right but it's nothing that crazy over that's it it's only or 11 or you're 16 collet mm-hmm you buy a decent quality Fabiana or rego fixed call EF hands very good yeah do some quality and costs are twice as much as the that's true and they're good to go I plan to do a tool changer rec to change row oh cool you know change it back yeah Linux will support that no problem - yeah we'll do a pickup change mm-hmm but for non just changing by hand yep gosh just having me back in my New York tag days that was the big downfall was it was an ear 16 spindle so you know quite annoying well if you have to touch off and Linux since he doesn't allow to tool touch off during run from the middle of her room yeah right right same thing with mock whatever have to you have to split the program up in many many programs so she do multiple tools that's super annoying right cool fusion gives perfect g code for linuxcnc with the to change codes on them it reads the tool library does everything as se as you would expect yeah so that that's going quite nicely cool well that's your air compressor oh yeah that's one of those silent air compressors with the two membrane pumps yeah that's enough air for actually don't really need a lot of air yeah it's I think California air yes the us salt the same style of compressor they're not even that expensive no it's very reasonably and it's oil free so cannot get a ton of oil and compressed air a lot of water but but this guy these are okay yeah that's not bad well though you're it's it's kind of um well I'll see if I can take some pictures on my way out here so we're in this beautiful town up on this hillside and quaint southern Mike it's sort of southern Germany so goes yes but you don't have a neighbor that would be a problem with noise you know this is far enough away from the property of large and yes I volunteer he won't hear either if I do heavy milling right with a face familiar or something like that yeah don't if I have to put no you will hear that yeah yeah yeah well a big thank you to Stefan for taking the time to show us the shots but good Oh get to be to an emo and it's cool to come here and see his shop and the little nuggets you learn hope you folks learn something hope you enjoyed thanks a lot thank you take care [Music]
Channel: NYC CNC
Views: 482,428
Rating: 4.905396 out of 5
Keywords: tormach, fusion 360, how to, cnc, machine shop, nyc cnc, DIY, machining, milling, CAD, cnc machining, cnc milling, home shop, basement shop, manual machine shop, stefan gotteswinter, saunders machine works, cnc tours, manufacturing, entrepreneurship, fun
Id: H-Sf7Nvkwzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 45sec (4125 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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