Your Meeting with Allah - AbdurRaheem McCarthy

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my dear brothers and sisters in Islam it was reported and Sahil Bihari and say Muslim that a man came to the prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem and asked him Matassa when is the hour when is define an hour when will Yama Yama come let the sound when is the hour and the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam he answered him and answered his question with a question which is more important than his question and that is mother are dead tell AHA what have you done to prepare for it because this is what's important this is what is significant not when the hour is coming because it's coming as Allah subhana WA Ta'ala made it very clear in the Quran but what is significant is what have we prepared for the hour what have we prepared for our meeting with Allah Allah subhana WA Ta'ala showed us the reality of every single human being all of mankind the reality of how we're traveling in this dunya traveling down the path of this life to meet Allah subhana WA Ta'ala when he told us yeah you Helen Sano in circadian yeah you Ellenson Winokur Quran Allah Arabic Akkad ham family happy oh man indeed you are travelling making much effort to meet your Lord returning to your Lord making much effort you're struggling and striving in this dunya cut and family happy and you will meet it and the scholarship tuffsy you said what's meant by you immediate from Allah P he the Lamia or the ha the pronoun here say to find your deeds in front of you other scholars said no to meet a law and as he mom even kathira him allah tala said both of these steps ears include the other because when you come your multi Amma you're going to find your deeds your Atmel in front of you and you're going to meet a law suit panowitz on so both of these meanings are included in this ayah formal LP he you're gonna find your deeds and you're going to meet allah subhanho wa taala and throughout the quran and the sunnah of our beloved prophet salallahu alayhi wa salem a law tells us about the lead paw of a law the meeting with the law and our prophet salallahu alayhi wa salem tells us about this leopar it was reported in say in Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem said men have belief o Allah AAHA balalaika who woman kareha Lyoko law carry halal iike that whoever loves to me the law that a law loves to meet him and whoever dislikes meeting a lot than a law will dislike meeting him subhanAllah I shut off the allahu and she asked immediately hearing this hadith from rasool allah sallallahu Hollywood salem she said ya rasool allah is this talking about elmo's death mean disliking death because all of us dislike that that's something natural and the prophets are no less enemy said no that's not what's meant here what's meant here is he said when the believer is given the glad tidings the bush law of a laws mercy and his pleasure and his paradise I mean at the time of death that he loves to meet allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala when he's given his glad tidings therefore Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and return loves to meet him and he said when the disbeliever or the deviant one when he is given the news of the punishment and the torment that is coming for him he dislikes meeting allah so allah dislikes meeting him a message if we were only to reflect on it which we receive every single friday when we read sortal calf which is full of lessons in benefits and reminders allah subhanho wa taala finishes surah tell calf and the last ayah Fuhrman can al julia para be sipping Allah the last message in verse 1/10 of social calf Fuhrman can a young julia para be he who ever has reject whoever has hope of this meeting with Allah this meaning that you're going to have with your Rob subhana WA Ta'ala if you have Raja you have hope I mean you're hoping you're going to be successful when you meet allah subhanho wa taala what do you need to do if you want to be successful what are some of the main keys to the success allah mentions the two main keys here in this ayah fairly animal a melon soil aha well a you slick very bad at Europe be a ha de then let him do good deeds and not join any partners with his rub with his Lord in his worship having pure toe he worshipping allah subhanho wa taala not turning to anyone else only worshipping Allah striving to make sure every act of worship we do is solely for Allah every act that we do as Muslims no matter what it is that it's all done for Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we live for Allah put in the celerity 1 Oh sookie well meyeah one mercy lillahi rabbil aalameen Larry color will be Vallecano milt wanna over a Muslim in this these two ayahs show us what it means to be a Muslim say that indeed my prayer and my sacrifice my slaughtering is for the law and it doesn't stop there and my life and my death are for Allah the Lord of the Worlds I don't join any partners with him and this is what I've been ordered and I'm the first of the Muslims submitting and surrendering to Allah we only worship allah subhanho wa taala and we strive to do as many good deeds as we can and focus on the issue of our deeds my dear brothers and sisters because the reality of this life as we're striving and struggling down the path of this life to meet allah subhanho wa taala the reality is is that every single thing we do were taking it with us to put it in front of allah subhanho wa taala yawm al qiyamah to be held accountable in the verse and so total anchor boot chapter 29 verse 5 when allah subhana wa ta'ala once again talks about this leopar this meeting with the law when he said woman carry on Julia for Allah whoever has once again this Raja this hope of this meeting with the law for in nodular law HeLa adds that indeed the prescribed time set by Allah is coming and then reflects how a lawsuit pan wa taala ends this verse well who is Samia Ali and he is the all-hearing the all-knowing Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and as we read through the Quran which was sent down with one of the main objectives to make the to DeBoer and to reflect if we truly want to benefit from the book of allah subhanho wa taala we have to focus on why did allah subhana WA Ta'ala in all of these ayah to the Quran so many ayat in the Quran with his beautiful names which have his beautiful attributes of penomet Allah here the all-hearing the all-seeing what Allah so panowitz honor in this ayah with beautiful names with these two beautiful attributes to remind us of the reality once again of our deeds and our actions that whatever we do whatever we say that allah subhanho wa taala he hears it and he has knowledge of what we're doing and this is the meaning of the tupla that was supposed to come now during the month of ramadan and implement in our lives this is the main goal that allah mentions in the eye of see em yeah you alladhina amanu kuta bali pool museum c'mon kuta bali LED removable camilla alikum telephone oh you have believed fasting was prescribed for you just as it was prescribed for those who before you the past nations why so that you can obtain the taqwa and that reality of taqwa is doing what Allah commanded us to do and staying away from allah commanded us to stay away from to put away fire a barrier between ourselves in between the punishment of a law to establish the consciousness of a law in our lives the consciousness of a law the awareness of a law in our actions this is the reality and the essence of taqwa my dear brothers and sisters in islam our beloved prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in a hadith which was narrated in sahih muslim reported by the Sahaba jabber did not deliver the allahu on a hadith that in reality it's very scary it's a scary hadith but it's something that we need to know and it's something that we need to remind ourselves of and that is the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem when he said you battle ab oh you bout to collab ala muhammad ali that every servant will be sent forth Minnie oh ma Fiamma when you're sent forth from your grade that every servant will be sent forth on the action which he died upon pay attention my brothers and sisters as we go to meet allah subhanho wa taala each and every one of us the last action the last deed that we were doing in this dunya will be sent forth from our graves doing this action to meet allah subhanho wa taala so the stories and the pictures that we saw of our brothers who died institute whether in Mecca or Medina this is how they're going to meet allah subhanho wa taala institute being sent forth from Mecca or Medina and Sidhu the local and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu Holly he was seldom during had Kjetil wa da the the farewell pilgrimage when our beloved prophet salallahu alayhi wa salem they came to him with the Sahabi the companion who had been trampled to death by his camel and people look at this is something mean tragic which in that time it might feel tragic we look at the outcomes upon Allah the Sahaba wanted to take over the Haram they want to clean up his wounds and preparing for the janaza the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told them do leave him for in know who yet - yo melty AMA team will appear because he will come your milky AMA making tell be a meaning he will meet allah subhanho wa taala saying labbayk allahumma labbayk allah akbar subhanAllah this is the blessing I have had enough personal hajima the good ending and this hadith reminds us to be aware of our actions because we never know when medical modes the angel of death is around the corner we don't know that when for some reason we decided to take a right turn on the road instead of a left say maybe it's less traffic here that actually we have an appointment on that row with the angel of death he's waiting for us there a car accident instantly for me and this is how you meet allah subhanho wa taala this is how you will be sent forth doing the deed what you died upon how many people have died and the state of disobedience to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and this is how they will be sent forth this hadith is very deep and should be a constant reminder to us that when we fall into sin that when che upon gets the best of us that this hadith encouraged us to bounce back quick because we don't want to die in that state and meet allah subhanho wa taala in the state of disobedience may allah subhanho wa taala give us all the ability to have personal heart Ameri Balad I mean to die on of good ending arrow in the quran allah subhanho wa taala shows us the outcome because the reality of this dunya is that we are in a constant battle with shape on and a constant battle with our nafse with our soul because the natural inclination of the human beings is that we are tempted to do that which is Haram and that which is mischief and this will be and we love some of these things that we've been forbidden from because they're harmful for us Allah told us about the nature of every single human being su-eun L&S prabhu shahe what's that it's been purified to the people the love of the Shahada the desires that's something that all of us have inside but here is the test it's something that's in our nature but what are you going to do with it are you going to over are you going to give in and transgress the boundaries of allah subhana wa ta'ala and fall in and follow your lusts than your desires doing that which is haram doing that which is displeasing to Allah in order to fulfill something you have inside are you going to be strong are you going to strive or you want to forbid yourself from crossing the boundaries of allah subhanho wa taala and overcome your desires and stay strong for allah subhanho wa taala with the Rajat once again the hope of being successful when you stand in front of a lawsuit panel wartime Allah made it clear to us the outcome and sort of the nezzie Act when he broke the people down into two categories the outcome of this struggle with our desires it's going to be one of two youma PM allah subhanho wa taala said for either jab or matulak überall if the great overwhelming calamity resume of the ama one of the descriptions of yama yama of portal kübra the great overwhelming calamity when it comes what's gonna happen on that yom on that day Allah made it clear yo omerta that guru in san no messiah the day that every individual will remember that what she strove for in this dunya in this life all of the actions all of your deeds what did you strive for for the lust and the desires or did you strive for allah subhanho wa taala every single one of us when we stand there we're going to remember actions were born resettle Jaheim Allah may Allah and the Jahannam will be put in front of everyone for everyone to see this is the reality of the severity of this day and then a law tells us the two categories for Imam and pavo well Arthur Al Hayat at dunya as for those who transgressed and prefer the life of this dunya he preferred the worldly life he had preferred the less than the desires and always when I talk about this ayat I speak to myself and to my brothers and sisters with a question and that is how many of us do not fall into this category being from those who transgress the boundaries and prefer the life of this dunya we prefer the worldly affairs of this life and we turn our back somewhat allah subhanho wa taala has commanded us to do some of us every now and then some of us are good but we fall and some of us are consistent constantly transgressing the boundaries each one of us knows himself but what is the outcome of this individual who transgressed and preferred this world in life for in l Jaheim a-- he L met WA that the Hellfire is his refuge that's where he's going he's going to help Allah made it clear these are the boundaries of a law don't pass no cross him be patient for what Allah has promised you in the hereafter but they chose to transgress and transgress fainted rahimah here now what the hell will be his refuge that's where he's going and the second category one Harpham a former of b1 had enough Sanel hawa for in elgin later he'll met were a lot more for the ones who have fear of the position of his lord and he forbids his nafs he prevents his soul and his desires from the hawa from the desires he forbids himself what is the outcome for this individual one who strove and struggled for a law in this dunya and he struggle for the hereafter and the pleasure of a law for in a generator he'll Matt were that the Jenna there were the Jenna the Paradise will be his refugees going to Jenna may Allah subhana WA Ta'ala make us off from the Mirabal enemy my dear brothers and sisters as we were turned down the path to allah subhanho wa taala to meet a law one of the key things to our success is that we focus in detail on our deeds and that starts with mohan zibethinus holding ourselves to account and the reality of Ramadan one of the essence of the fast and the main benefits of the fast that we don't tend to focus on sometimes there's so many lessons that's being taught to us and one of the lesson of you just look at how keen we are to make sure that nothing breaks our fast even sometimes people go to extremes and make mistakes taking things break the fast they don't but they're just so worried about their fast being broke and not being accepted from allah subhanho wa taala but this should be the reality because this is a reminder this should be the reality of the muslim when it comes to all of our actions all of our deeds not just the fast we should be concerned about all of our deeds are they going to be accepted from allah subhanho wa taala we should be scared that our deeds are not going to be accepted so the first thing is teaching us and when we hear these ayats and his hadith about the meeting with the law we need to prepare ourselves to focus on our actions rasul allah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem he told us in the hadith which was reported in sahih bukhari and sahih muslim of the reality when we come to stand in front of a lawyer on camera for this great meeting with the law he said dolly salatu wassalam Burmingham min aahed in in was a UK limo horrible that there's none of you except for that he will speak to his Lord lays a very know who obey know who taught German there is no intermediary between him and his Lord just you and allah subhanho wa taala just shoot a law on that great day standing in front of a law and what is the reality once again of our deeds of our actions he said for young for a man I mean Valera ulema Putnam he looks to his right and all he sees is that what she is done all of his actions all of his deeds for young guru am I mean fella or ulema cut them he looks to his left and all he sees is that what she's done that what she's brought with him for that day for that meeting with allah subhanho wa taala for younger till power chief Allah Allah Allah now and then he looks between in front of himself and all he sees is the Hellfire how can we protect ourselves from the Hellfire rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said but who know well o be shifty tamra to fear the Hellfire even if it's just with giving half of a date another fun meaning once again to do as many good deeds as you can strive to do the good deeds while you have the opportunity and in one narration of the hadith willow and telepathy went in polyp he said to meet you or if it's just to meet you your brother with a nice face it's a form of subducted the smile in the face of your brother something that small meaning your brother with this face do as many good deeds as you can accumulate as many good deeds as you can while you're in this life and hold yourself to account and the beautiful statement of our mother know how Pablo de la hand when he told us her c14 circum : to Han Cebu to hold yourselves to account before you are held to account and he said we're some anyway your your deeds before you are weighed he said I mean to weigh your deeds before their way via Monte Amma this is the opportunity you have now to reflect on your actions to prepare yourself for this meeting with the law allah subhanho wa taala caused us in the name of the man and saluted her she verse 18 yeah are you alladhina amanu it took a law oh you have believed fear Allah well it tells or Nev some fundamentally hunt and let every soul look at that which it puts forth for tomorrow and then a law says again with temple law reflect on these three commands starting with the fear of allah subhanho wa taala establish the taqwa establish the top one your life the consciousness of allah the fear of allah and then let every soul now why they have an opportunity in this life let them reflect let them contemplate on that which they are putting forth for tomorrow now cut the mat livid that what you are putting in your scale of good deeds and the scale of bad deeds for your mouth PMO reflect now where you have a chance and once again than a third command with fear and fear Allah what type of law have this consciousness this awareness of Allah of a law in your life in law ends the I in the law Kabir don't be mad am annoyed that indeed Allah is revealed he is well-acquainted with all that you do this is the reality of the Mohan 7 we have to hold ourselves to account to realize that everything single thing that we say myelf aluminum pole in ill led here of people not eat that he doesn't utter a single word except for that's being written down any action that we do no matter how small it might be we're going to see it yo Mel P AMA whether good or bad from a yea Malmuth collaborative hire a yabba worm a yeah Mel myth follow the rotten genre era that whoever doesn't atom's weight of good or an atom's weight of evil he's going to see it yo monkey hammer when he stands in front of allah subhanho wa taala my dear brothers and sisters as we reflect on the reality of meeting allah subhanho wa taala after we hold ourselves to account and make them more handsomer and some of the scholars said this should be at least daily and a good time to is before you go to bed before you go to bed every evening instead of being on your phone and wasting your time reflect on your day reflect on your deeds reflect on the reality of your life in order to prepare yourself to repent to allah subhanho wa taala for your mistakes for your sins for your shortcomings and in order to have the near that if allah blesses you with another day another opportunity because it's life that allows blessing with its precious it's an opportunity so for sir from allah subhanho wa taala that if we have another chance we're going to do as many good deeds as we can and this is the way of the believer that even if we fall into sin we repent to allah subhanho wa taala because the nature of every single one of us and this is important we realized the nature a law talks about our nature in the quran the reality of the human being the prophets assalam describes in the sooner the prophets SLM told us Kulu Benny Adam Papa that all of the children had to make mistakes this is the rally we're gonna make mistakes but then what did he say Ali is allowed to a Salaam well higher hope or in a to a boon but the best of those who make mistakes of the Torah or the Torah boon the ones who are constantly repenting to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the prophets are a long while ad wa sallam taught us in the sunnah to make his stepfather 100 times a day constantly repent to allah subhana wa ta'ala and strive to follow up your bad deeds with what with good deeds Subhan Allah the prophet sallallaahu Ali he was seldom he told us what BSAA tell has senator who had to follow up the bad deal with the good deed will wipe it away and Allah told us the same in in the Quran in el has an act your higness say yet then indeed the good deeds they will make the bad deeds go away this is the way of the belief that we strive and this is what Ramadhan is teaching us to strive to do good deeds to strive to repent to allah subhanho wa taala and that's how we need to be all throughout the year constantly striving to do as many good deeds as we can so we'll be successful when we stand in front of allah subhanho wa taala and wipe away the bad deeds and that is the message that allah subhanho wa taala sent to us as we mentioned in the last verse in surah talca from Encana Abdullah for Arab be well yeah mellimelon Salih her well they are usually very bad at Europe bajada that whoever has hope and all of us have hope but what type of hope you have one what is the reality of hope hope is something that shows up in your actions and the affairs of the dunya if you want to place that caught on fire what would you do you say I'm gonna sit here and hope that the fire doesn't reach me I'm gonna sit here and hope that the fire department is here before the fire reaches me are you going to get up and you're going to get out that window you're going to work you're going to strive to save yourself so the same thing comes to our actions the reality of ourselves and we really have hope true hope of who meet allah subhanho wa taala we're going to strive for in this life and reflect my dear brothers and sisters as we end the hope but today with what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells us in the Quran the one wish that every single person on the face of this earth will have after death tell us the angel of death has come and taken our soul the one thing that we're going to wish you're going to want from allah subhanho wa taala at that time Allah tells us in the Quran different I had robbed bill jaeyoon oh Allah Oh Robbie oh my lord send me back Lally I'm on soil and let let me do a good deed give me one more chance that's the wish of every single individual but lo subhana WA Ta'ala if you reflect on the last three ayat in surah and muna fiyaquun' when allah subhanho wa taala called us in the name of iman yeah au alladhina amanu lyrtle jicama monokuma well hola do come and victory left oh you have believed do not let your wealth or your children and your family in general do not let them what distract you from the remembrance of allah from performing your salat from fulfilling your obligations upon you from being obedient to allah subhanho wa taala all of this comes under the decree of allah subhanho wa taala was a bad day and remembering him so panowitz honor what about the ones who don't implement this command from allah subhanho wa taala who are they the ones who are distracted by the dunya who don't fulfill a loss right upon them well may appel daddy for alaikum o hadirun subpanel the quran has made everything clear for us my dear brothers and sisters as we were reflecting and we should be reflecting during the month of the Piranha our objective shouldn't be just to finish look at this is subhanAllah we could speak about this ayat for an hour and how deep they are allah subhanho wa taala said whoever does this he's distracted then they are the hosta room they are the losers then allah subhanho wa taala next verse commands us were unfair puh min Mehra's up now poo and spend from what we have provided for you the money you have or in the month of generosity and Santa the money that you have it is from allah subhanho wa taala been given you to you to test you what you're going to do with it what I'm fearful min members after now public a year hakumen Mobutu for your poor before death comes to one of you before death comes to one of you and he will say for your pool Robbie lola a Hava Nagila Aegean Caribbean facade duck welcome Minnesota he he would say oh Allah if you can just delay me a bit let me come back disease or delay the death so I can give some Siddhartha and I can be from the soil ahim I'll give some charity and I'll be from the pious I'll do some good deeds and then I'll be able to die give me one more chance but Allah makes it very clear in the last verse wale you are here allahu wa Neffs and either jalaja that a law will never delay the time of the soul after its time has come tell us the time of death has come there's no timeouts there's no second opportunities Allah gave you all of these days all of these years to test you to see what you're going to do with it there's no time for second chances at that if the time of death comes then our losses were low Kabir don't be matte maroon the laws well-acquainted with that what you do my dear brothers and sisters and Birol Prodi allahu and he narrated and hadith is in soon an Imagi that they went out with the prophet sallallaahu Holly he was seldom in a janessa a funeral and the prophet sallallaahu Holly he was seldom he sat on the side of the grave and he started to weep a Lisa let was Sarah he started to cry so much so and the hadith he said had to build a thorough until the thorough the the earth became wet from his tears alayhi salatu wa salam and then he turned to his companions as he said on the side of that grave and he said yeah honey limit li had a forehead do limit Aliyah nada Farah do he said all my brothers for like this then prepare yourselves prepare yourselves for the reality of death prepare yourselves for the reality that all of us are going to enter the grave and prepare yourself for the reality when you come to the meeting with the loss of panel Wattana may allah subhanho wa taala make us all from the success home we stand in front of him and protect us all from the torment of the grave and protect us from and to us all into the Jenna Tamara Nomura Himalaya come Anna laughs at a Moroccan Bahama better be be NFC imatinib email a cotillion for Paula as origin in a law hawala eager to who you saw Luna Allenby yeah I you Hal Adina Hammond also Lou Ali he was selling motifs NEMA we are pulling a beat you sallallahu aleyhi wa salem Monson Ali ABI wa la la la la happy hushirat' allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala nabina muhammad abdullah human Al Khalifa Raja Deen ABI bakr umar uthman wa ali once Sahaba t ajma'in elohim angeles lemon muslimeen Allah who mercilessly muslimeen Allah who marries lemon muslimeen well DeLuca well mushrikeen what 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Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 9,546
Rating: 4.9170508 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, AbdurRaheem McCarthy, Your Meeting with Allah, Meeting, BinZaidQatar
Id: efY9-NR8GJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 6sec (2106 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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