Quran: 18. Surat Al-Kahf (The Cave): Arabic and English translation HD

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I will be laying a shame on you what you bismillah man why in the name of allah the entirely merciful the especially merciful al hamdulillah aliens Allah Allah Allah daehan kita bow LM here John Lovell Marie wooja-- all praise is due to Allah who has sent down upon his servant the book and has not made therein any deviance why malooley robertson Shadid emilio Moyo bashira no meaning why you Bashir on me Nina Nina Jana Luna slowly her tienen allahumma john husana he has made it straight to warn of severe punishment from him and to give good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a good reward McAfee Nephi ibadah in which they will remain forever y ou Leon Levine Apollo uh for the law another and to warn those who say Allah has taken a son mother who denied me one any other in Kabul at can imagine the whole German FYE Ilona Allah Colima they have no knowledge of it nor had their fathers grave is the word that comes out of their mouths they speak not except a lie but unlock above you enough Sakana a13 Lumumba had an hadith ESF oh then perhaps you would kill yourself through grief over them o Muhammad if they do not believe in this message and out of sorrow in my Zenit and Liholiho the Lua a you whom San Juan Allah indeed we have made that which is on the earth adornment for it that we may test them as to which of them is best in deed what knowledge our noona male house Lydon daughter and indeed we will make that which is upon it into a barren ground I'm Cassie better and now hi Monica Fiat walked in mica in a Yeti now a Java or have you thought that the Companions of the cave and the inscription were among our signs a wonder if 158 o inalca fifa prob Anna Tina me Lagoon Kalama all over banner Tina me ladunka motto ye Lenin in a mini now shall de mention when the youths retreated to the cave and said our Lord grant us from yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance from Allah banana then in finca fini now on Dada so we cast a cover of sleep over their ears within the cave for a number of years suma ba na minha lemma au is Vania Suleiman Ebisu then we awakened them that we might show which of the two factions was most precise in calculating what extent they had remained in time la Luna swollen cannibal helpful in 958 or nominal veeram meme was eternal death it is we who relate to you O Muhammad their story and truth indeed they were youths who believed in their Lord and we increased them in guidance what about on Allah Kalume beam is on Apollo Ramona Abu semihot even a plane another one deunan Adam I mean Dhoni I love other pune in the shop all and we made firm their hearts when they stood up and said our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth never will we invoke besides him any deity we would have certainly spoken then an excessive transgression in Oman at the home in Dona Ana lo Lieh tuna lane missile warning baning famine alimony man if the wanna like a diba these our people have taken besides him deities why do they not bring for worship of them a clear Authority and who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah a lie well in the desert to moana yamuna illa llah Hoffa villain caffeine shoe blacken yen shop lucuma Okumura mati waiya hang lagoon min amri coup mid for all the youth said to one another and when you have withdrawn from them and that which they worship other than Allah retreat to the cave your Lord will spread out for you of his mercy and will prepare for you from your fair facility what our sham set up Allah does Allah wonka phim that any I mean II worry the wall but top Ottoman that the shimmer Li won't FIFA don t mean Larry come in in love my deal of the wanted on a Oakland felon Taji Del Amo alia Machida and had you been present you would see the Sun when it rose inclining away from their cave on the right and when it's set passing away from them on the left while they were laying within an open space there of that was from the signs of Allah he whom Allah guides is the rightly guided but he whom he leaves astray never will you find for him a protecting guide what I seven one openly boom d'Italia meanie what a tushy Molly Walker booming bass upon the Honorable Swede Louis Paula darling love Elaine time in moon feel oh what a moon it damn in moon warble and you would think them awake while they were asleep and we turned them to the right and to the left while their dog stretched his forelegs at the entrance if you had looked at them it would have been turned from them in flight and been filled by them with terror okay then Luca darnellia Tessa Rubina all of our aluminum cam libitum paulibus knellman about Maya por hora become Alamo bonala distance Abajo AAHA depandi Juanita come handy in a Medina t-fal llamo feliu a you mas Kalpana phonetic embarrass ping Minh Walia Tala both only at Ala Moana you sure you wanna pee boom ha ha ha and similarly we awaken them that they might question one another said a speaker from among them how long have you remained here they said we have remained a day or part of a day they said your Lord is most knowing of how long you remained so send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the city let him look to which is the best of food and bring you provision from it and let him be cautious and let no one be aware of you know young Hawaiian call me old Oh Malcolm you know come see me letting in more than to flee home Ethan obadah indeed if they come to know of you they will stone you or return you to their religion and never would you succeed then ever Wacha the liquor and now on the more he helped oneness antenna Athena oneness our Tel Aviv Athena if the antennas on nabina whom unknown football Odemwingie Boone Jana Oh boom on them we all 11 of Allah Allah I'm reelin and dirty then now I must either and similarly we caused them to be found that they who found them would know that the promise of Allah is truth and that of the hour there is no doubt that was when they disputed among themselves about their affair and then said construct over them a structure their Lord is most knowing about them said those who prevailed in the matter we will surely take for ourselves over them a Masjid SAPO noona salah satu LaBianca a vow my opponent on Satan's Addison Calvo whom raja'na bill voy voy a poner una siddharta Mata minimum color boom or 1b Alamo beer Dottie my Alamo home in LA Pauline pala - Mary free guajillo wanna test FTP mean haha they will say there were three the fourth of them being their dog and they will say there were five the sixth of them being their dog guessing at the unseen and they will say there were seven and the eighth of them was their dog say o Muhammad my Lord is most knowing of their number none knows them except a few so do not argue about them except with an obvious argument do not inquire about them among the spectators from anyone anyone what a double and a leash a Novelli Kawada and never say if anything indeed I will do that tomorrow Elijah along with Becca an acetal palasa Daniel Amelia pond Birmingham ashada except when adding if Allah wills and remember your Lord when you forget it and say perhaps my Lord will guide me to what is nearer than this to right conduct what a buffoon fika fing fella Amiata see Nina was the duty side and they remained in their cave for 300 years and exceeded by nine bullying love a llama banana buffoon la vie most somehow rt1 um I believe me he was a smear mother mildew Nini Molly what a Yoshi Kofi hook me I say Allah is most knowing of how long they remain he has knowledge of the unseen aspects of the heavens and the earth how seeing is he and how hearing they have not besides him any protector and he shares not his legislation with anyone what'll mejia alaikum in kata bill mccollum medina lakhani mati Malignaggi D'Antoni malta hada and recite o Muhammad what has been revealed to you of the book of your Lord there is no changer of his words and never will you find in other than him a refuge all smearin of zaqqum and levena a donor on the moon bill Vander t1 our CEO read Oh Naja wallet and wine account to redo Zeenat Al Hayat in dunya what a total man awful Nepal BAM one the cleaner whatever can for ball and keep yourself patient by being with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening seeking his countenance and let not your eyes pass beyond them desiring adornments of the worldly life do not obey one whose heart we have made heedless of our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever in neglect warning help Kovalam Pinkham vermin ah a valium you oh sure affiliate in Ted NL Wally mean and out on a half RB him so long before man ye-yes tell me who you are for me man in government Bleus you know Joe be such aa wasa automotive up all and say the truth is from your Lord so whoever wills let him believe and whoever wills let him disbelieve indeed we have prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them and if they call for relief they will be relieved with water like murky oil which scolds their faces wretched as the drink and evil is the resting place in lovina mmm you know slowly hearty in Milano beyond a German accent our mother indeed those who have believed and done righteous deeds indeed we will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well indeed hola cologne Janet warden intogen Amin ha ha Taji mute acting evil and how will hello Neffe I mean essa women in the hub you Mayan bassoon well bassoon a she abandoned OCS double-locking Tokina feel aa near Misawa boa has no natural turf of all those will have gardens of Perpetual residence beneath them rivers will flow they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and will wear green garments of fine silk and brocade reclining therein on adorned couches excellent is the reward and good is the resting place Albany Bella one my cell up Raja Lainey Genelia Hadi imagine a tiny mean out Naboo mohassess Namibian awfully why John a baby now who Mirza walk and present to them an example of two men we granted to one of them two gardens of grapevines and we bordered them with palm trees in place between them fields of crops king telogen a tiny @ @ o : ah alum tov wingman who shia Wafaa domina Lumina home all each of the two Gardens produced its fruit and did not fall short thereof in anything and we caused to gush forth within them a river what Colonel of them along the ball and he saw he be who are you how an excel mean command was uniform all and he had fruit so he said to his companion while he was conversing with him I am greater than you in wealth and mightier in numbers of men well the halogen at the morni maligne I've seen on a man tell me the honey a better and he entered his garden while he was unjust to himself he said I do not think that this will perish ever wanna settle for a matter what you want it to Ilan Mila edgy then nafion Paul Ober and I do not think the hour will occur and even if I should be brought back to my lord I will surely find better than this as a return all along so a MooMoo who have a calf up to be lady kolobok accountability fall upon Camille to assume I mean low poverty hmmso welcome Jonah his companion said to him while he was conversing with him have you disbelieved in he who created you from dust and then from a sperm-drop and then proportioned you as a man looking more lumpy 100 should equal beyond me i hada but as for me he is Allah my Lord and I do not associate with my lord anyone one owner is the fault engine metacarpal tamasha a wall of water in love me love in Dona Ana a fun-loving Kamala holida and why did you when you entered your garden not say what Allah willed has occurred there is no power except in Allah although you see me less than you in wealth and children zombie a DNA file on me genetic awhile Oh see now Elena whose banner boy you see now I lay her husband am innocent if I toss me aside and Ella oh it may be that my Lord will give me something better than your garden and will send upon it a calamity from the sky and it will become a smooth dusty ground a wheels bahama fanon des Dudley Harlem Impala bad or its water will become sunken into the earth so you would never be able to seek it whoa oh hey Bamba 34 Oz behind a limo cafe jnana off in Hawaii awamiya why he appalled we at analogy how I am Oh Louie Ellington in a mushrik beyond me i hada and his fruits were encompassed by ruin so he began to turn his hands about in dismay over what he had spent on it while it had collapsed on its trellises and said oh I wish I had not associated with my lord anyone want a cool new Fiat oh no tsunami no Neil Anakin tells me at all and there was for him no company to aid him other than Allah nor could he defend himself hunan echolalia to Lila he'll help oh hi yourself I own or burn there the authority is completely for Allah the truth he is best in reward and best in outcome vonabell masala hyatt in dunya kama in Ann's and Amina summer Eva darling Tommy la Stella Bobby in a bottle of - hasta Hashima Ted whoa uh.what canola wanna leash a malted yo and present to them the example of the life of this world it's being like rain which we send down from the sky and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and then it becomes dry remnants scattered by the wind and Allah is ever over all things perfect in ability Amaro Alba nuna Xena to Hyatt in dunya will bethere to slowly handle for your name dog because I offer you an MLA wealth and children are but adornment of the worldly life but the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for one's hope well - Aug belladonna are my buddies at down rosh hashanah wash all known felon lord evening moon i hada and warn of the day when we will remove the mountains and you will see the earth prominent and we will gather them and not leave behind from them anyone well worn out because awful apology - Munna come I fall upon a coup a while Bela's an agile alikum wa rida and they will be presented before your Lord in rows and he will say you have certainly come to us just as we created you the first time but you claim that we would never make for you an appointment huawei al-kitab Oh Fatima Jinnah Mina mushrikeen a meme machine why Apollo why Apollonia will attend a Mylena the kita Mina you want you saw me whatever can be rotten in love a sauna well why did you marry me loo he'll be wrong while I am gleam on a bouquet i hada and the record of Deeds will be placed opening and you will see the criminals fearful of that within it and they will say o woe to us what is this book that leaves nothing small or great except that it has enumerated entry and they will find what they did present before them and your Lord does injustice to no one well if born an ill-mannered cat is you do Lee Adama facade jadoo in la i beliefs economy nanjing in la i beliefs economy knowledge in if a face of an embryo being a fat Itachi unum meow oh yeah dony or Mamluk amado big salim one amina bad allah and mentioned when we said to the Angels prostrate to Adam and they prostrated except for Iblees he was of the jinn and departed from the command of his Lord and will you take him and his descendants as allies other than me while they are enemies to you wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange shuttle all of us am i watching one of my life also seen in Oaxacan Tomodachi than a Moblin leaned on order I did not make them witness to the creation of the heavens and the earth or to the creation of themselves and I would not have taken miss guiders as assistants well may Apollo Nando Shaka en la vie Nizam conferred on phalam yesterday Boleyn vedalam mere stage Ebola mwah mobile ball and warn of the day when he will say call my partners whom you claimed and they will invoke them but they will not respond to them and we will put between them a valley of destruction funeral am Eng - I'm mostly fur and the criminals will see the fire and will be certain that they are to fall therein and they will not find from it away elsewhere wanna condos on love Neffe heaven for anna-lena seeming coolly methyl what cannons and whack the Russian jet Allah and we have certainly diversified in this Quran for the people from every kind of example but man has ever been most of anything prone to dispute one a man Anessa a minnow oh yeah a man who died is tofu in Oh daddy I'm so not only a 1 inna di bamboo bola and nothing has prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them and from asking forgiveness of their Lord except that there must befall them be accustomed precedent of the former people's or that the punishment should come directly before them vámanos in Wilmore Selina in Lumumba Shirin ah mama while you're juggling a cafe woman laughing any other human being how what I wanna know who won and we sent not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and Warner's and those who disbelieve dispute by using falsehood to attempt to invalidate their by the truth and have taken my verses and that of which they are warned in ridicule woman of Lamy malocchio me i atill of me for our bond I wanna see Emma fundamenta in a Jelena I love O Lord in Akhenaten AF hafi and the Nintendo Allahu Allah even better and who is more unjust than one who is reminded of the verses of his Lord but turns away from that way and forgets what his hands have put forth indeed we have placed over their hearts coverings lest they understand it and in their ears deafness and if you invite them to guidance they will never be guided then ever ever Ramu Kalama la ilahe no moon bhima casa la la la mulana Bellomo read-only a jido mean oniy marina and your Lord is the forgiving full of mercy if you were to impose blame upon them for what they earned it would have hastened for them the punishment rather for them is an appointment from which they will never find an escape what do you can look Navin lamell walamu a Jonah what y'all nollie meth leaking memory de and those cities we destroyed them when they wronged and we made for their destruction an appointed time what is Paula Mo's Ali Fatah about who hot abinell imagine now on bajalia Oh Bubba and mentioned when Moses said to his servant I will not cease traveling until I reach the junction of the two seas or continue for a long period Philomela homage in our belly manusia holtam una FATA holy Sibylla who feel body Samba but when they reached the junction between them they forgot their fish and it took its course into the sea slipping away felon John was appalled Ali Fattah Martina wada Caudle apena means a Farina ha no father so when they had passed beyond it Moses said to his boy bring us our morning meal we have certainly suffered in this our journey much fatigue all ah in authority phoniness it'll haunt the Annina see tuna sunny who in Lashay on an earth corner what the harder Sevilla will feel the nei Java he said did you see when we retired to the rock indeed I forgot there the fish and none made me forget it except Satan that I should mention it and it took its course into the sea amazingly amazing all of the Luca McCune another leaf altered the a13 apostle saw Moses said that is what we were seeking so they returned following their footprints for Jada on the Medina Dana nama and they found a servant from among our servants to whom we had given mercy from us and had taught him from us a certain knowledge all along Carla many me Melinda washed their Moses said to him may I follow you on the condition that you teach me from what you have been taught of sound judgment Allah in mcallen disturb we are now else what the law he said indeed with me you will never be able to have patience okay if at Ostia wanna alum tour it will be mobile and how can you have patience for what you do not encompass in knowledge all asset a genie a long solve it all Oh swing lekha and more Moses said you will find me if Allah wills patient and I will not disobey you in any order Oliver in it about any fella the cell neon shading hotter death alikum in moody crawl he said then if you follow me do not ask me about anything until I make to you about it mention o Allah ah-ha-ha-ha-ha Qaddafi Safina t ha ha ha ha ha ha ha tenido una empanada G - a and anymore so they set out until when they had embarked on the ship I'll fed her tore it open room Moses said have you torn it open to drown its people you have certainly done a grave thing on alum Apple in mcallen test stopping honourable or I'll cutter said did I not say that with me you would never be able to have patience all Allah to accede me be mana seat wanna talk me upon him in a mere was wrong Moses said do not blame me for what I forgot and do not cover me in my matter with difficulty boom all of our had either Latia one the Potala all important enough Suns a key item BYD nerfs all a bottle TANF sells a key item b1 enough seal apology - Ino crawl so they set out until when they met a boy al cutter killed him Moses said have you killed a pure soul for other than having killed a soul you have certainly done a deplorable thing all Alan Apple lucky' in mcallen the stopping are now he also about all putter said did I not tell you that with me you would never be able to have patience hola insult oaken shame barred AHA fella to for him any audible Tamina duniya Moses said if I should ask you about anything after this and do not keep me as a companion you have obtained from me an excuse boom fall apart uh-uh Diane and poverty mr. farmer laughs album he's tough on us a laughable a oh boy for my fudge and IVIG w read Elaine bomba Obama Belushi talent toughie darling he a July so they set out until when they came to the people of a town they asked its people for food but they refused to offer them hospitality and they found therein a wall about to collapse so I'll cutter restored it Moses said if you wished you could have taken for it a payment all of had the feel of Albania banging someone as we all can be that weenie madam just dumping Elena's on the wall I'll cutter said this is parting between me and you I will inform you of the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience a Mumma Safina to Etna Misaki nyah maluna Finbar efawadh to and re bana for our to an Arab an awakened mm I agree who them cool sfe netting Razvi as for the ship it belonged to poor people working at sea so I intended to cause defect in it as there was after them a king who seized every good ship by force one metal wall am Abela who mean a knee for fashionable yeah no one goof law and as for the boy his parents were believers and we feared that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief Omaha you mean zakat Obama so we intended that their Lord should substitute for them one better than him in purity and nearer to Mercy one man G double Anna wanna make me a team a knee feel medina to Akhenaten Gonzalo what kind of doctor hookah our cannibal Mouse Wally hi what can a boom a story huh fella double K above all a showdown now is Selfridge a way a story jackals a home al mataman one pink one a son to one and me the Lika that we know man and Tesla is on the hall and as for the wall it belonged to two orphan boys in the city and there was beneath it a treasure for them and their father had been righteous so your Lord intended that they reach maturity and extract their treasure as a mercy from your Lord and I did it not of my own accord that is the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience yes a Luna can little pom nipples at you Alan moody call and they ask you O Muhammad about Bill come 9 say I will recite to you about him a report in a merkin Allah who feel oh we were Tina collisions a Bubba indeed we established him upon the earth and we gave him to everything away but to Barza Bubba so he followed away had either Bella 100 debisch MC or jadelle her Tahoe movie I mean happy at you what you down then Ivana all neither Lainey Antoine liebe in MA that ducky levy in host nah until when he reached the setting of the Sun he found it as if setting in a spring of dark mud and he found narrator people Allah said o dhul-qarnayn either you punish them or else adopt among them a way of goodness all mmm bottom FSF unwisely want doing on beef anyone people rather than no crow he said as for one who wronged we will punish him then he will be returned to his Lord and He will punish him with a terrible punishment manawa me los Wally huh fella who does a uh annular host now was anahulu looming ambreena you saw but as for one who believes and does righteousness he will have a reward of paradise and we will speak to him from our command with ease so much uh Bubba then he followed away cutter either Balarama Pony Russian see wonder than her Tata alumna John Lennon do Oni has it all until when he came to the rising of the Sun he found it rising on a people for whom we had not made against it any shield cuddly koala Hanabi mother day although thus and we had encompassed all that he had in knowledge though nada then he followed away in a mellow Elena said Dana was and I mean do Nima Oh Malaya Kaduna ass Paula Paula until when he reached a pass between two mountains he found beside them people who could hardly understand his speech Paula yeah the bahraini in a Jew Juwanna Joe Jam of Sedona hello Jana Jana Tatiana vena Nawab a nun said death they said Odile come 9 indeed gog and magog are great corrupters in the land so may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier for a mannequin a theorem before you that I know Nibiru what in agile benefi Mahina whom Ridhima he said that in which My Lord has established me is better than what you offer but assist me with strength I will make between you and them a dam a Tony's new body need hotter either sell of anus or defini pollen fufu ha uh either Jamuna Paula Tony every male who before bring me sheets of iron until when he had leveled them between the two mountain walls he said low with bellows until when he had made it like fire he said bring me that I may pour over it molten copper thermospa wanna stop Ala Moana bomba so gog and magog were unable to pass over it nor were they able to affect in at any penetration ha ha ha madam it won't be the either don't be John I moved Anka uh what gonna be hot ball field comm 9 said this is a mercy from my lord but when the promise of my lord comes he will make it level and ever is the promise of my lord true what alakina about Vanya media mojo fee bout wanna feel coffee a Saudi fudge amount Anjana and we will leave them that day surging over each other and then the horn will be blown and we will assemble them in one assembly Wow open agenda male MIDI link a phenom ball and we will present hell that day to the disbelievers on display 11 I can Italian inferi Paul another link rework and stop be honest and not those whose eyes had been within a cover from my remembrance and they were not able to hear our house even loving a calf on a Duffy why body Dooney only uh in our agenda Maggie caffeine Angela then do those who disbelieve think that they can take my servants instead of me as allies indeed we have prepared hell for the disbelievers as a lodging oh hell no Nabil kunming laughs Edina mana say o Muhammad shall we believers inform you of the greatest losers as to their deeds eleven of one last happening a woman filled high at it dunya or who Mia Cebu wha-ho mere Samoa and now mu sin una una they are those whose effort is lost in worldly life while they think that they are doing well in work hola in kalevi naka follow me i atill of being one ha ha ha beep on balloon ha ha beep on Mallahan fallon oke Mulayam a loopy Amity was not so are the ones who disbelieve in the verses of their Lord and in their meeting him so their deeds have become worthless and we will not assign to them on the Day of Resurrection any importance the nikah Jessa Oh Jenna namu be maka for what the fondue what the hog Oh I mean what was we who you are that is their recompense hell for what they denied and because they took my signs and my messengers in ridicule in lovina amanu aminu slowly heart iike a telemundo networ field OC Nivola indeed those who have believed and done righteous deeds they will have the gardens of paradise as a lodging Paulie Dina fiela the one on the hawala wherein they abide eternally they will not desire from it any transfer local da homie Dada I can imagine me Lana fiddle baba antiphon de canaima to me Lana fiddle Baba Anton Fedak animal to me 100 Gena beneath limonada say if the sea were ink for writing the words of my lord the sea would be exhausted before the words of my lord were exhausted even if we brought the like of it as a supplement in an abyssal myth no come yo ha la who me now famine can I Oh Julie Paulo beef animal I'm a lolly huh Fellman I'm a lowly howling shrink very bad that they owe me a harder say I am only a man like you to whom has been revealed that your God is one God so whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone
Channel: The Meaning Of Islam
Views: 2,884,190
Rating: 4.7586637 out of 5
Keywords: Quran, Arabic, English, translation, recitation, transliteration, text, meaning, Surat, Surah, Al-Kahf, Kahf, 18, Cave, Mishari, Rashid, AlAfasy, Afasy, Al-Afasy, Ibrahim, Walk, Koran, HD, full, complete
Id: QD9aNjDU9Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2012
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