Oh Allah Assist Me! - Abdur Raheem McCarthy

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in al hamdulillah not Madonna wanna stay no who wanna stop Bureau wanna audhu billahi min sharri an piscina women say yeah yeah milena mayor de la hopefully mobile ala bama you lil fella hadiyyah-lah whatcha doin la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah whatcha doin no muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh so long low while a while early he was puffy was the limited demon Mzee de my dear brothers and sisters in islam and today's football were going to reflect on a hadith from the hadith of our beloved prophet sallallaahu Ali he was in them and this hadith was narrated in the Sunnah of Imam and they say an imam at-tirmidhi from the hadith of Mahadev in general below Han that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom came to him and he took him by his hand and he said to him Yamaha's wallahi in nila a book ohad by a law indeed I love you look how the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem focused on my on by the compassion that he showed and telling him how much he loved him in fact we look in the hadith there's three Muscadet three types of emphasis in arabic language put on how much he loves more adorable love one first of all when he swore by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala secondly we say in then verily indeed and then the lamb in low-head book all of these are lucky that to put emphasis on how much rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa seldom loves Mahadev and general bin Lohan and then he said to him will sleep I would advise you not to leave after each prayer that you pray except that you say allahumma inni i'll a secret well sure Crick was Nevada D o Allah assist me help me to remember you to be thankful to you and to worship you properly to worship you well so what do we gain from this hadith what does this have these teachers and this dua when do we say it do we say it after the salat with the earth God after the Salam or do we say it before the solemnity sure who or do we say in both places all of that in shuttle sauna we're going to learn today inshallah first of all the prophet sallallaahu ali he was said in the beginning of this dua he said allahumma inni o allah assist me and the assistance of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is an absolute necessity if we're going to be successful in worshipping Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the own and the assistance from a law is the means what helps us reach our target which is worshiping allah subhanho wa taala as he should be worshipped and that's what we started to out with seeking the assistance cheerfully slam it will take me over him alone silence he said - mm - and sized one he's I was reflecting what is the most beneficial type of do I but were just two who are for just - who - Allah alone LM avati he that it's asking a lot to assist us in doing that what is pleasing to him tomorrow I to be Sultan Fatiha eeeh cannot Buddha worry I can assign and then I saw the same meaning and sure that al-fatiha when allah subhanho wa taala said here can abu do what you are going to same that we seek your assistance and we only worship you Allah the same meaning and this meaning seeking the assistance from allah subhanho wa taala to be successful not a bad that you'll find it through also and throughout the sunnah of rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem and the sooner the sooner loss to the law party he was in them and the hadith of abu huraira love the Allahu Alem Sahih Muslim where rasoolullah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem said a fellow lmin cow was time Belen to focus on that which is beneficial for you and seek the assistance from Allah seek a Lord's help in that five times a day when we're called to the prayer when we hear the event and hey Alex Allah hyelin fella the Sunnah is to repeat after the Muslim except for during hi Alice : Ayala fella what are we supposed to say when we hear this la jolla whanau who was in leve left there's no power there's no strength there's no ability accepted to allah subhanho wa taala why to make this dua we know stillness what's the reasoning behind it many things my dear brothers and sisters we do it them as in a badger and active worship but we don't know why we do them why do we make this dua because the only way we're going to be successful and answering the command of allah subhanho wa taala is if Allah gives us the two fears and the strength and the ability but if allah subhanho wa taala doesn't bless us we wouldn't be from the most Lundin so we seek a lot assistance when we hear the call to come to the salata to come to the success we say la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah when we leave our houses every single day several times a day what is the sooner that was supposed to be saying the hadith which came in the soon enough every day would from the hadith of Allison medical be a loved one that we say bismillah to work into our law well a howler one hour forward in leve left bismillah in the name of a lot we rely on for a law and there's no strength and no ability except to Allah the same meaning seeking the assistance of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala allahumma inni ila decree oh Allah help me assist me to remember you to establish your remembrance and this meaning also we find throughout the Koran and throughout the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu aleyhi wa salem because of our needs for the dhikr the remembrance of allah subhanho wa taala Chevrolet's lemon fania rahim allah allah he said that the thicket of a law - the movement is like the water to the fish how much is the fish needs the water to survive and that's how much we need particular remembrance of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the amount will same rahim allah said about his ship japanese 70 mia that he would sit after slaughtered pleasure in the messages until midday just remembering allah subhanho wa taala he turned one day to his studio faith and he said has a visa even this is my nourishment the nourishment for my soul because we're in need of that and that's why lo subhanho wa taala commanders in the four Ione quarters in the name of the man yeah AUL Lavina aminal would call Aloha Vikrant kathira oh you will believe remember a lot much remembrance not just anywhere that much rumors remember a lot as much as you can and lost paddle without and the other verse set was for a walk as we have a land of whom to play food and remember a lot much so you can be successful you want to be successful in this life in the next it's to establishing the dhikr of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala look at the beautiful example that rasul allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us and the other hadith the hadith of abu musa al-ashari and sahih bukhari when he said i later to a still have metal ADL colab baii well little areas for Abu who method hey will make look at the beautiful example the example of the one who remembers his Lord and the example of the one who doesn't remember his Lord is like the example of the living and the dead when you're not remembering allah subhanho wa taala what happened what happens when you remember lawsuit on Amazon and you don't remember allah subhanho wa taala i'll a basically laughing that's my in-laws Balu the hearts mind assurance to the remembrance of Allah and when you turn away from the dhikr of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala woman added on Victory Lane de l'homme Aisha's and bunka whoever turns away from my remembrance he will live a difficult life in another narration of this hadith a hadith about musa al-ashari and slightly muslim the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said method whose base led you to Allah who fee when base in middle area score low fee method or hey will make the example of the house where law is remembered and the house where law is not remembered and all of us take a second before we finish the hadith to reflect on the reality of our houses or our houses houses where laws remember or do we remember a shape on and glorified to shine upon in our houses went here in a house we say bismillah do we say the hell taught in our house do you remember allah subhanho wa taala house or do we have the television station and the internet looking at things and making an internal house and things which are displeasing to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the house that a law is not remember whether the pumps I have said the same thing necessarily hey will make the example of the living in the desert sometimes the remembrance of allah subhana wa qarna one of the easiest deeds that we can do everybody can do it we don't realize the adjure in the reward pay attention to this hadith the hadith of Abu Zubaydah will be a loved one which came in soon and remember to remedy and Sunan even measured when the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa salem said to the Sahaba a level Bureau cool the elderly are medical or behavioral medical he said should I not show you with the bed of your actions well scour in the Malika room and the purest to your master the second thing pay attention five things going to mention re sellouts when Heidi and the period purist of them to your master well outside huh Hodari Jessica and the one that has the highest in the rank well fail 11 men in 30 as the heavy as the happy world water when work he said in better than spending gold and silver and then he said well fail olefin mean antelope oh I do Welcome Table 3 boy I knock open whale gleebo an African photographer for whom fire brave guanaco whom he says in better than meeting your enemy and you hitting their necks and they hit it and then hitting your neck meaning fighting in the past fellowship and without these five things look at this look any better or all these five things he said you want to know I know who nobody'll come should I not show you this either said ballet ever solo of course ever stood alone he said dick allahi ta'ala the remembrance of allah tala this is the status of the deke it is how much we need the dhikr of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and that's why the rasul allah sallallahu alehiwassallaam told well don't leave after every prayer except you ask the law Allah who - occurred or loss miss me help me to remember you to establish your remembrance glorifying allah subhanho wa taala praising allah subhanho wa taala thinking about the greatness of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and reminding ourselves how much we need to establish this dick in our life and then the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said while a shoe clicks and to be grateful to you allah subhanho wa taala calls us to reflect in the quran when to earth Dunamis Allah he led to sue her if you try to numerate the blessings of allah subhanho wa taala you would not be able to count them allah subhanho wa taala told us will have equal maenette met in familiar law and there's no name i know blessing that you have accepted from allah subhana wa tada but what is the reality of the human being Allah gives us Nima blessing after blessing after blessing but what is the reality of the human Rafaela luminary body asha cool but very little of my servants are grateful and we talk about asking for assistance to be thankful for the blessings that we have all of it is just take a second to reflect on what's happening to the umma people around the world and look at the network that we have here I'm gonna look at the blessing we're look at the safety and look over here that we have but are we thankful for these blessings are not each one of us has to ask himself and look at the beauty of Islam and the rajma the mercy of allah subhanho wa taala and aloes generosity then when were thankful and being thankful it's not just saying hamdulillah HMDA mashallah I'm doing it now being thankful shows interaction by being obedient to a lot of panelist on sailor hamdulillah but didn't have any shorter actions being thankful to the one who has given us these nemec's blessings and what happens when we're thankful to allah subhanho wa taala in shechem tomb lassie den Newcomb allo puts emphasis on it once again that if you are thankful I will increase you may allah subhana wa salla make us all from those who are thankful and those who are low increases in his bounties and his published his blessings he auto grata me and then he said I least adaptable sinner who sneaked a bad attic and to worship you well why did the prophets always tell them come with the word fosston here which is to do it properly to do it well to do it as it should be done when he talked about to a bother why didn't you say when he said I'll and victory will shift-click worry about the tick why did he mention the word trician to remind us that any form of arribada any form of worship that we do it will not be accepted from allah subhanho wa taala unless there are two conditions that are met and that is the cloth with sincerity to allah subhanho wa taala and the Motaba the Madaba are the following of rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in an action not the actions are invented not the actions that are fabricated the ones that are only authentic from the sunnah - Lala Salama Riley he was telling done with pure love and sincerity to a law and what is the best form of a body as rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described it to us in the hadith of Jalil anta bodom or kn- ahoo 4 LM talking to Rahu but in the who yok to worship Allah as you can see him or as if you can see him but even if you can't see him that he can see you this is the SN this amazing - I taught by rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam two morons even Jupiter will be a loved one and how much emphasis our beloved prophet sallallaahu put on this - on the beginning have more eyes pay attention to the importance of seeking a law's assistance when it comes to establishing the dhikr establishing the remembrance of allah subhanho wa taala in our life and being grateful to allah for all of the blessings and to worship him hosting imagining the proper ibadah the way allah subhanho wa taala should be worshipped when do we say this dua automatically most people will say after the salat and we even have the the things they have the up card on them and you'll see that this is from the South car that you're supposed to say after the product however share things they meanwhile him alone Tyler was asked when should we make this video should it be before the salat in the tisha hood or should it be after the salat after the Salam we make the earth god or should it be in both meaning in the to shower and after the Salah share say no they mean or him Allah Allah he said the closest in the strongest opinion is that we should make this dua in the tisha house itself why is this because we know from the hadith of Abdullah mr. abrigaille Lahore and when the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told him that the shah who at the end of the charity said familiar - hey in a minute do I Michelle and then he chooses from the dua that which he wants you fired from the dua from the sunnah of a myth and you implement it here and that's a shout after you make your tisha also in the Quran in Surat Annisa when allah subhanho wa taala said either for they too must Allah God Coulomb law when you finish the salat then remember Allah this is the time for the queue and if you look at all of the other car which come out it's all Dicker's not it's not do I therefore the stronger opinion is that you make this do our enmity Shahu and you make only death car after the salon and many brothers and many sisters around the world they fall into a mistake by following an innovation into the religion when they make dua as a group after the salat or even if you don't say it's innovation if you do it personally but that's not the time to do out you have two possibilities either after the Salah in a group and that's put up in the Sunnah clearly or you do individually now doing individual is permissible but it goes against the synonym the sooner after the salat is car to make the remembrance of allah subhanho wa taala the do I wish you focus on making dua in the to shower before make the Salam and we should focus on coming a bit early to the message if you want to make dua before the salat before the Akama when the dua as it came in the sunnah of the school allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that is much the job that is empty but the brothers and sisters as we go home today we need to reflect on the importance of this hadith we need to ask ourselves do we constantly say it it's permissible even to say after the salon you can even do it in vote what's always one is better to do this to show but if you do it then you do it there it's all it's all good in sha allah what's important is that we do not leave this dua how many of us have been praying for years and we don't know this do i how many others have been praying for years and we know the driver we forget it all the time because we're so busy after the salat we have to check the what's up with the check this and we forget the importance of these things look how much emphasis the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam put on this ID look at the introduction that shows you this is this is serious he didn't just say I'm wise don't forget this do I make this to absolute Salahi he took him by his hands on a salatu wassalam he told him how much he loves him so modest paying attention now you know the importance of seeking the assistance of allah subhanho wa taala and remembering him and being thankful to him and worshiping Allah as he should be worship to Marilyn Monroe him a level from Allah but America memory but there is a system a sunbeam Allah in Quran o Allah Azza WA JAL in the law hemella occur to you so Luna island Navi yeah you alladhina amanu sallu aleihi was telling with this Nima where you're pulling abused on Allahu Allah he was telling them when formerly everyone is unlawful a heavy eye shadow allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik 1 + r/n nabina muhammad wal valo human and philosopher Shadid ABI bakr umar uthman o Ali once a mr. Hobart eh - Allah who mercilessly misdemeanor allahumma as an Islamist a mean among males islamist Amin was ill ashika will mushrikeen with them monologue America a deed Aloha o Muhammad inna fatahna Sephora was the key Aceveda Monica and Wally you her mother ha Rob Donna in Annavaram 9 foot sauna when lamb chops Pinot Noir Hammond an akuna minal Huzur in illumise illumise Tamina one a Muslim as well mummy Nina one minute and here even whom well and what Allah who in - a local conan were more anally a foreign investor affinity polemic an Aloha muhabba Elena Iman was a European Peruvian our coverage Elena cook for a while pursue popular ASEAN watch an anniversary Dean donatina fits duniya husana or fill affinity Jose Martinez Evan now
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 22,972
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Abdur Raheem McCarthy, BinZaidQatar
Id: zgrsIK_Eaos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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