Your First ever VFX with Adobe after effects and Blender!

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[Applause] hey guys uh in this video we're going to have a look at how to make this effect uh the special thing about this video is we're going to be making some fluid in blender and yeah we are starting with after effect for tracking because after effect track is really great than blender maybe blender is better but it takes some time to track we going to we have to you know we have to fix so many problems we're going to face in blender but after effect does it very faster you know I'm going to I'm going to put uh our footage into after effect I also put the link in the description to The Zo footage uh I have downloaded it from I'm going to go to file and I'm going to go to the directory where I have saved it I'm going to go here and this is the file that uh we're going to use I'm going to hit import here we go and now uh what we need do uh we need uh to uh just scrap this to a new composition okay so we have a footage here if you going to play it it's very long and I don't want to be longer because we just going to make a 10sec of video W so what I'm going to do I'm going to come to composition composition settings and this is actually 1 minute and 21 second I'm going to go for just 20 seconds or maybe 10 seconds yeah I'm going to go for 10 seconds I'm going to make it 0 Z and hit okay and now we just have 10 seconds of video and this is what we want because we're going to add the the cookie here uh with some simulation going on and that's something really great so uh first we're going to track camera uh if it was gr then we're going to go for this but if it was not gr we're going to be picking some uh colors adjustment and other stuff so I'm just going to hit track camera and I'm going to come to Advanced and click detailed analysis and let's V for these to get tracked uh okay so we have some weird thing going on which says a huge number of frame I think I'm going to cancel it I'm going to delete it I think there's something went wrong in the footage composition settings uh frame is fine uh okay so I think I'm going to make it uh precompose and I'm going to move all all tribute maybe I'm going to try it again and let's see how many frames do we have right now and okay yeah we got limited FR which is 240 and we solve the problem and let's wait for these to get tracked okay so I think it's tracked and if we play it we got some perfect track here but the main problem with this track we don't have enough trackers here so what I'm going to do I'm just going to get rid of the camera track we going to come to effects and presets and I'm going to search for Curves because we want to make it crispier and if it's not crispy it's not going to attct well so I'm going to just grab it into a footage and I'm going to play around with the values like you know I'm just going to twick it around I'm going to make it I'm going to increase the actually increasing the contrast of the video and that's said this is what we want and I think this is perfect I'm going to promos it again I'm going to hit okay okay so now it's time to retra our footage and click track camera and again come up to advance and click detailed uh analysis it's start tracking again uh we have to wait for these okay so tracking I think is finished and now it's time to solve this and it's automatically solve the camera uh we're going to need some time okay so we have a great track here which is pretty perfect and we got some track on ground and this is best thing we want and if we play it we got them all the way to the end of the video and yeah yeah I'm going to go to the middle of the video and I'm going for some trackers here going s some of them I'm going to hit right click and create solid and Camera okay so now uh if we just play uh as you can see it's perfectly tracked and this is what we want it's time to grab this data into blender how to do it well I actually met a tutorial the previous tutorial and then a step by step guide on how to export your tracking data into blender using a script called uh export composition data to. Json and I have explained how to install it and all of those stuff you can check it out but for now I'm just going to uh export this so I'm going to come up here I'm going to select everything we have here going to come to file uh script and I'm going to come click export composition data to Json and click it now it's time to select the folder for this one I'm just going to go for uh maybe here just select the folder wherever you want but make sure to remember it because we're going to use it later on in blender I'm just going to call it track or something else you just going to call it anything else and just click export so now our data is exported and we don't need to tweak anything in after effect and now it's time to move on to blender and let's begin our blending Journey so here we are in blender and now it's time to get rid of this most haded Cube delete it and come up the file import and after effect composition converted dojon and if you want to know about this add-on I have already done a video in actually it's a previous video with some more tips I'm just going to click and I'm going to go to the directory where I saved the composition data from after effect so it was here this is track. Json click import and now we have something in our scene okay so first of everything we're going to know about that uh I'm going to explain this that this plan is just useless it's just a shot that we used in After Effects so that's we we just don't need this plan I'm just going to delete it it's useless blender for blender you know okay so hit a select everything and just come up to your timeline click G and grab the key frame into the first frame because the after effect timeline starts from zero and blender timeline start from one if it was different it's not going to work perfectly that's why we are doing this okay so the next thing that we're going to do is to come up to Output settings uh here if you look at our footage it have 29.97 frame per second if it's not match perfectly it's going to be messed you know it's not going to work perfectly so try going to match all of the settings with the footage and I think other settings are perfectly match and now it's time to select the camera go to camera view and if we play it we got some perfect motion but we don't have anything in background in order to add a footage we're going to come to camera tracking data and we're going to click background image and I'm going to expand it click add image and click movie clip and open open the footage uh that we used in after effect so I'm going to go to videos pick soft videos okay this is this is a directories where I save file okay so this is mainly the footage that we use if you click open clip now if I just increase the vacity I'm going play it let's just check it if it's working perfect perfectly yep it's just connected with the background footage this is what we want and now it's time to add something into the scene and we have a an object a 3D object which is downloaded from CG tralers I will put the link in the description down below you can check it out or you can use your own model if you do have like a donor or something uh before doing anything else I'm going to hit control s and save this file because if we mess up something we're going to have a backup and that's why we're going to save it I'm just going to click I'm going to name it something like uh cookie we effects or something maybe you want to call it I'm just going to hit sell blender file and uh okay so we have a blender object I'm going to open it okay so this is the model that we're going to use it's actually a photo scan uh you can just decrease the number of uh vertices if you want you could do oh it's actually been perfect it's optimized H you don't need to decrease anything it's just perfect okay so this is the man model some amazing texture with some amazing normals I'm going to hit contrl C copy objects or you can also paint it from the Bland file but I'm just going to click contrl C and hit contrl V to paste that file and now what we do have is a cookie here okay uh we want the cookie to be snapped here in order to snipe it select this empty object hit shift a cursor to select it so we got to have a cursor here I'm just going to click uh the cookie and hit shift Ace selection to cursor and what we do have we have something that is just snapped into the plan and this is what we want so I'm going to hit s to scale it up I'm just going to going to move it up uh if we play it uh yeah it's working perfectly so this is what we want I'm going to rotate it on some perfect AES uh okay the next thing that we're going to change is to change the transfer orientations into local uh so we will be able to rotate it something like this it's actually not a ZX in global but in fact it's just a local orientation which shows the the normal means which side does it face the angle does change with it as you can see Y axis that one but it's that way okay I hope that makes sense uh so mainly our work is to animate these uh so first of everything we're going to add a ke frame for rotation I'm going to go to the in frame and I'm going to rotate it on the z-axis maybe something like this I click I rotation uh another thing hit T in the timeline click linear so we have a linear motion not a busier motion uh okay so it's perfectly working and this is what we want okay so the next thing that we're going to do is to select this plan rotate it on z-axis before rotating it make sure to change it to local so we will not mess up anything I'm just going to move it to side and I'm going to scale it and xaxis like that and I'm going to move it on z-axis like that so we do have a space to work on the shadows and other stuff so hit s and scale it on z-axis like that so we do have something that taste Shadows on and if you play it yeah this is what we want okay so if you go to material view uh before doing anything else we're going to save the file because if you lose anything or if he just crashed or blender it's going to help us to back up the data okay I'm going to play it and see how does it feels like it feels good now select the plan go to object data and then what we're going to do is to click visibility uh okay so there's nothing here because of EV render we need to change it to Cycles to get so many features I'm going to change it to GPU computer if you don't have I'm going to turn on Doo for the vport because I love it you can also play around with the samples and make sure to come to film and click transparent and then select the object the plan object go to object data and now if you click visibility we got a bunch of option that we can play around but we just uh have to deal with Shadow cater click it so it will just let the object to cat Shadow on these plan and that's it okay so as promised we're going to be making some uh fluid simulations as well that feels good enough so the first thing for fluid simulation is we need to have a flow object then a domain object then we can have uh an affector like this cookie which can affect the fluid for some instance I'm going to hit control s okay so now it's time to add some Cube as a domain object so make sure that if you add a domain into a object make sure that it have the same orientation as these PL do how because it's something what we want I'm going to go to right side or something xaxis shift a I'm going to add a mes and it's going to be a cube just scale it up because it's very tiny and this is not what we want we want to have a perfect uh fluid going on and I'm going to go to Right View I'm just going to rotate it accordingly I'm going to move it up slightly I'm going to scale it up on y axis and and make sure that your Cube this contains your effector your flow object and anything that is included in the fluid simulation so I'm going to scale it up because our effect is going to be up and I'm going to move it up and I'm going to go to camera view and see we do have a perfect spacing here I'm going to scale it down slightly and if I move it down go to solid view I'm going to move it down to actually touch the the plan object I'm also going to rotate it on Y axis to actually align it with uh the plan object or the shadow catcher okay so now what we got we got a domain object which going to help us to create some amazing fluid and hit control s and maybe we can increase the Y scale if your system is good enough I'm going to go for this scale I'm going to move it go to camera view we got a big huge doain that's going to help us to make our fluid if we play it it's perfectly working now it's time to add a flow object in order to Ed it we're going to go to xaxis we're going to click shift a we're going to add an icosphere maybe and just grab it up make sure that it's not very tiny or it's not going to be very big so make sure to have a middle size make sure to not cross the line if you do cross the line it's going to mess up everything make sure that your flow object is out of the frame so we do not have any problem or we do not face any bad stuff like that I'm going to move it slide up if it's uh okay I think it's crossing the domain object I'm going to go to edit mode I'm going to select it I'm going to move it up something like this and now it's time to grab this object as well go to top you and make sure that it's aligned with the cookie because actually the fluid is going to drop on the cookie key and yeah that's what we want okay so if you want to have a great fluid or big fluid you can scale it up or scale it down whatever you wish now it's time for some fluid okay select the cookie object and uh go to the physics stab click fluid and make it an effector okay the cookie object as an factor and then if we just mess up something we can also TW around with the settings but I hope it's not going to make any problem I'm going to select the doain object I'm going to hit fluid and I'm going to make the type to doain control s to save your file in uh in case you lost data you will have a backup okay so we created a Doan it's not a gase it's a liquid and you can play around with the resolution that on for the final uh flu yeah and make sure to uh turn off every C site Collision uh to to just have a bottom collision and yeah that's going to work for us and uh for the first time we are going to uh okay so we don't see any particle here uh that's because we have messed something up I'm just going to look for something that we don't have maybe the scale of this object we going to make it smaller okay so I think the resolution is not enough for the object to emit some particles here I'm going to make the resolution to 128 and I'm going to refresh it I'm going to scale it maybe and I'm going to move it down oh we don't have any flow object that is why it's not going to work for us click fluid add a type to flow now what we have there's nothing because we have set the type to smoke make sure that it's liquid now we have a bunch of particles inside the icosphere uh we just need to have a preview so we're going to select the domain object make the resolution again the 32 and let's try it what we get I'm going to click play so we have some particle if we just just look at those particles we not have so many of them but if I just increase the resolution we're going to have a lot of them I'm going to make it 60 maybe to see what is going on with our with our particles as you can see it's falling down down going all the way down it's uh it's just hit those cookie and uh I think it's misaligned so what we need to do we're going to select this object I'm going to grab it to here now if we replay it we're going to have something good maybe now it's perfectly hitting the cookie and and this is what we want okay so make sure that your domain object is aligned with the plan underneath because we're going to it's going to feel very weird if it's not fitted with uh with the plan so make sure to fit it in I'm going to refresh here and hit control s uh you can go for this animation which is just a shape of icosphere falls down with just a little amount of fluid if you want to have something like a tape or something you want to call it I'm just going to call it like a a tea coming out of a kle or I don't know how to pronounce it sorry for that okay so you can just leave it a geometry which just make a small drop of something but if you go to and change it to inflow it's going to be emitting fluid continuously if you play it as you can see uh it's playing it's the it's due to if we just have a 14 frame per second it's very slow if we just have a look at these and we going to look forward if we just uh try going to play it uh yeah I think this is what we want maybe we can grab this object into side slightly so it also interact with the upper body of the of the cookie I'm just going to play it and uh yeah it's good I think slightly moving it into xaxis maybe hit control s to save it okay guys oh that's great this is what we want okay okay okay so you can see we have turned off the collision with the side so the particle do move and just get disappear and it's going to feel very weird uh I know I know we can move it slightly into Y axis so we have more space to work with I'm going to re refresh it I'm going to play it and see what we get yeah it's great I think maybe if just review these okay so in order to hide those mistake we can scale this thing up slightly because we have to we don't have a bigger domain to actually control this stuff for the side it's just uh those small uh ex extension just feels like it's just stopping them from moving forward but for the front for for the stretch side it's going to feel weird so we just scale it up a little bit if you replay it and if we have a look at this uh it's perfect I think uh yeah it is good okay so I loved it so what I'm going to do I'm going to select the domain object maybe and I'm going to make the resolution division to 156 you can go for 25 56 if you want to be crazy and you if you have a g system you can go for a very huge number to have a realistic simulation going on so come down and click mesh to generate mesh instead of re replay I'm going to make it all and is resumable and now it's time to click this piece of because it's going to take so much time I'm going to pose while backing click backing and it started begging the fluid let's fit for okay so after a huge break it's not a huge for you but it's for me because we got some badass fluid yeah actually we got some problems and we have to reback it again because it is not working perfect cuz if you just select it share it SM maybe if you try okay if you play I'm going to play it and I'm going to show you what's the problem is the main problem is that we have border here which actually stopping fluid from hitting that wall because we don't have any object like a collision object on the side so maybe we can try it out we can have something here that hits that object sorry for canceling your back be because we're going to add some other objects and I'm going to scale up our our our doain object ah obviously I'm going to scale it an X AIS sorry Bros but I have to do it I have never expected something very bad happens to it I'm going to scale it to here maybe to the walls as you can see we have to align this line with it and then we can also add some other tiny cubes here to like those those trash objects or any other object in the scene and maybe we can increase the sky scale of it on y axis and we're going to move it we can also okay I'm going to move it into that axis oh I think I have moved it very far away I'm play it again and see how does it feels like yeah it's good okay so we are going to add some small cube object hit shift a I'm going to grab it into xaxis I'm going to move it up like that and I'm going to align it with the plan object scale it up maybe if you just move it down rotate it I'm going to move to camera View and I'm going to move and scale it than y axis maybe if we just try it out I'm going to move to the first frame and I'm going to rotate it on Y axis I'm going to scale it on Y axis move it on Y axis scale it on xaxis maybe just move it to have scale it on z-axis just want to have a rough object or you can say just a rough understanding or a rough data that we have something here I'm going to move it up slightly I'm going to scale it thex go to camera view yeah it's good enough we can you know it's fine for now we just need a a rough object here to actually manipulate or to run the fluid on make sure that these objects is inside the the domain object if it's not inside the domain objects it's going to make so many problems for us that we can't solve even though I'm going to go to solid view I'm going to go inside the cube and try to just make it inside the cube maybe make sure that it's inside go camera view yeah it's good enough now hit shift d and oh before duplicating it make sure that you add a fuid and it's an factor and then click shift d into y axis and also if you go to edit mode I'm going to go to F selection just slightly subtle detail like moving these objects to the side I'm going to duplicate it again and uh move it to have maybe make sure that it's inside the domain object solid I'm going to move it up slightly I'm going to move these all as well move up and maybe we can just gra into ha shift axis I'm going to move it like that I'm going to move it down or somewhere but make sure to fit it in and if we play it we got some rough shapes here and we need something beneath those uh small cubes maybe for just uh simpler understanding that there is also a small uh extension or whatever you want to call it is here so I'm going to rotate it an xaxis sorry for a very long tutorial but I have to explain everything if I don't then you people are going to ask me question in the comment and this is uh yeah I'm going to scate it just slightly I'm going to move to have and I'm going to I'm going to go to xais go to wireframe and I'm going to scale it on Y axis as well Von y axis and skeleton Y axis just slightly make sure that it is inside uh the domain object or you can also rotate it on xais just slightly grab it down maybe maybe slightly up okay control s you can also do it for The Other Side by hitting shift d into xaxis and move it to here like that hit tab go to edit mode and select a pH I'll just grab it into X like that okay so contrl s go to wireframe select the domain object go ahead and to the type make it replay and make sure to decrease the resolution because we just want to see what is going on I'm going to make it 45 maybe go first frame if I play it oh turn off mesh for now because I just want to see the preview okay uh let's inflow great I'm going to select it I'm going to play it and let's see what we get okay so I think it's perfect now it's time to make those cubes Shadow catchers to actually add small amount of Shadows make it a shadow catcher make it a shadow catcher make it a shadow catcher make it a shadow catchup and also make it a shadow catchup maybe that side object Shadow catchup oh this this object is going out of the cube I'm going to R the xais maybe I'm going to move it up like that I'm going to go to camera view and see how this looks like L maybe slightly up okay so guys really sorry for rebaking it but we have to do it uh just going to come to here first we're going to bump up the uh subdivision to 40 hit enter come down click m control s uh replace type to all and hit back all before back and g contrl s and back all let's fight for this okay so we got some fluid if you're not happy with it you can just increase the resolution to something very high you can play around with the time scale which is the speed of the simulation you can just increase or decrease it to actually adjust the simulation speed you can also play around with the flow object to make it geometry or input or whatever you want to make it you can also play around with different stuff like making get very smaller and subtle or you can also make the flow object very smaller to not have a huge amount of fluid in the scene uh if we play it yeah we got some problems again you can just hit the render but uh in my case I would like to uh free it all again because we have missed those stuff we're going to turn the Border Collision on because now the Border Collision is very very important because we are using these domain objects as the wall Collision object and if there is no Collision nothing is going to happen so you can also just uh turn on some of them if you look at the view viewport and front view so this is the front view the camera side is the front view you can turn off front and back turn on um x axis or right and left and save it you can bake it or you can just go for the previous one maybe if you want in my case I'm going to bake it okay so now we got some fluid and some cookies now it's time to set up the lighting and other stuff okay so I have puted the link in the description to the hdri you can use it in my case I'm just going to open it and I'm going to control as many time if I just crashed it I will have the file back on okay so it's uh good yeah uh the main thing that we're missing right here that the Shadows is it's feel like it's floating in the a we want the shadow to be casted perfectly in order to do that what we can do is to grab or plan a little bit up here is the let me just just open these and this is the shadow catcher uh we can grab it up just slightly you know you can sh it smooth if you want now if you go to render view you will see some good uh good stuff you can also change the material if you want I'm going to make it something like a uh something like this maybe I'm going to share it smooth I'm going to decrease the roughness maybe I'm going to inrease in the Sub Surf withd to something higher value so the the the light will pass through these and I can also select the camera go to camera viewboard display and I can increase the pass out to see what is the actual scene going on okay so now simulation is done it's time to set up the final scene I'm just going to go for the samples I'm going to make it 50 in my case you can just increase it if your system is good enough and you can also change the format to FFM if you want or you can also leave it at PNG I'm going to save it it's time to render an image let's try it out and see what we get okay so it's rendering and uh yeah let's F okay so it's rendered now it's time to go to compositing use nodes and now add an a output which is sorry input which is a movie clip uh click this icon you will get a movie clip here click it and now add output and a weaver node connect uh okay so before connecting anything into Vier let's just add an alpha over node just going to search for Alpha or to here connect this image into the down image socket and this one to the upper one connect it to the image and connect this also with the composite node and now what we get is a final render that we see and we have composited everything together so you can hit render animation to render everything up so that's how it work and yeah that was for today if you want to get more like that you can hit the Subscribe button and thanks for watching stay tuned to the next one
Channel: Kamran Waziir
Views: 4,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, blender vfx, blender vfx tutorial, adobe after effects vfx, blender visual effects, blender cgi, blender product, blender products vfx, blender product animation, blender animation, after effects animation, blender 3d animation, blender easy vfx, blender product modelling, blender beginner, blender tutorial, after effects tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, visual effects, behind the scenes, blender step by step, blender simulation, blender fluid simulation
Id: cq2BLcJd30k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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